, . . - i. - 1 Ininnnnin iiTn iTrf? - 1 " ' ' . .. S I v " . . i iivvt n n 1 ! 11 1 1 1111 TOWN DIRECTORY, CHURCHES. Methodist Church. Rev. E. (V Sell, Pastor, fief vices first Sunday niht, and fourth Sun day morning1 and nig-ht. Prayermeetiiig every Wednesday night. ! Sunday schcel every Sunday morning at 16 o'clock, G. K. Orantham Superintendent. Baptist Church. Rev. L. R. Carroll, paster. Services every second Sunday morning and night. Prayermeeting every Thursday night ' Sunday School every Sunday morning, R. a Taylor Superintendent. Presbyterian Chnrch. Rev. A. M. Hassel pastor. Services every first and fifth Sunday moi-hing and night, Sunday school every Sunday morning, M.L. W ade Superintendent. Disciple Church Rev, I. W. Rogers, pas tor. Services every third Sunday morning and night. Christian Endeavor Society every Tuesday night. Sunday School every Sunday evening at 3 o'clock, McD. Holliday Sapt. 1 Free Will Baptist Church. Elder R. C. Jackson, pastor. Services every second Sun day morning and night. Primitive Baptist. fJhurch on Broad street Elder W. a. Turner, Pastor. Regular servl cfcs on the third Sabbath morning, and Satur day before, in each month at 11 o'clock. El der P. D. Gold, of Wilson, editor of Zion's Landmark, preaches at this church on the fourth Sunday evening Ineach month at7M o'clock. Everybody Is invited to attend these services. Young Mens' Union Prayer meeting every Sunday evening at 4 o'clock and Friday night at 7:30 o'clock. All are cordially Invited to attend these services.' An Invitation is ex tended to the visitors.; -LODGES. Lucknow Lodge, No. 115, I. O. O.f. Lodge room over J. D. Barnes' store. Regular meet ing on every Monday night. L. H. Lee, N. G C. H. J-'exton, V. G.; G. K. Grantham, Secre tary. All Odd Fellows are cordially invited to attend. Palmyra Lodge, No..ll7, A. F. & A. M. Hall over Free Will Baptist church. F. P. Jones W. M ; W. A. Johnson, S. W.; E. A. Jones J. W.; J. G. Johnsen, Secretary. Regular communications . are held on the 3rd Satur day at 10 o'clock A. M., and on the 1st Friday t 7:30 o'clock p. m. in each month. All Ma ons in good standing are cordially invited to attend these communications. . Cocnty Officers. Sheriff, J. H. Pope. Clerk. F. M. McKay. Register of Deeds, J.'McK.rByrd. Treasurer, G. D. Spence. Coroner, J, J, wilson. Surveyor, J. A. O'Kelly. County Examiner, Rev. J. A. Campbell. Commissioners : J. A. Green, Chairman II. N. Bizzell and Neill McLeod. TOWN OFFICERS. H. L. Godwin, Mayor. Commissioners , E. F. Young, J. J. Dupree, J. H. Pope and vy . r. rearson. G.F. Snead, Policeman. A Western Exchange says : ' 'The man who wipes his nose on his sleeves, picks his teeth with a fork; squirts tobacco juice on the cook stove hearth, riues to mm witn corn in one of the sacks and a stone ill the other, drives tof market with hickory bark lines, deposits his money in his last winter's sock, insists on paying ins taxes in coon skins and 'wild honey, fas tens one galus -with a wooden peg and wears possum .belly pants is the same old rooster who has no use for his home paper, and his brother is the fellow who tries to do business in town without advertising. During the summer of 1891, Mr Chas. P. Johnson, a well known at torney of Louisville, Kj.; had a se vere attack of summer complaint. Quito a number of different remedies were tried, but failnd to afford any relief. friend who knew what wts needed procured him a bottle of Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, which quickly cured him aDd he thinks, saved his life. He sajs that there has not been a daj since that time that he has not had this remedy in his household. He speaks of it in the highest piaise and takes pleasure in reenmmending it whenever an opportunity is offered For sale by N B Hood Dunn, N. C ' V A T u ri A, PERFECT HEALTH RE GAINED THE . WONDER OF THE AGE. (iranuest discover' in the annuls of medicine. Guaranteed to cure more diseases than any other medicine, treatment or sys tern known to the medical profession. "No MAN" made" remedy," but 'na ture's' true panacea. v atuma is an anuseptic serniicide, it loitively destro.vs all 'niiciobes" and Kernis of every kind, name and nature, it is healing and soothing to theinucuous membrane, it will permanently cure the majority of cases f i ronchiris. Ca tarrh, Dyspepsia, all Stomaehe troubles, all diseases of the Bladder, Bowels, Kidney-, Liver, Constipation, Piles, uui iores. Uectal Diseases. , Ulcers, eczema, scrotum, uioou 1'oison. 5 Rheu niatism, Neunilgia, Di-eased Discharges. r; . iiseases peculiar to women, Nervous and Physical Weakness, etc. NO MATTER WHAT YOUli AUG MENT, or where you live, write us a full history of your trouble, and our consulting physician will advie yoi' what to do in o.der to regain your health. Consultation is Free and sacred ly confidential. Terms very low. For proofs enclose 2 cent stamp. Local agents wanted everywhere. No canvassing. We advertise you in jour home paper. Address with stamp. , THE V ATUMA COMPANY, i 0: Box.P14.. Chicago, 111. The County Union is the only paper published in Harnett county. Subscription price $1. Subscribe now. W. L Douglas $3 Shoe. Stylish, durable, perfect fitting. Endorsed by over 1,000,000 wearers. V. L. Douglas $30, $4.00 and $5.00 Shoes zxt the productions of skilled workmen, from the best material pos sible at these prices. Also $2-50 ana $2 Shoes for Men, $2.50, $2 and $1.75 Boys We useonly thebestCalf.Buaaia Calf, French Patent Calf, French Enamel, Vicl Kid, etc., graded to correspond with prices ef the shoes. If dealer cannot snpply yon, write Catalog: free. W. L.DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mass. I SOLD BT . J. A. MASSENG-ILL SrCo Dunn, 1ST- C- V ELK ELK When ever tou see a can Powders witli the name and ELK on it, it is a guarantee of Baking picture of of purity The Elk Powder is the best and che.ij et powder. It stands the highe-l chemical analysis of any brand on Up market. Give it a trial and you will use no 110 other. Sold by II. W. JERNIGAN & CO. Majr oth-tf. . Dunn, X. C. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. h. W. Buv Attorney-'at-Ija'w. JSMITHKIELD, N. C. Careful attention to an3T civil matters intrusted to his care in the courts of Harnett County H Li- Godwin, Attorney at Law. Dunn, Office next door to Post Office. N. 0. Will practice iii the courts of Hanu tr and adjoining ' counties and in the Federal Courts. , Prompt attention given to all b iisines W- E- Murchison, JONESBOKO, N. C. Practices Law in Harnett; Mooie and other counties, but not for fun. Feb. 20- ly. Isaac A. Murchison, FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. Practices Law in Cumberland, Harnett and anywhere services are wanted, j SEWING MACHINES. I wish to announce to the 'people o Dunn and surrounding: country that am sellinjr the Wheeler and Wilson No 9, and the Standard Sewing Machine. which