TM will Yoti HELP file SIP- FERERS OF IN D I At TJOOD & COUNTY UNION. 1. 1 im DUtftf; Uarnett CoUtity, Ni C. ' Bmerd iaccbiding to poral refla tion Arttte postofflce At Dutriu N. U, as COlld Class mutter. xTs. I': PrrrJlAN, Proprietor, : - A. M. WOObAXL, ;Htor. TCRHS Of SUBSCrilfTICfl. 'three Months..... ......23 Cents. Bit Months......... ........ 50 Cent. Out- Year......-;..... ......,..$1.00 gent by Mall. Payable In advat.ce. Dt7Nlf N. C.i FEBRUARY 10, 1897. TIIE BUB0N1G PLAGUE IN INDIA. ( ,, Tto bubonio plague which is play ing each havoc with the people in India is one of the oldest and most fatal plagues that is visited upjo the Inhabitants of the . earth. In India the people are thick"! j settled and; the popafation is so dense in most parts that the lands will barely produce enough food fo their sustenance and consequently a short crop produces much hunger among the poor.' The accounts of the suffering people that are stricken with plague and famine re almost heart-rending. Mr. J A Calbreth has an article in this issue in behalf of 'these sufferers. Every one who feels so disposed is asked to contribute something. Starvation is terrible but accompanied by a deadly : plague is doubly so. The New Trk World says of the "bubonic plague: . The plague first appeared in . Eu-, 'rope in tb-s year 544 A. D. The most conservative estimates place the num ber of deaths in Europe alone from this cause at twenty-five millions. In the eighth century 200,000 per sons died of the plague in Constanti sople alone. ' Again in 1611 the mor tality ia that city reached the same appalling figures, In 1664-5 the -deaths in London were about 100,000 tin spite of the faet. ihat most f the population fled. 1 is-htty ihousand -persons fell victims at Marseilles in 1720. Eight hundred thousand died in I Egypt in 1792.. Still more appalling is a compari- .son'of averages; The reports from various places ia India during the jrdsent outbreak show that; about 96 per ceEt. or mnety-siz in a hundred -f of all the persons attacked by the .idisease have died. j Now, the deadliest epidemic we 'Lave ever, -had in this country was fat!0f yellow fever ia 1878-9 In1 ' itbat outbreak there 4ere a total of 5,976 case!, of which only 14,809 lied. That is to say, the percentage of taortality was only a fraction over 2 per (Oect.j agdnst the plague's reo ,ord of 96 per pent. ' - AVby Teachers Have Pid. !ot ISeen Feb. 6th, '97. jfeffc. Sion A. Hakkinqton, Harrington, Iff. V "Dear Sir: In compliance with your Request I herewith hand you a atate-4 juut o tke apportionment of the school .fund as inadety the commissioners on .Jr.n. 6th,' 1807." 'J'Jje apportionment was made on the Treasurer's report as the )la,v;d4r.c.ts. This , report showed that Uc amount Jthat would be received by JtUrtou account ,of the taxes as appears fin the tax books for 1S96 and from fine3 4ind liquor ricenseita amounted to $5324. .40. HU report also shows that there yas; $IG43.3T du several districts : yhitc and cojored," and about jUaHy divided bctveen the races, aud that there was not any fundi Iu his bands to pay said amouut, upon thU iuforiuation and guiding tht there had not been any set tlement with the Treasurer within the Jast two years, embracing the taxes of 1894 and 8'J5, the Board charged him With the amount that he had received On said fund" for 1894 and '95 amount to $9570.12. V Upon a settlement we found that the Treasurer had expended j9868. 