I ELK ELK ELK When ever you see :i can of Baking ,-P.iwders with the name ami picture of EIA' on it, it is a guarantee of purity. The Elk Powder ia the best and cheap est powder. It stands the highest chemical analjsis of any brand on the ..t. 1 . nml will Iliarkll. .VJUC-IL i iinu " j w. ..... use no no other. Sold by . ,' ' 11, W. JERNTGAN & CO. "May 5th-tf, Dunn,N. C. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. K. W. Pou Attorney-at-Law. SAimiFJELD, N. C. Careful attention to any civil matters intrusted to his care in the counts of - Harnett County H Godwin, Attorney at Law. Dunn, - N. C. Of lice next door to Post Office. Will practice in the courts of Harnett and adjoining counties and in the Federal Courts. ' Prompt attention given to allb usines W- E- Murchison, ' JONESBOHO, N. C. Practices LaVv in Harnett, Mooie and other .counties, 'but not for fun. Feb. 20-ly. '. Isaac A- Murchison, FAYETTEVl LLE, K. C. Practices Law in Cmnbei land, Harnett and anywhere services are wanted. SEWING MACHINES. I wish to announce to the people of Dunn and surrounding country that I am selling the Wheeler and Wilson No. 9, and the Standard 'Sewing Machines, which are guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, on reasonable terms. The best machine oil, needles, fixtures &c, all ways on hand. I alo repair machines at moderate cost. Work guaranteed. I have fourteen years ex perience in the machine business and am thoroughly acquainted with them. My headquarters are at Mr. K; F. Young's store' where I will be pleased to show my machines I Yours to please, J. M. HAYES. ap!2tf. Dun;:, N. C. TOWN DIRECTORY. CHURCHES. . Methodist Church .Rev. E. C. Sell, Pastor. Services first Sunday night, and fourth Sun day morning and uiffht. . Prayerineeting every Wednesday night. .Sunday gchcsl everjr- Sunday morning: at J 10 o'clock, U. K. Urantham Suierhitendent. Baptist Church. Rev, L. R. Carroll, pastor. Services every seconSunday inorning1 and nig-ht. yPrayermeeting every. Thursday night Sunday School every Sunday morning, R. O Taylor Superintendent.: Presbyterian Church. Rev. A. M. Hassel lastor. Services every first and fifth Sunday morning and night. Sundav school every Sunday morning, M. L. W ade Superintendent. Disciple Church Rev. I. VV Rogers, pas tor. Services every third Sunday morning and night. Christian Endeavor Society every Tuesday night. Sunday School every Sunday evening at 3 o'clock, McD. Holliday Sunt. Free Will Baptist Church. Elder R. C. Jackson, pastor. Services every second Sun day morning and night. . Primitive Baptist. Church on Broad street Elder W. U. Turner, Pastor. Regular servi ces on the third Sabbath morning, and Satur day before, in each month at 11 o'clock. El der P. 1). Gold, of Wilson, editor of Zion's Landmark, preaches at this church on the fourth Sunday evening ineach month at7H o'clock. Everybody is invited to attend these, services. Young Mens' Union Prayer meeting every Sunday evening at 4 o'clock and rrjday njght at 7 AM) o'clock. All are cordially invited to attend these services. An invitation is ex tended to the visitors. i LODGES. Lucknow Lodge, No. 115,' I. O.'O.K. Lodge room over J. D. Barnes' store. Regular meet ing on every Monday night. L. H. Lee. N. G.; C. H. Sexton, V. '.; G. K. Grantham, Secre tary. Alt Odd Fellows are cordially invited to attend. ' Palmyra Lodge, No. 117, A. F. & A. M. Hall oyer Free Will Baptist church. F. P. Jones W. M i W. A. Johnson, S. W.; E. A. Jones J.' W.; J. G. Johnson, Secretary. Regular communications