NEWS ITEMS CONDENSED, -I- Southern Pencil Pointers. .Tack Burn ey, a" negro, "was hanged at Valdosta, Ga.; before an immense crowd for the murderjof another negro. At Enfield. 2f. C. , a negro set fire to the. jail, destroying the jail and cre . niatiijg himself.. At Batesbnrg, S. C, Jacob Bisenger jwas run over au killed in attempting t to cross tlid l ailroad track to attend to his horse.?. , J ' At Xorfolk, Va., an enthusiastic Cuban meeting was, held, and' at the conclusion of several addresses of prom inent speakers and Cubans, a league was formed to aid the patriots The lower House of Tennessee's Leg ' fsjature passed a bill by unanimous vote to prohibit the sale" of cigarettes or" cigarette ' papers in the State. It . : will become a law.' ; Bobert L. Taylor was Thursday, for the third time, inaugurated as Govern or of Tennessee. A large assemblage witnessed the ceremonies; and both the incoming and .'retiring Governors made eloquent addresses. Several .miles distant froni Binning-i ham, .Ala,, .Friday, . robbers held up an . express traiii on the Southern Ka lway and secured the contents of the express J car. The ; passengers were jaot inter fered, with. At Charlotte, N. C. the head of one of the boilers, of the' Charlotte Cotton -JIill blew 6ut seal ding the fireman and shaking up things generally. - . At.Dahloneg'a, Ga., the gold fever is on, and rith mines are being opened tip and old ones found still profitable. A man by the name of Sam Palatka, a Pole, has been arrested for wreckiug the train that caused the death of twenty-eight souls at Cataba River, near Birmingham, ' Ala. He said he had tv. o accomplices. II pretends to be crazy. . , . At Eufalia, Ala. , George and Joe Grunt, brothers, ' quarreled over some trouble, when the former seized- a shot " gun and emptied" the contents in the latter's side. . ... . In a quarrel over a woman at Abing ton.' Ya. , John lloss 'shot ' and killed uOnasEsorn. In a race : riot at. Byron, Gft., three men were killed. - " Wm. J. Bryan lectured in Houston, Teas, Thursday.- v The sixteenth annual convention of - the Amerioan Association of General Baggago Ageiiis, consisting of menv bers ivoia all parts, of Canada and.the United States, was held in Bichniond, Va. . : . G. S. Cade, a very wealthy man of Abbeville county, South Carolina, was found dead very, near his home last I-week. J t is thought that his horse ran , away and killed him. j Admiral Bunco's squadron of evoltt tioh is to blockade Charleston, S. C.j early in February. , Judge E. T. Merrick, ex-Chie. Jus tice of the Louisiana Supreme Court and . one of the best knovn lawyers m the South, is dead. ' All About the North. The town of Mingo Junction, O. has : been' destroyed by fire.j .Loss, $o0,000. A ganjr of firebusrs and robbers, of ai-rested in boys under 10", has been -Xew York: t uev. 31erie , St. CroiXj AVrighti pastor of Lenox, Unitarian ChiTrch, New York; has declared that man has the inherent right to commit suicide, "As we have the right to live so have we a right to f rc m us, " die; that no ho declares. man can take Ex-Governor Long, o Massachusett has been tendered and accepted Secretary of the Navy. f the The Ore gon Legislature is in a State oi confusion m . trying to effect an ois iranization. No vote for United States f Senator until Feb. 1st. Budd Smith, a well-known paper man' of New York, Was il '1 the -.Put-man House. news found At Lancaster, Tenn., Abe Henson, one of the members of the gang of thieves and outlaws who reside on the AVelsh Mountains was shot and killed by; his step.-brother, Jerry Green, who is also r a noted criminal and member of the same gang. Miscellaneous ' ' - -Tramenso quantities of corn have Seen .ruined by .wet weather in Nebraska.. Bobert G. Tngcrsoll has permanently mm "2 ' 1 J.. .11. I m m. ; ifureu nom me practice ot law. ' Hundreds of Eastern people, it is i .said, who secured divorces in. Okla homa, are slipping away from Guthrie without paying the costs. . ! The ic turns issued by thjB health au thorities of Bombay, Jan. '' 12th,- show that there have been 3,C3( leases of tha plague and 2,o2o deaths from the dis- easo.' . - - ' - ' The through- express on the Iron Mountain and Texas Pacific route, was wrecked at Forest, Texas, and the en gineer was killed and two others in jured. . . V Isaac Pitman, the noted inventor of the system of