countyunion. DUHN", Uarnett County, N. C. Entered ccoiding to postal reH tiu at the post6fflce Ht Duiih, N. C, nl- as j v .Ak. mflrrfr. J, P. n rrHAN, Proprietor, ' . f A. M. WOOD alt,,, suitor. TERMS OF SUfiSCRIPTKMI,- Three Months-..!. - 23 Tents. Si xMotnks ;. -50 (fnlil; Uu Yuar...... ...... $1. w- jjeut by Iul. Payable iiVadvai.ce. Drw, X. C, FewkuarY 17, ,-i7.- . .A NEEDED REFORM. . Darin th cut vetf there have 3 X mq a god By e tried here by. or justices of tire pesce. Some of them were important while many were f minor importance and lome- frivo lous. . Ia aU. thesj cases we know of tione bat wist was disposed of fairly nd with justice to. rtfo parties con-, vernad. What we wish to speak of is the manner ia which the justices have allowted th-em to be conducted. When in action is brought before justice of the peace it ia due the parties cosceraed to have due notice .according to taw and then have the case disposed of as epeeeily as possible to prevent cost being piled up on the party or parties against whom the ac tion may fait. "Ve have noticed that in nearly every aetion brought before justice that attorneys are employed nd it is not an anfrrquent thing to ee two attorneys for each side appear in an -action of minor importance. In many; of these actions we notice that the justioes allow them to be contin ued. from day to uay under the small est pretext of one side of the other, thereby increasing costs in the action 4er an action being tried by any jus tioe here at one sitting one side or the other not being read v for trial. . It is not the province of justices of at it not reaay ana prepnren io ueieuu .the action; but it is their- province -Imnd duty tt preside! with justice to eaeh party aud try the motion as promptly as in their; power lies and not allew the oosts unncoessarily in creased by continuing the aotton on a saere technicality and to suit the con venience of the attorneys employed in the notion. ; We have known some actions brought which could have been , dis posed, of in thirty minutes, and j as tic's caeted to eaoh prty, yet apon mere technicalities the actions were oon tinned as many as three s times and ccctfaied the time of' ; the - court for fcalf a day mt $ time, when the justioe ooujd readily have disposed of the 4aso at one sitting. Attorney" have righte before a court that must be re spected, but a justioe should have decision enough not to entertain mo "tiow made by them unless there be ufotent reason for same and continue the case only when justioe to the par tics eonsernid demand it. We ere of the ooinion that our iustiees of the peace could bring about a . reform in these mutter a. Tqk Inland of Crete is up in arms gainst the Sultan of Turkey to which government the' island ' belongs, and Greece is aiding the insurgents. It is probcble that the Sultan will de clare war against Greece at once. It is said thaty there ra a plan on foot between the powers to- destroy the government of Turkey ind divide the territory. In this case Greece would annex Crete; Husia would 'take Ar menia; France, Syria and England, Egypt. ' The Sultan's course as. to Christians in Armenia, where he has allowed them to be butchered by his own troops, is taken for an excuse to. wipe bis government off the face of the globe. In Crete! where the pop 'ulatioa is generally Christians, the uprising against the Sultan has been most pronounced. Greece seems to be determined to help the Cretans if the other powers do not. ' Thx United States Senate passed a resolution Saturday directing the Seo retary of the Navy to have a naval iihvi w.m Bfttca iiuui kj All IU Jciseo to the sufferers in India. Ap propriation was provided for to buy; grain and provisions for those famine and plague stricken aufferers. A ves sel will - start immediately, loaded with graia ;mod ; provisions. , This act f charity oy! the Senate is commenda ble. We are a great nation and oar crops have never yet failed to as to produce faCSne ami we have never bees ? isitee! . with ' o destroying a .plague as te now aflietmg the 'inhabi tants of a portion of India. The United States is liberal always to sis t$; nations asd enfferlcg humanity. v.j,.,, yjLULilJ? THE FESTIVE: PEANUT, Everyone eas pear-uts and ctxcely anyone knows anything about them. The peanut erop is one of the most profitable of the South. The yearly production of