II THE COUNTY UNION ' VEDXEsrYv Fkfkttarv 3. 1897. DUNK, N. C. All or'frs for job icorJc must he puvJ cne hulf i' l'e'n orccr i given and .J oti'iulcertising. ' "local DOTS. - Cotton cents -Kev: A M. IIassell filled his ap poiutmetit here Sunday and preached an able ar.d instructive sermon atcach service. . " - , , Jf'h learn that all of Mr. Nathan McLaniVs family who live a few' miles from town are sick with the grippe- Nice of them were in bed yesterday-. .- ' " v ' . ' " if Rr.vv is still hustling and our jncrcnants Keep Duty, i'rices are low and the poople are finding out that this -is one'of .the . bfgt towns in North Carolina. -. - ' .. Mr. M. L. Davis,' of Tarbfcro. -. C--,, is opening;.-:;, stock.- cf JDry XJooda' ar;d;GV!Jthin'.v.in-.the store rc c en tl y v to J b y Mi'.jJ) .'.Mc.-Bro'wn Jon jQru'l Htrcot. Look tor his "ad" l,tcr. . '!. - -' ' We. are requested fto announce that Evangelist W. H. Frost, assisted by Mr. (V IV Carry, will ,. begin a I'i ?1 ir-ess faceting 'at the Free Will iljpti'st ' church hero next Sunday Jacriiiijg,; February-7th, at 11 o'clock Mr. P. J. Jk,ffukvs, station ma.. . tcr at the dpot, had the tnibfortunc tn ma.-b hn .fot quite badly last week by some heavy Iron axles falling oh it . while, he was- moving goods,, in the wareheu.;e. --T.hk Supreme Co err. granted li 'cense for the practieo of law, to ' forty applicants' MVyday.- - Ainong the-suc-.Tcssful oat w ncfici the 'name or. Mr. I). T , Oiios,' of, Clinton, eon of Mr. JuO, A. Gates of cur town. We cucgratubte hici' upon his success. r-r-TiiE s.x:aH-pox scire at Geoasbbr.o is over.- ' A poda'u't from JFhiog tun, J)'. C pronoiincfd the case chick en pox of a peculiar .type. It is Slid that .the r port of. srnail-pix ' cost the cify.of ( i rcensboro. 100,000 in loss vof trade-and travel. - , " " ' .' : :-. . '. . . n;:v A, li . Choii'Ler is hpldin! ; a "holiness meeting", iu Favettevilie ; this week. It is to be hoped that mere of his converts . at th.il place, wltl hol-d out -faithful thin did in our townj V'et our town was' greatly beutiT'cKl 1'V his preahng. ' ' ; - All Lhe small-streams were frcz .n over lkst f week the weather was so cold. ' The therciotneter went lowr than, at any time since the win tar of 1893 apd. only hkjed three degrees of beiDg sis cold as it was thea The theTj?o??.ieter went as low aa 50 de-. grees below z?r,o 'in some of th'j north efn Eta tes last week. : . ' f 5 '! Mk. Jno. A. 'McKay' returned iast weti: frosi a trin through South parolina, (jorgia,- Florida, Alabama, 3Iissisippi ahd Louisiana jselling" mr- isentios tools for the Jno. A. M'cKiy Manufacturing Company. Ile reports igood sales and an increased force, will jbe required to fill the orders he has Jtaken. The topls from this factory. are gaining quite a reputation among ufpentme men. I j 'Vhe soason for 'planting la not ar ahead, and it would be well for )ur f&'rtasrs to plant only an avorage icreage in cotton. The. wisest courte br'iarmers to pursue is ta put In : the Iverage cotton crop 'and then make 11 the corn, peas and potatoes pos ib.le,. .Fpon ' the top of all of thiB aise every jhog. he can, and in, a .few ars they, wid find themselves ' the fcost independent of all elasses - Kkmkmker v-ill gend you The p.MQx and the 'At Isn't a 'Constitution M Tear for $ 1 ; 5(L. -'.'.This - is a snlen - 1 - , .- ... . .. k . 7j- , r aid opportunity ior youto -get your ocal news and the best weekly paper a the South or a small sura. ' Bead ur "ad in this issue - an-d send tfa our subsariptipji and guess at the pissicg word contest. We will for- Vard yur guess fre of cost to you. his eh-eap proposition clcsei March st i si7. ' , Last week duribe the bitter cold feather the natters stated that thp.rc I rere G0,d00.pconle-'iu Chicago with iked to aid the suffering and thou- nds of dollars were given to relieve) le destitution and suffering. The iermomete'r was .t.winty-one dcirrees low zoro in that ;' citv. t Wrhen we ad of such as this we are' glad we jo u; urj.u v.arofjiDa lue aome oi J fPPJ a d eonterifed peop'e and where ; oer is barely known. People and Their Movement. Miss Annie Pearsall returned