are guaranteeii 1 to give perfect satisfaction, on reasonable terms. I he best machine oil, needles, fixtures &c, allways on hand. I also repair machines at moderate cost. Work guaranteed. I have fourteen years ex perience in the machine business and am thoroughly acquainted with them. My headquarters are at Mr. E. F. Young's store where I will be pleased to show .my machines xours to please, J. M. HAYES. apl2tf, 1 Dum:, N. C. INDIAN HERBS. " The greatest blood purifier and-Liver Regulator 'of the age. It is composed of Herbs, itoots, and uarK. jno mercury nor. any other metallic drugs are used in "its prepation. , It is a specific for constipa tiou, . neuralgia, dyspepsia, rheumatism, kidney complaints liver complaints, chills, fever and ague, Female complaints, nervous affections, catarrh, loss of appetite, neruous and sick headache, and all other aiimenrs eausea irom impure blood and consequent bad di gestion. ... This medicine has been used by more than one hundred per sons in Harnett county within the last month, and in every instance relief has been derived from its use. Many certificates from these and other" persons will be published soon. This medicine is a great blessing. Let everybody try it. Price $1.00 for 180 doses. It is cheap and good. . For sale by W. F. UTTER. Dunn, N. C. Call on me for certificates of the thousand of cures effected by this Wonderful medicine. W. F. Utter. nanted-AnJdea Who can think of some simple thing to patent? !rotect your Ide&s : ther ntr brlnr von wmIUl. Writ JOHN WEODERBuRN CoiTPtent Attor- aeys. Washington. D. c for their 1.800 prUe oSer udaew Ufltof one thoHwod tnrgnt torn wanted. ELK m mk The-Drummei Boy. In a book entitled " Our Army Nurses," the following story is told by one of the noble women who cared for the suffering sol diers in the great Civil War : On entering the hospital Ward, one morning, she was at tracted; by one of the new faces she saw there. It was a child's face, and it wore a senile. "His name is Henry , not vet twelve, but he has been in the army over three years," the attendant said. , - The nurse went to . the cot where he lay. I "Good morning,! Mother," he said cheerfully, holding out a thin hand. ! You dear little fellow, how came you here? You are so young. ! "My father was drafted, and I got them totake me with him for a drummer boyj I've got no mother, nor brothers, nor sister." ! "All, so you called me moth er.; You do need some oneHo take mother's place I'm sure," "Yes'm. The boy told me you would take care of me." "And wrhereis your father." "He was' ki lied t Jiree months ago at Antietam. I was wounded- then in my hip same ball that killed my father. The surgeon says I shall be a cripple always." - . ! The eyes of the nurse were growing moist. "My little boy looks very happy,! after all. What makes 3-011 so?" she ask ed. 1 . The child pulled a little bible from under his pillow and re- When mv father aiid mother forsake me, then the; Lord wil take me up.' If I get well, and try to be good, I guess I shal have a home somewhere. If I don't get well, I am sure I shall." There wTas more than one deeply interested listener now and each had some nt?w question to ask the lad. Childlike faith like his was rare even in the hospital, where it was common for men to feel that they could not die unless they we're listen ing to a hymn or prayer. "My little lad, ' some, one asked, "who taught you to trust in god?" T "My mamma, until