THE COUNTY UNION 'EPN'ESDY, June 14, 1897 - DUNN, N. C. 4H ortkrs for job work must be .,;,, ofie half when order i given und A" dlan.ce v:hen delivered, .,Uov:ed on advertising. . Thirty LOCAL DOTS. V;i i ermelons are getting .leniit'ui- Jsiii" of the new dwellings ,.M.!iijli't'(l and will perhaps ((. nrcu)vi next, week Mr. II. H. Poe, of Poe, is ,!' i-inuvh is lands for sale. See 'hP in this issue. He intends nMvir'ig to Georgia. Talk about hard times.. We utvc just had part of our teeth detracted in- order to save M;irl . ' . ' Tlx1 first mullets of the :,.ukm we have seen were on he market t o-day . Three carts u:i(lcl -with them were direct 'roiri New River Parties owning county krip will please read the notice M Chairman --J A. ureen in liis issue Arrangement has made to fund the county Jl.l,t hy issuing bonds. On or' about August first (.'Do 1111 Hardware and Furni- iun Company,, will open up a L-aiK-h hardware house in lit -a son'. This firm has a large mock aim an I 1 r doing a good busi- Dv. Master Joshua Scarborough xvns kicked bv a horse at Godwin ft La ne's stables one day last Week, striking him on the left linn breaking it just above the hvnt. ; In giving the accofintof the marriage 111 Mingo last week I . A 1 . - ,,, r - - p- - - llie happy pair who wedded, u-c iii'iror i) nv tor n nips or hut will give them now. Mr. ('. Smith to Miss Laura Dawson. - A good rain fell all through is section Monday and the f 1 1 rm anners are reeling better. Uie rojis were beginning to suffer for wain of rain. The prospect Is line for good crops now. Four of our good anti-pro-libitiou subscribers have dis 'oiitiiuied their paper, while iorty new one have been added. LSoitv our good friends can't arcc with' 11s, but we have no hanl feeling against them. -Mr. N, E. Edgerton, of Sel 1111, was here Saturday, in the piitt rest of Edgerton &, Wynne's ;icI(')loiie Hue from Raleigh to idoldsboro and intermediate points which he wants to bring on here. Talk it among our business men ; it may be that it would be a good investment and a gifoat convenience to be con nected with all the towns be tween here and Raleigh and (loldsboro by telephone. With the proper inducement they will 'xtend the line tb this place. We learn that we are to have mother drugstore in town. The storeroom under Dr. Sexton's tlice, fronting the cotton yard, i how 'being nicely fitted up with news lelvinsr and counters iind when finished will be hanjl nielv painted and will be one the most attractive stores in tlie town. The Dunn Drug Co. expect to carry the nicest line of li'uggists' sundries, toilet arti "les. stationery etc. ever, lian- in olir town and will make sl"cial .ell'ort io attract the la li and the l)est traded generally t their store. Success to them. . The season for going swim ming is here and boys who rau't swim should be careful about ..going into deep water". I;st Saturday week two young Ws'agod 13 and 14 years, sons of Mr. W. e. Blackmail of mtham's township, Wayne county,' went bathing in Neuse river and were drowned. When they did not "come to dinner ftair 'mother went to look for them and found their clothes on hank 'of the . river. They re later fished out of a deep ll0 in the river. ""-Quite a number of armli- euuns.have been made for the Mioolhere. Prof. A. B. Hill, c'f feufort,. was here Friday, irV.C. Allen, of Wilson, vas here Saturday and Capt. C. f-lson, of Raleigh, was here t-day, all looking, after the jchool. As yet no engagement bas been made. Either of the HI jyould jrive satisfaction we think. -apt. Denson is one of the oldest fellers; in the State and is well "iHnvn liavino- for ' vears been miectod with the Morson & ;:eion Mae Academy at Ral- People and Their Movement. 