M THE PILL . 1 - . m mm a t a a W 9.l j THAI WILLV: CURE HEADACHE INDIGESTION BILIOUSNESS CONSTIPATION Anvthins For Better Times- Much a I love quietness and jK-aco, it is not possible for me to hr indifferent or silent in the present conditions of affairs. Xeitliercan I take nor give opi ates. To keep work for the 0,000 and more persons in my employ and turn away from the several hundred who apply daily and beg for the privilege of labor to keep the wolf from the door, drives me into a fever and J must speak out. Any citizen has that right,. I cannot sit on a fence with a stiff wind blowing and whistle for prosperity, the vanished bird of beautiful plumage to come back. I She has been gone five long w.f.r.; TTow anv can live on for- ever in a thunder storm I don t know. In these times campaign speeches are only empty shells without kernels. However Avell meaning or whoever it is who thinks he does good by them must be forgetting that a mil lion of workmen and their chil dren are hungry. The man who looks for bread in such speeches will not' have much to eat. The public heart cannot be fired by eloquence in this way fust now, for the powder of pa triotism is wet with tears of the suffering unemployed. Give me hold of somebody's hand who will do something, not talk about it, m o n t h after month. "Wo ought to have a new, a better tariff ; but if we cannot get it let us settle down on the old one and adjust ourselves to it as best we can. If we can not move out of the old house, we might build a wing to it or add another story. Far better that than y e x i n g uncertain ties, i . A Republican house has been in session since last December and its riddled bill still tosses about at the other end of the capitol. If there is any through train in congress the country would shout for joy to see - the "tariff get aboard of it. If there ever was occassion to put on a spe cial it is now. (fathering ourselves together also on the monetary question cannot be done too soon. There is nouse sending delegations to foreign nations until we have some definite, proposition to make. John Wanamaker. Chamberlain's Pain la!ru has no equal as a household linimout. .. It is the best remedy known for vjheuma .tisin, lame back, neuralgia; while for sprains, cats, bruises, burns, scalds and sore throat, it is invaluable Wertz & Pike, merchants' Fernandina, Fla., write: "Kveryonj who buys a bottle of L'hamberlaiu's Remedies, com 8 back and says it is the best medicine be Has ever used " 25 and 50 ceuts per bottle. Sold by N. 1. Hood, druggist Dunn. N. C: VAT U EV1 A, PERFECT HEALTH RE GAINED THE WONDER OF THE AGE. Grainiest discover'' in the annuls of medicine. Guaranteed to fun; more diseases than any other iiiedieiiu. treatment or sys tem known to the tm dieal-. profession. "No MAX made" remedy., but 'na ture's' true panacea. - Vattima an antiseptic germicide, it positively destroys all "niiei ohes,v and erins of every kind, name ami nature, it is healing ami soodiin: to the mticuoiis ineinhrane. it will M'iinanentlv eure the. majority of eases i f ronehi'tis. t'a tarrh, D3 spepsia. all Stoinuehe troubles, all diseases of the Bladi'er, Bowels, Kidneys', Liver, Constipation, Tiles, Old Sores. Ueetal Diseases. Ulcers, Eczema, Sciofula, Blood Poison, Ilheu nmtisih, Neuralgia, Diseased Discharges, Diseases peculiar to Women, Nervous anil Physical eakness, etc. XO MATTER WHAT YOUtt AIL MENT, or where you live,, write us a full history of your