4 ' mm mm win 1 The !vP 63,16 J Of HIQ5!!! Beauty. Beauty's bane is' the fading or falling of the hair. . Luxuriant tresses are far more to the. matron than to the maid whose caslcd of charms is yet tinrified- by time. Beautiful women will be glad to be recninded that falling or fading hail is unknown to those who use Ayer's Hair Vigor. Isill IClt After Year;. Twenty S. II. Carrington, of Durham, on Friday', received a letter from San Marcial, N, M., from J. B. Allen, in which was en closed a check for $25 to pay a loan of that amount Mr. Car rington made to Mr. Allen in 1877. This is a remarkable circumstance and shows the honesty that is sometimes found in a man's heart. Mr. Allen writes that about two weeks ago he was converted and feels that his sins has been forgiven and he sees many of the foolish, tilings he did in his past life and now he want to live right, lie longs to sec his old friends in Durham and talk .with them. He also wants to know some thing of a Mrs. Burrus, who ran a boarding house there in 1877 or 187&. He wants to know her address as he owes her a bill and desires to pay it. lie is now running a dry goods store in San Marcial, New Mex ico, and it seems that he is pros pering and' is-very happy in his religious life. Ex. Chamberlain's Pain Balm has no equal as a household liniment. It is the best remedy known for - rheuma tism, lame back, neuralgia; while for sprains, cuts, bruises, burns, scalds and gore throat, it is invaluable Wertz & Pike, merchants' Fernandina, Fla., write: "Everyone who buys a bottle of Chamberlain's Remedies, comes back and says it is the best medicine he has ever used." 25 and 50 cejits per bottle. For Bale by N B Hood Dunn, N.-C. Drowned in tliC CnpC Fear Mr. Jas. Johnson, a resident of Campbellton, and well known as a democratic cannoneer dur ing political campaigns, was drowned in the Cape Fear Riv er, near Robeson's Landing, AVednesdav morning. Johnson was working his way from AVilmington to Fayette ville on the steamer Hurt. When the whistle was blown for the landing he arose from where he was sleeping near the boiler, and deliberately stepped into the river from the star board side. 'The steamer was immediately stopped, a small boat lowered, and every effort was made by (J apt, Robeson and his crew, assisted bv Mr. B. R. Taylor, .who was a passenger on the boat, to rescue the man, but to no avail, the body had entirely disappeared, and is still missing. The unfortunrte man was about r." years old and leaves a widow and one son. Fayette ville ObserveT. THE PESSIMIST. Nothing to do tut work, Nothing to eat but food, Nothing to wear but clothes To keep one from being nude. Nothing to breathe but air, Quick as a flash 'tis gone, Nowhere to fall but off, Nowhere to stand but on. Nothing to sing but songs Ah, Well! Alas! Alack! Nowhere to go but out. . Nowhere to come but b ick. Nothing to read but M Ords Nothing to east but votes Nothing to hear but .sounde, Nothing to sail but boats. Nothing to comb but hair, Nowhere to sleep but in bed, Nothing to weep but tears, Nothing to bury "but dead. Nothing to see but sight?, Nothing to quench but thirst. Nothing to have but what we've got, Thus through life we're curse;!. Nothing to strike but a gait, 'Everything moves that goes. Nothing at all but common sense Can ever withstand these woes. Ben Kino. STATE NEWS. V A T u m A, PERFECT HEALTH RE GAINED THE WONDER . OF THE AGE. Grandest discover' in the annals of medicine. Guaranteed to cure more diseases than any other medicine, treatment or sys tem known to the medical profession. "No MAX .made'' remedy, hut 'na ture's' true panacea. Wat imia is an antiseptic germicide, it positively destroys all miciobes and germs of every kind, name and imtiiie - it is healing and soo4hing to themueuoiis membrane, it will permanently cure the majority of eases t f i ronehitis, Ca tarrh, 1)3 spepsia, all Stomache troubles, all diseases of the Bladt'er, Bowels, Kidneys, Liver, Constipation, Tiles, OKI Sores, licet al Diseases.