rf I THE COUNTY UNION WEDNESDAY. March 17, isW a DUNN, N. 1 SPECIAI All orders for job icork mugt he paid one ludfuhcn order i given j and the fadlaitee tchen delivered, llurty iuys allowed on advertising.- LOCAL DOTS conjure- 1 Cotton 6f cent; I Today is St. Patrick's Dav. 1 1 Wait and see my new stock of millinery before you buy. Y, 11 be open April 1st. Some of the roads loading into town are in, very Dad cOn dition. It is almost impossible to travel some of them. 1 i Our ladies' column will ap- near on the out-side of our next issue. This will le an interest jnT feature of The Uniox. 7 I. -Read the advertisement of the; Frank Thornton Dry Goods Company of ;Fayetteville in this issue. ' Mr. J. G. Lynn, of Selma, has-moved here and opened a racket store in the building next door to the Jackson4 House. The heavy rains of the. past week have swollen all the streams and Cape Fear river Js almost impassable except in ;i canoe. . I Preaching at, the Baptist church Sunday morninc and night by the pastor. Two ex- celent and- instructive sermons were delivered to large gations. See the notice of dissolu tion of Hood & Tew in this is ruie. i Mr. N. B. Hood has bought Mr. Tew's interest and will continue the business at tlif same place. I -r-This way of using profane language and dirty words on our streets should be stopped. Our town treasury might be bet ter off if the authorities would charge all such characters one dollar per oath. - Our merchants have been Helling large quantities of guanb recently. The indications are that more will be sold here this na4on than ever before. Our streets are lined with wagons jtnd carts every day hauling it to the farms, j 1 Mr. (). B. Tew has sold his interest in the drug store of Uood'tfc Tew to his partner, Mr. ,N. B. Hood, and has accepted a position with' .Messrs Hood- & Grantham where he will be pleased to wait on and serve his friends. - I There is more freight ship-1 ped to Dunn than any point on this road between Wilson and Florence. The side track here is not sufficient to hold the cars that are loaded with guano and left at this place, many of them having to be switched Oil' on the puss track. j I j We have noticed that some of the small bbvs, and we are told some of the larger ouch are guilty of the same thing, that, f defacing advertisements that are stuck j up. People who spend their money for .adver tisements and put them up for the public to read should be pro tected from 1 the devilish mean ness of those who loaf around the street corners and disfigure Mr. W. S. Jackson has fitted up his .Broad Street sa loon with some beautiful coun ters which add much to the ap pearance of the placed I. I Having had repeated calls for blanks for lecral ournoses we have bought a supply of theifi to accommodate our friends e sell them as cheap as they can be sold for cash on! v. Mr. A. L. Pearsallnas ac cepted a clerkship with the Dunn Hardware and Furniture Com pany and will be pleased to wait! on his friends when! they want goods in his line. - f I have the prettiest and most handsome stock of milli nery goods now on the road ev- j ; - p 1 ' : j m-b., iiw-.trii ii,-.e3rogaEZjjuWt.i,lg).Mt'X -, mi..,iiiL. wrrr. . . iiii L,- ii tons i m . J UUUI1IU1 IU ' I - t . ! SPRING S . I k - m m m m mr - , K LOOKS ' i w,,. H ii.rrv. ') FO. tl. COOiV 1 1 i -w and our More a rrirrfnG I I C rc ie BKST nd CHBAFKOT , j ( i 'I CJISTQMEItS. - i ' ' . ' 1 People and Their Movement Miss Bailie Wade, of Godwin, is visiting Mrs. J. J. Wade. Mr. bam Davis is visitinj at Tarboro this week. P. er !efore brought to Dunn. Wait until thev arrive. Will be open April 1st ; I : i K. F. Young. --Ilev. Shanghai, K. F. Tatum of China, will lecture to-night at tlie Baptist Church Clinton, is visiting Mr. on the subject of China and uWpn fhi WaIt Missions. All are ! invited td come out and hear this interest ing! lecture. A lady from Baltimore who is an experienced milliner and is well up-with the latest styles and fashions of millmerv