67, leaving a balance in his favor pt $298,23. Upon tills showing and by further examination he Board became Satisfied as to the correctness of the5 . claimj that there had beeu $1643.37 more apportioned to the school fund than hud bleu received.. This -deficit ould. not be so large except from a loss of due by Sheriff McArtaii and 03.30 released to A. L, Byrd, ex-Treas-urer, and also $300.00 due by the county fund, none of which is available at this time, and when collected, if ever, then pan and should be apportioned. The Board then in Justice to the Districts, that appeared would be at that lime the looser of this amount, first set apart the Rum of $1645.37 to meet the deficit and fipportloned the balance as the lavy di rects. Qn' Qf this deficit and 8 hools being tr.Ught In most of the Dis tricts last year a good Tuauy teachers were unable to get their pay after they jad rendered their service, this should not be so. .Hut It Is apparent that It would be as loi as thj obstacle existed and 'the Dl-trjets that t-iught their schools early would- get their money While rhofce u1m cnc lAte would ' fail," thereby chijgjn this loss "every year to f lie District that were last in teaching fhelr seooU, The present Board fh'MirhtJt fust, equitable $ud right that this los should be shared equally by the Vcral Districts cf the county, and In fhe fuiir there would be no trouble gbQjt teachers getting thetr pay, Vbyrs renpectfuil .John A. Qheic Mr Editor Allow me Fpace in your paper for a abort letter in regard t the famine in India. In. addition to what I bad ' read in the papers, I received a letter from Miss Mattie Perry, who is engaged in M ssioo work, some over a week ago telling me lomething of the condition of the people over there. Our tniesionaries re doing all they can io the way of taking e ire of, the;' starving people, but they do not bare means sufficient to meet the demands of the crisis, and many who aire perishing have to bj? turned away from their homes with out help. This lady wrote me that little children were taken up who were so near perished, that when thej would eat anything they would die immediately I went out on Monday morning aad gave some of the good people of Dunn . an opportunity to help and in time to get it off on .the moining train I had $65 for them, and thought I would write tbisvletter for last week's issue , of your r paper and give jotbers an opportunity to give something for the sufferers, but was so busy in moving I did not have! time to write Since . then . I have read extracts from letters from mis sionaries and their accoufit of the situation is horrible. In. one of the letters the writer say s: ' I have often 1 thought my Own ' life . was gradually going out wjith care and anxiety over these children. " They come with bones thrust through their skin with eyes turned inside out, with dy: eatery , pholera and everything. Children five and six years old were brought in baskets because they eould not walk." .. It is not necessary for me to quote further, as the papers have had so much to -ay about it that read ing people .know of it. I jqst simply want to say that I "will take pleasure in forwarding any amount that the people feel disposed to give, and hope to receive a good large contribution for them, and they will ge the; bene fit of all the monev given as there will he no expense to be paid between here and them. As I will ho be "in Dunn no to receive the contributions of those in and around town, I would ask that yon leave your contributions with Bro. D. II. Hood who will, I'm sure take pleasure in forwarding it to me. Don't think that your contribution would be too small to help. Any will help, and we are greatly blessed here in this land, and should iielp the sufferers all we can. The crumbs that fall from bur tables would be a wholesome dish for the little starving children. Help all you can and the Lord will bless you in return. J. A. Culbbeth, Jan. 25, 1897. Falcon, N. 0. ,,e Fopnlat las Shoes. mere is no shoe made for men s m 1 m wear that has attained a greater pop-; ularitv than the celebrated W. LJ Douglas shoe. The fact that they combine style and quality at alow price nas given tnem universal in dorsement. The manufacture of these shoes has made it possible for a man in the most ordinary circumstances to keep himself provided with "footwear of as good style as the market affords the extremely low price at which .they are sold . placing them within reach of all. The