stenography, is dead. England's iron and steel trade is im proving. The imports of foreign ? metal m 18G were 20.000,000 higher ;than in: either of the two preceding years. I . ; . , The epidemic of la grippe throughout the country is believed, to be the tail end of the Bussian influenza, and an eminent Bichmond, Va., doctor says that it does not spring from a germ. . Washington.' Consul Beil, at Sydhey," thinks Aus tralia a good; market for American shoes. . ; The newsxf Jeter C. Pritchard's re election was received in Washington with rejoicing by Republicans. , President Cleveland and.Mrs) Cleve land will extend the courtesy to Maj. and Mrs. McKinley of an invitation to dinner the day preceeding the inaugura tion and it is probable that the invita tion, will be accepted. ; . Ttev. Dr. Thos. J. Conaty, of Wor chester,;MassM was installed Tuesday at Washington, D. C. , as rector of the Catholic University. A large aad dis tinguished audience witnessed the ceremonies in the Hall of Philoso phy.. . . - - ' . . -':. The Postoffice Department has. issued a ' lottery order against the Southern Mutual Investment Company at Cincin nati and Louisville. . ' i ' 1 The treasurer reports a shortage of small silver notes. At Baltimore, Md. , Mrs. Emma Irwin was acquitted of the charge of being an accessory in the murder of her husband, . i C03I3IERCIAL REPORT. Financial anJ Cdmmer.cLal Markets Advancing Towards Better Condl tion3. '. . . '(;. : Messrs. R. G. Xhnn & Co. says: "Thero is more business, though not at better prices. It is interesting that almost ail prices which change at all are lower than a week ago and yet bus iness is unquestionable larger. There is a laager production, - but as yet not as much increase in consumption, and there is larger buying 61 materials, but at present enly because better-prices are expected in -the future. A few con spicuous failurres during the weekhavd had no material influence. The mar ket for securities are slightly stronger and yet there is very little doing. The number of hands employed, all industries considered, is slight ly larger than a week ago, with out adverse changes in. the rate of wageSi All apprehension of foreign dis turbance of money markets has passed away, but there is still a great caution in making loans. It is a mistake to reckon these as symptoms of depres sion. On the contrary, in spite of the lower range of prices in. important in dustries, the conditions ' all indicate larger production and consumption in creasing, not as yet largely, out steaci- i 1 TT ' 'The earnings of railroad s uary have been 4.4 per cent, than last year. - in Jan smnller "Wheat, corn and cotton exports are the key of the financial situation, and during the past week wheat has de clined 5-8c. and corn 5-8c , while cot ton is unchanged. The woolen indus try is as slow as ever, and no real im provement appears in th demand for goods, although owing to the lateness of the season there is a little more do goods, without quotable change in prices. .. - ' "Failures for the week have beenOD in the United States, 878 last year and 35 m- Canada, against or last year. A GKORGIA liYXCIUJi'G. The Murderers of Mrs. Rowland Hung and Riddled With Bullets. ' Friday night Charles iforsythe and Willis Vhite. nesrfoes.. were 'taken from Twigga county jail-at Jeffexson- ville, Ga., and lynched by a .masked mob of 100 men. . Th negroes were swung from a scrubby oak.' and before death could ensue from' strangulation their bodies were filled ' with bullets and buckshot. - I he crime for which tne men were executed w:as the killing of Mrs. Bow land at Adams Park, on the iiight of January 13. They w-ent to Bowland's store and. asked for. money and food, and while Mrs. Bowland was comply ing with' their demands one of them shot her with a pistol, the ball striking lier in the abdomen, causing deatn tne next day. The negroes were arrested, and each' accused the other of the crime, but there doubt of their guilt. ' It is said the lynching is the result of tne long-deferred punishment of Mrs. Nobles and Fambles, convicted of mur der, but by pleas of technicality have cheated life gallows for two years, en tailing heavy expense on the county. CUBA'S OTIIKR SCOUIJGE. There Are 2,053 Cases of Sinall-Pox .in Havana Alone. There are now 2,053 cases of small pox in Havana. At Guannajay, in Pinar dei