THE COUNTY UNION WE DXESD-VY, APRIL 14,1897 DUNN, N. C. All ordemfor job work -must be .mid one half uJtvn order is given and J,e b'dlance tchen delivered, Thirty try idloived: on advertising. LOCAL POT'S- f Sunday will be Easter.. Corn planting is now the order .of the day with the farm-- Tuesday was Thomas Jeffer--iii's birthday. Tf he had been living he would have been 154 vrjfrs old. ! In -another column will be I found. advertisements of proper . i for sale seized by the United ,i;i('s government. i W liave. been entirely too. ! in -y this week to look after our vhitui'' menus, tiiereiore we h.ivc no )ersonals this week. rii .1 T.i i : colored people have taken ni.ic' since our last issue but we i'.'iili'd to learn their names All the new residences that .ire' nov in course of erection in nur- thriving town, is beintr i;i')i(lly pushed by the contrac tors. . - : ' Tin1 windows of the Metho dist church have recently been Minted and they present a nice ;in! attractive appearance and .;;!! much to the appearance if t iir ( 'Jiurch . I We venture the assertion t!i.! i moiv new goods have been o :-nrd up in Dunn tliis spring than ever before. The trade de mands it and our merchants are imw ready- to supply the de mands of , the people. 9 Is it possible that the old county of Harnett which lias licen abused so much .and by manv people has, hidden-be neath its soil riches of great ivaiue: mien seems to oe tile -t t r i i , r i i . 1 ; case. w tine at ijininsnon a lew From Buie's Creek Academy. - Many t armors of this section have begun planting. Easter in all Its Brilliancy. To be assured that spring has actually come with its wealth of beali.ty. and its 'scenes of- loveli ness, one needed but to join the i Itev. J. A. Campbell was on numerous visitors who attended a business, trip to Raleigh last the beautiful Easter Opening at week preparatory to the" com- E. F. Young's store last Tues- mencement; ie secured the clay night. ton to deliver the annual address Frat Rev. S, W. Oldham , will lect ure here on next Friday night, rni. -1 i n xiio puonc generally is in vited. Rev. E. C. Sell filled his ap pointment at On the first floor were exhibit- ed ladies' dress good) iri endless variety, arranged so as to pre sent a most pleasing effect. But when we reached the millinery department on the second floor, we seemed to have entered some fairy abode prepared for the was prese excellent sermon. Pleasant Plains. h,nTno r,fi,o vV,ic ofr bunday. A : large congregation This (o.Ur,vti.tnt is in th churn mt and listened to an kAt;,. Tat;, pf -f.-Ru;. mm-o Trlinco ovmiicii-ti tocfo on1 Mr . S . M . Monroe, who has skilled hand were attested by the been visiting - his parents in I arrangement of each flower, bv Fayetteville has returned back the harmonious blending of col- to school. folds of found by a Lillington. It genuine. (ia.vs ago wo wore shown a small 1 - -1-1 piece- ot rock containing gold lore, which was Mr, Stewart hear is thought to; In I w iKhprnipn ti II on ton n good many iiiie large shad in the Cape-Fear near here -und occa sionally they i catch a few large lek lisli. Tuesday morning rMr. .1," F. Byrd caught a Rock hh in a skim net that weighed to pounds, lie brought it over to town but failed to sell it at the price ho asked. Ho- cut it up ami sold it in small pieces by the pound.- Tho roe or eggs 'in it weighed 3 V pounds. The Fayetteville Observ er of last week contains the fol lowing item : "Messrs He'ctor aiuF 1 1. ugh McLean, tw0 celebrated- Harnett county twins, drove into town yester day morning. It has not been but a few years since the' would walk the distance, nearly thirty nine miles, andwith ease. They will be eighty-seven years old next month. Each has his cof fin already procured atid yes tenlav tliev were negotiating with Mr. Remsburg for a -monument to be erected oyer their graves. , Uutf Jernigaii and Sand' Spearman, both young negroes, got. in a row Sunday morning ami proceeded to do each Other up in style. Fists not being equal to the occasion as weap ons for defence thqy clinched and tried their t e e t h biting each other in tho mouth. Sandy