TH E COUNTY UNION. DUNN, Harnett County, N. C. Entered accoiding to postal regula tions at the postoffice at Dunn, N. C, as second class matter. J. P. PlTTMAN, Proprietor, A. M. Wood all, Editor. TERRS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Three Months ....25 Cents. ...50 Cents. $1.00. Six Months. One Year.... Sent by Mail. Payable in advance. Dunn, "'X. C, July 14, 1897. The middle-of-the-road popu lists at their meeting in Nash ville, Term., last week form u lated a platform to be adopted by them in their State conven tions. This platform relegates frpp silver to a side issue and almost ignores it . Their hobby is now the "initiative and refer endum" form of government What they will next get up for a platform no one knows. It was first the Sub treasury and government ownership of rail roads etc., then the free silver nnd now thev launch out with the initiative and referendum. They do not seem to know what they want and care less. At the sale of the Raleigh Tribune, the defunct Republi can paper started last winter in Ilalelerh. the News- & Observer obtained the 'letter file by pur chase and has been publishing some of the letters it contained and they are quite interesting reading. They show that the paper was entirely under the control of the Southern Railroad - company and that some leading gold Democrats had stock in it The managers were in it evi clently for the M stuff" and from the letters published in the News & Observer it seemed they succeeded very well in pulling the ReDublican rioliticians and A -T stockholders. J. L. Graham, of Catawba county, who was selected by State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Hon. C. H. Me bane, to be his chief clerk, and who was some months ago charged with burning the house in which he lived, was tried last week at Newton. Through an error in the bill of indictment it failed to make the charge of ar son, consequently he was con victed of a misdemeanor and fined $300, He took an appeal. ivir. me oane asKea mm to re sign his clerkship which he did Monday. The Superintendent made a mistake in appointing him and then keeping him after the charge was brought. Governor Russell is after the railroad lease in earnest. He intends to make that the is sue in the State at the next elec tion, lie may be able to mako it an issue with his party, but the issue with Democrats and the white people of the State will be how to get rid of negro magistrates, negro county com missioners, negro county board of education and negro school comifiitteemen for white schools Tt .' Ill 1 . 1 luissen Knows wnat tne issue will be and he and his crowd are doing all they can to get the people wroujziit un over the lease question but it will not work with the intelligent class- es of white people when their uaugmers nave to go to a negro to be employed to teach school and then go to him to sign her voucher before she can be paid. .No the lease and all things else will be secondary to white su premacy. When you populists voted last fall with the Republicans did you think that you would have negro school committee men with as much power over the white schools as over the colored schools? No, you .did not think it, but now you have it. Why do you have it? Be cause you v.oted for men who were elected by the negro vote ana you helped the negroes to elect them, lhese men made the laws w h i c h m a d e these things possible. How would you feel if your daughter was teaching school and a negro ojiuui cuiiimiiitjcxiiim wus io . i , i :ii . , . walk into her school ' room and in a brusque and commanding manner request or order her to change her manner of teaching ! or to do some other act that he might suggest? Oh, well they won t do that ! you say. May be they wont but nevertheless they have the power to do these things and you helped to give them that power. WHAT IS .HE LAW? Any person who shall obtain a marriage license for the mar- age of persons under lawful age oy misrepresentations or false pretences shall be guiltyof a crime . If any person