THE COUNTY UNION WEDNESDAY, May 26, 1897 DUNN, N. C. ; SPIICIAL. . A' I orders for job work wrist be 7,f"' ' f'e hulf when order i given and I,, ', (fance tchen delivered. Thirty J.lozced on advertising. Local, dots. Our vounir peonle are Dre- ' paring to give us an entertain- ,...tit 5it mi pnrlv Lvv r-vWi '" ' J . J . j V regret -to. lose the fami v of Mr. J. E: Stewart from our town. lie moved back to liiV farm last Thursday. To-morrow the Sunday vhooLs of Dunn go on a pic-nic to Rhodes' MilL- Quite a nice i j mi is anticipated. .. S. (I. Marks & Co., in this issue. Thav have a splendid stock, all j). w. Call on them. The Little River Baptist Sunday School Convention con venes at the Baptist church in JVn-oii Friday and holds till Sunday. Several of our people will attend.. The Vv. C. T. U,. will hold a public meeting at tne isapust rluin li Friday night before the Jtction. A speaker has been invited to be present and deliv er a temperance lecture. A bright little boy is master of the home of Mr. and Mrs, K. M. Pearsall. ; His reign dates back to last Wednesday the 19th. Tin: Vsiux extends congratula- Iiolis; . Through tlit kindness of the P.resbvterian brethren the Methodist congregation wor shiped in the Presbyterian dnirch Sunday, Rev. D. Mi McLean, of. -r ayetteville fillec I he . jiulpit Sunday night. ji.. t '" nn i i Mr, v.T.. j. ayior mm com nn -need hauling brick for hfs lare.; brick store which he will 4 ie t this summer. It will be rie of the largest and mostcon- yenirntly arranged store houses Jn town when completed. The article on law by F, V. Jones", Esq., is crowded out jhis.week. It will appear next week. These articles are instruc tive and much information is d-oiitained in them. File them ttwav. for reference. The Atlantic Coast Line the commencement of Turling ton Institute at Smithfield. The fare from here for round trip will be'ST cents. Quite a num ber from here will go up Wed nesday to hear" the address of ex-Senator Ransom. Mr. J. F. P. Stewert was called to Raleigh yesterday by a tt'legram to show cause why judgment should not be obtained again?i him in favor of the Unit ed States. He went on a mans bond about a year ago and at the last term of the federal court lhe man was to sick to attend. Mr. A. L. Pearsall, who has been with the Dunn Hard ware and Furniture Company for some months, has resigned nis place and accepted a posi iion in X. B. Hood's Drug store where he will be pleased to serve his friends. The latest and i o st eoid drinks are dispensed m Hood's fountain, Sheriff Gates is one of our most enterprising citizens. His last act as a public benefactor is to open a lawn in front of his h't' emporium for the accomoda tion of the politicians, who may it beneath the shade of the trees that surround. his place of busi ness and discuss the tariff and free silver ad infinitum during the sultry afternoons of mid summer. At the next meeting of the board of town Aldermen an or dinance will be enacted making it ;v misdemeanor for any -per-Su'i to be found asleep on the civets. This act will put a stop to persons lying down on steps and goods boxes and going Jo s';p at night and on Sundays which", is quite"- frequent in the iowh. , Dr. J. C. Goodwin has m o v e d his office over J. J. ade's store. He has fitted lip several rooms there very - nicely mm comfortable for the enter tamment of his patients. He is also prepared to treat catarrh Jmd asthma in the latest scienti he manner. Dr. James Ed- iinindson of Johnston county, J I'oin the Richmond Dental Col kge is associated with him for People and j Their Movement. i Mr. T. L. Gerald went up to Selma yesterday. Mr. J. A. Culbreth, of Fal con, was on piir streets to-day. Mr. H. T. Spears spent Sun day with his family at Lilling ton. Miss Maud Fulcher, of Wil son, is visiting her uncle, Mr. E. F. Young. 'V - !:'- Mrs. Dr. 0.' L. Denning made a trip to Fayetteyille shopping this week. Mr. J. B. Holland left yes terday for Raleigh oh business in the Federal Court. . i. . ' Prof. C. M. Grantham left Sunday to spend his vacation at his home in Goldsboro. D. H. McLean, Esq., made a professional visit to Smithfieltl Monday. . j ' Miss r lora i Loner of Buie's Creek is the guest of Mrs. Dr s J..C. Goodwin this week Mrs. F. A. Whitaker, of dial eigh, is visiting Miss Lena Stewart near A. verasboro . i ! Misses Hat tie and Culbreth, of Falcon, Virginia visited friend here this week. Mr. J. M, Hodges, of Linden, was in town Monday and paid us a pleasant call. "" I J. II. Ballance, deputy Mar shal, left Mondar for Raleigh to attend the F ederal Court. Messrs. G. B. Alford and K. F. Godwin, o Holly Springs, spent two days here this week, 'i I i - Mrs. Young, of Wilson is in town yjsiting her son,- our esteemed townsman, Mr. E. F. Young. ji; .'