THE COUNTY UNION WEDNESDAY, Junk 23, 1897 iedtOA. T . 1 I 1 T" Last rnaay mo. m s - . the hamls of the honor- o'clock the wiiiie-wingei 'mmunnprs of -it i i ohlo Knnrn nt CommiSMOUci a ui tri ntlf 1 - X V 4. 1 V MeiifcO" Have Saloosis ? j The results of this question j DUNN, N. C. one messenger came to the venerable body of Mr. John Harper and took his immortal soul to the portals of peace and rest and left . the mortal body cold in death.' The appearing m orders for job v:ork must be ;.t haJfuhen order i given and of the messenger- was dnexpect ,, .7auv3 when delivered, t7.s ull''v:ed on advertising. Thirty ed until a few hours before when his heart showed signs ol weak ening rapidly aiid beating ir- i TT,. lwl 1 .An i-i (fi-nirinrf - . r t f v s y TZ! j eguiur,. in ikiu Bl" "x ryrn.rlnn.llv weaker for sever davs but ate a hearty dinner Baptist 'Thursday, and nothing unusual was noticed about him until about night when he complained of feeling badly. He was con scious. of his sickness and told some of the family that he was going to die, and kept getting weaker until he peacefully closed his eyes and 'death came without a struggle. He was 94 years and 4 months ; township of age and had lived ancxempla- 1 rvlife A gentle and loving us morning. " , , P , .-. husband, a Kino, aim aiiecuunaic father, a generous and public -i The iwivlil at th church -io.'d Sunday., night. r' .); A. Augustine, an oil dnii:.i uier. died very suddenly at l-4;iv'-iU'ville Saturday. -Klder P. I). Gold, of Wil will nreach at the Primi- nv' eluireh iiou at We learn that Miss Peggy Williams, of Grove i led ai net numu cm.- """""ft Slic was 7 years of age. off h here Sunday alter o'clock. 1 a. Johnston county. liie .oesi citizens of the town are not in favor of more saloons, 'and if it was possible to put it to a vote thev would show their strength. The people of - Benson claim that their wives, daughters and boys are as dear to them as those of thei r neighboring towns, and they also claim to .1 have as grdat love for good so- ill . ' . i rni. ciety as other people, inese words are not spoken ironically bv tlie writer but are the true sentiments of the best people of Benson as found by our own investigation. Benson is now the only place between Selma and Savannah, Ga., where open saloons can be found after July 1st. Now can the commissioners of J ohnston afford to license the saloons of Benson? Certainly they win not turn loose .the destructive and damnable artilleryof saloons. upon the good people of Benson. The water was turneu on spirited citizen ft. - ' . . - -t. - I T f I I 1 X ' .- I 1 . I I .1 m . ind devout he died m-m lof our citizens went out and h neace with all, honored and I,,-,, ugh t back large quantities of respected by all who knew him nice lish. The voung people of the lown will give "A Nose-Party" :,t Hotel Divine Friday evening. i : .Much fun Is expecieu in i suidy of noses." It is said that the huckle ,(MTV crop inSampson is better Vlmii was anticipated after the severe frosts in April. 'A good m:,n arc being shipped from here. Tbe prices are good. Miss Foy Barnes open She of age. He had been married about 55 years and his companion through life survives him. is now about 80 years They reared a large family of children, all of whom are living except one, Jasper V. Harper the youngest son who die(J in 1885. They are Dr. M. W . liar ner and Mrs. N. B. Hood, of Dunn,' Dr. Henry Harper, of Kinston, Rev. J. J. Harper, of SmitlifipLl' Mvs.B.AV. Hatch- of Siler City, and Mrs. jo "S. Commissioners Meeting, The town commissioners met in call session Monday night. The bicycle ordinance was ex tended to King street near tne Baptist church. (It should have been extended to all side walks in the town. Editor.) The pond back of the Metho