EEEESSE j tl BOUNTY UNION, People and Their Movements C. . . ,. ., s (.'; V 'J'i'k iH Mil he ' " ' '" " " . . , .-. ... ;,,; vln-n oruert given una .,..; ,7W delivered Thirty ,;r,.-J oi i'l rertisinrj. i ' '" r OCAL DOTS. Mr. T. L. -Gerald made a trip to .his' old home Hear Selma this week. , Mr.' H. T. Spears spent Sun day with his family- at Lilling-ton. i or : : v A'u ini'st Slid ! OX- ' oiiiriniz to 1 1.. tiT lh add piartos, . , , ; i - iirst-class Vn!!-'('.!! : :; ; ; ; 1 1 i ; i '. r.y . 1'. ' 1i"d?.u ';--Mn traiii v:i:l leave :,i;y r, ;:;() a. m . itound DoiTji miss it. :; i i He commendation of - !" Cook Stoves in an 1 1 1 1 n . They are sold (lin v i)j the Lee Hard ninpany. ' - i i car loads of sheep through here on a north- il,i'j"IlL 11111 IJ(HUiU(l A ear load-of sheep oiini sw'ii passing nere. Ii. V. Smith -is selling and repre house. If i mii plate sure him. See his "ad in K van g 'list; Leavitt's new ,,.,,,.! "tvnt arrived at Benson v,-;.:'rHav. ' He will pitch it in r 1 1 '. w. )H!il.l -l1''X! U ('(llH'Miii) . viiJHbt; I ; ci'i I .'' i 1 : i 1 HI'1' xiH'eted. to attend m ng.- j .:. i 1 1 : f.'.'A' 1 I ,:uiil rains have fallen ;'! this section since a lid we learn that over ni m psoii "in .Westbrook's -iiip i he 'heaviest' rain fell v -1 n 1 ay ve.r k 1 l o w n by i ; : i jii.'.oidi'-st inhabitants. . I y i 1 k ins, Wal ter justice :,!!! William Massey were ar rnind betore -Mayor Godwin M- in. lay for lighting on Sunday. i! li i ).-! each of them $1 and AH of them are eol- --IS. ' -,Ve call U 'ilnciais rai incut think "it. is necessary to attention of our city to the indecency of the some of the colored streets. Too ii-ivs ati'ar in on our i u::h'v of ikm'soii is: not a mU .'MiTanor tt slioukt lie ' imi.-h vtviulation is against the la-li' "f i iie: )eopl(. t ; St the advertisement of i i i l....... r. vl. 1m- AT t f . . i ! 1 1V I - , j ' - A. W. Gregory in this ' issue. makes tltisjireed of hogs a ii ciaitv and lie has some fine 'u,' -inii (vtM-vho(l v who ' have t-ii .l fhcifr speak highly of them, il- will sell t'his lot ? on T easy i rms. . " ' , "- ' :' The ansuril installation of is of I'altnyra Lodge, No. i." i ' .:'AT -Til i-ilro . . 1 . IV. . V . ii'lti I ) 1 a c e a t : t h ( n r Lod ge room ,oi Wc'.iip-.lay, July 28th.l8t)7, af--! ' y which re fresh mentMll be i "m .l':: "Caiuls" of ' '.'.invitation liavi been. sent i)iit,by ; ile Mar 'mI to a-".:b'' members, and I vi' oT the order and their l.ilillhcs. : , '., . ' Jir. esteeftfed , . towifsmai, MT ( LIV hVdty pretty good i 4nlii'Mv. -At an v. rate ne can ..u ' r-nbhesV-"ij?:irei- lilmited e:!:c -oinc Si a n i sh Iladrsli fed. in the: ii--' and t lie 'other, day he gathered liT pounds if r.adish from a row ten wet long: ine), i hp l;irfost' we ever saw .We and were perfectly sound. -Mpssrs. Hatch Bros. of .Mi . ( Uive, will ru.n a oigf. ex nrsion from'iunn to Wilming r?v.M and Beach Via: Wilson, on ;'A':ulisr, 2nd, ad will fake on .?f:Ns.mcfi.v :it :Tfl stations trOlll Ihmn to Pikevtlle It will tor w-iite neonivonlv,Aand the; fi.rn awlo,oT h hn evfr sbefore. i'e posters. : .lames r Gregorys a white hv advout - 2 . years ol4 who with Mr. (iaston Barnes at Av. !aboro, was butten on the ri-dd' wrist hv :i shake, pilot o moccasin, at GaW Fear river hi- arm with a strip of cloth and "came over to town arriving -here aiMuit 1 1 o'clock Dr.j Sexton Dr. scribed for him. He was suf- ffi'i'ntr considerablv twith it, the . hand and arm below the cord K ing badly swollen. J' , --Herbert ; WUKins, ? cuiuifu. who has been doiiiiX the vbrick wo,-k on 11. G. Taylor's stdre un dtt r contract from Mi'. A. D Wwherrw (luit work last weeK ;uvd refused to work more unless he i:ot more, money, having al rt-adv- received about the amount i' r which' the contract called for when the work was comple ted. He was arraigned before lustice J. F. Phillips . for ob taining moneT under false pre- i. ... T i." 1 k--. r .tllft Josie Adams, of Little River Academy, spent Sunday in town. Mr. J. W. Whittinirton, the clever jeweler of Benson, was in town jesterday." - Mr. Hatch, of Mt. Olive, was m town to-dayn tlie interest; of the excursion. I . ' ; Miss Sadie Adams returned to her home at Little River Academy Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Wade spent last night at Godwin and return ed home this morning. , Miss -Luhi Kirkman, of Smithfield, is visiting her uncle, Mr. D. H. Hood, this wpek' Mrs. Dr. Crawford returned to Inn' home at Raleigh Satur day," Mr. A. D. Newberry made a trip to Eayetteville Saturday and returned Sunday. ' . Miss. Nettie Barnes left to day for Raleigh to visit her sis ter, Mrs Fordham. " Messrs F. M, McKay and J. A. Green, of Lillington were on our streets Saturday.. ' Mrs. P. J. JefFerys and chil dren returned from a . visit to relatives at Fremont Monday. Mr. P. T. Masse ngill and family -returned yesterdaT from Carolina Beach where they spent several days. --- Prof. Z. B. Turlington, of Benson, accompanied by Miss Mattie Wobdall, of Smithfield, spent Sunday in town. ' Miss Daisy Hood, accompani ed b' Miss Fannie Cox, return ed to her home in Goldsboro to-. day. Miss" Addie BTrd and brother, of Little 1 liver Academy, spent Sunday in town, the guests of Mrs. J. II. Pope. Mrs. James Pearsall, accom panied by her children, is visit ing her sister Mrs. Ii. T. Spears iit'Lillmcton. ' ' Register of Deeds "J. McKay Byrd was in town to-day. He say' crops are looking well around the capital of Harnett. Mrs. J. V . Betts and little son Richard, who have been visiting Mrs. G. II Parker for some time left to-dav for their home in Ral- eitrh. ; ' Mr. E. F. Young and family left Saturda -for- Wilmington and Carolina Beach wliere'they wTent for several day's recrea tion. ;; : ) Mrs. L. J. McKay, our ex postmistress, left Saturday for Wilmington to: visit her son, Or Malcom McKav. who lias been transfered from the - Ma rine Hospital o'f Wilmington to the hospital in Boston, Mass: Mr. McKay is a young man of wl'io Dunn is glad to claim. Prof. J' T. Prince, formerly of Harnett county, who has been teaching penmanship- in South Carolina Tor several years, spent Sunday in town the guest of Mr. W. F. Utter. He. has recently .accepted a jDOsition in the Augusta Business College as instructor in penmanship- and soliciting agent. He will spend a feV weeks at his'old home .at May. : C'lisil-KesI Willi 'Kiti-Sflary. ' Isham Smitli has J probably j seen his last dav of libertv and ! will be fortunate indeed, if hei does not hang at the end of a rope. He is now in custod- of ' Sheriff Pope, vrho has a com-i mitment to keep him in jail without bail until t ;" iiext term : of the Superior Court j of liar nett couiiiy, cliarged vsfith burg lary iii the first degree. He is a coal-black bullet-headed negro about 23 years of age land lives at Averasboro. i- The evidence in the case is about as follows : Between the ' "1 - hours of 12 and 1 o'clock Satur day night Mrs. F.. A I Parker, who resides at Averasboro, was awakened by someone in In r lei room.. She and four daughters were sleeping in the room. When she went to bed a lamp was left burning in the room ; when she awoke the lamp was out'but by thelight of the moon she detected the form of a negro man who thrust open the bliiids and jumped out at the. window. She called her son wliOf is about grown and he rushed put into the yard to see if he could find the negro, but he was. gone. From some previous actions of Isham Smith he was suspicion ed, beside an umbrella was found sitting outside the house was thought to be his. Some of the neighbors were'; aroused and search was instituted for him. They went to the house where he had been sleeping but he was not there ; they then went to another house where he had been sleeping but hewas not there ; they then twent jto another house where j he had slept some time previous but still did not5 find. him. This last house was an old kitchen at Mrs. Barnes. , Pretty soon after the searching party left Mrs. Barnes heard some one j go into this old kitchen. She sent one of her little boys up to Mrs . Par ker's to tell the boys That she thought lie was there. ' They went there and opened Jhe door1 and found him apparently dead asleep and hard to awake. As soon as he awoke he said "Dat won't me ' dat went into dat house. It was a white man I loaned my umbrella to who said he was going to Mrs. Parker's to stay all night . " ; Tliey took him to Mrs. Parker's and stood hiiii in the tracks that .went off from the, window and his bare feet made exactly tip same prints.; They kept him until morning and" brought him to Dunn and placed him in ; the guard house. . The preliminary hearing was. had before. Justice II . C . McNeill Monday morn ing..'' Mr. F. P. Jones i appearing-frthe State and Mayor H. L. Godwin for the defendant. The 'sheriff says he will keep him .in chains until court. This same negro was up be fore Justice McNeill j Friday charged--with throwing stones at Mrs. Sallie Smith an old blincl lady, at her home, but no wit ness would swear that this ne gro did it and the old lady being blind could not he was released. We learn that he has a bad repu tation and all the ladies around Averasboro - feared him. He may be thankful that he ever had a chance for 'a trial. Such fiends are a menace to any com munity and deserve death for their hellish intents. j BUY THE NEW LEE COOK STOVES, The Best on -The Market j..' ; Sold only by .j The Lee Hardware Co., i V Dunn, N. C. Read what our customers say of them : I i.uus-riiis Cure AH Liver Illsc Prevention better than