only cheap quality in tbem however is the price; in all other re spects they grade as high as any sbce in the market. Their lasting quali ties have, been fully tested and found to be unequalled. They are not only of good btyle when new, but. retaiu their shape and excellent appearance until completely worn out a. very rare quality in even the highest prioed shoes. They, are sold in Dunn by J. A. M3sengill 4 Co. who have just reoeived a new invoice of the various styles. . Giles' Mill Dots. We are glad to see that the "cold snap" has ohanged into more moder ate weather. Mr. Frank Tew: ws called on to spend this week away from his young bride to verve as a juror at Clinton Court Mr, W M. Hawley has withdrawn h"melf from our social circle to at tend' school at Buie's Creek Acad my Mack will be . much m fsed in the jolljr .fireside chats.. - r Mr. Bill Sills ; and Miss Barilla Lock am v were married last week hv Julias Lay ton. Esq , ' J. V," It was a runaway .match. Union ill Academy can aooommo date several more students jet. MUa Zor Blackmsq, of near Glen wood, is viiitingfri ends in .this comr monity,- Mr. D. M Wilhford arrived from 0?orgU teit SiHttdaj with his bride. -- .......vrt W. L Douglas $3 Shoe. I Stylish, durable, perfect fitting. Endorsed by over 1,000,000 wearers. . ' V. L. Douglas $150, $4X0 and $5X0 Shoes are the productions of skilled workmen, from the best material pos sible at these prices. AIsq $20 and $2 Shoes for Men, $20, $2 and $1.75 Boys We nseonly the best Calf; Russia CaW, French Patent Calf; French Enamel, Vict Kid, etc, graded to correspond with prices of the shoes. If dealer cannot supply yon, writ Cauioz free. W. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mass. I J SOU BY J. A. MASSENG-ILL & Co ; Dnnn. TT. CI. To The Public; We are Headquarters for first class lour, fresh water ground Heal, Lard, Molasse?, Sugar, Coffee, Canned Goods of any sort. Nutmegs, Spleei Cloves, Ginger, Apple Butter, Apple . Jelly, Cranberry Sauce, Diied apples.;. Dried Peaches, Table Peaches, Pie Peaches, Mince Meat, Cod Fish, Gold Dust. Oat Meal, Starch,, Soaps, Soda, Black and Green Teast Baking Powders, Box Lye, a complete Une of Candy, Fresh Malaga Grapes, all grades of chewing Tobacco, Cigars, Cheroots; Cigaretts, Snuft. Chip ped Beef, Cahued Beef, Oysters, . Sar dines, Currants, Dates, Prunes,' Rasins, Sliced Pine Aplles, Oranges. Cocoanuts, Mountain Butter, Cheese, all sorts of Cakes, Pickle?, Potted Ham, Transpa rent Gelatine. Kig; Rice, Pearl Homi ny, Guii Powder, Shot, Caps, Tinware, VTinegar. Kerosene Oil, Cooking Ex tracts, Onions,, Irish and Sweet Pota toes, Chickens, Eggs, Cabbage, Sau sage, French Mustard, Axle Grease, all sorts of Nuts, Olives, Smoked Herrings, Cinnamon Eark, Blueing, Shoe Black ing and Polish, Toinato Catsup, . and everything else that a developed taste will anpreciate. All our goods are-fresh and pure and as represented. New Goods received by nearly every train. We ask you to call, see. our . goods, get our prices and weights for yourself, aud we will receive your pationage. FV P. Jorxs, De-16ff. . DUNN, N. C. EXECUT.OK'S NOTICE. Having nnnlifip.d -as "Kkeeutors of IT 'C. North Carolina, this, is to notify all persons- having; claims against the estate' of said deceased to exhibit them to the un dersigned 011 or bef re the 22nd day of January, 1898, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment."'' : This 22nd day of January, 1897. f O. P. Shell ! ' ; . Executors, f V7; J. Hodges J j sale of land. ; Unrter and by virtue ot a Decree of Superior Court of Harnett county ren dered in Special proceedings entitled J M Hare, Administrator of John Hare, deceased, vj.v Lucy Hare .and others, heirs-at-lawi I will sell at public out-cry to the highest bidder for cish, on the premises in Hector's Creek Township on Monday the 8th day of March 1897 , it 12 o'clock M. the following real estate to-wit: That tract of lHd in Hector's CreekTownship, Harnett