- i - Pousse P&tt?... i ! And why not a pie-pusher - aa well as a coffee-pusher? It's J, far more necessary. Do you o ! suffer with dyspepsia ? Ayer's (J J Cathartic Pills will cure you. Jj, jl) Take a PILL AFTER J The MissioD of Aeneas- continued from 1st page. she had many suitors among whom was Turnas, a young King. The Queen wished her daughter to marry Turnus, but the King was told in a vision "that -his daughter should mar ry a stranger f ronr over the seas, and through this man their name should be greatly exalted. The King thinking yEiieas to be the stranger was anxious that he should wed his daughter. ! Turnus becomes jealous and challenges .Eneas to meet him in battle, .Eneas arm ing himself with an armor made by Vulcan, goes to meet him. In the conflict Turnus is slain. Eiieas then claims the -hand of . Lavinia, which is granted. Thus he begins to establish the city called Rome, blending the two 'races, Latins and Trojans. Thus begins the foundation of a city in whose walls men shall dwell, at whose bidding every nation should reluctantly bow.. Miss Annie Harper. These two articles on "The Mission of .Eneas" were written by Mr. It. L. Godwin and Miss Annie Harper, students of Dunn High School, for class exercises on ancient history. Prof. Brogden promised his class that the two who would write the best essay on the sub ject for class exercise he would have them published in The Union, space for which we gladly tendered. There were several presented which did the . pupils much credit and they all did well. These two were se lected by competent judges to be the best and we take pleas ure in miblishintr them. Edi tor.J ; Increase of Murders- in inquiry was recently made to the Atlanta Constitution if the assertion, that there were more murders committed in the! United States to the population than ariv country on the globe, I was true. The editor of the Constitution replied : It is. Fifteen years ago less than 1,000 murders and justifi-j able homicides were committed within the limits of the United btates each year. In the year 188G the number exceeded the thousand mark for the first time, the figures that year be ing 1,4-iU. Within the next twelve months the number al most doubled, the murderers in that year cutting off the lives of not less than V,S'3o of their fel- low creatures. Since that time, and down to the opening of the present year, the ratio of in- crease has been so startling as to attract the attention of the t-mm; i-jwiiifu urm. 1 lie ii g-1 ures for each year since 1887 are a.s follows : 1888, 2,884"; 18- 89, 3,567; 1800, 4,290; 1891, o,90G; 1892, 0,791; 1893, 6,015 1594, 9,800, 189o, ' 10,212. There is no European 'nation tnat lias one-half, one-third or even one fourth as many, mur derers' to eacn million of its population as have the United States. England proper has in round numbers' a population of 3u,uuu,uuu, out only 6 t t mur ders on an average each year Italy, "the most murderous of the European nations," has a populat ton almost half as great as ours, yet she annually has less than one-fourth as many murders committed within her borders. vDamoeriam i aid liaim nas do equal as a household liniment. It i the best rented; known for rheoma tisrn, lame back, neuralgia; while for sprains, cuts, bruises, barns, sea ds and sire mroar, u is invaiuaoie Wcriz & Pike, merchants' Fernandina, Fla., write: "Everjonj who bujs a bortl- oi LnamDcriain s itrDedies, coulP back and says it is the best medio. n be has