Rio, . which has only jl 0,000 inhabi tants, there are 467 cases. Yellow fever and malaria are also ravaging the conntry, and it may be- safely affirmed that the 'sanitary condition of Cuba is a far g. eater danger to the United States than the much-feared bubonic plague of India. Cuba is close to our coasts, and there is d.ily communication between the island and the main larid. At the end of March the depressing warm weather begins here,' and then diseases of a. contagious nature spread twice as fast as during the winter. Cuba is now a focus of disease, and may become a source of danger, perhaps to the whole world. The small pox was introduced here by the 200,000 soldiers from Spain. The Spanish common people are not cleanly in their habits, and moreover, they come to uuba crowu,ea by thousands in the dirty steamers of the Compania Transatlantics, in which no well bred American would travel if he could help it. , .', : - Women for War." 1A question of woman's rights has been raised in the war department and is likely to cause discussion. The-civil service commission recently advertised to nil a $1,000 vacancy in the Admtant- General's office, requiring knowledge ot nve modern languages, . typewriting m tnese languages, proof reading, li brary methods and other qualifications. Miss Mftnri HtnlTIBtflr. ef Wo o Vi i Ti rrt Ati a lady of unexceptionable character and accomplishments, was the onlv person who passed the examination "and'sho was duly certified for the position, but tne appointment nas Deen reiected on the' ground that the department does not desire to have women in the place. rfii Eighty-Three Cuban Claims. Faiday in response to .a resolution the President transmitted to the Senate a list of the claims filed in the Derjart- lnent of State by American citizens against Spain, arising out of the insnr riection in the Island of Cuba, together with such correspondence relating to the capture f the schooner Competitor and the persons claiming American Cit izenship taken on that vessel as he dpes not deem it incompatible with th nnh. lid interest to communicate. The list of claims includes 83, and aggregate nearly, ten. million dollar!, where the amount is stated. . Weyler Still Devastating. A dispatch from Havana, bearing date of January 22, states that Captain General Weyler " has ordered the" de struction witftin three days1 of all the plantations and buildings in the pro vince of Havana that would be likely to prove useful "to the rebels. The dis patch adds that General Weyler has re called General Pin, the commander of the troops in the province of Santa Clara for the reason that he had held conferences with land owners in that province respecting General Weyler's order issued to prevent the obtaining of food by the rebels. . - - f -mw Southern Improvement. The , Manufacturers' Record, in its weekly review of business conditions in the South, gives a detailed statement showing the total value of all exports from Southern ports for the eleven months ending November, 1896, "as compared with the corresponding time in 189o. the total figures for' 1896 being $298, C38, 200 against $220,208, 612 in 1895, a gam of $78,(500,000. The increase iii the value of exports for the period named from the entire country was $15,800,000; the gain at Southern ports bring a little more than one-half of the. total for the country. . An Apt Comparison. The following is an interesting coin. pari3on: "Suppose' that e farmer raises 1,000 bushels of wheat In a" year," and also cells jthls to 1,000 persons in all parts of. the country, a great portion of them saying, 'I will hand you a dollar In a ahort time.' The. fanner does not want to be small and says 'all right.' Soon the 1,000 bushels are gone and he has nothing to show for it, and he then tWizaa that he has fooled away his 'whole crop, and its value is due in thousand little driblets.. Subsequently he is seriously embarrassed in business because his debtors, each dwlng him one dollar, treat it as a small matter, and think it would hot help much. Con tinue this business year in and year out as the publisher of a newspaper $o. how long would he stand it?" A Beautiful Magazine Free. The General Passenger Department of the Seaboard Air Line have just issued the ilrdt number ol their new monthly -publication, 'Star of the South," a beautifully decorated and