county, N. C, known as the land on which John Hare, deceased, formerly resided, adjoining the lands of J. A. Smith, Joseph An drews, E. D.' Smith aud others contain ing 120 acres. Also another tract known as the Mill tract of land adjoining the above described t ract, Joseph Andrews and G Ei Alford, coutaiuing 151 acres. On the 120 acre tract there is '.a good dwelling house and out-houes and on other tract a good mill-site, with house and machine'. J. M. Hare, . ; Adm'r. and Commissioner, tf. E. Nokris, Atty. ORTH CAROLINA , ) In Justice's Harnett County. Court Avenis A. R. WILSON . ' - I boro Township. vs W. II. McKAY i - , Before I. W. Taylor, J. P. It appearing to the satisfaction of the court that the defendant W. H. McKay Is a non" resident of this State and has property in this State. Now it is or dered that publication be made" in The Oounty Union, a new.cpaper published in the town of Dunn, N. C. to tlie de fendant W. H. McKaj-, to apiear before the undersigned 011 the 18th March 1897 in the Town Hall in the town of Dunn. N. C, at 12 o'clock "M., to an swer the complaint of M. W. Harper, Trustee of A. R. Wilson for the non payment of Thirty Dollars due by two notes of $15 each with interest from Nov. loth, 1888, and let the defendant take notice that if he Jails to answer or demur to the same. judgment pro coulesso will be aw;irjled. I. VY. TayloBv J. P E L'- Godwin, Attorney at Law. Dunn, . - N. C. Office next door to Post Office. Will practice in the courts of Harnett and adjoining coimties and in the Federal Courts. Prompt attention given to all buines HACKNEY I BUGGIES. I am bow agent foir "the Hackney Buggies- the best makeiin North Carelin. See me befoe you buy. I K. F. YOUNG. 7 ITOTIi There will be an application made to the present General Astt'inbly of North Carolina for an act" to levy a spei lal tax for the turpoe of rratlhiiiP- a Graded School iu the town of DuniuN C Uany Citizens. f January 5th. ISST Business Manager . a man of many year's experience in the liquor business "vvho has now opened op a , ;' . ' NEVJ SALOOPJ AND GROCERY at Stewart's Old Stand on' Broad Street, opposite Mr. J. J. Wade. We shall sell Liquor of our JI K D F ACTD R E' be8t grae f f Corn "Whiskey, Fresh from our Distilleries which are located on Watery Baanch near Clinton, where the waters spring forth Liquor?, they come to our customers pure. Having been aualized by the bc3t physicians and pronounced pure, we do not hesitate to reccommend them as such,eand feel sure a trial will convince you, - ? You are cordially invited to call and examine our quality and prises. JUST LOOK AT PURE CORN.......;. t : ............... t F1WE SOUTHERW All ways on hand We have in connection a choice line you in prices. Give us a call and you ; - 1. If!; . jal3tf. NOTICE. j Bv virtue of authcrity contained jh a certain Mortgage deed executed to me op the 28th day of May I892, by Bryant. Baker and wife'Cathnne J. Baker ana duly registered in the Register's office of Harnett county in isook jr. sso. z, page 308, I will sell for cash at the Court House door in Lillingtonjon the 15th day of Feb. 1897 at 12 o'clock M. the follow ing real property: h One tract of land lying in Buckhorn Township beginning at a small short leaf pine on a branch J. A. Champion corner and runs S 2 W 15 chains to a stone corner in J A Champion line ot the Isr 'survey his cor ner of the 2nd survey thence as:: his line of the 1st survey rSouth 82 E . 9 chains ami 20 links to a stone his corner, thence N 2 E 9 cha'ns and 87 link's to a stonr corner by the path, thence South 85 East 10 chains and 50 links to a stone corner, thence S 5 E and 50 links to a s tone corner, thence W 15 chains aud 50 links, theuce S I chain and 10 links to aj.branch then down said branch to the beginning coutaiuing 2g acres more or less. " J. A. Champion, Jar. 5. 