When bilious or costive, eat a Canearet, candy cathartic; cure guaranteed ; 10o., 25c. 1 To Train British Infantryj Arrangements . for the training of British infantry next winter are to be on a more elaborate Tscale thaa' usual, and especial prominence Is to be given There aro 100,000 wheelmen In New Jar- sey.,.1 - K- ' " Ka.To.Bftc for Fifty Cents. . : Owr 400,030 cured. Why not let No-To-Baa Vegnlate or remove your drsire for tobacco? Sves mofor, mikes health and manhood. Caro guarantee . CO cents and $1-00, at all druggists. - ' ' Convertible tan Jems are coming In lor con eldrbleattenijon just now. ; FITSstappd free aixf permanently cored. No fits aftr -first dir ne of Dii. "Km AT WKriTKHKFTORBn. treeJiMriai ooiisepnu ircv ieo fcend to Dr. Klire.U Arch St.. PhllJU, Pa. Tt-ct iiv a 10. bur of Coscaret?. can-ly ca thartic, finest liver and bowel regulator made. After fix years' suffering I wts cored by Pi-eo'-i Cure. Mary Thomson. Ohio Av'e-t AlleghenyPa:, Mnrch i9. Mr. Winflow'aaothing Syrup for children teething, softn tie guras, reduces innarnra. Uon. allays pain.cureswi'lrt rolJc.i2o. a bottle. Cascaitt.ts stimulate liver, kidneys arid Vowels. Never sicken, weakeu or'gripe; 10c. Js a Sood titan to put your puyicl system in pood order by purifying yeurhlooi and buildiiur W your health in order to aVoid fictenesc. 1 ake n n J u SarsapariHa The best in fact the One True H!ool Pnrlfl. r mm mm - mm f A rot cause pain or gnpe. A'i druggists. to wuminiu IIWM Ml am CHOLERA GURE. f USE NO OTHER. AVrite for testimonials. The only reiyedrln theorld po i.tively guaanteed to prevent nnd uro Cholera, l'ut up in .- yj-centand $1.00 'sizes- Wold by an jjruggists a h d country merchants. Trial Cottle If y mail, secure ly packed, to any address, for 60c. Manufactured only by A THE DURHAM CHOLERA CURE CO. . - DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA. j With careful rotation of crops' and liberal fertilizations, cotton lands wnl improve. The application of a proper- ferti lizer containing sufficient Pot ash often makes , the difference between a profitable crop arid failure. Use fertilizers contain ing not less than 3 tq 4. - Kainit is a complete specific against " Rus't.'.' All about Fotash the results of its use by actual ex periment on the best farms in the United States is told in a little book whichve publish and will gladly mail free to any farmer in America who will write fo'k. .1 GERMAN KALI WORKS, ' J 53 Nassau St., New York. Business course to one persoa in every county, rwase apply promptly to Georrri ness Colfeare, Ma ria. Busi- ificon, Ota. PCPHAM'S ASTHMA SPECIFIC Olre relief in FIT! minutes. 8nd a foraFKKE trial pckre. Sold bj PrucKista. One Box sent postuid -1 on racelpt Of $1.00. Six box?a Si.00. 3 Ad lrOBS TKOS. rOFHlS, l iilLA., VA. REVOLVER FREE. VVATGH FREE r 13B0therrttCies. Cost nothing. Read our off e Every pe'imi wlittcnts this out ntui keixls toi.6. natntaptipta rlf.ee, v.-il leenli tlfil 10 1 eutoinatle, donbe uetiim, K. i W. mfil us or t cal. IT Kevoivcr, 1 oliU til- kvl stem wlurt ami f.em set Wntcli, aelejai.t rolled gold l Vest Chain, 6 triple surer v'i'iPf 'f PHHm worth SI, fRir ?oll j luteil 1 Cafl If uUoiis,k;oU1 imini ".All tiiniiu win lit fOC., X nil. diAnicQti f nllUcol'l t" Srnrf Tin. ifoz. Cc-ilar Itutloit, ico Knvelope-, ) ii.. liiyh grpula Lead Pencils, " ) Lok.1 1'encii Shuruciier. 1 I'orlt- et Memoi antluui anl 1 TerpeW iiai- Linton uoie KO'.iquew Ail we a.St, iTi order. T tn-tr(diit-e mir i'Ii;n i thnt Zi'A ' Toil 11! low 11. til ..inii' in Ifiime arsape 9 cl our 'fiiiObt H'v. t'lKGrn, valued at4 fi7. Ktill cxaniitiatibn iKim1. . Rsmpmber, von rttilv pv lC7 and exnresB lur tre cipi , nhd !he no artli lti n.ii'toil above are ire. 11 you don't j eotiaider tTVe lot wortli a ilriies What wo r.sfe, dou't pAy 1 cent, i Aaares i.!sxu.i( .mm.. w litaion, i. c. OSBOH-KTE' f AND . . if School of Otx.ox-tliet.xica. AUUUHTA. 3A. Kotxt books osk1. Actual buiintM from dy of ntrins. Busins'i pper?, coilca ourraoy aai roods u2. Head for , hanasomaly iliu$tratd ot- locaa. ' BoatU cnepr thaa ia any 6oathrn oit.. L'URfS WHFtit Ail HSf rill ft. B6t Conh Syrup. Tastes Good. Use tntirae. Potd by tlmeelsts. Gotton. Actual Potash G70 8. N. U.