will arrive about April first and take charge of the millinery depart- 1 Mr. W. T. McKay, of Cheraw, S. C, i.stin iown this weelc vis iting relatives. I Miss Cora Parker, of Averas- loro, is visiting, Mrs. O. Shell this week. f Mr. and Mrs. E. F. returned from ! a visit to Saturday;, I ! - ;l ; i ! Miss Lizzie McKay, of Dick insou, is r attending the tent meeting this week. S Miss Susan Godwin, of near Godwin Station, is visiting in iown mis weeK. Miss Fannie Fayetteville, ! is Mamie Bizzejl.i , 4 i - I Mr. T. L. Owen, of near J. F. Frrt Tin FAYKITEYIbLK SPRING 1897. NEW GOODC! IlKGEST ffrOCK DRY GOODS IX- NORTH CAKOLIXA. L A R 0 E 8 T D R T G OO DS 8TOKE 80UTH OF BALTIMORE We invite our friend in Harnett County to cone to fee c tod okt our iwre BMuuunwi wsuo id toe OUT. 1 Young We re "hi 8Prg prettiett line of Spriaj Drew Goodi too Wilson !!V r Wlth. 1 thd ne higs to ntteh. j Qsr list of SILKS tt uc.uwiui ids iu u7 amore0l pmern. earrj fall line of IlibbOM, uiuuua, aa oTcrjiuing epi id irge 6rit-ela l drj goods stoffe; uti jour enure memormoaam. I j LADIES' MUSLIN We erry fall line of Lxdiet Shirt Underwear. In Night Gown. Chiarsee. w - - V i McLean, of visitinc Miss garments from us cheaper than jon oan by tho nuilin and triomio'i bj the WHITE GOODS. LACES AND E3I BROIDERIES. UNDERWEAR Wauu. and fnll line of Ilotlia SsItU and Dravers, yoa eaa bnj the Our business has incroased o much we had to add Beautifoi line of White Gooda, Lawni, Organdiei, Swisaes and eTarjthin maa to our forcdr Owen this week. field i . town. ;i ' new learning ! CLO T H I N G! Our NE W 8PRING STOCK of CLOTHING ia no. nA J4 L. tev. J. Ji Harper, of Smith- J V F" ouiia ae oot on approral. yourocaey d Is visiting relatives iii " JOU WMt lm We do busineM P,eM I tttinfaetioni . a is visiting relatives in xCOME AND SEE OUR NEW SPRING CLOTH IN 3! ! I Miss Irena Reyjnolds, of Clin on. is visitinf? the fnmilv- nf Mr. J. F. Owen this week. Mr. A. M. Pittman returned rom Rowiand last Fridav W 8PRING CLOTHING SHOE . SHOES- SHOES. We are noted for keeping the beat stock of Shoes in North Carolina and you can duj tbem froin u and eare money. We more and fasten the btton n an ouuoneo snoes som ac onr aiore iree or cnarse. We srnaMaitM all nf I VUt BUOCB. ment of Mr. E. F. Young's where he has been contracting. iiiss joiia .jsenson, of Jolm- Keen, stqn county is in town this week tID88 who was tried at Smithfleld last attending the Crumpler meet- X3TSWISS CURTAIN GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION AND PRICE. week for killing a man named inff. Qarpets, Qattings and Qurtain fcoo&n. We are showing New Carpets just from the mills, and a big lot of Mat i just received from China and Japan at prioea lower than the lowest. where to buy HAQBWAQG AND FURNITURE. We hare the best selected stock of Hardware and Furniture ever brought to Dunn and all we ask is to civo us a trial and I we will i - w guarantee to please you. i Yot'RM TO I'LKASK, DUIIIT HARDWARE tz FURNITURE CO., L . ; dunnJn a .raven z iioluday. Next door to J. J. DUPREE Johnson iat Four Oaks last fall, was convicted of murder in the Miss Lula Bridgers, after second degree and sentenced to Miss F Cox returned to her home at Uoldsboro last Fri day, i : . j We want your trade and will sell (roods cheap! and ffire satisfaction to f one. WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION. I I hands and Bare von the Mr. A. B. Harrell, who has been teaching at Lilesville for several months, j returned home r riday and informs us that he will not teach at that place anv- more. i I the penitentiary for 20 vears. I - I i - I Messrs J. L. Benton & J. II. Ivennedy have formed a co-part nership and opened up a grocery store on. Broad street next door to The Union oft'ice. See their ''ad" in. this issue and give them a. call when in - need or groc eries, s I a v , ... The Tent c fluff. Our cylinder press will ar- i . " rive in a few davs. then our of- I hile it has rained nearly tice will be well equipped