fi 4. 23 a, hi J r rd 3. ho fe ll u r In fat V i :E Its 1C u" n,' rd i i f THE - COUNTY UNION WKI)NESI V5T, Febrtiary 10, 1897. punnT n.' c. Sl'F'CIAI.. f7Z or&'Vs for job work must id j'tte htjfv hrr-n order iA given and j , halb -me? delivered. Thirty ays olloa-ed Qnudvevtising. LOCAL, DOTS. roTTON cents J '1..- :. 7Ht week is court (week at . . . ) V. i Villington. ; TiJH farmers have commenced uliurr guane in considerable quan - 0 ities. A good deal of z will b. bought this spring. "Who said Dunn was dead not v o rrreat deal. When trade is cfF ur boys are oq. Occasionally the toys pcrap a nine lor pastime two cases this week up to going to press. Kkv. A. Ii, Cuumi'.ler will pro tracta holiness meeting in Dunn; commencing March ll'.h and con tinuiDg V until the 28-h. A large at tendance, is expected. r Monroe Johnson, colored, was hanged at Charlotte Monday for burg lary. He died in" eleven j minutes He avowed on Ihe gallows that he wae ianocent.of the crimoof which he was c'larged. 'I 1 See us :at Lillington and subscribe for Tue Un ion' and Constitution. You can't afford to miss this both' papers for 1.5(1, opportunity. This offer closes March, 1st. ' Rev A. M. Ilaissell preached an able sermon at the Presbyterian' church Sunday morning ofi the doctrines of his church. He wis called home in the afternoon by the sickness of bit little: son. - . Messrs Austin & Surles have opened a stoek of groceries in the atore adjoining them, and will run both places. They are hustling young men and are anxious to serve their customers.- f i Last Saturday Mr. J. L. Gra ham, chief clerk to Superintendent ot 1'jablic Instruction' Mjsbane, was ar rested in Raleigh and taken to Newton , Catawba couj'ty, to answer to the charge of . burning a house in that town for the insurance on his property. i Mr. W. D: Thornton has com . pleted his store house adjjining his ehop and has Opened a small line of heavy and fancy groceries and will be pleased to have his friends call and see him when .wanting anything in his line. . Thk farmers throughout thTs county have killed a plentiful supply of pork this , winter. Mr. G.' W. Hunt, of Westville, writes us that he killed i) pigs the other day that werghed over two thousand pounds at 15 months old. Such hogs, as these are profitable. Mr Furnev Xart, .who lives just over the line ia Sampson, and by the way a first-rate good farmer, informs us that he has - killed 3749 pounds of pork this winter and has a big hog yet to kill. He "killed eight pigs the other day that averaged 261 pounds, each. Tue -House of Representatives voted Monday night to turn SwmsonV the enrolling clerk, out of , a job be cause he would not allow negro clerks in his office. Swinson says that only thirty bills .had been enrolled and these thirty bills had cost the State $1,500, when 'at the contract price, 10 cents a copy sheet, it would not have cost over 6. - ' t-K yano elist W. H. Frost has been Conducting a holiness meeting a? the Free Will -church at this ; place : eince Sunday, and will continue the meeting until next Eunday night. He is quite a forcible speaker and at times grows eloquent. He preaches three sermons each "day , and at each night service there is hardly stand ing room in the: church. lie will preach to the colored people Saturday evening at 3 o'clock at ; their hall in f Dunn. v . . ScikNTisTS are. ever on the alert to establish new theories and to pro duce argument to substantiate them. Dr. Thomas Wilson, of the Smithson ian Institute, has recently been inves tigating the causes that produce gi-. t ants. H.has found that Ilenriot: a i member of the French Academy; pub i lisheola book in 1718 in which; he calculaeji that Adam was 123. feet and 9 inches high; EvV 118 ' feet 9 inches 9 lines; Noah 127 feet; Abra ham 20 feet, and Moses 13 feet. If this be true man has greatly decreased in stature8ince the days of Noah. is quite No more hogs on the streets after March 1st. ... t . ... --Mr G K Grantham left to-day for Smi thfield to visit his mother who is quite sick. 1 Mr. J L Thomp-on is at Golds boro with his brother who is critically ill.