peanuts in thU country is afiout 4,0.00,000 bushels of .twen y two pounds each, the bulk of the crop being, produced in Virginia, Georgia, lenotesee an d Noith' Carolina. These 4.000 000 bushels constitute tu: a small proportion of the peanut, crop of the world, as the exportation from Afiica and Jodia to Europe in 1892 -mounted to nearly 400,000.000 pounds, half of which went to Mar seilles to be made into oil. The largest amount of the American crop is sold by street venders; but quantities are used by confectionars, chocolate manufacturers and oil- mak- ers. rcanut on is U3ea ior iuuriui ing and for soap, and is a good ub stitute for olive oil, lard, ' cottolene and butter. The residue from oil making ji known aa "peanut cake" in Europe is highly valued as "a cattle fodder and is also ground into fine flour and used as human food. The Virginia j running, variety of peanut is the typical Amerioan peanut. Its vines are large, with spreading branches, growing flat on the ground and bearing pods over their entire length. The pods are large and white. There are many other varie ties' grown. in the other States, some of them being upright bushes instead of vines. The. peanut is sorted in the, factory into four grades, the first three being sold to venders, and the fourth sold to, confectioners for making "burnt al mond" and cheap candies. The 10, 000,000 worth of peanuts America uses axe not; counted in the staplo food, but are eaten at all intervals as a lux ury. -The peanut is used by the planter as" a fattener for his hogs. In thr pld world millions of bush els are made into oil, in which the nuts are very rich, 30 or 40 per cent of the shelled nut being oil. It 'has an agreeable tasto and is more limpid than olive oil, but does not give a very brilliant , flame. The peanut cake left after the oil is extracted is sold for 30 a ton in . Germany and fed to the battle and sheep: Experi ments were made in Germany on ao army biscuit, to be made from peanut flour, but they were not successful though the fljur is: most nourishing Home and Farjn.i The leg'slature turned Swinson, the populist enrolling -clerk, out of the office, or at least the bill passed both of ;the legislature; but Swingoasays the legislature did not have the power to turn' him out only for incompetency or failure to per form the1 duties of the enrolling clerk and to do this it Would have to im peach him. Swinson holds on to the offioe and has not turned over the papers in his possession. The whole of the row was caused because Swin- son would not appoint two negro clerks that he did not need. Yet pop ulist members voted to turn him out. It seems that the populist members love the negro as dearly as the repub lioans. Every populist in the House voted for a negro for assistant door keeper against a one-legged confeder ate soldier. Dc the men who wore the gray want the negro put in ascen dancy Over them? Take a peep in on this legislature and see the tendency of things -a negro in. the State Senate demanding to be recognized as the leader of his party. Toe time is com ing when white folks' must be white folks. ; 1 . .-- . ' The lease of the North Carolina railroad from Goldsboro to Charlotte to ihe Southern Railroad Company for 99 years will probably he repealed by this leg'slature. Governor Russell has-sent a message to the legislature advising a repeal of the lease. If it is repealed the road will probably be leased to the highest bidder. The Seaboard Air Ljfae has offered to lease . - . - . the road and pay $400,000 per year rent. This amount is 120,000 more than the Southern promises to pay in the 99 year lease.- The proper thing to do, it seems to ns, is for the S'ate to sell the road if it can get a good price for it. The road cost $4,000,000 and $2,700,000 remain unpaid by the state and the state is paying interest at four per cent, on these bonds $103,000 annually. - Sell the Toad and pay off the debts and stop the ioterest. ;It estimated that to obtain the feathers that were used last year on ladies hats that more than a million and a half of birds were killed. O tots numoer 01 riraa one-taiwi was song birds. " For this reason we' sup pose the legislatures of most of the states parsed laws . to protect sorg birds. Evidently the birds could sing, tweeter than-many of the ladies who wore hats trimmed with the bird leathers, r 