Illustrated book of forty-ejgbt pages. The boot, besides being a work of art, con tains each month popular: and high-class fiction by standard authors, tales of love, adventure and heroism, anecdotes of the humorous, pathetic and dramatic, many il lustrated articles on the South, and an as sortment of descriptive and interesting item?, A copy will be.mailed to any - address on re ceipt of three cents i-i stamps to pay postage, or will be mailed a whole year for thirty-five eents in. stamps Address C. Ironmonger, Advertising Agent Seaboard. Air Line, 371 Broadway, New York. j Wool Crrowing: ip. the West. Montana leads all other States this year in the production of wool, . with 21.530.013 Dounds, The National Wool Growers' Association estimates the crop this year to be, unwashed, about 272,474,708 pounds. When scoured the total webrbt will be reduced about GO per cent., or to 115,284,579 pounds. Ore gon comes next to Montana, with .19,. 889,976; California third, with 19,179, 769;fTexas fourth, Ohio fifth, New Mex 'leu' sixth, Utah seventh, Wyoming eighth, Michigan ninth, Colorado tenth, .Washington fourteenth. l iTi ' Tory Unnatural. : Mrs Easy Only to think of such .a thing " happening to dear John, when he's always prayed th'at he might die a natural death. Doctor Why madam, What do you mean? .' Mrs. Easy Didn't you tell me, doctor, that John was passing away very fast? Doctor I certainly did, madaxo, and so he is. ?, doctor, Mrs. Easy And l m sure there's nothing natural about that. to John. Boston Courier. nil "Who is that Specialty. man who calls on you asked the impertinent so frequently?" .friend.' "He's an Inventor' 'Indeed! What has he invented?" "Oh, ever so many things." ' "Any of them practical?"' "Yes," was the answer; with some hesitation, "he has had a good deal of success in inventing reasons why I should lend' him. anything from 50 cents to ?5." Washington Star I Misunderstood. ' 'Doctor, will my husband be able to recover "Oh, yes, madam; he is not seriously hurt, and -, "I was going to ask if he would be able to recover damages from the com- D8uy." Washington Times. jxiie Only Way, Tom What is the best way to make a woman Keep a secret r 4 i r Dick Give her chloroform. Derolt Free Press. Bow's TlxIT We offer One Hundred Dollars TteTrard for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by uius v. ai.rru ure. We, the undersigned, have known F. J.'niie. ney for the l&nt 15 y eira, and balieve him per fectly honorable in ilj business trausactiona and financially able, to carry out any obliga tion mane by their firm. v est s xrxjax, wnolesale llru3tfits, Toledo, Ohio. WAvama. Kinnaw & Martlv, Wliolesala Hall's Catarrli Ciirftlw tkn ntArnsillir. Ine directly UDon theblood and mnpnm anr. faces of the eys tern. Price, 75e. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Testimonials free, v an a xi'amiiy trills are tue bes U riTSBtonned rec and permanently cnml. T?o fits after first day's use of Drt. Kline's Giibat NBRysREBTonEir. i re?2t3ial boi tie and treat e. Bend to Dr. Kline. iWl A rca St.. f lula.. Jfa. Wnra bilious or costive, eat n. nasoftrnt. candy cathartic; cure guarauteed ; 10c., 3jc. Pise's Cur for Consumption relieves the most obetinate coug Rev, 1). Bxtchmuel- LBB, luSiington, Ma, February 24, 1394. JrrsT try a 10c. box of ascaret. (isn ra. tbariic, linest liver and bow el regulator made. Mrs. WInslow'fl Socthinjr Syruo for chlldVei teething, softens the gums, reduces inaamraa Uon,Uys pain, cures wind colic. 25c. a bottle. la Tjondon a depot has been established for the repairing ot motor vehicles. No.To.Kac for Fifty Cents. Over 100,000 cure.1. Why not let No-To-Bae reeulate or remove vour desire for tobaccc? Saves money, mikes health and manhood. cure guaranteed, . co cents ana J1.C0, at all druggists. Gear cases are meeting with a small but Crowing demand. CASCARWTS stimulate liver. Vi.-invi unit bowels. Never sicken, weakea or gripe; 10c. Aad true is t he verdict of t he peop le regarding Hood's 8ar3aparilla. Catarrh, scrofula, rheu matism, dyspepsia, nervous troubles yield to p-n ITU Sarsaparilla Tho best in fact the One True Blood Purifier. Hood's Pills ggg-SSsg Dr. W. H WaiCEFiELD Jan be consulted in bis office CHAKLOTTE, N. C'.v No. 201 N. Tryon St. (Hunt Buildlnsy) On any week day except Wednesday. His practice is limited to diseases of the EYE,Bn,nqsE&Tiiflon QPIUnflNKElHJESS 71 , 1U4iIcit4 ii lue laT.N Pay U U CmrW. OR. J.L.STEPHEWSLIjlaJiOJ,oai3. BoBtCongngyrup. Tastes Good. ra time, bold by dmevrtsts. 