1 Mr. E. F. Young left for Wil son Monday. Mr. J. M. Hodges, of Little Kiver, was oh our streets to-day. Mr. A. M. McBrvde returned to jne city Saturday." Mrs. E. F. Young is visiting reiauves at Summerville this week, Key. J. A. Campbell was m town yesterday and paid us a pleasant call. Mr. G. P. Cox, of Charleston, S. C, is in town this week visit ing relatives. Mr.,Owen Williams jof- New ton Grove is spending this week with Mr. W. B. Austin. Miss Daisy Hood of Golds- boro, is visiting her uncle Rev. N. B. Hood. r Mr. J. R. Bass and wife re a visit turned yesterday from to relativesin Sampson. Master Carey Taylor, son of J. Ai Taylor, is visiting in Fay etteville. i Miss Ada Bennett, who has been visiting near Godwin, re turned Monda- to the delight 01 Her many friends. Mr. and Mrs. P. T. I. Massen- gill and little son left Friday for Carolina Beach to spend some time. Miss Fannie Cox returned home last Friday. She has been spending some time at Asheville and Goldsboro. '' We are glad to see Mr. RrT. Surles out again after several weeks confinement in his room with rheumatism. Mr. D . McN . McKay return ed to Edenton Monday, after spending several davs in town with friends. , Misses Ellen Eldridge and Alice Grantham are visiting in Sampson atthe home of Mrl G. Lay ton, Jr. l'. H. W. Clrllord, a tobacco salesman for a Statesville facto- y, spent Sunday here with his brother, Mr. J. C. Clifford, at Hotel Divine. , ' I - Mr. Allie Pearsall the clever and popular clerk A: in N. B. Hood's drug store, is spending this week at Clinton with his parents. . ' Rev. Frank Underwood, of Richmond, Va. , who has been visiting relatives here, left Fri day for Scotland Neck where he filled Rev. Vann's pulpit-. in the Baptist church Sunday. Mr. R. L. Cromatie returned yesterday from his home an Sampson where- he was called ast week to the bedside of a sick sister who wTas critically ill. She was better when ffe eft. Miss Annie Faison Pearsall eft Saturday for Wallace, N. C, to attend the marriage of Miss 11a Boney to Mr. John West- brook, which takes place there this evening. She will go to Carolina Beach "before she re turns home. Read the advertisement in this issue of the State Normal and Industrial College at Greens boro. This college for girls and young women is tne priae 01 every Carolinian, and justly so. It has just completed;--'its hith year with an attendance of more than 400 regular students . It las an able and welK equipped corps of teachers and young women educated there are tak ing prominent positions m the State. Harnett county is en titled to one appointment, in this college which entitles the older to reduced rates of board in dornitory . Any young lady will be given tuition free of charge by making a pledge that he will teach for two years after leaving the college. This is the cheapest and best female college in the State. Horner Military School. The best commencement exer cises of this school we have at tended in several years took place at the Opera House Thurs day evening. An immense au dience was present. w it is a well known fact that the Horner Military School ranks as one of the best classical schools in this country, as its fine record shows. The boys . al ways take high stands at the colleges and universities. We are pleased to express our opin ion that the commencement just closed surpassed any we have heretofore attended.- Oxford Ledger. - W B Austin sells a tip-top Wheel cheap. See him before you buy. OBITUARY. The death of Mr. William E Bass who died at his residence in the town last Saturday lias inflicted upon the community and surrounding country a loss which is keenly felt, by all who had the privilege of his acquain tance. Mr. Bass was born in the county of Sampson vor? the 8th of August 1830 and hence was in the year of his age. He had been a great sufferer for years with a painful and in curable malady, but through it all up to a few hours before his death, he stood up with manly courage to all the duties of his busy life. He moved to Dunn in 1887 and engaged in the gro cery and shipping business,-and built up a reputation for hon esty and fair dealing, of ' which he was justly proud, and which his friends remember with pleasure. He enjoyed the confidence of a very large circle of customers who will sadly miss him from Ins accustomed haunts for it was his pleasure as well as principle to pay the farmers the highest rfrices possible for their products. As his j neighbors and friends gather around his grave they can pay to his mem ory that highest tribute ever paid to man, "He feared God and loved his fellow man." j Mr. Bass leaves a wife, two daughters and an orphaned grand daughter to mourn their loss, but they do not mourn as those who have no hope, for he left them the precious assur ance, that his house was in or der, and that lie was walling to meet the pale messenger who must sooner or later come to us all. May the God of the widow and orphan comfort them in this dark hour of their sore be reavement, and may they be en abled to say in truth, "Not our will, but Thine be done." "The Lord gave, the Lord hath Ljf tjie Lord " 'Soldier of Christ well done, j Praise, te thy new employ; And while eternal ages run Rest in thy Saviour's joy." j s , A Neighbor. Malaria produces Weakness, General Debilit', Biliousness, Loss of Appetite Indigestion and Constipation. Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic; removes 'the cause which produces these troubles. Try it and you will bi3 delighted. 50 cents. To get the .genuine ask for Grove's. Sold and guaranteed by Hood & Grantham. From Our News If ox. Sometime ago we placed a news box at the postoffice for the convenience of our friends. We have received several news items from it and we would urge our friends to sign their names to all articles dropped m it or they may never be ' printed. We find an item in it to-day signed "J." We don't know who "J" is. We don't want the name to publish but to know who the author is so if required we could give it. The item is of . some importance and we give it but cannot vouch for its accu racy. Here it is : j "Prof. A. L. Jackson, ot Wayne county, and a Mormon preacher got into an argument about Scripture and did not agree and fell out and; got into a little fight when the preacher drew a revolver and shot Jack son down. He 1 i v e d long enough to write a note giving the full details. The preacher was arrested' and lodged j in Goldsboro jail. Jackson had only oeen married about J tlrree weeks. I think the people j of N. C. better rise up against the Mormon preachers and drive them from our State." - . "J." j. Wfl.rmnt.Rfl no cure, ho Dav. There are many imitations. To get the genu inaaskfor Grove's Sold and guaran teed by Hood & Grantham, Dunn, N. Sad Dentil. i On July 2nd the death mes- seneer came to the body ot Airs Mary Ann Wilburn, the loving - -r ' -r-r ITT'11 J 1 wife of Mr. J . 21. wiiDurn, ana called her from time to eternity. She had been a faithful and con sistent member of the Methodist church for many years. Her rpmains were taken to Olive Branch church and funeral ser vices conducted by Rev. Isaac Avent assisted by Rev. Mr. Stamev. She leaves a husband and six children to moUrn their loss. A gentle and loving wife a kind and affectionate mother but the Lord in his wisdom and mercy saw fit to take her away She has only gone before and is waiting for her bereaved friends. May the Lord bless and comfort them in their loss and may they feel that their loss is her eternal gain. M. M. Tliej Old ami Reliable. Such as the above sentence can only be used, when -one speaks of The Lee Hardware J-Company. It, is justly used, and not only, is it reliable, but one of, and perhaps the largest, hardware firms in Harnett county.' It has behind it a record well worthy of mention, and such history can only le won by enterprise and push, both of these qualities connect ed with that all necessary quality- strictly business As it looks back upon the years past and gone it does" so with a de gree of pleasure, and as the future is surveyed with even brighter prospects ahead, the manager: feels stimulated to still greater possibilities to be reached. The friends and cus toraers made during the past few years are of such material that Mr. Lee feels safe in their hands, knowing that what is their interest is his, and his in terest their interest. Both be ing thus linked together the firm moves onward and upward and is to-day upon solid and sure foundation . In the year 1890 the firm name was McKay, Lee & Co., and under this name did a flourishing business and Jan. 1st 1891 the large brick build ing in which it is now located was completed and has since gone on in the s;ame building; each year adding new depart ments and increasing the stock each year. In the year 1892 the business was bought and assumed its present name, The Lee Hardware Company, with Mr. E. Lee manager. To say that this firm is well experi enced in its line is a mild way putting it. They are experi enced in buying as well as sell ing. They are ever on the alert with an eye single to the ; in terest of their customers. They do not claim to give tleir goods away, neither do they ; claim to be extortioners, but a reasonable profit seems to Jbe their motto, and under this plan their busi