'V.S WP m W. L Douglas $3 Shoe. Stylish, durable, perfect fitting. Endorsed by over 000,000 wearers. . V.U Doogla. $30, $4X0 and $5X0 Shoes are the productions of skilled workmen, from the best material pos sible at these prices. Also $2.50 and $2 Shoes for Men, $2.50, $2 and $t.75 Boys We use only the best Calf, Raasla Calf, French Patent Calf, French Knamel, VfJ Kid, etc., graded to correspond with pricea.of theshoea. If dealer cannot tvrpply yon, write , CaUJoe free. . W. L DOUGLAS, Brockton, M$t." sold ur JTv A. MASSENGILIi & Co Dunn, ;N- C- A DIVIDED TOWN. A subscriber to the Patron and Gleaner writes of Grifton, N.C, es follows: : The town of Grifton is way down in Pitt, county, in fact so far down -in Pitt, that about half of it is in Lenidr County.. It is also on both sides of Contentnea Creek; it, is in" the first and second Congressional districts; is in the third and sixth Judicial districts and in two Senatoral districts, and in tvp Senatoral districts and is ia three townships. We have three tax collec tors after us sometimes, and one for the town, who is with us all the time. We have about 800 inhabitants, over half white. Ia our State ard county elections, we have three vo - iog places, and to complete the circuit a man would have to travel forty-five miles. Being so much divided, it is very much like a Western town. Wo have three bars each one in a differ ent township, all in speaking distance. Our mayor is kept busy, when ; the boys are on a lark. 1 ALASKA GOLD 'PRODUCTION. America's new. territory is about taking the sceptre from the Jpld as a gold bearing territory. Ia 1867 the United States .acquired Alaska, an areijof 580,000 square miles,, paying Russia for 'it $7,200,000, and public opinion at the time was that they had made a bad bargain: It has proved, indeed, a very ejoellent one. The mooey has' been gotten back already in the lumber and the seal and other fisheries of Alaska, and fhat great momain, rnuoh of it is almost trackless. has developed into a great gold-producing region. Its output of gold in 1895 was $3,000,000; it will not e less than $5,000,000; this year," and $12,000,000 is its estimated yield for 1897 The mining interest is aotive and 11,000 were added to the popu lation of the. country last year Ex. . : . Murray, the negro congressman from South Carolina, introduced a resolution in the House of Represen tatives to throw out the electoral vote of that state on the ground that the vote was not an expression of the will of the people of that 6tate; that large numbers of voters had been debarred from voting- and that; a republican form of government does not exist in that state. The resolution provider for the appointment of a committee to investigate the elections in that State. In South Carolina the laws have been so framed that it is not possible for ignorance to rule, and as the negroes are the most ignorant class they think it Js a ' thrust at them.: Evidently South Carolinians believe in white supremacy. Wo would ibe glad to see more of the same spirit expressed in North Carolina. v To The Public. We are Heudquartccs for" first cl:iS3 h lour, fresh water groiid Meal. Lard. Molasse.vSugar, Coffee Canned Goods of any sort, Nutmeg?, Spice, Cloves, Ginger, Apple Butter, Apple Jelly, Cranberry Sance, Diied apples. Dried Peaches, Table Peaches, Pie Peaches, Mince Meat, Cod Fish, Gold Dust. Oat Meal, Starch,-Soaps, Soda,' Black and Green Teas, Baking Powders, Box Lye, a complete Uneof Candy, Presh Malaga Grapes, all grades of ehe,wing Tobacco, Cigars, Cheroots, Cigaretts, Snuff. Chlp jx;d Beef Canned Beef, Oysters, Sar dines, Currants, Datfs, Prunes, Racing, i Sliced Pine Aplles, Oranges. Cocoanuts, Mountain Butter. Cheese, all sorts of Cakes, Pkkle3, Potted Ham, Transpa rent Gelatine. Khrs, Rice, Pearl Homi ny, Gun Powder, S,iot, Caps, Tinware, ' Vinegar. Keroseile Oil, Cooking Ex tracts, Onions Irish juul Sweet rota toe, Cliickfeiig, KtfsT Cabbage, Sau sHge, French MusUrtl, Axle Grease, all sorts of Nuts, Olives, Smoked Herrings, Cinuamon Bark,. Blueing, Shoe Black ing and Polish, Tomato Catsup, and everything else that a developed tatc u iJl anpieciate. All tuir goods are fresh and pme and a r preentetl. . New Goods iCvieived by nearly every train. We ask you to call, see our goods, gi-t our prices anJ weight for yourself, aud we will recve your pationage. ; . F- P. Jonib, I De-13tf. DUNN, X. C. 1 1 Iffll, Business Manager a man of many year's experience in the liquor baslneaa who has now opened up a WEVJ SALOOW AND GROCERY at Stewart's Old Stand on Broad Street, opposite Mr. J. J. Wade. We shall sell Liquor of our ifUintflPTIIDP the best gnuteT ' i'. 