THE COUNTY UNION WEDNKSImIY. March 31, 18J7 DUNN, N. C. SPKCIAI Jij orders for job work must be "Aid one half when order i given and ihe.hallatce tchest delivered, Thirty .jaVt allowed on advertising. ' ' LOCAL DOTS. . JjVwriorrow ii tlio first of iril-All Fool's day. : ' -impact is reserved in tliis is !!r for Mr. X. Ii. II1. Look for liis k-ad" next week; . 1 1 i t-i i ' p i;m are geuiug pienniui ones day from It ie Cape r ear river fojr the town elec vote ti')ii. i. It mav hr- tliat votir v. i:i i" i j 1 i. ' needed for tin jLK'd ov- iiinentoi the town, OreoiiTse. no 'ih' would vote . oihc-rwise". " -Vlien .'my tiling of interest : in v-our neighborhood v.-ii" it on a postal card and -.!.! it to The Union, We. will j,;tv vmi in papers "hnd Vill he n;a t liave you he!) us make J '' ' i'ip'''1' interesting. -' , TIic Quarterly mooting was. !r 'l a.t tlx- 'Methodist 'clluch S.iKinhiy and; Sunday. Dr. Mi., th; presiding Elder was pro-nit -and preached two strong md ahlc sermons '.Sundv. ... ' i V are gratified nt'the irii lrrnveMH'nt our. ctv..i lutliers 'are making n tin" tth-y-.ts and side viks. Let ijitl gooel work go an and we will soon have -as rcets State. as any small town in tie . Since the hogs have sliut'oir the street every tli lu-en ins; is inweli nicer and clean el' . on the -trerts and very few have heeh put in the pound. Wfs. believe that most of our citizens'"' Vho had hogs are favorably im pressed with the law.-' To prove that the paint brush ; greatly - improves the appearance of a residence- oho Iras to irl a nee a. i the tnn.z- niliceiit. residence in ern -part of the city thb Nu'n'th owiu'd 'bv Mr. Jus. A Tavlor, recently painted. ',.; 1 . : Elder P. 1). Gold filled his regular appointment here Sun day night at the Primrtiv church and iweached" an" tiicef- I'.'tit sermon to a large tentive con irn'LTat loll. lli Hft no a j)oinimenti lor "iVext t- ..... t. . . i . . .i. louiiii .uiHiay uigui viU.d not slt Jus w'.v. clear to L 3 lure then .Tie Southern Bell Photo Co... have pitet'd their' tynt in town and 'are 'TVUefv ! for lusV ness. The proprietors rire 'en ergetic vou:i men and work .hard .to lease Their patrons. The ilianager is known to us atul we'kjiow lum -tribe reHabh' iiv( them a call.' o - ()iKMlay last ' eek while iworking on 'tin house 'of Mr. 0. V. Sliell, Mr, Willie Minis fell from-i scaffold 14 feet liigh, hnaking a rib and 'otherwise Ionising his 1 jdy. A':tritten' l'lank on which' 1 was4 stand ilng droke and caused .him to 'fall. Wo learn he is improving rapidly. ' .; " " I';" . . ' Mr. D. S. Stephenson, who lives up in Johnston and whose .dwelling house is within 10 feet "t the Harnett line, Svas mtowii yesterday and aia Tn k U-: ion a j)'.easant call,1, ami tofd ns X( a rooster of his thab igot-nito1 an old well which 'contained- no water and lived m itiere for hf teen days before hef was found; heij taken oitt the rooster was in apparently good healt-h and his chickenship seemed " to be none the worse after his fast of tifteen davs without food or water. are told ot a rather strange find which occtirred in Mingo township Sampson- coun ty, a few days -ago; aiid should judge front tlve lei)0rt that history repeats itself au'd that the old blue-back AVebster's spelling book will soon again come into prominence. Mr. E. T. Wilson, a hu mer of tlfa't neighborhood, was- digging a ditch, which was cut some" for ty years ago v. deeper, and he says that he .sfiuck a spout of water which threw out 'Bo'me thinir blu and' ;n ov.