dist church was ordered to be drained by cutting a ditch at People and Their Movement. Miss Mamie Bizzell spent a few days at Falcon this ; week! Misses Rena and Nettie Barnes spent Saturday and Sunday in Sampson near Glenco. J Mr. G. K. Massengill has acr cepted a position with his broth er at this place. Rev. L. R Carroll and Rev! W. F. Yvratson returned to their homes Monday. Mr. V. B. Austin and wife visited relatives in Elevation Sunday. ; Miss Isabella Robinson, of Robeson county, is visiting the family of Mr. D. H. McLean. Miss Annie DeVane, of Red Springs, is visiting ,in the city the guest of Miss Mamye Oates. Mrs. E. F. Young accompani ed by Miss.Maud Fulcher, made a short trip to Four Oaks yes terday. Miss Meta Harper, of Benson, fis 4-11 vesterdav from 1CIUXUVU iiv."v J n ,.;0if : -tn Misses Annie and lb V loll w Corrinne Harper. Master Lee and Miss Blanche Utter returned Saturday from a visit to relatives in upper Har nett. Miss Mamie Kelly returned toiler liome in Sanford batur dav after spending some days with Mrs. J. H. Burke. Bizzell, assistant chemist at the A. & M. College, snpiit a few davs at liome once. Tlio innvnr find clerk Wd'C Ant i f - i ' A ova at, Jiome with appointed a committee to revise his parents. last week. He re the ordinances of the town and tiirned to Raleigh Monday. Tutfs Pills Cure All Liver IllSc To those living in malarial districts Tutts Pills are indispensible", they keep the system in perfect order and are an absolute cure for sick headache, indigestion, malaria, torpid liver, constipa tion and all bilious diseases. Tutt's Liver Pills flICiStrofttel! er, Mondav welcome to have-100 copies of the same printed. Thp town tax" collector was The funeral was held from the ordered to collect all taxes due MnrpL hprfi! Fridav nnd make reDort hnal at the Vll" vii v - i x Discipl scliool in the Kennedy shop nearhem i5arher, of Harper? the Primitive church .,w,i-nimr Pleased to Miss Fov to our town and hope mornin(T at 9 o'clock conducted first meeting in July .1. . i i - Urv stay may he pieasaui. Our esteemed townsman, by Rev. I. W. Rodgers, assisted by Rev. L. R. Carroll from whence the remains were in John- Rev. W. G. Clement, of Mor risville, spent Monday and Tues day with Dr. J. C . Goodwin.: He preached two very able sermons during his stay in our town. - Rev. and Mrs. J. J. Harper of Smithfield came down Sun- ,lor oftpvnnnn and SDent tne VLlt II I i- x m.s - - X Collon Illooms. Mr. M. W. Barefoot was j in - i i i - i i ;i i ;i i i r:i iniiiii ivit . t-' i ... iM.ofiL'L'i..nn LJ Uif t.i haino in .llUlll-l. . 1 . -r vnAVtor n." i t it I j " . enough iroin "'r,iw,uh uiKen iu m vm " - town iu-uti unuiwi ... niht with Mrs John Harper .lutics in the law to attend to yton county near Bentonsville ton bloom in his field. Heplan-' r t ried' home 0n th his warden, and a good one has an(i interred that afternoon at 4 ted his seed 0n Apiil loth. Monday 1. He gathered ripe tomatoes o'clock. ' This is the first bloom as repor- , ' J . from vinS in his garden Mon- Thus a father in Israel hath tcd et Last year the first one Mrs. W. C. Gorham and chil A f VVrilon nvvivetl 111 tin ,MV tinishecl nis lanors aim tis -ici.- jor tllis section was iqwicu uicuu wi ' " ,r , .I.".. 1 1 9 Wn X- when the summons came. Tlinn i ith. twelve days earli- city yesterday afternoon and ar .-aised in Benson to-day. to buy May the richest blessings of Fvinrelist Leavitt another tent, heaven hover around the gnel Sri'vicVs are now going- on in the stricken widow and mother and ,.i. l, lioth ministers nave nngnien nei ifi'i'nnB The amount Severi Storraw. Last Friday afternoon there were wind and rain storms in several sections of the State. At Favetteville trees were blown down and telegraph wires were disabled. Little damage to crops. At Haw River the storm was accompanied by a great deal of lightning and thunder. Miss Inez Jones, 18 years ol agfl, was struck and instantly killed while sweeping water off the porch. Another dwelling and a roller mill were also, struck but no other person injured. 