SSBSSSfSKSXr: T H.E COUNTY UNION DUNN', Harnett County, N. C. Entered accoidlng to postal regula tions at the postofflce at Dunn, N. C, as second" class tnatter. 'J. 1'. PirTMAN, Proprietor, A. M. Wood aLl, Editor. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Three Months........ 25 Cents. Six Months. ....... . - 50 Cents. One Year... .$1.00. Sent hy Mail... Paj-able in advance. Dunn, N. C, June 231897. POPULATION OF HAWAII Commenting onf tl;e trial of annexation of the Hawaiian Is lands which was the Sen ate last week by President Mc . Kinley the Philadelphia Record , ..saj's : . ' "The President, also says in his. message to "the Senate that the islands are ''largely settled by our own people;" and this brings ns to the question of Sir William Jones as to what con stitutes a "State, which vastly transcends in -importance the commercial and military consid erations attached to the acquis ition of the Hawaiian Islands. Of the population of Hawaii : estimated in January, 1895, at 101, 001 the returns show that :4,4o0 are natives or Kanakas, .01S0 are mixed breeds, "21,119 whites, lo,:i()l Chinese, 12,300 'Japanese and 088 wanderers! (last week) a division arose be MINISTERS CAN'T AGREE. The Text Meeting at Bexson CoiXtinues Under Difficulties. TENT BURNED LAST NIGHT THE WORK OF A SCOUNDREL. from other South Sea islands. The white .population consists of 8002 Portuguese, 1028 Amer icans, 1344 Englishmen, 1034 Dutch, 227 Norwegians, 70 Frenchmen, 410 -subjects of oth er .Governments and 7405 chil dren of foreigners. In this Strang -ly heterogeneous popula tion which is to be converted in to citizens of the United States "our own people" .do. -not figure so far as numbers go, to any thing like the extent that-might 'be. inferred from President Mc Kinley's language.' '.'It is se'en that of the inhabi tants of Hawaii' an extremely small proportion are of Europe an origin. Tlie rest are natives or 'Asiatics.- Such is the popu lation which" the Republican statesmen propose to incoporate into the American Union. For the. sake of tire foolishly exag gerated .commercial and strate gical advantages of this acquis ition they are resolved to erect this leprous swarm into an American Commonwealth how does this mee the noble defini tion of what constitutes a State ? What compensation will the su gar and rice and cocoa of these Pacific Islands afford for so de graded and filthy a political as sociation?" i Claretta Nola Avery, a colored girl eleven years of ager created a good deal of excitement among negrosof Wilmington bv her preaching. She is uneducated but seems to be well acquainted with the bible for one so young. She does nothing but preach go ing to nearly all the large cities. She claims to have been conver ged at 18 months of age and .commenced preaching at seven years old. She left Wilmington Monday for Philadelphia where shehas an engagement in a whi church. For several days flaming re ports llave gone out in regard to the.meeting at Benson which was announced in these col umns two weeks ago, and tlie reports were so various that a reporter visited Benson Tues dav in' order to get at the facts, which we give as near as pos sible below : Evangelist Leavitt claims that he does not preach a san tification that makes one ab solutely perfect and sinless, in fact he does not call it sanctifi cation but a baptism of the Holy Ghost. lie believes in and preaches a steady growing in 'grace, and that after death a consummation- of sanctifica tion. He claims this as the old-fashion, genuine religion ; that the believer must take the perfection of Christ and Make Him the standard and aim at Him. t This part we suppose Mr. Campbell heartly indorsed. For several day's - the meeting pro gressed nicely and all pointed to a crowning success, but ai tlie services Tuesdav WHAT IS THE LAW: evening. 1 It is said Watson of Georgia is to arrange that Tom trvmg the -populist' partvrs affairs so that a -new. national- committee can be appointed. ..lie 'does not like chairman Marion But Tor's '.