18g7. Mortgagee. . NOTICE. - 'I - By virtue of a deed of trust executed to me by Henry Pope and wife, Eliza Pope, recorded iu Book 3. No. S. pages '35-391, records of Harnett county, I will on Feb." 20th 1897 at the Depot in Dunn N.'C. at 1::0 o'clock P. M. sell at public sale to the highesv bidder for cash the following real estate in Averasboro townBhip Harnett county, to-wit:t- First tract being one-half of Block ' Cx" in the plan of the town of Dunn, .consisting of2losKos. 3 and 4, bounded, on north by Pearsall St. on east by a 20 feet alley, on south by lOpe St., on the west by ting St. Second tract. (Be ing all of Block "F'iP. according to the plan of said town, consistingof 4 lots Nos. 1,2. 3 and 4, bounded on north by Pearsall t. :-00 feet, on the east by Kiirg St. 300 feet, on the south by Pope St. 300 : feet, on the west by Layton St. 300 feet, said Block be!ng "00 feet square. Third Tract. Being all of Block"FO" according to tfte plan of said ton, consisting of 4 lots Wi s. 1, 2, 3, 4, bounded on North by Pearsall St. ::oo feet, on the east by Layton St. feet, on the south by Pope St. 300 feet, on the west by oicKay St. S00 feet, Being 3v0 feet sqpare. ' I J. D. Barnes, January 1.1897. Trustee. . NOTICE. ' Br virtue of a deed of trust executed to ine. bv Henrv Pope and wife, Eliza Popei recorded in Book H. No. 2 pages 527-529 recctls of Uarnett county, I will on Feb. 20ih I897 at the depot in Dunn N. C sell at public sale to the highest bidder for cash the following real estate tn-wit: All of Block l,B T" according to the plan of- the town of Dunn, consisting of 4 lots " Nos, 1, 2, 3 and 4. Said' Block is bornded on the north by Divine St. in said town on the east by Magnolia St. on' the. south . by Pearsall St. on the west b Clinton Si. Hour of sale 1:30 o'clock P. M. -, J. F. Phillips, January 1. 1807. Trustee. NOTICE. i:. ' By virtue of a certain execution in my hands from Harnett County Superior Court in favor of Ll J. Best assignee of J. A. SEXTON and I . against H. A. Hodges, I will on Feb. 17, 197 at the Court House door in Lilling ton N. G.J at 2 o'clock P. M., sell at pub. lie sale to the highe-t b;ddeT fdr ciish all the estate, lights title, and iiiterest of II. A. HODGES, in a: 1 certain tract of land ui Averasboro town ship Harnett county, knowu as the J C. Surles lai d, containing about 650- acres more or less, being iiban 1 near the town of Dunn. For a full description of said laud refera!iee is hereby made to a cer tain deed for the laud, executed by Dan iel Stewart to H;-A. Hodges, registered in Registers office of Harnett county. Jau. 15, 1897. 1 J. H. Pope, i Sheriff of Harnett Co. Hon. W.J. Bryan's Book Ail who ar tntsrasted in 'furthering te ult of Btm. W.J. Brifa' t new baolTKhoald correspond pQbiiherm- Th work will oontoin ... 11 icccmoFo QIPJJGI TO. UStlOGSlPIT. " IIS HOST XXFO&TAJT S?ZKE3L TE1 USI!IT3 or TSl CAlfAlGI.OF 1891 i lunrwoFTSi KLtnciLsmiinQi. AGENTS WANTED ... . Mr. Bryan Boased his intntioB of deroticz on-half of mil rorjutisa to further. ty,m 1 ;. Tbr are alrasd j indiemtioiiaof a& eaormonssala. Atf Jress W. B. CONfCIY C0!PAVY, Publishers - - . j . " - as pure as a crystal, just so with our THESE PRICES; ? 1 ..f X .....1.;.. toe. p $1.25 Per Gallon, J Gallon. Quort. Pint. J Pint. er 40c. Per; 20c. Per 10c.-er STAR WHISKEY r of Family, Groceries and can will bejtreated right. . Yours to please. please MAI AGER. DUNN, N. C ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE! Having qualified as 'Administrator of Alexander Parker, deceased, late of Ilnrnett count'. North Carolina, this is to notify, all .. persons havis.'g claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undei signed on or before the 1st day of January, .1898, or this notice will be pleaded iu b:.r of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate -payment.