from Rocky Mount Monday. Fx-Senatcr I W. Taylor made a trip to Raleigh last week. "' ' . , Mr. Gu Newbery pent a Fajetteville last week'. day in Mr J. II. E oyal, of Clinton, spent Sunday in town. - Mrt. J h?e and children returned to day from a 'visit to ber father, Mr. G. W. Massengill, in Johnston Co. Mr B. f . MeBr1e, of Little Riv er Academy, spent. Sunday in town with his brother at-llatel Divine. Mr. D T. Odtes, of Clinton, ppent last night here with his parents in l f;iend on his way home from Wake Forest where he has just completed' a course in law. Mr W T. Williford, a. Sampson ooy who has been' living at C.fFie, Ga., fjr two years, canie bom? on a visit to his parents 1 Saturday and brought with bim his beautiful young bride. :Tiie rown aldermen will meet next Monday n'ght to consider the hog question. No mjcetingiwas held last -Monday night f.on account. of sickness of some of the aldermen. y-QuiTE a largft quantity of dog wood and pereia;mon' timber is bcin shipped from this place. Vi'e think, dnost of it goes to Fayettevile t ) the :huttlfe factory where it is made, into shuttl'S N.arly every dpgwcoltree ar.d p rsimtnoa tree for fhur or five mi!e3 aro m'd Dunn has been, or will Lbe cutif tae owners will sell thenjf iXZ-i learn" that t,ho price pid'is smal,l -50 cents a cord fur the trees stand iog in the woods, but this price is better.lhan nothing and heretofore this class of wood has had no sale at all -It is sa:d there is nothing new under, the sun, "but our reporter has found something entirely oey a wo oin who pays poll tax. There lives 'i woman in Robeson county, near the little town of Rowland, who pays poll tax every year. S ie says, she has to take the place of a man on the farm. Slie ploughs, hauls,' chops cotton and does other-work on the furm and, says that she feels it her duty to pay poll 'as as aman. She is undoubtedly nore public .spirited than most men Our reporter did not find whether she drfi etl to vote or. not." She is prob ably the onlv woman in the United States that pays a poll tax. A S'iiis&l Ait'chUnt. Mr. J. Wf Wilder, of this city, a popular young conductor in the em ptjy of . the Wilmington & Weldon "liilroad 6 jmpany, was badly crushed between two cars yesterday afternoon at Warsaw, which later resulted .in his death ' ;T Mr. .Wilder, at the time of th8 ac c'dent, was in charge of an extra freight train coining from South Roclfy Mount to this city. At Warsaw the train stopp.d to allow several: cars to be shifted, and Conductor Wilder got off. lie was standing between two box cars, connecting the air . k'ipes, whththo cars came Suddenly togeth er, crushing him between the bum pefs. ' The news of tbd sad accident was immediately telegraphed the injured 'man's brother, Mf.. II. F. Vvyilder, a train dispatcher in the A." C. L.'ofBoe ia this city, .and his father at St. Ste phen's S. C. V '- Mr. Hi'F. Wilder wired to Aarsiaw, and icquired if his brother could be brought to Wilmington, 'but received in reply a telegram stating that he ws too bdly hurt to be removed'. Mr. WUder left for VTarsaw last qight, but just before ' he arrived in - that city his brother passed quietly av. ay.. He died at, 9 o'clock. Wilmington, Star cf Sunday. v ' . ' Manyol our people knew Mr. WTilder .and are sad to learn ?, of his sad death. Ho spent a week herfe duriDg the holidays with friends. Ed. Two weeks ago last Sunday morn :. ing, Dijie McKmley, a woman" across the railroadj gave birth; to an "infant a perfect monstrosity'. The woman was frightened by eeeing an elephant when the circus was in the city and the child has a peculiar trunk shape: for mation protruding from jusfc beneath its ncse. It has no roof to its mouth-' and canco,t nurse, eajiog only from a snoon. , ,v The , unhappy moth-r iiearly starved for nearly two weeks as she concealed toe birth until last Sunday. Wilson Times. vniywill you buy bitter nauseating tonics when. GROVES TASTELESS CHILI 1 -rnuiP u net nltvisAiit us Lemon ovruu. your druggist is anthoiized to refiuul the money, iu-every case where it fails to cure, Pj ice, 50 cents,. 