ever used " 25 and 50 cent per bottle. For sale bj N BJIood Dunn, N. C WANTPn FJ inrAWhoeanthInk -! of some simple I tkins: to Da tent? Protect ronr ideas: theYtniv baring you wealth. Write JOHN WEDDEB I BUHN& CJO.. Patent Attorney. WasUortan. IX tX, tor their JUuJ prize ofier " j PAST TARIFF BILLS- The history of all tariff bills that have been before congress in the past fifty years shows that the tendency to debate such measures has been steadily growing. More time is con sumed each time a revenue measure comes up. The Walker tariff, which be came a law July 30, 184G, was debated in the house of repre sentatives for twelve days, and fifteen days were taken for its discussion irUhe senate. Many of the speeches delivered were not printed in The Globe, as The Record was then known. The statesman of that day had not thoroughly awaked to 'the hospitalities of extending his rPTTinrW fnr the benefit of his constituents. More trouble was experienced in getting the Morrill act before congress than there was in -de bating it and passing it once it came before either house March 12, 18G0, and it was one year, except ten days, until it became a law. The bill was under dis cussion in the house eighteen days. It passed May 10th, and the same day was sent to tne senate and , referred to the fi nance committee. On eight different days the bill was before the senate on different motions, but it was not until December 20th that it was finally reported from the finance committee and permit ted to lie on the table. On Jan uary 23d it was referred to a special committee of five, with instructions to report it in a week, one attempt having been made in the meantime to have it made a special order for a certain day. On Febuary 1st the special committee reported the bill, which- was ordered printed. It was not until Feb ruary, 8, 1801, that the bill was taken up in -' committee of th1 whole for discussion, and' then it was only read once. It was under actual discussion seven days, when passed by the senate on' February 20th. From that time until March 2d, it dragged through the slow process of con ference, when it received the signature of the president and became a law. The tariff act of 1883 was at tached by the senate for a pure ly internal revenue bill. After it had been reported from the finance committee it was under discussion in the senate thirty three days. The house placed itself on record against the con- stitutionalitv of the action of the senate and did not discuss the bill. Conferees were appointed and the bill was five davs in conference. The Mills bill was reported to the house from committee April 2, 188G. It was debated fifty .two davs. In the senate the discussion occupied forty one days, and the senate being republican, the bill was defeat- el. The famous McKinley bill was reported from committee April 16, 1890. It passed the house after fifteen days debate. In the senate the bill was dis- cussed forty-six days. The Wilson bill was actively before the house twenty-three days. In the senate the bill was reported from the finance com- niittee April 2d, and the debate continued until' July 3d. - i r roiii tiiGse ngures it seems pretty sure that this tariff bill will not pass very soon. It has harder times ahead of it than any of its predecessors except the Morrill act. The first of September is moderate proph- ecy. James Creelman in New i ork . Journal. VAT U Rl A, PERFECT HEALTH RE- GAINED THE AVONDER OF THE AGE, Grandest discovery in the. annals of medicine. r Guaranteei! to cure more diseases than ......... I i: ! . ... . .iu wiucr iiicuicinc. ireaiment or sj- rem Known to tne nitdical profession. "Xo MAX made" remedy, bnt 'na ture's true nanacea. T - .a ... . . . .iiuuia i iin ;iiiucnic jrerimcide. it positively destroys all 4miciobes" and ferms of every kind, name and natuie. .v ..v..n. nulling ill mc IIUICIIOIlS membrane, it will rcrmaneiitlv cnrp If 1 w llu4llllir Hill . I . t . . . . 