trouble, and our .consulting physician will advie yoi what to dq in -o.uYr to regain your health. Consultation is Free ami sacred ly confidential. Terms very low. For proofs enclose 2 cent stamp. - - " ' " r - . ' MhVJ 1 V. I y II 111, 1 I., , 1 . nr 1 . ciiiviissm. e auvert'se you in your Jiotnv paper. Address with stamp. TUP', vatitma rnvrPAw P O. Box. P 14. Cb icago, 111. I 1 m Items of Interest to the La dies, FURNISHED BY OUR Correspondent. A FAMOUS WOMAN. Under the gabled, high-peak- ed roofs of a German street a quaint little girl trotted daily to school; I always fancied I could sec, her with her short, coarse dress of blue with a waist that was up to her arms. Her stout little legs were encased in thick woolen stockings, and her wooden shoes clattered on the stone flags of the hall and kitch en. 'She swept the kitchen and hall with a broom as big as her sVlf a broom not like ours, but made of twigs, such as one still sees in German. She hud a big brother, a tall, fair lad, with passion for acquir ing knowledge of many kinds. Under her high waist beat an earnest, loving, little heart, and she carried under her quilted hood a clear and . intelligent brain. She learned quite rapid ly all the lessons given to her ; and in music, 'which was the profession of the family, she ex celled. Chance called her dearly-loved brother to England.. She followed him there. She found him deep in nightly stu dies of the stars. She followed him, also, in these , studies, and soon for her, too there opened up fascination of that most glorious of all sciences that reveals to us the very power of the Omnipo tent in space. With the ready self-sacrifice of true affection, to give him time for his observations, she took on her voting shoulders the burden of their support. She '.taught vocal and instrumental music ; she sang at concerts ; she played at entertainments. Then in the silence of the night, she sat with him, noting down what he saw and helping him in his efforts at original research. There were no Alvan Clarkes in those days and this young German 'musician had to invent and manufacture his own glass- os. He gave her one, and with it she nightly swept the firma ment. She discovered a comet and announced it. The news spread like lightning a woman had discovered a comet, a wom an was a great astronomer ! She discovered seven comets, and re ceived the gold Medal. Her name was entered on all the' royal societies of Europe. Kings and princes came to the obser vatory to see the famous broth -and sister, but chiefly the sis ter. The work of this one humble minded woman, who always de clared she was insignificant in comparison to her brother, did moe to dispel man's prejudice against education for our sex than millions of equally unsel fish lives that had boon . passed in ministering tohis daily com forts for centuries. Her name still stands . proudly hohored, and no astronomer belittles the work of Carolina Herschell because it. was a woman's. Agnes M. Manning. SPENDING SUNDAY In a multitude of homes home that would disdain to be called anything but Christian Sunday is sadly wasted. A forenoon attendance at church and possibly a session of Sun day school for the children in the afternoon, still leaves a large part of the day to be accounted for. Many find it difficult to attend two services. Sin's a thoughtful writer: "Let Sun dav afternoon and evening have the brightest possible ideas talked over, sung over, thought over in the homes ; let them have abundantly, what they have only sparing!' at other times, penetrating insight -into God's purposes for mankind ami intelligent conception of. the world's needs ; let them have' parents, children, servants, wisely, patiently gladly ponder ing the mystery of godliness and then, every instrumentality of Christ's 'church in America Once Tried, Alry Used. If we sell one bottle of Chamber lain's Cough Itvtnedy, e fetid:. in fail to sell the same person more, when it is again needed. Indeed, it has be come the familj medicine of this town for coughs and colds, and we recom mend it because of its establish d merits Jos E. Elaroed, Prop. Oak land Pharmacy, Oakland, Md For sale by N. B. Hood, Druggist, Dunn.N.C. will feel a new vigor animating it." Even a home Sunday evening, where church unat tainable, may be made spiritu ally profitable by the reading of good books, a -hearty home song service, and a Scripture reading. On that day, above other days, the thoughts of God's children should be : This is the day -which the Lord has made We will rejoice and be glad in It.' An utter disregard of the Sab bath in the training of children is a great-wrong ; but even a creator wrong .'than this is the training of children to count the Lo rd ' s d a y a d ay o f i rk so m e restraint instead of delight. LOVELY WOMAN What the world of letters' think of her influence over mankind. Remember woman is most perfect when most ' womanly. -Gladstone. Earth has nothing more ten der than pious woman's heart. Luther All I am, or can be, I owe to my angel mother. Abraham Lincoln. Disguise our bondage as we will, 'tis woman rules us still. Moore. t The society of ladies is the school of politeness. Mount fort. . f Heaven will be no heayen to me if I do not meet my wife .there. Andrew Jackson. . Even in the darkest hour of earthly ill woman's fond -affection glows. Sand. ''So man can either live 'pious ly or die righteous without a wife. Richter. ' Eternal iov and everlasting Love tnere s in vou, woman, lovely woman. Otway . Women need not look at those dear to moods. them to -Howells know their Yes, woman's love is free from guile, and pure as bright Aurora's ray. Morris. - Raptured man quits each doz ing sage, O woman! for thy lovelier page. Moore Kindness in woman, , not their beauteous looks, shall win my love. -Shakespeare. Ho that would have J fine guests, let him have, a fine wife. Ben Jonson. Reverence every woman's opin ion, whether -it be to you right or wrong Rice. - A woman's strength is most potent when robed in gentleness. Lamartine. Lovely woman, that caused, our cares, can every care be guile. Beresford. Decision, however .suicidal, has more charm for a woman than the most unequivocal' Fa bian success. Hardv. Progressive CllarloitC. In 1882 the ipulatibn of Charlotte was not quite 10,000. It had no street cars, 110 water works, no sewerage, no post office building, no park, no elec tric lights, no pants factory. It was a good stout country town, ready to put on city clothes, j In 1897, the popula tion of Charlotte is 20,000. It has the best equipped electric street-railway south of Rich mond. It now has 11 cotton mills, 4 pants factories, a! post office and federal court building two new passenger depots, a new Lutheran college, a new city hall, new countv court house, complete water works and sew erage system, two parks, a Y. M. C. A. building, every! old church remodeled or built anew and many new ones erected, five