00(D Til St' J i BV-. We Can't Do a Thing to Her. , To one who has: visited a telephony exchange and noticed how cent ral works, it is amusing to watch the be-j havior of tie man who cannot get rec ognition." In nine cases out of ten, if the hour is latean& central is sleepy, he goes through Jbis performance: He turns 'the handle sharply, Jabs the receiver at his ear, and shouts "Hel lo V. thropgh the transmitter. After waiting a moment or so, he repeats the action. Still no answer. Then, un less he Is a church member, he uses language that he would not wish his wife to hear, and twists the handle of the calling bell until his wrist aches. It does not disturb central. No bells ring In the telephone exchange. When the subscriber rings a lozenge-shaped disk drops, and the number of the call ing 'phone is. exposed. That is alL It remains exposed until, central answers the call and puts the disk back. If central's head is turned the other way, all the ringing in the world won't at tract ber attention. When she looks around she'll see the exposed number and answer the call. If she never looks around she'll never learn of the call. New York Times. j V ' A Kind Neighbor. I did not send, for you to tune my piano," said Mrs. Selfly to the man who called for that purpose. : "No, madam, but your next door neighbor sent me." Detroit Free Press. ' A house is never fn disorder to a man so long as his things are "andy., Sweetness Put a pill in tho pulpit if you want practical preaching for tho physical man ; then put ; tho pill in the pillory if it does not practise "what it preachesJ There's a whole gospel in Ayer's Sugar Coated Pills ; a " gospel of sweetness and light." Pooploused to value their physic, as they did their religion-byl its bitterness. The more bitter the dose the better the doctor. We've got over that. We take "sugar in ours" gospei or physicnow-adays. It's possible to please and to purge at !the same time, There may be power in a pleasant pill, That is the gospel of ! ' ' . Q Ayef 5s Cathartic Pills. -.'.'! Iorc pill particulars iu Ayer's Curcbook 100 pages. Sent free. J. C. Ayer Co., Iowell, Mass. . ' I iRSOT.TTTRT.V fSTTI P H"HTP1?TI ere auj i uwiuu4 uvuiiouiuuu tire. BPFer i mb anu irao&iec iree. An. re.icjjtAu bkhkiii ppwppaapaaaf Gorn ' - is a vigorous feeder and re sponds well to liberal fertiliza tion. , On corn lathis the yield increases and .the soil improves if properly treated with fer tilizers containing not under 7 actual A trial of this plan costs but little and is sure to lead to profitable culture. Ail about Potash the results of its use by actual ex periment on the best farms in the United States is told in a little book which we publish and wiil gladly mail free to any farmer in America who will write for it. GERMAN KALI WORKS, 03 Nassau St., New York. R.1.F.A.N.S Packed' Without Glass. TRN FOR FIVE CENTS. This pe!al form cf Rtpans Tabulea is prepared rrom the orisrlnal proscription, but more econom ically put up for the purpose of meeting tho Te.75fJl?5?dern demand for a low price. lIKLCXIONS. Take one at meal or bed time or whencTer yon feel poorly. Swallow ic whole, with or without a mouthful of water. They cure ail stomach troubles ; banish pain I Induce sleep; prolong life. An invaluable tonic. Beet Spring? Medicine. Ko matter what's the matter, one will do yon pood. One srlres relief a cure will result if directions are followed. Tfie flre-ccnt packages are not yet to be had of all dealers, altfionfrh It is probable that almost any drurist will obtain a supply when requested by a customer to do boj but in any case a single canon, containing ten tabules, will be sent, post- forwarded to the Rlnans Cbemieal Co.. No. w bjijt nuurres i or nve cents in bpruce St., New York. Until the eroods are thor oughly introduced to the trade, asrents and ped dlers wiil be supplied at a price which will allow them a fair mararia of profit, viz. j l dozen car tons for0 cents by mail 45 cents. 18 dozen OH cartons) for J4.SS by mall for 4.8S. 5 frross (720 "rtons) for M-53. 