& . r - T HE COUNTYUlION t - . - ' - lC SN, -Harnett County, N.. lu--r.:d accci tjjng to )-tal rejjulni sit i.-. .it t.he postoljEce huuii,..'. ' J. I. PirTMAH, Proprietor, A. L Voo6AtL, Editor. - . -URiaS-CF SUBSCRIPTION. - ' Three Month...: Six Months,-..,.... 25 Cent?. 50 Out". ......81.00 - eirVby MaiL Payable in advance. . .,; ----r r - v Dunn. if. C, March 31, '807. A noi-o is chief fertilizer in spector at a salary of $t,200 -per by the populists of the . State. Yet they- say they believe it) .white .supremacy and still the populists . indii e :tly voted for Jim Young, the most disreputa ble politician in the State, to be chief iiis'pecicjr of fertilizers for the State; Don't say. that you didn't. You did. The members of the late leg islature ; are at oflice-seeking crowd'- as .appears from ;recent resulte that is "f lie Republican and 'PopiVJist; " member-. The Kepresentative from 41 arnett, Mr. L. B. Ckapin, is jut back from . YYrashingtoh where he went looking for some crumb from the pie counter of Mr. McKiiilev, and is . reported to have- said, that ' "Half of the members of the lnftv 1 perioral Assembly are now n Washing ton trying to got ofliccs." If the whole mob - could, get ap- Dointmontsufo is'ome ; loreir bonntty ami; 'mi.v'cr'.icome iNorth Carolina w o Ttd d ) le ;sed . ' - . . .. . . The blockade of Cretan parts by the Powers has nit deterred Greece and she has declared open war on .Turkey and the iJower3. The Fiovrers. vill probably- withdraw Iflt. blGC.kude and join Greece- uy tlife war against Turkey and stop.Uhe -whoflesale slauglpter )if i t-le Christians in Crete which' has been-- goijig on for sometime. e The." old' time valor and manhood of. th-e Greeks is ; a s orting itself and although a small country King 'George is not frighted by the Powers but will ligh t the uni ted governments of Europe" if. they persist in rths ; blockade; Eng land and. France-': have already expressed a willingness to with draw from .the blockade. - .'. : Some of the3" papers of the State,-foremost1 among,-, tlmm is the News &.Obse.r.ver, ,are . mak ing a great to' do fibouMhe lease of the North Carolina' Railroad land government by injunction and are 'trying .to -'bring -;these be f o r a t h s i;p sop 1 a . a 1 1 e . . i $ s u e s for .tluiMmxt -campaign. The railroad lease annulment is republican issue, but vet it may be .right ; gov lun? . by in junction -.is luxt ittemo'cratic and is offensive to .all citizens who believe in a free government of 'Equal rights to all.an'd special privileges to none:." 15ut we have-before us an issue of more importance than. these that of reclainiipg the State from tin blak-aiu'.-;an crowd that .Aire in possession of our State Govern ment, and the maintenance ol white supremacy. We want only, two words in our platform and on. it we iutend to stand; W hi t e Si pre nac ' the only safeguard oi our common wealth.. ! We see the party now in power giving lucrative posi tions to disreputable negro pol iticians, and placing white men under, them.. What ' kind of blood has a white iman got in his veins who will accept a po sition under Jim Youiiff. the . , ... i l-tfl l onnAintn.l I,... til: .v.t.t, .vi.n -x umuH Inspector f r the State?. How will you populist and republican merchants - feel ne.xt ;) spring when Jim sends around his ne- gro assistant to -inspect;. yortr . fertilizers? Will you met him wi;h opm a:m'i? 