T H E bUNTY UNION s - AH wvxt be 7 7.m f.vi'.fV m niven (MCI I f fl' ''"'I v i . .. i. iiviivfivpii l turiv v.s. JonW on udcertiswg QCAL POTS- :,,.Mliird .parfc. -for oilier lo- .i:r;, "last Sunday morning :1 liiirlil ly the pastor. iT!o. t rees are now nearly i ji full' bloom and all nature Urn.' spring is here, j Ir. 6. V.j Shell is adding ,, ...on- rooiiis, and otherwise his 'residence on Di- People and Their Movement. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Culbreth of Falcon spent Sunday in town. Miss Minnie Butler, of Giles' Mill, is visiting in the city. ' I the oii.'ni'i.F.tt ZTJeSSJSZJSK ,- fcjWB- , .. . - - sffll Till HIT bODflS .11., N. G. After preaching. for about ten days in our town, Mr. Grumpier closed his meeting with the services last night. During i Great Mi m !) street. 1 ' 'fh.-spring is here and now li TUP lO IUul:t5 'nii ainui- til'" Ui'Jil.t'IU Vii!ll ,U1)V Don't delav but hand etteville, spent Sunday in town with his brother. ..nit-! of our Gardners have I f . T . : - A up now, aim . uiiir popular hotel propri- OJlOU'Ml Las r;iiislies large '1 I . Ithis meeting about one. hun Mr. ana Mrs. j m. noages, gouls converted of Linden, were in town yeter- and sanctifiedr He has labored day- faithfully, and doubtless lasting Miss Emma Guy, of Rocky good has been accomplished by Mount, is visiting Mrs. J. J. his preaching. Below, are just Wade. - a few of the things he said dur- r 1 Mr. Sam Newberry, of Fav- in8 8ome 01 "is sermons , ounuay jnormug ue D.m tt out by saying: "Don't sup nnsp thprp wits ever such a Mr. II. A. Hales and wife of PlllltUlwTt, : Dunn on a reliff- K'enley spent several days in ous occa8ion before as there is our town last week. ; to-da'. Sirs. D. C. Ko.ss has returned When-God has pardoned your from a visit to relatives at sins, what's the use in whining Washington,. North Carolina. around him every day to do Af v n - ,ntim qmi what he has already done, un J.. hldridge, of Smithfield, f qj, spent Sunday night in ton. ; looll keeper in this 'town but Mr. Mel). Jliggs has return- what if ithey had to set up the ed from Scotland Neck and in- standar'd'for L church members, forms us that he will not return. tQy WDUld haveto live a high Miss Alice Wade, of Godwin, er life than most of them are who has been visiting Mrs, J . The trouble with tlie people - "IT ii. 'i. 11.--. l.n Urtr-' rr A r f J. Wade, returned home yes- is imu vney imvu uu - f.i., line wronj pmee iu jjci- mo uiuit .j explained, lieeu k0111?' lu i preacxitjrs ui tiits jhuu miv OI , .1. -TT..I.. 'M.'- not me iioiv vjnum. Tin' Ih-l.'-oM.. Mill!. t""!l 1(.r.. last Sunday attj'nd- th,. (,runii)ler meeting, mnnber of the citizens were here. llico of Dr. W. Dieted and js one unest. and most ni.-nt otjices 'ni.the town. K-v . JJ...K. Sykes, colored, ,,, l-cn living here, mov his family : to Wilmington U i 1 .J ,..,i'anll iv- Where ne nas iififpu'u taiio L. is of con- nlKI f the ra J 1 Mr; B. F. Williams, one Harnett's best voting men, tb'h Monday. Mr.'Zeb JefTmvs, who. Winslo, spent a few hours in There are profeSBing Chris tians in your town that would has not speak to some poor fallen been in I Georgia for several man or woman it tney snouia month, is visiting his brother, meet them on the street. 1 have Mr. P. J.I Jeffreys: in our town, yet to see a jsanctihecl person who will not reach down and Mr. and of Clinton, after I snendinc sever- pick up the fallen ali as.p'astor of one aptT-t churches there; Vc are indebted to Mr. hai l. .). Parker, Secretary of . North (Carolina Teachers ,.,,,Kh- fur :l certificate of . III'. y .-- .norarv niembership in that .iiih.lv for 1S07 . '( were in error last week relating that' -Joe Keen was i!,'nerd to the peiiit-iitiarv for ty ;, it-.A ,,f ') eans.- lie was nnnji-u-u ui t":ilaiditer and' sentenced to v pcnitentiaiy tor une year -Next week we; will give a k nnsisr if not tle whole of the 'w school law as passed ny tne (.nt legislature, which was rawn and intrpdueed by our nator, Hon. GeorgeJE.