are held on the 3rd Satur day at 10 o'clock A.M., and en the 1st Friday at 7:S0 o'clock p. m. in each month. All Ma sows in good standing are cordially invited to attend these communications. Cointv Officers. Sheriff, J. II. Pope. Clerk. F. M. McKay. Register of Deeds, 4. McK. Byrd. Treasurer, G. D.Spence. Coroner, J. J, wilson. Surveyor, J. A. O'Kelly. County Examiner, Rev. J. A. Campbell. Commissioners: J. A. fJreen, fclialnuau H. N. Bizzell and N'eill MoLeod. -TOWN OFFICERS. H. L. Godwin, Mayor. CommissionkkS ...E'Ja.YounS' J- J- apree.-J-.H. Poje and W . F. Pearson. G. F Snead, Policeman. i Mertie lie offered 'mo a dol laf apiece for kisses. Mixrrie he pay up. Mertie5so; lie's not a mil lionaire." New York Evening Journal. i Wanied-An Idea Wlin r&n thlnV rt irtnu almnlA Write JOHN WEDDERBDRN & CO.. Patent Attor ney, Washington. D. C. for their l.8u) prUe offer aa new lUt of oae thousand lnvcaUoim wanted. gggsgaaaaaass' i, i1 iirassassss . .' saai 'i'm"i " i ""' , - i I -iti fcrm - nn Beauty is your Duty Abundant, glossy hair, is beauty's, crowning glory. To wear this crown, us y AYER'S HAIR VIOd Papev TV arapii PoIps. Now that a large -number of telegraph lines tlvat Avere put up many years ago need renewal the announcement is timely that the latest adaptation of pa per is to telegraph and tele phone poles. These poles are said, to be stauncli and reliable possessing a toughness which gives them exception;aTweather resisting power aird" durability over along period. : ' Such a pole ought to be extr&nly wel come in Oregon, ?wliere they have a busy woodpecker which makes its larder in the tele graph poles. Like the nni of La Fontaine, it lays in a stock of acorns for the winter, and chooses for its t storehouses, by preference the tops .of cedar tel egraph poles. . After pecking a hole in the wood the bird inserts the nut and drives it home with stroke? of its beak. No less, nris'chiet ous a pest is the Norway 1 wood pecker, -which is deluded hy the humming of the telegraph poles and thinking there is a swarm f insects inside, bores the hole through and through to reach tlfem. It has been objected to the paper poles that they will serve but a temporary purpose, as before long all wires will be carried in conduits. The inven tor of thV paper pole says this contingency does not disturb him, for by the time it arrives he will have a paper conduit to put the wires into. Ex. Honeymoon In A Bal'oon ClLattanooga, Tenn., June 27. In the presence of several thousands paid guests to-day William Robertson, expert rifle shot and bronco bucker of Mon tana Bill's Wild'West Show play ing hereand Miss Cvnthia Kenna were married. The couple took their place in a car of a balloon and as soon as the ceremony was performed the balloon was cut' loose. ' ' v Up probablj- 100 feet and above the Tennessee River the the bride became frighteiied and jumped out, narrowly , escaping drowning. The groom stuck to the balloon until he arose prob ably 1000 feet andjhen gradu ally descended After the bride had been re suscitated and. the bridegroom had been picked up from the tan gle of ropes the , couple were placed on an improvised',- plat form at Riverview and held a public reception. , I N I) IAN H E R B S . The greatest blood purifier and Liver Regulator of the aire. It is composed of Herbs, Roots, and Bark. No mcrciny nor any other metallic drugs are used in its prepation. It is- a specific for constipa tion, neuralgia, dyspepsia, rl i e u i n at i sm , kidne- complaints, liver complaints, chills, fever and ague, Female complaints-, nervous affections,, catarrh, loss of annetite. neruous and a A -K sick headache, and all othei; ailments caused from inninm blood and consequent bad di gestion;. This medicine has been used by more than one hundred per sons m Harnett county within the hist month, and in every instance, relief has been derived from its use. Many certificates - from these and other persons will be- published soon. 