she died then my papa. L -w -w- v 1 - 1 Wlen he got better, lie was heard one Sunday morning plaintively to say : "I wish could go to Sunday school." Two of the ward attendants said "Get the, child ready. We'l look after him." They crossed their hands and carried ' the cripple to Sunday school while he Was in camp. Bnt they did not so alone. Bv ones and twos and threes the big soldiers followed the little fellow, and stole into j church. I They al loved him, and some j one, look ing on, said: "A little child shall lead them.',' One day a surgean came to the nurse and said : "Here is man looking for a soldier orphan boy to adopt . Tell him all you know of Henry. The nurse told him of the lad's brief life, his beautiful spirit, ana 111s longing tor an education and a home. " iou nave interestea me greatly, said the man, with moistened eyes. cMy wrife and I had planned to goi to Camp Denison, but we botli dreamed on the same night! that we should come to Camp Chase I think God has led -jus. I am sure she will wish to; take the boy." - In a few minutes the lad's- feeble arms were twined about the man s neck, rlej was j cry ing for loy. To those who cms- tered around to bid i the little fellow good bye, the child said. TT y-4 "1 "I was sure uoa liaa come for me." , . CauinberisiD's Pain Baliu has 00 equal as a buusebold IiDimeot 1. is the best remedy known for rheuma tism . lame back, neuralgia; while fur sprains, cats, braises, burn, scalds ind sore tnroar, it is invaluable VV-riz i & Pike, merchants Fernandina, Fla., write: "Everjon who buys a bonle of Chamberlain's Remedies, comes back and says it is the best medicne be has ever used " 25 and 50 cent i - . 1 per bc ttie j ' r Fur sale by N. 1. Hood, Druggie, Dannv N. (3. I MENTS AND HEAB-STONES. I am airent for Tucker's Granite ami Marble Works, of Wiliuiuj'ton. N. U., aul will be pleased to slum' (le$iiis and make prices to any persons who desire a Monument, Head-stone, or ;iroii Fenc- ng for graves. Gootl work' and low nries is our motto. Drou me a card mil I will come to mm; you. I. .1. Smith, Benson, N- O I t It 1. & v'ege Is. Ai Preparation for As -siffiitathig t!ierandRegti!a ting the Stonadis .indBowels of Promotes DigcstioaCheerfui nessandRest.Contains neither OpiuirT.Morpliine nor Mineral. KOTNAKCfiTIC. rfOld-BrSAMUELPITCHER sflx.Senna MxktlUSJts- ' Anise Seed- Ptppermmt Hi Carbona&Soda JlirmSeed -Clttrifud Sugar . A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion, Scur Stomc.ch,Diairh6ea, Verms .Convulsions .Ferish ness zrALoss OF SLEEI. ; , .- j ; racSmSte Sinacurc of ! N EW "YO HK. EXACT COPY OF WRAFPER fit ..,,,: econ umrner is the time that tries all the care of the mother and all the skill of maternal management. Baby comfort comes from fat ;j fat babies have nothing to do but to sleep and grow. If your baby does not seem to prosper, if he does not gain In weight, you must get more j lat there. A tew drops of i each day will put on plump ness; fat outside, life inside, baby and mother both happy. Your baby can take and rel ish Scott's Emulsion as much ,in summer as in any other season. I For sale by aU druggists at 500. and $xa BLANKS FOR SALE I We now have on hand a full supply of Warrantee and Mort gage Deeds, Chattel Mortgages Lien Bonds and Magistrate's blanivs, at prices as low as you can buy them anjnvhere. Send us your orders or call at our of fice for them. j J. P. PlTTMAN, Pub.; of County Union, I - Dunn, N. C. , TRADE-MARK. nature's Nervine and Rapid Restorative. An unfailing cure for Diseases of the Digestive. Nervous and Generative Systems. A Tonic of rare efficacy for the old and young and of marked ser vice for Students, Teachers, and all who are engaged in Brain work or close occupations. CURES Depression, " Tired Feelings, " KerTonsness, Muscular Weakness, Loss of Appetite, Palpitation of Heart, Restlessness, Hysteria, Herye Weakness, General Discomfort, Excesses, llcholism, i and that almost innumerable series of t diseases and complications resulting from any-derangement of the Nervous system. Invaluable for weak women, and nervous children. I Steadj Nerves, Braced System, Sound Best, Good Work, , - IISUEED BY Dsns ' Dr. Cos's Cccelin 1 Nerva i Tonic. CONTAINS NO OPIATES OR DANGEROUS DRUGS TO MAKE A HABIT. SO Cents per Bottle; If three bottles be ordered at onetime, a copy of AT DRUOCISTS AND DEALERS OR DIRECT OF US ON RECEIPT OF PRICE 60 CENTS. Winkelmann & Brown Drug Co. SOtE PROPRIETORS. ' ! BALTIMORE, MD.. U. S. A. 1 jFor sale by Hood & Grautham, Dunn, N. C. i .. i i i 4 urn " EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER, j-f s 5 fiPte h Urn vi i n HiStiV; I 5 M fl ?1 The. Kind You Have Always Bought, I Bears the Fao-sknile 0F- : OF EVERY BOTTLE E kip, YOU HAYE , always mm. THE CENTAUR COM MNV. NCW YORK CITY. S3 HT-iT The Greatest Park in the Wour'd, Writing of '-The Greatest Na tion on Earth" in the July La dies' Home Journal, William George Jordan says:' "Uncle Sam set apart a. royal pleasure ground in Northwestern Wyom ing and called it Yellowstone National Park. To give an id( a of what its size, 3312 square miles, really means, let us clear the floor of the Park and ten derly place some of the great cities of the world i there, close together as children do their blocks. First put in London, then Greater New York, Chica go, Philadelphia, Paris, Boston Berlin, St. Louis, Hong Konir, j San Francisco and Washington. The floor-of the Park would then be but half covered. Then lift up Rhode Island carefully, so as not to spill any of its peo pie, set it down and press in the West indies and even then therejire two hundred square miles left. No equal area in the world has such a diversity 01 natural phenomena and such ixittiiiiiucut ouuxieiy. 11 is a marvelous land of streams and waterfalls, geysers and hot springs, mountains, canons, 11 -a ' lakes and forests , of primeval i -A- age. Once Tried, AUvy UW1. Iain's Cough Remedv. we seld. u fa.l oii .U.. ' l ' . ' .w i;uc oaujc ucibuu mure, woeu i is again needed. Indeed, it has b ome the family medicine of this town for coughs arid cold?, and we rf coni m-od it because of its f-tablisb.f H merits Jos E. Harned, Prop. Oik land Pharmacy, Oakland, Md iS d by IN. J5. Hood d trugi t Dunn, N. C; . V MONTHLY SUFFERING. , Jhousands of women are troubled at monthly inter vals with pains in the h e ad, back, breasts, shoulders.sides hips and limbs. But they need not suffer. These pains are symptoms of dangerous derangements that can be corrected. The men strual function should operate painlessly. - - makes menstruation painless, and regular. It puts the deli cate menstrual organs in condi tion to do their work properly And that stops all this painj wny will any woman suffer month after month when Wine ofCarduiwill relieve her? It costs $1.00 at the drug store. to-2y?n TOU gCt bottle- For advice, in cases requiring special directions, address, giv ing symptoms, "The Wies Advisory Department," The Chattanooga Medicine Co.; Chattanooga, Tenn. V, "OOss Mrs. R0ZOU LEWIS. ... . f OenavlIIe. Texts. tvti IOi , terrible pains is my head and fctek Sisnat 1 -. 