'At Durham the storm took the nature of a cyclone and blew down the large two-story storage house of the Erwin cot ton milts, the Baptist church and several small cottages. No persons were reported hurt. The disturbance seem to have been general all over the coun- - , T try. Tornadoes and cyclones were reported in Illinois, In diana. Iowa, Nebraska, doing much damages to property and oss of life. Cyclones were also reported in France and bpain with considerable loss ol lite ana property. Saturday- night at uun, Chatham county, a severe storm blew down several houses, among them was the new Ma sonic lodge. Large tree's were twisted off at the roots and the small grain that had been, cut and stacked was. scattered over the fields. I , We are Headquarters for RUBBER & LEATHER BELTIWG, Inspirators and Mill Supplies of all kinds. FURNITURE. Wv have on hand a beautiful line of Suites, Bed Steads, Bureaus, Washstands, Lounges, Chairs Ac, it at prices below the lowest. O. K market them. COOK STOVES are the best ever brought to 'this We sell them cheap and give a 1" year guarantee See us before you buy and we will save you money. 'Yours to plkask, on DUNN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO., ' DUNN, N C- Pnvett & Holiiday. I Next door to J J DUPRKE , are with h:i-nin( reconciled raised speaks well for the people of Henson. Uv request .Elder " , . i i Turner will preach ax I I'lll'l! Ol Mr. Willi Yi Sundav mor jood the G resi- A SinsiI,sir Coliicirtenco. Dr. W. L. Hudson informs us of a rather singular coincidence thMt. fume under his observa llliam A Nor- tion in his practice Monaay. , q n Ms fieM icrniiK at" 10 Messrs. Jesse and Seth btar- Crunipler planted about the the afternoon at ling artns and hvj rn a e. 15tll of Apvil. - . , linnrlrpd vards ot eacn omei . --"5 - j " " . , T;;,, el. stopping ar xioiei ixvmc Pnt Tfnlnnd colored, who Mr. Gorham. fmnnc on Mrs. L.McKav'sfarm Miss Addie Byrd returned to at Dickinson, sent us one this iier home at Little River Acad morning. Pat is a splendid eray Monday'. She has been in farmer and is nearly always the millinery department of Mrs first with abloom. J. H. Pope's store at,. M firiimnlflr .of Miiiffo season and has many township, Sampson county, also who regret to see her leave. to-ciay. AT w; T MeKav. of I'ii 7 t during the friends raw, S. C, is in town Che- visiting 4 clock, ami in tne an. imnm a. , vnT(ls of each 'clock at tne resme.ic ui a.iw Rridcre in Sami) UtTtlil UUll"i, " " O 1 o Mr Louisa Jackson, wno ib loo - r , , , rKin n nt.tmirl services sou uountj- old aiio 1 farmers and highly respecteu at the church. t citizens of that community, ' As 'an evidence of the thrift tliey are 71 years of age and so ! otM)iir town we nave jiuiuc mUch resemble eacn uiiier iucu cMnvass of the town to ascertain 1 Vg t0 know them very - " 117 relatives and friends. The Che raw Machine Works for which he was book-keeper was destroy ed Wednesday night, he says IM. B. HOOD, AND 'rkscriptions Firnt- all I buy for cash and am prepared to sell at the very lowest prices. With rx Tnfirience and convenience I am prepared to till lR promptly and accuralely at the very lowest cost. My stock is now complete, and I can furnish anything found in Class Drug Store. Orders promptly nuea. Country Merchants are Invited to see me. I thank all for past favors and cordially incite you to com and see me 1 .v I can save you money. . 1 . . 1 .1 ... . I I -. . ,. 