5 noss (3,600 cartons) for fiw. Casn with the order In every case, and ireieht or exprces Ouxrgw at the buyer's cort- Buslaess coarse to one person In eyery county. Please apply promptly to Georgia Bust ness Collerro, Macon, Ga. AWV Soliool or Sla.ortlia.zicl AUGUSTA. OA. rTotext books used. Aetna! nsiasea from dsr ot entring. Basiaeas napsrs, ooilc enrrsney aa 1 rooas usa. nnd for baadsonMiy iii astral l tv acna. Board ehespar than is any iMatnara eity. (. No matter How Ions-standing Your case, It will end at TETTERINE. 1 box by mall for 50c. in cash or stamps. J. T. SHUPTKINE, Savannah, Ga. It Cores all Skin Diseases. K.IU til W7 VZ?UIXZ AST SFEC'JIS Otves relief In FITS mtnutea. Bend for a FH ICE trial packara. Sold by 1 Prurfftsts. On Box tsnt postpaid Jon receipt efl.t. Six bs siso. Address THua. ferflAB. rmia.. TJL. Potash. SEXT FB02I SEAnsrOE?. Hiss S. Mollis Fercr. the WeU-KaWB SMnport Dreinuaker, Gtrea H JExperleaoe of Her Ilfa long SuflTerlnz aad - Care From ffie Commercial, ' Bangor, Maine, The following communlcatioa . has just been received from Miss 8. Mollie Percy, of Hearsport, Maine, where she is well and fa vorably known i "I was a sufferer from constant headache all my life, frequently accompanied .with nausea and sick stomach, especially before and during severe attacks. I am now thirty years oll, and as far back as! can remember I was never free from tnese depressing ana distressing attacks, and did not know what it was to feel well, until last winter, when, bavins seea so much written and heard so much spoken about Dr. Wiliiams' Pink Pills for Pale People, 1 made up my mind to see if they would do me any goo J. I therefore bought Some of them and began to take them according to directions. - 4I soon be?an to experience relief,, and have improved ever since. I am still taking them, and shall continue so to do until I am freo of the slightest symptom of myoldeao- ! my. I am a firm beHever in the emoacy or 3 Pink PHI3-. and shall never be without them as thev have done me so much good. "I have recommended these pills to others, among them O. G. Coburn, who is ill of heart trouble. (Signed) "8. M. Pxxoc' Witness: Mks. J. E. NicioLS. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People are a specific for. troubles peculiar to fe male, such as suppressions, irregularities and all forms of weakness. They bull J up th blood, aad restore the glow of health to palo and sallow cheeks. In men (hey effect a radical cure in all cases arising from men tal worry, overwork or excises ot whatever nature. Tney are manuiacturea oy tne ur. Williums' Mfdioine Company. Schenectady, N. Y..and ar'sold by Cll drueglsts at 60 rents a box or six boxes for $2.50. and Light. ALL DRUGGISTS case of constipation. Cascarets are the Ideal Laxa Tip or srnpe. bet cause easy natural results. Sam -4 vu. umeaso. Montreal, can. , or isew lor. til. S. N. U. 4. '97. Reliable Charlotte Merchants Call on them when yon ffb to Charlotte N. C. Wr te them If you do not eo, and hare your orders fllied iubu. iu auhweniiK auverudt'menta Kinuiy men tlon this paper. PTMTTWfl EST WORK. BeasonallePrIce3i t Mtii liiiu vvr te JN'ews fc Times We. Houe. PR?! WTTT!5 PE- M- ANDREWS, 15-18 W. Trade vmiii wtvtf Also Pianos, u gans & liicyclea GEO. R. .HISS, Treasurer. , kAkk-k-k-k-k GEO. B. HISS OIL CO. J Special Fetroleo ani Animal L:t:i:r-t!, Offices and Warehouses: Nos. 47 and 49 South College St., CHARLOITE, N. C REVOLVER FREE. WATCH FREE 1 33 other articles. Cost nothing. Read our offer rDCTT fi2n?$k. Everj person who cuts this ont snd sends rHrPl?.;;! long, uamiiift express offic. will beentl. I llmlmJf tin! !ul uutometic, double action, a W. mn?el aa or cal. t7 Kevoivcr, 1 solid Hi kel 4 etem wiutl anil steni set Watch, icmniin iiieu poio n efn.nnin,o tfrpis ra:rKol(lj)latcd HCuO Buttons. gold tiinted W atch Charm worth 74o,, 1 lm. diamond solid (told t Scarf Pin, ldoz. CoDht Buttons, loo Envelopes, Idoz. hich-ersde Id PenrlliL 1 Lead Pencil Sbarpener, 1 rock- Beraoranaiira ana 1 1 erpst Hal Button Hols Bonanet. All we ask, in order to In troduce our cifrars. Is that you. ailow ns to send in same package M of onr finest 10c. Clirara. vaUied at 4.7. mil examtnauon allowed. Remember, ma cmlr nav l4.i and nurMi fn. th clara, and the 140 articles named above are tree. Jf you don't consider the lot worth S time what we ask, dont pay 1 cent.' Address WINSTON BIFG. CO VVinston N.f. MACHINE MADE 13 Oil OUR EEAIiEIIS can ten you. machines cheaper alian jon can get elsewhere. The HEW IIOTIE Ie