escar i'KOM RAM'S HOl.N. W.'.king with God must begin Jii v'c short steps. The Christian'"' should he a Cliriiiian in both walk and talk. ( 'he e r f u 1 gi v i ri i g5 ai ways m a ke thrgiver rich. Tnless the heart first gives, what the hand bestows is not a tiift. God's grace is as much bo- votid our lirtf.Is as the air we bivatlie. I bookkeepf el. The revival must begin in the end of the diurvli that contains . r t - Tit bn an assistant to the recording all ow the it. Iti wishing'for his neighbor's possessions, the covetous rai) loses his own. When we are doing our pray erful best let us remember that it Is all God expects. . It is only by giving with iw heart that any man can know what it means vich.X Strength is not a blessing when it is used to take advan tage of a brother's weakness. There is nothing like the word of God for changing a daB pros pect into a bright-one. It will do-no good to ask God to send lire, t unless the broken down altar has first been built up. Ii; is blessed to have God's mak upon us, even though it may be made with the point of a thorn. Christ came to show the world God in the flesh, and had to go to tlie cross to complete the work.' One way to avoid having ster eotype prayers is to make anew one whenever we have a new need. Paul didii't say that he could do all things through Christ, un til ittcr he-had the thorn in his flesh. . All things work together for good to them that love God, be cause love is always the gainer by being tested. As long as the devil fcan keep the saloon going, ho will con clude that the thousand years he is to be shut up are a long way "T- .. -! 1 If we are branches of the True Vine, and feel the edge - of the pruning knife, it is God's waT of telling us that we are to bear more fruit: Trying to make the world betterj and doing nothing to de stroy the saloon, is a good deal like j trying to kill a snake by; pinching the end of its tail. r f r I V FIN. A n-is CO, Edward Geddings, a farmer living near Sumteri 3. C, had bf-en iU4ar six weeks with the prevalent; grip. A few days ago he became much worse and Monday morning he died -that is, was pronounced dead by his doctors, nurse and relatives. The coffin was ordered and the body prepared for burial. In the afternoon it was placed in the coffin, the interment to take place Tuesday morning. Dur ing the evening, when the room was full of friends, who low tones, a issuing from of t he bolder tlie aeaa mairs were talking in voice washeard the coffin. One menonened the lid a nd Ged dings' rose to a sit ting posture and spoke to them, lie was quickly undressed and put to bell. At last accounts lie was reported - improved, and there are now hopes of his re covery. Doctors say , it is a re markable case of suspended animation and the simple folks in the-' community are all agog. -Exchange. A HEN LAYS THREE EGGS. It's not a hen that laj-s.a gol den egg that Mr. Charles F. Cooke, one of the News and Ob server's Linotype operators has, but it's a hen that lavs three eggs a dayby no means a bad record. Mr. Cooke had them on the. street yesterday taking them to the Museum. There was certainly three of them two large ones and one small one, all. ipf them perfectly formed, though "they had only a soft shell on them- One of the large ones and the small one was joined together by a neck about as large as a lead pencil. The other had a similar attach ment: at one end, but there was no small egg to it as in the first case. They were genuine cu riosities, and are worth preserv ing. -New fc Observer. ' The bill to charter the city of Greater Ney York passed the New York