THE COUNTY UNION DUNN. Harnett County, N. C. p: literal according to postal regula tions,, at tjostofflce at Uunri, N. C, as second-class matter. J. P. PiTTMAN, Proprietor, A. M. Wood all, Editor. " 1 TERMS. OF SUBSCRIPTION. Throe Months.. .'-25 Cents. Six Months. .50 Cents. One Year .81.00. Sent by Mail. Payable in advance. Dunn, N. C, July 21, 1897. WHITHER ARE WE ING ? DRIFT, This is a ; quiestion that every true and loyal citizen should ask t himself. It is no idle thought 1 but one of vast importance to the peace and protection of our homes and the welfare of our .State, and when considered can didly and soberly brings a sad thought to the mind of every loyal. North Carolinian through 1 . whose veins courses Anglo-Sax on blood. ; From 1870 to' 1895 we had a government by the peo'ple who owned the property and had the : intelligence of the State. They found the State and nearly all the counties in debt and -nearly bankrupt from government by . carpet-baggers and.negroes. In Vv a few years they had brought ; ... about almost a model State gov ernment and most of the coun ties were on a solid basis. Ev erything, was moving quietly - - and jeaceably and ijnuch prog M i-ess -was being in adT along all "-' lines, industrial, educational, and moral. Then it was con sidered an honor to be a North v Carolinian and we. boasted of our good government and the j; rapid strides we were making i attpacted the attention of our , sister States. But, iilas ! a change has come upon us. Our hoasted pride of being a Caro linian has been shattered and - our once proaid State has been made to blush with shame. In 1895 bv a combination of Populists and Kepublicans tin new regime ot officers were installed into office and tool charge of the affairs' of the gov "' rni i' i . eminent, tliey uegan to ctis Honor . tlie lair name ot oui -State by honoring: Fred Doug las, a negro with a white Avift who wanted and advised the . negroes during the civil war to . ; - ' i ' burn and pillage and ravish tin motners ana aaugnters ot. oui Southland ; by appointing ne gro magistrates to (leal Out jus tice to white men; by change ing the election law so that tin eastern counties could be-ruled nv t ie metroes : tnese inn's they did. . ;,-.-" In 1890 the same combina tion joined hands to further dis grace us and instead of the white men in the populist party taking good advice and conser vative counsel, they helped to niake the work of disgrace more complete by electing all State ollicers from their motley gang 'We now see men at the helm-ol me snip ,or state wiio were prominent in the carpet-bag ruh of 1808-9. and who put negroe- to ine iroiu over wnite men then and now that they are in again they are doing it still. We have seen this crowd change nearly all the officers of; out outie iiisiuuiions : we nave seen them put a negro, Jim Young, at the head of the in spection of fertilizers at a salary of $1,000 per year and appoint .white men to work under him at a less, salary ; we have' seen one-legged and one-anned con- federate soldiers turned, aside and a strong buck hegro given i - the job at $5 a day"; we have seen negro sheriffs, constables, magistrates, and election offi cers, county commissioners' board of education, and lastly negro school committeemen for white schools. These things we have seen and now have by the grace of this unholy combine of 1 opuhsts a,nd Republicans, and 'the Populists are largely respon- sible for these things" Why? - they may ask. Because the' . ..." are white men and the Republi can party is largely composed fof negroes and could never have gotten control of the State gov ernment without the aid of their votes.. After all these things which we now have we may well stop and cxelaini whither are we drifting? It may be well for us to pause for a moment and 'consider what brought about, this sad st ate of affairs. Was it because we had a bad State government which was oppressing the peo ple with enormous and burden W t some taxes? 