-immMtion ho found -that it Was paper and resembM'the old blue-lck pellert 5 lie say'-'thnt it Va; perfectly )iosoTvod and the! nrint',i- lww r.ioini,. ! ? - ---"x.--. This is rather remarkable nut- i who knov tlip- lii,idn -v I r ies conoalcd in the earth People and Their Movement. Mr. F. M. McKay, of Lilling ton, Clerk Superior Court, was in town yesterday. ' - . -r. Mr. .J. vTcKay Byrd. of Lill- ington,, wj& wi our street's V'at urday.. - ' Mr. W. B. Thompson, of Goldsboro, visited his son, Mr. L. Thompson, here Saturday and Sunday.' '- , Mr. 1 J. Wade and wife, ac companied Miss Emma ctiiv, sjx-nt Momlay night at Vaoe.. " ' Tis's Minnie Ashford, of Kins ton, visited Miss Mayme! ' Gates this week. She returned home to-day. . ( . Mr. Jno. A. Oatcs left to-day for Kaleighwliere lie is called to go (Ait - on' a shox7trip in R)ecting' fertilizers- Mr. K. T. Steplienson, .. of Key, and one of Harnett's best farmers, called at our office yes terdtiy and renewed hi's sub scription. ; Miss Ila; Smith, of Jonesboro, aeeohipfiniod by Miss Jannie Byrd,' of Little River Academy, spent a-few hoprs in town shop ping; Saturday. ; fThe coloid house-mover Scot.t, froin .Goldsboro,- is mov ing some houses- for 'Mr.' Eras mus Leo this w eek. He moved the little store house from5 the coilner near Austin &. Surles to the southern 'part -of- the town which wdl 'be fitted' up 4 for a tenant -house. To-day fe' is moving tlie old Culbreth - store to th'eorner wltfere lfe tbok the small oTte , from', and'will-' prb aldy get it in llaco -this aftr noffi:- Mr. Lee will ''fit this up, so x.q lealn, for Messrs. J. A. Massengill & ' Co., ' who will move into it. It will make a nice store and is a good Ideation. The negro who broke out of the &-urd-house" Sundajr night gave some i nf otmrttioh that- Hvill piibabl load to. the capture "of a band of thieves. He said h: was one that helped Kb steal Mr: S ponce's meat -ild that - they 'carried it suvny to a negro's he ay(jr4iear' Garner and lfid' ilf uitdftr tin -house whore the meal could be fotmd, and- that . th'i same night they went through Benson and broke intq a; store and stole a case of shoes ancl otlir':g(rnd and had .them -hid with 'tl4 i meat . AJ Spence went jjp" to Garner Mbhday eve ning aiidvtelegi'aihoii 'back here vt '.stcrditx-ithat tht; niexro's story vas tfue-'and that he' had found his meat. ' ' '' ' e notice '"That a great many' lnn are " such slaves To' t()bacco 'that they., chew it in church and spit on the floor. This is especially true of our coiinti'y 'ehuTclies,: If any matt who"; T'heWs -tobacco will . just think for a moment what a bad Simple : he Ts setting for the youth 'if his country he AVoukl stf;p chewing it in church. What man, who claims any decency at all, would chew tobacco ancl spit' on the. floor of his own house ! If: your -neighbor was to come toyotir ' liouse and c;yit on your floor your wife Ayoiild be oli'ended if you were: not. A church is made- to worshij) iii n t to chew tobacco, in and spit Cnt the floor. If yoiX can't re frami from chewing tobacco whil'M your pastor is ; preaching you should stay at-home and chew your' ted iacco. The habit of chewing tav-o is simplpa useless one ancl "when Vv-e ro to chinch we should lay it aside. Along this lino tlie v.oung men ;md y'odng, ladies mightj also leave oil' their gum for wc , fre quently notice some of th-enr chevrTiDii --tin tluirch.' Yofing friends" Cjuit it. ' It is not manners m church. good rost OIHct 3Soller. Monday Deputy5 Marshal J. II. Ballance went down near Godwin .in Cumberland