- 'j ! Mr S V Parkkr has opened up a nw grocery store on the corner of Broad and Wilson streets. ' 5 Mr A. R Wilsdn is erecting two buildings- one twenty by , thirty feet, the other twenty by forty feet for.his shops on a lot near the railroad n the southern' part of the town He will increase his force and manufao tare turpentine . tools on a larger sale than heretofore. The manufac ture of these tools is a paying invest ment, as a ready sale can. . be found for them. There is room here for more manufacturing enterprises. " Let them come. We are always pleased to note th.e building of anyy enter prise. We learn that Mr. A J. Tur lington and his son Debro - are sick with pneumonia at their heme near Turlington's X Roads. Mr. A. J Turlington is one among the oldest citizens of the county and has been in eeble health for sometime. ' Wt earn that both father and son have passed the crisis and are improving Since the above wasjn type we learn lat Mrs. A. J. Turlington is very sick with pneumonia and Mrs. Debrq. Turlington was threatened with ;it yesterday. This is four in one family now sick and in bed. t -The happy possessor of a wife- can once more thank his stars that the ashiohs for ladiea' dresses wll not "be so extravagant this spring. Instead of seven yards for sleeves .the spring ashions will rt quire not ? more than two, and the pocket? of the husband will not yearn so loudly when the wife wants a new dress. Plain sleeves will be the fashion this spring. Tne balloon sleeve has had its day" and is a. thing off the past. Our beautiful young women will doubtless feel at a loss without wings-but the men will ha'l the fashion, wi h pleascre. - Tue judiciary committee of the Senate which had. .under consideration the impeachment of Judge Norwood for drunkenness whilo pn;' the bench decided to give the judge another trial. Judge Norwood: is said to be learned in the law and' a gentleman of fine character but sometimes will yield to the unquenchable thirst for 1 quor and get drunk. He appeared in Raleigh iast week and begged; for givenne88 and is Judge now on condi tion that if he gets drunk again his resignation is in the hands of the Governor of the State. It is said that Person, the negro Senator from Edgecombe county, is aspiring to tfe the republican leader in the Senate. He is very conspicu ous and it takes the Senate about; half of its time to table and kill tho bills that he introduces. One of his bills was to pay all the negroes who worked as servants, nurses', and on .brfcast works etc during the late war a pen sion of $5. per month. Some of the members rads and pops expressed themselves as favorable to his bill if he would make the amount smaller These are nice representatives off North Carolina. --The legislature will change the charters of nearly' all the State insti tutions So that the republicans oan get" control of them. It is said that a. negro physician and negro officers will be put in charge, of the insane asylum for the colored at Goldsbero, The republicans do, not want to do this but they were elcded by the ne gro voters and Person of Edgecombe tells them'that his race must be rec ogn:zad with some of Tthe offices and ho demands that they be given con trol of the colored asylum. Person ia right for if it had not been for the negro vote few of them would now be in office. Wk will be at court next week with pur books, and unless some of our readers make some effort to .pay t" up we shall be compelled to drop their name. We know there are some who would pay if they could, and there are a great many who could pay if. they would Oar , aim is to improve the paper at an early diy. New type has already been bought, and both sides of the paper will be printed in our . office. We have incurred considerable ex pense to put in new material and we will be pleased if our readers . will how their appreciation by paying up and renewing their subscriptions. Go, and look at clothing at E. F. Youngjs. Mr Jas "A. Johnpon sick with pneumonia. : ; : i. r- 1 h ; , , . , ..; - i-vmi.