'Yon. -should, he is oae of yuur making. The Democrats wilL feel in linait but will havto submit.- Tnese thin s musfnofc be so long in North jC;irolina. The white mnn rf lbr .sint paper in the S t ite should work, and now ia thb time to com-, mence. Don't let ...vtlio v.fire in the forge bf "White t Suprema cy" l timber in the coals but i' let us..kt ep? it jslbwingy-VyThi whit-e people, who have tlie'-i4 telligence Mid iayUVi- buMehst uaiyiur orders or call at oifi o-f-if taxes, irrust rule North caTONieeHr.r'them. . . - ' lina. Deliver us from an vhore! ;' ' - J.P Pmviv such mobs, called a legislature, Us met in Raleigh in January.- . CUASGKSJN THE AUiiJ UL TUllA L' L EPAliTMEKT. The new Board of Comrais sloners: of Agriculture for the State appointed by Governor Russell ; met . in Raleigh last week and 'elected 'hew5 officer for that depar-tment, The;.: ma jority -of the members i of the members of the Board are Re publicans and. they proceeded to turn out the1 Democratic .ofr Heers Mind renlnes them , with Republicans and I'opulistsi There were two applicants . ; for Commissioner, Dr. ; 1) . - Reid Parker, of Randolph, and JuM. Mewborne, of Lenoir, both pop ulists. Parker was Pritchard choice arid had been promised the place by the Republican caucus. Mewborne .was? Gov ernor. Russell's. choice- and I :t he Governor won in the fight; Here aror- the; appointments mad? who will take ;.charge of their offices on June 10th ; J. M. Mewborne, of Lenoir, Com missioner of Agriculture, to succeed Mr.-rS. L. Patterson. Salary, $l,80(h.. ! J. L. Ramsey, editcr of the Progressive F armer-j Seci dtary of , the Agricultural Department, to'succce.d Mr. .T., K. Brtiner. Salary .$1, oUO . ' ; Jamea H. Young, colored, of Raleigh, .Chief; Fertilizer In spector, to succeed Mr., George H. Terrell. Salary, $1,200. Jy. h. Kelly j -of"; .Vance-, As sistant Fertilizer Inspector,.- to succeed-Mr.! Pi C. Jnniss. Sal aiy, $1,000 arid traveling; ex penses. t Ed. Shoup, of Davidson, Special Fertilizer ..Inspector, to succeed Mr. Wiil Gree.' Salary $75-.: per month . and traveling expeiises while, on duty.. J as'. Siieek of Davie,: Special Fertilizer Inspector, ,to: succeed Mr. Vest. Salary,! $75 per inontlrVnd traveling expenses, while on .dutv. T . ... ' George W . King, of Raleigh, night; watchman,.. tx5 succeed Mr. Gaston Broughtoni. Salary. $480. . ... . ... S.-E. Williams, colored, of Monroe, janitcr.i 'iSaldr,1 $360. It was lerlided that tempor ary . chairman J . D . . . Masultsby should beV - made . permanent chairman of the board.. The following committee.s were also appointed :.;." ' . ,y . Finance H. E. King, chair man ; Geo. E .! FJo' Howard Browning James M. Allen, John Bradj'. v i; . . - - '. Executive. Committee J. C. L. Harris,. cluiiriiiaii y - -John Graham, J. C. Ray, W - C. Sprinkle, J. D..Maujrsby. I).-. Pa -ker. was defeated for the place which he t had hoped to get and for which lie turned against- the. Populists and . free iilver and-'v voted for Senator Pritc'hartL " But the Committee thought that- hisiu traitorship should be . rewarded, . so they established a aiew office for him and ajpointed him to - hold Farmer' Institutes in the State. The salary, is sot. stated but of course v they -will arrange for that. - Thus is a man rewarded for being a traitor to the people he had promised to stand. -by. When there are;; no .offices to give they make cnc vfer-him. The Tennessee Ce itenniaT and International h Exposition will open at