- Butler f S impson . j : , The law firm of M"cLpan nd Clitlord has by mutual con Mit been dissolved. Mr. P. H. McLean will , continue , in tno anie ,ilice. Mr. J. C ClilTord vill Open an olnce on Lucknow hquare. . The-' Town commissioners lave ai)i)oiiued iur. nl registrar, for the town of )un.n for the election to bp held m town oih'eers on the first Monday in May. All new com- rtifister before al (lavs here with their daugh ter, Mrs. It H. M. Pearsall, re"- turned home Monday. Mr.' Willie Harrell and wife, who have been visiting tneir parents; Dr. and Mrs. W. B. Harrell; returned to tneir nonie at Norfolk to-day. lh 1 ! 1 i : ' Revs, A; B. Grumpier and P, II. Crumpler and wives left to- dav for Clinton, the home of Rev. When! we talk, about perfec tion we moan perfect love. Not thjft the 1 heail is free from mis takes.; I . i ; When j all the preachers get the right kind of religion they will be here xm this stand help ing me save poor lost souls. You understand don't you. Praise God ll have been de livered out of the hands of the Piipmvnf thft church and I'm FAYETTEVIbLE - - m. m: m M. nflA I1T1 1 0Q7 JS97. . . WtW UOUU8! SI RIM 1897- .AnGEST sToCic rrnV GooDs iv north caholixa. ... n A v- -k V m r m T LARGEST DRY GOODS STUK1S SUUTil yv l5At.HMunn We invite our friends in Harnett County to come to see us and make our atore headquarters while in tbe.city. ' We aire thowing Una cpriug me preiuesi, hub ui opnug incoo v r saw, with all the new trimmings to mitcb., Our line of SILKS aie beautiful and in miny d.ff jreat'patterns. Wj cirry a full line of Ribbons, Chiffons, and everything kept in a large first claa dry goods store; we can tiil your entire memorandum , LADIES' MUSLIN UNDERWEAR We carry a, full line of Ladies' Shirt Waist, and a .lull line of Muslin Underwear la Night Gown, Chimtses, Skirts and Drawers, you can buy the garments from us cheaper than you can buy the muslin and trimuiirgs by the yird WHITE GOODS, LACES AND EMBROIDERIES Beautiful line of Wbi:e Goods, Lawns, Organdies, Swieses and everything oew and pretty in the White Goods Line. Laces and Embroideries of every description. Send for Samples. . Come to see us. 0 L 0 T H I N G! Our NE IF SPRING STOCK of CL0TF11N.G is now opened and we can fif nVl nif vou as' to rrice and style. Suits sent out on approval. Your mouey back if vou want it. We do business to please and give satinfaction JtCOMK AND.SJfiE OUR NEW SPRING CLOTHIN SHOES SHOES fcUJi.. f We are noted fur "keeping the best stock of Shoes in North Carolina and vou can buy them from us and save money. W e move and rasten tne nuuon n all buttoned shoes sold ai our taure uco ut v.u-.Bo. .,, - 6 ,- our bhoes. - - Qarpets, jyjattings and Qurtain Qoods- We are showing New Carpets just from the mills, and a big lot of Mat- tines iust received from China and Japan at prices lowpr inau toe .uw. TSWISS CURTAIN UU'JUS ur jjivnux iuir nu.i WP want vonr trade and will sell ?oods cheap and give satisfaction to pvptv one Hji uunuai""" oy.j rm firof ThanHa onrt BftVft VOU the Oar entire stocK we duj uircu. middle man s proht it. Write for Sasiplks. X Come to see Us FRAK WWM MI GOODS COMPANY. f ' ; FAYETTEVILLE, N. C 3! V I Building Carriage : '0 Materials. c iL-ll 7 EVERYRODY. LOOKS and our Stor Thronged with CUSTOMERS, 1 AB Criimpler, where thev -will not afraid of all the Elders, :::. Lnfi,l!,vS Bishops, LL. D's. X. Y's etc. W.J. A.Galbraith. a horse (Jumped about four feet in the ntul mule dealer of Mossy Creek, M-) mi lidn't know thev had ii' Ulmanfonor fr Whin VOllT UUCie i i 1 1 l viia a in v i iiti cawii- " -.. several unvH... i""""v w '.Wn here, did you. They would not say such a thing to ray face Tonnesoo. has been hero lor lo will nro i . .1 n..nilAK t?Cl-k .fnr-l. W for sale next ruuV Dlv season. -M MUsJiettie arn( . for ten thousand iorids like pained oy inw p ' v v ' this VTara and Katie Herring, all of T f nhina for mon- Gicnco High -School, Sampson . , . Dieod law ' ev ana ron pins, too, ur i. cui back between the plough nan dies. If God saw fit to