1 . the majority, of cases t f . ronch.it is. Ca tarrh, Djsjupsia, all Stomaclui' troubles. all diseases of the 15 adi'er. RmvpU irincvf, i.iveiv constipation. Pies. Ohl Sores. Rectal- Ilistases TTUpi-c l-.czema, bciofnla, Blood Poison, liheu- matism, Nenral;iavDi-eastsl Discliarj:es, Iiseases peculiar to Vomn. Nervon and l'hysieaM eakuess, etc. NO MATTE U WHAT YOUli AIL- .ur, i, ur in'r you live, write ns a H L' V'll ...1. full history of your trouble, and our consulting nbvsician will advi vm wuai 10 uo in o.aer to reiraui ronr I . I . ... . c - neaiui. consultation is Kiee ami sacred ly con tide ntial. Terms very low. For proofs enclose 2 cent stamp. ' Local agents wanted everywhere. No J;u,afeulK - " e auvcrc-se you ui your nouit paper. Address w ith stamp, THE VATUMA COMPANY, r 1 u. liox. i. 14. Chicago, III. STATE NEWS. Items of news gathered from all parts of the State. An insurance company has been organized at Newbern with a capital stock of $50,00. The first Irish potatoes ship ped from, the State this year sold in Philadelphia for $4.50 per barrel. - It is said that Mr. W. S. Clan ton, of Charlotte, will be ap pointed by the President, jirec tor of the mint in that city. William Clow, a young man 19 years of age, while - hunting! in the woods near .Lenoir last week was killed by the acciden tal discharge of his gun. Afire at Greensboro Satur day morning burned; a foundry two dry goods stores and a knit ting mill and some unoccupied buildings. Loss estimated at $20,000, partially insured. The therty-sixth annual ses sion of the Southern Presbyte rian Assembly which -had been in sission for ten days at Char lotte closed its labors Saturday. The next session will be held in New Orleans. A' negro woman was killed by lightning during a teunder storm Saturday near Newburn. Mrs Annie Cameron, widow of th? late" Paul C. Cameron died at her home in Hillsboro Satur day in the 83 years of her age. Dr. Eugene Grissom for many years superintendent and physiciairin charge at the in sane asylum at Raleigh, and recently physician in an insane asylum in Colorado, has return ed to this State to live. George Buckner, a white man flagman on the Southern road, was run over and killed by a train on the Cape rear and Yadkin Valley road at Greens boro Friday morning. The two tracks are side by side at that point and he was struck while attempting to cross the track in front of the train. The Hemenway public school building in Wilmington was burned to the ground early Sunday morning. Supposed to have been the work of an incendiary, as the school has just closed its spring term. The building and apparatus cost $17,000 and was insured for $15,000. This was one of the largest and best equipped s hool buildings in the eitj . The recent legislature passed an act allowing the counties of McDowell and Yancey fifty con victs to work roads- in those counties, the state to bear the expense. The new superinten dent of the penitentiary has re fused to send the convicts. Last Friday the