.- - ; Mr. C. P. Harner. of Smith- field, has spent several days here visiting relatives. He left yesterday for Benson Miss Fannie McLean, of Fayetteville wlio has been vis iting Miss Mamie Bizzell. re- turned home Monday. Mr. J. B. Baggett, of Bass, will return from Chapel Hill to-morrow where he has been in college the past year, Mr. A. W. Gregory, of Barr clays ville, j was: in town yester day and paid The UniITn a pleasant call. J. B, JCdgerton, Esq., of Goldsboro j sptsnt a few days here last week and sold several town lots to our citizens. Miss Fannie Royal, of near Teachy, Duplin county, is spending this week in town" the guest of, Mrs. W. B, Austin. Rev. J. A. Campbell, Princi pal of .Buie's Creek Academy, took the train here Monday to attend the commencement at Wake Forest v Messrs. G. R. Muns, L P. Jernigan, T. D. Jones, Tim Norris and several others took the train Monday for Raleigh being witnesses in the federal court. ' j Miss Mary Bennett, who has been attending school here and boarded with Mrs. W. S. Jack son, left Monday for4home in Sampson near Clinton. Mrs, Jnb, A? Oates left Fri day for Red .Springs to" spend sometime with her sister, Mrjs. Dr. Devane, and recuperate hr health with the waters from the Springs, ( We hope she will re turn greatly benefitted. Rev, Hugh Craigh, of Row land, N,! C, was in town a short while Monday morning and paid us a pleasant call. He tilled Mr. Black's pulpit at tne Presbyterian church at Little River Acaclemy Sunday. Prof. Pj D. Woodall, assis tant teacher at Buie's Creek Academy,! spent Monday night in town, i He will spend part of his vacation at the mineral springs in Wake county near Holly Springs. Carpenters are at work put ting on another story to the res idence of Mr. V. L. Stevens. W.-B. Austin, Esq., our popular young townsman, is the first to have corn silks. He found one in his garden yester- dav. There will be a game of ball here Friday afternoon be tween the married and unmar ried men of the town. The game will be called promptly at 4 o'clock. A good deal of fun is expected. We learn that J. W. Grif fin, who was reported last week of eloping with Ophelia Capps has returned home to his wife lady has returned to her home. II 1 1 V A. lilllUl - J J-j Thfiv remained awav only a How Dreadful! "::!"! sixty tnousana souls are every year ent to a drunkard's hell, by and through the horrid saloon business. And will the christian voters of Dunn contin ue this dreadful business of making more drunkards, and sending thejn to hell by voting for License,; on the 14th of June? K:j i To do so, Is to be inst rumen tal in building up the" infernal regions of idarkness ; and who among us, V will put himself squarely on; the side of so great an evil? The most gifted of our Southern orators ha.4 spoken boldly on tlfej sin of the liquor curse in this manner : The salppn industry" said he, "is thef; j mortal enemy of peace and gOod order the de spoiler of men the terror of women thj dark cloud that shadows trie happy faces of children tile j demon that has dug more graves and sent more souls, unpreipared to the judg ment, than nail the pestilences that have Hvasted human life since God sent; the great plagues upon Egypt; I and ; it . has slain more people oh earth, than any other iniquijty ever invented by the devil, since the great leader, Joshua, stood before the doomed walls of thq ! idolatrous, city of ancient Jerico!. The curse of God is on the Saloon. Christiani of Dunn o every name, let us; i Come up boldly, therefore, to the hallo t- Dox, on the day appointed, Juiie 14th, and slay this! monster m our town, by a solid vote- for MN0 LICENSE, . and let all the peo- pie say Amen, land Amen And God be withjyou. t-l f "Observ ER. j -rrElder P;, ID . Gold preached at the Primitive church Sunday afternoon atji? o'clock. ; Some of our truckers have commenced jto ship beans. Mr. Jno. A. Oates shipped the first Jx)x last Thiiirsday. I Communion services will be