- Ulcers, Eczema, Scrofula, Blood Poison, Rheu matism, Neuralgia, Di ease J Discharges, Diseases peculiar to Wouumi, Nervou and Physical eakness, etc. NO MATTER WHAT YOUR AIL MENT, or where you live, write us a full history of your trouble, and our consulting physjeiaii will .advice what to do ia o.der to regain health. Consultation is Fiee and sacred ly confidential. Terms very low. h.r proofs enclose 2 cent stamp. Local agents wanted everywhere. No canvassing. We advertise vou in your home paper. Address with stamp. " T II E V AT U M A COMPANY, P O. Box. P14. Chicago, 111. It is said that no whiskey or beer has ever been sold in the town of Salem. yor vour Items of news gathered from all parts of the state. Leroy L. Brinkley has been appointed postmaster at Eden ton. Governor Russell and staff returned Friday Irora the Nash ville Exposition. A negro boy 14 years of age. was run over by a train hear Maxton Thursday and killed. The boy had lain down on a trestle and gone to sleep. The town of Goldsboro will hold an election next Mondar to decide whether or not the fawn shall contribute $15,000 to the capital stock of the Snow Hill railroad and issue bonds there for." Forty-two 3-oung men gradu ated and received 'diplomas at the State University commence ment last week. Eightv-fiye of the ninety-six counties of the State were represented by stu dents last year. U. S. Marshal O. J. Carroll took four prisoners to the peni tentiary at Columbus, ' Ohio, last week. Ihey were convict ed and sentenced at the recent sitting of the federal court at jialeigh and Wilmington. A man in town claims that ne has found an inexhaustible deposit of kaolin about ten miles west of town. The finder. will not tell the whereabouts of his find, but is showing samples, says the Monroe Journal. The Railway election in Greene, we learn, has resulted favorably to subscription, the majority for it on the vote poll ed being 458, and the majqrity of qualified voters on the regis tration books, favoring subscrip tion, being 4.- Wilson Times. J. V. Rivenbark, of Burgaw, cleared $900 on two and a half acres of strawberries, and ex pects to make not less than ten barrels of wine from the berries that were left after shipping ceased to be profitable. Jack sonville Times. The Wadesboro Messenger and Intelligencer says tlrat hun dreds of acres of young cotton plants were ruined by the terri ble hail storm last Saturday. It raged over portions of Anson, Stanly, Montgomery, and Rich mond counties, the farmers of upper Richmond most. Ex-Collector John C. Dancy, of Salisbury, who was collector of the port of Wilmington linden President Harrison's adminis tration arrived in the city yes terday and will be here till to- morrow. He dropped in last evening to see The Messerger, and while he did not talk polit. ics, we have heard that he has been settled upon for collector to succeed Collector W. R. Ke nan. Wilmington Message. At the pretty town of Lake Waccama, Columbus county, there is a colored man' by the name of Haywood Eason who is one of the most progressive and worthy men of his" race in all that section. He is a fine far mer, leading main- of his white neighbors in that line. He shipped about l6o crates of strawberries this season, and is now shipping large quantities of Irish potatoes. Last year with two mules he made about 250 barrels of corn, sixteen bales of cotton and other pro duce. He is well liked by his, neighbors ' and stands high in his community, as a good and honorable citizen. AVilmington Messenger. A. Sogro fynclied in Ohio. suffering At Urbana, Ohio, last Thurs day a negro man was tried for criminal assault upon a