our best, hatwe make cbeaper kinds, kucIi cs tho CLIJIdX, IDEAL and otner IIIsU Arm FnU Nickel Plated Sewlns Placlilries for $15.00 and up. Call on oar aent or wrllo us We trant your trade. d if z;ricc- t;mw kaite cjuare usciinj,' will w in, we will Iiavc it. Wo challenge tlie world to prodnce a. BETTEH $50.0Q Scwlns Flacblne for $50.00, oH a better $20. Sewing lacnlne for $20.00 t!icn job can buy from us or our Agents. ',r ; the kei noiE sEvnna HAcniKs co. C3ASTE, 3aL'.sc Esf tc.v. Mats. 23 Tvro Sjw, S1 F2R SALE Dr KAINEY & JORDAN Dunn, N. O . ;saveIM The Best MONEY Poor Hailltlhi ' means so much more than you imagine serious and fatal diseases result from trifling ailments neglected. Don t play witn iaiure s greatest gut neaitn. If von are feeling out of sorts, weak and generally ex hausted, nervous, have no appetite and can't work, begin at once tak ing the most relia ble strengthening medicine.which is Brown's Iron Bit- Brown's Iron Bitters r A few bot tles cure benefit rnmM from the very first dose it tmm't ttain yur tteth, and It's pleasant to take. It Cures Dyspepsia, Kidney ana Liver , ' Neuralgia, Troubles, , ' Constipation, Bad Blood Malaria, Nervous ailments ', Women's complaints. ' - Get only the genuineit has crossed red li.iM on the wraoDer. All others are sub- . vtitutea On recemt of two sc. stamps we will send set of ten Beautiful World's Fair Views ana doojc iree. nnnuiu ucuiil fn Oil TiMnCF UD. . VlLnillQTOIl &VEL90I1 Ry AND BRANCHES, AND FLOllENCE 11AII.IIOAD ' -irtrtrtr-Mrtrk-irtr . C0HSZJTSZD SCHEDULE, DEC. 13. 1898. XSAiy8 oonro south. . Leave TTeldon 11.50 a. m.. 0.44 p. m.; ar xirv Rocky Mount, 12.52 a. m., 10.39 p. m. Leave TarDoro, v.i- a. m. Leave Bocky Mount, 1.00 p. m., 10.39 p m K irt rl m V) 1 n m Leave Wilson. p m, u.i p m, a m, 2,12 pa Leave Beima, z.oo p m. Leave Fayetteville, 4.15 p m, 1.07 a m. Arrive Florenoe, 6.55 p in, 3.14 a in. Leave Goldsboro, 3.10 p m. 7.00 a m. Leave Magnolia. 4.15 p m, 8.03 am. Jjrrive Wilmington, 5.45 p m, 9.80 a m. ' TBAINS 00150 NOBTH. "Leave. Florence. 8.45 a m, 8.35 pa i Leave Fayetteville, H.20 a m, 10.20 p m. Leave Selma, 1.00 a m. Arrive Wllsour1.42 a m, 12.10 p m. teave WilmiDgton, 9.85 a m, 7.15 p m. Leave Magnolia, 10.59 a m, 8.55 p m. 4 Leave Goldsboro. 12.01 a m, 10.10 p m. Leave Wilson, 1.42 p m, 12.15 p m, 10.23 p m, 12.42 pm. - Arrive Rocky Mount,: 2.83 p m, 12.53 p m, 11.55 p m, 1.20 pm, - . . ; Leave Tarboro, 12.12 pm. , Leave Rocky Mount, 2.33 p m, 12.53 p m. Arrive Weldon, 8.89 p m, 1.44 am. ; Train on the Scotland Neck Branch Road leaves Weldon 4.10 p m, Halifax p m, ar rives Scotland Neck at 5.20 r m. Greenville 6.57 p m, Kinston 7.55 p m. Returning leaves Kinston 7.20 a m, Greenville 8.22 a m, arnv ing Halifax at 11.00 a m, Weldon 11.20 a m, daily except Sunday. Trains on Washington Branch leave Wash ington 8.00 a m,'- and 2.00 p.m., arrive Par mele 8.60 a m and 8.40 p in., returning leave Parmele 9 50 a m. and 6 30 p m., arrive Washington ll 25 a m, and 7 20 p m., daily except Sunday. . Train leaves Tarboro, N. C daily, at 5.30 m, arrives Plymouth 7.40 p"m Returning, aves Plymouth 7.30 am, arrives Tarboro 9.50 am, Train on Midland, N. Ct, . Branch, leaves arriving Bmithfleld 8 30 am. Returning leaves Smtthfleld 9.00 a m, arrives Goldsboro 10 25 am. Trains on Nashville Branch leave Rocky Mount at 4 80 p m, arrives' Nashville 5 05 p m, Spring Hope 5 30 p m. Returning, Ieftves Spring Hope 8 00 a m, Nashville 8 S5 a m, ar rive at Rocky Mount at 9 05 a tn. daily, ex cept Sunday. Train on Clinton Branch leaves Warsaw for Clinton dally, except Sunday, at 11 10 a m. ana .is p. m. .Returning leaves vunton 7 00 am and 8 00 pm. Train No. 76 makes close connection at Weldon for all points north daily, all rail via Richmond.'