-This ljst day of January, 1897; S N. Parker, AtrmhiL'trathr. Oscar J. Si'eare, Att'y. jaG-6w ' NOTICE! By virtue of the power of sale con tained in a certain mortgage deed exe cuted to me by J. II. Stewart and G. W. Stewart and his wife Martha A. Stewart, on the 12th day of January 18.95 and duly recorded in the registry of Harnett county in t 00k "L" No. 2 at page 476 &c., . I shall sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the Court House door m the town of Lillington N. C. on Monday tlie 15th dav of February xoy4 ,11 it o ciocK ll., a certain piece 01 tract of land lying and being in Harnett county htate aforesaid in Averasboro ,Towuship, and further described in said mortgage deed sub-itantiaJJy as follow uegitining at a Black gum in the Run of Isolds Branch and runs S 20 E 20 chains to a stake, thence S 53 W 21 chains to a stake in Jesse McLamVs line, thence N 32 W 14.55 chains to a stake, Jesse Me- J.amo's coiner, thence N 65 K 11 ehains to a stake, John S ewart's corner, th-nce N 20 W 6.50 chains to a stake in the run of Bold's Branch. John . Stewart's corner, tnence down said branch to the beginning containing (50) fifty acres. . 1 tns is a valuable farm located near the market. Title perfect. This January Dorothy McLamb, nELLoxs.& Morgan, Mortgagee. Attorneys. 1 : NOTICE, v " : : By virtue of a certain mortgage dec cl executed J unary-1, 1S94 to 1). T. Jones by M. E, Griffin et al, recorded in Book 11. Ao. 2 page 316 &c, Records of Hr nett county,aud duly asigned and transferred to me. I will on Feb. 20th 1897 at the Post Office in Dunn .N. O. at 12 o'clock M. sell at nublic1 sale to the highest bidder for cash a certain tract of land in Averasboro Township Harnett county adjoining the. lands of Moses Tripp, Haywood Heaves and others, ly ing and being on the east side of Black Kiver, and beginning at a stake in Moses Tripp's line near Joel Ley's coi ner runs north 3 west 71 chains to a stake thence South 47J, east with Y M Lee's line 15 chains and 50 links to a stake the J. H. Griffin corner, thence his line north 21, east IS chains, 30 links to the beginning containing 20 acres more or less, being same tract of land conveyed to' J. H. Griffin by Edith Reaves by deed hited Dee. 4th 1834 and recorded hi Book T. page 300 hi Register of Deeds office of Harnett comity. The deed of Edith Reaves to J II Grift? n is referred, to for full description of 'said laud. January 18. 181)7. V L. J. Best, assume of mortgage NOTICE! By virtue of the power of sale con tained in a mortgage deed executed to me by M. W. Barefoot and wife 011 the 1 7th day of June 18yo ai.d duly lecoideJ in the ltegister's office of Harnett coun ty in Book "L" N'o. 2 011 page 290 I shall sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the Post j Office in the town of Dunn N. C. on Tuesday the 10th day of February 1S97 at 12 o'clock M. a certain plec or tract of laud Ij ing and bving in Harnett county State' aforesaid in Avprasboro township, and further described in said mortgage deed substantially as follows:. Adjoining the lands of K. E. Barefoot, Handy Bare foot and others arid bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake ifi ' Delonev:'s line and runs , with . said line S7S5J E. 12 5-10 chains to a stake!and oak. tl S. 5 W 47 60-100 chains to a gtake in Mingo, Warren's line thence with his line N 66 W 14 31-10'J chains to a Ktake in said line, thence N 5 E 40 chains to the beginning containing fifty (50J aeres more or le3S.- This is valuable property near to a thriving town and good market. This January 8.u 18y7. Alonzo Pabrish, Wjexlons & OKtiAN, Mortgagee. Attorneys. ! - ' : ?V- '""' Same Old Stand. . Drugs, Confectioneries. Stationery, Patent Medicines, Coperas, Borax, -f Sulphur Drug Sundries, Pepper, Spices &p. f Tobacco, Snuff, Lamps and Lamp Fixtures, lso Hall andjStore Lamps. . "Prescriptions Carefully Filled We are headquarters s for any thing in our line. Gome to see us, STILL TO N. B.,HOOD- - ; ? : With the Largest and Best Selected unly." H0OD&TEW, Sell Drugs as cheap as they can be -stock constantly a FULL of Drugs, Medicines, Toilet Articlos, Purses, Sponges, &c. Statioheiy, and all School Supplies, Soda, Starchand