county and arrested Robert McMillan and Wm. Bvrd, both rnL,vo$&i on-- a ' warrant :--thargin'4ht-fin with' breaking into the post ofrice at Kyle's Landing' sometime last October. He brought them here and placed them in the guard house "to await trial Avhieh will be heard before U. S. Com missioner Jno. B. IIollahcVThis afternoon wln n Mfi Bal!an?e - gets back from Lucivma whither hevwent vesterdrtV after a Wit' ' ness against them. . - Call and examine 0ur 255 Chewing tobaWJ; it chn't be beat- - ' , Lane & Co. : See the W heeler- and A ilson :N:!cl,ine Mat E- Y(.tipg) ; its a Hummer Greatest ranee - of work'. Gare His Chll ii WhiUcj nnd it i.. - IIel. Wre learn from a reliable source ' that June Mason, a vhite man who lives in Grove township this county, came to (Dunn last Tuesday was a -weel ago and bough t- - some - whiskej' and carried it 'home with him. When he got home he ivas drinking1 if not dt'tink. The nex: njmmihg he commenced drinking agaiii and gave' his lit tle boy about four. yiars old'sa bottle with some whiskey in it and told him to drink. Not long aftei wnid the little: ' fellorw commeiiced having-spasmB 'and contirnii-d to- hate them iihtil he died". ' s' ' : If this man while he was drunk oave his little boy whis key eno'iigh to kill him he should ne. punished, and severely, for it is very near murder. . It is due Mason:' to say that from the source )f .our informa tion that he, is a hardworking man and rarely ever g0t4'; drunk unless he comes5 to" .' town,' but this fact doesihot oxfcivse" hini if the whiskey vas 'the cause of the boy's death. : . '. Dunn Has the lti-eu .And buys the c'otfoai and sells the goods. If you don't think so read--' tli isi .''' -Mr. Artemus 'Vann, a waalthy and prosper ous farmer of Beaman's.' Cross Loads,' Sampson county, ten ifdles from Clinton, was in town last Saturday and sold, to be delivered yesterday and, OG hales of cotton toMr. E. F. Young for $G.90 1 per '-hundred, and bought 20 tons of Farmer's Bone- Guano from Mr. It. G. Taylor for 310 ly . -of-'cottonper to be delivered 5 neM fall. At Clinton the dealeTS- asked him Z'A) pounds of cottbri per ton for Phis same fertilizer; ' ;- F '' ' Mr. Vahn jlist year used Far mer's Bono Guano and planted 74 acres in cotton anc -gathered 72 bales.' This'js tlie' first: sea-scfti'-he has bought his fertilizers here. - ; " .. Since we have been printing all 3feTTiE On i o' at' hoifie- iind lmve! a new and larger tje'we liayp received many odllipli rnehts from our neighbors 'and friends, all of -ymicJi we highly appreciate. We have a new cylinder -press'on -the road and in twp weelcs -wtohopS'.. -Us have it up and runningiad THen Ave will be able, to give:otir -patrons a much neater and niore plainly printed) sheet. ; - -Wty haye received some letters of encounigement -from friends who dive 'aWaA from' 'dieieVand hope' to be ablo To "retain thfeir good wishes and fridntl- ship. ' ? 'm ' ''- Mr. Jas. A. Johnson, of Bar claysville, an ex-sheriff and one of the oldest and most popular citizens of th;- county, writes" its ' ' E nclqsed' please - li nd one dollar to renew my sltb&riptio'n to The, tJisioXv Your ar is g-ettwig better. Much success to you. and Tiik Union.'' ' M1.- Mr. A. D. McLean of Aber deen, N. C, says : "I note the improvement in .your paper. You are giving us .a-'4irst. class paper of which - the r rieo)le of Harnett may.' be justly r)P0ud and a' liberal patronage should be extended you." ,r -'-?,;'i And here is one from a friend in Georgia, Mr. H. M?.; Warren of -'Lulaville, ; Wilcox: county, avIio - says '-'I love - the little new-y sheo-t,"and a ant to renew rtiy subscription. "'Dlioilgli'4!'