hotels, four national banks, two cotton compresses, four build and loan associations, two big iron works, several supply and machine companies a settlement of wood working and machine shops, a roller flouring mill, a leather belting factory,. sash cord factoiy, two sfkin laundries, steam cotton gins, corn mills, and many others things expect ed to be found in a health v and growing server. city. Charlotte Ol- Duriog tbe summer of 1891, Mr. Chas P. JohnsoQ. a well known t. torne of Louisville, Ky., hadase-j vere attack of summer complaint, f Unite a nambpr nf HifFr-rnf r.-nA-c i were tried, but failed to affrd aDV j for vote hft turned . over , to 5; ( . e- i u u L " republicanism on Hanna sprora relief. A fr Dd who kuew what was j ise thaf McKinl woul(, Md needed proca.ed htm a bottle of Cham- him plenty of Qcket. befatu . Cohc. Cholera aud Diarrhoea filling prices. ALFRED Lewis tvemeay, wnicn quicKiy cured him ; and be thinks, faved his life He Bays that there has not been ! a day since that time that he has not had this remtdy in his household. He aks cf it in ;he highest piabe acdi takes pleasure in reDoimendin it whenever an opportunity is offered. For sale by N B Hood Dann, N. C. ii pplf Bjijlii ill j 1 jj h reg e la.b'e Prep arafion for As -siiTiiLating MYca antlRcgula tir4 the Stfltxhs and Bowels cf Opium,Morphiiie nor Mineral . Not Nar cotic. Heaps afG!dl)rSfr&TLPllvnE!i 2ur:;Jcin Seti' sflx.Stnnf Jln&tllA Svtlr -j4r,iit Scejl Jip.rrrJnt - Cariart'Jit Soda t&?n Sec a - -li'vifud Su$"r - A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stoniich.DiarfiicGa. Worms .Convulsions Jsveri sh ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. Facsimile Sifnoturc of NEW VOHK. c IT EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. DIRECT FROM Which Saves The Commission Hsu 2 3, IhVh , LROSENBORGER&CO. Oar Greet Barnui4 '0 SUITS 7Ct! Bop's fldonis Suits, Sz?s 3 to 1 io:t:) Extra pair cf paras, $2.?3 These Su Wool Cheviot ? to 9 Collar Twill Sateen and Patent Waist Bands . . - y Same in Sizes for ages lo See Pattern's BeJowf ' Trimnrp " ., manship the very best without Sailor Collar. ill I ! f j Promotes DigesltoaCheerfiil-1 !! ncs andIlest.Coatains nciUier tti 1 1 !it- are uunrr..i 1 ci-u i-j m j c r"in irTirorxeu I a -- .t..l I C heviot , in lilack. Brie, Orey, ar.J I'rown. in i.es from S tf-v . with Collar fancy embroidtrrd lined witn 1 b-k Aocrt : ; .r mmrpr yvi m This Style Sizes 3 to 9 with Extra jfA'y Fair Pants. V tj 10 4oUj ti 'jwith extra! VV f 5. -3 When ordering; send Post Office, Express Money Order or Registered Letters, afto age at last birthday, and if large or small for his age. Money cheerfully refunded if not satisfactory. Send 2c. stamps for sam ples, tape measure, measurine. blanks, etc. It Grows from Bad To Worse: Pittsburg, Pa., June G. Ic-, Kinley was "the advance agent of prosperity." McKinley, !so ; lie said, "would start the lnanu factories of. the country rather than, tlio mints." I am here in the hotbed of manufacturing and labor,, and bear witness how i' .... . , . ni i t , , , i . i An unfailing: cure for Diseases of the well he has not kept his Word. ; Digestive. Nervous and Generative I find work scarce and pay ' Systems. A Tonic of rare efficacy for small and many idle men. No ( tl)e 'd and young and of marked ser '. . . . ;-. ; vice for Students, Teachers, and all concern is crowded with work . who are engaged in Brain work or Some have no work at all. In close