11.- 9 Fresh from our Distilleries which are Clinton, where the waters spring forth Liouor?. they come to our customers best physicians and pronounced pure, them as suchand feel sure a trial will You arejcordially invited to call and JUST LOOK AT PURE CORN .. it u (I 9m mm 11 FINE SOUT HERN All ways on hand ..- We have in connection a choicehine you in prices, 4 Give us a ell and you Yours to please. d. III. RQMAk, MAtJAG-ER. jasi3tf. - ' H- L. Godwin, Attorney at Law. Dunn, ' " j Office next tloorto Post Office. N. C. Will practice in the courts of Harnett and adjoining counties and in the Federal Courts. . V Prompt attention given to all busin es EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as Executors of H. C. Avera, 'deceased, late of Harnett Couutj , North Carolina, this is to notify all per sons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them fc the un dersigned on or bcf re the 22nd day of January, 1898, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. ' 1 This 22nd day of Jjt:i nary, 1897. O. Pi SillSLL ) ' , , kExecutors- ' i W. J. IIODGKSj ! ' ' - : :. r NOTICE. By virtue of a deed of trust executed to me by Henry Pope and wife, Kliza Pope, recorded in Book H.iSo. i. pages HS5--391, record of Harnett county. I will on Feb. 20th J87 at the Depot in Dunn N. C at l::;0 o'clock P. M. aell at public sale to the highest, bidder for cash the following real estate iu Averasboro township Harnett county, to-wit: First tract beine one-halt 01 biock "ur in me piau 01 the town of Dunn, cou9istii of 2 lots Kos; nau a and 4. bounded on north by Pearaall St. 31. on past l.v a 20 feet alley, on south by t ope St . on the west by King St. Second tract. Be in all of Block 'F'" according-to the plan of said town, consisting of 4 lots Nos. 1, 2. 3 ....1 -4 i.htkIhJ in nrvrtli hv Vtfi rH 1 1 St. 5:00 feet, on the east by vinj? t. -di-ieei, on ine 11U , lUUUl.U v.. ... J m. " ' 1 south by Poi 8t. 300 feet, on the west by Layton St. 309 leet. saia UIOCK1 De:ng .mu ieei square. Third Tract. Beinj? all of Block "FO" according to the plan of said town, consisting of 4lots Wt s. 1, 8, 3, 4, bounded on North ,by Pearsall St. xiH) feet, ou the east by Layton St, io feet, ou the south by Pope St. 300 feet, on the west by aicKay St. iOO feet; Being 3c0 feet sqnj&re. J. D. Bakvks, January 1.1897. " V Trustee. NOTICE. B3r virtue of a deed of trust executed to nie by Henry Pope and wife. Eliza Pope, recorded in Boole H. No. '2 pages 527-529 records of Harnett couutj', I will on Feb: 20ih 18y7,at the depot in Dunn N. C sell at public sale to the highest bidder for - cash the. following real estate to-wit: All of Block "B T" according to the plan of the -town of Dunn, consisting of 4 lots Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4. Said Block is boi iuled on the uorth by Divine St. in said town on. the east by Magnolia St. on the south by Pearsall St. on the west bV Clinton Si. Hour of sale 1:30 o'clock P. M. J. F. Phillips, January, 1897. Trustee. NOTICE. - By virtue of a certain execution in my hands from Harnett County Superior Court iu favor of L. J. Best assignee of J. A. SEXTON and against II. A Hodges, I will on Feb. 17, 1S97 at the Court House door in Lilling- ton N. C. at 2 o'clock P. M., sell at pub. lie sale to the highest bidder for casli all the estate, light, title, and interest of H. A. HODGES, n a certain tract of land in Averasboro town ship Harnett County, known as the J. C. Surles fai.d, containing about 650 acres more or less, being in stil l near the town of Dunn. For a foil description of said land referance is hereby made to a cer tain deed for the land executed by Daiv iel Stewart to H. A. Hodges registered in Register's office of Harnett county. Jan. 15", 1807. , J. H. Pope, Sheriff of Harnett Co. llon.W.J. Bryan's Boo!c All who mrm latanstod lm tarthmrinr thm mmim f Bon. W.J. Brttcait new book ahoold oomneU publmbtu. TWni will oontala . . . iiiocourrora , KSBIOGUm. vtmniTESYTji raicsTDOcisin smaai TU IBEITS CT TH CAMPilCl or ISM. rounatsTUisca, ACSNT3 WANTED Mr. Brrna in BMKMd hU iMAmatlon mf 4rotir aum lf of U roraHiaa to tutWiw thm at UuUllim. AMnw W. a. CONKTY COMPANY. I 4 located on Watery Bsanch near as pure as a crystal, last so with our pure. Having been aualized by the we do not hesitate to reccommend convince you. examine oui qualify and prices. THESE PRICES : ........,$1.25 Per; Gallon. 