shall throw in-: to or leave expose inany pub lic square, street,! lane, alley, or open lot in any city, town, or village, or, in any public road in this State any mock orange or. other poisonous shrub, plant, tree, or, vegetable shall be guil ty of a crime. If any officer, agent, clerk, employe, or servant of any cor poration, firm, or copartnership, or any guardian, administrator, or executor shall embezzle or fraudulently convert to, his pwn use, or shall take, make way with, or secrete j with intent to embezzle or fraudulently con vert to his own use any money, goods etc1., belonging to any oth er person, corporation or estate which shall have come into his possession or under his care shall be guilty of felonyrand punishable as in cases of lar ceny. ,. If any person unless a licensed pharmacist shall j open or con duct, any pharmacy or More for retailing, dispensing, or com pounding medicines or poisons, or preparing physicians' pre scriptions, except under the' su pervision of a licensed pharma cist, shall be guilty of a crime. Any and all persons who shall, when intoxicated or oth erwise, wilfully interrupt or disturb any picnic, excursion party, school entertainment, po litical meeting, or an- meeting or other organization whatever lawfully and . peaceably held, either at, within or without the place; where such pic-nic, excur sion1 party, school entertain ment, political meeting, or any meeting or other organization is held, shall be guilty of a crime and fined or imprisoned in the discretion of the court. Any person who shall rob or destroy the nests of mocking birds, or who shall take any eggs from their rlests, or who shall lill any mocking birds, shall be fined not less than ten dollars and be guilty of a mis demeanor, i If any one, that is subject to taxation shall fail to give in their taxes,' or shall fail to pa' their taxes in full by the first day of September they shall be guilty of a crime, and subject to a. fine of five hundred dollars and imprisoned for six months. This last law is a standing wit ness to the intelligence of the last legislature, and we venture the assertion that not a member of that legislature that voted for this law, but what is the last person in their county to pay their taxes, and as to their in dividual debts, well they are not settled yet. More anon. F. P. J. No Cuie- That is the wav I all (lruarffists sel GROVE'S TASTELESS CHILL TON IC for Chills and Malaria. It is simply iron arm lmm'" m a tas eless form (Jlnklreu Iovh it. Adults prefer it t bitter, nauseating Tonics. Price, 50c Sold and guaranteed by Hood & Gran thani. I The Railroad Commissioners met in Raleigh Monday to hear argument oi me railroads in this State on an increase of tax ation. Quite an I array of mil road men and attorneys were in attendance, an oi wnora were against an increase of taxation and a reduction of freight anc - . . . . . . i -fT . . passenger rates, b setters . were read from Governor Russell, Judge Walter Clark and editor J osephus Daniels advocating an increase oi taxation and a re duction of freight and passen and giving statistic; the reasons therefor showing it seems to us that if the rates of fare were reduced the tax rate is sufficient. A lower rate of fare would give the roads more traffic and increase their receipts . A corporation should pay tax on its property at a fair and just valuation according to what private property pays ne commission nas tne power to assess the railroads at a valu ation as is reasonable and as near its true valuation as it can and when this is done the roads nor the people have any right iu kick. e nope me commis- i i -t i. sion will let the present valua tion stand and decrease the tar- iff rates. To make jour business pay, good health is a prime factor. To secure good health, the bloed 'should be kept pare and vigorous by the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. When the vital fluid is impure and sluggish, there can be neither health, strength, nor ambition. SCHOOL COMMITTEEMEN FOR HARNETT COUNTY, t