commissioners of those counties instituted man damus proceedings to 'compel the Superintendent to cohiply with the law. " The four revenue officers who killed Barnum Jones, a desper ate moonshiner of Bladen coun ty last fall, were indicted by the federal grand iurv for nninlor jt w " and their trial came upj last week at the federal court. I The eviuence was not sufficient to convict thorn of an attempted murder and the case was thrown out and they were allowed to go free. " MONTHLY SUFFERING. Jhousands of women are troubled at tnonthly inter vals with pains in the head, back, breasts, shoulders, sides hips and limbs. But they need not suffer. - These pains are symptoms of dangerous derangements that can be corrected. The men strual function should operate painlessly. makes menstruation painless, and regular. It puts the deli cate menstrual organs in condi tion to do their work properly. Aad that stops all this pain. Why will any woman suffer month after month when Wine ofCarduiwill relieve her? It costs fi.co at the drug store. Why don't you get a bottle to-day? For advice, in cases requiring special directions, address, giv ing symptoms, "The Ladies' Advisory Department," The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. Mrs. R0ZEXA LEWIS, -ll"!12w0,,b ,,.at "othlf Inttrtata with terrible paint In my head and btck. el Cartul "a ntirty rl,etM J ill wffTminMiMniwiwwmiiitiimiitimiHiiiiwtiiimimiwiiMHMm... r " ' 7 i if,' Vc? ST- AVege tsbic Preparation for As -simiiatir.g theTcod and Regula ting th Stomachs and.Bo.veis of s f-1 -e M Promotes Digestion.Chcerful nessandRest.Contains neither Opium,Morphine nor Mineral Not Narcotic. n Retype of Old Er&VfUEL PITCHER Jun;-Jan Seed.' Mx Senna Seed- ; 7i-ppcrntint -Jjj CcrbonateSoda, - flirrn Sced - Ctarincd Jiifrrr I" I" A perfect Remedy for Constipa lion. Sour Stomach. Diarrhoea, Wortr.5 Convulsions .Feverish ncss and LOSS O r BLEEP. TacSimile Signature of NEW "YORK. tell m EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. I. DIRECT FROM Which Saves The Commission House, The Wholesaler, The Jobber and Store Keeper. E. ROSENBDRGER & CO. 202-201 k I02ad a, NEW YORK CITY. i mm f ff Our Oftat Bargains DiEIU I SUITS FOR j Bop's Adonis Suits. Sizes 3 $2.98 to mith Fxtra Tair of Dants. 82. Q8 These Suits are GUARAN7 EED to be made from imported Wool Cheviot, in Black, Blue, Grey, and Brown, in sizes from 3 to 9 years of age. Made up double-breasted, with Sailor Collar Collar fancy embroidered lined with last Black Albert Twill Sateen and Patent Waist Bands. Trimming and Work manship the very best. 5 'Samein Sires for ages 10 to 15 years, without Sailor Collar. See Pattern's Below. y 2 i Wlwith Extra 172 I S won O g LL t lW 3 a. 5- 3 Vfcfir'" 2Sl When ordering send Post Office, Express Money Order or Kegistered Letters, also aire at last birthday, and if large or small for his age. . Money cheerfully refunded if not satisfactory. Send 2C. stamps for Sam pies, tape measure, measuring, blanks, etc. RED 'HAIR IN ALL AGES. Since time immemorial red hair lias been the object .of ill- humored jokes just why no one seems to know, unless it be that Judaslscariot was thus endowed: And yet, despite the popular prejudice against auburn locks, there are few things more beau tiful than a woman with such hair. L Red-headed women have played prominent parts in . the world's history and have caused many a kingdom to tremble and even fall. Helen of Troy was red-headed, and she certainly caused trouble