for every day since the gospel tent givihg the people of this section was raised in our midst, it has better service than ever before, hot interfered with the meeting A dollar was never more val- very much. Large crowds at uab We erery Our entire stock we buv direct from the first middle man s profit. Comb to sekIUs GOODS Wait roa Samples. FRANK THORNTON II FAYETTEVimg -w c' COMPANY OIBITUARV. ."ThorJsno dealhJ what tteciDS do Is trans- ltiont , ; ' This life of mortal breath Is but a suburb of the land elyslan, whose port ala men 4;all death." Died at her home near Poe's, N1. C.t March 11, 1897, after a long and painful illness, Mrs. Nancv B. Crowder. This announcement will mean Thk Union. 1 rm - I nere is an mea among Home & mbJe text of our people tnat we snoum e to us than ricrhti now. iena eacn service, ana. tor the cannot iro further without Pst few days the altar has been money and those who pay us crowded with penitents, seeking to ajj those who knew he tneir accounts witnin me nexi "" ruuwuuu. nnA mnn fhnf ona few'davs will alwavs be remem- Since Saturday up to last night ' T. v ; OPD n!n l'kOArt 17 inn imnoinn a ot the purest ana - nest 01 lives Derea as inena 10 xne success 01 . and 20 sane ti tied. : Mr. Crumpler did not take last night, but raace no charge lor me paper consistency of the M. E. church when a man advertises, j This that the;iearned men of 25 is rigiii, aim we ao nui wiieu 4 ' 1 1 ' . . K eomriici is uiiuie i) y ear, . uui a nfi npn.fttiPfi ont kannHfipni most, nrominant element ner H J n , " ; n, tl01"1 Vh."st n Perfection: haps w charity. Not only "vv; V. ii that cheerful giving of material we do not think it right to give hnl.nA mftvpmmir TTa nA things to the very extent of her few letters a watch and the paper. About as much reas- fro stanciard work writtpn ability to all in need, but in the for goods t amounting to some bv distinguished Methodists to broader, nobler raeanins of the. ininS over f l, which prove that it is one of the dis- word as well. , Truly she might B" a hears airo believed in. - nreached tive character of. which the mougm to oe a fit but he died nut I ' ' i ayetl E$ ad. Yesterday evening about half past six o;CIock Cohan Boyle, anIrish peddler, fell dead in front of Mrs. Jno. StWart's boarding house, where he had been stopping, making it his headquarters, far about I sivl weks. He is apparently about 38 years of age and about five feet eight inches in height and weighed about 175 pounds. He was walking around town yes terday afternoon and told al iersons about an abscew that waa forming oyer his right lung and aid that it would kill him. He went to his boarding house toxistnpft in th V DUPP was Slt- exlstence in the tin out in froni . ,A talking to a gentlemari when he It which in,a few minutes. Coroner J. J. Wilson summoned and he examined his pockets finding nothing but a a bill NEW FIRM! MOM I has ended upon etirth and ' gone up higher to begin that fuller, freer, better Father' 8 house above. Hers was a singularly attrac- fell lout of the chair. We wuh to annoaooe to the public that we hare opened a FirstClass Grocery Store, o..iaiM wrmerlj occupied bj J G Cox. on Broad .treet. tad are prepared to eerre our friend, in the be.t manner at reaaonable low pt , ' ,- o o o Highest eaib prices paid for !Um, Corn and Pcai. L When in search of GROCKRIKS, DRY GOODS, CLOTHING C WNMD GOODS, LKATHER. SXUPF. TOBACCO, &o I o.M on uV an'd a.t our pnes.. Mke our store headquarters, and .ill K i - "... w K.su ftv ICO TUU. I Respectfully, : KENNEDY & BENTOW. Dunn, N- C- I mar l7,f. was was on in this as selling a coat and vest at cost and throwing in the pants, j ' leve tliero is a and it should them. We be law against j this be enforced! , ' Mr. Ed. B. Hartman, Gener al Agent for the Knights Tem plars and Masons Life Inderanity Company, of Chicago, has been in town for the past week solic iting insurance? among tho fra ternity and those whom the fra ternity will recommend. This company Is