The following list of school committeemen were appointed by the county Board of Educa tion at the first meeting on the first Monday in July : , Anderson's Creek No. 1 -H. Gil- D. McDonald, Niven Ray, bert Shaw, M. A. Elm fire, J. A. Clark, (col.) Averasboro No -J. A. W. Mc- Taylor, S. M. Jackson, A Tart. L. M. Rvals, G, B. Neill, (col.) Barbecue No. 3.T, W. Har rington, T. R. Rosser, M. A. McFarland, W. D. Graham, Alex McNeill, (col.) Black River No. I 4. S. J. Gardner John Matthews, N.A. Stewart, J. B. Dupree, Wal lace McNeill, (col.) Buckl.iorn No. 5. D. II. Wheeler, N. T. Johnson, G. E. Prince, J. M. Cade, Matthew Williams, (col.) Grove No. 6. S. R. Wilson, Cornelius Hodges, . R. Ken nedy, R. M. Parker, ,Wm, Shaw, (col.) Hector's Creek No. 7 J. C. Matthews, J. A. Smith, J. S. Gardner, A. L. Baughcom, Richard Turner, (col.) , Johnsonville No.j 8. J. L. Marks, Archie McDiarmid, H. McL. Cameron, H. A. Morrison, W-. P. Mollett, (colj) Lillington No. 9.-i-Z. T. Kiv ett, Gilliam Parker, J. R. Grady, J. T. McNeill, (col.) Jerry McKay, (col. Neill's Creek No. 10. A. D. Byrd, J. A. Betts, Wm. Sexton, Robert Johnson, Anthony Betts, (col.)- 1'" Stewart's Creek No. 11. G. E. Byrd, W. W, Allen, J. II . Williams, R. B. Smith, (col.) J. W. Culbreth, (col.) Upper Little River No, 12. W. 1). Patterson, D. O. Har rington, I). II . Nomon, S. P. McKay, Albert McKay, (col.) . Lillington, N. C, July" 12th-. Editors County Uniim, Dunn. N. C. Gentlemen : Thej Commis sioners of this county have suc ceeded in compromising the Lilly judgihent at fifty cents on the dollar to be paid in Bonds, and of disposing of Bonds for the purpose of building a court house. They have also made an ar rangement to raise -jthe money to compromise, settle and pay off the floating debt bf the coun ty. The party who j is willing to purchase the Bonds for this purpose must be satisfied of the genuiness of said warrants and that the same were -issued for necessary expenses of the coun ty, and to this end. I send you a notice which you will please in sert in your .paper- for 30 days J . A. Green, j 7 Ch m. Board Co. Com Losin Flesh You naturally lose flesh In the summer and running down Is so easy; You get a little weaker each day without hard ly noticing it There is loss of appetite, headache, I weakness of the muscles, disturbed sleep, weakness of memory, and these are the beginning of nervqus jDrostration Iron and tonics and bitters -may afford some temporary relief, but what you need is a food for body, brain ana nerves. . I of Cod-liver Oil with the Hy pophosphites, furnishes just the nourishment needed, for those who are run down and pale and thin and weak. If you lose flesh in summer take Scott's Emul sion now. Don't wait till fall or winter before beginning. For sale at 500. and fi.oo by all druggist Trinity Collsre. Trinity College advertises in this issue. No other college in the South has grown so rapidly in the past few years; as Trini ty. Six years ago it held prop erty valued at forty thousand dollars,' and to-day it holds property valued at four hun dred thousand dollars. It is apprecitaed among the leading colleges of the North as the pro gressive college of the South. In the faculty the following in stitutions of learning are repre sented : Trinity, Wofford, An napolis; and Weslevan colleges, and Johns Hopkins, (Harvard, Cornell, Leipsic, and Vander- bilt Universities. There are more Doctors of Philosophy in the faculty than in anv other i college faculty in the State. It is not surprising that the most modern methods of education are followed at 1 runty College. Duriner the nast year, one Jiun- dred and one thousand dollars were added to the endowment. Trinity Park has been greatly improved at the expenditure of thousands of dollars . A new Chair has been added to the School of English, thus making Trinity the leading- college of the State for the study of Eng lish language and Literature. Trinity is the bnly male literary college in the State that lis lo cated in a city; and it therefore puts its students