occupations. the best and briskest pay is small, for there are two work - men to even: one day's work ; and save where labor unions are strong enough to secure a year - J Kill llllll iHJXUl 11, lillUll . among work people for a day's : work is sharp. As a come-out, ; with manv idle factories and f 1 1 tmi r; -irli iti"nr rtilr :it AAVV ... II 1111 111 CI 11, Vlll I 11. -i -j , -' , i i': halt work, With none rushed by , any accumulation of contracts! and orders, no workman here is i . . ' . . ; making much-j and thousands,! utterly idle, make nothing at ; all. " : ' : j Times among the work peo-i pie, as well as among their cin- ploj'ei'Sj are worse today than November ; worse than on the i 4th of Marcli, when the "ad-! VailCe agent Of prosperity" Was! " , . 1 - i ' i i nuiugui .ueu , worse. . lii-cieeu. ; than a month ago, and affairs j are. on 'the, decline. They grow j bad, not better, as this is writ- j ten. And tln-i ii flf -rv:rl tlifi r ' : in New York Journal. tjjojso tcaqj oacJ qa nojprrq3 PR rp naqv ruojsc-j tr Sanp etp bsik rKq qs naqj v tjJOSBO joq ov3 6A 3j3rs bvji q,v& uoqj I The Kind Ton Have Always Bought, "Rp.srs flip. JVn-snrrriifi . t4 Ci' -: . A X3 -Monflrjire 0F HIYE BOUGHT. 1ALWAYS r. E3 MILL TO WEARER, vou 4 Bi Profits. . Tr.? Jobber end Siore Keeper. ' st, NEW YORK CITY. j ' i j. n e. ,4 CUSTOM MADE TO ORDER &r i MAN'S SACK SUIT 7.50 i Ov..-.ranteed to be made from All Wool, r". y Brown, Gray. Black, or Blue made in latest Imported Farmer Satin, n ine Desi 01 iusiom cannot duplicate it in . your wwn wriu.ou. jiu )4 iu i. 15 y--rs, lT1 . . f v,u., sir b'oods made for Youth s i jg 95 to i3, in Long Pants, Coat and vest, I A -w 1 E .-rx , your town for 16.00. Sizes 4 to 42. s e How to i m assure for t Men's and Youths Suits Measure around the Kreast and Waist over the Vest, and from Crotch to Heel for Pants. We Pay Ex press Char ges, and should you not feel satis fied will refund the 1.', - money. Remember You buy direct from one of the largest Clo thing Manu facturers in America. Q -c; CO ts o I r. 01 1 TRADE-MARK. Nature's Nervine and Rapid Restorative. , j DcprBSSiOIl, CURES Tired Feelings, ; HerYOHSIieSS, EUSCIlIar WeaillCSS, ; t ftw Af in7,fiHffl Polnitatinn Af TTaa Restlessness, Hysteria, Herye Wealness, General Discomfort, Excesses, - Alcliolisra, 1.1 . , . . and that almost innumerable series of diseases and complications resulting from any derangement of the Nervous f": iJ116 forweak ana nervous children. Steady Nerves, Braced System, Ssim'd Best, I5SUEED EY DSH3 ' Dr.. Coss Cocelin ITerve Tcnic." i (Vinci Wcf CONTAINS NO OPIATES OR DANGEROUS DRUGS TO MAKE A HABIT. 5 Cents per Bottle; If three bottles b ordered at one time, a copy of Oriole Cook Boole will be included free. AT DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS OR DIRECT or US ON RECEIPT OF PRICE CO CENTS. Winkelmann & Brown Drug Co. SOLE PROPRIETORS, BALTIMORE, IAD.. U. S. A. ! "C.i. i tt. , i c - , i a ui iiit; n iiooo cz. lirnnt mm I) linn, N. C. BLANKS FOR SALE! - r ! m m ON THE I WRAPPER i '..OF EYEBY V m ' rr "n Sri ffi i & j THC CCKTAUR COMPANY. NEW YORK CIT1 Style.flFg; -J We now liave on hand a full supply of Warrantee and Mort gage Deeds, Chattel Mortgages Lien Bonds and Magistrate's blanks, at prices as low as.;yoi.i can buy them anywhere. Send us your orders or call at our of fice for them. J. P. PlTTMAX, Pub. of County- Union, Dunn, N..C. 