enough for one woman. Catherine I of Russia Joan of Arc, Elizabeth of Eng land, Mary Stuart, Anne of Aus tria, Ex-Empress Eugenie, Ni non de I'Enclos, Lucretia Bor gia and Beatrice Cenci had red hair and all are famous. Nevertheless it is a curious fact that in all ages there has been aversion to hair of this hue. Red has always been con sidered the color of war and bloodshed, and the crudest gods of savage races have always been adorned with red topknots. nie ancientn.:yptians were violently opposed to red hair, and once a vear burned a maiden of this description in the hope of exterminating or lessening what me- considered a curse. In Spain red hair is abhorred on the ground that it is "Judas hair." Amonir some ! savage races red hair is held in great es teem especially among some of the Alaskan tribes. i In New Zealand a red-headed woman is considered as on the right road to paradise. Students of, red hairology say that a woman, thus adorned is morecruel, brighter, more decep tive and more ambitious than a woman having other col6r hair. Whatever truth there maybe in this, it is a fact that red-haired women have a strange fascina- rtion for most men, and red-head ed old maids are almost un known. Exchange. 5 I 1(11 m I I f i Dim n urn m iThe Kind Yon Have a -.a Always Bought, Bears the Fac-simile Signature OF- ON THE WRAPPER OF EVERY BOTTLE THE KIO YOU HAVE ALWAYS BOUGHT. THE CENTAUR COMPANY. ICW YORK CITY. MILL TO WEARER. you 4 Big Profits. A CUSTOM HADE TO ORDER. SG. MAN'S 37.50 15, SACK SUIT I Guaranteed to be made from All Wool, Fancy Brown, Gray. Black, or Blue Worsted Corded Cheviot, made In latest style, lined with Imported Farmer Satin, trimmed and finished in the best of Custom Tailor manner. You cannot duplicate it in your town for $16.00. Sizes 34 to 42. The same goods made for Youth's, 13C OC to iS, in I.ong Pants, Coat and Vest, A 1 How I to measure for Men's and Youths Suits Measure around the Breast and Waist over the Vest, and from Crotch to Heel far Pants. press Char ges, and should you not feel satis fied will refund the, iy money. Remember 1 1 You buy directfrom one of the largest Clo thing Manu facturers in America. WINKELMANN'S Diarrhoea Cholera Mixture. A SAFE, SURE AND QUICK CURE FOR Teething, Cholera Infantum, Summer Diseases, Cramps, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Cholera Morbus, Pains In Bowels, Cholera and Cholera Symptoms, 1 and for all irregularity of the diges tive system, whether acute or chronic. MOTHERS, NOTE THIS ! Winkelmann's Diarrhoea and Cholera Remedy is a perfect means of treat ment for children's summer diseases, and should be in every family. Its timely use may save life. USEFUL ON THE FARM, IN THE FACTORY, . IN THE HOUSEHOLD, AT SEA AND ON LAND. EVERYWHERE. It is . safe under all conditions and circumstances, and is recognized as one of the very best remedies ever introduced. The ingredients are jast what your doctor prescribes almost daily. Valuable tnfurmalion uiilh every bottle. SOLO BY DEALERS AND DRUGGISTS GENERALLY. PRICE, 25 CENTS PEfl BOTTLE. If druggist should not have it, will be sent receipt of 35 cents to any address br Winkelmann & Brown Drug Co. OLE PflOPRICTOnS. BALTIMORE, MD., U. 3. A. For sale by Hood & Grantham, Dunn, N. C. BLANKS FOR SALE f AVe now have on hand a full supply of .Warrantee and Mort gage Deeds, Chattel Mortgages .Lien 15onds and Maristmto' blanks, at prices as low as von can buy them anywhere. Send us your orders or call at our of fice for them. 4 . J. P. PlTTXf A V Ptib. of County Union, ' i.ii This .5 Style. 