--6.-07. . . ' '-:' ' v Any. sarsaparilla is sarsaparilla. True. So any W .tea is tea. bo any Hour is You want the best. It's so' w.ith sarsaparilla. There are grades. ' You want the best. If you understood , sarsaparilla as well as :. you do tea and, flour it would be easy to determine. . But you don't. How should you ? . . ' When you ar going, to buy a commodity whose value you don't know, you pick outran', did established house to trade with, and trust their experience and reputation. Do so when buying sarsaparilla. ' . Aver's Sarsabarilla has been on the market -fifty; years. Your grandfather used Ayer's. It isa 5j reDutable medicine. There are many sarsanarillas. S But only one Ayer's. IT FIFTY-FOURTH. CONGRESS. The Proceedings Briefly Told From Iay to Day. SENATE. Monday. Immediate 1 y after the Sen-" ate convened ; at noon Mr. Sherman moved an executive session, stating that it -would require but a short time. When the Hoofs were closed he reported the general treaty of arbitration, as amended Saturday by the committee The first of these amendments at the end of the first article in clause one is: "But no question which afiects the for eign or domestic policy of either of the high contracting parties, or the rela tion of either with any other State or power, by treaty or otherwise,- shall be subject to arbitration under this treaty, except by special agreement."" The second strikes out all reference, whererer it occurs - to the King of Swe den and Norway, as the umpire, where the tribunal fails to agree upon such umpire, i Sherman asked that the in junction of the secrecy be made public, but was denied. A message ' from the President with a report from the Secre tary of State giving the-.; information asked fftV by the Senate as to the arrest and? condemnation in ? Cuba zl Jules Sanguilly and American .citizen, -was laid before the. Senate-, and - ref vred tq the committee on foreign relations. The Nicarapruan Canal bill was taken up and an unsuccessful effort was irnade to have a day and iiour fixed for. a final vote. ' - . i -" - Tuesday. An additional movement in the . direction of bi metallism was made in the Senate by Jr. Chandler. It was in the shapOof a rfolution de claring it to be the sTnse.of the Senate that the United States should not per manently acquiesce in thee single gold standard, and that the efforts o,tho government in all branches should be directed to secure and 'maintain the uso of silver as jfell as gold as the standard, money with the free coinage -of both. The resolution went over. with the no tice from Mr: Chandler that he would address the Senate upon it; The con ference report upon the immigration bill was taken up and was opposed in a long speeclvby Gibson (Dem. ) of Mary land, lie raised the point that the committee had exceeded its powers and injected new, matter in the bill. Lodge spoke in. favor of the bill, but it went over without action, Hill, (Iem.), of New Yprk'giving notice that he would speak against it Wednesday. The re mainder of the day was taken up by the Nicaraguan caal bill. Wednesday. There was nothing of very much importance before the Sen ato "today. The two resolutions offered last week looking to the impeding or 'preventing of the sale of the Union Pa cific Pailroad property under a judicial decree of foreclosure, were discussed at some length by Thurston, (Kep). Concerning the . Government owner ship he says that the people are not readv nor "never will be. The . Nicara- (ian bill was.;bef Are the Senate for the balance of the day. ' TutmsnAJf, As soon as. the routine ! morning business was disposed 01 in j the Senate, the House bill was taken up to prohibit the sale of intoxicating li quors in the capitol building. It had been reported by Mr. Morrill,- (Rep..) of Vermont,-, from the commit tee on . public buildings and grounds, and Morrill desired its passage, while de claring j.t was unnecessary and ' based on a .misapprehension in the public mind. Sherman, (Rep.) of Ohio, took a similar position. Even