held at; the Presbyterian church next Sunday. There will also be preaching at 11 o'clock on Saturday morning. Rev. B. M. F. Coats is erecting a two room cottage on Cumberland Street which will soon be completed. Mr. James Bass and fami- i ly, from FayettevilleJ have moved into the dwelling vacated by Mr. J, E. Stewart on Broad street. We welcome t out town. rem to Metho ing of of the i The inside of the dist church is now a th ueauty and the pride menlbers of i that church. Its frescoed walls and ceiling and bright colored windows present an artistic arid beautiful ap pearance and makes a soft and leasing light. The painting was done by Mr. M. B. Mans field and the artistic manner in which it was nerformed has won for him many compliments and the work fully justifies it. The school for little folks ught by Miss Mattie Carr closed Monday. In the even ing at 8 o'clock the pupils gave a nice entertainment to the pat rons of the school and a few in vited friends. The exercises were well arranged and splen didly delivered. The little folks acquitted themselves in a splen did manner and reflected credit on their teacher. After the ex ercises ice-cream was served. Miss Carr " has made many riends here and all were pleased with the progress of their chil dren. Eynngelistic Mecliiisrs. Rev. Jno. B. Jones, Evange ist of the Christian church (Disciple) began a ' meeting in our town last Monday flight. The congregations have grown continually. He will, next Lord's dav evening at 3d'clock, preach a sermon to men only. The men of all the churches are invited to attend also the men of the world. Monday evening, he will lecture to the ladies. The ladies of the town and com munity are invited to attend and bring the boys and girls. Services each day at 11 A. M. and 8 P. M. Choir practice at 10 A. M. All the singers of the town are invited to take part. It is a fortunate day for a man when he first discovers the value of Ayer's Sarsaparilla as a blood-oarifi er. With this medicine, he knows he has found a remedy upon which he may rely, and that his life-long mala dy is at last conquered. Has cured otners, will core you. A beautiful line of Alapacca and black Serge coats just re ceived at J. A, Massengill & Close or I ii ii u Iligh School. On last Friday the Dunn High School finished its work for this session, which,, under the management of Profs. Li C. Brogden and C. M. Grantham, was one of its most, jrosperous. sessions. The management though that the time taken to prepare for a commencement would be worth more to the pupils in study, and as. a conse quence the school gave no reci tations br declamations, and had only an address and some music. At 8 :30 o'clock in the evening all the patrons of the school and and citizens of the town as sembled at the Academy to hear the address of Hon. D. H. Mc Lean, our townsman. His-sub- ject was: "North Carolina, her past present and future." He was introduced in a few well chosen words by Prof. Brogden, Hjs a4dress was review of the past history of the totate and the importance of in structing the youth in the his tory of our grand common wealth and the conditions ; of the present, and lastly the pos sibility of the future if our young people are properly train ed and instructed. His address was splendidly delivered and highly entertaining and in structive. After his address Prof. Brogden made a 1 short talk on the necessities of a good school for Dunn. His talk has been highly complimented by our citizens. One of the most pleasant features of the occasion was the music furnished by the students of Miss Fannie Cox, who lias been teaching music .at the school this session. The vocal duet by Misses Mary Pearson and Myrtle Wade arid the song by Miss Stella Taylor were splendidly rendered and elicited much applause, and the exer cises on the piano by Misses Annie Harper, Lizzie Godwin and Ora Wilson were admir ably performed Avhich proved that their instruction was splen did and thorough. ! All our people are well pleas ed with the progress . of the school this i session and want Profs. Brogden and Grantham to remain and teach for them again. They are both young gentlemen of the highest moral character and have endeared, by their scholarly and christian examples, both pupils and pa trons to them. We hope they will remain and teach for us next session and this is; the sentiment of the