lost a good piece of his lower lip and Ruif'got his upper lip chewed up considerably. They were before . Mayor,.' McNeill .Monday morning. Rulf was the aggressor and got chewed tip the worst but had the cost t pay and the town treasury Was 'helped to tho ' nmnnnt of $2.00. We are a little late in getting Ollt this week on jv n o n n n t of putting in a iioav press and we ask our'-readers to bear with hs patiently as, we " hope in the future to be able to give a much better paper and be on time in the future. The inside of . The Fxiox this week is printed on our New Cottrell-Babcock'-cylin-der press which we have just got in working order and our patrons can readily see the improvement in the print. We shall now be able to give you a paper printed on a good press and from "new type and we trust that our efforts will be appreciated by thejeople I of Harnett and that they will give us a more liberal patronage Sunday. 'Mr. Herbert Paze, ors and by the delicate l.i Wo a TO rrliul to Rfifi Mice T,onb noooil. - - - . i -I' ,T- 1 tt o rofi,c r,f TvnAii0 afnm . one entered tins nan i oi a." ill 1, c X l j J X. liVXAv y. ULUlUj I. i s and Miss Lettie Peaoocl. of "eaucy ne was assured mat ins Romo i cr,,i ooin ,.iw J reception was cordial by the have, been absent for somo time. word "Welcome," Oil the op . I n i a , -,i on account of measles. posne an, wrougnr out witn Afiao Tionvo r.,nn r.t most artistic tasxo . m artificial is,viitiii vplntiro in tnie no ers ; ana wiien ins eyes turn o I r-. ,i -t- 4-1, Kfi 1 firir, cu iu meit'iiiiuu siiw in similar " characters-thft won " K.n.stpr Miss Smithie Hamilton, who Visinn of hoantv nnrl hplins jiu?5 ouuji visimiii roiiiuves .near Qfnf lfV nr,r, T?...,ll,,' C'j. i-. , ,1 1. , I o lauiuj soluiu, laumuu noiue young -.bachelors who were there, when in immagination they be A I 1 .1 1 , 1 1 i, 1 , t one oi ueia tneir oe;?t gin on tnat lest Cumberland's highl3r "esteemed ive Sunday robed in some of the young men, after teaching for beauties which surrounded him some time near Bunn s Level iNo less taste was shown in the has returned jback to school. display of ladles .hats in their en of tlHvBusinep Department, ex- and ilks f the finest tex Tj 1i 1 I -l W LillVi -1 V V.L lilt W aay.mgnt anc rore up mf wires tho con-ratulationsi, receiy ana .some other things m ms i (1 . y,m ftTlr1 Mhs tp1v u4)luuiituu.:; Iatv m-irl nil rrnnnnnpp , hi thp We are sorry to state that finest disjlay of goods ever made Air. K. Jb. JNlcJNeill, one of our in Dunn school boys is very sick with Koseola. ; okituauy. Mr. J. -D. ! Fuquay, who re- On last Saturday cently completed his course in nis home near here, stonoornnhv . has accented a no- b. Williams, alter a Uriel r . . . - I ' i i sition with the Southern Law illness from pneumonia, passed Book Exchange of Raleigh. over the river to rest under the . . tt TT T- 1 1 OllttLie. Lt lUUtJlcU w iis cuii- iir. ix. xx. iroe, wno iuis tj. t t n n MHH 1.1. IKl UUClllViDO lllJ llllUUU SI Till Dry C FAYETTEVILLE -1897. ,WEW GOODS! 1 J J N. C. 1897 1897- largest stock dry Goors in north Carolina, LARGEST DRY GOODS STORE SO UT. II .OF BALTIMORE We invite our friends in Harnett County to come to see us and make our store headquarters while in the city. We are showing this Spring the prettiest line of Spring Dress Goods you M tiers Follow ! maiea. uar line or csUjIVO are We carry a full line of Ribbons, ary goods store: we can UNDERWEAR Waists, and a full line of Muslin Skirts and Drawers, you can buy the trimmings by the morning at Mr. David Georgia and Florida, returned home a few 'days as;o Several of our boys were on a rabbit hunt Saturday. They of the Baptist church, and his remains were interred at Green wood cemete'ry Sunday. Mr. williams had spent his whole life of forty-nine years in killed two of ye long-eared f el- Harnett county, and for a little lows by acting hound too. Nimrod and Student. Neill Spearman, Bob Fra- zier ana t ete v imams, an col ored, were tried Monday before more than a year had lived in this community. His life of spotless integrity won for him many friends all over the coun ty who will hear with .pain of his death. He possessed a wealth of character which could Tuffs- Pills Cure All Liver Ills. Perfect Health. Keep the system in perfect or der by the occasional use of Tutt's Liver Pills. They reg ulate the bowels and produce A Vigorous Body. For sick headache, malaria, bil iousness, constipation and kin dred diseases, an absolute cure TUTT'S Liver PILLS Justice I. W. Taylor for steal ing a keg of whiskey, from the nnt f -r trv'insrm-fi" rvmfulpn. depot. The charge againstfJob respect and esteem in all with aim reie AasnMiiiaiaNMi, .xm whom he into contact. 