-do' hot always endorse its ' politics, yet I love it because it is from home." ' How X Wo it.- - When two j'oung lovers "get in the notion to have ' -a little oscillatory- pr.actic the' perform ance should take place Tn the following manner : Take your girl in warm em brace, v '' Heart to "heart, and face to face ; Eve to tyo aijd idseTo' h'ose ; S-ip; sj)p,vsip,' the way it goes. Only a. - C, my rtea.r, sanl a lovely maiil, Ac- s-hv sat )etr ts iijv . "Its yuhealthy jt,o Wisr the ilor-tors sa.y. So of course it cannot be rigiit. '. - i 't Well dear, spoke the noble joutfi, As bis color nintlcclibih.. . '"I never thought bting ;issel. to death, Such a horrible dentil. U die. M ' ' iulAml then tliey tried And neither died For h sjp . eeriiuade one sick. Rail Road Mills Snuff at Lane s. t Fresh Mountain Butter at Lane's. Don't-buy your Sewinsr Ma the chine Until you ha- 'seen Wheeler and Wjlsori, the- best j on tlie marKer. om on gouu terms by E. F. Youni'. ii Tlnni F AYETT EYU SPRING K WEW QOODS! . - -. . - - ' I : !. - - LaKGEST STOCK DRY GOODS IN' NORTH CAROLINA. LARGEST DRY G06DS STOKfe SOUTH OF BALTIMORE '. i- i.; . , y - i: i r ? ; . i We iDite oar friends in Harnett County to come to see us and make our store headquarters hile ra theieity. v . - . 3 -We aiie showing this Sprrog tbe prettiest line of Spring Dress Good you e7 r Vaw, with all the neir trimmings to match. Oar line of STICKS are beautiful and in miny diffarent patterns. Wa carry a full hne of ?libbons, Cbiffjns, and everything ept in a large firot-clas dry goods store;! we can till your entire memorandum - o ; ; LADIES; 3VJTJSLIN UNDERWEAR We carrya full'-lrne of Ladies Siirt a1ts. and a full ltne nf Muslin Underwear.. In N4ght Gowbsj Chinttses, ttirts and Daweri, you can buy the garments from' ns cheaper than you can yard. --.,-. - '' " ,4- WHITE GOODS, LACES AND EMBR0IDERIE3. Beautiful line of Wnife Goods, Lawns Organdies. Swfsses and eory thing oew and pretty in the White Goods Line. Laces and Embroideries- of every description: Send fer Samples. Come, to see us. - P LO THIN G! Our NEW SPRING STOCK of CLOTHING is now opened and we can fit and suit jou aai'to prie and style. Saitsieentlnit onapprQval. Your money back if you want it. We do business to ple&se and give ftinfactiob. - ' 1 "COME AND SEE OUR NEW SPRANG CLOTHING We are noted for-'keeping the b eSt stock of Shoes in North Carolina and you can buy them froropua and save money. We move and fasten the buttons on all buttoned shoes sohr at our store! free of charge. We guarantee all of our tshoes. " :- - 1 F ?. Qarpets, pattings and (Qurtain Qoods. We are showing New Carpets just from the mills, and a big lot of Mat tings just received from Chiua and Japan at prices lower than the lowest. -SWISS CURTAIN GOODS OF We want your trade and will sell goods cheap and everyone, WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION. Our pntiVtoek we buy direct from the first' hands middle man's profits -- - S3f Come yo see TJs D A Valuable Putent. Three" Fayetteyille b o y s, W.J . xMelvin and A. li. and G. D. Newberry, have just had pstteiited ait inventiqn that wif in all likelihood bri Ag them a small fortune.' It 'i.a ma chine for puling ockfng plates in the rails and : piiiH 'ih-tlie post's of beadstead frames'.1 All this work is ri&w done by hand anl this4 mac'hiite 'Will '.do1 i -the york f;sik liieit.' ni "a., Tlie !yoimg4ri6n haye a ma chie at -work nbwiiif Newber ry's factory." MjrVMelvin is'thp inventor, but' -all - three haVd pooled together and formed "a ce4tlpanV;Il''i:;'; . ,, .... i . 