well established and is trustworthy and writes in surance at j very cheap rates. Many of our cltizeis took poli cies with him. He was called to Washington, D. C, yester terday by the general manager of the company. . Messrsj I'rivette & Holli day, proprietors of the Dunn Hardware Furniture Co.; have put in sin elevator in their store to carry goods to the second tloor.. ! They can take customers up to the second . floor ' readily and quickly on it. They are energetic young business men and are arranging their stock for the convenience of their customers, j Their store is now up-to-d&te in every department. See their new; and attractive 4ad' in this issue. They have he goods and! will sell them at prices to suit the times. Give them a call. tinct and fundamental doctrines of -the Methodist ! church. We believe the opposition to this doctrine is stronger now than when Mr4 CrUrapler was preaching here about a year ago. who left it Thos . Ashford of I w e uppue i causea oy uvd in a . frii Tniin line inconsisient lives oi many A. Oates of our town, where he U4 T ' w pf - s . w ue wns-stonnincr rhe niffht before. anciiueu. inen wno proiess to Mr. Jno. A. Oates, Jr, of the N. C. Baptist passed through our town a few days ago, en route from Kinston to Fayette- ville. He tells ua that the resi dence of Mr rvinston, Drotner to irs have been written like Abou Ben Adhem as one who loved her fellow-men, a generous well wisher to all the world, andone better for having was Almost Completely destroy- bn one thing with their tongiie ed bv! a stroke of lightning. For- and prove to be something else in irnui xifnri; aim -uuiiv waiK are always stumbling blocks to ttinately no one was liurt J of the iraates Mr. and Mrs. John Har per, father and mother of Dr. M. W. Harper and Mrs. N. ti. Hood of our town, have moved here from their old homestead in Johnston county in the Ben tonsville section and occiipy a house near the residence of , Dr. Harper. They are both very old and feeble Mr. Harper be ing in his ninety-fifth year. We welcome them to our town and hope that their: new home will lie a happy one for them. Dr. F. T. Moore drove a horsej which lie had owned for several years out from, town a few miles on a call one da)- last week and on returning home, when; about a mile and j a half from town, the horse stumbled and fell and died before he could)' unhitch ' him from the buggy. The doctor thinks that he died from "heart failure" as he had not driven him hard and he was apparent!- in good health. The harness nor bug gy was injured by by the falling of the horse. A large line of NoTels, School Books, Qrajon, 81ates and other School Supplies can be found j at Hood & Graotbam'a. See the Wheeler and Wilson Machine No: 9 at E. F. Young's. Its a hummer Greatest range of work. i any cause rthus it is proven in this case to be. an obstacle un surraountable. ! j The meeting i will go on for several days yet, rain or shine. Everybody is : expected next Sunday. issue : of The Coun N. C, shows TVe Appreciate fThia. Thei following very incourag ing words about I The Union were found in iThe Smithfield Herald of a recen ( "The last issue ty Union, Dunn, a decided improvement in its general appearance. It has. donned a new dresg and is now all home print. The Union is a splendid local paper and de serves the support of the good people of Harnett and adjoining counties, without I which no lo cal paper can flourish. ; We congratulate j Brothers Pittman and Woodall in their efforts to give the people a good paper and wish them much success.'' ' The Clintoii Democrat says:: 4tThe county Union, published at Dunn, appeared last week in a handsome new dress of type. It is a good paper and a credit to Harnett count v. Have you seen the Magic Silent Sewer' the Wheeler and Wilson Na. 9? It makes more stitches per minute than any machine in the world. EI F.'Youjtg; A womair of unusual intelli gence she was firm in opinion, decided in conclusion, and though she lived her life