-position and wants to rele gate him from the head of the populist party. Tom don't see any chance for him to control when Marion is at tlie head. He wants to lead and he will lead his party to its death if he has a chance. Let the good work go on. t ween the ministers. At the" beginning of the services Evan gelist Leavitt called for a few sentence prayers by any who felt the spirit of prayer. This was responded to by some la dies verv briefly. From this point a division, arose, - Mr. Campbell claiming that Paul forbid the women sneaking in public etc., but suggested that the matter be discussed private ly as the tent was not the. place for discords. This Evangelist Leavitt refused to do and said as the matter had arisen in public it should be settled like wise, and 'for . some little time both .ministers - defended their honest views. Mr. Campbell quoting Paul's writing in which he said, it is a shame for women to speak &c, while Evangelist Leavitt quoted from Joel where it reads, I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh &c. The debate was in good feeling be-' t ween them, each speaking from truthful and honest convictions, The discussion aroused consul; erable reeling under the tent and many were in tears weep mg bitterly while the men of God proceeded to settle the question from whence arose the division. ' ine uay ionowing tney mov ed the organ and table from the tent, and gave Leavitt the priv ilege of using the .bell if he would pay the sexton. Mr. Campbell has not at tended the meetings since Tues- C rimes. Under this heading we do not propose : to notice the crimes that are of such character that everybody takes notice of, and are called, bv our law-writers "MALLA PER:'' SEE," bllt Ollly such that are mall a pro hi bit a , and are but thought Of and are onlv noticed bv those who are diligent to know what is the law. A crime or misdemeanor! is an act committed or omitted! in violation of a law, either for bidding or cominoding it. Profanity of the Lord's day, generallv called Sabbath-break-ing, is very justly a crime both i at common law as well as a viola tion of the statute law. Drunkenness is a crime at common law; Which law should appeal more strongly to the oaths of grand jurors and oth er conservators of the peace than what it does do. it any omcer snail nave any prisoner in charge and shall bv too great duress make such prisoner become an appellor or an appellee against his will against some otner person com mits a crime, for the law does not favor exciting an 3' person even to a just accusation of an other. T " it is a crime to in anyway obstruct the execution of any lawful process. It is a crime for an person" in prison, or un der arrest, to escape from the same asvell in tlie person es caping as in the officer from whom they escaped. It is I he Sixtieth Anniversary of the reign of Queen Victoria, of England, was celebrated Mon day in all English provinces, and was known as the "Queen's Jubilee." The United States Navy was represented by a warship and General Nelson A. Miles of the army; the Ambas sador and Whitelaw "Reid at Windsor Castle. The democrats, populists and free silver republicans all voted together Saturday in the Senate and placed cotton bagging and burlap bags on the free list in the Dingley tariff bill. If these would vote together on the final passage of the bill as a whole they could defeat it very readi- in his -arms at the ly- was unhurt. .' - - ' 1 - '"' lay. His reason for not at tending is that he fears his presence would be a hinderaiice to the cause. Several conversions were re ported up to yesterday-, bud tiey hope great and lasting good will yet be accomplished. We are indeed : sorry the t rouble arose between these' two men, and hope all will 'be bridg ed, over and all' 'will yet come out well. Mr. Campbell is pastor of the church at Benson and is an excellent Christian gentleman, and a fine scholar of the scripture. Evangelist Leav itt comes' well recommended and is an able preacher.. Thev have both been honest and the difference has been in good feel ing as was proven yesterday by; their beinjg, together,- and yet there is hope that great and lasting good will be accomplish ed in the little town of Benson. LATER NEWS; This morning at S :30 o'clock a telegram was received from Benson stating that the tent was burned last night, the work of some dirty, low-life, under minding, weak-kneed coward, who visited the tent I and put a match to it. We have not yet learned if any clue as to the scoundrel who did the act has been ascertained, but it is hop ed he may- be caught and dealt with to the extreme 'extent of the law. Services will be- held to-day and will probably until Sunday. A go Oil At Bogart, Ga., Saturday afternopn Walter