Nashville, Tennessee on yiny 1st and continue until October 31st, 1897, This Cen cenial is given, to celelaate the one: hundredth ixiriinversary of the admissioirof the! State -of Tennesse into i the- A merican Union. G efnor Jiusgell 'will touch the jelectric- button that will start the machinery, of the Expositicii:ins iTennessee: is a daughter of North Can-olina its territoiT'once belonged'-to her: Quite elaborate buildnis: are i. i. ivu ivi inu ,ia uir . . " . . I Sition and.evervthing wilhLe in Lrili,iaR nn t a readiness .on. the opejiinf 'day This Exposition- bid$ fair to be the largest ever given in this country except- he World's Fair at. Chicago,-and will pre sent the resources of the' South ern States in an exquisite man ner. . Railroad rates' will i be cheap and a large . number of visitors are expected to i attend from all sections jof thecountiy. BLANKS FOR SALE ! We now. have on hand a full supply of Warraniee? anfl Mort gage Deeds Chattel Murlgaj;es Lien : Bonds and V'MjWstrate's blanks,, at prices as low 'vkis-you uu uuy tnem anvwnenfe !fc$eil jPub. of County Ltxiox, . ... ' Dunn, N. C. Goawih G:b- The weather has been very cool for several days past and "ye scribe" is afraid the fruit is hurt, though several old people have said . that "March frost '. hardly ever do much- damage. Mr.; and Mrs. z Julius Wade of Dunn,, .spent. Monday night at Mr. Alex Wade's. . and were in town Tuesday . morning the guests of, Mrs. Hiissell. Miss Emma. Guy accompanied them. Mr. fno. D; laiu of7 Lucama is at home oil a visit to his par ents, Mr. cand Mrs. Angus Bain, of Kyle's Landing. . . Mr.iind'Mrs: P. F. Pope will leave for Pembroke,. "NLO.1, the latter part of this .week tmake that place their. home for a while .- i - v Miss Ruth Pope was in to, Wn several days. last, week ; visiting Mrs. W..M. Pope.,- f ?si; Miss' Jaiinie - Belle Culbreth spctit;Tue'Sday with -Mrf. iA.' B. Yai-boro who moved . . here ' last Friday. . ; - . ' Mrsr.'Jim Williams went to Alabama latwcek to join I. her husband. o-.z. . jQumby; March 30th 1897. - ; An Aftirnon Slarriasrc. At Everett; N. C.1; ov the 24th o f M arch , ' at 4, V clock 1 : ini the afternoon, at the Baptist church, Miss - Florence Adams and Mr. S . A . . Jenki riff, of Ast dc n N . C . , were happily juarAed,' Rev. ;U. L. Finch performing the cere moneyc . - As!the bridal par fy entered the church the orgin,.'fromi the deli cate touch of ' Miss Bertlia -Mjc-Aughton, pealed forth- the wed ding, march by . Mendelsohn; first canjie. ; the candle-bearers, Master Willie-HolIand,- of Dunn and little Miss '.ldrC Baileyv ' fol lowed by the bridQ escorted by her sister, Miss Jda Adams, in the right aisle and ' the groom attended by lusfejothter, lyobert Jenkinii in tliB left aisle, and the attoridaiiitk alternating as fol lows : ' Miss Daisy White with Dr. Nelson ; Miss Mittie Coffield with J. P. Simpson; Miss el lie Simpson with A. S. Cojfieldrj Miss Beulah White . wit'liMT;, Allen ; Miss Myrisle AVli-iitley with C . F. Burroughs : iMiss Gertie Everett with Jfj. Jiames ; Miss Jennie i C B ur 'row ghs :tvi th J. L. White; Miss Iej.Ya n drews wiAhi-L. M. Burmiighs ; Miss I izi'.ie Salisbury with,' E . B. Grhihtiiam,. who. .vtdok )6 sitions -aimim! the chun'-cel of the aJtat fliile' i lithe '.minister proclaimed t h e solemn.; words which make twain one1. : i;; The ushers were J. 