although it was based "oh false and foolish -grounds" he thought the Senate : ought to meet the popular; objection . and " pass the bill. Hill, (Dem.) of New York, took a dif ferent view of the duty of the Senate.' He denounced the bill as itly, unwise and unnecessary, as;:a" weak yielding to an alleged public sentiment which re garded murder, robbery and burglary as minor crimes in comparison with a disregard for prohibition' laws, and ;as vicious and cowardly. He moved ita reference to the committee on rules, whos jurisdiction extends specifically to all that concerns the Senate restau rant; but that motion was defeated yeas 27, nays 30. At tho 'close cf the morning ..hour the bill went Over with out action.; The Nicaraguan and immi gration bills took up tho remainder of the day. i. -V 'Friday. The Senate filled the va cancy in the Senatorship from Dela ware by seating Richard - R. Kenney, whose credentials, in due", form, were presented by Gray (Dem.) of Delaware, an1 the 4 States of the Union are now fully represented in the: Senate by 90 Senators. The House bill to prohibit the sale of liquor in the Capitol wa3 not taken up, but "notice wasjgiven by Mor rill that he would move to have i taken up Saturday. Allen's resolution requir ing congressional legislation ratifying" the sale of the Union Paciffe Railroad came up. Thurston continued his rgti: ment in opposition to theuieasure. ,The Nicaraguan canal bill was also taken up d speeches in' opposition to jt were, made hy - Senators Allen (Pop; of Ne braska, and Cttffery (Dem.) of Louisi ana. Some fift pension bills and some twenty r"fivo " other unolyected House bills A ere taken from the calendar and passed. ' h ': .'" -; . Saturday. -Thurston, (Rep) of Ne braska, gave another installment of . his speech on his colleague's resolution ete igued to prevent the judicial resale pf ttfo Union Pacific railroad--'6i-ertv'. The. Nicaraguan canal bill" was allowed; to go over informally in order to. pas's nmsontne caienuar tnat were-unoo- iectionable. Senator Cameron's joint resolution feeognizing theHndepen- L ctence ot Juoa was reaciien, fcenator Hill, who v as in the chair, remarked f acetiouslyi that in the absence of ob jection, it would be considered as passed. The objection the"n came, and amotion was made by Mr. Morgan, (Dem.) to proceed to its .consideration Hour. rJut grades diner. C7J a. CURES. - fiotwithstahdingf Ihe" ohjection. As that motion was in contravention of the agreement under which the Senate was acting, the motion was withdrawn, Mr. Morgan stating that he would make an effort to get action upon the joint resolution when the opportunity afforded. The day's session closed .with the delivery of eulogies on tne late Representative Cogswell, of Massa chusetts. IIOUSE. Monday. The House refused to con -eider the bill reported by the com mittee ou inter-State and foreign com merce:: to prohibit railroad ticket scalps ing. The following bills were passed: To prohibit the carrying from one State to another of j obscene literature, r ar tides designed for indecent or immoral purposes; giving officers in the 1 un to count the electoral vote and declare the result. The other matters that came up before the House wero iiot of general interest to the public. Wedxksday. The discusssion of the contested election case of Geo. Cornett vs. Claude S. Swahson, from tho fifth district of Virginia, occupied nearly the 'whole day of the House, and by an overwhelming vote Mr. Swanson's title to the seat was confirmed. There was considerable argumeat on both sides, aad the constitutionality of the Walton Jaw attacked. The House committee on pensions today favorably reported tho bill nensionimr at 812' a month the onr-L-i-rincr members and widows, of members of the organisation during the late war known as tho "Fast Ten nessee Bridge Burners." . " Thtjesd ay. Consideration of tho bill making appropriations for tho District of Columbia for the year ending June 30, 1898, engaged the attention of the House to the exclusion of almost all other business. Tho further confer ence asked by the Sonate upon the im migration bi!4 