legislature last Thursday. ' Under the charter New. York, .Brooklyn and Long Island City will all be under, one government and make a pop ulation nearly as large as the city of London. . DISGUSTED WITH THE CO UN TRY. The Ozark (Ark.) Star says : Lasit Wednesday morning a geh tleman hailing from North Da kota! came in on , the train and seeure'd a team from Mr. Cox, the liveryman, telling him that ho came prospecting and wanted to go out West to look at the lands, which he understood were The wages, of the ironwork ers in West Virginia have re cently been reduced from 10 to 20 per cent, and, many of them have struck. Several of the mills have almost closed down. They all started up after the election and the prosperity for the workman is coming in the reduction of wages. STORED AN EMPTY BARREL. Nine Months in a Wr.rehousi and Three Cartage3 Paid cn It. "I got mv furniture out of storage the other day," said a South side man. "and my wife and I thought we would unpack the china and bric-a-brac ourselves, instead of pay ing fifty cents an hour to the stor age men to do it. The stuff was packed in five barrels, one of which we noticed was lighter than the rest. ' ' "When webegan to unpack that one we concluded that it must con tain odr most fragile articles of verjuC for we came across a layer of , xcelsior and soft paper, a foot in thickness. Below this was another layer, equally .thick,- and when we had half unpacked the barrel and found nothing but excelsior and soft paper, we knew not what to think. ."We were still more flabbergasted on finding no china on removing the packing. We of course concluded that our things had been stolen, and reproached ourselves for our false economy in doing the unpacking ourselves, for it is a rule of the stor age concern we patronized not to" pay for any articles broken or miss ing unless its men do the unpacking. "As we missed nothing when the other barrels had been unpacked, my wife cudgelled her brains to ex plain the mystery. She finally re-; membered that when we . gave up housekeeping, a year and a half ago, there was a lot of excelsior left over when the phina had been packed. In a fit of economy "she poked it all in a surperfluous barrel, which was duly headed up and carted to the hotel, where we spent the winter. It was stored in the garret without being unpacked, and last spring was sent, to the storage warehouse. "We accordingly have paid not only for the storage for nine months of an empty barrel, butjor its cart age on three different occasions ' from the hotel to the storage ware house, and from the warehouse to where we now livel" DIRECT FROM MILL TO WEARER, Which Saves you 4 Big Profits. The Commission House, The Wholesaler, The Jobber and Store Keeper. E. ROSENBURGER & CO. 202-201 e. iomsl. NEW YORK CITY. $5.00 Oar Great Bargalas I suits won 1 82.98 Bop's Adonis Suits, Sizes i td 15, . wit!) tra pair of pants, $2.H The?e Suils are GUARATJ EED to be made from imported Wool Cheviot, in Black. Biue, Grey, end brown, in sizes from 3 to 9 years of age. Vace up dubie-breattd. with Sailor "o'.lar Collar fancy embroidered lined with f st Hi ivk AJocrt Twill Sateen and Patent Waist Bands. Tnninrnj and Work manship the very best. Same in Sizes for ages i j to .'5 years, without Saiicr Collar. See Pattern's Below. A CUSTOM MADE TO ORDER ni 810.1 WAS PROUD. very with line. He loft-in company Mr. Cliff Cox and drove. out twenty miles southwest of Ozark, stopping at the house of one of our host 'citizens, who has 2. grown daughter. He re mained there for a couple of days! It seems that he had ad vertised in a matrimonial