'P. and Ernest Whitley. , Immediately- after the mony the happy couple Lane L : the train for lAyden, s- tlja 4licime of the groodn where, a . iceWm was given 'thenil ' ,"-c ' The bride is- aidautrhter of the late Lynn Adams pf Raleigh and a sister of Mrs. J. B. Hol land and Miss Ida Ajdams of Dunn. and s- cue. .of ... Everett's fairest daught&fc.v itfThd-" groom is a prcDBpedusyoiing farmer of Ay de n . M ay H eavn riahest blessings .smile sweetly, i upon theni. . ..m .., v.. Mingo SpraSgles- Some of oiir farmers have commenced planting -corn. i;s. Mr: K. L Hoivard J litis his newl planing nachinc. in: .work ing opder:npSff. Iidiv A.tbuty and will dress two thousand feet of lumber anliour. i v. Mr.'J. L. Pulley- spent Sun day, in Climber land. , i oi a..- - M r . : W . F . D a w?on , accom panied by Miss Veirie, ILontey cutt of Giles' Mill, .visited u Sunday. , ,'i 1 . Rev. Jno. Moore, of Golds boro, filled) his. iregular appoint ment at Rethesda ciurJit Sat urday and Sunday. . i A Hiss Claudia ijbdges, of near Benson, .who lias', bten.vifciting relative-? , in this vicin ity , re turned hoiie V,rcdnesday..- . L ' GuanlV'farmhg'ahlt'v sanctifi cation are the v. topics . of our neighborhood, iv :. ' ' . i. ,, News and hen's teeth are very near on ani equality in this community. ' .-. . 4Stuh. Whywill you buy blrtcr nauspnllnw tonics whbi MOVE'S TASTELESS. CHILL T0HJS Ufrp!eaiWi1i a lieinoii-.Smi4 Yoifr drii'otbt is authorizcil . to refund t!i? inont.jtjti ev ry ei wjiere it fails to ture. 50 ccntf. . i. nk . - ! . . , Wilmij gton had another fire Monday niglil which burned i warehouse and 150 bales of cot ton, belonging : to Alex Sprunt & Son. - lli4kOtii4 wi i.tiurtl Slow On Sunday aftcViioun a week ago a negro man broke into the dwelling of Mr: Lassie Jackson, near Averasboro and stole a pisr tol, razor, some collars and? sev eral . other small rarticle& and wiild'Oprbbatu' tttive fgQtttm more .but .some ladies svhqtwere passing by frightened Itimaway . They saw himi jnmp trt of a window iind he paiiif? out in the road near them. .From . the do scription giveai by 'them the police arresfed a liegro here Sat urday. He -gave two names- one - James TaTlof3; ' tlie otlur Fred Taylor, i He looked to-be about -25 years of age. : He had a hearing, before! J. B. Holland; J. P.,, Satui'day afternoon and in default of brpil was placed in the. Guard House for safe keep ing until Monday when he would haya ibeen - conveyed to jail Sunday night- he broke out of the Guard House and es caped. It -is thotigLtr that lie had help frobn the outside'. He is supposed -to be the thief that has been' stealing meat in town and that he- lias 'Sbme . accom plicos who ihelped tol "ge-.liim out- He vyasunkn6wn by 5ahy one. heVe;v U- Wi '? :' K iWr. Illntjiit's Lrcliire At the ToVn Hall last Thurs day night was well attended and the audience was well enter - tained. "Chow'rOhow" is one of his ablest lectures and he wa in good s-liape4- and delivered it as none but Heiirj Blount can. Everybody was delighted and laughed until they could hardly laugh more. His lecture is en tertaining 'and highly instruc tive. - : ' Wants The To't Office. Thererare severdl applicants for the' post office at this place and our lieople have had s a chance to sign A petitions. All the applicants are hard at. work but it :syns4hati-MrrXleorge Lee thiilksi thatr 1$ .' iniist iaye it . Heiis in the fightiin earnest. He has been in Washington now for two weeks working. for-it 'and some of his party say that lie will