-. j r. Died. On Tuesday night, Feb. 2nd at half past ten o'clock, of croup , Little Treasure, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. W. R Spence. He was borp; March 15, 1895 and although be did not stay on earth loug, his sweet, loving disposition and baby ways won the hearts of all who knew him. The flower of the home, joy of the parents, and pride of brothers and sisters, he was taken too soon, it seemed, and almost broke our hearts, yet God in his infinite power and goodness knows best, and as we journey on through life without the dear little one, hearts sad and weary, God will ever romfort and guide. The sweetest pleasures are the shortest. Such was his 4ife -of short du ation and perfect purity and loveliness. Be comforted, sad herrts, remem bering that Little Treasure is now at the beautiful gates, waiting for you. F. B. . ' On Sunday evening, February Gtb, at his home in Averasboro Mr. F. A. Parker, peacefully passed from this life at the age of 43 years. He had ben sick two weeks with pneumonia, li is remains were buried in the family burying ground Monday afternoon at 5 o'clock' He was a brother of Mr E L Parker, of Dunn, and leaves a wife and six children to mourn their loss. Thb News & Observer fought the lease of the North Carolina rail road to the Southern Railroad Com pany and has urged that the lease should be repealed by this legislature and for this opposition the Southern refused to grant the editor and staff of that paper passes for 1897 over the company s roads. The people of North Carolina are with Mr. Josephus Daniels, the editor, in the position he has taken. A pass over a road does not buy every man; and it is a very sorry man that will be bought with a pits. . . ' ' " Mr Norman E. Jennett," who has been the News .and jObserver ar- tist for a year or more, has gone to New York to take lessons in desigc ing. He has a considerable talent in this line and will no 40Qbt soon be employed by some of the great north ern dailies in designing cartoons for them. He is from Sampson county and commenced making cuts with his knife only a few years ago while at work on the Caucasian at Clinton when edited by Senator Butler. ; " A petition, signed by a large number of the voters of the county, has been presented to the legislature asking that body to release ex-Sheriff C. McArtan from the payment of a certain amount of taxes due the coun ty and which he has not collected because the tax books were burned when the court house was burned. A bill to relieve him is now pending and we trust it will pass. No one ques tions the integrity of Sheriff McArtan and if the tax books had not been burned he would have collected them but as': all evidence of indebtedness for that year due by the : tax payers was destroyed by the fire he had :no . means of collecting them Relieving public officers is not a prop er thing to do, ( we think; but it has been a custom to do so and it is noth ing but right that he should be treat ed as other officers of the county have been, and beside he could not collect because the books were burned. Ir some young men had more religion and not so much "gab'' and critici m for those who profess to be followers of Christ, they would not be always making unbecoming re marks about every thing that- fails to be just as they think it should1 The fact is,; there are some people who don't believe in anything that tends to make people better, but on the other hand, if they oottld pall down the whole plan of salvation they would do so. Youjg man, you should learn this lesson,, people are in a free land, and have a perfect right to shout if they arc happy, and you should dare to recpect Christian ity and the Cause of Christ enough to keep fr6m making unbecoming re marks aroout those who, do' believe in God. If it were not for the righteous of this land, God would wipe 3 ou from existence in the twinkling of as eye, just as he did those wicked peo ple cf Sjdom. Then be careful that you do not damn your own soul, you cannot overthro w Christianity for it is God that rules. Lecture ou Mission. Rev. G. P. Bostick, missionary from China, will lecture in the Bap tist church on the subject of the mission-work in China; also on the manners and customs of that singular people; on Thursday night, the 11th in8t. at 7:30 p. m. He will appear in Chinese costume. All are invited to attend. Seats free, and no collec tion taken. i . y-r:p ? mi is liy-ili! 1 J 5a " LOW V The r .W ; J' TALK ! . u-tw, , , .. :t:. , ,r,r .i-aa' Farmer 11 FARMER: H AND PLANTER: Ooly 'FARMER: What! fhy I paid $1 25 for one not more than two months aeo. Pier. their new store, exploded the trust, tore up the price list and struck rock bot tom on all Hardware and Furniture. If you want to get rich and stay so, trade with the . i DUNN HART3WAKE & FURNITURE CO., DUNN, C. Fnvett & Holliday. Next door to J. J. DUPREE RAISE YOUR GUMFREY A - StQnciQrcl " Bred - Spanish - Jack found at Godwin's stable at all Farmers who wish to raise their own to get my prices. or furtuer mlorination adrcss or call on The Hoard of AHermcn Mtt Monday night in regular ses sion. Tne usual routine nusmess was transacted. . The amendment to the ordinances In regardto the sale of liquor on the Sabbath day was adopted j and goes, into effect at once. . This "ordinance makes it a misdemeanor and subject 1 to a fine of 50 for any saloon keeper to sell liquor on the Sabbath, and any person other than the saloon keeper or clerk seen entering or coming put of a saloon on the Sabbath day shall be prima facie evidence of guilt. The tax on livery stables was re enacted and goes into effect at once. Any person who keeps a horse or mule fjr rent or hire for tre purpose of carrying passengers is subject to a tax of 20 per annum. All citizens of the town are hereby notified. "The board.decided to pass a hog law to go into effect on the first of March. A committee . was appointed to draft the ordinance and present at next meeting of the board. - j io Nfgro in His'n, In the distribution of the clerkships in the legislature the populists got the office of enrolling clerk and Mr. A. L. Swinson, populist, of Wayne, was elected tothat position. . Recent ly all has not been pleasant between the pops and rads. The rads wanted to put two negro cleiks under Mr. Swinson, and he refused to allow thernj to work in his office. The rads then tried to foice them on him but he held firm a-nd said they could not come in. Then the rads got mad and said they would repeal the office of enrolling clerk and put Swinson out of a job, and introduced a bill to that effect which is now pending. j Mr. Swinson is a Butler populist and his friends held a caucus Satur day and pledged him their support.' Mr. Swinson made a statement to the caucus that eight clerks, each drawing a salary of $5 a day, more than he needed had been put in his office. J Forty dollars a day for nothing is a considerable amount taken from the tax payers just to feed a few hungry office seekers, and not satisfied with this they want to increase it to 50 per day by the addition of two ne gro clerks. The people of North Car olina will commend Mr. Swineon for thb action. WhywUl yoii buy bitter nauseating tonics when GROVE'S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC is. as pleasant as Lemon Syrup, Your druggist Ls authorized to refund the money in every ense where it fails to cure. Price, 50 cents. 1 . j " A large line of Novels, School Books, Crayon, Slates and other School Supplies can be found at Hood & Gr.ntham's. To now, my friend, where ibat i ice DIXIE PLOW ? PLANTER: r At Dunn of course, where they are the cheapest on earth. ' v .FARMER: Well, that's a new charge. What did you pav for it? ' PLANTER: So did t. but that was before the PUN N HARDWARE AND FURNITURE COMPANY opened OWW K1ULES 55 times during the Fall season, . mules will find it to their advantage L H. LEE, Dunn, N. C. ! BUSINESS LOCALS- Hi. Jb . loung win sen you more -r -wt 1 goods for a dollar than any one else in town. 1 We have just received our second stock of Clothing; first lot so cheap all gone. Come in and look at it. E. F. oung. V If you want to buy good goods cheap, go to E F. Young's. Best 'grade of Bicycles for sale by E F. Young. Terms easy. ' FOR SALE -A good House and Lot for sale, cheap - for caah, or on time. Apply to J. A. Johnson I ' , Dunn, N C. Onion Seta 10c qt. at Hood & G. an- tham's. ; Buists' and IFood's seed fresh and fine at Hood & Grantham's. Borax for your meat at 15o pound. Hood & Grantham. y Falcon Dots. The farmers of these parts have made an early start