'This medicine is a greaf, blessing. Let everybody trv it. Price $1.00 for'180 doses It is cheap ami good. For sale by Vv. F. UTTER. . Dunn, N. C. Call on me for certificates of the thousand of cures effected by this wonderful medicine. W. F. Uttkr. Subscribe for this paier. : ( i 4 - . . Kiiiir. . i i nil iri Protection that Protects- At this time the "infant in dustries" of Syracuse salt (pro tected) sells in Toronto for less t!ian it does, in Syracuse the: Howe and : the oingei sewing machines (protected) are 50 per . .mi! cheai)er in England than i i their Connecticut and New Jersey homes ; the Clarke spool cotton (protected) is 30 per cent cheaper in London than in Jersey City; the Oakes & Ames shovel (protected) is j sold for less in Mexico than in Massach usetts ; the Penn ploAvis (protec ted) are cheaper in tlie" Trans vaal than in Philadelphia : the McCormick reaper (protected) cost less in the wheat" fields of Russia than in those of Illinois, and so this good robber work of a robber tariff goes f robbing, robbing on. These be a blithe array of 'infant industries,' and much they need "protection" when they have already inva ded dvery market undr the sun paid the freight to getthere.and can then on foreign heath un dersell the "product of foreign pau ner labor." All these pro ducts and many more ! the farm er uses. If Cannon, jwill turn the anxious windmills of his at tention to the grinding of a pro per tariff 'for revenue j only on those articles which the; farmer buys he will not need ! to waste his time in talking for a bounty that will never come. The farmer will get no boiinty ; the trust and the monopolies will never divide their swag and plunder with the agriculturist and Cannon knows it las. well as I. The farmer's sole hope is to beat down protection and pi-event the blood-sucking in trurj.t favor that goes daily on in the name of tariff. -New York Jour- mil. ! "Our customers say you manufact ure three of the best remedies on earth," said the merchantile firm of Haas, Harris, Brim & McLain. of Oaws n, Ga., in a recent letter to the Chamberlain Medicine Co This is the universal verdict, (chamberlain's Pain Balm is the finest preparation in the world for rheumatism, Jeuralgia, lame back, quinsey, sore throat, cuts, bruises, burns, scalds, j pains and swellings A 25 cent bottle of this liniment in the house, will save a great deal of suffering. Buy it at For sale by N. B. Hood, Druggist, Dunn, N. C. . j Literary Note- With the exception of the no ted. World's Fair number of tlie Cosmopolitan which i reached a price of five dollars a: copy after tne last edition naa i oeen ex hausted, no stronger number of tins ,niarazinet.iias ever oeen is sued than that for July, 1897 The -report of Julian Hawthorne the Special Commissioner sent by tli'1 CosmopolitAn to India to investigate the hoi'rors of the dague and famine isK)f an ex traordinary character and will open th( e3'es of : the j world to conditions which were scarcehy suspected. The sime number contams what is probably the greatest poem of tins quarter of ihe nine-teentii I centuiy. This, new