2s o. iso ropunsi or Republican has ever brought that charge against the Demo cratic party in this State. ' It was because the people were (and are now) suffering from unjust and unequal National laws made by the Republican party. . This caused good -honest men to allign themselves with tile reform movement and instead of working for the re forms anticipated in the Demo cratic party they followed the lead of blatant demagogues, formed themselves into a party and ctilled it Populist. This brought about a fight between the men who had always been Democrats. The Republicans saw their chance and invited them to join them and they would get control of the Jptate government in which the' ' suc ceeded. The Populists would not have joined them if they had not gotten mad with the Demo cratic party. We read in the good book that "Whom the gods would destroy .they, first make mad," audit" the works of the late legislature does not kill the Populists and Repub hcans there is no hone tor our A. State. If the State is not redeemed bv the Democrats at the next election- and the governme taken JrOm the .nanus it is now in, what may we expect? Will it be social equality and mixed schools? They I have already given us mixed school commit icemen in some counties in the State, , Harnett being among that number,' Why did they do this? Because the 'men that made the laws that made the board of education were elected br the'negroes andUiey demand ed that the negro should have representation on the commit tees. Hi at is the only cause and reason why. It was not the love for the negro that . thev appointed, them but forc their votes in the future. At ' the rate tliey have been rushing; the negro forward, if continued, how long will it be before you will have tq send your children to school with -negroes and per il aj)s to a negro teacher. The time is not far off, if there is not a check put on this move- ment. . The negro is not to blame...- No one. can expect him hot to want to hold office. Hut shall the white people pay taxes to-educate him (the negro pays less than one-tenth of the school taxes of the State and receives more than twice the amount he pays) and then allow him t-6 have a voice in the control of white schools?" We haye the kindest of feeling for the negro and think that he should be educated so that he may become a better citizen and we want them to have 'charge and control "of their schools. Many of the old slaves, some living to-uav, deserve a monu ment for the fidelity and lovaltv ' , . 1 -1 . 1 to our mothers during the re bellion ; we hve great respect for them and Are willing to give them equal privileges as citizens hut we, -are not willing to edu cate them and then make them officers over lis and never will be. ... This is a white man's couu tiy and the white man must rule. Let your battle slogan in the next campaign by only two words: "White '. Supremacy This is dearer to us than gold or free silver, "initiative and ref- ereiukini" or any tiling else un derlieaven. A school paperis shortly to be issued by the Faculty and Cad ets of the Horner School. In the June issue will be printed the Orations that won prizes at Horner School Commencement. Photographs of the Medalists will be given. We look for ward with interest and pleasure to the first of this paper. . NOTICE. At the written request 61 one of the members of the Board, I hereby give public notice that a special called meeting of the Board of Commissioners of Har nett County wilF be held. at the Court House in LillinVton at 12 o'clock M. on Monday 20th day of July 1 897 for the trans action of business pertaining to the issue-of. bonds for the pur poses of building a"Court House and funding the. debt of. the County and any other business of the Count that may be con veniently dispatched at, said