1 T I the number ot ouimei . well to uistmguisn jb mlHinfr Iocs o Carpenters daily employea n gfeth They, are brick masons, . j nd puiieys ' :I)unn, and lind the number 40 ftnd ahvays worked together cfiaillAaround the lever men. - .Never was iuuu m doing this work, iu m-ot iv than now. nA thnt thev have never divi IMllVlVVim.v-. .Kim ntw .-t- ; . i 1 -m i , 4-1 - til 1 Ctl rill f It is estimated tnat in uie cledjoniy 011 one ,im.K- last year there has been helu in One is a member 01 os in Dllllil !lt Linnnrv Bantists the lilt' Willie o."." Tt T0 "rieast 800 religious services, in- member of the I rimitive nap cludin Sunday Sdliools. and tists, and so close are their sym- feurely Horse's Leg Wrolceii. Monday evening a horse be- lonj?iiir to Mr. D. 1. fJones got , 1 , , smail amount his leg broken at Lynn Bros saw lf illsurance. The fire was ac mill aoom iuui innvo xxwx.x " " eidental. ri r Ua . Jjust over 111 oampson. xnc horse was Intellect to a maciune utotthe swamp ,n T-i.s -ii ive an enter aiKV the tailiment at the Institute build to which . vav nitrht .Tulv the lllg Oil 2nd. See notice next week. ENTERTAINMENM- the Mis- other a .x--.- , nro a t- prayer meeung. .v iwi rrood neonle if pivaching will do any good. See that vour back-yards alul lots are kept clean. The Suiiinier is now on us and to maintain health preventive ,.,.,w mnct he used. this Mil. ilMll in""" drv weather is a splendid time t' clean up. Keep your lots clean. -An ounce of preventive is worth a pound of cure. vmiiK man named Math- Neill's Ureeic vel wav of m m . 1 1 the swingle tree was hitchea broke the .'lever flying back around struck the horse a heavy blow on the'. hip breaking the bone and badly lacerating the flesh. He was a fine horse and will probably have to be kill ed. . . A Fine Volt. T Af .Ternirran. who lives just over in Sampson, has one f the finest!J.mule colts ever seen in this county. It is only about seven weeks old now and is well grown and spry for its IV .Tpmiffn.n saia 101 A Sacl leali. hv O Ti. Dennins received a I telegram from Newbern Sunday announcing the deatliof Dr. C. M. Benton in that city at 3 o'clock that morning of con, TTis indeed was a O JJ HU" - sad death. He was- about 29 years of age and until his health failed was building up a lucra tive practice in that city. He was a citizen of Dunn for near ly two 3Tears once and had many friends here. He was a young J man of fine character and a christian gentleman. Ayer's Pills promote the natural motion of the bowels, without which there can be no regular, healthy oper ations For the cure of biliousness indigestion, sick headche, constipa- tion, jaundice, and liver compmo', these Pills have no equal. Every dose effective. Very Respeotfully, N- B- HOOD, Dunn, N C - nn 1 a iimii 1 D. McBROWN, Proprietor. AtterJJanuary lsf,i897, I will be in the xtoro nowoiwiplwl by Mr. S. V. Parker. To get fresh pure liquors call on me. Water isja;flrst-class drink i'i it? plaro l'it ita.m.'t IwMt OLD NORTH CAROLINA I. I WBIS IE SOLD B I1E.1 Li o All lare.luvitcd to drink with me, fLb what ever I your circiun stances iiuyjn;. ft rl f O arc good, wherever found. U rvl ll IvO If yo n want good drinkH call on Mcltinwn. Died. Just as e go to prass we learn of the death of Mr. A. J . luf- lirtf'toii which occureel at ms home at Turlington this morii- incr at 9 o'clock in the TStn year nf a?e. A more extended notice will appear next weeK. the ( iui ot a stioks in the on He has cws. living in inwiishit) has a nov .Mtc-hinir hawks. He places a small steel trap on inn.r which he ,n-,ni.Hl The hawk alights The 'tran and is caught caught '2) of the chicken eaters this spring. Last Friday afternoon Master Floyd Utter, son of Mr. V. F. Utter fell out of a tree and was quite seriously hurt. v ,m siuv'him fall. He was I- ...,.1 ...joAnepimis on the ground under