papor for a wifo and the voting ladv answered thej advertisement. . Jn i his way a correspondence - began between them, which had b e e n kept up for several months. He proposed to her :md) she invited him to come down and if she liked him she 'il l 1 II " -w-r woum prooaoi- accept: ie ac cordingly came, but for some . reason the young lady did not fan(?y him, so his proposal was declined. lie was very persis tant! in pushing his claims, but to no avail. He returned to Ozark Friday morning thorough ly disgusted with Jhe country, and" left on the next train for his home in North Dakotai : Raising cotton in New Jersey is one of the experiments of Joseph -Vance a farmer living near Cape May. He last year raised several 'samples of rice and cotton which turned out f satisfactorv and will this season enter more largely on the plan by nJanting a large amount of ground in the two staples. Ow ing to the mildness of the cli mate due to the peculiar insular position of Cape May, the south ern products it is claimed will prosper here. A big New York firm,. it is said is paying for the experiments. ' Ml. Snain' Pniiitpr .1 vfrvort able j farmer of this county, dropped dead near Henrietta last Thursday. He went out Thursday morning to . work, when ho droj)jed suddenly to the ground. He was taken to the house, which is a few hun dred yards and died in ten min utes. Rutherfordton Vidette. Thp wife of engineer Clayton who was killed in a train wreck while at his post of duty on last Thanksgiving morning near Laurel Hill has brought suit against the Carolina Central 7 ailroad company for damages to the amount of $50,000. To The Public. "We are lleailqiiarters iJr tirt class Hour, fresh water ground Meal. Lar Molasses, Suar, t'ofl'w, Canned Goods of any sort, Nutmeg?, Spice, Cloves, Ginger. Apple Butter, Apple Jelly, Cranberry Sauoe, I)i ied apples. Dried Peaches, Table Peaches, Pie Peaches, Mince Meat, Cod Fish, Gold Dust. Oat Meal, Starch, Soaps, Soda, Black and Green Tens, Baking Powders, Box Lye, a complete; Uue of Candy, Fresh Malaga Grape, all grades of chewing Tobacco, Cigars, Cheroots, Cigaretts, Snufl. Chip ped Beef, Canned Beef, Oysters, Sar dines, Currants, Dates, Prunes, Rasins, Sliced Pine Aplles, Oranges. Cocoanufs, Mountain Butter. Cheese, all sorts of Cakes, PJckles, Potted Ham, Transpa rent Gelatine. Figs, Rice, Pearl Homi ny, Gun Powder, Shot, Caps, Tinware, Vinegar. - Kerosene Oil, Cooking Ex tracts, Unions, Irish :uul Svvrct Pota toes. Chickens, Eggs, Cabbage, Sau sage, French Mustard, Axle Grease, all sortsf Nuts, OhVes. Sjsnoked Herrings. Cinnamon Hark, Blueiiig. 8he Black ing and Polish, Tomato Catsup, and everything else that a developed taste will npieciate. All our goods, are fresh aud -pure and as n presented. Xew Goods-received by nearly everv train. V ask you to call, se our 'goods, get our prices aiul Weights tar yourself, aTid we will receive your pationige. F. P. Jones, DUNS. N. C. A Thief and Incendiary Whose Pride Was Always with Him. - In an eastern state there had been a series of barn burnings, which had destroyed thousands of dollars' worth of property. In some cases residences and stores had caught fire, and there was uo end to the damage. Fine horses and vehicles, hay, grain of every sort, and the odds and ends of property which is generally stored in barns all went. Theeitizens of the.littlc village were greatly incensed and left no means untried to catch the offender. Final ly, during the thirteenth fire, the guilty man and his confederate were caught, says the Indianapolis Senti nel Popular indignation ; ran so high that had the crime occurred in Kentucky or the west, the men would have been lynched and, as popular novels, say: "This story would never have been written." But the' were thrown into jail to await trial. The dajr before the trial a prominent .man called upon the chief offender's wife and found her crying bitterly. He looked about in vain for some means of comforting her, but could only pat her on the shoulder and say : "There, Mrs.