was agreed to and Messrs. Danford, (Rep.), of Ohid.Wil sony (Dem.), of South Carolina, and Bartholdt (Rep.), of Missouri, were re appointed conferees, i " Fbiday. The house, with few excep tions, -applied itself to the considera tion of the unfinished business, and while thus engaged disposed of sixty- bills. Reports were presented and ordered, printed upon contested election cases of Benoit vs. Boatner, from the Fifth district of Louisiana (the second from that dis trict this Congress) ; of Hopkins vs. Kendall, from the Tenth Kentucky dis trict, and of Beattic vs. Price, from the Third Louisiana district, all in favor of the sitting members. The conference report on the military appropriation bill was agreed to. The evening ses sion was devoted to private pension bills. ' - Saturday. The House in committee of the whole concluded the considera tion of the bill making appropriations for the expenses of the district of Co lumbia, for the vear ending June 30, 180j8, and then passed it. But few amendments and those unimportant, were made in it. The bill to amend the Wilson tariff act, so as to permit the Treasury officials to sell forfeited opium to the highest bidder and not require them to secure the amount of the duty of $10 a pound, was passed. , teer service of the United States the brevet rank held by them and the right to .wear 'tho uniform of that rank; for tho piotecb'on of military parks; pro viding tuat surgeons of soldiers' homes may -be appointed from others than thoeo Trho hve been 'disabled in the "service J the United States; directing the issue or patents for the located, but unconfirmed, lands in 'Louisiana, con sisting of -j&y, tracts, Containing about 80,000 acres. 'i TpESDAY. The Hou50 passed the dip lomatic consular appropriation bill with trifling changes, inducing ' the total ap propriation to $1 ,(7;;708. The usual resolution was agreed to providing for a joint Session of Congress'on Feb. 10th D E STIT tTTl ON "iN LOUISIANA. Thousjands of People Suffertog From Crop Failures. Congressman C. J. Boatner," of Louisiana, was in New York recently and said that about 100,000 people are destitute in. the Northwestern . part- of his State, because of the failure of their crops. He had received dispatches from a New Orleans editor, stating 'that the people needed seed with .which to make new crops, and asking him Congress, to make an 'appropriation therefor. "I shall not ask Congress to make ap propriations, for seed, the Congress man" said, "because I feel sure that President Cleveland would veto any bill of that nature. He -vetoed a; bill of a similar kind for the sufferers in -Kansas some vears ago. " He explained the reasons for the fear ful condition, which were sla follows: "Last "year' we had a drouth' for four months. It not onlv killed the crop. but. the streams dried up, cattle died or those that UVed became very poor. The didught was confined to. the heavy or sandy soil and not to the " rich alluvial lands of the Mississippi, Red and Oachita rivers.' - The alluvial lands, .however, can stand lous:er drought than the other lands. . V'uhero are about 100,000 people. affect 'fed '-by this failure to make crops and we are doing all we cai? to help them. The State of course will do all it can to pre vent them from suffering; but they are ih actual want. TILL.31 AX'S AMKXDIiD KIL.1 It lias Been Ordered Heported to tlie United States Senate; . Senator Tillman's bill to meet the Su preme Court decision on the South Carolina - dispensary law, has been amended in committee, and ordered re ported to the Senate. This bill gives the State' absolute police power in in DcvLxug. an uijuuib) (.intoxicating) or liquids .imported into a State, as if they haU been produced in such Stat. and stipulates that thev shall not 1,p rt- empt by reason of being introduced into a fetate in--original, or other packages, ior private use, or otherwise. One of the more important amendments agreed to gives a State control of such liquors w limn us Doraers ny whosoever pro duced, and for whatever use imported, ana witnout regard to the manner of sale provided bv a Stato or