turn me loose and this work would go on without 'me, I had rather coiintv spent Saturday Sunday- in town. Mrj. Bi Holland, accom )anicd bv hiffv little son, left vetordav'for Everetts, Martin county, to attend the marriage Ut and be with my of Miss Morence maius, precious wife than tonow inis. ter of iiis wife, wmcn win Saturday nichjt : "If Had solemized in the Baptist 'church at that place this afternoon at 4 o'clock. Our business has increased so much wv, had to add a new man to our force. ' , ' We are still slaughtering prices and the jKH-plo are learning where to buy ' " i t HARDWARE AND FURWITURE. AVe have the best selected stock of Hardware and Furniture over brought to Dunn and all weask is to give us a trial and we will guarantee to please you. ." Yot'ttS TO PLEASE, ? DUNN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO., DUNN, N C Pnvett & Holiiday. j Next door to J. J DITPRKR I I 1 ' -i i. V MULBS FOR SALE I have iust received another lot. of well Tennessee lUUit's iT,Un which .1 " am " offering and I O . . ..1 .-r i rvVl f fX -i-rtiir towii n.nd Tireach- Liiont for cash or on time. ed' that'' you could ' H' some, have moved to Godwin & lane s T-xvnnlrl have had, some of the tn.hlesV If fou want, a good ' nr preachers in town! and all the raule or horse call and see me. rStOCK. . , . tt T F.TT.TNGTON. MEW FIRM! MSUiiL! We wish to announce to the public that we have opened a : FirstClass"Grocery Store, in the building formerly occupied by J ( Cnx. on HroaJ street, and ar prepared to serve our friends in the best munner at reasonable low prcea. -.Nvau a m 5v v " .... saloon keepers. of millinery before ou ;u. Som0-Of these no hell preach Will bo open: April 1st. fir9 have told you that you can't E. F, iouxo. i. rrWt in this life and ofi ! ..- i ter M r- will have to h-.'v can vote. In an issue of some weeks i"o we stated that , the keeper f thpoof. in this county clothed nd fed and cared for the pau- for.l") cents each per day. ire-informed that the coun- f u niishes clothing and bed- Wn'f fr them. -Our popular druggists, sis. Hood ' A Grantham, as s -their custom each spring, uive tomato plants which they tavo raised in their store nearly ;u;m enough to plant out, which thrv will jrive way to their friends after they havo planted all t he v wish for themselves. On last Thursday Mr. A. L. Sorroll a voung man who liv.s :i f(nv milos west of town was arraigned before, UniU-d .States Commissioner J . B. Hol land to answer the charge of retailing liquor.. He was re quired to give a bond in the sum of one hundred dollars for his appearance at the next term of the Federal Court at Raleigh. We learn with pleasure that the trade of the Jno. A. McKay Manufacturing Company has increased to such an extent that they will in the near future en- largo their plant by erecting a laree b feet and planers, power-swaers, sliears, dies, steam-hammers and other powerful .metal working ma chinery. This concern will not only then make plow works and naval store tools but will then make several other kinds f edged tools, hollow-ware and general foundry and machine vvork. Thus our enterprising manufacturers are enlarging Tin, crowd that attended course you accepted that as gooa Hghtwood charcoal. i ic Crumpler meeting here Sun- true. j - ' ' ' pay highest cash prices. ISO av Was estimated at about If the preachers in this town .g the to make tar wm believed in hell they would be 1 111 JU ipuw--'vn 1 ' Headthe advertisement of out liere ueipmg me uxag -u- tho tar. isnag y -the IIare Company in ners out of hell.' : 'J)on't. you TnE jNo. A. McKay M'r o. Co : if,,, Vhls firm is well know if they believed the Bible Dunn, N. C. kwn tlvev woulditelpV ' .(Old darkey 1897. n lendid Imsiness. broke in by saying, -dats right v IP VlV-'i Hi, " i"l'-- .' 