THE COUNTY UNION W rKPNESDAY, June 7, 1897 DUNN, N. C. sii:ciai.. ,,, ,!, rs for job work m ust be li,iJf vhcn oruer is given and 'hmi-.K when delivered , Thirty l!.,rrl OA udvertisingi LOCAL. DOTS. hath -;i vage ear. clianns to II -'i nam 1 1 ; t 1 Grantham's A ;,! vi'iMiscincnts in this is -.A- v- go to press mere is ,,,. !!, lication of rain, a light anvauy, iiiiviujj; uuieu A. Iv. Wilson, our new ,i-tcr. took charge .of' the hi-t Thursday. own election in Smithfield Wednesday resulted in rv for the license or wet hv a good majority' i i;, ;id the advertisement of I5iii Creel: Academy in this . 'Hiis school pffers young in. n a ( hance of an,Pducation at C(,-t. man named Harris has l a government whiskey ! v about two miles from a lid commenced operations vt'-icnlav. - " hiiini is the-place to sell your it me wur , turpentine , Mr. J . I). Barnes, pays ii . t( (en cents per l)arrel i hali is paid at oni on ii"' (owns. ; 1 1 -man civce ili.-U.!' t I I l"l ' I lll fruiii 1 !MV neigh- J (' II A good many watermelons King orougnt to town, .ti'-c some very nice ones he market to-day. The hr-i 1 the season, were ie ::oth. oil brought Mr. .J. A. Johnson, -one. of Mr. W. D. 'Thornton's work men, w ill move his family to morrow to his old home in John ston county. Mr. Johnson will iviiKii n here. The county commissioners met in regular session Monday. Tin-v refused to grant license to HI liquors at Lillington. There is not a barroom in the county -Mr. Iv. J. I). Boykin, repub lican, has been appointed post master at bur neighboring town of Hen son1 to succeed Mrs. V. II Effie rper. Jle was postmaster i luring Harrison's admin- l-tration. ' '"; heft.- ( ne. town aldermen Jiave ordered the pond back of the idist church to be ditched, far the work has not been o'lnmcnced. Why not? Prob- the committee can an- Metl Vet J 'sw er T m llev C a in he board of education met sion at Lillington Monday. leeted Rev. J. A. Camp- A. untv Supervisor of schools (pointed school commit- einen: CO ai T-T lie re he colored people celebra atu'rday for the' Fourth, was quite a crowd in town iu drinks was tne -only l-vej-age they could get. The lemonade stands and soda foun tains did a good business. UKl CO 110V Has, et li Mr. Bythan Bass and wife 1 from town to-day to Mr. home in Sampson near postofHce. AVe regret to lem from our town but them a prosperous and home on the farm. l;iss lose t 'Wish- MM People and Their Movement. Mr. J. J. Cook made a short trip'to Smithfield Sunday. T Mr. R. L. Oromartie is visit ing his parents near Clinton. Miv J . p. Pearson, of Buie's Creek, is visiting in town. Mr. Hubert Atkison, of Fay etteyille, spent Sunday in town Mr. II . T. Spears went home aunday aiid returned yesterday .uiss Ada .Kenett is. visiting iriends near (xodwin this, week. Miss Sddie Adams, of Little River Academy, is visiting Mrs H. L. Godwin: i - - i - ; ; - ! r i .- Miss Lela McNeill spent a render- Imogen , Or the Witch's Secret ed by the young people at town hall last Fridav night w quite a success, hot weather did lhe extreme not deter a near few days with relatives Njuwton Grove this week, i Mr. G. jW. Massengill and son Mr. J. A. Massengill of Johnston Averelin town to-dav. Miss roy Barnes spent Sun day at home With '"her parents at Foe s. 1 i "l TIT T T -r- . j. JjQng,' isq., a- pros perous fanner of Buie's Creek, was i n town Friday and paid liiE Union a-pleasant call. Mv. D. McN tleton, is in Mckay, of Lit- tow.n this week visiting relatives. to see him bac We are glad Mr. O. through town Sunday return from Lillington. J. Spears passed on his to Washington Grantham! and of Smithfield, K . Gran- Misses Alice Ellen Eldridge are visiting Mrs. G tham. it . j -. ; Miss AnabeHe DeVane re turned to her home at1 Red Springs Monday, accompanied y Miss May me Oates Mr. W. Durham, a W. Prawhon, of native of Sampson, was in town Monday and called ind subscribed for The Union. MeisrS. J. M. Daniel and Frank! Jordan left Sunday for Selma, where they joined the excursionist tor JNoriolk and Baltimore. I I i Mrs. M. II. Johnson and children wlio have been visiting relatives at Dickinson, returned to their home, at Four Oaks Friday. Miss Vara BenCon, of Smith- field, spent h few days f in town this week the guest of Miss Mayme