Pearline, snulT, aod and many other an icles. . We thank all for past patronage. treated politely, fairly, and 'squarely. ' Remember the pface, . ' C MONEY IN THE MISSING WORD. fE are pleased to make'an entirely new offer to our subscribers, in T I which every one may have a chance to name the missing word in W ll tliis sentence : " SUPPLY MID DEMAND ARE AS IIITIMATELY 1 ' AS CAUSE AHD EFFECT." It is quoted from a prominent writer upon economic subject. In making: your guess it is not necessary to write out the full sentence simply write: My guess for missing word for MARCH is Subscribe for Tho WEEKLY PUBLISHED AT IM COanECTIOl! THE COUNTY UNION a. . . '' AT THE EXTREMELY . OA Kfj -s ' LOW PRICE OF . ... v.!'jui;, v- 1 And send your guess with it, and wc will forward all for you and thus Give You a Chance to Make Good Money. tx '-THE CONSTITUTION guarantees that the amount of the award will not be less than $500 n Cash, and it may be as much as $2,00d It will be io per cent of all subscriptions that we, and all th'i other clubbing papers with The Constitution, secure for the months r,( January and February. If the subscriptions keep up with the record of last year, the sum to be given ' will Exceed '$3,000 cash. If the sub. ' scriptions are doubled, as they were in January, just past The Consti ' tution will pay out about $3,000 in cash premiums in this contest. H more than one person name the proper word, the amount will be equally divided between them. Tht Wsskly Constitution Is tbt Grtaftst Weikfy Himpapir In tha Vcrli, with a circulation of l$6,060. It covers the whole , world in its ii'jws service, and covers the news of the United States in minute detail, with 12 pages, 7 columns to te page, 84 Colamns Every Week. AS A NEWSrAPERe Weekly Constitution has no equal m America! Il- r reports cover the world, and its correspondent and igenls are to be found in almost efff bailiwick in the Southern and Western States. ., AS A MAGAZINE It prints more such matter as is ordinarily found in tLe.tTfat magazirtcs of the country than can be gotten from even the best of them. AS AN EDUCATOR Jt is a schoolhouse within itself, and a .year's reodinj of THE CONSTITUTION is a liberal education to anyone. . I AS A FRIEND AD COMPANION . week, is eagerly sought by the children, contains Taluable information for tlie mother, a an encyclopedia of instruction for every member of the household. , 1 JTS SPECIAL FEATURES Are such as are not lo te found in any other pa; tr a , America. , . w " - i. THE FARM AND FARMERS' DEPARTMENT, Q ' THE WOMAN'S DEPARTMENT, . ' THE CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT, i Are all under able direction, and are specially attractive to those to whom these department! are addressed, i LET US IUYE Y9U8 SUSSCRIpVlOH AT CXCE t ; And with it your guess for the guess must, in every case, r.c- company the yearly subscription sent in. You cannot do with out your local newspaper, and you cannot do without a great, general newspaper, in touch with your section. We cover the local demand THE (CONSTITUTION covers the world. If you are already a subscriber to our paper and want The Constitution, . srnH n I.Oft anrl alnny with it lmnr mifcc in thf mis.sillC' W'Ofd contest We. will forward THE CONTEST CLOSES HAHCH f, IC97. ; " 1 : 1 ' '1 Send us your money and get both papers one year, and pef haps get enough money to clear you of debt, or buy yoii a 0xi home. Now Is the time to subscribe. j Address all orders to The County Union, A ( : punn, N. 0. ; RAWTHAIV1. THE FRONT. . . . O. U. 7 E Stock of Drugs asd Medjcincs in" tho ) bought in the Stato. We keep 10 LINE Perfumery, Soaps of all kinife, Brus'ics, Cigars, Cigarettes, Cheroots, pipes Tobacco. ; A full lino' of Spcctulei Be sure to call on us, you will be Very respectfully, , HQOD &.TEW. Successors to tl All PER & IIOOD. ATLANTA, GA., WITH It brings cheer and cemfort to tho fires!,! r same and duly record your guess. , Constitution 1 j