rendering of Omar Khayyam's Iiubaiyat, which tleparts entirely from Fitzger ald's, occupies four pages. Amelie Rives reainears as a story-teller for the since 'her marriage first time with Prince Tr)iibetzkoy. One o erest stories yet from Robert W. Chambers the clev the pen of is given, v of the bvr Wells 1 lie remarkable stoi War of the Martains.i wtiich is attracting the attention both of the scientific j and non scientific good-story-loving pub lic s continued and there is a fourth storv by a 'Becket, ela borately illustrated by the hu mor of Peter Newell.i The edu cational discussion -this, time by. Professor Peck, of. Columbia the storv of "The E very-Day Life of a Sister of Charity,5' elaborately illustrated; ."The Genesis of a Comic Opera," given by Keginald de Koven ; President Oilman, of the Johns Hopkins University, L on "The Bankruptcy of Science," aiid an interesting story by -the Greek who conceived and brought in to existence "The Streets of Cairo at the World's Fair" these are some of contents of this ten-cent magazine. MONUMENTS AND HRAP-STONES. I :nn areiu for I ticker's Granite and Marble Works, of v il:nin;toii. N. C. ilii'l will be pleased to sliov leiiru aiwl i.ake pru-ej! to any person-i who 1-Mre a fonument, Heatl-tone. or . Iron Fei.c- inir for rnive. GocmI work awl low pri-'1 is our motto. DmiV me a eanl ami I will come to see vou. 1 Smith, Dnson, N.. 0 I , I Ell ! i U il W 1 Ui II f lit t im ate i vtfKi&i- l Himrmuj vj ni I I ! i..iii'iiM1-'-u-Hr'" .ai;,nm;iiinMf;n: i-...-.; rV ,- L -1 1 1 1 JJ I ;r" AregclabhPrcpai'atlcafcrAs similatiiig tiicfood atidRegula-i ting the Slomachs andBowels of Promotes Digestion,Cheerful-i nessaiKiRest.Contairis neither; Opium.Morpaine nor Mineral. KotNahcotic. Rtce ofOldVrSAKUELPlTCIIER Ptunplctn Scetl' 4lx.Senna j4niM Seed- typemint -fti CarbonabSado' fVurrn Seed -Clarified Sugar - A perfect Remedy f c r Cons lipa tion. Sour Stoiruich.Diarrhoea. Worms .Convulsions.Fcverish ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. facsimile SlgnnV-ire of NEW VORIC. EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. Giants SkeletoDS Unearthed Jackson, O., June 27. -Jackson Harris, a farmer near here while plowing unearthed two skeletons, three stone hatchets of various shapes, several cop per bracelets and a number of beads and arrowheads. One of the skeletons meas ured six feet four inches in length, and the other, six feet two inches. The skulls yere twenty-eight inches in circum ference. v : The copper bracelets, two of which were found upon the arm of each jjjveleton, were of a size i to indicate that tne rem ai n were those of men Of great mus cular power. Further search will be made . near wjiere ; the bones were found. Philadel- hphia Record. IIsin Ohio si VI'aiio? Ghillicothe, O,, July Residents of Bainbridge, 1. ! this county, were thrown into a state j of panic last night by a series of yolcanic eruptions in that vi-! cinity. The disturbances were preceded by violent rumblings like thunder, after which: the earth cracked and opened swal lawing small trees " and shrub bery; Smoke came from the fissures in thick volvmes rtnd tlfe 'peo ple lied in terror, fearful that flames might burst forth or the ground open and swallow them. These manifestations were1 also aseompanied by a violent quak ing of the ground, which caused dishes and windows to "rattle. . The vibrations were perceptible ten miles away; , ' 1 lie disturEances continued i for seueral hours, and siiioke ! was still pouring from the crev-J ices to-day. An attempt was i made to sound the depth of the j fissures, but they appeaaed to be j bettomless. New Arork World."