75c. Per Gallon. ... ......... 40c. Per Quort. 20c, Per Pint. 1...... 1.... ...,;.... iOc. Per i Tint. - '". " STAR WHISK EY : of Family Groceries and can please will be treated right, DUNN, N. C. ADMINISTRATOR' NOTICE! Having qualified as Administrator of Alexander Parker deceased, late of Harnett county. North Carolina, this is to notify air persons having claims agaiilst the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undei signed on or before the 1st day of January, 1898. or this notice will be pleaded In b: r of their recovery. . All persons indebted to said estate, will please make immediate payment. This 1st day of January, 1897. S. N. Parker. Adnii.dtmtor. Oscar J. Spkare, Att'y ja6-6vv . ' - - - NOTICE. ? "By virtue of a certain mortgage deed exeeuted.JHmiary 1, 1894 to D. T. Jones by M, E. Grlttin et al, recorded in. Book H.No. 2 page 316 Records of Har nett. county,jiand duly asigned land transferred to me. I will on Feb. 20th tlte Post Office in Dunn N. C. at i!5 o'clock M. sell at public sale to the highest bidder for cash a Certain tract of laud in Averasboro Township Harnett county adjoining the lands of Moses Tripp, Haywood Reaves and others, ly ing and being on tlie cast side -of Black River, and beginning at a stake in Moses Tripp's line near Joel Lee's corner runs north 48 west 7 chains to a stake thence South 47 j, east wilh Y M Lee's Jine 15 chains and 50 links to a stake the J. H. Griffin corner, thence his line north 21,1 east 18 chains, 30 links to tjie beginning ' ..!..! n ... 1 cuiiiuiiii..S wax more or less, oeiiig I ."iiuie irucv ui iitmi eoueyeu. 10 4. 11. Griffin by Edith Reaves . by deed dated Dec 4th 1884 and recorded in Bobk T. page 300 in Register of -Deeds bffie'e of Harnetti county. The deed of Edith i,.i , t m .n-iffl .. s . ''"V? , l" V-V"' v" i iu uc.ibiiituii ui aam inuu. oatuiarv ; 18. ,1897. ' t . L. J. Best, assignee of mortgage SALE OF LAND. . UiuVr and by virtue of a Decree of Suierior Court of Harnett count j len dered iu Special proceedings entitled J M Hare, Administrate r of John II:! re, deceased, vs. Lucy Hare and others, heirs-at-law, I will sell at public put-cry to the highest bidder for cash, on the premises in Hector's Creek Township on Monday the 8th day of March 1897 at 12 o'clock Mi the following real estate to-wit': That tract of i land iu Hector's .Creek Township, Harnett county, N C., known as the land on which John Hare, deceased,, formerly resided, 3d joining the lands of J. . A. Smith,- Joseph An drews, E D. Smith and others contain ing 120 acres. Also another tract known as the Mill tract of land adjoining the above described tract, Joseph Andrews and G B Alford containing 15J acres. On the 120 acre tract there is a good dwelling iiouse and out-hoiives and on other tract a good mill-site, with house and machinery. " J. M Hare, J " " Adm'r. and Commissioner. II. E. Norris, Atty. north Carolina; rA;V In Justice's Court " Averas boro Township. I Harnett County A. R. WILSON vs I W. H. McKAY. ! Before I. W. Taylor, J. P. It appearing to the satisfaction of the court that the defendant W. II. McKay is a non resident of this State 'and lias property in this State. Now It Is. or dered that publication be made in The County Unio, a newspapei published in the town of Dunn, N. C, to the de fendant V. II. McKay, to apiar before the undersigned on the 18th March 1897 in. the Town Hall in the town of Dunn, N. C., at 12 d'clock M., to au swerthe complaint of M. W. Harper, Trustee of A. K. WiLon for the non payment of Thirty Dollars due by two notes of $15. each with' interest from Nov. 15th, 1888, and let the. defendant take notice that if he fails to answer or demur to tlie same. ; Judgment " pro confesso.will be awarded, j . I Taylor, J. p- HACKNEY BUGGIES. l am now agent for the Hacknej Baggies, tbe best make io North Car olio. Sea me befoe you buy. F. YUUNO. no o 6 & Same Old. Stand.. Drugs, Confectioneries. Stationery, Patent. Medicines, Coperasi Borax, Sulphur, Drug Sundries, Pepper, Spices &o. Tobaooo, Snuff, Lamps and Lam p Fixtures, also Hall and Store Lamps. Prescriptions Carefully Filled.' We are headquarters for any- thing in our line. C oms to STILL TO THE FRONT. N. B.'HOOD- ' v , O. U. 1KW. With the' Largest and Best Selected Stock of Drugs aBd Medicines in tho county. ,-" ' . j- '. .. ' : HOOD :::;DRUGGISTS AND j j SelDrngs as cheap as they can be bought in the State. We keep ia stock constantly a FULL LINE of Drags, Medicines, Toilet Articles, Perfumery, Soaps of ill kinds, Brustiet, Purses, Spong8, &c - -l-Stationeiy, and all School Supplies, Cigars, Cigarettes, Cheroots. Tipes &c Soda, Starch, and Pearlne, snuff, and Tobacco. A full line of Spectacles and tr any . other an iciest We thank all for past patronage. Be sure to call on us, you will U treated politely, fairly, and squarely. . .. Remember: the place, Very respectfully, HOOD & TEW. Successors to II All PER & HOOD. MONEY IN THE MISSING WORD. I ME are pleased to make an entirely new offer to our subscribers, inj V 7 which every, one may have a chance to name the missing .word in UU this sentence : ; , ,43UPPLTfinD umaud turn as urnmrrEiY ' '!' AS CAUSE , ItJs quoted from a prominent writer upon economic subjects. In ma kin tr vour euess it is not . necessary to write out the .full! sentence im ply write : My guest for . missing word for MARCH) Sciscriio fcr TT.3 WEEKLY PUBLISHED AT d cc::Ecnon AT THE EXTCEHELY L0H F1C CF . . . . And send yotir guess with it, and xj Give You aUhance : THE CONSTITUTION, guarantees that the amount of the award will not be less than $5QQ in Cash, and it may be as much It io percent of all subscriptions that we, and all the other clubbing papers with The Constitution, secure for the months of January and February. If the subscriptions keep up with the record of last year, the sum to be given will Exceed $2,000 cash. If the sub scriptions are doubled, as they were in January, just past The Consti tution will pay out about $3,000 in cash premiums in 1 this contest If morethan one person name the proper word, the amount will be equally divided between them. 1 Ttia Utcily Cssstltdlca b lia Crested Ucillynsrrsr la IhtUcrlJ, with a circulation of 1 56,000. It covers the whole world " in ; its news service, and covers the news of the United States in minute detail, with 12 pages, 7 columns to the page, D4 Cdn HxZTJ HmSu AS A NEWSPAPER The Weekly CoastUstion has do equal in America ! Its n , reports corer the world, and its correspondents and agents are to be (bund in almost oety bailiwick in the Southern and Western Slates. AS A MAGAZINE It prints more such matter as b ordinarily found in the gmt magazines of the country than can be gotten front eren the best of ihem. AS AN EDUCATOR It b a scboolhouae within itself, and a year's roading of TUB CONSTITUTION b a liberal education to anyone. AS A FRIEND AN) COMPANION It brings cheer and ccrafiort to the fiieside terj -week, b eagerly sought by the children, contains' Taluable intormation tor the mother, ntxl an encyclopedia of instruction for every member of the household. -v ' ITS SPECIAL FEATURES Are such as are not to te (bund i any other r:r America. '.'' , .' THE FARM AND FARMERS' DEPARTMENT. ' XQ THE WOMAN'S DEPARTMENT, THE CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT, Are all under abU direction, , and are specially attractive to those to whom these departmcfitt are adUressed. -j ' . LET CS DIVE TC3 SD3IS7TC3 AT And with it your guess for the guess must, in cve,fy cae, company the yearly subscription sent in. You cannot tJo vith" out.ypur local newspaper, and you cannot do without a great, general newspaper, in touch with your section. We cover the local demand-TME CON5TTTUTION covers the worid. If oo are already a subscriber to our paper and want The Constitution, send us $1.00, and along with it your guess in the missing word contest We will forward same . and duly record your guess. TCZ CCTTE3T CUTa CACa i, IC37, - Send us your money and get both papers one year, and . pefj haps get enough money to clear you of debt, or buy you a good home. Now .-to tb time to su bier Ibe, Attdrcsa all ordtrs to The County RANTHAWl us. &t TEW, . ') AND EFFECT." ATLANTA, GA.. rrmi NTY UNION V $1.50 ; ! we will fonvard all for ybt and thus to Hake Good Money, Dunn, N. 0. ItlUliiUlUlk. Constitution 1

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