ness has been , steadily increasing- They sell anything from a gun cap to a steam saw mill m the liardware line. In furni-. ture they can make- the man ashamed who would rest his care-worn' body on tlie cold sod in order to escape the pur chase of. a beadstead. Any thing frorri a $1.;25 bed steafl to a fine parlor suit. They make poor men glad, and rich men rejoice that such prices are to be had in the town of Dunn. What more can be said of this firm? Much might be said but this must suffice. Mr. ELee, the manager is a highly respect ed christian gentleman and one in whom everybody has con fidence. May the Lee Hardware Co., ever prosper is the wish of a customer and friend. Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic U a per- ect Malarial Liver Tonic and blood pu rifier. Removes jBUL,usness without purSTing. As plesant as Lernon Syrup. t is as lanre as any Dollar tome and re tails for 50c. To sret the genuine aski or Grove's For sale and guarantee by lood&Grantham, Dunn. X.C. ' f The Horner School, ofOx- ord, N. C, points with pride to the standing maintainance by ler students in ' our Colleges. c I - ItVflc lmniv nf m nro thn.n 100 students, which graduated in '07 at ther Universitv were : j . -w-t hi i both prepared at Horner School. Five of the base-ball team were also from this school. Whywill you buy bitter nauseating tonics when GROVE'S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC as pleasant as Lemon rS ts" ,tIa,,6to Your tlrnorjrist is authorized to the money in every ease where cure, i-nee, ou eeius. Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Sewing Machines cheaper than ever at Gainey & Jordan's. We repair watches, clocks, ipwplrv nnd sewinf machines. and guarantee satisfaction to all See us when in need of any of ,i i -' tne aDOVe, fin to N B Hood's Drus? Store - t all School Supplies. Gainey & Jordan can now supply the wants of those who may wish to purchase a Bicycle Call and see them and examine their wheels before you buy. WANTED A first-class Car- riage painter ot once, address or apply to ; W D Thornton, Dunn; N C m TT O 1, 1 v AliH. XlUlilCI itSiwa 1U1 the continued patronage of N. C. and promises the very best instruction and most systematic discipline moral, mental and physical to be obtained. Tutfs Pills Cure All Liver Ills Secret of Beauty is health. The secret of health is the power to digest and assim ilate a proper quanity of food. This can never be done when the liver does not act it's part. Doyou know this ? Tutt s Liver Pills are an abso lute cure for sick headache, dys pepsia, sour stomach, malaria, constipation, torpid liver, piles, jaundice, bilious fever, bilious ness and kindred diseases. Tutt's Liver Pills Died. Mrs. Harriet L. Norris, wife of Mr. B. H. Norris who lives about three miles from town, died last night at 11 o'clock at the age of 53 years. She had been a sufferer with consumption for many years and had been confined to her bed for several months. She was a member of the Primitive church with which she connected herself some twenty years ago and remained a consistent member until death, when her immortal spirit joined the church of the saints in the city of the New .Jerusalem. On Saturday evening about 4 o'clock at his residence on Broad street, Mr. W. E. Bass peacefully passed away in the b7th-year of his age, after a short confinmerit to his room with a disease of which lie had been a sufferer for years. His remains were taken sto his old home in Sampson Sunday and interred. He wras conscious of his condition and had made a disposition of all his business affairs. .He requested that Mr. J. L. Thompson should take his body to its burial place which Mr. Thompson did. He had many friends in Dunn who ad mired his honesty and business ptegrity who mourn with the grief stricken family. We learn that Mrs. Ransom West died at her home in West- jbrook's township, Sampson county, Tuesday"evening, July (th, after a short illness in the 47th year of her age. Hers was indeed a sad death. Only a few (days before she noticed ah in flamed place on the corner of her mouth which proved to be erysipejas, which spread rapid ly, and inside her mouth and down into the throat which caused her great suffering un til relieved by death. She leaves behind a husband, ten children, three boys and seven girls, and a host of friends. She