1 1 J -L- I was oouna over xo in ubai Square in all his dealings, loyal lunii oi xxiinifiB uuiu t. gav e t tll e i deemed ust. bond. The whiskey was block- h-voi- o,i oi-, in n. ade and had been placed in the f-nn5 1p lfioVPS hhh nnnfl hut depot by deputy marshal Bal- friends and admirers : none but 1 - 1 1 2 J X J- I lance, wno .seizeci n, io wiip lu yho do not apppreciate the Xiaieign. xne Keg oi niKv ,vhtc , .mmmnnitV .sns- was tounci iiiesaay evening in tains in tiie ioss of a rrood and the woods near Womack For Engine town by Matt and Boiler fittings call on the Bee Hardware Co. I have just received a full and beautiful line lof Ladies' Spring and Summerj press Goods, con sisting of Lawns, Scotch Lap petts, Challiels, Organdies, Em broidered Swiss Dots, Bourette Stripes, Etamine Royale, Strip ed Grenadines, Percales, Cali coes, White j Goods, etc., etc., which will be Isold as low as the These goods lowest for CASH were selected with greaj care, both as to PRICE and QUALI TY, and I cordiallv invite the Ladies to ca 1 before making their Spring purchases. Very resnectf ull v, ! J.J. W ade . dav night. It "Hundreds on the streets nig An Aerial Sliip. The Wilmington Messenger of last Tuesday morning tells of a ather remarkable aerial visitor which passed over that city Mon- says : of. people were out and wharves last ht, looking at a brilliant floating mass in the heavens to the west of the city. It was moving very rapidly, and many persons saw net-work about the aerial.- wonder. Some of our verj' b'est and jmost reliable citi zens, saw so much of the heaven- lv stranger that thev had not the ut that it was the air ship which has been re ported from ther cities. The ship moved tc- the. west at a rap id rate. It seemed to have some thing like a search-light, facing earthwards, and created a sensa on among all classes of people. Don't buy!-our Sewing sia chine until you have seen the Wheeler and ! Wilson, the best on the market. Sold on good terms by E. IF. Young. pure -life. At an early age Air., Williams placed his trust where confi dence is never betrayed ; his wealth where moth and rust corrupt not ; his hope where disappointment is unknown. From liis early years he has been a member of the Baptist church, which he loved and eryed with more than filial af fection. And nowhere, outside of his own family, will his loss be more keenly felt than in his church, whose interest was al ways his interest and whose cause was ever his cause. At the close, of a life so emi nent for piety and Christian graces, it is not strange, mat even from his bed of . pain, his words betrayed that he had glimpses of the eternal joys which were so near. His last broken words showed that his faith was still unwavering and that he regarded death as the flowering time of life. He leaves behind him a wife and five children whose great sorrow is echoed by the : whole community and whose: incalcu lable loss will awaken :a sympa thizing chord in each heart. A Friend. Hand Cit Oil' j t Will a Allen, young colered man who was ! working at the saw mill of Messrs J. M. and C, D, Stewart near town, ac cidently fell oh the saw Tues day, evening while it was rim ing and got his right hand cut off just above the wrist. . The hand was thrown some distance and struck Mr. C. D. Stewart, who was running the saw, in the face. : Drs. Sexton and Denning were called to him and dressed his! arm. He rode to town in few minutes after the operation and is doing nicely. evtr saw, witn an me new trimmings to beautiful and in many different