! V A T U IY1 A. PERFECT HEALTH RE GAINED THE WONDER OF THE AGE. i Gruii(lf.t di.eovery hi the iiiiiial.-J of ! nietlioiue. . . J Guaranteed to cure more diseases than ; any other medicine, treatment or; .3-: tern known to the medical profession. I No'MAN iiiadiu" -emedy, but j 'na - Hire's' true panacea. I Vatuma is an ant iseptic ffermicile, it positively destroys all "'miciobes'l aiul .'' jferms of every kind, name and nature. it is healing and soothing to the mueuoiis , membrane, it-Will permanently cure; the liiajoritv of cases f t ronchitis, Cn- ! tarrh, Ivspepsia, all Stomache troubles, : all diseases of tlie Bladeer. Bovel, Kidneys, Liver, Constipatjon. Piles, Old Nores. Kectal Diseases. Ulcer EczeuiM, Sci of nla, Blood Poison, Rhen- uiatiui, Neuralona, Di-eae.l Discharoes. Uiseae? peculhir to Women,. Nervous sintl Physical Weakness, etc. ... I NO MATTER WHAT YOU li An.- MKNT, or wliere vou live, write us a full Iiistorv f voiir trouble, ami; our what to ,lo i,, o der to re-ain your I health. Consultation is Fiee and sacred- j ly confidential. Terms very low. Fori -uuiiiiiii; inivMciaii win auvie. voi ...I-?.. . I -ii 1 i proofs enclose; 2 cent stamp. I.oxal ents wanted evervwhere. No cnnviissiu We advert'se vou in your homv pajer. Address with stamp.;-' THK VATUMA " TOM PA NT; P O. Bos. P 14. Cliic:io--lIl. II; r ti - ' . : i The Kind You Have Always Bought, Bears the Fac-simile Signature f ON THE WRAPPER " OF EVERY THE YOD ALIAYS KIND HAYE BOUGHT. TMC CCNTAUW COMPWY. WCW YOWK CITY. TRADE-MARK. Nature's Nervine and Rapid Restorative. Jin unfailing cure for Diseases of the Digestive. Nervous and Generative Systems. A Tonic of rate efficacy for the old and young and of marked ser vice for" Students, Teachers, and all who are engaged in Brain work or close occupations. CURES : Depression, Tired Feelings, ! Seriousness, Muscular Weakness, j Loss of Appetite, Palpitation of Heart, Restlessness, Hysteria, Hem Weakness, General Discomfort, Excesses, ; AlcMism, and that almost innumerable series of diseases and complications resulting from any derangement of the Nervous system. Invaluable tor weak women and nervous children. Steady Nerves, Braced System, Sound Best, Good Work, - INSURED ' BY USING Dr. Cos's Cocelin . Nerve Tonic. CONTAINS NO OPIATES OR DANGEROUS DRUGS TO MAKE A HABIT. 50 Cents per Bottle ; If three bottles be ordered at one time, a copy of Oriole Cook Book will be included free. AT DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS OR DIRECT OF US ON RECEIPT OF PRICE s " 60 CENTS. Winkelmann & Brown Drug Co. SOLE PROPRIETORS, BALTIMORE, MD.. U. S. A. For sale by Hood fc Grantham, Dunn, N. C. W. L Douglas $3 Shoe. Stylish, durable, perfect fitting-. Endorsed by over 1,000,000 wearers. V. L. Douglas $30, $4.00 and $5.00 Shoes are the productions of skilled workmen, from the best material pos sible at these prices. Also $2-50 and $2 Shoes for Men, $2.50, $2 and $1.75 Boys We use only the best Calf, Russia Calf, French Patent Calf, French Enamel, Vici Kid, etc., graded to correspond with prices ef the shoes. If dealer cannot supply you, write Cataloefree. W. L.DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mass. SOLO BY ; J A. MASSENG-ILL, &r Co Dunn, N- C- BLANKS FOR SALE ! We now have on liand a full supplj- of Warrantee and Mort gage Deeds, Chattel Mortaes AH-'ii Jsonds and Magistrate's , blanks, at prices as low ;is v