meeting. . J. A. Green, Chairman of the Board of Com missioners of Harnett Countv. Buckingham's Dye for the whis kers does its work throughly, coloring a uniform brown or h lack, which when . . . . . dry, will utMtuer rub, wash ff nor soii linen.' v WHAT IS THE LAW COSTS.' There never was a word more abused in courts, than the word cost. It would not be just to common sense to say that the word is misunderstood, for that would be charging j ignorance, and whoever for one moment, would say that an official is or was ignorant? Furthermore, as an evidence that it is not ignorance,- when 'the bill -of cost is made out, ;it jnever has been known to be too small, as to the one making out' the Costs. Again have you ever in your life, gentle reader, known atrial in any court, but what the court taxed some one with '.'the cqsts" yet the law says there is occa sions for trials, and trials actu ally have been held,' where and when there is to be no costs tax ed against anybody.! ' Mow where there j is a case, and specially a criminal action tried in any' court the party de feated, is not to be taxed with his costs, but only the costs of the other side iov i the party cost in the action have witness es in attendance and actuallv ex amied, yet their tickets are not to be included in the bill of cost when the same is taxed, but yet this isv always donejin the face of the law. This is notat all a hew law, or an open question. i has been settled for several years and never questioned still persons are often held: in cusio d, and even jailed without any law for it, the law being the just the reverse. This is hotli ing but absolute corruption. Again chapter 119, laws of 1885i, amending the law relative to fees of the clerk of the supe rior court, says "filing papers ten cents," note papers, not im pel'. Now just how any honest intelligent man ".'could get it in his head that this law al lowed' ten cents for filing .each paper in a case cannot be satis factorily explained,; -yet one may examine the court records and especially the bills, of costs in the Court .Houses in the State and in nearly every Court House will find where jsorae clerk, since 1885, has taxed parties, and recovered from them, ten cents for each paper filed in the case. Such . clerks can and should be indicted for extortion ing. It takes every paper, in the case to make the judgment roll for eVich case. I The county is not liable to clerk and other ollicers for hall lees in a'ny case which the grantl jury returns 'not a true bill." Ihe cIJrkxis not entitled to cnarge tor V appeal -troin jus tices,' ' in case where the j uscice binds 'over, not having final" jurisaiction. . . j Tne county is not liable for any costs m any case, no matter how it results, which is triecl4i the superior- cou.rtj"on appeaf from a justice of the peace. The fee .for ''filing papers 10 cents" can be charged only once in a case, and not for each paper filed. I , '1 he fet'for recording and copy ing papers does not entitle the clerk to. -"charge for recording the proceedings in the Minute Docket Gill' red . vs. Beaufort, 120 N. C. Beports. The costs of prosecution are those incurred in the conduct of the prosecution and .those in curred by the defendant in re sisting the prosecution. Where a defendant is taxed" .with the costs of prosecution witness, tiiough summoned I bv liie de i'endant anil examined in liis defence, has no right to have his ticket for attendance allowed in the bill of costs, j It is a' per sonal, debt'of. the defendant, the payment of which the witness may enforce by sueing out exe cution in the case. State ys Wall, 89, X. C. Kpts, page 578. In brief the law as to costs in criminal cases before a justice of the peace is : (1) J If the de fendant is convicted he is taxed with the costs; (2) if the de fendant is acquitted, or the pro ceedings dismissed, the com plainant is taxed with the costs if the., prosecution is