'The1 company expects to com pel every furniture factory! ih the -world to use their, iiia'chine, claiming that., it i wil ;.be i-'iniT possible for factories not 'using . 'f: 1 1 It) I'll cU; HI lie IU CLMlllJUC '.ftlUl one. thnfn does.Fayettemfe Olierver' - . . v; - Observers . Mr. G. D. Newberry is fore man and superinteiident of the South Dunn Furniture Factory of this plaee and is a gentleman of good business qualities 'and is striving to enhance tlie -value of tblt Splendid work " wlvicli'-'-he Mrnoiit. lie will soon have one of(ithe m'aJchiffes in the fkc tory here and will en'able5 tliem to sell bedsteads of good quality at a smaller price. This ic'ohi pany does a large, busiiires :ih bedsteads and this fnvention Will save a good 'deal of Iftbor for them'. EdV ll ; !: Coffee as low as the lowestjit Lane's. - : J, J'. "Vade keeps the best graded of 'lour, Meat and dorh at4 thevery - lowest'' prices. ' He Las j list received a large supply of each. ' He also carries a:rst elass line of Dry Gpodsj Notions, itats and Shoe3. 'Hehas agood ftian?s shoe,1 worth $1.50, Wnieli he is selling at $1.25l -CalJ and see them. ' Onion Seta 10c (jt. at Hood & Gran tham's. V Un'"st8' and TFuod'n seed fresh and finff at Hood & Grantham's. r 1 r Korafor 'jour neat at 15o pound. . H, . ' Hbp & OSuNfiH'A M .' Fresh lot Canned Corn, Toma toes, Apples and Peaches for 10 per can at Lane's. A large line of Novels, School Books. Crayon, Slatsi vad -other School Supplies can befound 'at Hood , rr - & Grantham's ., Try our Fatapsco Flour the best on the Biarket; Lane tt ,Co. WANTED 5000 b'lrsfels good liglVtod' chtw-cdaU Will pay highest cash rlces. Nqw is the time te iltake tar whik4 you caii s,ell'y)our coal ,as "well aS the tar. Bring 'your coal to ; The jNo. lVMcKAY'M'F'rt. Co. -. . m DmhVN C; - .) tlM. . It is now supposed that sone of the boys'are 'an both sides of the fence. Having fell a, vic- tims from some of tliqf modern nieraiure in ineiKuwrs Equks. mi Dry G ifls Co., A Greet ReM i Tf aile I AjE - - . buy the-muslin and trimming? by the EVERY DESCRIPTION AND PRICE. give satisfaction to and save yon the. Writs for Samplbs. FAYETTEVILLE. N. C- Tutfs Pills Cure AH Uverlijpo To tfiokTTiving in TtidMm districts Tutt's Pills are jndispensible, tljey keep the syst'dnH'fri perfect trder and are ap;aofiii0 cure fo sick headache, indi&tion, maliria, .torpid'irveVonstipa tion ahd all biljdtis'-disxiase Tutt' Livef Pills 'or "tW first time we visited the1 cemetery-1.'1 on last 'Sunday afternoon, nd we never enter , . i i ' ... '"Pe, iolem ?nf j City o ' lie Dead,.??-' beneath wnpcii are sleeping so 1 sleeping so' many kiiiu friends and acquaintances but what 'a feelings" jof 3adnss takes posessiori oi us. "Man's existence here 1 is ,not forever, nqryet-for- many years. "We are' parsing away" is written on eVdry countenance in letters wliich tlie eye cannot avoid. When autumn has passed the leaves fall a;flkV are buried from sisrht-in the earth, so do we ''one hy,one, drop d5wn 6h'Ji6ur pil grimage and sink awky beheath the dust which forms our 'bed and eoveri&4 And oh!, how full darkness and sorrow would be our lot, if we felt that a're'pose like tliis I -would never change that oitr dust, - mingled With that of the ' -earth, would rt6t come forth-1 "'reanimated' at the las day, when the earth shall roll' from its axis and vanish- from tlie tJniverse . But we have 'a nobler destiny. We are not for time but for eternity. We wish space would allow us to express our thoughts more fullv, but this must suffice. We noticed several , beautiful monuments in the cemetery erected' to the mentoVy of - loved one.5 OnQ -thin 1 We noticed V.'hich is' '' badly- needed and siio'ukl be looked after, that of a new fence around entire crme tery. 