Oates. She left Mon day to visit i relatives near New- on Grove, j " Miss Alice Radford who has been visiting friends here and at Falcon, returned to her home at Smithfield Thursday, ac companied Culbreth. Mr. E. T by Miss Hattie The weather continues very dry and hot. We have had no lain here since the 28th of June "although some sections nearby have had good rains. Early t oni and gardens are suffering for want of. rain. Dion oiil- ii with i printer that ' ('"inm cct 111 u a Uel)t hi'oha at tli icn lax 1 We are badly in need of y just now and insist , that iends who have accounts is trv to pay a part if not We have paper to buy and to pay and must insist you help us. ( We are informed by Mr. II izzell, one of the county issioners, that the pros are bright for compromis nd fundinsr" the county uul that the board will bly order an issue of bonds next Monday meet to revise the st. . Spence and ; family eft Friday to visit the father of Mr. Spence in the northern part of the county near Cokesbury . The old gentleman is in quite eeble health and sent for his son to visit him before he died. Miss Lilly Benton, the , ac complished ! milliner who, has lad charge of Mr. loung s rail- inery department during the spring season, lett last rriaay or her home m South Carolina. She made many friends .during ler stay here. MrL. G. Cole, traveling for R. F. Morris & Son M'f'g. Co., of Durham, was in town to-day selling Key West . Cheroots, which make a fine smoke. This Company manufactures many grades of smoking .tobacco and is not belong to the tobacco trust. Mr. Geo. K. Grantham is now on a trip to Wilmington buying holiday goods for Hood & Grantham's drug store. He expects to meet Messrs. John II. and Geo. S. Lewis who, it is said, represents the largest manufacturers and importers of toys in the UnitedVStates and are showing this season (on the road) the finest line of Xmas goods out of New York . Hood & Grantham are ever on the alert for business and our peo ple may expect to see a very large and well selected line of holiday goods this season. good large audience from at tending and quite a neat' j sum was raised tor the benefit of the Presbyterian church. All actedltheir parts well and showed considerable talent for amaxuers. i iUiss rearsail as Mother Mundy the Witch, j act ed her part admirably ; Mrs i oung. as Mrs. Mansfield and Imogene, graced the occasion with an ease of manner which brought forth burst of a se pplau from the audience ; and thejlove making of Paddy and Susie, lTer McLean and Miss! Oates, brought the, house dowii with shouts of laughter and applause Loyd Wade was a typicajl news- Clifford talked, might boy and should go into the busi ness, and if Mr. J. C. can fight as jbig as he as Mr; Mansfield,- there be duels and fisticuff's galore in our town; and Mr. R. M. Pear- sall, as Dr. Harris, might lead the community to a higher sense of gentlemanly honor and cour tesy, while Dr. Ediriundson. as James Reedj would teach them to be murderers, forgers and devils generally, and Mr Ml H. Privett, as the Deacon, would liave them falling in love with all the. good looking servant girls at the places they visited ;and C TTTl 4- lovers . He was constantly niak inglove to Susie much to 3 the disgust and worry of his niece. whose servant she was, a,ndj in curred the unceasing enmity of Faddy until he gave him $20, 000 to enable; him to marry Susie who when informed of the fact hung on to Paddy's coat tail un til the engagement was efrected. DougPearsall as the waiie'r Svas always at the command of his guests and acted his part well. All together it was a credit able play admirably rendered and those who took part inj it deserve much praise for sucli an excellent entertainment. I 1 The music 'furnished by home taleiit on the! organ, violins and guitars added much to the pleasure of the occasion. Married, Mingo township is always up-to-date, afid is never behind when there is a day to be cele brated, thus it was proven last Sunday July 4th, when two. of ler fond lovers decided to hon or the day by having their lives blended together by the golden tie of ma'trimony, and stood be- ore Hymen's Altar while 51der R. C. Jackson spoke the words which consumated this unseparable tie. The following were the attendants : Miss M. J. Dawson with J. G. Lay ton Jr., Miss Delia God win with Julian Baggett, Miss uda Dawson with j W. S. Strickland, Miss M. J. Strick- and with Willie Dawson. The ceremony took place at the home of the bride at nine o'clock in the morning, -aftdr which the bridal party attend ed church at Spring Branch and returned to the home of the bride where an elegant dinner was served . The bride is -one of f-Giles' Mill's fairest and attractive daughters, and the groom a prosperous young farmer of that community. Mayja long life of lappiness and contentment be meted unto them. . j From Clinton Democrat July 1st. - ! Mr. Frank Col well of . Har rell's Store planted two acres of strawberries last 3'ear. This season he. cleared $300.00 on the two acres. ! ! The distillery of J. B. Wil liams at Roseboro was seized by Deputy Collettor Troy, Monday, torn up and taken to Fayette yille, for alleged irregularij ties. : ' i There was a heavy rain ac companied; by a severe wind storm hre Thursday afternoon.; A number of trees and smalF houses were blown down in this. vicinity! There is a queer superstition that haying in ones possession a piece of a rope that has hang ed a I man will , cure epileptic fits. A man was here one day last week, from a remote section of the 1 county, enauirini? of Sheriff Marshburn if lie could get a piece of the rope that hanged - Am m a iyllis some years ago: lie could not get it and went away disappointed. The government warehouse at the whiskey distillery of J. B. Williams at Roseboro was' burn ed on Tuesday night of last week. There were seven bar rels of unstamped whiskey in the warehouse when the fire oc curred. The origin of the fire is unknown. Mr. Willie Johnson cut a wild bee tree on the plantation of Mr. Kedar Vann in Lisbon Friday, j He got about six gal lons of fine honey. ' Mr. Vann took in the party and was as saulted by the angry . bees one of which; gave him a painful sting near his left eyet The Democrat was pleased to lave a call Saturday from Mr. J. R. Baggett, of Bass, ' who was a student at the University ast year. He won the second prize for throwing a 10 pound ianimer at a recent contest. He would have won first nrize lad he not stepped slightly over the line in throwing. He threw ; the hammer 115 feet while the man who won first Drize threw it only 87 feet. Mr. Baggett is accounted one of the best men physicalhr at the Uni versity. He is making a good record there. . Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic Is u'per- ect Malarial Liver Tonic and blood pu- itier. Itenioves Biliousness without iursrins:. As nlesant as L.ernon Svrun. t is as lAvze as any Dollar tonic and re tails for 50c. To ;et,' the genuIne ask or Grove's For sale and guarantee by lood&Granthani,: Dunn, N.C. There will be no danger of a dearth of ice in this town now for sometime. Mr. Jno. M. Oates received several tons to day and is prepared to keep you cool. He was out Saturday be cause the factory at Sumter, S. C, could not furnish it. ir meeting thev J, The boiler at Messrs. Lynn nes' saw mill just over in ll'iis()ii bursted esterday rent in the '-Vt ninL' mnl-ino- n r at the fire box about Sev- The engine boil Mltf was Was lirl n inches long till at the time. No one uirt. The damage is it. : -The first sweet potatoes we have seen, this season were shown us Monday by Master Busbee Pope, who has the posi tion of "devil" m the Union office, r He gathered them from his father's erarden. Busbee is c up-to-date in his "devil-ship" and enjoys showing his friends the "printer's louse" which when seen once is never forgotten. The finest and cheapest line of Cigars, Cheroots and Cigar rettes ever in Dunn, at F, P. Jones'. I Hall Storm in JolinMten. One of Dunn's most estimable -' , i - young men, wnose wont is, joc casionally, t take tne train here for Smithfield and then on his wheel scorch the road about six miles east into the country to an elegant farm house where resides J a beautiful maid of sweet sixteen, informs us that quite a severe hail storm visited that section last Saturday night, beating down the crops and in i tiring them to a great extent. The hail fell fast and thick for fifteen minutes and nearly strip ped the trees of their foliage. It Was accompanied by a heavy wind which blew down consid erable fence. 