1 i . .. V . ; I " m THE I WRAPPER Win Fr'C our -I8wler?. To those of -our subscribers who pay up all arrears within thirty davs, or to a new sub scriber paying not lessthan tme year in advance, we will give one year's free subscription to The Woman's' Health .and Home Journal, of Ghatanooga, Tenn . This journal, devoted to Health, Home "and Farm, is a 16-page monthly paper, bright, instructive, elevating. We have only a limited num ber of these premiums to give away on the above terms. Don't wait until your neighbor comes in and gets the last one we have left. F. G. Go.'s Corsets, " MAKE American Beauties ECCO'S UUHHtUI SHAPES. ARTISTIC EFFECTS. All Lengths. On Each Box. NEWEST MODELS. FAIIgVahd PLAIN. FEATHERBOilE CORSET CO., SOLE MANUFACTURERS. SOLD BY R. G. Taylor, Dunn, N. THE y HOG AMD CHICKEN CHOLERA CURE. USE NO OTHER Write for testimonial. The only remevl in tlieor positively guarunU-e-1 ti preve and cure t'luilera. , 1'nt up 35-cent nd $1.00 siz.-. Smd I al! Drnu'tri-t a . : cmiiitr tnTtiiants. Trial ottieli in h i 1, s f-u - ly iiicVk!. . m dlrc'P.-. f. Uki. "ilanafactn t THE DURHAM CHOLERA CURE CO DURHAM. NORTH CAROLINA. A. ALI. ... nemrn mis coupon whq your nr t t 4 order. Coupon No. eo4 " - fr fit Wanted-An Idea Who can think of some simple thing to patent? TOffi M?f!Jit S O.. for their tiioo prls offer f . uwusmiu iDTeauooi wanted. IT 13 ABSOLUTELY The Best SEWING MACHINE MADE WE Oil OUR DEALERS earn tell you machines cheaper titan you ean Bet elsewhere. Xlie NE W HOIttB s our best, but we make chcanm irini. ucu as the CLMIAX, IDEAL, and vtuer iiigu Arm ituii Nickel Plated "us Mcnines Tor 915-00 and up. Call on our ae-ent or write us. tv want your trade, aad if prlees. tmii auu Mtuare dealing will win, we will haT it. We challenge the world to produce a. BETTER $50.00 Sewing Machine for tso.oo. .o w.us, iixacuuioior 0.t0 tliaa you J wm us, or our Acents. TUB KEW HOME SEWIKG MUCHUE CO. FOR SALE Ev GAIKEY & JORDAN, Dunn, N. C. av P"- 1 A 0 YEARS D KvTTlTi-Vl-rTNl 4 TRADE MARKS. w m h a. M Anyone aendtn a rteth JZ T T" - w V W - COPYRIGHTS ae. probably patelUblrf OT. iTention la Patent f.vVI e.ATe . "blneton am aar peciaa notice u tbeluuu Munn Co. receiVs teautlfnii Book n.rT e ti MMlr TAUdiSi 381 Brwr, Kew York. AND' MONEY "DA TT" . 1 ''U JOHN GILL Iece.er CONDENSED SCUk in i:a ct 4ii,iv :(w Nortd HofNn. Leave Wilmington ArTive Fayettevlllp..;....,' Leave Fayetteville Leave Fayetteville Junction"""' Arrive Sanford Leave Vauford Leave Clicuax... Arrive Greensboro Leave Oreensboro Leave Stokeadale " '" Leave Walnut Cove ' - Leave Rural Hall it I u, i: Arrive Mt.Alry. South Bound. Leave"ilt. Airy Leave Kural Hall.........".' Leave Walnut Cove .'.'""' Leave Walnut Cove Leave Stokesdale Arrive Oreensboro Iive Oreensboro Leave Climax " 5t 'I- i i.Sj ! : ' j in rfLeave Sanford Arrive Fayettavllle Juucti.n Arrive Fayetteville ' Leave Fayetteville......... "" Arrive Wilmington .'.." ' North BorNn. I X Leave Bennettsvllle.... Arrive Maxton..'...,... Leave Maxton Leave Red Springs Leave Lumber Bridge Leave Hope Mills Arrive Fayetteville..... '..; - Mi No. j ;, BOCTH BOCNI). Leave Fyetteville Leave, Hope Mills Leave Lumber Bridge , Leave Red springs Arrive Maxton Leave' Maxton...... ,. Arrire Bennettsvsville.... ... ii t.:; - No.. .MiU' Ils.l; ? 