Norris, aged 16 3-ears, was struck by light ning and killed while standing on the porch. He had a balry time which a crime lor one person to tree an other from arrest or imprison ment. It is a crime for one person to stir-up suits, quarrel etc., between other people and is ealledin law Barretry. Main tenance is a crime and consists of being officious, intermeddling 111 a law suit that no way be longs to the person so intermed dling. Tlie knowing of the commis sion 01 a crime by some certain person, and not revealing the information is a crime, and is called in law "compounding ofhences. Tlie agreement , of two or more persons to do an unlawful thing or act, or not to do a lawful thing is a crime, and . is called in law, conspiracy-. An attempt to influence a j,ury, corrupts to one side, by .. promises, persua sions, entreaties, money-, enter tainments and the like, is a crime, and is called in law Em bracery. A riotous assembling consists of the assembling of twelve or more persons; for an unlawful purpose, and not dis persing when commanded to do so by a proper officer, and a riotous assembling will per see be a conspiracy. An affray (from the word affra'ier to terrify) is defined by tlie law-writers to be , the fight ing of two or more persons in some, public place to the terror of tin; public, but it has been held in this State -that for one person to go about dangerously and unusually- armed that he thereby- commits an affray. ' Forcible entry or detainer is a crime and consists in -violently-taking or keeping possession of land and houses with force and arms and without the au thority of law. " Riding or going armed with dangerous or unusual weapons is a crime, and might possibly fall under the head of an affray. The selling of unwholesome pro visions and whiskey- is a crime that is often committed and nevcu- p u n i s h e d upon the grounds we suppose of an elas tic conscience. The writers on criminal law tell us that "Un- dey the head of public, economy may also be-property ranked all sumptuary- laws against luxury and extravagant expenses in diet, dress, and the like ; con- cerning tne general utility or subjects to a state there is much 'controversy among political writers. Baron lays it down that luxury is necessary- in monarch ies, but ruinous to democracies, with regard therefore, to Eng land whose government is com pounded of both species it may- still be a dubious question how far private luxury is a public evil and as such cognizable by public law. Formerlv there. was a multitude of penal laws existing to restrain in excess ap parel chiefly made in the reign of Edward III, Edward IV, and Henry- VIII, against piked shoes, short doublets and loiif coat ; and to excess - in diet there still remains one ancient be served with three."5 We j suppose in those days they had no breakfast and as to where the last quoted law applies here or not, the courts must sat, but we are said to be English speak ing people, and it may fipply at least we are not wearing pik ed shoes nor veiy long coats , and in order to avoid more tliahtwo courses at dinner eat breakfast. If 'one --person aids and abets or assists in advice or counsel or encourage another person to commit a crime, and that per son does commit the crime both are equally guilty before, the law ; and if a person comriiits a felony and another assist; him in escaping or conceals the fel on that is a crime. - I While tlie law is just and cor rect, its office is to make the people so, and whilst it does not favor any- one in being ac tive to become a witness or in former against another ;; it is equally in favor of everyone do ing exactly- right, and if a, per son knows that a person has been committed commits a crime in not making known the fact because a crime is in of fence against each citizen of the State, and it is an injustice to ones ownself to know that a crime lias been committed and thus conceal it. More anon. F. P. J. REPLY TO -STUB" A Xeleplioin Iine ing built. will begin as .- Kaleio-h is soon to be connec ted by; telephone -witli Garner, Auburn, Clayton, Wijson's Mills, Selma. Smithfn.'ld and Pine Level. : Smithfield andSel- 1 ma part of the line is now l)e- - Work 011 t,his end soon as mat is completed. ! It is-a private en terprise , the expense being j)orne by Mr. Will Wynne, of tins ci ty, and Mr. Ed, Edgertoii of Selhia. Mr. Wynne is now en gaged iii selecting the.