tlie tree and remained in - that condition until Monday morning when he regained con sciousness. No hones were broken and he remembers noth about falling.. nil OS. son . of jiasm j'i-v " ' Mr. V. P. Jones, had a narrow escape from drowning one day last week while in bathing at Hurles' pond. He and .some .Own- hnvs were in the pond and he got out to far and could swim but little and becoming excited lost control of himself ana uau gone under the water twice when a negro hoy rescued him and took him to the bank com pletely exhausted. pathies that tney oom vwc taken violently sick Sunday ni"ht at the same minute with the same disease a circum utnnM that the medical frater nity is at a loss to solve. They immediately sent a mes senger to AVade after their1 fam ily physician, Dr. Muns, Ano responded to the call and found xi.' ,.i.;isnllv ill. 'Monday . tho nftor- ., e i. f.f Uc foot bpino1 census ior aDouiunuvta x.. on its iroui iccnto ". tlT: 11 .,vott nntv. norm- -r-r 1 i. ;,..v-lrtrl . t , 11 ,1 ite 1 II. llliiuvw j i i xi noon )v. mmsoureccur. .yV. MraWn m ami it wuikbu u.i v.,.v - huvc Wm calling h.m hurnwiiy to Now it stands erect ana a-", :r; lmmbhv ..v. f..,. noncll tilt mil Willi 11. . . fl mi' HP S.lYS UK UilU 1U"'' i lit ii i i i luucii""' - j is a mi" icii" ' j , r,,n. nnd left immediately , nffm-pl 50 for it at b ill llliV a-- i I M I'll -f M M. -M. nv'a Tiisteless Chill Ton'c U it vet ted Malarial Liver Tonic and blood pu rifier. Removes Biliousness without As nle.cant as Lemon Sj'rup. L-:rn1.jrri. ii anv Dollat tonic and re tails for aOc. To get the GENUINE ak for Grove's For sale ana guurumrc u3 Hood&Grantham, Dunn. N.C. TO THE FRONT. White 6. I. C. Pn;s, miki Have a 'cii" Taken Dunn has grown rapidly since 1890, and we h a v e had no c e n s u s taken since iiMt date. ' A stranger looking wi.vwill vim buv Mtter nanse.uiiiK tonics when GROVE'S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC as plca"1 rtS T.emdn Syrup. Your druggist is authorized to refund the money in every case where it fails to cure. Price. -50 cents. age. xur. jcia1Bui - inrntioii will take tie tnYee weeks it feould not stand out fo wiU driving rapily and reached them months old in an hour and live minutes aim ! K.ioinosa r.(111S(-S 111 r.i.VthPin siitteriii2 agonies m s j , these , t it J O... nan hnast of tiftV VfarS pain. The- doctor uccrnu u" Tbe business of Dr J. 0. in mvins them relief in a few s.lan,,. ,.. - ,.. hose When Dr. Huason sMbarilU i kuowo i 1 . I I II l.lj III L7v-'-'.- its 80 VI minutes .cr & Co , Lowell, Mass., xV A iDCcmparable Sarsaparilla u" kn left they were resting quit ii used everywhere, has passea and it is hoped their trouble will half.ceDlei)Dial and was never not return. gorous as at present. How came these brothers to : : ' both be taken ill at the same The finest and cheapest line hour with the same disease is of Cigars, Cheroots and-Cigai-i onrl hard to Dunn, at r. I . ratner iTiiiaiMiuiv i"v - icih-o - - iu iiccountea or. nw.. JWUW that their habits and diet have been about the same ami the same cause produced the same effect in each. -.11 f A- . .,4- nnd it WOUkl be Ol liueiuM know exactly how many per sons there are in the corporate hmits of the town, beside being advertisement tor us in lmr much we nae M. It will be of an n x grown . CJ , t x .