i. , . , " jcanlun them anywhere. Se nd " " "V11 Ul call at our of- "Ce lor tJieiil. i " J. V. PlTTMAX, m..r r r T-r r OI ool"NTV UNION, Dunn, N. C. . The County Union' is the onh' paper published in Harnett county. iSubscription price $1 Subscribe now. - BOTTLE GBSEE I'roo (onr KeIer To those of our subscribers who pay up all arrears within thirtv days, or to a. new sub scriber paying not less, than one year in advance, we -will giv one year's fre subscription to The" Woman's Health., and Home Journal, of Chatanooga, Tenn Thislournal, devoted to Her.ltli, Home and Farm, is a f0pap;e monthly paper, bright, instructive, elevating We have only a limited num ber of these premiums to -give away on the above terms. Don t wait until your neighbor comes in and gets the last one we have left. . ' ; F. C. Co.'s Gorsots, MAKE American Beauties ECC05 UUHKtUI SHAPES. ARTISTIC EFFECTS. All Leh NEWEST MODELS. FANCY and PLAIN. irths Onach Box. FEATKERBOJIE CORSET CO., SOLE MANUFACTURERS. " .. SOI.D BY R. G. TnjJor, Dunn. N. C, THE - y HOG AND CHICKEN CHOLERA CURE. USE NO OTHER. Write for testimoni'iils. The only renu-d ' in tlie vnr positively guaranteed to preven and cure Cholera. I'ut up Wi-cent and -$l.tX) s..iil li all lnmiri t a n (1 con nt r niHrchantH. THhI oitlcl in a 1 1, s en -i ly packed, I i:nv address, in Manufacture aa- only by 4 THE DTJKHAM CHOLEBA CURE CO. DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA. Return thi9 coupon with your fir-1 4- order. , Coupon No. Wanted-fin Idea Who can think of some simple thlnir to nalAii t ? Protect your Ideas : Wrltn JAHU WKimVun rnti fn tl.- . thaw may oring you weaun. neys, Washington, D. C. for their $1,800 prte offer and new list of one thousand inventions wanted. r m1 til i IT IS ABSOLUTELY The Best SEWING MACHINE MAD E MONEY WE OR OURvDEALRRit ean oH you machines clx caper than you can eet elsewhere, '-lie NEW IIOITIB tm our best, but we maho cheaper kinds, uueU as the ClilTOAX, IDEAL and other High Arm Full Nickel Plated Sewing Machines for $1 5.00 and np. Call on our agent or xvrUo us. We want your trade, iitl ! f jt'.zch trvms uare fioanns will win, we will hare It. We challenge the world to produce a. BETTER $50.00 Sewing Machine for $50.00, or a batter $20. Sewing Machine Tor $0.COt!icn you can buy from us, or our Assents. THE FEW EOUS seuiiig kaci:::;e CO. FOR SALE B' GAINEY j& JORDAN, Dunn, X. C. OU TtHRS' BXPERIENCS. Ptent?iirJ e Washington offlc. SGIEHTIFIR AncDirRii ii. " T ""-iiuniii anTcientiflc jouVSil-it6?1 latlou of wa. oh i-ATKNT8 WttreeTAdtoS n MUNN A CO. 361 Uroadw.r, Kew Ys Mm y, s m h;ti COAST ' nib wit Mrvnrnv 1.,.. . A. N I) URANCHKS AND KLORKNCK UAILU()ir CONDENSEl) SCUKDI'LE I May Kith, Leavo Wehlou ll:ro a, m c,T ocky Mount, Ij:. a. in , io:, , Leave Tart.)ro, ia:i2 n. i 1 ' "' Leave KocJy Mount, l -.va . : 5:45 . in., ! in. ' 1"::!S t, h Leav VV tison, .u a ni. Hi,-. Leave ieinia, SrtXi a m. . Leave Fayetteville, J:i0 a , , 5 Arrive Floreuce, 7:35 a m '2V1. . ' m- Leave Ooldsboro, 7K).la m' n n, . - Leave Magnolia, 6:07 a in.'i . ' ,'u- . Arrive Wilmington, 9:Jo a m v1; TRAIN8 GOING No'kth Leave Florecce, 8:15 am, 8:15 , ' Leave Jayetteville, ll:vu a ta n Lejve yehna, I.00 a in. ' 11 1' m. Arrive Wilson, 1:42 a m, 1210 t. m Leave Wilmington, 7:15 p m. ,," Leave Msgnon, w.w a m.H-y, u m 1. Iva Wllunn l9rx,n v.;' 11 1' Hi 12:46 pin. " m.U, Arrive nocKy .Mount, 1, , 11:57 P m, 1:5:0 p m. ' i Leavo rarooro, lii.iz p iu. Leave Bocky Mount, 2:: i, m u.r. Arrive WeMon. S:3 p m, 1:H a m 10 Train on Scotland Neok Branch . Weldon4.l0 p m, Halifax 4 ,, ,,, Scotland Neck at 520 p iu, Urocnviii..1,17' Kinston 7:55 p in. Returning I, .avV? I-'' 7 .0 m. ureenviiie fcM a m. r..i.. """i ' " ' IIIIT Ha' Hi 11.10 a xii , ii ciu-u a In. ,1,11.. Sunday. r. - ITT. . . 