in touchfwith wider influences and morejlead- ing questions than any other college in the State. It 'is an education in itself to associate with a wide circle of men. The advantage of attending a college m a city cannot be overesti mated. The. students I are brought in touch with the best cultural life and the most prom inent men of the day. The rep utation of the students of iTrin ity for Christian manliness is known far and near, and is the pride of the city of Durham in which the college is located . The Trustees at their recent meeting opened all the classes Ol.tlie college to women. ; llllS means much for the higher edu- , 1 i i ) - mi cation of our women. Build ings will be provided during the summer for the accommodation of women, and everything will i i i. .1 !"". oe in readiness by tne opening of the College in September. Send for a catalogue and album of the College,.. A wave ofsTrin- ity influence State. is sweeping the If you would have an abundance of dark 'fflossv hair, if you would have a clean scalp, free from dandruff and irritating humors, or if your hair is faded and gray, and you would have its natural color restored, use Ayei's Hair Vigor, It is unqueeti6nablv the best dressing. " The receipts at the Treas- urer s omce tor tne nrst six months of this year are in ex cess. of what they weref for a cor responding period last year For the first half vear, 1896, the receipts were $828,834, and disbursements 503,553. i For this year, up to July 1, the re ceipts were $845,110, andi dis bursements $682,682. The of ficials are unable to account for the increase. News & Observer Tk tit limll Blgaatori of !l OB Ttrr vrtppn. : Small burglaries are reported from many towns iii'the Slate. n tt 11 n 8 tlRir Mruewt-r is pronot!Tice: bele t preparation made for thick eu ing tne growtn ot tne nair and rebtor ing that which is gray to its orig:i.i 1 color ' North Carolina. Harnett County. To all persons holding warrant against the County of Harnett, . issued prior to January 1st TS97 or warrants allowed and issued subsequent to Jai uary 1st, 1897, for expenses prior to that time, are hereby notified that they may file the same with the Clerk of tins soaru ior inspection, compromise ami settlement and take the clerk's re cifipt for the same conditioned that said warrants will be returned if not settled yl he owners of each warrant will be re quired upon filing the j same to maki affidavit, that he is the holder for value of said warrant, and that the same was issued for neces.ary expenses of the county All pel sons are requested to file their warrants on or before the first Monday in August 1897. ' .J. A. Green, Chairman Board Co. Com Notice! ; - 1 r ' ELECTION ORDERED ON PUBLIC SCHOOL QUES TION? ' ktOn Tuesday after the 2nd Monday in August within the year 1897, the Board of County Commissioners of every coun ty snail cause an election to be held 111 ;eveiy school district ur their respec tive counties, upon the question of, levy- mj: a special district (towushm) tax for the public schools of said district (town- snip;, ana notice 01 tnis election snail be given by the County Commissioners at their regular June meeting. Ana such notice shall be published in the county papers, and posted on the schoo' houses of said district (township)." Act of iren erai Assemniy, isy, sections 'Moo, as repealed by Acts, 1897- OFFICE BOARD OF COMMISSION ERS OF HARNETT COUNTY. LlULlNOTON, N. C, June 7th!lS97. In Compliance with the Order Above Set forth. It is ordered by the Board of Commissioners of fcaid County, that an election be held at the time and for the purposes above eet forth, under the pro visions ana regulations in the election or members of the Assembly. Aiid in said election to decide the question as to evymg ten cents on the 910O,U0 proper- ly, auu ininy cenrs 011 cacn poll, as a pecuil tax for schools. Notice is here by given to all persons of said election inu its purpose. j By oruer of the Board of Commission ers of Aaruett County N, C, Juue; 7th 1 U1 i 897. J. Mck. Bykd. Clerk of the Board. w i I .'