stay uni&he gets the-asisuranbe tha,t he will get the place orhb-is defeated - tl ... We. ta-iist - there will be no chailge maile and that itrsDL.'J. McKay, .xwliOi has served us so faithfully for the pa.st fom years, will be allowed to retain- the xpo siti'ov i..Wf eii sliirei t&ai a, ma j or'iiy of tHe ptirdns of Vtlie office Vou!d be pleased foi ' her to re tajnitlie place, . Next Tuesday the North Car olina Itailroad directors ahclf the Q4)veri0 aietLitbrney Gedernl are to' appear' i&iGre'eiisbo'fo - be1 fore Judge Sirhonton in the in junction prbceeding-1 i)ronglit by the Souiern Kailwaj7 'Com pany i' Governor Russdl has emjj&yeil counsel' aild will de fenfihiB' position and that of the directors'. ' If the court de cides, "that the State hasi, right to suel and demand' dr.'repeal of the lease"-by tlib courts, the Gov ernor wilic-pi ol jably outer siit at once:'HHo; J;i, QiUpaTlisle, ex:-Secrctaiy of tlie rea'sury, is counsel; for tlie Sotithsin. .. AfOEil SIGNAL. When you h::v6 vneumatic pilrns in j-oiM-'fhoulderstw liujbs j-oti are apt t g.ve butt.Jh tie heed to the ''dunger sig nal.". Right then1 yon itk;1:o u iisfake. tid yoit 7iy. ?uiiVrii agal's in - after years. -df'ij-or. nofte a rs-..ial lire in a building 3-oinfcnc1i'th:it it shtailt be pur out at uo;. Sams way !vi:h rlieuma rism.f li U M A.G4 fab fgs eUt veg etab'ic coi:jp()nndH is J a donstitnlional wire;foi rW?.r.uathni. and.'-ailk disease.-arisi-ug iroiU iiO(isonv!is acids in the bloo liheuil.i)!ile is sold in Duon ' by IIoo & GrantliaiiK and br uiKjrists croiiei- ally;.- Prto $1 Kr bottle Au.,'. 2G-4ih-E. O. .W, , . ;,, t T lilU s- I wish to eull the tfert4ii of my fricittr and the ladle who trade at Diffin fiiat my stock of ' Millinery Good thi sison is uutV;h larel: diu! more "com plete than'- tfyt'r bt'ftfi-fe. t. . fililU hi! f 'tit ti MY OLD STOCK is all si?A out'anL-iill -r this sea - n fO:i :ire'JfEWiulof if he latest ' "PAITEllNS rjiu) STYLES.' Onr Hat?, triinined jixf fintrraiirtedi are of the latest WyiIeA.nH(-l'.-iirn8 and wr ean phsise thy wot. fastidious; ajt ItfAv prices, ,ir.. ::t;.,. f,.t: - . , ' , I'MLss Aildie Byrd is wl b roe nrnin thls;M'.-il .,dfvni- be 1 esedM,to serve her, fripn li - -i ,". , an ihi:i ice u-v v.e can i suit von in quality,; stylt and pi-ieeV., ' . ; , . t. V Yours .ftespectfuilyj j v MRS. J. ih pope, mi-10 Dunn, N. C. I PRIMARY. SCHOOL. 1 have opened a primary school for children at Godwin's Hall on Jiaiboad Street and will be pleased to. have . the pat ronage of the people of Dunn, s -.LbiU'O hat) considerable tfxpe i'ieiice ift teiicnitig 'and-: my ;ef forts -will beto. advance ..every child as fast as possible to be thorough . i- ' ' My terms are from $1,00 to $1.50 pci-. month,- .payable at the end of - each month. Trugf iifg to receive .a liberal paiioimgIam ! ..'sj.i'L Yours respectfully,. Miss Mattie Carr. Bv virtue of a ccrtain mortgage deed exr titel to ine by Moses? Bowilen and wife, Nancy Bovden ami W. Hawood B.nvdcii on" February 1st 1805. and duly recorded in Book L. No. 2 Paes 2S5. 28G and 2S7. in this Krister's ofl c of Harnett ,'ount v., NortlwCarol'ma, l.wiil on April 12ih 1807 .it'll oYlock M. sell to the highest bidder at v public sale fT cash iiU;tW Court House dor in th towtvof -T.illington. the foilov,ii;g tnn-; of land lyVug ami beiiig iii; jiiijcl:.-.Kiver tovn$up Harnett cointy N. jU. .!d d scribed and'tlefined in uil mortgage a fallows viz: Adjoining the lands f J E Flowe s. J T ironeyutt and other.