-S: , don't take on so. Maybe they'll clear him," though down in his heart he hoped they wouldn't; But she" onlj' wailed louder. "Oh, it isn't that. But to think Jim's to be tried to-morrow before a big crowd of people and he hasn' got any stickpin for his necktie. He is awful proud, Jim is, and when he was arVested he told me to get him a stickpin if I could, but I haven't been able to save a cent. Oh, it's awful to be so poor." And the kind-hearted man actual ly took out a dollar and told her if she could find a stickpin at that price to get it for Jim . to wear at court and save the family pride. This Style Sires 5 to 9 jfeC whh Pxtra 7$ hair Pants. VliV CO I j a i t MAN'S sAckeutTl Guaranteed to be maie from All Wool. Brown. Orjy. BUck. or Blue J Wo:sted t'.orded tlheviot, r.ia'te in latest s'yi.'. lined with Imporied rarmcr Satin, trinnied ar.J linisheJ in the besi oJ Custom Tailor manner. You cannot dt:p":cate it in your town for Jii.oo. Sizes 54 to 42. The S2rre rckx1 made for Youth's, nff OK to l3, in Un. Vzr.ts, Coat arid Vest, r III O n 1 1 rA Vjf I 'i When ordering send Post Office, Fxpress Money Order or Kegistered 1-etlets, also aire at !at birthday, and if large or small for his a?e. Money cheerfully refunded if not satisfactory. Send ac. stamps for sam p'es. tape measure, measuring, b'anks, e'e How to rrj;asura for Men's and V ou:hs Suits Measure around the Hreast ani VV r. i st ovir ".he Vest, an i from t rotc'.V o lletl for i'ants. pres Ciur ges and should you not feel satis lied refund nunty, Rcmembe You buy direct -from om 01 tr.e lar-rest Clo hing Manu ijcturers in Amrrra. 03 o 4 ill Q A $1000 WORD. Two Papers at Almost the Price of One and a Chance at $1,000 in Addition- The Third Missing Word Contest of The Atlanta Weekly Constitution, in which $1,000 Will Be Distributed to Successful Contestants on the lsi of Next May. A Chinaman's Ideal Wife. The Chinamen of Australia, when they taken a notion to marr, write to , a matrimonial aent in Hong Kong something as, follows: "I-want a wife. She must 155 a maiden un der twenty years of age, and must uot have left her father's house. She must also have never read a book, and her eyelashes must be half an inch in length. Her teeth must be as sparkling as the pearls of Ceylon. Her breath must be like unto the scents of the magnificent odorous graves of Java, and her attire must be from the silken weavers of Ka-la-Ching, .'which are on the banks of the greatest river in the world the over flowing Yang-tse-Kiang." Fruit Growing in Michigan. De-16tf. Tom Burch, a negro who was recently shot while trying to burglarize a' store in Raleigh, was convicted of burglary in the second degree in Wake Su perior court last week and sen tenced to fifteen years in the penitentiary. The farmers in western Michigan are coming to the conclusion that there is no money in trying to com pete with the Argentine, Russian and India wheat growers, and. are going into fruit growing on a larger scale than ever, says the Chicago Tribune. One dealer in fruit trees .in this city has sold in the neighbor hood of two hundred and fifty thou sand trees this season already. BLANKS FOR SALE! We now have on hand