1 JSRMORIATI. ' .... - i- Mary Loudac jerniau was born in Sampson county May the "14th 1838 and died at hrr bime in; F-ur Diki December 23.d, 189G, ged 28 yesra. .. She was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs J. D. IFillvams' of Sampson County.' and was -united in marriag-j to Mr" t n t ' t ; t ro j 188G. Fromthis: union she bore ... 4 four childr. n two sons and two daugh ters who with their father survive her. She was a woman of hieh -moral and christian. character. At an earl?. age she united. with the Pr?sbyter 1 ass at BlolFhureh in Caaiberlar d copBtjy, and was trsniferrM from that f hurch as a;:sc:'ar:r member of the Pi-ei.bytc.rlaG church in Dunn where she remained a" coniktent member untjlaboiit five months -before her death when she joined the Free Will Baptist church to phich her husbatd belonged. Sbt&wasof an intensely religious nature and, was always work: ing for thei b.Uilding gp- of Christ't ;Kiug'J6io. She endeavored tefbring her children up in tho - fear ana nur ture of G jd and was ever. Tck&y to help the fallen and cheer a$d ericour age the falt hearted Her remains- were taken "to the fap-.ly burying ground "in Sampson county and interred there to.1 remain in peaee until Gud ivlio took it away shaii bid it rise and put oh immortal ity. he Lord bless her children and keep tjicm unto eternal life.- ' T BnoTUEK Claud j Mr J. Mli-iililaa'l 2eal. , Ojtr town was saddened Sunday by the news of the death of Mr. II. J. S;rickland whieh occurred on Friday at his home in Raleigh after an illcigs of a week with grippe and pneumonia. Mr. Strickland is wll known here having made this placs his hohje for several years till last September wLfen he moved to ' Raleigh . . He was a member of the Methodist- church and also a member of the Masonic order.' Ilis remains' were interred Saturday: The News-aijd Observor of Satur day says : - - r ; The ' funeral t)f Mr. il -j Strick land, superintfedent of Cent.al Meth odist Sunday School, was . held- yes terday afternoon from that church and the bodyr was interred with Ma sonic honors. -. Mr Strickland was an honorabl', nuiet christian man, held in the high est esteem; by all who knew him. He was 44-ears old, and has for many years been a 'member of the Metflo dist church. At.the'lime of his death he was superintendent of the Central Church Sunday School. . He was also a promiitnt Mason. 'Mi;- Strickland has resided in Raleigh ouly a few months, but during that time he made a best of friends. - He leaves a widow and five children. ' Graded Scliool Steeling, ' Quite a number of citizens of the town met at the Town Hall last Fri day e vening to consider the question of a Graded School for Dunn. Dr. M. W- Harper was: made chairman, of the meeting and J. D. Barnes and A, M, Wopdall secretaries. Hon. D. II McLean made a short speech explaining the purpose of thp vmeet ing. Considerable discussion was had as to the best manner n which to proceed and the views of several was obtained. It was decided to take in the 'whole public echool district in the territory and a committee was appointed to draft a bill to be pre sented at a meeting of the citizens on Friday night, February '5th at the Town Hall. Mes?rs. D H McLean, A R Wilson, L C Brogdeh and Dr. 1 W Harper were appbinted to draft the bill. j It is hoped that all the citizens iU' the proposed territory will come out toHhd meeting Friday night and hear this -bill read and offr any sugestior. they may wish to make. This matter is'of much importanca'and every citi zen is.earnestly requested to attend this meeting. There are only ; a few j - more days to work eo as to get the bill to the General Assembly ia time be acted on.- So don't forget and come promptly at 7:30 o'clock. i J. D. Bauxss, A. M. Woodali. . ' Sec'ys. EJxerntorVs Notice. . J - ; ; ' v iae executors oi me us) wm aua ; : i-y-. m , .. , ,tt' V. . , .vhifgcef3 for making the step, tament of H,. C. Avera deceased, wrir j v gv,, t . . offer for sale"all Jtho personal property of the deceased. Several valuable mules and many articles of value will be exposed to 'sile. Parties wishing to get bargains in farm implements will find it to their interest, to attend this sale. The sale will bd held at the A vera homestead commencing at 10 o'clock in the morning. , . . ' : gi- j jC; j ; Jv v Ft- i ''' . i ' " '' ' - FARMER: H I o now, tny friend, v?here did you that iic- DIXIE PLOW ? 