adjudged frivolous on malicious and mqy be imprisoned-for non-paVmenV thereof; (3) if the ! prosecution fails and is not adjudged frivo lous or malicious, no costs are taxable 5 (4 ) when the justice has final jurisdiction if the de fendant is convicted and appeals to the superior court, this -case "commenced" before the - jrtst tice of the peace and is governed oy section oyo ana tlie count v is not liahle. for costs in either coiirt when the jinnee has not final jurisdiction, if the evidence is sufficient to bind over the de fendant to the superior court, the costs, including those of the justice's court yare adjudicated by the superior court.- Merri mon1 vs Commissioners, , 10G 309. More anon. - V i ' f. p. j. During the Scholastic year. of '90-197 E. Wright Spencer made the highest average in Scholar ship! at 'the Horner School of Ox ford; and received the ' Scholar ship; Medal offered by that ex cellent Institution of learn- ing. l . y : Cbiarles J. Booth, Oiivrwojd, Cal , say:' ! have ustd Avtr's P. hi. in mv faniiiy fur sevtrtl year, aud have alwa fuund tht'i'u most. tffectual iu be rebt i of ailmcutH ansiLg from a disordered stomach, torpid iivir, :tid BimsJ ipattd bo.weis. Fre; SchoIai-.-hip- Ihamiitn I son On Friday, JulT 23, I will give examinaiion at Lillinhton to any person who may. ., Wish to compete for the appointments to vacancies in Peabody Normal, at Nashville, and at A . & M. College, at Kaleigh. - "? The Peabody Scholarsliipfiays $100 a year and travelling ex penses to and" from .Nashville; and holds for two years. North Carolina is entitled to 19. i ' The Scholarship at A. & M. College gives free tuition. Har nett. county is entitled to one. Wish I could, have given n tice earlier but did not receive notice in time for last issue of Tup: Union. i ' "M . A. Camphell;, ) 1 : ' County Supervisor.. u , ' VVHY I SELL INDIAN. lIErtl. Because it . eurt-'d rue .f ui:. Rbeumutiiitu -and Larmoe. of whi.h I ha ve butTi t d mor; (r U.s f;vr : f'Vi-i Vi ars 1 auj uow tret- frm sc e. and audi &;i 8 aud leei like a Ltw! a-.d aui ftLXious lor others io tee hd k-o" (here U hoahh a jd tijov ... inei:i lor them U ti)-v w;!' on; have cuit tor ail bl d J.eas s I'tnijli g')'wu for .uc;i a uuu-Kitul Hiedi ib;, I a:u yours. ?i'U;v. I V Uttkii.' nave .1 lilrle bo (bat Ha- a)wa t): ; !i uuf!-'ilo-v and hnd ii -ver tat't I'liij to ttct ai.- v for nis rei iff uu :.stl;u d Indian Herbs. Aficr uinp .'Hi HVi . i 2 , 'efe. thai. t vf r eo hi U). E E Godwin DhVn Oil f "H MM' In i O k 1 t .1 ; i.-iliii.n "i- j ir" y.oi nil r 110 i-.r t t ill;-. 1 wi!i -eil ili- i i iUMOtit :ti 1 lie -!)i;i!o-i ctit a . J )):! " oil :is tej 'ins. M u bic xiL y our K ome Xd' iiinjr a N Is i Ml'. i-li to l lu jiy )i (1 i .tiiftisr of our lion :t-: a nic.i- fii-.r: u lllr.ii, .1 ti ot,;ii,!.i; innKV ' 'eii'-tainili' loi uti. ('atiliu- s, -:: , Pon'r lail u si c 1110 r atldre. n,r :n : 1 1 : ! , X . C. ; 13 . F. SMI TH North Cai-olit.a. Hunu'ir C(.ii:iiy. io all pir.-t)ii holding Wiiriiiii's auith.ift 1 h' County (f H:iiuetr, isues prior t(.J ;i iHiary 1st 1S07, or warrants alhiW ed r.i i i-suetl subsequent, to Jai -ua-y lt, 1S1J7, for exjieuses prior f that time, ih-e '. hereby notiheI that thuv may liie the same with the Cleik of tliij- lit cm I foi jiVspectioi!, e.otnproiuUe ;inl settlenieut jinKt;ike tlie clerk's r eeipt tor tin: same eondiiioneil s-i'ul wair.iiits will bt 1 et urileti f not settled. Tin- w iters' of each warrant 'will be i piiied upon lilin the s:.iu ttt I makj aliidavir, that he i- tiie holder . for valuft of 'sail I. uiid !h;it the sauii- v:i4 issued for in es.-ary expeiist-s Kf tin county All i('is(iiijn' 1 equr-redx t. tile their war 1 at.l im or bvioiv' tie- tlrsi Aioinlav iii Atipist 1S:7. ; ; .1. A. GkkeS?, Chairniaii Board. Co. dmr. ELECTION CRDERED I ON PUBLIC SCHOOL QVJiS TION? . "On Tuesday after the 2nd Monday in August wit liin tin 1S07, thf lioard of Countj" Coiuiiussionei'vof ever cUn ty siiall eaite aii eleetitii to beln M in evet y sehi'o!'