white woman. He confessed the! crime and the judge sentenced him to the penitentiary for 20 years. The citizens enraged at the sentence made a raid on the jail, which was guarded by the sheriff and local militia, at night to get the negro and lynch him. The guards fired on them and killed two of the mob and wounded several others. The mob became enraged with the officers for shooting their fellow citizens and made another at tack on the jail and secured; the negro, took him out on the pub lic square pf the town and hang ed him to a tree. f k The mob was so indignant with the sheriff and the guards that they had to flee for their lives to keen from receiving the same treatment as . the negro had received. Two companies of troops were'stationed in read iness two blocks away from the jail when the negro was lynch ed.' ;.. ; During the summer of 1891, Mr. ( has P. Johnson, a well known at torney of Louisville, Ky., had a se vere attack of summer complaint Quite a number of different remedies were tried, but failed to afford au) lief. A friend who knew what was u-.edt.d procured him a bottle of Cham berlaiuV Colic, Ohjlera and Diarrbces llemedy, which, qaiokly cur- d him and he thinks, saved his iifu He says that there has not Ik'o;, a 0-t since that tinic that; he hu.- tj; !. a"d h is ieiii-dy iu hs household, lit p;.-ak-uf ifin :he highest piaieaid iakfs pleasure iu recommending it wbri.' vtr an opportunity is ffertd. tvi t-ale t)V JM i. Hiod, Urusj'i-t Dumi, N. (J. Probably the largest weekly salary paid to any writer for a newspaper is 5jiouu, rne sum received by the man who writes " Paris Day by Day" for the London Telegraph. 'Henry d iSlowitz Parish correspondent, of tlie London Times, gets as much for his work as does the Presi dent of the United States $50,- 000 a year. Onto TriI, AIuj I w d. j If we t-ell one bottle of Chamhtt- 1 i ; - C-ojyh ll-i.i-d, e rld.-nt f - 1 t se 1 same n rsoti m-re. werrM Tudi: -d. i' 'as hi-- f tQiilv nMdi .-: of this town f -r 'coughs aud cohi-, atnl, r-commend it becaus-i "f tt etariisfo-d nieri's Jos E darned. Prop. Oak laud Phariijacv. 0-k!aod, Md- vSold V.y N. B. Hood, druggist Dunn. N C: fl P7 l?p i uliIM j,i pBIEJ b .BItQ.d A e g lal .li Prcpc raiioafoir As -simiiatin0 Ac Feed andRegula ling the Stamficbs andBovcls of Promotes Digestion.Checr ful -ness andRcst.Contnins neiUier OpiUEa.Morpltinc nor Mpral. KotNahcotic. I The Kind You Have Always Bought. I Bears the Fac-simile Signature oF-4-;. Ztcpe crOldrrSMiUELPITCim Pumpkm Seed ' Mx.Sama BochtUe Salts - ylzuse Seed- . Jppermint -Ji CarboTUHtSocbl, . ff&mSced Gnrifitd Sugar -l'.2:Jrryi-n rcrar Apcrfcct iierncdy for Constipa tion, Sour Stotr.c.ch.Diarrtioea, Worms .Convulsions .Fcycnsh- iiess andLoss OI SLEEP. . . j lac Simile Signature of : . ! NEW "YORIC. - i: EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. ii !.vw.'!,v....:, ,"- 01T THE OF EVERY -OTTLE THE YOU LYAYS KIHD E l Y E' OUGHT. THE CENTAUR COMPANY. NEW YORK CITY. agin n;eied Grorgia's Greatest Farmer- James E." Smith, of Ogleth horpe, Georgia's greatest farmer lias just broken all records of cotton sales from a single plan tation by selling to Macon cot ton buyers in one lot over 2,000 bales of cotton of his own raisino Th' cotton sold. on a basis of.7 cents for middling, and when it is all weiglied and shipped Mr. Smith will receive a check for about $70,000. Atlanta Constitution- j Greater New York is 82 mils long bv 19 wide. MONTHLY SUFFERING. 