1 c ; PLANTER: At Duau of course, where they are ehfap on earib. I - FARMFH: Well, that's a new charge. What i vou pav for it ? ..' .1: ul lli.br ' AND . LANTER:01v : FAliMFR: What! j A by I paid 1 25 for ; ne not more tnau two f ' i - - j : months OBTQP tnn in. I . I Hi lUi i PL v-'pl'p.- in their new store, exploded the trust, torn "up, the price lis and struck rock bot tom on all Hardware and Furniture. If you want to-get rich and stay so, trade vikh the ' 1 DUNN 'HA-RD VvrABE 3c JXTKNITURE CO., DUNN, N- C -Pnvett & Holiiday. I ' Next door to J. J DUPREE j ' YOUR A - caniba found at. Godwins stable at all times during the Fall season. Farmers w!io wis'n to rab-e their own tuules will find it to their advantage to net rov nnccs. For further information .oibircss orchil n . w .. . . "Taic ffia Grippe 5 SJoro. Tho La Giippe is prevalent in our midst and it is spreading almost to an epidemic. We learn that it is preva lent in the country also. SeveraL.of our people have' been and are now sick with it, among those now fcck are : , j Every , member of Mr E F Young'B family have been quite j sick with it. AYe learn they are 'better to-day. i.. Dr. J. R Flemirg and wife; have been cuLuQed to their rcomi! for a week or more suffering wit'h' ib. Mrs .Jao. A. Oites and slaughter, Miss Majrne, have been -quite eick but are much better to day,. ' Mr, D. II. Hood has been cbngted to bis room since Sunday. v't Mr. ' W, F. Utter has been m bed several days with it. Mrs. J. W.i'me is able to be up after a severe attack. Mrs. S. H. Pittman'- suffering with a sevre attack of-Grippe and Rheumatism. , !' Mr. iVI. ' F. Gainey' is .suffering from an attack but is reported better to-day. ... "Tncro are others too." v Hack Fi'um Georgia. As stated in .these eolumns some weeks ago that Mr..B. M. F. Coates had been directed, in a vision to go' to Georgia, in which state he married some years ago, and after a; short sea son of wedded, bliss he and. his wife parted,, and returning back io Har nett county married again,; ".We would not bo a stumbling block in the way of any worker for the cause of Christ and as we made the statement of tsfo departure we will do him the justice of stating that when he arrived, at Araby, "Gi., the place that, he gavs his hand in marriage to the nretty Miss ; Lula H Webb, be found that she had obtained a divorce and married again, and after her tec- end marriage had died. The 'fact of his first wife marrying - - again sets him free, and we sincerely hope he will hold out faithful in the cause he now pursues. Tbero are many msn in the world to day wuo regret some acta or.tneir 1 early life and would be much happier if their evil deeds did not hau.nt them. T-h,kjciistake ha,s caused Mr. Coates tmany persecutions, and fie expresses AJlour friends got a Xmaa present and we1 have a few things left that will sell jpw. HopB & Gkamuam. ' .Go and Took at clothing at E.' F. Young, s. Stationery, School Books, Bible, and School Suppliisat Hood &, Gran tham. p v . r' , ilTfllinTT Onirnf Iff BlnnrvTT mnrln I get the did. c -j a: A t -v. u.r.. unnvv 'HA LD I TAKE ANb FURNITURE COMPANY opauei OWm MULES;: 33 3 ... L U. LEE. 4 ' Dunn, N. C. Wads Item's.' ' . ; The County Union is a welcomed ifeitor each week. - - - 1 - . ; Fariners do'not'eecm to be making much prf-paration for t'hjj planting season in our community, j Miss Hattie Underwood who has been visiting relatives hero, returned to her home at Willis Creek Saturday. J Mr. J. L SIcDonald will ; soon complete his store-house- on east. side i of the railroad when he will be pleased to erve his frbnds. . We are in sympathy with the be reaved husband, children and friends -.of Mrs. Sallie - Lockamy who died near Ccoper N. C , Monday Februar ry the 1st. at 2 o'clock p. - m, from effect of Pceumouiay Messrs. J O Williams and N. G. Wa(le left our village for the palmetto stato Monday evening. It was a. pleasant surprise to us to see Messrs F. R. and ' J. L. Hall pass through our village Mondayon their way to Fajetteville. J ! '"'''.