Trritr,- The act does not interfere with the rev cuue laws, or nquor-or liquids in tran- on, uuwugu a owe or lemtory. - Will Hold Their $oTl. - r 1111 ine Oreneral Assembly of Georgia met in Atlanta Wednesday to consider the report of the special committee ap pointed at the recent session to investi gate charges against Judge J. L Sweat, of the Brunswick circuit, and juage ceaDorn Heese. Judge Eeese was charged with drunkenness and the committee, in the interim between ses sions, submitted report vindicating .both. The report was adopted. e It is asserted that the Emperor ol China has not yet received Li Hung A DECADE OF AG0XY. A Tonng Lady of Et yracne Tell iir Story. From ttii ' Standard, Syracuse, AT. Y. ilisa Eosamond Ash, who resides svita, her father. Mr. C. S. Ash, on Mannas blreet, Syracuse, forwards the following testimonial to: the virtues of Dr. Williams Finfe Fills and account of her sufferings, which is btartliagly interastin2: Manijcs Stsket, Stbactsk, N. Y., - August 16, 1836. i?t?.-ii. nut inn VAnra T hn.va been a fort .,1 t enffornr frnm th rno?t nninfui type of inflammatory rheumatism, which, woul i IV.1 . make its apparaucer on ipe ieast pviuiv Winter wa3 when 1 suffordi the worst, and it generally attacked me from my hips down, ana 1 na i, 10 ro jo uca. vvhiiA thAsn Attacks laploil. if anvone touched the bed even, I would scream wfth pain, as . . 1 M the least . contact was unnarame, .ior every omt ana every muscip gave meoicrucas.iuB acrony. "While I was In th s terrible condition, my pastor, Ilev. Mr. Campbell, came to v'sit 011 tr.1,1 mfl he knew of a case Very similar to mine that ha.l been entirely cured by the useol Dr..wiu:am3 I'.nn 1:13 . ior T'ni. rwmlrt nnfi ndviaftil ma to trv them, as the ph3-siciahs wero not doing me any good. On this my father bought me two-boxs. vrtiich I took according to direction?, and 1 bepan to recover, gettlngstronger every day. T trnt r.n with T)r. Williams reme Jv until I had taken, two dozen boxes, and by. that time PYCry iriice 01 ueumnusui via ftuar, an 1 1 nm now as well as ever I was. ;,If you have any doubts as to my state ment, I refer you for its confirmation to Rev. 'Mr. C:impb".ll, of Hasting?,' and Mr. Scr vcr. of Hastings, the latter b-ing Super intendent ot the Methodist Sunday School, who know all of the facts purrouuding my extraordinary ro.- overy. Pint rills savd rriy life and gave me health and strength, and we will never bo without them in our house. (Signed) "Rosamond Asn, "Manlius Street. East Hyraouse, N. T." j'" Dr. "Williams' Pink Piil3 contain, in a cori- ripri5l fnrm. nil thii elements necessarv to give now.lif'i and richness to the blood and rf9tnr shntterftd nerves. Thev .are also a ppeciflc for troubles peculiar to female?, sjeh I t . . 1.. 1 1 t ..-1 ni.it oil frti-TVIfl US SUJj'r-S31UU3, II reKUiaillira auu mi iviui j of weakness. They build up the blood, and restore tne glow of health to pale and sallow cheeks. In men they effect a radical -cure in al! cases arisiDg from mental worry, over- . . . , ii:t. work or excesses 01 wnutever nnure. jtiuk. P.ll.s are sold in boxes (never in looa bulk) at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50, and may be had of all druggists, or direct by mail from Dr. Williams' Medicine Company, Schenectady, N. Y. . - j iate of Ohio, Citt of Toledo, ,. ' UUUAaLHIUHlli Frawtc.T. ( IRKKKV mAt( n.illi that. h is tha senior pnrtner of the firm of F. J. OaEsrET ft L.o.,aoiug uuainessm tneuityor 1 oteoo, county and Sta.t.rt n foresAifl. nrl that said firm will nay the sum of one hundred doixar3 fur encii and every case ot catarrh that cannot ba cured by the .use Hall's CATAimn Ccrk. - j i HANK J. UI1ENET. I Sworn to before and. subscribed in my . , presence, tui3 6th day of December, seal- A. D.186G. A. V. Gr.EASor-r, ; 1 Notary Public. . TToIPb Pflfovrh Pru-a 4 a fiVcn lntunm i ! v i wT acts directly on tb'e blood and niucpua surf act n . . . j i- . . 