'rre go our Itrntlcrm. tv tiuwo of our subscribers who pay up all arrears within thirty days, or to a nt- u., cor rfLVin7 noi ie.J LiKni one year in advance, we will gne ve to one year's tree suuscripuuu Health and 1 of Cliatanoo ga, rrn Tli innrn.il- devoted to 1 t 1111. T Health, Home and Farm, is a 16-page monthly paper, ungi it, We have only a limited- num ber of' these premiums to give .i " i ....... . rt' awav on tne iuxneu-jun. wait until vour neig!i!or com in and gets the last one wiu ive left. F. G. Co.'s Corsets, MAKE American Beauties fCCCo'S . GDRKbbl SHAPES. ARTISTIC EFFECTS. All Lengths. Oa iuach Box. NEWEST MODELS. FA HOY and PLAIN. FEATHERBOHE CORSET CO., SOLE MANUFACTURERS. . j :- SOLD BY K. G. Taylor, Dunn, N. C THE " y ID TJ JErL F3! .1VC HOG AND CHICKEN CHOLERA CURE. USK NO O'' II EK W- tf f t.tijn in' Tlic fiily rcn l in t!i uo-uivt-iv uu;i;-i!!it i- ' i v r. i i .. i i.. ,. . . 5-rent mid lv a::u run; ..:.! . ..! a i i rt . - .il.t nf :-' l.fiit-. . Tr;:;l u'.! . l: ::!il! r.-. " . !' '. Manufacttr: onl v hv THE DURHAM CHOLERA C.VVT. CO DURHAM. -NORTH ' A HOI.! N.. Return this coupon with your Ar t 4 order. Coupou No. 504 4- v IT IS ABSOLUTELY The Best SEWING MACHINE MADE WE OR OUR DEAI.EUX can Mil you machines cheeper than yodcan Set elsewhere. The ?ET HO ITCH Is our best, but we make cheaper kinds, such as the CXjIHAX, IDEAL and other High Arm Full Nickel Plated Sewing Machines for $1 J. OO and up. Call on our aent or write us. We want your trade, nncl If url ;et- trms ituuMiuare aeaiins will win, we will hare it. We challenge the world to produce a. BCTTEU 0.00 Sewing ITIachlne for SO.G'J, or a better $20. Sewing ITIachlne for $20.00 tban you can buy from cs, or our Aprcnts. THE HEW HOSE'ESHES KiXHSS CO. Chicago, III. I-t. iio. j .as. '.Lb. FO ft SALE fc GAINEY & JOIIDAN. Dunn, N. C. I r SO YEARS EXPERIENCE- TRADE MARKS ,?" COPYRIGHTS Ac. okTl?i3'ketLh nd rlptlon but 8CIEHTIF1C AMERICA1I, iviunn & CO.. 301 Ureadway. New York. Subscribe for The Union. Wanted-An Idea Who eaa think thing to patent? Hv An m.am1w MONEY KAS CO.. Patent Attnr. CAPE FEAR AND YAUKIN VALLET inn iv m m RAILWAY JOHN GILt!JHo5vtr CO N D rfN? KD S( : 1 1 K I ) i j ,, in r:nv I .liny no. Isu?. North Hood. I liany Iave WlImibKoii Arrive Fayettvllle . L-ave Kayett-Viill l-Te Ka-t!v'ill0 Jutictli Ai ri ve Sanf. .rJt heave aiiirtl..... , Iav; Climax.... Arrive iJre'iijlMrij L-ave irveuTt' L"ave Mokelal , L ave Walnut t'Ve...... Lave Rural Hall Arrive Mt.Air es -In h Uoi XT. 1 ,.. i. nv Mt. Airy , L.catv liural iu)l Ltvt Walnut Cove rtv V alnut ( ov.' L avc Mofc.'S'Ialt' Arrive Or'ii!lro !." I O rr.M!tr .. . l.-av- Climav f J-ave allfor. Arrive Kayettrfvllle Jtiiu tl.it. .vrrive Kay ettevllle Leave Kyrttevl!le . Arrive Wilmington ' in. 1 ... - 1 r.i . NOKTII RolND. I Hll) L-ave BeiiiicttHVllle '. Arrive Maxton Leave Mntn Leave KeiJ Sj.rini,'! Lvave Lutnl-r Rrivlge Leave II ope Mill." Arrive Kayettevilie aoiTH bolsk. a.m. ... 1" ... Ii .'ii .N .': !iir Leave Kiyette.-ille.. Leave Hojie MltN... 1 ' I', in. Leave Lumber liriltfe... Leave Red :fringtf Arrive Maxlon. Leave .'.laxtou Arrive Bei.nettfcVvilie. .. ...ii ... t il .... .r. - . Noktii Rorwn. N. K ; Miming Leave Kamseur Le v"e, Climax rrive trei-iiitttoro ... Leave (re.mtMro Leave' Moi'Stlale A rri M :i :l is. ii. .. In .ii .J in . I' !' in. .11. son ii R.fxn. lH. iii,; k Miiiiiiiy. l.etve MHf'.isiiii Leave M.ki.siLlle Arrive ;re j.SnrM... ..i a ve r-.'-'iixlioro.... ! eave C5!::i.".X . Arrive Ihium-ur 1" Ui :. ii , i ii .. . ' tM.