1 Notwithstanding the frozen atmosphere of Saturday night nrH the hare trees and ihail beaten crops, 'which cast gloom on the faces of the farmers, when he arrived Sunday after noon there was no shadow of o-loom on that fair face which . . . . 1 . .. 1L1 j Tner him. and to mm 11 lOOKeu as if a thousand such hail storms mingled with the heat of as many summers and the chil ling frosts and cold snows of as many winters could ever ; mar those bright blue eyes and rosy cheeks. J We call attention to the ad vertisement of the North Caro lina College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts in our issue to day. This College has steadily advanced to the, front rank, and its work has received the high est commendation from Harpers Magazine, The New York Forum and other eminent educational authorities. It is admitted to be one of the best institutions of learning in the .South, and is doing a great work for North Carolina. No Cure Io Pay. That fs .the way all druggists sell GROVE'S TASTELESS CHUM, TON- IC lor Chills and Malaria. It is simply Iron and Quinine in a tas'eles form. Children love it. Adults prefer it to bitter, nauseating Tonics. Price, 50c. Sold and guaranteed by Hood & Gran tham.. Darius Eat man and Burton Craig graduated magna cum laude in the class of '97 of the University. They have been leaders of their class for four TTk , 1 " t 1 years. rsotn were prepared at the Horner School, Oxford N : C. .... If your clock needs repairin take; it to Gaiuey k Jordan.! KEEP COOL By buying your ice from me. I have it in any quantity you want at reasonable prices, in fact so low th$t everybody can use it . I wish my customers to rememjer that on Sundays my lCrj ttUUSri. will be open from 10 to 11 o'clock a. m and from o to b o clock p. m. At these hours only will ice be sold on Sunday. On week days I will be open from 9 to 11 a. m., and from 5 to t p. m. r lease remember the hours and come then after it. Respectfully, John A. Oates. Tutfs Pills Cure All Liver Ills, Perfect Health. Keep the system in perfect or deii by the occasional use of Tutt's Liver Pills. They reg ulate the bowels! and produce A Vigorous Body. For sick headache, malaria, bil iousness, constipation and kin dred diseases, an absolute cure TUTT'S Liver PILLS --Sunday June 27, was chil dreh's day at O ik Grove church (colored) and quite an interest ing programe was carried out py the children of the Sunchiv school. Superintendent j J. T. McNeill and others made talks on the Sabbath School and its work. Whywill 3'ou buy bitter tonic4 when GROVE'S TASTFLFSS HHI1 1 TOItIC; Your nau?eatinor is as pleasant as Lemon druggist is authorizeil to the money in every cas where it cure. Price, 50 cents. I Syrup, refund fiuls to A jbeautiful line: of Panisjust received at J. A. Massengill & Co's. See them. I ! T i i 'i If you want a perfect.- fitting corse; t buy Warren's 222, for sale py J. A. Massengill & Co. Now is the time to j plant Ruta Basra seed. ! Fresh lot I COOK StDY m 6 tat! mm ' 1 ' ' . - - - " ' 1 r 1 ; c - - ' y y- vM , We are Headquarters for RUBBER & LEATHER Inspirators and all kinds. Mill Supplies ! of beautiful lind Chair of Suites, tfcc, at brought to just received at Hood & tham's. Graii- Wiih the Improved New Home can knock out all so called light) running sewing machine. The STew Home is the best out a.hd is not sold at such unreason able prices. You can buy (them Oil easy tearms. bee me before buying a machine. j M. F. Gainey. A fine line of Counterpanes just opened up at J. A. . Mass- enjill & Co's. Malaria produces Weakness General Debilitj', Biliousness. Loss of Appetite Inuio:estion and Constipation. Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic, removes the caust; which " produces these troubles. I'cy it and you will be delighted. 50 cents.'l To get the genuine ask for G roy e's.-Sold and guaranteed by Hood & Grantham. Cheap summer coats a given away at Massengill's Condensed Milk, and Lye at F. P, Jones' . most Star FURNITURE.- We have oii hand a Bed Steads, Bureaus, Washstands, Ivounges, at prices below the lowest. ! O. K. COOK STOVKS are the lest ever 1 : : market. We sell them cheap and'give a lo year them. . See us before you biiy and we will save vou money. - Youks to plkaskJ j , 4 DUNN HARDWARE & FURNITURE COM guarantee this on Privett & Holliday. Next door to J. J DUPRKK DUNN, N C I ! i ''.!'