a full supply of Warrantee and Mort gage Deeds, Chattel Mortgages Lien Bonds and Magistrate's blanks, at prices as low as vou can buy them anywhere. Send us your orders or call at our of fice for them. J. P. Pittman, Pub; of County Union, Dunr, X. C. The Atlanta Weekly Constitution has inaugurattd ils third consecutive "missing word" contest, which began on the 1st of March and closes on the 1st of May sixty days. I( publishes the casnier 8 receipt foi the fpecial deposit account of 1,000 to be paid to the person, or ptrsons, who, in subscribing to The Weekly Constitution, names correctly the missing word in the following! sentence : , . "The right of is the very essence of the constitution" Tne sentence is taken from a bis torical publication, and the sentiment to which it gives expression is that of an emu-cut writer. 15y pppcial arrangement with Ttjf; Weekl) Constitution, that great paper and ours can be obtained for one year at almost the price of one paper. Not only that; but under our arrange ment with The Weekly Constition every person who takes advantage of this clubbing propnsition, subscribing for both papers, will be entitled to a guess at the mis&ing w jrd. All club bing subscriptions shauld be eeut to this ppper with rach ' subscriber' guess 'at the missing word plaiLly written The guess and the name and address of each pubecriber will be 'orwarded by us to The Constitution. " The Constitution's "m'iFs'ng word contest" closed on the l3t of January, and but one person, Mr M. L: Brittain, a hardworking school teacher, guessed the missing word, receiving therefor a check for $1 000. Its second contest closed on the 1st of March, and The Weekly Ccnstitu tion of Monday, March 8 h, will con tain the annouocement of the awards in which 1,000 in cash is to be dis tributed' among the 8ucces'ul guessers n that contest. The readers of our paper who sub scribe jointly to it and to The Weekly Constitution have free access into the third contest, just opened; andi may be that some ot them Will get the 1,000 to be distributed on the 1st of May. 7 The only condition of the contept is that every guesser jmust be a sub scriber; and taking advantage of The Constitution's offer we present this opportunity to all who wish to sub scribe to both papers. Eery person hould have his county paper and one great general newspape; and The Weekly Constitution, with a circula don of 156 000, occupies the uniqie distinction of l-eing the greatest Amei ican wetkly newspaper. .; Tue County ITxiojrand The At lanta Constitution both one year for $1 50 cash in advance Etch sub scriber is enti.led.t3 a guess in the "missing word contebt." Send us Oae Dollar and Fifty Cents and get both papers. Address TBE COUNTY UNION, Dunn, N. C EXECUTORS NOTI: E. r Having qimliflvd :is "Exeeiitor of Mrs. Ettii M. Bi-rt noticrt is given to :irti. holding- olaints :iguinst k;i"k1 (vr:it to present tli"tn to me within tin time pre scribed by a. All "indebted to said estate' .will make i:ninedi:ite payment to me, T. B. UKT. March 1, IS97. 'Executor. ADMINISTKATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as Administrator of William Uovviiigton. deceased, late of llaniett Count 3 North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having , claims against tlie estate of said deceased to exhibit theiti to the undersigned on or before the 19th day of F.-hi u ry, 1S9S, or this notice will be pleaded in bai of ! their recovery. All pers ns i;.de.lted to said estate will plea e make inuuediate payment. 'This l'Jtli day of February, rsbr. .lonx A. Ohekn, " ' Administrator of Win. liow . ingtwU deceased. I OSCAK J. Sl'KARS, Atty. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE. I I I i ft X I 111 WILMINGTON AND WELDON AND BRANCHES AND FLORENCE RAILROAD CONDENSED SCHEDULE. L TRAIX8 UOKNO HOUTH. , Leave Weldon 11:50 a, m., 9:4t p. m.; arrive Rocky Moant.ltWSa. m l0:3J p. m. Leave Tarboro,lS:lS . m. Leave Rocfcy Mount, liOO p. M., 1:3J p. m.. Leave Wilson, i.Oi p m, 11:13 p m, P:1j a id, 2:1 V in.' Leave Selma. !:"0 p in. Leave FayettcvIIle, 4:13 l m, l:0i a m. Arrive Florence, 6:R3 p m, o:l4 a i.i. f Leave Oold-sbro, HMO p m, .?K a iu. Leave Mami. lia. 4:15 ptu.t.-O am. Arrive Wiliuingtou, 5:4' P m.:a ni, TRAINS OOINO" NORTH. Leave Florei ce, 8:15 am, r:35 p in. Leave rayetteville, 1I:.0 a ui, p m. Leave tfeliua, 1.0tl a iu. Arrive Wilson. 1:4 a m. 12:10 p in. L ave Vv ijuiintin. f a m,7:15 p in. Leave Magnolia, 10:5 a in, 8::5 p tn. Leave Ciokisboro, 1:01 a ui. 10:10 p in. Leave Wilson, U.-t p m.l. :1 P ":23 p m, 12:42 p in. Arrive Rocky Mount, 2:31 p m, 12:-1 p in, ll:"!.r p in. 1:.( p in. Leavu Tarboro, 12:12 p m. Leave Rocky Mount, P m. 12:M m. Arrive Weldou. 3:S.i p.m. l:lt a in. Train on Scotland Neck Branch road leaves WoMon 4:10 p m, Halifax '4:8 p. m arrives Scotland Neckat5i0p ni, Oreenville iJ 51 p in, Kinstoii 7:55 p m. Returninar leaves Kinston 7.U a in, Oreeuville bU a in, arriving Halifax at 11:00 am. Weld' n 1110 at m daily ezcept Sunday. Trains oi Washington Branch leave ash ii.rton fe:(HJ a m, and 2:10 p m., arrive Farniele r:50ain, and 3: 0 p m, returning leave l'ar mle y:50 a tn. and .30p ni. arrive Washington ll:2,i a in, and 7:20 p m, daily except Sunday. Train leaves Tarboro. N. C, daily, at l: 0 p m arrives Plymouth 7: 0 p in. Returning, leaves Plymouth 7:W a m, arrives Tarboro S-: 0 a m. liain on Midland NC Branch leaves Golds boro, N. C, daily except Sunday, 7 10 a in; ar rive Sinithtield N C..b::0 a m. Returning leaves SniithneM. N.XC. 9 00 a. m. arriveb Gcldsboro.N. c J 45 a.m. Train on Nashville Branch leaves Rocky Mount at 4; 0 p. m., arrives Nashville 5.05 p. m.Spiing Hope 5:;;0p. m. Keturn'ng leaves Slu ing Hope 6:0u a. ni., Nashville fc:3. a. in. arrive at U cky M junt 9:05 a.(m., daily except Sunday. ' " Train on Clinton Branch leave Warsaw for C'inton. aily, except Sunday, atll: 10 a. In. and : :1 p m. ueturiiing naves uiimuu t . u a u , oltv and r io p in. , 1 Leavrt Hoi-e Mills Train No. 78 make close 3onnec4ion a W e- j , avc , milb;.r r'X"' don for all points North daily, all ra:l ij - ,J a ft ,,nI)1. Riclniiond. Also at Roaky Mount, with Nor 'f Arrive Mnxion.. . ....... Tort aim I aroniia ranroau lor ioriuii wuu L-avo Atax an poiuis rionn via orioia. . ,h, 'General Passenger Agent. J. R. KKNLY, T.M.EMERSON, General Manager. nor mn v rr. v r . Ill 4,,l. I '"iiii.i . RAILWAY: CONDENSED SClIKi) In KlT,cl rn,,, ,S07 Leave Wilmii uton.... . Arrive Fayette vi:l,..'. Leave Fayetieviilc Leave Fayette vibe Juii'i'-i';,.',," Leave Sni.furd Leave i'li max.'. f Leave Oreen,oro ".. : Leave Stokt-.-daK- ." Lave Wainut t'ov Leiive Kura !!... I. " Arrive Ml. Airy Sorni Borsri. Leave Mt. Airy Leave Hurnl Ha)i.... Arrive Walnut Cove....'...' Leave Walnut ove '" L'-ave Stokesd.tb " Arrive Greensboro Leave Greensboro .' Leave Climax .'.'. tLeave Sunt.-n! .v.... A r r t vT; Fay c 1 1 v I i i J u . , t : Arrive Fav .ttevil! , Leave FayelteviMc .". Arrive V lluiingtoii. ...... I ii . !!:! 1 tj I, . 3..V :3, if. 5 lJ s !lj IIS. ;i i; 1.4' 1--- Nokth Bim'i, Leave Bennettsvilli ... Arrive Mattcii .. Leave Maxtou Leave R-1 springs..., Leave Lumber Briilg. Leave Hope Mil Is Arrive Fayet:evili...... 