simply in the circumscribed sphere of home, dying hear the place of her birth and never having been far beyond it, only eternity can reveal the extent of the influ ence which went; out from her cheerful hearthrstone. .4 Of her religious experience there is little need to speak.; a life which Wivs but love in act, so beautiful; - o consecrated, could have but one motive pow er. Day: by day she walked as seeing that which is invisible ; through years which held many troubles she was soothed and sustained by an unfaltering trust, therefore when the sum mons came which called her from the nigKt of earth to 44 the land beyond the morning" she went forth calmly surrounded by devoted children and grand children, and death was swal lowed Up in everlasting victory. And of those who regret her loss and rejoice in her gain, one known to her since childhood lays this flower of remember ance upon her new made grave. 'Yi'1 A Emend. Onion Stt 10o qt. at Hood & Gran. thm's. . p j; rj Boiata aad IfeoeVa seed reaafeJ oa a4 Hqo4 & Qrantbam't . Borax for your neat at 15 pound. ! i Ho9 & GaaxraAM. he h&d taken out of the "express office lutti, evening. lie borrowed twojdollars from Mr. Jno Stew art to fihish paying for j them. InUhe letters was one from his sister who lives at 'Newark N. J . poroner Wilson telegraphed her and received a telegram this morning from her stating that if he, had money enough to send his remains to her. But he had not enough effects to aend him and Coroner Wilson will I have him juried this afternoon if he gets no further instructions'- Hej came here from CUnton., N. C, and it is saip that he has a trunk and some 'good, clothes there. He has; a : partner by name of Jim Boyle, but no re lation to him, who is over in Sampson somewhere. U: j Hej was no doubt a member of th Catholic church as he had his beads, in hi pocket, and seemed to b. an honorable man. The effects he left heje will bury him decently. l ; The firm of Hood & Tew is this clay dissolved by mutual consent, N. B. Hood having bought the entire interest of O. B . Tifw in the stock of goods, store; fixments and other effects, of sand firm. This March! 12th 18971 ; ! . , !" ' -I 0. B. Tew. N. B. Hood. I 'shall continue the Drug business at same place. Hhank all foi patronage and favors in past fand cordially invite all to comej and see me when wanting anything in my line. Kespectfullv, N. B.JIood. Mr ft lllSID 3 I with to call the a in t ion of naj friendj and the pablie f eaerallj that 1 h4 bought the ttoek of gooda of Mr. J. K Jordan on Broad 8tret and will continue be bmiaeai at the ame plaee. ' I have Id atoek a splendid atleetioB of Dry Good'. Notiona. Ilata. Shoe i. &9. Alao a good line of 8tapl and Faney Oroeeriea and Farnj are' 8 up- ' pliea whieh I will aeli aa eheap aa the eheapeat. All gooda aold guaranteed to giae aatiafaetion. Vovr patrdaage aolieited. Gife oe a call. v Tacir Yonaa, i I jalS In. J. JB. Bi itt. DUNN. N. 0. V We an prepared to furnUh at ihort notkr! Fine work fur Interior of Houmth, Htot e.C'hurch-J itml oQif. A vartrtjr oi pattcrua and fj Vtjlea auperior to anjtltlng ever een lu Uunu. Parttet oonlmiUtinz buildlnr wHl da well vt ee our deilxui aud get our price. Tut buperincenieHbnr our work l an accoui- VlUlied aad eXiKTieiK-I Uelgiter on thl lin najw viui w phnmc jh. SOUTH DUNN M'F'Gl CO. NOTICE TO TAX PAYERS. I Al persons due Taxes to the Town of Dunn, are hereby noti fied, that ! unless the same is paid In full by the 22nd day oi March 1897, I will proceed to collect the same according to law, by distress. This March 1897. J. A. Drives. Towa Jai Collector. 16th D. McBROWN, Proprietor. Alr January lt, 1897, 1 will be In the tor iiowocetipleUbjr Mr. S. V. lrk-r. To get fresh pure liquors call on me. Watei U a flrt-elas drink U Ita place but ltdn't belt DID NORTH f-MIM MN WEI SOLD BI ilE. arr In vired to drink with ne, wbat ejer your clrcucn .stance may b j-o ir vi.nl good drluka cull 2n lIcB ova i i -it 1; it 1 ! f I I . M f If t! .! (