11 , H They know wavs. ready to serve them. Give them a call, jj We are very grateful to some of our friends for sending us in in the news items from different parts of this! section. We ap preciate this kindness and hope other communities .will help us in making The Union interest ing to every fireside in this en tire section, j We want our cor respondents to ' act as agents and help us.. in building up a larcre and extensive subscrip tion .list. Give us your co-oper oml-.wn will rive vou a local paper! worth twice the sub scription price. Wre return thanks to a rharminix inaiden for some beautiful flowers. We jdo not know bv; wliose hand they were plucked, Imt as flowers are said to be the alphabet of the angels e suppose jone of that yvander IM-ture .l Tow n IIn.Il. To-morrow evening at eight o'clock at the Town Hall Mr. Henry Blount, of Wilson, will deliver his .celebrated lecture "Chow Chow, or an Hour with Authors and jActors." " He gives this lecture for the benefit of the school library. Mr. Blount. needs no words of praise to this community as nearly all know him and have heard him and know of his ability to entertain an audience. Wo. will only say that all who attend will be high ly entertained with ail able and instructive lecture. Admission sion 25 cents, children under 12 years of age 10 cents. ISoad Curl So!cn. Some one took or stole a road cart from Mr. W. D. Thornton' shop yard last night. The cart belonged, to Mr. Hardy Draugh oii, oSampson, and had just been repaired by Mr. Thornton, thb cost of repairing amounting to $3.50. . , j We have received a card announcing a new law firm in Fayetteville Cooper & Oates. Mr. D. T. Oates, a member of the firm, is a son of Mr. Jno. A Oates of our town and re ceived his license in February. ttL xfr. TTlott "Rnp ( Sooner. n or"l n4 we II as ' , i you can sen uui rr' I of Clinton, nave lormeu uu- partnership for the' practice oi law, and they mate a strong team. Mr. Oates has charge of fhU Fnvetteville office. wish them much success. I In behalf of some of the lonely wives we will say to some husbands' in Dunn that the and love- and happi- o Highest cash prieea paid for Uatn, Corn and Pa. i ; , When in 8earch of GROCERIES DKV COOPS, CLOTHING. CANNKD ; GOODS, LKATllKK, SNOKP. TOHACt'O. "Jkj call on ui and tej vr . ' prices. .Make our store heathj lartera, and we will be glad to aee you. i - 1 ' Rfisvififitfnllv KEWWEDY & BEIUTOW, Dnnn, N- C- i t mar-17cf. H. D. Ellington, Dunn, N. C, Msr Ifa Mifi. fill I 1 " " . i. :! is rT i, ;l- i 1 I I WANTED 5000 bushels Will ow le T J Wade keeps the best .w. TTimir. Meat and Corn ai nit; vci "v"v l I wifh to call tie ant ,ion of my friend and the publio eaerallj tbat'I have bougbt the stock of goods of Mr. J. K. Jordan on Broad Street and will continue 'he business at the same place. I have in stock a splendid selection of Dry (5 od, Notions. Hatf , Sbort. &c. Also a good line of Staple and Fancy fjroc'eriea and KirroHra' Sup plies which I will sell as cheap aa the cheapest. V' All goods sold guaranteed to give Mtisfaiation. Y vr patronage folieited. Gi?e me a call." " ' Tri ly Yours, " : " ,T. J3. Britt; 18 1m. VllM.HtV. We. lir npdll ( tell It. nepd and trV to have goods and luesuay mg h . I and are al- young ladies of your town was VviVw u.w , . .whr Rhe Was COIIIS, "r , l," 0nnlvl""" , cv.v. ....w.. . has iust receiveu cv icviv, uri'v ,Urest ana sweeiesi when she-said, down to --the J He algo carries a hrst. st floWers of joy ; (JU tUS, wuvj vi v " - she was going to a tramping or 1 liu string match such as they had at tne noiei uunng aumo 1 M J . noiuui. Uop them. T .,. iinfDf rniYi o to VOll 1 I town again, but-if the devil gets to cuting up I'll come back and run him me, he can x am ; j . - . r rpfrences civ chool superintendenis s umw - -rA - t as saie9 . l,m cp n cr'A I- iu ii" " INE wood wornr ii i;oc lino of Drv Goods! Notions, hu.tj - v ' j . i Hats and Shoes. He has a gooa man's shoe, worth $1.50, which he is selling at-$1.2o Call and WANTED A position as nnnVA'ponpr hv a " young man out. nes airaiu n-,;a1iheS. and ex- Hstandme. . . ""rr lnrv" reasonable. e.n. II neeu en. st as E.1 care sas m - " " , i n A.ldress Ion of brandy nana ousaex n ; - . D N c corn. jiiwi v - of Now