-1 I THE COUNTY UNION WEDNESDAY, June 10, 1897 DUNN, N. C. All orders for job workimusi be ' te half token order in given and i,t hallnnce token- delivered , Thirty ny.s .d.loiced. on advertising. LOCAL DOTS. Don't fail to list vbur tax ' t u r.-thi v, Friday and Sat- unhiv are tlit days here. The North Carolina- Teach ers' Assembly nicl at M.orehead ("iiv yesterday and will be in session' until June 2otli. We are sorry to note that Mr. -II. T. Surles is confined to his room with a severe attack of rheumatism. Read tlie article on first p.ie on. Mctalic Conductors. They protect from lightning when properly erected. ' Work has commenced On the large sale stables of Mr. T. L. Oerald on Wilson street. The stables will be 140 feet in length and 40 feet wide. The Dunn Hardware and Furniture Company- have just received a car load of cook stoves. See their "ad" in this i-sue. Judge Thomas R. Purnell has reappointed Mr. J. 15. Hol land United States commission er for this town and surroimd ing district. . Mr. J. J. Massey has been appointed postmaster at Smith lield to succeed Miss Lou Abell. He held the office under Harri son's administration. Carpenters are at work' put ting 'on another storv to Rev. N. 1. Hood's dwelling. When completed he will have quite an attractive and well arranged house. Mr. H.F. Smith is. making preparations to represent -the Southern Music House of Luden Si Bates of Savannah, Ga., and will soon have some pianos and organs on exhibition here. He also sells tin Machine. age begin Singer Sewing The town voted prohibition Monday and after July Tst 110 Tupiors, beer, cider or wine can be sold here. Let every; man see that the law is enforced. The majority has spoken and it must be olHy-ed. Last Saturday Andrew Lee was arraigned before Justice J. I. Holland for assaulting San day Tvey. '-Both had attorneys and the case was heard in the presence, of "quite a number of spectators. Lee was . found guilty and fined twenty five cents and charged with the cost. The University Summer School I it Chapel Hill opens I un.e 22nd and will continue live weeks. Best instructors and best methods. Some of the leading school men of Amer iea are among the instructors. Free4 access to libraries . and laboratories. Tuition $G.00. Hoard and room $10 to $15 per month. Reduced railroad rates. C. W. Toms, Superintendent. We like to give space for the items from different sections of the country but we want them fresh. We leave off some this week because they would be two weeks old by the time the paper reaches that com munity. We would ask our correspondents to send in items so that they will reach us not later. than Tuesday evening. All of our people will regret to learn that Prof. L. C. Brog den has resigned as principal of Dunn High School and will not teach for us next vear. He has been elected to a position in 1 ho graded school at Greensboro and has accepted the same. He is a good scholar, an excellent instructor, and a gentleman of the noblest character, and we congratulate the Greensboro school in securing hin. " There is now a good opening here for some-young man.-- A protracted meeting has been in progress at tlie Baptist church since Sunday. t The pas tor Rev. L. R.. Carroll, is as sisted by Rev. W. F. Watson, now pastor of the church at Kdenton, N. C. Five yearsago 'Mr. Watson served the church at this place for two years, and during that time won the hearts of many, of the good people of Dunn. He an able preaher and ah eloquent speaker. The services are held at 10 o'clock in the morning and at 8 in the evening. Everybody cordially invited to attend tlie services. The little infant son. about one 3'ear. and ten months of Mr. J. K. Hudson of near Mix, Sampson county, died yes terday afternoon about 1 o'clock. The little fellow had been sick about a year. - We are requested to an nounce that Rev. W. G. Clem ents of Morris ville N. C, of the christian church is expected, to preacli here in the Presbyterian church next Monday and Tues day evenings All are invited to attend. Services will promptly at 8 o'clock., LIder J. T. Co a t s will preach at the Primitive church here Saturday and Sunday. Services begin at eleven o'clock in the morning each day. On Sunday morning two dea con's for the church will be or dained. (-The only Magnolia tree in the town is in the front yard of Dr. M. W. Harper. It is small yet ami bloomed this year for the first time. The Union returns thanks to the Dr. for one of its magnificent a n d beautiful blooms. .'