on, the crop for 1897., Glad to see them taking so great an interest in tht gdod work. It briDgsmore hog and hominy around There will be a good deal of guano bought this year. ' We notice , that .good many people are having the Grippe now. .Miss Emma Starting who has been visiting relatives and friends in Ben eon for some time returned home Sat urday afternoon, v j Miss Bert Neberry, one of Fayette villa's most beautiful and charming young ladies, is visiting in these parts. ; Glad to see you Miss' Bert. ' Union is a great thing, but Tin County Union is greater. ; It is al ways a welcome visitor in these part?. One of our young "Juniors" has been smiling all the week .from the effects of a trip last' Sunday night. ' 4'Sport' Wade ItsTDs.' - : If you are not .a. subscriber to The County Union, we would advice you to send one dollar for a" years reading. . Miss Bert Xevierry, of Faj etteville, iionored oui little VillHge with her pres ence WediieWda- Sire is now visiting friends near heW r Mr. David "1'ilsdme bf Fayetteville was in town .Wednesday. Dr. L. A.. Muns; to our regret, is suffer ing very much from effects pf Grippe. We hope for bis, recovery soon, Messrs. Hugh and Willis McAlister were in town Saturday and Sunday last. Come again boys. Mrs. Margaret McAllister, widow of the late James ' MeAillster, deceased, died last Friday at 2:30 o'clock p. m. and was buried at the Bluff Church Saturdav at 3 o'clock p. 111. -Much grief was ex pressed bj! relatives, and frieuds. ' Messrs. E. House -& Co. are prepar ing for the Spring and hummer trade : ' Si. THE LEE HARDWARE CO. will for the next 20 days offer The Starks Dixie Plow Iron Bound Hames Trace Chains No. 10 Headed Nails White Buck Lead; Linseed Oil A Nice Bed Stead And numerous other goods at remarkable )ow prices. Remember it is to your interest to see as before buying We oan and will save you . money, having had a large experience in buying and 'selling Ilardwaro we are in a po sition toegive you more and better goods for the money than anybody, and w now propose to give our customers the benefit. ; We thank you kindly for past favors and hope a continuance of the urn a. ' Beppectfully, lee Hardware company, E. LEE, Manager. y r Next Door to K. F. Yjuog. imetoke! iBflBf M Miapnt I wish to call the attention of my friendsrnd tho public generally that I have bought the stock of goods of Mr. J. E Jordan on Broad Street and) will continue 'he business at the same place. I have in stock a splendid selection of Dry Goods, Notions, Hats, Shoes, &o. Also a good line of Staple and no Groceries and Farmers' Sap plies which I will sell as cheap as the cheapest. All goods sold guaranteed to give satisfaction. Yovr patronage solioited. Give me a oall. i Truly Yours, jal8 lm. S 101 D. McBllOWN, Proprietor; After. Jamiary 1st, 1897, 1 will be in the To getJVesh pure liquors call on me. . Watei is a first-class drink n Its place but it don't beat ' ; OLD NORTH CAROLINA CORN WHISKEY SOLD BI 11 A I I are invircd to drink with rne. what ever your circumstances 1 I HI t are .a vi am.w if fllNE INTERIOR WOOD V70R H We arc prepared to Fine work for Interior is and offices. X variety of patterns and ofj Istyles superior to anything ever seeu in Dunn. 1 . Parties contemplating ee our designs and get The Superintendent of plUhed and xirieiicfd indwe guarantee to please you- SOUTH DUNN M FG. CO. I AH GOING B AC K TO Where llways get the PUREST and &c, at as reasonable prices as honest, PIE N. C CORN. WHISKEY. PEACH the leading brt ndi of BYE WHISKEY, Tobacco, Cigars &o. J oit to projve what I eay is to eall on W. S- JACKSON, Agent- . Broad Street and Lxvcluiow Square, Dunn, N- C- -1S- ' Always" the (fcapct. QOc.Each 25c- per pair-25c- per pair 175 per keg. 5ic per lb 37Sc p?r Gal. $1.00 Each- DUNN, N. C. SAj. 11, store now occupled'by Mr. 3. V. rarer. may be. go wherever fownd. 3oir want good drinks call on McBi own. furnish at short notice of Honen, Store, Church- building will do well tt our prices. our work j Is an accoin Designer 1 on this lint best Whiskeys, f Brandies, Wines, reliable goods can be sold at. PURE N. C. APPLE AND T7 V ! 1

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