1 or me system, cpnii 10 r i"8iimni.is, j rr e. Jb . .1. en enet as to., -loieuo, j, Sold by Drufrsri!t,,.75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. V. 25 SO I Tin r rrmnr tt nTrvnavrrrTtrrK fubuUhUiuLl UUflilfifli JtiEjiJ tWe. never pie and booklet free. id. STEELING RE3IKDY hi 1 t& r SA i JntS-i' "L?JrlV 1 iTiii! TifMiToii "Oa laVer of paper ts but enmiffh, you hare but cannot thrive." duree iienj. Uiuj -j w t I IlLk EJOUVenrr Heilable Gharlctte Merchants Call on!them-wnen tou potdtDharlotte N. C. Wr te them ir you do not ko, and have your orders filled by mail. Iu answering advertisements kindly niea tion thlii paper. . SfitWf!Wf F.ESTW'ORK. Feasd?wi.ble Prices itViiUiVd Wr teNlew; tvs &. Times Pt'K. House. f ff C V? TfTD P E- M. AND R EWR, 16-18 W. Trade i ytVUii UftHAlso Pianos, O guns & Bicycles Or.W. H.WAkEFIELQ Can be consulted in his offlce in CHARL.OrTJE, N. C, No. 201 N. Try on St. fHiint JJuildina; On any week day except Wednesday. Hia practice is limited to diseases of the j Eye, Ear, Nose & Throat S. N. U. SIX.-"97. x 1 . .-j-t irt ra. m o esosa & . acts- Kwxm b 9 ma Mir MnnoT rnnv. . . . . . - j - . . - - 'Yon $ce, to start with," said a Cleveland, Ohio, 'compositor, ray work -that of setting: type at the case allows me little chance for exercise, ; and is too confining for anybody who is in the least subject to indiges tion or dyspepsia.' That has been rhy trouble for years, and I attrib- ; ute the recent' noticeable improvement in my physical.condition to the occasional use of I first heird of them through' a fellow-workman who, on hearing my tale of woe, one day Qffered mea Tabule and said he would jguarnn tee it to act on the liver. 1 took it under protest, but was surprised with the result. It was gentle but effective, and" since then I have gradually noted an entires change in the working of my system, and I think that Kipans Tabule arc the best remedy for liver and stomach t troubles this side of anywhere... They are really in my case a substi- tut ior. physical exercise. j ft 1 MM: W Tor some of the largest vchitla concerns in. this country, and carry in stock a large line of BUGGIES, SURKEYS, PIIiETONS, TRAPS, SPRING WAGONS, FAR3I WAGONS AND HARNESS, and would be pleased to correspond Avith. you. . Storeroom ISO fest deep, two stories and basement, filled to ceilings with latest styles of desirable vehicle'. 1 - Write for Catalogue and Price Lists. 203 and 205 South College Street, CHARLdTTE, - N. C. AYERE NEVER SO GOOD AND NEV ER SO CHEAP, since the world was madej a ud never has sue h a line elections from as I been offered to make now control. I am offering THE MOST POPULAR PIANOS MADE- IN THE UNITED STATES anl my connection with the big manufac turers enables mo to MAKE . Prices LOIV AS TJIE LOWEST gj TERMS Was y as the easiest. If you cau't coma tp my store, write for catalogues and let me show you how I can SAVE YOU MONKEY. 3 ' 1G-18 W? TRADE STREET, Charlotte, N. G. DRUGGISTS a.c .p uitstinsfi'iiii CscAnrota Jim t ti Iripil I.nT n-5 t1d or prir.e.'hnt cause fRSTnatarulresnlts. Sam CO., ChieaffO. Montreal, an. , or New York. 21 7. F 11 IT' WON'T RUB OFF. f Wall -Paper is TTssaTytary. KALSOJIIJfE 18 A TEMPOltAitY, MOTS, HVSisi OIT JSCAI.ES. f A E a ri H iaS"il, a P"". permanent and artlstlo A S r4 IT wau-coatinjr, roariy for tne Drusn EyB bv miring ia cold water. For Sale by Taint Dealers rvery where. rnCC A Tint Card 6hoTvin 12 desirable tints, also Alabastice lCOC - KPfir.LTre9tOP.n3ToneineDiioniniuipater. RHEUMAGIDE, The 'fereat Conetitntionnl Cine, by neutra lizing the Uric Aci l iu the blood, absolutely, surely and permantly euros RHEDMATISM, And Is a mre Bpecifn for any d'sea?c r.risina; from luipui it 7 of ihe Wnn;1,- such a- Scrof uia. Ulcers. Contagions Venereal t'othonlng-, etc. Heal what a prominent business man says of Rheumacide: ' Atkivs. Va., March 3, 1S9G. Bobbltt Drug Co.. Raleigh. N..C.r "Gentlemen "By the time I flnMied tip the first bottle of Kheumucide I was feelin? much Ifetter. I. fised two more l ories. Then I realized that I wsv entire!?- cured f t-bat .case of joint and muscular rheumatism anil indigestion from which I had Buf fered for 20 Tears, ami which hod made menfarly a wreck. Rhc-nmaci'h;' a id r(T ft a cvre. I wcigned 14u pounds when J 1 ej;an to take l..eumacide.' I now weijjh VA) pounds, my normal wrlht. Respc.