. " ' ; -Joe Lee of Johnston county was arrested Monday morninf at his home by deputy Marshal J. 11. Ballance for having un stamped whiskey, malt and oth er articles 111 his possession on March 2nd last. He 'was brought here for a hearing be fore U. S. Commissioner J. B. Holland who- required him to give bond for his appearance at the next term of the Federal Court at Raleigh. People and Their Movement. , 1 The SuIoouk 3Iiit Cloxe. Monday was without an ex- Rev. I. W. Rodgers filled his ception tne greatest day that appointment in Edgecombe Sun day and returned Monday. Mr. J. H Kirkman, of Smith field, spent- several days in town and at Falcon this week. Misses Etta Williford and Mary Strickland, of near Spring Branch, spent r nday night in town. Misses Jennie Belle and Hat tie Culbreth, accompanied by Miss Alice Radford, spent Fri day night in town. Miss Nellie Pearsall, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs R. M. Pearsall, left yesterday for her home in Clinton. The enterprising firm of the Jno. A. McKay Manufac turing Co., edge tool manufac turers and founders, will soon commence the erection of a large two-story building .north of the bank, in which they will put the latest improved machinery for making tools, including steam hammers etc, and will greatly enlarge the force and out-put of t h e i r tools. The building will cover about half an acre of land.. They have not yet decided whether they - will use brick or wood 111 its con struction. Mr J. E. West of Salisbury got off; the train here last Friday with tlie corpse of his little grandson which died at his h o m e 011 Thursday. He was taking it to Newton Grove to be buried. : The little fellow was six months old and a son of Dr. R. M. West- who is now practicing medicine near Val- d o.s t a, Ga. Its mother,: a daughter of the late Dr Monk of Newton Grove, died some j three months ago. She had been married only a few months over a year. That Dunn is moving forward can be proven by the number of new buildings going up and still they -are not going up fast enough for the demand. There is not a vacant dwelling in the town, all are occupied. We have just seen a letter from a firm in Kenly which wants a store house and dwelling here. Many letters of inquiry are re ceived eyery month asking about our .town, its business etc, which shows that our thriv ing towji is known abroad. A town cannot be made without people, and they must have houses to live int Let us have more dwellings. They are good investments. We now have a little box tacked up at the post office; it is true it is not very neat, but we are simply making an ex periment! and if it fulfills its purpose we will put up a more attractive one. The purpose of the box is to make it convenient for those having friends orrela tives visiting them to write their name on a little piece of paper and drop it in. The box has a lock - and key and no one can see the contents. Any local item will be greatly appreciated by us. We are not supposed to know everybody that visits our town. it is not at all "cheek-" for you to drop 3-our name in the box but simply an accommodation to us. Don't Miss Delia Johnson, of 'Be tween the Rivers," spent Fri day night with Mrs. Pipkin, in our town. Misses Minnie and Louvenia Jackson, from Autry ville, Ga,, are visiting Miss Liia Jackson this week. Mr. Allie Newberry, now travellingjfor the South Dunn Manufacturing Co., is in town this week with his brother, Mr A. D. Newberry. ! Tutfs Pills Cure All Liver Ills. ARE YOU ! BANKRUPTinhealth. ever dawned upon the town of Dunn, for that day Jiad been set apart for the overthrow of the "Licensed Saloon." Earlv in the morning, with the rising of the sun we might say, the steeple at the Baptist church constltution undermined by ex which has before sent forth its travagance in eating, by disre- mighty notes of warning, rang garding the laws of nature, or out in peculiar tones that vie- physical pj jf faithful women from all parts IN t V bl UbSPAIR of the town could be seen mak- Tutt's Liver Pills will rnr ing their way to the tabernacle i , , J . ofW with hearts full of honn For Slck headache, dyspepsia, .-ri- f . and confidence. They met sev-P01 siomacn, maiana, torpid 1 1 1 li: . 