'Y'housands of women are troubled at monthly inter vals with pains in the head, back, breasts, shoulders, sides hips and limbs. But they need not suffer. These pains are symptoms of dangerous derangements that can be corrected. The men strual function should operate painlessly. L J makes menstruation painless, and regular. It puts the deli cate menstrual organs in condi tion to do their work properly. And that stops all this pain. Why will any woman suffer month after month when Wine of Cardui will relieve her? It costs $i.oo at the drug store. Why don't you get a bottle to-day? For advice, in cases requiring special directions, address, giv ing symptoms, "The Ladies Advisory Department," -The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. Mrs. R0ZENA LEWIS, . t,eny'H. Texas. ays: " I was troubled at monthly Intervals with terrible pains In my head and back but have been entirely relieved by Wine DIRECT FROM MILL TO WEARER, f Which Saves you 4 Big Profits. Tie Commission House, The Wholesaler, The Jobber and Store Keeper. E. ROSENBURGER & CO. 202-204 k i02ndst, NEW YORK CITY. $5.00 Our Great Bargains SUITS FOR I $2.98 Bop's Adonis Suits, Sizes 3 to 15, wit!) extra pair of pants, $2.98 These Suits are GUARANTEED to be made from imported Wool Cheviot, in Black, Blue, Grey; and Brown, in sizes from 3 to 9 years of age. Made up double-breasted, with Sailor Collar Collar fancy embroidered lined with fast Black Albert Twill Sateen and Patent Waist Bands. Trimming and Work manship the very best. Same in Sizes for ages 10 to 15 years, without Sailor Collar. See Pattern's Below. This Style Sizes 3 to 9 with Extra Pair Pants. 5 1. j3fii eg G S a if Us I a m n I I 1 11 1 I a s I I Ton" 1 o rj W 3 A S o J v 1 When ordering send Post Office, Express; Money Order or Registered -Letters, also age at last birthday, and if large or small for his ape. Money cheerfully refunded if; not satisfactory. Send 2c. stamps for sam-1 pies, tape measure, measuring, blanks, etc. Mi c4 f 10 to 15 a with extra Vr'. f DiirPanU Jt&ZSts. A 1& 1 liri mm s A CUSTOM MADE TO ORDER SS6.yiIkR.50 Guaranteed to be made from, All Wool, Fancy Brown, Gray. Black, or Blue Worsted Corded Cheviot, made in latest style, lined with; Imported Farmer Satin, trimmed and finished in the best of Custom Tailor manner. You cannot duplicate it ia your town for S 16.00. Sizes 54 to 42. .. The same goods made for Youth's, 13C OK to iS, in Long Pants, Coat and Vest, Ur" C How to measure for Men's and Youths Suits Measure around the Breast and Waist over the Vest, and from Crotch to Heel for Pants. We Pay Ex press Char ges, t and should . you not feel satis fied will refund the money. Rememkrl! You buy direct from one of the largest Clo thing Manu facturers in America. This J li S Style. fpny-M ) W"' WW i jJA! 1 The Mississippi proper is 3,- j 200 miles; the Missouri, from! its source to its union with the j Mississippi is only 3096. The j Missouri-Mississippi (or I Mis-j souri with the Mississippi con nection) is 4,506 miles long. Gunpowder was invented by Bertholdus or Michael Schwartz a Cordelier monk of Goslar, south of Brunswick, in Germa ny about 1320. But some main tain that it was known earlier. Some say the Chinese and j Hin doos possessed it centuries be fore. ' Impure air is not always of ramai fl fill the same t weigJit, there beinr various grades of impurity. But an absolutely pure air al ways weighs .31 of a grain per cubic inch, the .weighing of air is a good test of its purity. The average duration of1 hu man life is about thirtj'-three years. One-quarter of the I peo ple on the earth die before the age of sixteen, and only about one person of each 1Q0 born lives to the age of sixty-five. The deaths are calculated at (7 per minute, 87,760 per day and 35,- 930,835 per year, the births . at 70 per minute, 100,800 per day and 30,792, 000 per year. - In Germanv and '.among the Pennsylvania Germans toy rab bits or hares, made of canton flannel stuffed with cotton' are frit-ni tn tlift r-lii 1.1 ro rut T-'-itiiT TRADE-MARK RCGISTERCO. THE IDEAL LAXATIVE AND CURE FOR CONSTIPATION. AS PLEASANT AS HONEY AND SURE CURE FOR Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Stomach