-y bouudod as follows: iBeg;niHt g at a slake and poiyttrs J ;E loweisIrConn jf near his shop a-id runs noi th 22j .ast to a sfc.ik2 and red oak pointers JE Flowers' corner, then as his lino north IS west 12 chains and. 4:1 links to a Stake in his hue of. 55 acre ti':.ct. Then as his line and past his cornwr north 24 J east Q chains aird .15 links to a 3take in the.-ei-d of a lane J PJIo :e csUt corner, then as his line souh 80, ast 35 chains nn'd 40 link to a stake and pointers J II John (ns cnnifr fin fh east sida of Black ! River, th n a.rhis .line soutk 24A, west F.c,':'li:sr,1,u r ?aiUs to ? i liuiuififs . i'jiiuwiia uuii.ci ui 4,11V; Ai.iir clay old line, then as tje Barclay line north Sil, west 22 chains and 5 ) links to the beginning ajid , coMtiiihsy" nc'.'efi of laud les 15 acres that has been deed ed to J T Adijir.s and wifa but has noi been surveyed., And is 44 acres of land more of less. This March 10ih l!y7. A. W. QjiEaoKY, ; jAlortgageo. : , NOTIC1 By virtue of the pover;of saM contain ed in a .certain Mortgage l).ed -xeeuted to me by J.;1,. McKay and w ifV Dorcas McKa3, on tjteCili of .January, 18!4, and recorded in theKegister1fs onice, Har nett county, in book of Deeds ".J. No. 2," pages 44-47. I will s;ll on the 54h day of April, 13 7, at the Court House door, in Liliiug4o,n. at the 12 o'clock M. to the highest bidder, for cush, 3 lots or tracts oiaiid locate! in N"uTs . Creek TownsiHp, near IJuie's Creek?- Aivtdeniy, joining the landj of James Keardon. McKay anil o;t hers, bqi uded as follows, viz -lst Tract, Beginning; at a pine v the crejek, C.rowder's line, hence S. 50. E. 4 chaius" to dgVjiolj thence S' '28 VV. chaiVis a'ud 10 liuhji to a rnk ; thence S. 51, E l p!iaiis to M':Kay line; thence 28, W4!;" chains' ..find 50 links; thence S. 82, VV-, f thaii.s to a black giun in II null's Crecrk; jln-nce N. 10, W ; 1 chaiir aiid u) links .to n stake ii lleardou's liru? tiiC :ce 'M. 2. 'IC. 10 chajnaul 5J link! tit a stae mjTi pointers on .ipC; east, siqe ci uie ere k thence N. SSj.jW. 0 chains Htid lib 1 in U to a "take o,irsiditf;h ba,nk oil the creek; thence to tlie beiwiUlg, containing 18 acrei.inqr or U's.i .'1 2fu !lr.et. Boundeo oil the North b Jafiif-.s' Keardaiii's. lu)e, on- the Kast b ihe'above trsifct sjnd 1. A. Stevart land, on the South anil West by Allisoi Byrd s hue containing 7k acres, mon or less. : . . 3rd Tract, Begiuiug at a pint? Rcdin livrd's corner.; thence as his line K. 30 W. 15 chains aiid 50 link's to a post oai stiunp, jKrjipk " clay's corner: Un-nc as his lEue N. SO, E. U chains anil H inks thi lightwjood stiuip, his corner thence as his line N. 1G, E 3 chains to a post oak ojj-.a ditch bajii.k; th.eiice as h'. :ii.t;lo, y,. 7,luiLns and 35 links to s. -take in J;vnes lyeari,to;:'s line thenc N G2 E 3 efis to spike in frtie creek th r:c lowii said preek to jhe bi'ginning, con taining 13 acres,', more or 1 :ss. This - anrh 1st. 18'J7. Wm, lEUiyox.Mortgagee. F P. Jones, Attorney for Mortgagee. NOTICE-. . Byviitue of two certain M'rtgigi Deeds executed to, nit;; by Moes line foot and iie Z. D. Buvfoot the Hrst recorded In, hook-lj'. Ny. 2, pages 275 in llegis!er'5s ofUce of Harnett cuut', the &eco'.nl,.Mcoij:cd in tjie saie book oil pages 4i)-4i(, I will, 'on March 25th. 18 )7 at theiro.