- ..-'!'': --"'. - I . ... ""' ! " . V y THE UNIVERSITY 47 Teachers, 413 Students, (Summer School -15S) Total, 549, Board $8 a month, 6 liiiei Courses, 3 Full Courses, law and Medical Schools and School of Pharmacy. Graduate Courses open to Women, bummer School for Teachers Scholarship and Loans for tha Needy. Address, Prest dent Alder man, Chapel Hill, N. C. NORTB. CAKOXiINA COLLEGE OF AG-RI-CULTURE and MECHANIC ARTS, will open Sept. 9tii, 1897. Thorough academic, scientific and technical courses.. Ex perienced Specialists in every department. lEscpexajses per Session, In-cl-aolingr Board.: For Count)' Students, $93.00 For all other Students, 123.00 Apply for Catalogue to AliKXANDERQ. HOLLADAY, T-Ti. t)., Raleigh, Nj C. President State Normal and Indus trial College, G-reensboro, ST- C. offers tlie young women of the State thorough professional, literiry,, classical, scicnritle, and indntrial education ANNUAL EXPENSES $90 to $130.. Faculty of 25 ihemhers. More tiian 4UU reg ular students. t5 Practice school of 12G pupils for teach ers. More than 1V200 matriculates rep i esenting every county in the state ex cept three. 'Correspondence; inv'ted from' those, desiring competent '"trained teachers; To secure boar:! , in dormi tories all free-tuition applications must he made before August 1st. 1 For catalogue and information, address President Chables MclVKR, Greensboro. N. C. TRINITY fOXjLiE 3"E Next Session Opens September 8. Three lull courses of studi. Lar;e Miunher of elective. Two full chairs in Knsrlisii. Women admitted to all classes. " - j One Hundred and One Thousand Dollars added to the endowment during the present year- Only male literal )' col lege in North Carolina that is located in a citv i The best business course ottered in and cita- the State. Sent for album loue. Address i JNO C. KILGp, Durham,' N. C. LADIES Don't fail to examine lh perfect-fittinc "Featherbone 7 MJorsets the. best and cheapest on the i marker All st vies Of-thee iroods at K. G Taylor's Dunn, N. C. p:xecukous NtrncE : Having qualified as Executors of An urew d. l nriiiiirron. deceased, late o Harnett county, orth Carolina, this i to notify all persons having claim against the estate of saiu deceased t exhibit them to the undersigned on 01 befor the 1st da v of .Jul v. 1898. i or t us notice w ill be pleaded in bar of their re co very, ah iwrsons nuiebteu to sau estate will please make immediate pay ment. This 1st dav of Jul v. 18H7. Dkvekaux Turlington, j. , .1. T. coats. 3iil-7-Gw. Executors North Carolina, T I Harnktt Count v. j NOTICE IO NOX RESIDENTS. In tli matter of ti e Petition of .1. W Fipkin ,t.or establish record of .Indgineiit in case of .J. VV. rjpUu Admini.-trator wis ripkin, Deceaed, :igKint M. V .McNeill, Adin ij. of A. S. McNeill, (K- ceased, ami E. II. McNeill Jr., K. j. iCMeill and otheis, Heirs at law of A, o. JlcAeill tlecea.-el. To It.. 11. McNeill, A. S. McNeill Jr and R. C. .McNeill : xuiMiimi 10 oruer or puoiicaiion, von T. . . . ... 4. . 1 . 1 1 . are hereby notmed that .1. W. Pipkin. Administrator of Le.vis 'Pipkin, has filed a petition in the Superior Couit of Harnett county for the etablihment o nit icuini i jiuii;uiwilt 1 e HQei Til ill Jt)m . ...I .. ... . J 1 . .. vember term 1890 of said Superior court. in lavor ot him and against Mrs.! M. Vi JlcNeill Admiuistratix of A. S. M- JSeill, deceased, yourselves and others. 1 . 1 . 1 . . ... ' ueirs ai law 01 t-aid A. . 