'We saw from the tracks that cattle are runing over some of the. graves, whieh hould not he allowed. Ixfe u care for ihose vrhxi Bleephatgleep which' inuit cbmetball,' and no lette way can we show pur love and' care than- by protecting the j mounds that mark' their tsleep: inc ashes i - This"-" we hope is suiheient.- - - - V- HOORAY FOR DUNN ! Tlie Southern Belt Photb'Co. , will be in Dunn twdveeks Bnly, aiid is Vpreparcd to mrfk'all kind of hotos-.l oiiyqur chance. Prices moclerateV V'ork guaranteed. Cottle on"? rtmie all, ticfh'and poor, we'll please you and your pocket-book ' "You can ' find us on jAknoAV'Hquare. ' Respectfully, Southern Belt Photo Co. -... N.C, ' ' - ' SPRING . ' , - P ATT.S. PAINTS, LEAD, i u and Building Carriaga I C 1 "iS Materials. H , I I - ' Iif 'J". 1 7- Our business has increased so much wc man to our force ' i: ' We are still slaughtering prices and the where to bur 1't'-.'! : au.; ue We have the best selected stock Hardw are and Furniture ever brought to DaiM and all We ask is to!givUs a triitl and AveVilt guarantee tb,1pas'e you. - :i -1V a-. .... . ' i 1 Ol'HS TO l'LEASC, DITNN HRpTABE & iflTON IT U RE CO., Net door to J. J DUPREE NEW FIRM ! "KEff .GOODS! .1 We wish to announce to the publio FirstClass:Grocery Store, in the building formerlj occupied bj J. G Cox. dh liroad streal. and ar9 prepared to serre our friends in the best loanner at reasonable low iles?' ' ;f o- -o o ' ' V Highest cash prioes paid for Ham, Corn and Pcaj. When fn search of GROCERIES. DRY GOODS, CLOTHING CANN'kD' GOODS. LEATHER, SNUFF, TOBACCO. Ac , call on W get our pnea. Make our store headofuartVrt and -ill h UA ' H t- ' -IS RESERVED FOR will aiDrje ar I will deliver at Dunn cut to oraerlor to order for alHparties AU orders left with Mr prompt attention. r ? LUMBER iBtoJ)ing tb receiye your orders I am : Yours t 'servo;' A 'F SURLES, mch-17 TllNE INTERIOR '" We are preparcil to Fine work for Interior k'S ami omcen. A varirty ol piitterus 'and . of, styles superior to anything ver eeii In Dunn. Parties contemplAtlug ee our tlesUrus and get our pricv.t Th Stirwrintenfient of our work I an accom plUheq ami experienced. ind we guarantee to, pluae5'4)if. - .. UIf I)U WWG. CQ. nil an . tm i n i ii I ' ' .. IU. MpBROWN, c Af'erlJanuary lit, 1897, 1 will be In the .. -I- ,- 1 ' " ' I Pq get fre$h Rui?ei liquors call on me. Watei U a firt-cl drink in its place bnt It'tlon't beat i . dH WW cpotiHA A I r ivlred to drtrtk with m. rWQ whaterer jonr circum.tancps l4 tl I PI FO are & "TV I VI h . W Ityo r - fc EVERYBODY LOOKS HAPPX, our Store .'. . -trogned Tbwith CUSTOMERS. had to add a new people are " learning ;H"I that we hare opeoed a Respectfully, u ' ' X : ma ' i FOR SHLE. Rough Lumber, all heart. who want lilfiiber at prices - E P. Wgill receiyp ftt". rr t , -hnnri. NVr! fiirnlnh at !iort notlcrl ot IIoiihc, toiN, Churoli-I I biilMiiiff will do vrell tJ tJcpig-ner on thin Jin I or. 1 stare how occupied bf Ur. 8. V. Parker.J roo, whrrrr f?nnl. - tr want tfooJ Urinka cill on McH owo .. ...... . . y .t . u week P 111 SOLD BY E ajbe J

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