had been a consecrated 'member of the Free Will Baptist church at Shady Grove for 14 years. Funeral services were held at the residence Wednesday even ing by Rev. R. C. Jackson and the remains interred in the family burying ground. Cheap summer coats almost given away at Massengill's. 4. The Wheeler and Wilson No. 9 is the safest Sewing Machine T to buv. Lightest running, more different kinds t Lt- 1 r m CT , TK Z. icat , . ,, , A i cnasers are careiuiiy msiruciea to use the machine and attach ments, by somebody that knows how, and is not afraid to show his work, or the No, ; 9 before any other agent. Satisfaction gUanVltd; V'rf U T' yhodltreated lCan jsell you cheaper machines if you j-q;- lm ; 'r L. F. Young. ; School Books, School Books, School- Books, School Books, at Hood Grantham's, f r dums Bibles and other books at Hood & Grantham's. li ' You ran no risk. All druzsrists guar antee Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic to Llo all that the manufacturers claim for I' o. 1 J ,1 - Kvt : T f-n-wl ' o n1 Grantham, Dunn, N.C. KEEP COOL By buying your ice from me. I have it in any quantity youj want at reasonable prices, in fact so low th $t everybody can' use it. I wish my customers to remember that on Sundays . . " my ICE HOUSfc will j be open from 10 to 11 o'clock a. m., and from 5 to b o'clock p. m. At these hours only will ice be KJ li KJKXLAKA.IM w. . On week days I will be open . a i. 11 ,1 I irOlll V LU 11 cl. UUU li Will t to 7 p. ra. Please remember the hours and come, then after it. Respectfully, John A. Oates. 01 M Stoves Tie tot ! We are Headquarters for RUBBER & LEATHER BELTING, Inspirators and Mill Supplies of all kinds. FURNITURE. We have on Bed Steads, Bureaus, Washstands, Lounges, Chairs Ac, at at prices below the lowest. ' ' O. K. COOK STOVES are the best ever brought to this market. We sell them cheap and give a 15 year guaranteo on them. See us before you buy and we will save you money. ; Yours to rj.KASE, DUNN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO., DUNN, N C- Pnvett &'Holliday. Next door to J. J. DUPBEE v DRUGG-IST AND PIiprlACIST I bay for cash and am prepared to sell at the very lowest prices. With my experience and convenience I am prepared to fill Prescriptions promptly and accurately at the very lowest cost. My stock is now complete, and I can furnish anything found in a Firt Class Drug Store. Orders promptly filled. Country Merchants are Invited to see me- I thank all for past favors and oordi itly incite you to oomn and soo mo I can save you money. N TO THE White O. I. C. Pir.s, mtKn ND FOR SALE UY A. W. GREGORY, Barclaysville, N. C, 1 1 ? 1 HE'S n (111 GREEK Commercial Prepares for College or Highly endorsed by College -. 1 t 1 O..,?,! nn f n 11 rl ll A v;kjivtviiv ness men. I M1UTARY OnP nf the best Business Courses in the State. Shortluuld, Typewriting, and Telegraphy. lent Literary Societies Ideal lent Luerar) ouclttK and morals. 23 TO 50 Excellent new buildings anu iunuiu- Fall Term Opens tSCT'Yov catalogue, containing Address J. A fine line of Counterpanes just opened up at J. A. Mass- encUl & Go's. With the Improved New Home I can knock out all so caiieu wmn nrf sAwinp machine. "B"- ;7: 7i?. w m.t The New Home is the best out and is not sold at such unreason able prices. You can buy them on easy tearms See me before I. . 1 uuungama.m-. Z. I F. Gainey. Now is the time to plant Ruta Baga seed. Fresh lot just received at. Hood fe Gran ham's. t hand a beautiful lino of Suites-, Very Respectfully, B. HOOD, Dunn, N. C- FRONT. v E1T Business, 11 tl f VOCl SO t)USl- . FEATURE. Valuable Librory. Tnv exe.d country location. Saves mono; .. J y pays all expenses for live months. Two hundred and twelve students from thirteen counties and two States. August 2, 1897. testimonial, iui v.f A. CAMl'IShlL, rnncipai,,- Pok's, Harnett County, N. C. Dr. Pancoiist s Celery Com pound, restores strength to the weak and nervous, purifies the blood, and imparts to the liver, kidneys and bowels healthy normal action. 75 cents per bottle at Hood & Grantham'. School 4 Supplies, Books, Slates Pencils, Paper, Tablets, Ink, Pens &c, at Hood & Gran- jtham's. A beautiful line of Pants just received at J. A. Massengill & Co's. See them. : If you want a perfect fitting corset buv Warren's, 222, for sale bv J. A. Massengill mf AM) School 4