0g . ' s ) m it i m " a illl ! V 1 i h Dunn, N. C. Hold On- Hold on to virtue ; it is above all price to you in all times and places. Hold on to your good character, for it is and ever will be your best wealth. Hold on to your hand when you are about to strike, steal, or do any improper act. Hold on to the truth for it will serve you well and do you good throughout eternity, iiom rm tn vftiir tongue when you are just ready to swear, lie, or speak harshly or use an improper oru. Hold on to your temper whenyou are anjry, excited, or imposed upon, or others angry about you . Hold on to your temper when evil persons seek your company sun! invite vou to join their games, mirth and revelry. Hold tr A-rmr omrul name at all times, for it is much more valu able to you than gold, high place' or fashionable attire. rx. F, C, Co.'s Corsois, MAKE American Beauties E&CO'S UUHnbul SHAPES. ARTISTIC EFFECTS. All Lengths, IIEVEST MODELS. FAHCYand PLAIN. FEATHERBOIIE CORSET CO. SOLE MANUFACTURERSk SOtD BY R. G. Taylor, Dunn, N. C TEE y HOG. AND CHICKEN CHOLERA CURE. USE NO QTIIE.V Write fop tf st imoninls. Tlieonly remd in the or positively guanmteed t; prt-ve: and cure Cholera. I'ut tin I 35-centand fl.tXJ tiz. Snid l all Uruvi t a M (1 couiitr mcrcliants. Trlii 1 - ottli-1 nm i 1, 8i -ii:'. ly jickid, t' i' nv addren?, U Manufacture only bv THE DUEKAM CHOLERA CURE CO. DURHAM. NORTH CAROLINA. U'-turn this coupon with your Ar t 4 order. N Conpou No. 5Q4 IT 13 ABSOLUTELY The Best SEWING MACHINE MADE MONEY XTE OR OUli DC1LKIIN e-mn yon machines cheaper than yon can get elsewhere. The NEW IIOITIK la our best, butive make cheaper i&lnda, aucn aa the ClitMAX, IDEAL and other Uleli Arm Full Nickel Piated Sewing Machines for $15.00 and tip. Call on onr a?ent or writo ua. We want your trade, n'.l !rjrlre. tfini Sxaau Miuarc deaunrr xvlll nln. i. f 1 1 haTe It. XV o challenge tl world to proumea okxxeii 950.00 Sewing lftachlne for $50.00, or a better $20. Sewing iriachf ne for $20.00 than you canbny from ns, or our Agents. the hew noE mm wm co. Omirjn, ICass. BdsTOif . 5f as. U U rr.n Pqta kx. JL Y. m,'vt V" a". 't w. J'." Jk. iL HUI iBJJICL-CO, CAL. .TL Ji. TOR SALE Ei'' GAINEY & JOIIDAN, Dlnn, N. C. BO YEARS EXPERIENCE. ij,4 DESIGNS, to Amend. WVhi7w f11 PttU ipecil noUoe fa the K Munn -m-w m MlfJ SCIEIlTIPIf! micnio.n besntlfoll or i I Ui 301 Proadway, Kew Yark. OiTEacli Box. j' KC ATLANTIl COAST LINE . WILMINGTON AND yvt, AND IiRANCIIKs AND FLOKKNCK UAIUJ(JAI) CONIJENSED KCIIKDUI.K. May loth, 181)7. JTKAINSH 0 1 . j sdkth. Leave WeMon ll:Ju a, iu. ,9 4.11. T Rocky Mount, lt:lt s. 111., Leave larooro.uuii. m. Leave Uocry Mount. ViZx. m. i.. - 5:45 a. m., 12:45 p rn. " Leave Wilson, 2.00 a m. 11:1s 1. ,. , Leave Keima, 3:00 a m. Leave Fayettevill, 4:M a m, M4 ... Arrive Klorence. a in, 1, Leave Ooldsboro, 7D3am. 3:lo 1. m' Leave Maanolta. 8:07 a in. 4-ic, 1. .,, ' Arrive Wilmington, 9:io a m, r,nr, ,, TKAias UOIMJ NORTH. Leave Floretce, 8:45 am, 8:15 j. n, Loave rayetteVille, ll:.o a in, in vii ,, in. III. Arrive Wilson. 1:42 a m,12:lo m Leave Wi.inlnjrton,7:15 m. v:inia' U Leave Magnolia, 10: 10 a 111, (, lu ' Leave ioMsloro, ll:5rt a 111. lu lu 1, i Leave Wilson, lit l in. .:; ... 12:10 pin. Arrive Rocky. a. ount, 2:31 . m 1 11:"7 P m. p in. ' "" III. Leave larlKro, 12:i t p iu . Leave Rocky Mount. 2:3 p m. 1 ,( ,, . Arrive WeKion. S:3j p 111. ft , ' " Train Oil Scotland N-rk Hrnn. 1. ...... . Weldon4:10p in, Halifax 4:. n r.U ..in -. ... 