-' .finest long distance instruments made. No expense will be spared to make it one of the best long distance lines, in the South, says the News & Observer of Satur day.' - ; - i , Do the business nien of Dunn desire to be connected with Ral eigh by telephone? ,If theyv,do probably- the. parties building the me nt iohed li nes would with the proper inducements extend the line here. 1 1 In the issue of The Union of June 9th., I see a paragraph un der the head of "Mingo Sparks" from the pen of "Stub" contain ing these words : " Quite a pecu liar way- of deciding law occur red in Sampson recently. A case was before a J. P. and af ter hearing the evidence he made reference to his dictionaiy to decide the case. j Now this upon its face is rath a small matter to take notice of, but as- we presume that "stub" has reference to disease of Owen vs. West tried before J. D. Williams, J. P., and as we were counsel in the case, we will not let a little dirty sling be made at the honest action of an honest, upright competent court without "striking" back. Every person who knows Mr. Williams knows him to be an upright, high-toned christian gentleman, and one of the most competent magistrates in the whole county-, and the would be strike of "Stub," with his cud gle of knowledge, emenates from motives other than those lor a high regard for the courts and laws of our land. . "Stub" displays much-', more ignorance on his part than he does on the part of the court when he say-s that it was a "pe culiar wiry to decide" the law, to have reference to a dictionary for there is not an intelligent fair-minded man in the State, but what knows that tne Su preme court has "reference to a dictionary' ' and it decides more cases than any other court . For the benefit of "Stub" we will ask him to step down from that lofty perch of knowledge upon which he is daiTy resting and among at least one hundred ca- ses of law decided by the -Supreme court of North Carolina, read the case of State vs. Giersch at page 720 of the 98th N. C. Report, and State ' vs.'. Lee at page 081 of the 113th N. C. Report and see that if both -of these cases were 1101 made to depend entirely upon what a dictionary-" said was so and so, and" then ask himself if Mr. Williams acted peculiar when he did what the highest court in the land always does. But then we are sorry for "Stub ;" he is against the dictionary for it sa3s a "Stub" is the .stump of a free ; that part of the stem of a tree which remains in the earth when the tree is cut down ; a block." -1 F. P. Jones. -1 a log ; of Cod-liver Oil with Hypophos phitcs, can fee taken as easily in summer as in winter. Unlike tne plain oil it is palatable, and the nypophosphites that are in it aid in digestion and at the same time tone txp the system. f For sickly, delicate children, and for those whose lungs are affected, it is a mistake to leave it off in the summer months The dose may fee reduced if necessary. ! "We recommend the small size especially for summer use, and for children, where a smaller dose is re quired. It should fee kept in a cool place after it is once opened, j For als by all druggist at 50c and h . ' ' r":"" ; From the Van Lindley peach orchard near Southern Pines, where there is about one-fifth of a crop, some 5,000 crates of peaclies are expected to be jship ped this season. A small ne gro girl died on the place of Mrs. J. f. Cambrell near here Tues day of hydrophobia. She; was bitten by a rabit dog some weeks ago. She died very violently with spasm and contortions of the body. Sanford Express. When Baby was sick, -we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Casjoria. The use of Hall's Hair.Renewer promotes the growth of the hair, and restores its natural color and beaut v frees the scalp of dandruff, tetter an ! all impurities. INDIAN HERBS. The greatest blood purifier and Liver Regulator of the age. It is composed of Herbs, Roots, and Bark. No mercuiy nOr any other metallic drugs are used in its prepation. It is a specific for constipa tion, neuralgia, dyspepsia, rheumatism, kidney complaints, liver complaints,' chills, fever and ague, Female complaints, nervous affections, catarrh, loss of appetite, neruous and sick headache, and all other ailments caused from impure blood and consequent -bad di gestion. . This medicine has been used by- more than one hundred per sons in Harnett county- within