-al. CO..Kcriq.NS ai rayeuevuie wnir Airililie u;i! I ii..-. at Maxtoii witti Carolina Central I n I. i, t Sa-'forl witli Kealxiur.i Air i.tn.. at . i t.oro with "outlieri! Railway, at w ulmit C. wmi r.ori.iiK ic Wfstern. Hailway. J.vv. Kit . v. i; KH.B Oe-'l Manager. "tJeiri I'a. Ac.-ni ' I! li i I.J i I i VIL!IN(! j. A N I ) W Ki,1 ' i. AN; : J It A Nt : i- s AM' l-LOKN( K ItAllJK'.AD CONliKV-KI) HCHLDI'Li:. May Kith, 1.SD7. . T R A 1XS (IQI.Mi Si MT 1 1 . Leave Wehlon H:So a.m..:JI i.mj Rocky Mount, l;:r.i a. in.. l(i:;!.ri p. m Leave"r..irlnir.i l-A-l-y n m an i v e Leave Hocl-y-M.junt. li:rJ a. M.. j. m: .1:4" a. in. l ':ir. i in. Leave Wilson. a m. 11:1 . n m i. Ji in J. lUf , . .. . - . Leave Mina, 3:00 a in. Leave Kayettevilie. 4:i0 a in, Ml in. Arrive Florence. 7: t a in, ::in i m. Leave Uoldaboro, 7 0:ia in, :!:Kt . in. Leave Manolia, b:u: a m, 4:L; i.i. Arrive Wilmington. I):4i a m, r. : r. . in, TRAINS .MOlNti NORTH. Leave Florence, hu.'i am, t-:i:, p in. Leave Kayettevilie, Ur.o a w, lnn i in. Leave (eluia, l.wi a m. Arrive Wilaon. IA a in. 12:1( j in Leave W ilmingtoii, 7:15 ) in. !:iHia in. Leave Magnolia, item a m, ?-.:: in. I I'llVM (lililwt.-,r.. 11-r.it ... Ii.l.i ,. ,,, - - - '......... v, ran., . j Leave Wilson, l-u p m, l.:l." a in, II i in, I O . . i .. . 14.IU i IU. Arrive Rocky Mount. 2:: I 1. in. 1::.: a in. I1:j7 i m. I:v0 p in. Leavo larlK.ro, 12:12 p iu. Leave Rocky Mount, i:M in. I.T.Ihih. Arrive WeMon. 3:.t.i i m, i n a m. Irain on Scotland Neck Hraucli i- h-I -a- WeldOll 4:1(1 I. in. Itn-lifax - n m iirrix Scotland Neck at r.iO i in. (ireenv ill- ! ' K iliston 7 rfiTi i in lift n fii liiLf I..h vi. Kiii-I-l. 7'.0 a Jii,.(Jrecnville H'i a in, arriving limifax atUrlfeain.Weldmj 11:3.1 a in. .Uil-- l'l nuiiuav." Trains on WaHliinirtou Rraiich l.-.tv.- Wn-li- I l.irtoil "'11 R in anil I'liitini arrive )':il'.li ! " m. , u..i ..in i .ij, ii-iiiiiHUK i" ' inle i.:3fa m. and i;:.1ii i. m. m-rive U :i .-1 1 1 1 t - n I'Wl.tii nt.,l 4.ffi. ... . ...... ; i.. , i .. IN r- aim iio . in, uauy. Train leavea Tart.oro N. C. daily. - a .... ... Sunday, at r.:30 i. m.. Min.lny 1 I' ., u in n rijiiKiuill 7 ii l. til., i . ' i' Returning' leaven Plymouth, ilaily t-t iiii.lni. n r.fi i., ... i.... .. i ... . iiuu . . .n. a. uj ., anu ru in i n y ."... rivea at l'artoro 10 05 a. m.. 11 a. m 1 ruin nn f IH I. ...I v ' TJ ..-Ii Livm ii 1' toro, N. C, daily except Sunday, ' ! ":' rive Smlthfleld N C, fe. o a in. K. turnup (iCltl.Mlnri V r 1A i t a w w- r riii ii 11 iiain "X. uisii m in a I I I i ' MoiJIlt at J: lll in rrlv. NnliVille ' I irain on Nashville ItrHnch eavi i- ii"- ..... 'ry . 111, i, .. "rlnf Hope. 8:(N. a. in., NumIivHI.' ' lu; arrive at R( cky M.unt :05 a. in.,lail ''1 1 III Sl.hlllir 111..., r.. .. ... I! ,.t n rn n ' .vlV' cuiiuay. Trftin rt i . t .. i. i .. - .. ... vi'f,r..i f"l ....... v .in tun i.ruui ii i.-i '- ... Clilltl.n . allu .......... u I... . Ii'i in lllill- j ...... i.7,v-.t.-rir.u.lill,li - I m. Returning l.-avea Clinl"ii 7 w a.i'i v :i a in. Traill 1 mtlralnu Villi lii.ll 8 V ' ,l.r. .II ! . . . " ... ..ii ... .1 1' if iVi ioiins xsoriii' oaiiy. an i" muuiiii. AISo ai KOCKy MliUlM wiiii ' ; folk and fnrr.lin rnllrr,..l f..r ,,rf. U I'wimu orin via orioia. II. i. KMKIiS'.v Ueneral PaKMf mr,-r Ai"1'. J. R. KhM.i. T. M. KMERSON General Mii r TrallJc Manager. 2 O 55 P 2 S3 .. n 5 0 S,! S e S 10 C - w O o - 0 03 si '": ' m. r . . 1 1 . I ! V '.' .t4l ' ULMk i his li P s aaaewiJor4C-!