31CeiJI. Ue ceasea, and that said petition will be heard and passed upon at a term of t h superior Court to be held, for the coun ty of Hai-nct, sit the Court House in L,iiHi.gtou, on the hrst Monday hi Seiv. I. 1 OA And j'uti are further notified to arrejir aisaiu lerm ana answer or demur to said petition, or the relief prayed for w ill bv awarded petitioner. Ixiven under my hai.d and seal thla he 6th Uiiy of July 1897. F. M. MpKav. jl-14-6w. Clerk Superior Court. EXECUTOR'S NOTICED Having qualified Executor of Mrs- Mary Harrington deceased. late of Har nett Cour-ty, North Caroliua. this is to uoiuy an persons navinsr claims a-alnt the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 7th day of June 1898, or this notice will be pleaded in Iwr of their recovery. AH persons indebted to said estate will please maks immediate mvment. Thla 7 day of June 1 897. D. McC. IIakincjton Executor. W ft Ills As I expect to move from North' Carolina to make inv )f j farther South, I ;ira offering my lands in the counties Jf jjs j nett and Chatham for sale. ...My home, place is situated . a- ' TT ,,.'' I'M miles east of Lillington, county seai 01 xiarneu and twe' miles AVest of Dunn on the Atlantic Coast Line - ltailroad, in the fork of the Fayetteville and Raleigh and FayettevillJ Pittsboro roads . This .tract contains 240 acres ofvery valUa;t farming land which produces cotton, corn, wheat' and all' faJ products usually grown in this section of the State. There 1. ) it a good dwelling house of six out houses. The water is pure and plentiful. -There; is a. ' orchard of Mulberry Apple and Peach trees tliat are youn J thrifty. Tliis tract borders on the Cape Fear river and has it aii inexaustable quariy ofrock suitable for chimney a building pfirposes. ; This rock deposet is rich in iron; ti has been analyzed by the State Geologist Dr. Dabney and p. nounced by him tobe very valuable. Buie's Creek Acadft is only two miles distant, a high school for boys j and ti This institution now has enrolled more than 200 students lV stands as high as any preparatory school in the State. Ti tuition is low, and an education tor ooys and girls is there off., ed as clieap as elsewhere in .the Statle. Tliis farm would ex;u' suit a farmer., who-liasa family of sons and daughters to educa I offer for sale also a tract of 54 acres in the same neigh borlxv 15 acres of which are cleared fresh land, under a good fence I offer for sale also another tract in Chatham county about fo ndles of Merry Qaks on the Seaboard Air Line Railroad, (y taining 100 acres, about, 30 acres of which is cleared. All this property is. very-desiraile and' any one wanting a farm with good health and school and church J privileges con not be better suited in the State. . " . This property will be' sold on reasonable terms to good pu. chasers, and I will take plea-sure in showing it to any nerso who may wish to buy, or to answer any inquiries by mail. ; To nieet my .arrangements I must close out this property I the first of December of the present year, and I hope those w1 may wish to look at -tins-property will act promptl. Very Respectfully, ' j H- H. POK, , - Poe's, Harnett County, X.c, a t y S; Gr. MARKS & GO. B E S T M P N E E T I ill S. G : m l J' m ha Same Old. Stand. HAVE A SUPPEY OP ATT. iv THK SCH00LS- UY NOFFAND HAVE THEM KKADV FOR -w. vulxjxj rv thk SCHOOL OPENS. ou.w&a, x KNUILS, CRAYON, COPY BOOKS PAPER. AND INK AT REMARKABLY LOW PRICES. Drug,, ConfectioDeries. Stationery, Patent Medicines, Coperas, hont, Tk o 8,Phor-DraK Sandries, Pepper, Spices &c. ,.,F,,mU Wnij Fixtures; Uo Hall and Store Lamps "Prescriptions Carefully Filled " ITT , J yve are headquarters for any tiling m our line. Come to see us. Lanfl i rooms together with comn;J nr Have opened up on t!i corner of Bro;td and WiS! streets witli a nice line of fl Laces, "; Hamburg Kfljjiiip Ladies' .and Gent's Fiie lC Wear, Neck Wear, Toilet Ar tides, Hosiery, Vests, Jewelrv Pants and Pant Cloth, whir! tl ley are offering at very U nrices. ' The.yalso .carry a vtmhU line of Heavy )ind Fancy Cr ceries, consisting in p;ni Flour, Meal, . Ua( on, Liiril Sugar, Coffee, Grits Rice; Fi'!. Are tliey out of the Piini! business! Did you ask? WIit no, they make that a sjxw leature of tlieir business, an: have the 'largest stock-on hand, with the lowest prices cp-r knownln the history of tlif traae. Your Patronage Solicited, PARKS & CO, ; ; For a Bargain in a Ladies'- or Gents Bicycle, and all kinds Bicycb Goods don't fail to see or address. -W. B. AUSTIN, Dunn, N-C- RAWTHAM. Interest Dress i i vraa.

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