the last month, and in e. very instance relief has been derived from its use. Many- certificates from these and other persons will be published soon'. This medicine is a great , blessing. Let everybody- try it. Price $ 1 .00 for'l 80 doses." It is cheap and good. For. sale by .'" W. F. UTTER. Dunn, N. C. Call on me for certificates of the thousand of cures effected by this wonderful medicine. W. F. Uttku. Lit i W Interest MA.RKS E Iff p. J Vfi U fk p m K TT iiave opened corner of I,-,,. streets with. a ni-(. ill, nil Tin m u m vm 1 u Laces, (Hamhurv Wear, eck V( tides, Hosiery, Y,'.t". Pants and Pa,u rii; ' uiey are oiierinr nrices. at o N E R T H ( Fill: in II They also c.u i v ( dine of Heavy and ceries, consisting Sugaiv Collee, t;ritfs 1; Are they out ,,f ,H business! Did yuU no, they make that n fi:i tn n iff it 1. 1 . . nave tne largest .sttck- w-ith tho lfixt..,.. known in tlie Iiist.(llv trade. x Your Patronage Sofici, S. G. SVIARKS & r! LUMBER FOR SHI I will deliver at Duun Rough .Lumber, all cut to order for all parties who want lumber at J A S LOW AS CAN BE HAD ANYWHERE All orders lft.wiJi Mr E F- Young will r- prompt attention 1 Hoping to receive vour orders I am Yours to serve, A F SURLES, mchM7 ' u . Dunn, N J JJOOD & RAWTHAM. jinie Old land. J)rugP, Confectioneries. Stationery, Patent Medicines, Copnw',1; Sulphur, Drug Sundries, Pepper, Spices &c. Tobacco, Snuff, Lamps and Lamp Fixtures, lso Hall and StoL. --Prescriptions Carefiilly Fill We are headquarters for i thing in our line. to argains! -AJ- 1 XJ 0 JL o. GALLON J. HV royal for his own n'mk of -PUKE CORN WHISKEY,- which he sells ;it 40 cents j.or rjuart . tine lie llso keeps .1 well selected stock of D.ui v NewM ine Iui)Oitel I.ijiurs. . j In Kye Whiskey he keeps in stock th, ,"5C Cei.eiiratei) Brands Obi) STKWAI-T, TVV I 1 PENXSYL V.AX1A un.l You cannot afl'ord lo l out the NEWS AND OBSEKV All the News, Foreign, State, and Ti6cal all tbei Full Ashociated Vrvt I'1 Larect circulation in the S : and ()li.crvcr, 50 six moiithM. ! Weekly North Carolinian. : year. -tti) cents six infti.'. AddreBfi NEW'SiOl11 OLD OSCAR pure BLANKS FOR SALE! We now have 011 hand a full sjipply of Warrantee and Mort gage t)eeds, Chattel Mortgages Lien Bonds and Magistrate's blanks, at prices as low as you statute not repealed, lOEcl. .11 jean-buy them anywh ere. Send fet. 3., which- ordains that no us your orders or call at our of- nian be served at dinner or sup-jfice for them. per with more than two courses j J. P. Pittmax, except upon some trreht holidavi j there iieciiied 111 which he may Pub. of County UnIon, Dunn, N. C, Milk Shake, Root Beer, Soda Water, Coca-Cola, Orange Phos- dhate, Nerve Coca, Lemonade, gherberts and plain Soda served with Lemon, Ginger, Vanilla. Sarsaparilla, Pine-apple, Straw berry, Raspberry or Orange Syrup at Hood & Grantham's. r THE UNIVERSITY. T 47 Teachers, 413 Students, (Summer School 158) Total, 549, Board $8 a month, 3 Brief Courses, 3 Full Courses, Law and Medical Schools and School of Pharmacy. Graduate Courses open to Women, '.. Summer School for Teachers, Scholarship and Loans for tha Needy. . Address, President Alder man, Chapel Hill,- N. C. PEPPER, sill of which are ii:ir;intee(l to he ami of the host rinalitv. Call on him for Two-Year Old North v,..i,iuia ,ppie israiuly, I'each ami Honey, Rock and Rye. )Ie also Wp a first class stock of IIS HEAVY m nm GROCERIES which he -ells low for cash, at the Corner, Dunn, N; C. J . T . P. Stewart Lee Salesman. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE ' Having qualified Executor of Mrg Mary Harrinorto.. (le eased. late of Har nctt, North Carolina, this U to notify all person haviiig claims a-'ainet hee.lateof id .Wcea.ed to exhibit Sr'ii HUV,,l(?,rsi-,KMl Tlofore. the in tiaffoi .June IKOS- or tl be pleaded in ,:,r of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will neae inaKS liiiiueiUte 7 day of .June 18j7. The ouly afternoon paper c mington. Democratic in priticif T' tics. Independent 'end 1 5 Honeht and Fair torl This piyment I. McC. Harinoton Fxecutor. Hanted-An Idea It reaches the people, i fl' people, for ihe people, Dl people Accurat'j aD( ' market reports, aud latent, telegrflph, and all tie local of 4 'THE CITY BY THK By mail only $3.00 a yer j For Advertising rates or tioD address v. THE EVENING VW Who cu think of some Blmpla thing lo patent? is-' Subscrile for this 0