-t Oftbje in Diinn, N. C. at 12 o'clock p' m,,sell at public sal. to the h'tglst bidder forqash the follow ing tract. Of laij(J lying .and, being m Har nett ai.d Cuud)criyyul counties State, ol N. C. in Avej-jisljoiq aj.d -Black Kivci Townships auseseibcil aiul defined in said Mortgages' as follows to wit : B -ginning'at pelauj' Lee's corner, A. J. Fart's liiie, thence with her line South about 13, A' 8 chains and 75 link. bet w eyi pine, aii! .s4 ei'tgmn thence diiect to a pesimuion treo, .oij. the crook of the la,ne fvncq,.Sot!th of. t,lie crook ii; the feujc-; jiud gin house, thence ti e same cour.-es;jis the last line to the run o Mingoorajhjie hegi niug 7ch lins and 75 links, west pf. the take a: id Jaru r-il oak an l riins'upth bj' the cemetery to the run of Mino,or striking line from the persimmon lre? to the swamp ; but should tlie, Ine iroin LhcpersiiiliiJou tree .1.... : ... ...,- -. r 111 t . 1 . 1 :ir 1 1 mi 1 1111 1111 .mim v : 111 1; un'til it rcajr!3 jaid Jinr, 1 uutihi'C-soutii ihence sai Jjue jiorta t the line , run ning west.. from the stake and reel oak, thence west to the. In iri.iniiiij, contain inguiejiuuib'etl (I0J a:.'iv.s. . n:i e or le?s. Dt-iti-r a part of a tract of ! T5U jafress ofdand lyiiig' in 'llan ett and Cum j her la ml couiuib-j known a; liie Win. kilh'ir.s laud., which 7-) acres i- nio-f panicui.ujy jiiscj j. eT 111 15imk k. p:ige 141, lJeeordr5,i)ft ;Iarnett couutj i The imti cii jaim ihtciu toiivevu adjoins the lands, of l)elany .'.'Lee. Kenio i E. B:irt-foot and the lauds of ibe heir of Kim on JJ iiffoot, deci-aed, bein;' same land conveyed to said Mo.sus W. IVire,- foot ami wife, by his father and., ir.vfper 1 Kineon Barefoot ami Iarr A. l;a,rc,Mt by di ed dated lec. 21st, 1881 aijd.ire fi'riRrU 111 llie J 1 iutt Cffunty in onieu 111 me nesister s orac 01. liar 1 Book T. ii:ii:e .5i0 itc,. teinnr.tlie laud where the sahl i Moses i W BarefooUiiid family now live. 'This sale will be made by asrevment, bet ween the mortgagor Aiul the iuortX'g. .. . . . T... J. Best, Mortr-iee. March 1st, IS97. Jbe above sflle Is oontinMed until Sat urday, April 3rd. I897, at, 12-30, o'tlock F. M., at place named in atiove utice. r ' W J- BtST. Mor'taee. rp ft 1? ' - .1 vio is tne only paper jxiblished in Harnett county. Suljscription price $1 Subscribe ntW. LQDK PUff X-J0 t lcL 3Tl3 - - - v-- s o g&rS Yotir Bar! : ;:;4vJM THE T.EE HARDWARE CO.. HAS SURP1USED EVERYBODY', by gia bu.h o pric?3 oa v Hardware . . . .... .'..ND IJ'viiniitin-c. Tacy are still soiling a gool strong 15 II um M iq if.io'.urvl, hi (j i' Beside pice Bed Iloom Suits; Lirge Arm R ckiog Clia rs, M.4f trot.scf, j; j priDgs;; Baby CAriiages &y. - To 'our'alr ady immense stock of Ilirdare, vre bave recently a .f ,i " Engine ai d Boiler filings and am prepared to give mill mon sp. oial p,i0J a Beltitfg, Paoktog, .M II Sapplies f re the advance and can still givo you We wapt to say to our friends and loing businesa with ac iccienso stodk be f-old at same price.' x; ' A large qaantity cf Hubs, Spokes, j 1 ' - . IEE 'HARDWARE GOmPAY 1 E. LEE, Manager. TOOD & ft Qlcl Stand. DrngpConfeetioneries. Stationery, latent IM-vlicin-s, C ip.'rad, I jrax, Qulphur, Drug Sundries, Pepper, SpistB tcu. Tobacco, Snuff, Lamps' and Lam -i Fixture 8, vise Hall and Store L-unj.s. 