you good people shout wheii you; .feel. like, it, tesiu when '.you please, but by all means live your religion, let your life be straight." The tent is being taken down 1 i. i .a . l-vl-iri m ness anu cumemuicun "vvi" It T. 1 1 11 tliA liomfl fireside at nicrht where a true woman's smiles 'fcof affection and devo tion are the sunbeams which fall nnon their petals and make them emit their rarest and rich- pst'nerfume. Husbands, stay at home at night and enjoy the pnmnnninns hip of the richest iewel that binds vou to this spi- stricken earth. ?ake 'home a onmtitrt and iov, , ami ' then you cret a foretaste of that home be- vond the skies". . I W are orpparel . to fnrnisli at fthort tw)tk a m mm s K"ni work for interior or iiou, .moh?. iwtqh- B. fr. A varMv Of ' baltcriu alio "T. -tyle superior to anything ever Wmn. . ' Parties contempliit lus buijtlins will ilo well t -e our designs and get mr prU v-. Th SiiDerinteudeHt of our work U an ar;oin- ... . r . ! Ii .1 .... ii.l. II... ind we jjuuniutee to pleu you. 1 SOUTH DUNN M FG. CO. .w ivu- puuu v wuuii.iK . T band ndw r0aming the eartn inkling about t by loO missi(m of goodness ! and d equip same with lathes, 1 included to speak to us in the vernacular of native climeV and reached down and pliickvd these beautiful flowers iri.nws nk beautiful as the witclieries which hang around her form for one whose heart is made lighter by being the happy recipient. I Have you seen the 'Magic Silent Sewer" the Wheeler .and 9? It makes more minute '"than any the world: " I , v to-day and wi Tarborough. 1 be shipped to JL Wetejr: "Fell ElkinJ IN: C, March 22. Yesterday morning about six o'clock a terrific explosion in the elements was heard here. It shook the earth and rattled the houses was an ea who were; the sky, so it he a meteor. See the Wheeler and Wilson Machine No. 9 at E, F. Young's. Its a hummer Greatest range of work. . " . I have the prettiest and most handsome stock of milli- nerv ""oous now on v i ' i er before Wait until they be open April 1st. - J E. F. Young. their business and increasing a j Wilson No. demand for labor. Thera is stitches-per .still room for others. Let them machine in Otiartrrly Itleetlnsr. T?pv ,W. H. Moore, D. I)., Presiding Elder of the Fayette ville District, will preach in the Methodist church, this place, next Saturday, 27th Inst, at 11 n m . and will hold the Quar terly Conference after preach ing. He will, also, preach Sunday at 11 a. m., and admin ister the Lord's Supper. Ser vice Sunday night at 7 :30. A ini-ifntinn is extended to Killed ly a Train. ir.inl to the News andaiJ- - Observer from Wilson says : W. Onion Seta 10c qt. at Hood & Gran - it i?onor n vtinu' man twenty-j tham s. over , Hnists ana ituoa bcu brought to Dunn. arrive ;Will D. McBRO WN, Proprietor. s Some thought it 11. naper, u ........ rUtquake, but parties! six years of age, was run overj jBal .nd u a flash Voss land killed by a train nearLu fi at Hood Jlwai snnoid tblcama: in W ilson. on Saturday Borax for j v . it 3UUt'uu ; ' i - The noise was-mgm. i - " ; WlllCll lie was luuuu mat I heard at Dobson, eighteen miles ; tion in distant, j The course was from north to sou and Qbserver & Grantham's. our meat at l5o pound." Hood & Grastiim A 1arTA line of No-vels. School "' f -7 of tlie flash! his foot got caught in the frogB;)ukgt Crayon. Slate d other ithNewslof the switch and he could not ; s.Lod Supplier can be found atllood - j TCt off the 'track.- ; ; & GrAnttaiuV- Ater Janpary 1ft, 1897. I will be in the tore now occupied by Mr. 8. V. Parker. 1 To get fresh pure liquors call on me. ' ";' 1 . 1 - - t Watei is a flrstlasa drlnkln It! pliee bot'it'.do.rt bet : 01M0RTB" f..R0LlK. CORN WHISKEY SOLD BY 1. "flTf Invited to drink with ine . ' i : -,;,.!-. . iiateTtrvour circuminccs mj n - -. -v. i t . . . . ' m ... - . . . . ....- i fMfniffO axe good, frWrerrr tonnd.- W;lf yovt jo.l irl!Ws,cj)l oo Mcjl 09, i i K s 3 r i 3... '4 t ,t ... E. t Young; com e . ; t

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