. tlUt rict 111 tjn-ir respee live counties, upon the que-tion of Tevy inX u special disn'iet (ttw.uhij ) j ui-x for 1 lie public schools of said dii-trit jtowu hit))v and notice of this election shall be jive.'i by the Comity Coitiiniss.oiiels at tliew-regular I une meeting. And such notice sbali be i..bli.liedi in the co'untj papers, and iosteil on tlie sehoo1 boiies: of said ttiitrict (tow liship). Act )f genC ei;il Asseinltly, ASD7, sections 20o.j. :is repealed by .cts 1SU7- V J OFFICE BOAliD uF COMM1SSION KIIS OF HAUNL.TT COlTN HY. I.ILLlNOTOX, N. C, June 7th 1S97. In Jompliance with the Order A!ove Set forth. It is ordered by tlie Boa.r'd of Coiiuiitiioners of ?aid ount3". tlj'at an eleetion be hehf at the lime an,! for the puroses above set forth, under the pro visions and ri-ulatioiis til tlie eleciiou for iiieinler of tiie Assembly.:. And in said eleetion iolecule the quer-rioii as to levying ten eents on the 8l00,i.K) proper ty, and thirty cent.- on eaeli pdi,j a special tax for chools. ' Notice is here by rtven to all per?oi;b of said election I"!1'111 xt l"i-po- ers of Aarnett Count v x. c: ...,.. tm. 1S97. .J. Mck. IJykd. Clerk of the Board. gaesna THE UNIVER 47 Teachers', 4l3 Students, (Summer School lOSj Total, 549, Board $8 a month, 3 Brief Courses, 3 Full Courses, Law and Medical School and School of Pharmacy. Graduate Courses open to "Women,. Summer School for Teachers, Scholarship and Loans for tho Needy. Address, Pkksi dent AIdek man, Chapel Hill, N. C. NORTE! CAROLINA COLLEG-E- OF AG-Rr CULTURE and MECHANIC ARTS, . j iwir.L opkx Seit. 9rir, 1S97. Thorough academic, scientific and technical courses. . Ex perienced Specialtists in every department. Si-cper-ses per Session., Iixcl-a-d.ixi.g- Beard : .- i " - For County Stu.leiits. $ For al! other Students, l'i.J.OO Apply for Catiilo:jrue to ALKXANDKKQ: HotLADAY, A.. I)., li AljKlGIi, Nt. C. President tate Normal and Indus trial College, Greensboro, N- C. . Oilers the yiiiii:"' women" of- the State thorough proffssional, liter iry, classical, scit iitilh-, and indu-nial (sducation. Ann UAL EXPENSES Facultv of $90 to $130. : mcni!)crs More than 400 reg ular students. J'ractieft school of 12G-pitpils 'for t-;ieh-ei-s. N!ore th in l,2t'0 mat ricuiar rep lesentin every eoiiuty hi tin- state ex dent three.:,. ' 'orrespoiidi-uee Jnv'fed from those desiring eompx't ;d ' trained feaeiiers. Toei-urir hoar.! in donui tories all f i e-t nil ion :!pp!ieatio:is . mit-t he made h t'V: e August 1st. For catalogue i.ud information, address President Ohahlks McIvkk. Greensboro. N. C. JRINITY Next 8p:ssion QOL,LE--E Opens S kpt em u Eli ' 8: : Three full eouives of .-tu lv. Large : ; i in : ;f i -let-; i. s Two lull ehaiisin i'.'iglin. H'usiien admitted to ad classes. One Hundred and One Thousand Dollars m added to the endowment during tiie prefect year Oidy male litemry 1 in X'.rth Carolina that is h eaded in i cit y - liie best . b'liues cnu;-e: otii red il: t'ie :Stat..-. -Sein tor all.i.m ai.i e ila-i'.-iiU.'. -Address J i. C. K I .;)., N C. F.C.Co. I AiiH Don't fail to examine th- rieet-ltt : lUir ' t-atberbone Jisets, e best ami cheapest on the market. All -tes of these goods at l. G. layl'or's, Dunn, N". C. KXKOUUOllS NOTICE! Having pialilied as Kxeeutors of An drew J. Turlington, deee.ix d, late of Harnett, eountj', orth Carolina, this i ro notify 'all persons haxing claim against the e-taie of said .deceased .to exhibit them to tiie undeivigncd .i or befor the lt day of Julv, lSDS, or this notice win be pleaded in bar of their re cover'. All persons indebted lo estate will phase make immediate pa- ineut. This .1-t day of July. !S;7. Dkveuaux Tuhlington, i. I . Coats. jui-7-0w. Kxeeutors Nokth Cai;(;lina, . 