1 t:iai 01 me men mere wnose iiver, consimanon. m imiQnp A ' hearts were equally as hopeful, and all kindrH A't ' ,, . . - . , . ana. mere in tne early stillness of the morning fell diumblv t 1 ' . " 01 U M Tie hi ! i . '; ' ' L.r. v ,.,. ,, , . .. i. "''' fcliKh.Kl ;: j . -A y ueiore me cross ana asKea. uoa s richest blessings upon the re suits of what should take place T . 1 i mi auring tne any. lhe xrayer service was conducted by that noble man of God, Rev. L. R Carroll. The temperance band the Tutt's Liver Pills an absolute cure. "cuss" us now if vou fail to do your part. 14. r Ibis two boys t'-.-w-. -V-.C- t o i w l-viiioc o ii jears. Corn just received at Lane s. It is admitted that F. P. Jones has the best Grocery store in Dunn. f Oats and Bran are the cheap est and best feed you can buy. For sale at Lane's. Mr. and Mrs. T' D. Stewart, of Troy ville," attended church here Sunday and remained over till Monda", the guests- of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Taylor. Mr. W. H. Harrison has re signed his place withR. G. Tay lor and left yesterday for his home in Smithfield. He has many friends here who regret to see him leave our town. . Dr. J. Allison Hodges, who was recently elected proctor of the Richmond Medical College, came down Friday on. a visit to lii,s father at Little River Acad emy and returned Monday. . Mr. D. R. Shaw left to-day for his home at Lillington for the summer and will return in the fall. Ralph is a good young man and we wish him a pleas ant summer in the capital city of Harnett. Dr. Malcom McKay, of Wil mington, who has been visiting his mother here since Friday, returned to his post of duty in the Marine Hospitalto-day, ac companied by his wife and lit tle daughter who have been visiting here, several weeks. Rev. C. W. Bjrd, D. D., pas tor of Central Methodist church , Asheville, N. C, passed through Dunn last Monday. He had been on a visit to his old home near Buie's Creek Academy. He preached at Pleasant Plains last Sunday at 11 a. m. and 8 :30 p. m. A Utile 3Inn Harnett county's Tom Thumb with his father visited in town Saturday and Sunday, the guests of Mr. W. F. Pearson. He is Mr. Malcom Lanier, of May, Buckhorh township. Ho is a gentlemanly little fellow and looks to be a boy ; has a bright countenance and is fairly intelligent. In conversation with the editor he said he was twenty-one years old . in May last and weighed Saturday even- j ing, on some scales here in town, 58i pounds and did not think j the scales were! correct as he weighed 59 pounds iat home. He has -always had pretty good health and is hearty to; eat. He is about 4 feet 2 inches tall wears a number G hat and number 1 shoes. He was dress ed in a neat sack suit with long pants, which he said he bought ready-made in Raleigh which fitted him very nicely! He is a son of Mr. Bud Lanier who has two other boys younger than this one w h o are of average stature, as are both father aiid mother and the cause jof this one being so small cannot be ac counted for. Neither father nor son had ever been! to Dunn before and the little :man was quite a, curiosity to the boys. Killed by Lightning. A special to the News & Ob server of yesterday from Lum berton says : Lightning struck John Allen's house' Saturday night, demolishing it tind killing 11 and 4 A Thrilliug Kncre. From the beginning to the close the splendid program arranged bv the lndio nf tlio W. C. T. U. 011 last Friday a, I I kllirlft i : i-i it , 1 . i...fii- I '"'-- iiiiue sex, soon iook rneir stand g"i, as a oriuiant success, around the polls and began to .and no word of commendation cast their ballots and for sev- ii'om the writer can do it justice We are Headquarters for RUBBER & LEATHER BELTING, Inspirators and Mill Supplies of eral hours it was altogether The program was a little FURNITURE. We have on ha Bed Steads, Bureaus, Washstands, at prices below the lowest. O. K. COOK STOVES arc the id a beautiful lino of Suites, Lounges, Chairs Ac. at best ever brought to guarantee one-sided, the wet men making length', and the house crowd no ehort to rallv their forces, ed far beyond its seating m, At eleven o'clock only two wet Opacity , but with all this the maiket. We sell them cheap and give a !." vear votes had been cast while over people seemed not to become them.' See us before you buy and Ave will save1 vou money hlty. prohibition votes had been tirea or worried,, and nothing cast. The license men seemed but tlie best attention was had to loose all hope and One could during the entire exercises. on ing scarcely be seen in the build- Everyone appearing on the programme should have