11.11. . l Scotland Neckat8i.op m, Or..nvii,. '.'.IMr Klnstou 7:55 p 111. Returning lcav il ,. 7 0 a in, Greenville tKy a 111. at rivl.,.- !,' ."' at 11:18 a m. Weldmi 11:33 a 1.. ' "X I' "I ll-ll - ". "lilt '!. I I Trains on Washington Branch .v.. .v., Ii.gUui 0am,and l:Wpm., nrnv,. 'aril,," .-.lOani, and 2:l0p in. returning v.,.,, m-le iu. and 6:30 p m. arrlv.- w n.',,,. . .' 11:0 in. and "t:W p lu.dnlly. hU " Train leaves I arloro. N. C. dnh Huuday. at t:30 p m.. niii,ii.y" ,r Dprlvim PI viiinuth T Aft .. ... j . Returning leaves Plymouth ,!iv 1. ........ m r l ... . . .. . '.' ' pununjr, 1 w m. ui nuti uiltinv V 111 h i, rives at Tarboro 10 05 a. in.. 11 im a Xialn on Midland N V branch l.-nv. u 1 , l.oro, ti. C, dally except Mun.iay, . m ... ' .' rive Sinithfteld M c, b:o a ni. Ur,lrl'h leaves Kinlthtlel.1. N. c. imi a. iu ...'!. ' Ooldloro,N. c. 10-45 a. vi. rrn. , Trah)on Nashville Hrmich Imvr, t, ri, Mount nt 4V 0 p. in., arrives Nnti in.. ' in., faring Hope 5:;p. m. r tl ' Spring Hope 8:(Ni a. in.. Nsshvlll. . c, , arriveat R cky M unt:i5 a. 111...I.11U PXr, .. V Hunday. " Train on Clinton Branch leaves 'ar.w t,,, Clinton ally, except Sunday, nt :.ii;, ., ' . 4:10 pin. Returning leaves Clint. .u , . and a 50 a 111. Train No. 71 make close ;..im. -t i. n u,. don for all points North dully, nil rail Richmond. Also at Rocky Mount wni, , lu- aim t.nruiiiin rnnrunii ior ...rii.lU all points North via Norfolk. II. ni. KMKItsiiN. Ocuernl ra.sener Au'.-M J. R. K T. M. EMKRSDN. Ilenernl Mana-, r Trartlc Manager. RAILWAY. .JOHN (JILL li.i-.iv.r. ( OND K N l D S (J I IK I ) 1 LI'. In IluvVt .flay :tO. Is:)?. Noktii Koi nii. I ml) Leave Wilmli.gtoii Arrive Kayetlevllle Leave Kayt-ttcviile I, ... . tt.vlle Junction AiriveSanford... , Leut i' SH..tort f... Leave Climax.... A rr. Ve (i reel I . h lxi i (i Leave i'eeiislior L-ave stokesiiuli' L ave Win. . ut Cv Leave Kuril Hall Arrive Ml. A T, 1 " I I' iu. (I IB. I' " J li ' I .IN " SofTIl LiolM). N" I I'aill Leave Mt. Airy Leave Kural llall Leave Walnut Cove Leave Walnut C ove . . L-ave Stoki-sdale.. Arrive Jr. enshoro..-...; Leave Ureeiislion Leava Climax tLenve San ford Arrive Kayettovllle Jliiictlu. Arrive Fayett-evllle Leave r'ay cite ville.....;.... Arrive Wilmington d ii " ; l V . II t' II " .1. ii '.n ,1m:. j i.i:. I ;;n N OUT II Bo I'M). N I Pall) Leave Beiinettsville Arrive Maxton Leave Maxton Leave Red NprlugH Leave Lumtirr Bridge Leave Hope Mills Arrive r'ayettevllie BOCTII BOlM. . k ; " .. .'i.'J' " No. -I I.i Leave Kivettevllli Leave Hope Mills II. V 6 ii " Leave Lumber Bridge., Leave Red Hprlngn Arrive Maxton Leave Maxton Arrire BcmiettNvsvllle ... s 11 " .. : i:. ' ... 7Z'i .No. I' MUH' North Boi mp. , ll,'i,' Leave Rnmseur Leave Climax Arrive Oreensboro.... Leave Oreensl.oro In " ! I M Leave Stokesdale Arrive Madison .'."I 1 1 " .n... K iiu IlallV i; BOCTII BdCND. , uif!J ... -t m r :ii5 " 4 " Leave Mndison Leave Stokesdale Arrive Ur-eiis!oro Leave Ureeiisboro Leave Climax Arrive ltamscur...... C.J'i tMeala. CO.NNKCTlo.NS at Fayetteville with Atlsntlc ' Maxton with Carolina reiitraJ ""'"V.-,. Saford with Seaboard Air Line. ' 'T , boro with Southern Railway. ' w ,,l"lM with Norfolk A western Railway. CJea'l Manager. i " ' ' a" . tr iu. iv j w r.. i o o 2 - 5. c H Z2 30 O r$ Qj rf n 5 LJ si. o 0 Ai'EFEARAND YADKIN VAI. Suhscribo for The Union. P 5. O l"

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