11 Ah.NKTT NKTT I'nUNTY. NOT! CI 1U NON UKSIDEV TS. - -. Pipkin io e-; aiilj-h "record 4f Judgment iii case oii . V L' Ao'iii'ini-t i :ito-.,f Iiille 11 1:: f i . r-1 ,f I I !.-tir';... . i I tie I Li wi?.Pipk- , pjcea.-e.l, ag,iint. M.'.V. .ncN'c'sil. Ad.Vi . of .I..S. e.W'ili. de ceased.:!!, (i K. 11. MeNtiii .ji..: l; C McNeill oiiiMs, heirs ;it law of A. o. McNeill tlt fc.i.-ci!. To a.!,. It.. McNeill, A. t. McNeill Jr.. and 1:C: cNeill : Purs'naht- to onler or publication, von arc hereby notified that f, V. pipkin Ailmii.i-ti alor of J.,-. is Pipkin h.i. riled a-petition iirihe Superior v.ospt of U:irn' U count foi- the '-rab'd-buieiit ,,f tlie leee.r l of i idi-menr ,-r.,i,..-.-il t v.; yember ter.o i'&'j.j of .-:u. r-un . i.-c.-.m-r io favor of him and aaiol Mrs. M". '. -McNeill Adun.ii-riji.ix of A. S !- Neill, deeea-ed. yourselves and others heirs at l.:w of .-aid A S. 31eN, i 1. del ceaetl, a. id that -aid petition will h.. beard ami p i-eil upon at a lei in of tl.. biiperioi: J,urt 10 te:li. hi for the eoii... ty ox ilai ne.t, ai the' Conn in i.ilti' gton. on he lir.-t Mondav i . Shi-i.. teuiber iS'Jl. " A lull- .. .." .1'. .... . j .nt iiniun noiiuel to appear attain term aud answer or demur to said petition, or tin: relief praed foi will by. awai ded petitioner. Given tin der my hand and seal this the Gth day of July 1897. .. ,,. . "l. M. McKay, jJ-14-Ow. Clerk Superior Court. EXECUTOli'SomSE " .Having qtulitied Executor of Mr Mary Harrington deeas.-d, ::tt. of 1I U- nett Coui.ty,! North Caiolina t,is js ' t(, notify all person having claims a-'iiin-t the estate of said deceaed to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the ith day of June is&S, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery p 'please maks immediate oivmenr i'-ws mueoieo. ro s.ini ... .... wiii nils 4 day of June 18o7. D. McC. IIakington Kxccutor. . - THE IPSAL O. 5. C. : "11. j Lp: ':' '--r-x rvv ' - V-' IMPROVE YOUK STOCK. of thoroughbred O.- I. C. iiJ which I will sell 011 time to J highest bidder on. Auaust 2 at 3 o'clock p. m. It is claimed that this is best hog for making cheap pory that he will fatten at any ag, very solid jwith good hams, snia? t ' "1 - -wm -w -v rt A- -m -v -s. 1 J amesi uioroujiuiv' tut; loott cm sumed, beautiful white coinpai body. Short legs and head. form a beauty. None equal to liii 2S-C0MK AND SEE'FOIt YOUKSELVKS. Barclays ville, llarnett Co. N. O. Look S. G. MARKS fe CO.! B E S T P U M P G N E R T H i-1 pi. -I'iM;;,,,;, '!W:1,!!ll':. IOOD & n mm w lill f tmM 1 f?l W Same HAVK A SUPPLY OF ALL THE SCHOOL liOOI ,N ' COMMNvOHOOLS. BUr NO IF AND HAVE THEM UKAlVf iOUR CHILD WHEN THE SCHOOL OPKN 8LFES. PENCILS. CRAYON, COPY HOOKS. PAl'KH. f; AND INK AT REMARKABLY LOW PRKT Drugn. (!o:,f-c.-joneri. Star i.i-.; P.tdn AT;;....C f'.n-fa-. 1 rJ Tob cpo. Snuff. Latn . ..r .... w ,j (l enures, nan " "Prescriptions Carefully Fill'1' thing- in our line. I Come Wanted-fln Moa maa awr UmtJAl. t:r""r. f '" prima oiler UKH & CO., rateni auu ' gi:i TdP i. d Attend the Third Annual Sr,l 5 1897 tl; Respectfully,. A. T. (;ui-(;oi; Have opened corner of 1j-o;h1 , . 4 A . ! i 1 tp on u ciMs witn a nuv mi" ol li, UUUil L.'tcs, I .'KiilVs' Ila tniiin-o- Jllid (u'llt's 'ilie F Wear, Neck Wear, ; Toilet . tides, Hosiery, rr;, J'V: Pants aii(l .Pant Ciuiii, w! : hey are oll'ei-ino; at wrv ', i) rices. Thev also earrv Col !i ne of Jleavy. and K.-niey ' rei-ies, c"onsisTi.n- in i;:ii Flour, Meal, Bacon. I, SiiLCar, (,)'ee, (liiis. F t'CC . , Si- c. Are th'v out of ilie busi:iess ! Did you a.-k? V. no, tliey make that a feature of their Ihis'iim--, have tht1 laro-i'st stock-oi; F with the lowest j t'if - ; ' known in the history "f trade. Your Patrona.. Solicit) .1, rPiir lill mm mm S. G.TVIARKS & CO For a Bargain in rJies' or G-ents 'VWb arrt mi " k 1 n a s -nv-y G-ods don't fail to s addr: ss. -t- RAIMTHAM. Old F; fa lid- Srn.i-.rv. Patent M-dicius. C 't'-ra- We are hendiinnvfm-e for an to sec us of ome .impie WMI4 I tU" MIH lUW.f'