special The victory had been certain mention but space forbids it, for several days but no one however, we cannot refrain anticipated such a complete from saying just here, the song, land-slide. That God has an- "A Mother's Plea " so touch- swered the praves of the chris- ingly rendered by the accom tian mothers, fathers and sis- plished Miss Nettie Barnes was ters of Dunn is plainly dern- more than beautiful and seera- onstrated, and through the ed to melt the hearts of the en- W. C. T. U. has wrought la tire congregation, also the songs wonderful work in our town. ! by Mrs. E. F. Young and Miss What does the closing of the Mamie Bizzell came upon the saloons in Dunn mean? It vast congregation with 'equally means that the people who! live the same effect. The grace and here and have boj-s and girls to ease with which these were raise want them elevated and rendered could not but attract not degraded by the demoraliz- eyery one present. ing influence" that naturally Misses Foy Barnes and Flora arise from such places. It Long charmed the entire con- means that the good people are gregdtion with their recitations tired of drunkards .-and crime, and many words highly corn- It means that the young men phmentary to them have been who are on -the downward road spoken. j and caVmot resist tlie monste'r The lecture by Rev. A. H. has it moved from beneath their McKehway, dfayetteville, was nostrils. It means that God practical, full of convincing and Christianity prevail instoald argument Jihd perfectly free of the devil. It means rigljtt from umse aiid harshness, and overpowering and crushing could not have been better t for wrong. It means more for the the occasion., advancement of purity and Much more might be said of Christianity than has ever be-, the brilliant occasion but its fore been accomplished in the success can only be seen by the town of Dunn. " .1 results of the election Monday. The saloon must close ohm May the good women of the JulT 1st, probably to be shut W. C. T. U. press forward 1111- forever in the town of Dunn. The saloon will no longer swing open its doors and draw men in who spend their little mites which otherwise would be a blessing to their wives and chil dren. 1 The saloon men will have to close out their stock before the first of July. They are all good citizens and men ot honest hearts, but they were dealing in the wrong business, knowing it was wrong when they set it up, now they must abide by the consequences. We hope the' may be able to dispose of their stock at cost and go into some other branch of business. At the going dowm of the sun 33 license votes were count ed and 119 prohibition,, a ma jority of 80 votes. ' - . Now watch and pray and if a "blind tiger" is found in Dunn see that he is put in the proper cage where he cannot molest or disturb the peace and purity of our town. It is need ful that these things be watched. til they conquer the evil in all parts of the earth. Remember our stock of Fancy Groceries is complete and we can save you money. See us before buying. Lane & Co. Cut and Smoked Herrings at F. P. Jones'. Buy your flavoring and ex tracts for cakes and ice cream from Lane & Co. ; Fresh Pork sausage and all sorts of soft drinks on ice at F. P. Jones'. Sliced and grated pine apple at Lane's. Don't fail to call Hood's drug store need medicine. at N. B. when you KEEP COOL j Youns to I'i.kasi:, DUNN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO., DUNN, N. C- Pnvett & Holliday. Next door to J. J. DUPIIUK IM. B. HOOD, ; DRUGGIST AND PHARMAGISJ ' I buy for cash and ain prepared to sell at the very lowest price. With my experience and convenience I am prepared to filj I'ltKSCfurTio.N promptly and accurately at the very lowest co.st. My stock is bow complete, and I cn furnish anything found in a Firm CI asa Drug Store. OrdcrB promptly filled' Country Merchants are Invited to see mo. I thank all for past favors an! ordially in 'it you to om and neo I can save you money. Very It-spectfully, - N. B. HOOD, Dunn, N- C me HI SA. j . .j JSt D. McBROWN; Proprietor. Alter4January 1st, 1SU7, I will Im; in tin; store now occtiplnl y Mr. S. V. I'urkrr. To get fresh pure liquors eull 011 me. j VVatei isitir.st-:la.s drink ii its plan? l'it itlut n-M ULD NORTH CAROLINA CUliNj WHISKEY SOLD BY ME. A I I ( aie invired t(Mirii?k wiih me, ! wiiat ever 1 your circumstance ni-.iy lx P tJ I HI . Q llni w'liorcvcr ftni.. I V 1 vi iv if yo ir w.nt ood drinks rail 011 