'Prescriptions We arc headquarters for aii thing in qt line. 33iri5 tk us J RAISE" YOUR A - Standard 13 vin be t'liflncVt'G.nlvvii's itablt al" tiVno.s. iiorMi;ihA EmII t':.s-. i ''Farmefn fio wish to rai e'lh'eir own .fciu'les will li-rd it. to tli'ir ni v..n- o get ntfj- prices. For fuViher ibforu:iMt :dtiu 3 ot II ir i it i " : ' ' I Am GU5AJG BACK TO Where I always get ll'.o PUREST and brst Whit-lrevf, Iirandie-i, W'mt, &c, at as reasonable priced aR honest, ro'.iablo ood cm be toil a:'. pup i f, coppiq. .ii 1 . i- 1 r.pS The leadirg br?nds of RYE ' WHISKEY, Tobacco, Ciga s Ac. Jut t prove vrba t Imyis tc tail4 -; ' ' r ; - ' . 7-S- JACKSON, Agent , "J Broad Street and Luckno-W- Square, Dlinn, 17- C- ( LAND SALE. 1 A By yiriue 0T an order of the Superior Court of'dlaunett (oinit X. C. I will sell at public sal; oil Monday Apti 20lh 1897 at thi 'oi.rt JJoive di 01 i:l Ljllinp:-tonV-. C, k( lS.oVlock-M.-. ilur folhiwin real t-tute iui.itd,n'nl bi-in. in Upper ,LittIeiII,iveL-ito.;nl.i). out- ti'-ict of .1 111 J knowiun th Mahria Mc!C:iy land aod hounded , as. follows;-. Il.i.inin ata take,- lVoi.;ick.s c.r ier,;rnnuin ilienet; ". 12 ch:!.ns to a Stake." theiiei N.2 , W o chniivVtlifMice N 2l, W 12 1)U;G chat.ns. X.J22, W 14 7-- 100 chains to st:ike. theiiee 73 W 9 u-10.'l chains l a take in liauieU Creek, .thence E 27.0 to a stitke in said ere k, thtjw-e lown a.-? Lj.'; .creek Sib.-ut ii-j eh iins 1 ihe fort f,!i tfi 'tivvk.j thence! as the oad aboutO chains ty a Sassafras corner, thence S S0t E 12 chijhis to tlie Spring Braiu.h, then'ce pp s:i!l ' JliMueh as the ehainiel ,aloitt 27 ehainsi-to Womack's line, tnen as his line to the first - H;itin. coutajt'iinr 210 acres more or Jes.a. 'iVrui.s of sal.e cah:; This M:ir'h V.l'.h 187. i . , - O. W. IluT, r " . -'oiiiaus.-:oner. Subscribe for The TJxio.v. (IOW DO YOUR, FEET Do poor shoes make you limp or pmcncrns or jud Up listers?; LIM Insurance '.if '.. F-i ' ' " ' ' ' sJt-shaped--tn!iac from the leather all over cork filled, water icainer aii over-cork filled, watcf - J?enuJHe 90 daya Accident soes with everv -nntr rwmidM every pair. Jixamj J. B. LUWIS CO Makers, W, bought 150 kgs of Xv t0 a low price ou nails pilroos thit wt ar still in H n i. naj of IluJvfarj'aad Edrniture t!ut iiit ? ' . and Riajs at a l.isr price, ; llespcctfully. Xcxt Door to E. T. V .';.. : - , pgr.ef ully - EiHo(l.,; OVm' WllTLES 9 X V 5 5- 5 rod - Spanish - Jack t i - . L H. LKK. JI NN, N. ('. f M DC V -P UD 11 L l I, .HILL T VALUABLE LAI I'oi: S LK. By virtue of the piwer of - '" ' t:iined in a m rtir.le. de-d es.n t- .1 i"1 by M. Y. Barefoot and ' j daj- of jl ur.e and ilnlr i" j ! t -. N. C. in Book -' S. I'-' ' h2'j' I sell, at ; p'tl.l'e IMijlM "t ll jilT 1 r i-.'i a- ! do(r in 1 town of 1 inn I . " ?3.iiday ihe -Z;:.i .'lay ..' ; ' : u'eloe'c t a 1 1 i t 1 . lyinaml Iwin in Ibirne.l ( " 1 -ify "": ' aforesaid in , A v-ra-l .!) -, j - I -" further ilcci Wi-ul in r-iii I, m " sUlt.lU!!:L'.lv ;tH follow, i A ' " ''' ' I tnd pi i; V.t Bur fool, H m J!' foot .and nthers nnd Iimii'.im -I a- f Be-iaiiiii ;H a t:il:- In in I i'1' i lin-and run u JUi -said It - -s,'r-" r' I 15 5-10 -ha'.lis.to a Make -dm' o ". . 5 W. 47 0M U(i cli.iii.. t a 3IIl)-o. W.trreu's iine. fliei'f - line N Mi. W 14 5 -l"0 eh ! m f'-j in xail Ion- ft, N' ., K J' I""1" ' t tbe.rlunbi eonftddv.' 'tiff v (:,t,! more or les. This s v. 1 1- t I ..'i iM'ar lo a hrivhiir tow n and u ": 1 This M,i.rch 20.h is:i7. . Ar.-.N.o T A! ,K , WXIX)NS tt MOKOAN. l ' " - i - Attorneve. FEEL? Q shuffle ' , ZTn C. Vii' T- V Ji i ' i ' best Tannery Calf Skinsoft, soW - oroof proof sole. Insurance Folicy for $ion.c .t.... i.-r. .CO Boston, i'ie" 1 BRANDY mm mm .v