1 . iiigton t iranisuii naniiiiun llraiu li Ifav 0 a m, and l:io p ni., arrive T.. k irrle si:35',a in. and C:30p m. arriv. wl i " 9:10 a m, return!.... i ",u,"l- 11:00 a m, and 7:20 p m, daily. Sunday, at 5:HG m. W'V rrain leaves xarooro k. c i.ii.. in., arrives Plymouth 7 4ii . ... . . 1Bj Returning leaves Plvinmiti. . ' Sunday, 7 50 a.m., and .Sunday ih,, rives at Tarboro 10 05 a. in., n iki a ,,. u-; , Train on Midland N C Branrh leS i i lororw. u., aauy except Sunday. ; in . R . rive Smithneld N C, 8 HO vii . .. - leaves smitnneii. n. c.tiio a tioldsboro.N. c. 14 5 a. in. ... .'"I nHIIln... rri, i ram ;n iiaoiivuir urnuni h'tVH R l Mount at 4;"0p. m arrivenAasiivii ?L- in.. Suriiur Hope 5:30 1. m ki...... 1 Tram on xsasnvuie urancti l..v St.rlnir Knim -Oii tn Xul...in.. 'V.:"',' arrive at K cky M tuiit 9:05 a. iii..daiiv P', Sunday. ' l" Train on Clinton Branch lvavn Warmwf I Clinton. ally, except Sunday, at n:j(i, , ,;' 4:10 pin. Returning I. avoa fllntoii and.r0ain. i ' ,l Train Xo. 78 make close coniK-ction rw don for all points North dally, all r, , Richmond. Also at Rocky Mount wiih x , folk and Carolina railroad for -Norfolk, all points North via Norfolk. l" li. w. KMKHSON, General PassfiitrcrAircnt J. H. KKXLY T. M. EMERSON, (Jeiu-ral MsnnVr Tralllc Manager. K . i hp nn i n i th u i iiinv r RAILWAY ' JOHN GJLL li.ceiv.r. CONDKNSK0 StOIIKDULK. in i:iivi :io, isoj. North IIoindC urn) Leave Wilmii gton Arrive Fayettevllle Leave Payettevillo Leave Fayetteville .J u ix-t l n Arrive Sanford Leave Sanford Leave Climax Arrive UroeiislHiro Leave Green.slxro Leave Stoke.silale Leave Walnut Cove ....... Leave Rural Hall Arrive Mt. Airy in -1 in : 1 :i i:, -:f.i; II: ' & ' .VII". " 1 i;.m . r. -1 ;.r. ." 1 K-.it " '.li i "J.I'M " iH4i Socth Bocnd. l.flili Leave Mt. Airy T. Leave Rural Hull Leave Walnut Cove Leave Walnut i ove . Lave Stokesdale '. Arrive Ureennboro Leave Greensboro Leave Climax t Leave Sanford r.....Z Arrive' Fayettav I lie Juncti.n. Arrive Fayettevllle Leave Fayetteville..... Arrive Wilmington ... :..' it 6r4 " i.p " I- H.lll " il.Kt ' I1.-.M " li.i I'. I 14.15 ' 1.11 ' i.:m ' Noktii Bor.ND. Si 1. 1 4 V Leave Bennettsville Arrive Maxtoii......... : i1"1" Leave Maxton !'"' Leave Red Springs ' X Leave Luinb.T Bridge Leave HopfIllls i.... " Arrive Kuyetteville i!Ll SOUTH BOLKH. ! No. 3 Leave PayetteVille. Leave Hop.- MIIIm. .....,. Leave LuihImt Lrhlg)'... Leave. Red Si.rlngH Arrive Max! on..... Leave .Maxton.... Arrive BennettHVsville. " r.. ". .. cn " .. ir. " .. i " Nohth Bol'KP. liHilr f- Mlll'l") 7.1" 1 It.: " ID I' " I . I1 1 I" " Leave Rautxeiir Leave Climax arrive GriMMi.Hporo Leave Greensboro Leave Stokesdale , Arrive Madison , No. ynr Sum") 1 V .Tft'. " 4. ' r..i5 " cs; " ftot'Tii Bound. Leave MudiHon.... 'Leave Stok'lle , Arrive lrcfimlro.... Liav OreeiiHtioro Leave Cllniax... Arrive KaniHeur. ......... tMoals. CONNKCTIONS v iiviiii- null rttit. .- -- -j. Maxton with Carolina Central li"; Harford with Seaboard Air Line, at boro with Southern Hallway, nt Hin with Norfolk & weateru Kailway., J.W. KKY " 'e'l Manager. '' U f Va U.I...lll.. ...I.I. lllutitll' ..!. t ' o S' 5 c P 5S O O 0 S7 c c cr? GO H rf C mmM bit o (10 & A-2 o in. Subscribe for The U ni on. V -

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