McILowm. Iff TO THE FKONT. White O. I. ('. Pkjs, jsitKir NI) FOR SSALK 1!V " "i A. W. (iUKOOKY, liarclavsville, N. ('. V i 1 . Examine our 25 Tohacco, Lane & Co. Buy your Flour, Meal. Sugar and Coffee at Lane's. Everything cheap at N. B. Hood's drug store. NOTICE Rev. W.H. Moort, D. D Presiding Elder, will preacli at Black's Chapel on Friday, 2oth Tnst. at 12 :30 n. in. and will hold the second Quarterly Con ference. A cordial invitation is extended to all. E. C. Sell, Pastor. Grovi-s Tasteless (Jliill Toirc 15 a per fect Malarial Liver Tonic and blood pu rifier. Removes Biliousness without purrin. As plc?:mt as Lemon Syrup. It isas'larjre as any Dollai onje and re fails for 50e. To jret the GEXnlNK ask for Grove's For sale and jruaranteei !'y llood&Grantham, Dunu. N.C. If our clock needs repairing take it to GaineyA Jordan. Orange Phosphate is no had drink- cold as ice at Hood & Grantham's. Whywill 3-011 buy bitter nauseating tonics when GROVE'S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC i pleasant as Lemon Syrup. Your drngjrist is authorized to refund the money in every case where it fails to cure. Price, 50 cents. i Te ase of Hall's Hair Renewer promotes the growth of the hair and restores its natural color and beauty frees the scalp of dandruff, tetter, an d all imparities. You have no idea what ;F P. Jones has unless vou exam ine his stock, and his prices can- sot bo. questioned. ' i 1 Malaria produces 'Wcvkness, Genera Pebilitv, Biliousness. Los of Appetite Indigestion and Constipation. Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic, removes (the cause which produces these troubles Trv it and vou will hi delighted J 5 cents. To ret the genuine ask for flrore'g. bold and guaranteed by Hood & Grantham. By buying your ice from .me. I h av e i t i n a ny j u an tit' you want at reasonable j)iices, in fact so low th.f t everybody .can use it. 1 wisli my customers to remember that on Sunda's iiiv ICE HOUSE will be open rom 10 to 11 o'clock a. m., and from f to 0 o clock p. 111. At these hours only will ice be sold on Sunday. On week days J will bo open rom 9 to 11 a. m., and from 5 - mm ' T-fcl . 1 to V p. in. riease rememncr the hours and come then after it. Respectfully, John A. Oates. Nerve Coca is a delightful drink, quenches thirst and cools the s3"stem, increases tin activ ity of the brain and gives tone to the nerves. Invaluable, fur professional and business men. On draught at Hood iv.- tbam's Drug Store. F.C.Co. Gainey & Jordan will sell you a clock for 8"V cents. Tr- Gainey & Jordan's sew ing machine oil. You run no risk. All dniists guar auiee dove's Tasteless Chill Tonic to do all that the manufacturers claim for it Sold and guarantee by Hood and Grantham, Dunn, N.C. Warranted 110 cure, no pay. There are many imitat".oi!. To get the genu ine ask for Grove's Sold and guaran teetl by Hood &' Grarthum. Dunn, N. C- Fruit Nectar, Sherbert, Lemo nade, Milk Shake; Coca-Cola and a variety of nice cold drinks now served at N. B. Hood's drug store. Tin Wheeler and WilsoiitNo. 9 is the safest Sewing Machine r t . : . . to buy. ligntest running, does more difi'erent kind practical work than any chine. No fancy or complicat ed-attachments with it. Pur chasers are carefully instructed to use the machine and attach ments, by somebody that knows how, and is not afraid to show his workror the No. 9 before any other agent. Satisfaction guaranteed. No price cutting, everybody treated alike. I can sell you cheaper machines if you desire them. E. F. YovN(i. m ot I.ADIK-i Don't f;il to examine lh Ilia-I I vif Mining " roil-. the m- Mild ClM-iiM -l Hit msirn !. All lJ-! of 1 : at IC. G. l:t hr. Dme . V. LADIES BICYCLE' FOIt SALE.' Will sell a fine wheel in perfect order at a . great re duction. The wheel has only hfpn run a month, and is as e-ood as new. Address box 4G, Wicker, Cumberland county N. C. Sherbert, Pineapple, UasjH lKrry, Strawberry, Cherry and Orange all made from Pure Fresh Crushed b ruit . at Hood it Grantham's. COCA COLA ! The refresh. ing drink and s?ecific for head-, , r .... 4 . . 1 . ache. Kchcvcs .mental and physical exhaustion. Properly dispensed at Hood it Gran tham's drugstore. ' Xo Cure . Ia. 'Ih.it U the wav all dru'lxtM fell GHOVK'S TAS.TKl.KSS CHILL TON IC f:r Chill and Malaria. It U dimply Iron and Qnini e In a ta.4 ctei form. Children love it. Adult prefer it to bitter, liaii-calin Ictlilc. l'rice, w:. Sold and guaranteed by Hood A Gran-tliani.