Troubles, Bowel Disorders, Liver Diseases, Irregularity, Kidney Troubles, Headache, Fevers, Sick Stomach, Skin and Blood Disorders Thick and Sallow Complexion, AND VERY MANY OTHER DISEASES AND COMPLICATIONS DUE TO AN INACTIVE STATE Of THE BOWELS. . PRUNELINE is the safest and surest cathartic and aperient one can use. It thoroughly cleanses5 without griping, purifies the blood arid removes ail waste from the system. It does away with Castor Oil, Salts, Blue Mass and all other nauseous purgatives. It tones and energizes all the great or gans of the system. It is free from all harshly acting drugs, and is always safe, always ready, always reliable. KEEP THE HEAD COOL, THE FEET WARM AND THE BOWELS OPEN, USING PRUNELINE for the latter purfose. PRUNELINE IS THE PERFECT FAMILY MEDICINE. morninjr thev ' being told that the O-shter lias laid the Eas ter eggs. This custom is '' de rived from the legend that the hare was originally a bird, and was changed into a quadruped by the goddess Ostara, or Eas tie, and, in gratitude to her, the hare exercises its original bird function to lay eggs for the goddess on her festal day. Philedelv)hia Record. WANTED-AN IDEAKft'g thing to patent ? Protect your ideas ; they may bring you wealth. Write JOHN WEDDER BUHN& CO., Patent Attorneys, Washinstoo, tor their fcUSUO prize offer. SOLD BY ALL DEALERS, or sent oa receipt of 50 cents to any address BY Winkelmann & Brown Drug Co. SOLE PROPRIETORS. BALTIMORE. MD., U. S. A. For sale by Hood & Grantham, Dunn, X. C. BLANKS FOR SALE I We now have on hand a full supply of Warrantee and Mort gage Deeds, Chattel .Mortgages Lien Bonds and Magistrate's blanks, at prices as low as vou can buy them anywhere. Send us your orders or call at our of fice for them. J. P. PlTTMAN, Pub. of County Union, Dunn, N. GY United Ktates Nayy Yards- The United States navy yards rd. at ATLANTIl .I'liUT-iiu r m j. lit; uui"-" i ,1.. T..,T.-K-ri Tiavv vara Brooklyn, N. Y. ; the Charjes- townnavy yards, Boston, Mass. ; Gosportyard fttXoifolk, Va. : Kittery, opposite Ports mouth, N.H.; League Island near Philadelphia ; Mare Island near San Francisco ; Pensacola i.i ... or navy yard and tne navy Washington v. . rri i.- iio';il stations inert; iii u A , Nexv London, Conn ; Port Roy- al, S. C; Sidney, t.. 7nci. vi. i. nnd a torp imA-vl war college Newport, K. I. Atlanta Con- titution. at v- ind f do at the of t fhanlains of t cnohv .mil TTouse Representatives are oom men. FB G. Co.'s Corsets, MAKE American Beauties FCCO'S UUKHtUI SHAPES. ARTISTIC EFFECTS. -x.Lenirtns. 5 L All Oa Each Box. flEVEST MODELS. FA (ICY AND PLAIN. FEATHERBOIIE CORSET CO., SOLE MANUFACTURERS. SOLD BY. R. G. Taylor, Dunn, N. C 'JL' I I H i y DURHAM HOG AND CHICKEN CHOLERA CURE. USE NO OTHER. Wf.tft fit t.Rtininntnlt The only remetl- in the or positively guarnntc e.l to prevcm and vnrc I'lioleru. I'nt up i; ao-csnt and $1.00 sizvs. Soul 1 all Orniri't a l count r merchants. Trinl i ottlc t ns ii i 1, pi'ciii'f ly pckid, ti nny addresH, form-. Manufacturei onlv bv v THE DURHAM CHOLERA CURE CO. DURHAM. NORTH CAROLINA. w . Return this coupon with your Ar t if order. Coupon No. 504i SAVE MONEY IT IS ABSOLUTELY The Best SEWING MACHINE MADE tte ore orrii dcaleAs can on you machines cheaper titan yon can Cet eUewliere. 'Jt'Iie HEW XX07IB la our beat, but we make cheaper kinds, such as tne C&IITIAX, IDKAL and otneriXIs:li Arm Fnll KIckcl Plated Sewing machines for $15.00 aud up. Call on oar nrren or vvrlto us. Wo want your tnulc r-.n if crice- tirmi auI j uare dealing will win, we will have it. We challeiigo llio world to produce a 11ETXE21 $50.00 Sewin ITIacliine for $50.60,ora butter $2C-T Sewing Ff achlne for ZO. GO tficn you ean buy from tim, or onr Ascnt. THE HEW II022E HXim IIACIIII?E CO. - 0BA5QK, Mxss. Eosrojr H a S3. 