801 Til l;ii , o p 9 s TRADE MARKS DESICNS, COPYRIGHTS Ac. Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain, free, whether an invention is probably patentable. Communications strictly confidential. Oldest apency forseeuring patents in Amoricn. We have a Washington office. Patents taken through Munii &. Co. receive special notice in the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, beautifully illustrated, largest cii-cnl.ition of any scientific journal; weekly, tenusJu.CU a year; fl.50si3r months. Specimen copies aurt iiAi.'D Book, on Patents sent free. Address MUNN & CO., 301 li roud way. New York c o p si o o P i o o CfQ o &xton ivci.iifriKV.-tvii.t 'Koiifu Dorvn. 1' 7 lib 'o. j i Vi Leave Rainsur v. Le.ive Climax .V. i.rive Gre.-iisl..n Leave Greenstxiro... Leave Stokesdah .... Arrive Madisun eoi'TH BcrsD. I.e:ive Madison Leave Stokosdnle..'.. Arrive tireelisboro.. Leave 'Greensboro... I nivo (,'lini:i Arrive Ramseur i 'No M i I'a.!) i e- t e-ii i l.ii; l,j So I fci: 1 iiij HA l.:s : o J.t5 (.11, tM. als. KOKTH BOUND C"()NKi riov at Fayctti'Ville witlr Atl.iniii- rnn t nil points is r. rtli ami, La.-i . ni -ai,f..r.i St alxiard Ir Line, at (.r'.mi,i , Southern Railway Coin i any. at Vli.r I wllli the Norfolk .V ;Mrru Kailrui. V liiitloit-saicm. j . tiorrn r,'r : hvm-, ' at Walnut i cvr with Ur rft JU A W, j West, at (lieei si. .to wi'hi!n' iMitii.n . w ay 'oiii;any l;r it a 1 i'n.!-,in...(i .. ' point iiortli and i-.i.-t: nt l':i.. ell. -ill" tlie Atlantic 'oa t Line fur il rniiib' at tlaxtoli with the Sf-ilmaM Air Lt and ull j.i'iiits !u' Oat tiaxton with lit t;::arlotte,. Atlanta HO II til west. J.W.Fii', i lic.'l .Manager. W. K. . i l,u nil iiLni.,,!, thing to miU.ut? I'ro'-cct i;i v : bring you wealth. Write JoLIN IiU.N ifc CO., Patent Attorn-yi, WW D. O., for their f l.bOO rriijo oiler. ' '-' i 1 Mm M fNteif: rC- MALARIA This great remedy is indorsed by physicians, end prescribed by them all over the world. - Positively guaranteed to cure the most stubborn cases. Theformul is published plainly on every bottle. As a to'r.ic it is Superior TO ALL if K if 1 iv- 1 .Allx P IL J) mien For Female Complaints and building up run-down sys tems it acts like magic. Try a bottle and be convinced. READ THE TRUTH EXTRACT FROM BOOK OF TESTIMONIALS. 'Was a rheumatic sufferer for IS months. Derive no tvflt nil ii n rt r miano i pa.i r m oti r r ili a i u.ii. m Ark. My doctor declared ray condition hopelo-s. bat as a laatru? advised F. P. P.. Li oDman'a Great Reme T tPJxSLk" f.'' to-day a vrell man." W. f.viimiv3 of Ti mining & IliTie, Leading Grocers. Waxahaehle T Indorsed by B. W. Iaeess, UrgUt. axanacaie, J ex. " P. P. P.. Lippman's Great Remedy, cared me of dfffllt breath Ins and palpitation of the heart. Haa not lept on cither aide fa? iwo years; now l bleep toondly la any poeitioo H. 11. lept on either tide for ioo." AMSAY. De Leon, Tex. IVanterJ An Idea Protect your Ideas ; they may bring you wealth. Write JOHJi WEDDERBuRS & CO.. Patent Attor neys. Washtnjrton. D. C. for their $I3W) prize offer antl new lm of one Uuiusaud lnvecUoos wanted. Who eaa think of some tint Die thiiiK to patent? 0 A. M " Sworn to and subscribed before me" J. AL Lambkht, Kotary Public Suffered for year with a disagreeable emotion on Various remedi failed to remove it. Three bottlea of P P I fl man's Ureal Remedy, compleUly enred mT" ' UpP Caft. J, P. JOTJKSOK. Sarannah, OsW I O0LD BY ALL DRtf,r,T; L! PPM AN BRO'S. PROPRIETORS LIPPMAN'S BLOCK-S AVA N M A 51 . G A . k 'POISON I PI6- r -ISEiiftEBY. v5END FOR & n BOOKLET, ffil ll O si V 1 ( !

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