patterns. . Chiffons, and everything kept in a large firet-class fill your entire memorandum. j LADIES' MUSLIN We carry a full line of Ladies' Shirt Underwear. In Night Gowns, Chimesss, garments fronxus cheaper than you can buy the muslin and yard. WHITE GQOD3, LACES AND EMBROIDERIES. Beautiful line of White Goods, Lawns, Organdies, Swisses and everything aew and pretty in the White Goods Line. Laces and Embroideries of every description. Send for Samples. Come to 6ee as. CLOT RING! Our NE W SPRING STOCK of CLOTHING is now opened and we can fit and suit you as to price and style. Suits sent out on approval. ,Your money back if you want it. We do business to please and give satinfaction. JSTCOME AND SEE OUR NEW SPRING CLOTHING ! j SHOES- SHOES SHOES. We are noted for keeping the best stock of Shoe3 in North Carolina and you can buy them from us and save money. We move and fasten the buttons on all buttoned shoes sold at our store free of charge. We guarantee all of our shoes. . 5 Qarpets, plattings and Qurtain Qoods. We are showing New Carpets just from the mills, and a big lot of Mat tings just received from China and Japan ait prices lower than the lowest. jCE-SWISS CURTAIN GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION AND PRICE. We want your trade and will sell goods cheap and give satisfaction to every one. W7E GUARANTEE SATISFACTION. Our entire stock we buy direct from the first hands and save you the middle man s profit. Come to see Us 0 v r i I 40 DOZEN COTTON HOES, J J BEST AND CHEAPEST ant ?MALI PKOFIT ur Moyro. LOW PI J ICES TALK. . : - The fanners of Sampson,, 'Johnston, Cumberland and liar nett counties appreciate, what we boys they know a goodlthing when they see suit. We are now selling the O. K. King and Queen Cook Stoves with a lo year guarantee on them. ' The Prettiest. Best and cheapest Stoves made- are doing for them for it and. our prices always bargain but bavent. WJieii at ' We wteh we bad space to tell you of our many you come to town Had the boys, llollidiy & ir!tt, they wilt make you fot-1 nomc ana save you money. 1 YdUliS TO PLKASE, I DUNN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO., DUNN. N. C invert & olliday. A. Li. Fearsall,. Salesman. Next door to J. J. DUPREE. FRANK THORNTON -DRY White for Samples. GOODS COMPANY hi FAYETTEVILLE, N. a' Ve have just received a nice line of Baby Carriages, -cheap. Lee Hardware Co. The Lee Hardware Co. selj you 500 tacks for 5f. will IVe'stiiriiave. more of them 25$ trace chains left. Lee Hardware Co. We learn that Mrs. W. B. McKay, of Dickinson, this coun ty, had her corn crib and all the contents destroyed ,by fire last night (Wednesday.) The crib was robbed and then set on fire. No thins else was burned. ' Falcon Dots. Remember The Lee Hardware Co T sells The Lee Cook Stove, the best on the market. See the Wheeler and . Wilson Machine No. 9 at E. F. Young's. Its pa hummer Greatest of work. range NEW FIRM! 3in 1, ' ' " " v ..uuvtwuvu fu puuiiu tuat we u a V 0 ODCDCu & FirstClass Grocery Store, in the buildinp; formerly occupied by J. G Cox, on Broad street a';d aro prepared to serve our friends in the beet manner at reasonable low r c r ( Highest cash prices paid for flam, Corn and Peas. When in search of GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, CLOTHING CANNED GOODS, LEATHER, SNUFF, TOBACCO, &o , call on us and get our prices. Make our store headquarters, and wo will be glad to boo you." . !. Respectfully, KERJWEDY & BENTON, Dunn, N. C- mar-lTcf. N.B;HpOD: pRtJGG-IS T AND PHARMACISPg very lowest prices. Onion Sets lOe qt. at Hood & Gran th'am's. . Buists' -and IFood's seed fresh and fine at Hood & Grantham's. Borax for your meat at 15c pound. Hood & Grantham. Planting corn is the topic of the day in these parts. The weather is fine now for the busi ness and the farmers haye.a considerable hump on them selves. Rev. Robt. Jackson preached -i -i " i i j an a Die ana very interesting 1 1 " i sermon to a large auaienee at Corinth last Sunday. - We 'are very, sorry to know; that Mr. Re din Hare has been 11 I "1 11 t 1 1 A yery sick out giaa to learn mat he is much better now. We learn that Mr. John T. McCorquodale, of. Kinnon, IS . G., veiy thrifty farmer of that section, killed a mutton not ng since that .weighed 19 pounds in the gross. Who can beat that on sheep? . Rev. Albert Dawson1 filled his .regular appointment at Ready Branch last bunday. Mr. J. A. Culbreth has com pleted his Spring stock of goods and we think it will be a grand treat to any one just to see it. We're most sure he would take pleasure in showing you through his stock. Best wishes to The Union. "Sport." 