1 ! '""S tl t.n f 1 ) .o it io y, 1 Id I' ; X.i. ' 1 I'd. n..., ; in;- Nortu Boukd. Leave Itamseur Leave Climax Arrive Oreensboro.., Leave Oreensboro.... Leave Htokesdale Arrive Madison south Bound. Leave Madison.......... Leave Stokesdale , Arrive Oreensboro-.... Leave Oreensboro Leave Climax.... , Arrive Rani9eur....... t hi 3.ir, 5; 8.:a fMeals. CONNECTIO.N'S at Fayetteville witli Atlantic ('..ast lin, Maxton with Carolina Central Sanford with Seaboard Air Mm... t -,, boro with Southern Railway, nt WHinut with Norfolk & western Kailwny. . J.W. FRY, W. E. K' Qen'l Manager. ,J'ii,l IWAf C. atlantil: m us WILMINGION AM) w I LI; AND. HUA NCI i KS AND FLO K KM K KAILHdA! conhj.;nskd scmkim-lk. May 10th, 185)7. " TRAINS"OOINO SOIJTII. d Tl 1 1 Mil A 111 'I'J'I Vt til If Rocky Mount, 12:!2 a. ni., 10:H.ri . m. ' ivt-avc i aruoro, n:iz a. in. Leave Rocfrv Mount. U:Taa. M.. lii:'t!ii 5:45 a. m., 12:45 p ui. Leave Wilson. 2.06 a in. 11:M n in. e-oi 2:12 i ra. Leave Kelma, 3:00 a m. Leave Fayetteville, 4:40 a m, 1 .1 1 1 hi. Arrive Florence, 7:.'J5 a m, m. Leave Ooldaboro, 7JSa in, H:lo i iu. Leave Magnolia, 8:07 a in, 4.1; inn. Arrive; Wilmington, 9:40 a in, r. : I r. i m. TRAINS QOINO NOKTH. Leave Florence, 8:45 a in, 8:1.1 in. U Arrive Wilson. 1:42 a m. 12:'lu in. Leave Wilmington, 7:15 p in. :tioa in, iifye itiagiioiia, ur.w a in, r:::i iu. T.PILVA f2rliIuKrki 11f.tri Ill-Ill it m Leave Wilson. 1-42 n in. 1:I.- a in. I1.2M 12:46 p 111. - Arrive Rocky Mount, ?:3I j in, li:i i - t - Leave Tarboro, 12:12 p m. - -Leave Rocky Mount, 2:3.Tp in. li:Mm. Arrive Weldon. 3:3 p in. 1:1 1 n in. Train on Kotlmul Neck lirnm h mad VVAllrhn J.ln ... ll.Kfn. i...w i. in irril I.. -...v ' lit , uaiiiaA . . . ' . in. Scotland Neck at 55:0 p in, Ort'i nvilli' c,';i iiiinnu l UI. U rillllff It'll " 7."i0 a in, Greenville tl'i a ui, arriving H :- ai ii:ih a in, WelUn 11:33 a in, iany : Sunday. iimiiB vii w nnillligiuil Irani ii r" -' ( iiigton fc:iO a m, and l.oo p in., arriw raw :10ani, and 2:40 p in. returning I' vf ": 'I' l . . T1T.nl.f. T . .. I . I . . u uii : iu-iib :,i;4u,ina e:;iupiu. arrive afinnf i 11:00 am, and TlOjun, daily. J rraill lnkvim rarlinro IV. (' ( alii, i-1" Snndav. at. v:i tii'm .uinlav 4.,-j m., arrives Plymouth 7 40 p. in . 1 1 . . , r ... ...i. .i..;li. ir rvTTiuniing leaves riyiufiuui nan Sunday, 7 50 a. m., and .unlay ! a r nca ui larooro iu us a. in., ii ' Train on Midland N C Branch leavi n a t'oro, N. C, dally except .uii.lay, 7 ! 1 rive HmithfloM N f' v.-au a in. K.-turw lea.vM NmiihflM v i? aim a. in. am": Ooldsboro.N. c. 10 i5 a. ni. ' , ' Train on Nashville Bram li . avs n ; Mount at 4:30 u. m.. arrives Naslivillf m., Hpring Hope 5::i0p. in. K. turii ncl,T Spring llope 8:00 a. in.. NaMlivll'- ' arrive at Rrcky M.unt 8:05 a. iii..laily"i i Sunday. . t. Train All Plintnn Ppmirli la vt-i AVarni i Clinton . aily.excent Sunday, at ts :' 1U 4:10 pm. Keturninif leaves 1'iint'iii " ' " iv v iu. neiuruing leaves v im nl 50 a ni. , u Train No. 78 make closevoinn-ciHf , nfor all points North dally, a " ; ichmond. Also at Rocky jk.uh wi"? lk and Carolina railroad for Nrf"i " anu yju&iu - Trai do Rich folk i'vu a,0 iWllU WIS .lUllVin H. M. EM r.Ji" ' General rasHei..-r Afcu J. K. KKNM, T. M.KMERKON, Oeiieral Mana' Traffic Manager. VJ- M. CD O. P f St CD CD. o c GO 2 o O QD C 2 0 35 crs o 4 CD CD GO- 2 o Qd 7? Suliscribe for The Union. CD r