83 Uin f ;- ir. N. Y. FOR GALE C GAINEY & JORDAN, Dunn, N. C. CO YEARS EXPERIENCE. t 4 TRADE MARK8, 'j, DECICN3, SCIENTIFIC AMERICA! 3B MUNN & CO., 301 "roadway. Mew York. Mill UiJi.11111111 AN-.. AND FLORKNCK , May n;i,;.IiV 3 I'. Dl . 'aM., h, "I'M,,, ".Mi, Leave Wehlon ii-r.n . .. Rocky Mount, l:r.2n. m ' , leave l a r horo , 4 ; l -j , 5:45 a. m., lv:45 i rn. ' Leave Wilson. 2.i:s n . 2:lifp m. Leave 8einia, 3:00 a m. Leave MagnoIia.V.,,; J P . Arrive Wilminpi,,,,, ,, 4;,": 1 l-m. TRAINS (j(.iN(; x,''''. Leave Florence, k; r, a i U Leave Kayettevlll.-.u- n' ',,! 'I'" Leive elma, 1 Arrive Wilson, 1:4 j,'tl, , , , Leave W llininKtoii. : i'u U. f ' Leave Magnolia. R- ; a ,'' "J-.t"1 tr. Leave OoUllon. a ' I'O. " Leave Wilson. l lz . I," J.:.,,,:n,. 12:llm. " ",!! Arrive Rocky oiiiii !.-. U:r7 l in. l:vo p m. ' h:- Leave larhoro, : j. m Leave Rocky Mmint , , Arrive Wel.fon. ;:.!.( ,' "', ' V" ' 'n -Train on Vcotlan.1 N-, k l;r,l,V" Vehlon4:l0i. in. ii .i.f .V . '"'J i Scotland Neck at r.-.n i. m " -Kliwton 7:55 pin. Ki-I u rninl' ,!'.'!)'''' ' i 7:.0 a m, Greenville a , rnv? k , at 11:18 am, Weld'.,, 11,; Sunday. . . '" Ij ., Trains on Washlnrton liram-h i lurton :20 a tn, and l:u. ,, 1 '' -.10 a m, and 2:1.1 p in. rr Vin h ' m-le s:'4a in. and ...,, ,. srr f1"'" 1 ll.MI a in. and ;-.iO v in, daily v"' Train leaves Tarl Sunday, at r,::i j, , ,- in., arrives Plymouth ; jo ,,. .. ' ' Hemming loaves rhin.,.,.), i ruuuny. i w a. iu.. ain sm,,,!,,,. i , 11 lm i r vm h I nr ni ill r. .1 ... lialu on Midland N r Brlin, !. t.oro, N.C, dally excoi.t , 'V.'', rive Smith Held N "nil i.i . lnvua s:i..(fl, !.! v .. " R';.- Uoldshorc.N.C. lo '.5 a. n. 10 4 Train on Nnshville Ur.tn.-ii i ' u i Mount at 1: 0 p. in., arriv. s .Nn, in.. Spring Hope .v:;o p. )n. (,.tl ' spring Hope B:(m. a. ni.. Xiil,viii,. V' arrlveat R cky M unt it:tfa m ,i, 1 Sunday. ' " s '' Train on Clinton Uranrli l.-.iv.u, Clinton ally. exc.'i.t SiiikI.-iv at , 4:10 p in. Returning- l.nv vilt.tt.t. -I and yr.ua in. " a rain iso. i, iiiHKt' riifc ."utiiit-ff i . . J -Irtll f,W Oil ....ll.tu V.il. ..... MI"''M Richniond. Alo at Kuckv Mo'im folk and Carolina rnllmaci f,,r b,ir' all points North via Norfolk. 11. M. I.MKiso . (jvi'ieral' l:is .fiiir.-r a T. M. EMERSON. ii, -,., i,., Traill c Manager. ' , RAILWAY. J-OIIN vil LL iNi.ivtr. (ONUKNMvD SCIIKDILL North liorxn. . eave Wilniii.gton..... Arrive raj etieville Leave Kayetievlde . e:ve Kaet t v ille J u ml A rive iittt .. .,ve ."'Hi. 1 -ni Leave CI i in a A rr.ve (Jrci-nslioro Le.ive ( re4Mi.il.oi o L -ave Stoke-i.iale L ave Vuii:at c..s .- Leave Rural Hull Arrne Mt. A r South Uoimi. ... I."'' Leave Mt. A iry Leave Rural hall LiMive Walnut Cove Leave Walnut Love..; L'-ave StoUrsdrtle Arrive (ir.i-nslioro L4-aV4' (ireeushoro , L4Mive CliuiaK fLeav; Sanford Arrive Fayett.vllle Juni-li.ii. Arrive Knyetteville Leave Fayetteville... Arrive Wilmington. NOKTII DulM). Leave Bennettsville..;... Arrive Maxton Leave Maxton Leave Red springs -.. Leave Lumt-r IJridge.. LeavM; Hoi4 Mills Arrive Fayetleville .. . ;i.. I .5 HOl'TII liOl .MI. Leave r'lyelte llle Leave Hoie Mills Leave Lumber bridge.. Leave Red hpringH Arrive Maxton Lesjve Maxton Arrlye Uei.net tuv-svillo. i ft ... i'- .i ?.: .. 4 4' i jo.- '. I ' .. ll Noiitii Roi m. Leave RainsMir Leave Climax rriv'4' Oreeiishoro. Leave Orei-nsloro... Leave Stokesdale.... Arrive Madison.. N" M I-:J v HOI TH Dol'NP. Leave Madison - L4ave Stokesdale Arrive irernsl.ro Leave Oreeiishoro I.4ave Climax Arrive Rainseur ..- TMeals. .. r ; ha: ; I ' 3ii5 1 CONNECJ I"-N"i . . TJ til.. 1.1. A tt'ititl.' 1 i rttjt-ui-viin- win. . Maxton with Carolina ' " Sa'.ford with Seaboard Air l.ni-- horo with southern Railway. with Norfolk ii west-rii lit il a ay fJea'l Manager. .'" " 1 1 tl.' I ' ... A- -5 X J g 2 p i- . j o 5 " J) S (J? j j CfJ Js J & c v as; W t g. CO P-i r Subscribe for The Union. J