- Nix. BITSINESa LOCALS. Plow points at 5 cents each at Dunn Hardware and Furniture Co's Store. Ray the Blue Grass Axe with an unlimited guarantee from Dunn Hard ware and Furniture Go. j E. F. Young will . sell you more goods for a dollar than any oneelse in to wn. ' " I WTe have just received .our Second st6ek of Clothing; first lot so cheap all gone. Come in and bok at. it. E. F. Toucg. I You ean now buy a bed ,59 inches high at Lee Hardware Co's. for 2 00 and a nice 43. inch bed at 1 00. j Call within the noxt few days and get your-' Dixie Plows from Lee Hardware Company at 90 cents. Buck Lead at 5 cents, L'oseed Oil at 371 cents per gallon. Plow Points at 5 cents. ' . . . We manufacture our own Furni ture, and employ home labor. We are in a position to give our custo mers a lower price than ny other dfHcr atd -ia do it. : " ? Lee Hardware Co ' - ;. .... ; ' The Leelllardware Co carry vin stdpk" a rice line of Oak Suits direct from High Jint Furniture Factory. : ; Rest '2o2. Tobacco at Hood & G ran tham. - If you want to buy good good cheap, go to F F- Young's. Be&t gracie of Bioycles for Bale by E- F. Yducg. Terms easy. FOR SALE -A good House and Lot for sale cheap for cah, or on time. Apply to J. A- Johnson j - . .";";.-.'. ' iDaDn, N. C. A & me i M m i i - m m 73 J -fcw-.vr j M VbU f-f '.. . . - ; ' : ' j : : : .'4 - - PRICES -i-t t,-V U-f - GOOD TALK THE LEE II A U D W A RE CO. will for the .next 20 days offer The Starks Dixie J?low Iron Bound. Hainos Trace Chains --No- l(f Headed Nails ' White Buck Lsad -4 ' Linseed Oil A Nice Bed fStsad And numerous otheCloo'Js at "reinnrhuble .law rio, TT your interest to see us before b ijir-r . can anj willi-jive yba money, having had a large txperieec in buying and felliog lUrdwdro we are in a po sition to give you more aod better goods fjr the money than anybody and wtf novv propose to give oar cutonieni the be.rif fi;. We thank di: kindly fur past favors aad h-.pe a cootinuanco of the. ?mp. : . I Refptctfully," . 2 ' p H E. LEE, Manager. rmmn - a i . w i ar1' p ' i wWWTTfc TTZT ' nS '"'T " l mmm-U iuml 'MNtirpA:' I wish to call the attention-of - ray frieoL and tha public generally tht T have bought the stock of goods'of Mr. J. E Jordan ou Uroad Street anf ! will continue 'hi businr at the earns place. . ' I have in stock avsplendid 8decti:n of l.y (i )ods, Notions, Hits, 8hoeg. &c. Alio a g?od lin? of Staple and Fancy Groceriei aud F-rmerB Sup plies which ! will sell as ohcap as the cheapest. All goods sold guaranteed to gi ve satisfAJtion Yvr patronage solicited. Give me a call. Tnrr-Y Yoi i;s, J. 13. Britt, jal8 lm.- D. McBROWN, Proprietor, fAfter January 1st, 189, I will be in the Btorc. now occupied by Mr. S. V. Parke r. To get fresh pure liquors call on me. - ;' ' : ; ' ' Water is"a firt-chiss drink in its place OLU NORTH -"CAROLINA m A I "arc invited to dulnk with rn, LB&p whatever your circuin-tancos may h. ' fi 3 t nrP S(,r' whrrevcr f-nnd, XJ r 1 tu liv If yo ir want good drinks cUll on McBrown. I ME IfMTERlOil WOOD WORT7" & ivi. an. nronarcd "to Inuenk fr Interior ofllouM--, Sto i, Chiircfi-3 and-liHW. A . variety, of p.iltcn. ,vn! ul I tvh-s uieii;or-to anything nj- ,fu m Dimn. H rartk" eontemphiUnbuildin will do well to ,ee our d.unPl The SupPiiifeuIot of :I'l tin t we guaniwH-e to pl - SOUTH DUNN M'F G. CO, 8 AT" 'CbiWG, PACK TO Where I always get the PUREST and best Whiskeys, Brandies, Wines, &3. at u reasonable prices as honest, reliable good, cu be eoU at. IE 1 1 PEACH corn wm The leading brands of RYE WHISKEY. Tobac:o, Cigirs &o. t? prore what I say is to call off V ' F . W- 3 JACKSON, Agent Broad Strest and Lucknow Square, Dunn, Na The Best ,-. -is- Always .... j , iJZT' I1U OOo. Each 35 c-. per pair 25c- per pair 175 per keg. 51q per lb S7c p-r Gal, 551100 Each- - . - : -- Rf member it is T " W( DIVARE COMPANY, NTcxt Door to E. F. Vjuog DUJ, X, C. but it Un't.bst IV. sir:mh . at - short- not ici ,ur l'"' our'-vork M an neroin- ou thi-i line a - e you Mill 11 BRANDY, WHISKEY SOLD BY liRi Mi m tor i, I.