whole cornj m unity. Premature baldness may be preven ted and the hair made to grow on heads already bald, by the use of Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Re- newer. Cliriliaii lrotlicr. That vote of vours on the question of "License" or "No- License," on the 14tli of June, in Dunn, will tell in the ages of eternity, if tlie word of God be true. Listen to this ! "Som0 men's sins are open beforehand going oeiore to juagment, and some they follow after. ' (1st Tim. 5:24.) Your vote for the "License" evil in our toyn to continue, may prove the ruin of some soul forever, in the eternal world ! "No License, " is the vote for the people of God. A Friend. Pulmonary consumption, in its ear ly stages, may be checked by. the use of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral ; It stops the distressing cougn, sooines irrita tion of the thToat and lungs, and in duces uiUcb-needed repose. Hun dreds have testified to the remarkable virtues of this preparation. ; A full line of Glass-ware, Tinware, and Fruit Jars - just received at S. G. Marks & Co 's Just received a lot of those Wheeler & Wilson No. 9. Sejs them at E. F. Young's. t Everything cheap at N. B. Hood's drug store. ' Don't forget to call at Mass engill's and look at the perfect fitting suits. They look just like Tailor Made. " ! S. G. Marks & Co. are selling best Apple Vinegar at 20, per gallon. Fresh Pork sausage and all sorts of soft drinks on ice at F. P. Jones'. You can buy Pumps, Joints, Well ripe &c. at your own price froni S. G. Marks & Co. You have no idea what F. P. Jones has unless you exam. ine his stock, and his prices can not be questioned. See the Wheeler and Wilson Machine No. 9 at E. F. Youngfs Its a hummer Greatest range Tutfs Pills Cure AH . ! , i ; Liver Ills, i . Arrest disease by the timely use of Tutt s Liver Pills, an old and favorite remedy of increasing popularity. Always j cures SICK HEADACHE, sour stomach, malaria, indiges tion, torpid liver, constipation and all ri1inns r1J:M;f:i TUTT'S Liver PIIJi UUli FATHER WHO AKT I HEAVEN," IN ami. then voting with, tax ami license DaittiS tO I)Hrmnmta tl.P rrafflJ tiM)n eartii; thus aiding the powers of darkness; or, "HALLOWED BE TEiy NAMJJ,' theiijVOting to legalize the liquor traffic by trtx or license, which causes God's name to be continually blasphemed; thy KINGDOM COME," then jvotliiij to that Satan's Kingdom the saloons may continue If they will pay only the price which politicians have fixed! upon them: I "THY WILL BE DONE," then yoting with and for liquor! sellers to keep on undyr tax i or license laws, winch is the greatest hindrance to ha vine: God s will done on earth; "GIVE US THIS DAYiOUU DAI LY BREAD," ! and then voting to legalize that which takes; the bread from thousands of starv ing mothers, and helpless children; "LEAD US NOT INTOj TEMPTA TION," ! 1 then yoting that the j alluj-emeiits and destruction of the saloonsjiay go oil un- aer some lorm ol tax or license; I "DELIVER US FROM EVIL," ind then voting that the State and Na tion may continue the liquor evjl, both at noine anuio neainen Janus, proviamg they Will only make iho piilce of blood iiigu jtjnuugn in iiiu lui ui ui or li cense. S ; Can 3Tou, Dear Brothers do i all the above and then heartily say " AMEN!" ICicIi Jiiid Rare. t f -r I -i , - In our last issue pur cores- ponplent from Wade, ave; an ac count of a negro lireacher and anopher negro getting Into a play which ended ill a i fight. On Friday we received the fol lowing note, which we suppose was written by the negro preach er, as there was no name signed to ii, which we give as written, spelling and punctuation as per copy : !.:". i Ma-tlie loth y7 to the County Union ! j Dunn, N. C. Iti reply to the Negro Preach er a'nd the other, negro : as so called Fighting at wado N. C. is untru. I know that -there is some People that Loves to Furnish the Union with News but it wold be beter if they Could Wate and getherj Some Truths and it would be a Com plyment to the Union. Wh'vill you buy bitter nauseating tonics when GROVE'S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC is Ils pleasant as Lemon Syrup. Your druggist is authorized to refund 'i the lnonej- in every case where it fails to curej Price, 50 cents; j Do you need feed Oats? If so call on S. G. Marks & Co. Orange Phosphate is no bad drink cold as ice at Hood & Grantham's. j