1112s is Ihe season to have your paint iiig doue Kemeniber tlie Lee Hard ware Co., is the place to buy your Led and Oil. - ! ..People who Avant-' to Knlsomine their Walls will do Avell to cal! on Lee Hard Avare Co. for the material. Everybody that -ivants tOjbuy a Boiler or Steam Engine get prices from E. Lee ut Lee Hardware Store, j A, large line of Novels, School Books,' Crayon, Slates jand other School Supplies can be found at Hood & Grantham's. Whvwill you buy bitter nauseating tonics when GROVE'S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC. k as pleasant n3 hemo'u Syrup. Your druggist is authorized to refund the money in every case where it fails to cure. Price, 50 ceuts. Ooi-d Starch 10 a pkg. at Isf.. B. Hood's Drug Store. A lot of Fancy Candy re ceived at N.' B. Iftjod's Drug Store. Nice Box Paper and Envel opes at N. B. Hood's. 1 Good Legal Cap Paper 10 per quire at X. B. Hood's. WANTED 5000 bushels sood light wood charcoal. .Will pay highest cash prices. Noav is the time to make tar while you can sell your coal as well as the tar. Bring your coal to The Jno. A. McKay M'f'g. Co. Dunn, N. C. The Lee Hardware Co. will sell you a good cart either on time or for cash. Castor Oil has advanced oc and is now worth 2oc per pint but we have made the price on Quinine 5c less in drambottles, the price is iioav 10c instead of 15c. Hood &, Grantham. SPECIAL NOTICE. On account of the rush we will not be able to leave Dunn as ad vertised but will be here one more week from Saturday. April 24th will be our last day, so call at once if you want your pictures taken. ' : Southern Belt ' Photo. Co. "The future is bright for me," gasped the delinquent, subscrib er. . - " "No wonder" replied the editor ; "they burn coal there' Constitution. J.J. Wade sell3 Flour, Meat, Sugar Coffee and other Grocer ies very cheap. His stock is al ways fresh and the quality good. The County Union is the only paper published in Harnett county, ouofccnpuou yrivu Subscribe now. anything found in a First- I buy for cash and am prepared to sell at the TTith my experience and convenience I am prepared to (ill I'rkscmi'Tions promptly and accuratply at the very lowest cost. My stock is now complete, and I can furnish Class Drug Store. Orders promptly filhd ' Country Merchants are Invited to see mo- I thank all for.past favors and cordially invito you to come and sco mo. I can save you money. Very Respectfully, B HOOD, Dunn, C. LUMBER FOR SfiLE. . . i v I will deliver at Dunn Rough Lumber, all hearty cut to order for all parties who want lumber at prices A B LOW AS CAN BE HAD ANYWHERE All orders left with Mr E P- Young will receiye prompt attention- Hoping to receive your orders I am Yours to serve, A F-SURLES, mch-n Dunn, N C F INE INTERJO.R WOOD WORT7 1. We an? prermrecl to inrnisli at fhort notice Fine work for Interior of Hoiie, Stoii'M, Chnrcli- ;s and olllces. A variety of f pattcni.H himI of! iles superior to anything ever tsetMi in Dunn. Parties contemplating buihlinj: will do well tc-i see our designs and et our prices. Thc Supfrinteudeiit'of our work is an accom plished anl experieiued Deigner 611 thi) line md we guarantee to pleae you.. SOUTH DUNN M'FG. CO. -JB SA. j .1, " D. McBROWN, Proprietor. '(AftcriJannary 1st, 1S07, I will be in the Ptorc now occupied by Mr. S. V. Parker. To get fresh pure liquors call on me. ; 1 . Water is a first-class drink ii its place but itlonbcat : OLD 1R1H UROLIKA CORN PMET Ail are InTired to drink wipfmc. SOLD EI IF, what ever your circuoiitances may be ant good drinks call on McDrown. r I p 1 ff are good, wherever found, U , IIUl If yoir w.