( DRUGGIST AND PH ARM ACISJi I buy for cash and am prepared to sell at the very lowest prices JFith my experience and convenience I am prepared to till promptly and tccuralely at the very lowest coat. j My stock is now complete; and I can furnish anything found in Class Drug Store. Orders promptly filled, j j I ! Country Merchants are Invited to see nxq. PRKSCRIPTIONS I a Firwt- I thank all for past favors and card I can save you money. 4lly incite you to doran anil sno me Very Respectfully, ' N-B. HOOD, Dunn, N C- TO THE White O. I FRONT C 1: J Pk;s' iji:ki "AND TOR SALE I5Y A. W. (fREORY, Barclaysyille, ;N .The Wheeler and Wilson No, P is the sast Sewing Machine to. buy. Lightest running, does more, different kinds of practical work than any ma chine f No fancy or complicat ed attachments with it. j Pur chasers are carefully instructed to use. the machine and attach ments, by somebody that knows how, and is not afraid to show his Work, or the No. 9 before any other agent. Satisfaction guaranteed. No price cutting, everybody treated alike. I can sell you cheaper machines if you' desire them. E. F. Young. School Books, School Books, School Books, School Books, at Hood & Grantham's; f Blank Books, Ledgers, Mem orandums, Bibles and Other popks at Hood & Grantham's: John II. Carr, of Durliam, N. P ., was announced at the Com mencement at the University, the best man in Sophomore Class of '97. He was prepared at the Horner School of Oxford, N. C. Dr. Pancoast's Celery Com pound, restores strength to the weak and nervous, purines the blood, and imparts to the liver, jridneys and' bowels healthy normal action. 10 cents per bottle at Hood & Grantham's. i School Supplies, - J Books, Slates, Pencils, Paper, Tablets, Ink, Pens &c, at, Hood & Gran tham's. ' Evervthini? cheap at N. B. Hood's drug store. Trv Gainev & Jordan s sew- in 2 machine oil. at N., when B. you t- c. buie's mi iiiY nil f Commercial School 1 . ju Prepares f for Colle e oxr TrSusiness. endorsed by College Presidents and hundreds of busi ness men. Highly MILITARY One Of the best Business Courses in tne rrai TvnfiwritiiiL'. and Telegraphy. Valuable Library lent Literary Societies Ideal country and morals. FEATURE. . Sliorthadd, Two excel- location. Saves money US TO I ISO pays all expenses for five months. Two hundred and twelve students from thirteen counties and two States. Excellent hew buildings and furniture. ' Fall Term Opens August 2, 1 897- For catalogue, containing testimonial, cut of building etc., Addre s J. A. CAMPBELL, Principal, Poe's, Harnett County, N.C. It is an admitted fact that F. I'.Jones pays more for coun try produce than any one else. Don't fail to call Hood's drug store need medicine. Gainey 4 Jordan will sell you a clock for fe5 cents. You run no risk. All druggists- guar antee Grove's Tasfeless Chill Tonic to do all that the manufacturers claim for it Sold and guarantee by Hood and Grantham, Dunn, N.C. Warranted no cure, no pa-. There are many imitation?. To get the genu ine ask for Grove's hold and guaran teed by Uood & Grantham, Dunn, i. C Fruit Nectar, Sherbert, Lemo nade, Milk Shake, Coca-Cola and a variety of nice cold drinks now served at N. B, Hood's drug store. v mm f , Persons listing taxes are re-j Willis G. Peace of N. C. won quired by the new law to name appointment to West Point their occupation. A fcoutn , ponitetitiv e examination in Clinton man neglected to state 18y(1; Shortly after he entered his occupation in the blank. W t point jic was Selected on which he filled out and wa-s askn claSr. (1 as the first of four ed the question-by Mr. a.. models soldiers on all points to Cooper, the list taker. "What is repre8ent jnH tdass. Again in a your occupation?" "I'm a pop- rovjew jUrtt lielI before the Sec ulist, Sir," he answered. And j r(,tary Qf War he was selected the bystanders laughed.- Samp- as one of tjic four models. Mr. son Democrat. A very nice line of smoking nnd ehewin? iobacco at I . r . ---c Jones'. Peace was also one of only three men in his class to receive no demerits during the year. Boys prepared at Horner School win honors wherever they go, i