Another fresh lot of Canned Goods and Pickles just received at Lane's. ; j S. G. Marks & Co. pay the higliest price for country pro duce, j Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Flour, Meal etc., etc., from Lane &Co. Fruit Nectar, Sherbert,; Lemo nade, Milk Shake, Coca-Cola and! a variety of nice cold drinks now served at N.. 13. Hoods druc store. Cut and Smoked Herrings at F. P. Jones . ICE FOR SALE. I am now prepared to serve you with a good quality of ice. Leave your orders with me and thev will be filled properly. Ice house at Town Hall. I can sell it toyou cheaper than you can order it. Respectfully,' John A. Oates. It is admitted that F. P. Jones hts' the best Grocery store in Dunn. See Si G. Marks &Co's 20 Tobacco before you buy. All the leading brands of Rnnff are sold bv S. G. Marks & Co. Grove's :Tateles Chill Tonic Is a per trot lalarlal Liver Tonic and blood iu rifier . He-moves liillnsness without purging. iAsplesant as Lernon Syrup. If U jls larfre as anv Dollar tonic and re tails for 50c. To get the genuine ask for Grove's For sale and ruarantee by lIootlG rant ham, Dunn. A.l. Don't fail to call at N. B Hood's drug store when you need medicine. 11 W STB E MARRIED! I uMk4a C f' are wiling tunaul v cheap you can funiM U then H 11 Luv Hardware I to carry onj You must see and get our prices on Cook Stoves, Hahy Cradles, R..Wf!flrrin.foc StA..wl Snit J "o 'f " to appreciate Yhtit c are doing We have on i - line of Rubber and Leather Belt ing, Inspirators Engine Fittings this country which ; ; at prices never fore heard of. Whon you come to town make our place headquarters. We will j save j you money and make it pleasant yor you. ' - ! ! ! YOUKH I'O PI.KASlJ, ! j DUNN HARDWARE 5c FURNITURE CO.,. ! ! I I dunn, n a Pnvett & Holliday. ! I A. Li- Pearsall, Salesman. Next door to J. J DUlTiKE. j ! j IM. B. HOOD, DRUGGIST AND PHARMACIST ! I buy for cash and am prepared to With my experience and convenience promptly and accura'.cly at the very lowest cewt. '., ' My stock is sow complete, and I can furnish anything found in CJass Drug Store. Orders promptly filltd. ! 1 Country Merchants. are Inyited to see :itQ. 1 tnanK all for past favors anq cordially incite you to oooif and see I can save you money. N. III D. McBROWN, Proprietor. CS3 AfferkJanuary 1st, 1897, I will be In the To get fresh pure liquors call on me. Wate i Is a. first-class drink ia its place IILDNIJR1H CAROLINA CUP WHISKEY SOLD All' are iavired to drii;k with nn rll whatever your circumstances . ' j C3 HI If O l rV.l U I-W If jo TO TIIK Zfr, 'AND FOR SALE IJY i A. V..(Hth.uOK i , 1 Nerve Coca is- h tlelilitfnl lrink, (juenclies thirst and cools the system, increases tin activ- . ty of the brain and .ives tone J .i t . i i i . r to tne nerves, invauntuie mm rofessional and business men. On draught at Hood fc dran- ham's Drug Store. ' ' jSTotice ! Having b e e n aiiiwintr d Registrar for the approaching Local Option election to be held at the Town Hall in Dunn on the 2nd Monda- in June 1807, for the town only, all persons who have not registered in any nrevious town election who wish to vote in said election will be required to see me and have their names placed on the registration book. I will have the book open at Town Hall on Thursday, Frid:fy, and Satur dav, June the 10th,. 11th, and 12th, 1897.' This May 14th, 1897. B. M. F. Coates, Registrar. TIB Tl GET L'ICK SALTS AND ."'MALL PltOKlT I'l: Mon o. LOW IMilCr S TALK. Ro,l Snri,,,,. .,il t... l '"""' for you. hand a complete and all kind of for the mill men of be - sell at the very lowest prioe. I am prepared to till V UK.SC RlrTIO N-4 Firnt. tn. Very Il upectfully, B. HOOD, Dunn, N C- tore mow o-cuum1 liy Mri. JS. V. I'arkt-r..- Imt it"l.ui't hirjt may ho. wheret-er ftniii'f. ir want -food ilrinks on Mdti own. ' FIJONT, " fcX n BarclavM'ille, N. (;. - 0 uJ' I .-A I'l V. Don't fail Co t-xaiiiiiu; llio jrfTfi-ct-littii "FtMllM-rlxuHr" .im, Ilm Ix-i! ami clM-aj-t oi the- market. AM !! of the!- ;ooU t K. U. Taylor", Dunn, N'. j i ' ! : i; Sherbert, Pineapple, Rasp. berry, Strawberry, Cherry and Orange all made from Purn Fresh Crushed Fruit- at Hood & Grantham's, i ' . COCA COLA ! The refresh ing drink and specific for head ache. Relieves mental and physical exhaustion., Proierly dispensed at Hood fc Ciran tham'ft drugstore. he vacation. Go's. 1 j . few days. of work.