. Also at Rocky Mount with Nor folk and Carolina railroad lor Norfolk and si points North via Norfolk. ' General Passenger Age.nt. i J. R. KENLY, T. M. EMERSON, General Manager. Trafflo Manager. - IVIEW A1D BOYS! Want to lean an about Horse? How to rick Ont GocdOne? XnowZaperfec tions and aa CHnrd asainat Fnradf Detect Disease and Effect a Cure when same la possible? Tell the Age by the Teeth? What to call the Different Parts ut tne Animal? How to Shoe a Horse Properly? All this and other Valuable Information can oe obtained by reading our lCG-FAUB ILLUSTRATED glOIlSB BOOK, which we will forward, post paid, on receipt of only 25 cents In stamps. BOOK PUB. HOUSE, 134 Leaaard St N.T.Clri, , O009eooo0oooo9oaeo9e0ooeceoooeceoo o AVOID Bulk Bad Pure soda the best soda, comes only in packages. : bearing this trade mark 3 It costs no more than inferior package soda never spoils the flour -always keeps soft Beware of imitation trade marks and labels, and insist on packages bearing these words' o o c o i i kwi an mm Made only by CHURCH & CO., fe w York.1 Sold by grocers everyw. ' " Write for Ann atsd Hammer Dock cf WtucbSs Hccipcs-PRIIC. HOW DO YOUR FEET FEEL ? $ a(S)(0) r ihoea make yon limp cr ahofflal & J JJ a Inch coma or rub up blisters 1 mr -w- D3BMTI Wach Accident Insurance is foot-shaped made from the best Tanned Calf Skin soft, old 'leather all oTtr cork filled, water-proof Ie. A GENUINE 30 PAYS ACCIDENT I2ISUBAK0E POLICY FOB $100.00 0ea vith ererj pair. Exttain cni at jtwir Units. J . 13 ' Lewis Oorf IValroi-u f Bo ston, Mas CAPE FEAR S YADKIN VALLEIM - Johii Giix, Receiver. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. In EfTect December 20th, 189a. . - KOBTIX OCSD. " " Ko. 2. Diilt Leave Wilmington ; . . 7 SO Arrive Fayetteville 11 00 Jeave Fayetteville ..11 21 Leave Fayetteville Junction n 27 Iave Sanford. l 00 p , Leave Climax. 2 5 A rrtvM fJrefnsboro A ok u Leave Greensboro.... 3 35 . 1 1 - I i . . . ixutve fctoitesuiuo 4 Leave Walnut Cove.. 4 55 Leave Rural Hall. c 2G Arrive ML Airy C :o FOCTH BOUSD. n M It II No. 1. T)x, Leave Mt. Airy Leave Rural Hall Leave Walnut Cove .1' Leave Stokesdale . . . , Arrivo Greensboro .1. . Leave G reensboro . . . . Leave Climax. Leave Sanford. ................ Arrivo Fayettoville Junction .. 8 40:a.ri .1004 .10 32 .1107 . 1 1 5 1215 p. .12 43 - .2 55 u . 4 12 Arrive layette vine... Leave Fayetteville.... 4 IS i 35 " 7 43 '; Arrive Wilnurigton kobtu bouxp. . : K- i- Dailr. Leave Bcnnettsviue. 8 30 a. i. Arrive Maxton t 43 " Leave Maxton. .... v 'J ."0 Leave Red Springs ':. ...... J C is ' Leav Lumber Bridge 10 05 Leave Hope Mills 1 1 01 Arrive Fayetteville., ,. 1113 SOUTU BOOD, , Ko. X DaL' Leave Fayetteville. Tntfl Hone Mills. . , .. 4 2-ip.i; .. 4 ii) .. 5 35 . . ii . . c o: .. C 17 ..70 " Leave Lumber Bridge. Leave lied riprings . . . Arrive Maxton Leavo Maxton Arrivo Runnettsvlllo . , NORTH BOUND. (Dally Except Suiidny.) . : Ko. 1C. MIkvJ, Leave itamseur . ; Leavo Climax... Arrive Greensboro. Leave Greensboro.... , V" C 45 a. H3j .9 20 9 35 11 07 Leave Stokesdale........ Arrive Madison 1155 SOUTH BOUND. , (Daily Except Sunday.) . No. 15, Mliod. Leave Madison 12 30 p. a. Leave Stokesdale ,. . 128 " Arrive Greensboro....: 2 40 Leave Greensboro...'. ........... 3 25 Leave Climax Arrive Ramseur. . . 4 20 G05 KOBTH BOUND CONNECTIONS at Fnyettevillo with AtliUitic Coast Lioo ht all points North and East, at Sanford . !th the Seaboard Air Line, at Greensboro witi the Southern Railway Company, at Walnat Cove with the Norfolk & Western Kailroad for Winston-Salem. , SOUTH BOUND CONNECTIONS ' at Walnut Cove With the Norfolk A Wui. era Railroad for Roanoke and point Nortk nnd West, at Greensboro with tho Southcri Railway Company for Raleigh, Kii-hmond and all points north-and 'ut; at Fayeltevilli with the Atlantic Coast Line for all polntj South; at Maxton with the Seaboard Air Uoa for Charlotte, Atlanta and all points Boutli and southwest. . W. E. KYLE, J.'W. FRY, Gcn'l Toss. Agcat Gen'l Manager. , , ET AS THE WORLD XI i MOVES'.ONSO DOES OUR JOB ... ,v press. ;, i i Tnere are a ereat may chan os made in all kinds of business We especially call your attest tion to j THE UHjToW J OB OFFICE. a We have Just put in a brani new JOB outfit, and by doing the work ourselves we are abla to compete with any house in ine oiaie in Btyics, pritua u" quality. . Kememiier weao anvthinc: from a visitipg c&xA to circular 24x30. Send ia your a orders, they shall havs our prompt and careful atten tion. Address ' " THE UNION OFFIC& J Lnl J -Lb 11 Us Trademarks. Cavaata, Label? and copy rights -promptly ' procured. A 40-raf Rnnlr Vru . fisnil lrotf'h r.y MmlP.1 lOT Free Opinion as to PatentaMMty. t,All buslneaa treated as cacrelly con'.rr.uai. Twenty "yearB' experience. Iligftest, mces. Bend for jioolr. Addrcsj - 17. T. FITZGERALD, ' WA.SIIITOS, l. V. nn a 40.PAGE no,K rxi.r. ' Soda! : soda j spoils good flour. o o 9 o o o o o V a o. a a a o o Q (I t O C c mil EiR SODA y . 5