-:tfallj "V?. K. Huihks." For sale by nil druggists at $1.0J per bottle. Manufactured on'y by THE B0B5ITT DRUG CO , Raleigh, N.'C DRUNKENNESS 4?S SWaCWiyrnrPdla 10to201y.:oI-aTtia lie Poor J means so much more than x you imagine serious and fatal diseases result irom triflin? ailments neglected. Don t play With IN ature s greatest gilt health. If you are feeling out of ort. wealc and generally ex hausted, nervous, have r.o appetite and can t wotw. begin at pncetaic- Inrr ih mn relia ble strengthen ing meciciue.wnicn is Urnwn'n Iron Bit ters. A few bot tles cure benefit comes from the , very first dose it teeth, and it's Dlcasant to takei It Cures Dyspepsia, Kidney and Liver Neuralgia, Troubles, Constipation, Bad Blood Women's complaints. Clt nnlv the p-t nuine it has crossed red Ii.... iui I K m rrrrr All nthr aie suh- .111. VI. .11- 1 ' . u.. . .-- 1 will send set of ten Beautiful Wot Id's Fair View and book free. - RRftWN CHEMICAL CO. BALTIMORE. MD. ..X Vf LM H1GT Oil & WELD011 Ry AND BRANCHES, AND ITlL.OXtElNOliJ XtJIIL.TS,OAl. CONDENSED SCHEDULE, DEC. 13. 1893. iBAnrs oorsto bottth. Leavo Weldon 11.50 a. m., 9.44 p. m.; ar rit Rocky Mount, 12.62 a. m., 10.39 p. m. Leave Tarboro, 12.12 ft. m. Leave Rooky Mount, 1.00 p. m., 10.39 p m,. 5.40 a m, 12.45 p m. :' ; Leave Wihjon,2.05 p m, 11.18 p va, 6.15 a m, 5.12 pm. Leave Selrna, 2.50 p m. , Leave Fayetteville, 4.15 p m, 1.07 a m. Arrive Florence, 6.55 p rfi, 3.14 a m. Leave Goldslioro, 3.10 p m, 7.00 am. Leavo Magnolia. 4.16 p m, 8.03 a m. Arrive Wilmington, 5.45 p m, 9.30 am. TBAlJtS OOISa HOBTH. ! Leave Florence, 8.45 a m, 8.35 pm. . Leavo Fayetteville, 1L20 a m, 10.20 p m. Leave Solma, 1.00 am. 1 ' Arrive Wilaon, 1.42 a m, 12.10 p m. Leave Wilmington, 9.35 a m; 7.15 p m. Leave Magnolia, 10.59 a m, .55 p na. Leave Goldsboro, 12.01 A m, 10.10 p m. Leave Wilaon, 1.42 p m, 12.15 p to, 10.23 p m, 12.42 pm. Arrive Rocky Mount, 2.33 p m, 12.53 p m, 11.55 p m. L20 p m. 1 Leave Tarboro. 12.12 p m. Leave Rocky Mount, 2.33 P m, 12.53 p m. Arrive Weldon, 8.39 p m, 1.44 a m. Train on the Sootland Neck Branch Road leaves Weldon 4.10 p m, Halifax 4.28 p-rt, ar rives Sootland Neck at 5.20 p m, Greenville H ri n m irintrt4 7 K5 n m. Returnms lOAVea i Kineton 7.20 a m, GreenvUle 8.22 a m, arriv ing Halifax at 11.00 a m, Weldon. 11.20 am, daily except Sunday. Trains on wasnington jsranca tev u asn ington 8.00 a m, and 2.00 p m., arrive rar mela 8.50 a m, and 3,40 p m., returning leave Parroele 9 60 a m. and 6 30 p m., arrive Washington 11 25 a m, and 7 20 p m., dally except Sunday. Train leaves Tarboro, N. C, daily, at 5.30 p m, arrives Plymouth 7.40 p m Returning, leaves Plymouth 7,30 a m, arrives Tarboro 9.60 am, . - . Train on Midland, N. Cfl Branch, leaves Goldsboro daily, . except Sunday, 7 10 a rt, arriving Smithfleld 8 50 a m. Retornlng leaves Smlthfleld 9,00 a xoif arrives Goldsboro 10 25 am. v Trains oa Nashville Branch leave Bosky Mount at 4 80 p to, arrives Kashvilie B Q5 p m, Spring Hope 5 30 p m. Returning, leaves Spring Hope a 00 a m, Nashville 8 35 to, ar rive at Rocky Mount at 9 05 a to, daily, ex oept Sunday. . . ' Train on Clinton Branch leaves Warsaw iUr,v Aan-tr wAfint. snnrlav. at 11 10 a tn. and 9.15 p. to. Beturrring leaves Clinton 7 00 a m and 8 00 p to. Train No. 78 makes close connection at Weldon lor alL-points north daily all rail via Richmond. &te at Wky Mount with , Nor folk, and Carolina railroad i tor Norfolk and all points North via Korf oik. H. M. EMERSON. General Passenger Agent J. R. KENLV, T. M. EMERSON, General Manager, Trafflo Manager." ; IWEN W DlSOYS 1 WanS tft Utt tt Txut Horsor Hp w t Kelt Oat einnafinut Know Imserf ecl ona ad o Chtvd gin- frandf De tee t Dis n Effect Cor wttn m In noasible? Tell th Afi bT the Teeth Vhat to call the Different Parts vt tfle Animal; How to Shoe a Hon Properly! -All this and e her Valuable Ijix ormatlon can oe 6Utned by reading our ICO - FAGE I JMAfoTR. ATED rjoltSE pQ&Hi -which -we win forward, poet paid, on receipt of only 5 cent In stawy BOOK PUB. HOUSE, 13 Leeiard St., N. T. Cltr. AVOID ulK 9 6 o 0 9 Bad Health : -Browns ; iron :: Bitters l A4. Pure, soda the best soda, comes only In packages. . bearing this trade mark It costs no more' than inferior package soda never spoils the. flour always keeps. soft. Beware of irnitation trade marks and labels, and insist on packages bearing these words . e o 9 '9 e O 9 ! kWi ANi HAMM o e 9 O Midc only by CHURCH & Ca, Write for Arm end Hiniricrtrik cf valuable Reclnc5-rRCS. HOW D 0 YOUR FEET PEEL Tl A AM I. A tm,m m lv A Ma I i mm A i nMal. 0) poor shoes males yon limp iiiiu iuibi or on up LEWIS Accident Insurance is foot-6hapd mad from th best Taaned Oalf Skin soft, so W all over cork filled, vat&rsjropi naU.-" a afesruiHE sfdatb AccxiirnT isurasoe polict fob ioixoo J.U Lewlo Oo Mxalrorxi, Boston, Ma1) CAPE EBAB. & TADEOfi TAIII R'f.. Johx Gill, Receiver. - COyjDEfJSEDSCHEDULE. ... In Effect December SOth, 18&. . KOBTH BOTJTD. 1 . ST. 2. Dal. Leave Wilmington .. T 60 &. ia. Arrive Fayettoville..., ...-.1100 " I.eavo FaveltevUle 1121 " Leave Fayetteville Junction . . . .VII 27 lave aniora.... Leave Climax. .... Arrlrn Orecnsboro 100 366 125 8 S3 4 23 6 26 6 50 f II (I Leave Greensboro Leave Stokesdale Leave Walnut Cove Leave Rural 13 all. . . . . . . Arrive Mt. Airy OUTH T.OVVD. . No. 1. Dally. 8 43 a. m. Ieavo lit. Atrv Leave Rural Hall . Leave Walnut Cove .10 32 Leave Stokcsdale . Arrive Greensboro.'. Leavo , Greensboro. . Leave Cilmar. . 1107 11 65 12 15 -P 12 43, ...... 2M Leave Sanfoni 1 Arrive Fayetteville Junction Arrive rayettevllle Leave Fayetteville Arrive Wilmington . . . . ORTU EOCSO. Leave Ecnnettvillo. Arrive Maxton 4 12 4 IS. -4 33' 7 43 No. 4. Dailf. . . . 8 SO a. tii. . 0 40 Leavo Maiton Leave Red Sprincs... Leave Lumber Bridge. Leave Hop lills Arrive l"aettevillo. .. 0 50 .10 18 10 S3 .......noi 11 12 SOCTU EOCSD, No. 3. Dallr. ... 4 23 p. m. . . . 4 43 4 t .. C 36 " ... 5 3H " ... 6CJ " ... C 17 " ... 725 Leave Fayetteville. Leavo Hope Mills... ....... Leavo Lumber Bridge Leave-Red Springs Arrive Maxton Leave Maxton. ; Arrivo BeniiettsvilU) JfOHTH BOt'XD. (Daily Except Sundav.) ' No. 16. Miie.. Leave Ramscur 6 45 a.m. Leave Climax ....... 8 35 " Arrive G rwnsboro ....... .;. 9 20 . T.mvb Greensboro ,. 9 35 " Leavo Stokesdale. ...1107 " Arrivo Madidon.... ......1155 " sopth porxn. (Daily Except Sunday.). . . No. 15, MUM. Leave-Madison..-...' 12 30 p. m. Leavo Stokesdnlo:. L2 " Arrive Greensboro " Leave Greensboro 3 25 Leave Climax 4 20 " Arrive Ramseur.. . 6 05 NOKTII BOL'SD CON5KCT10S8 atVajttovillo with Athirfitie Coast Line fcr all point North and East, at Sanford with the Seaboard Air Line, at Greensboro with tho Southern Railway Company, at Walnut Cove with the Norfolk & Western Rnllrot for Winston-Salem. SOUTH BOUND COSSICTIONS at Walnut Cove with the Norfolk A Wwt em Ruilroad for Roanoke and points North nnd West, at Greensboro, with the Southern Railway Company for Raleigh, Richmond. and all points north and oast; at'Fayettevtlln with tho Atlantio Ccast Lino for all points South; at Maxton with tho Seaboard Air Lln for Charlotte,, Atlanta and all points south and southwest. ' W. E. KYLE, J. W. FRY, Gcn'l Pass. Agent. Gon'l Manager. T ' $ $ BT AS THE-WOULD MOVESJON SO DOES OUE JOB PRESS. Tnere arc a creat may chan os made in all kinds of business, We especially call your attoae tion, to the Union job '" OFFICB. We have Just put in a brand new JOB outfit, and by doing tlie WOIK OUrseiYBb wo aio auiqi to compete with any house iri the State in styles, prices and quality. Remember we do any thing. from a visiting card io circular 24x30. Sdnd in your a orders, they h all hay our prompt and careful atten tion. Address THE UNION OFFICE. iprlayvirVa r.rA?t. TAbfl find COVY rights promptly procured. A o-Paw Book Free.- Send iSUetch or. Model for free Opinion, as to PatentaMlitj. All business treated as sacrolly conndcoM rwenty years' experience. Illfte3t reitr MneeB. Bend fcr Boole Addrosa 17. T. FITZGERALD, V.' -X. o Soda! soda spoils good flour. HAA; New York. Sold Vy tjrorers evcryvhc or lauffleV ui.eicia i I ir t iy y iff S V o : f- - ej 0 f Chang in audience.

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