-. ,uwiK tMicen troiioie iu iiac ct, vix.jv 1 1 and will cost nothing except for romi, to ll a. KEEP COOL Bv buving your ice from me I have it in any quantity you want at reasonable prices, in fact so low th$t everybody can u T wish mv customers to remember that on Sunday? mv TCE HOUSE will he open from 10 to 11 o'clock a and f rom .;" to 6 o clock a -flitr hours' only will XXI. liiv.v - - - little sold on Sunday.; On week davs i win ie m., and from o remember m p. m ice b larchysville, N. C. Nerve Coca is a lelightful ilrink. ouenches thirst and cool; t x . x:.. the system, increases in' acu ity of the brain and gives tone to the nerves. Invaluable un professional and business men. On' draught at .HoimI"& Uran- F.C.Co. tham s Jrug More. l " nnn II J If- lit. - C Tlltx I II II U I lllltll v.ll - x .7 ill I MalaHa produces Wcwkiiess, General n l-innlr as x.i-,-. it in n. wee k and attendjto ItllV XI , . bis other duties also, lalkjit with the town aldermen and let them order the policeman; at their next session of the board in July to take a census of the . t.. ,x 1, mmiliiiir nf ?i 11 the hours it. and come then after Respectfully, John A. Oates. fhe Wheeler and Wilson No. 9 is the safest Sewing Maciniu T T11I1I11I1LT rhes more difterent practical work than kinds anv of ma- wwii thp Tmnroved New Home cents. To II 111. J. , Debility, Bilio.vs.iess Loss of Appetite . ,g aU that wante ;nn mu i iiuiMiuaiiuii ' i v which proauces . uirsc i x-fi will b3 delighted. oO sreuuiuc You run no risk. All druta. guar- aiueeG.ove's Tasteless i-J.ui i u.c and i .-iMiif tf tnrer claim ior UO .ill mil. chine. No fancy or complicat ed attachments with it. Pur chasers are carefully instructed n the machine and auacn- . . , .1 ... ments, by someboly that kiio find is not at ram u mi -,rt. or the xNo. vi Hood cause Try it trpt the for LAST DA' I can kUOCK oui an -;iV " iiood & Grantham. licrht running sewing macnuie. The New Home is the best out and is not sold at such unreason able prices. You can buy them on easy tearms. See me before buving a machine. - & ' M.F.Gainey. GroTe'S.-&ld and suaranteed by It is aTuulmitted fact that F. p Tnnes nays more for coun try produce than anyone Don't iail to call at N. B. food's drug store when you need medicine. Condensed Milk, and Star Lye at F. P, Jones'. A very nice line of smoking and chewing Tobacco at F. P. Jones'. - TIip tav-navers vibin who have their property for taxation are 1 reuuested to meet me baturaaj at the Town iiaii in imm do so. This is the last day and all property or persons not lifted will be returned unlisted. S.M. JacksAi List-Taker uS.ld aiul ffiiarantee oj Grantham, Dunn, N.C. Worr-mtMil nn cure, no pay manv imitations. To get the genu- of Averasbbro me ask for G.Ws-soa desire them There I.AD1KS Ionl fail to examine lb HTfeCt.titlin "Fe:tberl4ne ,oimm. the ! t ano MM aH.i All Hyle of llie- jjimkU HI u. Tayhr, Dunn, N, (;. any other agent. sausiac or;mtoed. No price cutting, ,-o-VirMlv treated alike. I can sell you cheaper machines if you not iisted teed by Hood & Grurtharn. Everything cheap at Hood's drug store. N.: B. Fruit Nectar, Sherbert, Lemo nade, Milk Shake. Coca-Cola i varietv of nice cold drinks U"" ' J TT -i, now serv drug store E. F. Yoi mj. Orange 'Phosphate is no- bad drink-old as ice at Hood & Grantham's. t mmv. HI CYCLE FOR SVLE. Will sella hue wheel : .rfppt order at a great re- 111 W-x- - .biction. The wheel has only th and is as Deen run "" . ,r rwl as new. Address box 4h, AVicker, Cumberland county N C. Sherbert, Pineafiple, Hasp herrv, Strawberry, ('herry and Orange all made from Pure Fresh Crushed Fruit at Jiooa fe Grantham'.. COCA COLA ! The refresh inr drink and specific for head ache. Relieves mental and nhvsieal exhaustion. Properly tlispensed at llooii a. n.i- tham s drugstore. No Care .o In. Tluit is'd. wa"- all 'lnijr',; Jf GltOVK' TAM KlihSh i.xuuu IC for Chill ml Malaria, iui j Iron and Quinine, in a p,r" 1 , Children love it, Adnlt, prvfer Ulo bitter, nan-eatln- ronic. Ir s J Wl. Si.ldiind KM:irinte-d by HmhI A Ur.m- tham. . 7 i) n i n n , U n H i h : J 1 r i .t! 4 r, 1 3 I 1 1 fl 1 U ft 0 i fi '? y n V 1 Ml fl .1 !! P. Ml r! i h B n fi u 1 It

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