cure. Tutt's Liver Pills.' will not only icure, but if taken in time will prevent Sick Headache, ; 1 Ytnx, N. C, July 19, 1897. This is to-cei'iifv that we have asew Lee Cook Stove that we j purchased ot tne Hardware j dyspepsia, biliousness, malaria, k.o. and ii nas given r g0 satisfaction so far. We can safely recommend it to the trade. O. L. Denning, M.jD. . Dunn, N. C., July 1G, 1897, 1 boiiiit of the Lee Hardware Co, a New .Lee Cook Stove about two years ago. It has given satisfaction. , ;'! I). H. Ht)Oi. To The Lee Hardware Co. - , Dunn, N. C. I Gentlemen : The New Lee Stove bought of you about 12 months ago, I am glad to ay is giving entire satisfaction. It is the best stove we, have ever had, and we have- used several other kinds. Also my 'son j is using one which he has had in use two years or more which is giving the utmost . satisfaction. I advise all mv friends who wish to purchase a stove to buy no other but the New Lee. I would not now take the money Is paid for mine. " Very respectfully, J.. R. Godwin, We have numerous other tes timonials attesting the good qualities of he New Lee Stove some of which will appear I in these columns from time to time. The Lee Hardware Co. constipation, jaundice; torpid liver and kindred diseases. TUTT'S Liver PILLS ABSOLUTELY CURE. Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic is a per fect Malarial Liver Tonic and blood pu rifier. Iiemoyes Biliousness, .without purging. As plesant as Lemon Sj'rup. It is as large as any Dollar tonic' ami 're tails for 50c. To get the . GENUINE ask for Grove's For sale a lid guarantee by Uood&Graiithaui, Dunn. N.C. : Msj c&romurii icu,cli Astelegram Monday afternoon bvought the sad news to Mr. R. L. Cromartie and Mi-s: L.H. Lee of our town of tire death of their sister, Miss Lela Cromar tie, at her home in Bladen coun ty at 2 :30 o'clock that afternoon. She had been sick for- two months with a fever. She .was just reaching womanhood being in her 18th . year. She; had many friends here who learji with sorrow of ?her seemingly untimely death. She was an attractive young lady of pleas ant manners, sweet disposition arid christian character. ;Siie was a member of the M. E. Church and left the blessed as surance' with her friends that she 'is not dead but just crossed over the river to the" Eternal City where ever Iiveth the pure in heart. On account of the bad rail road facilities and the doyvm pour of rain Monday evening ami Tuesday morning Mr. Crom artie and Mrs. Lee did not at tend the funeral. The Union extends its tenderest sympathy to them in their, sad bereave ment : i . WelIin- Bells at. Wallace. .One of the prettiest weddings ! that ever took place in Wallace was that of the .attractive Miss Ella Boney to Mr. J. II . West brook, July 14th, at 9 o'clock p. m The Presbyterian church was beautifully decorated by the artistic hands of the bride's sisters and intimate frieiuls. The large crowd of interested friends was gracefully ushered iii by the accomplished Misses Lula and Lillie Boney, Hettie and Estelle .Westbrook. , Promptly at 9 o'clock to the thrilling strains ofJMendelsohns wredding march rendered by. the sweet touch of Miss. Lottie Ut tley, of Apex, the wedding party came into the church and marched up the aisle to the altar where the ceremony was solemnized by the .Rev. Peter Mclntyre, of Faison. Miss Boney has many friends in Dunn, having visited our town over a year ago.- She, posesses those accomplishments which make her a favorite wherever she goes. Our n peo ple join in wishing for her a long life of happiness filled with marriage bliss. 01 . Cook M 18 lest ! U V . "A ' Have tried others, but like Ayer's best is the statement made over and over again by those who testify to the benefit derived from the me of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. , TJisease never had a greater enemy than this power ful blood purifier. It makes the weak strong. At a recent competitive exami nation for appointments to West Point and Annapolis both ap pointments were awarded to bovs prepared at Horner School Oxford N. C. ' Two mad hogs were killed in town last week. They had all the symptoms of hydropho bia, frothing at the mouth, bit ing and snapping at everything that come in tlieir reacn , Watch out, for mad clogs. A do was seen in town Sunday afternoon that was supposed to 'e mad. Mr. D. Mc.; Brown has had some new shelves and counters nit in his store and now has one of the most attractive gro- cerv;stores in town. The town aldermen passed an ordinance last night as follows. Any person who shall manufac ture or sell any .spirituous- or mnlt liouors, cider, beer or any- . x . . thing that will produce intoxi cation shall be fined ; not more rthan $20, one-half of which will be paid to any intornier no makes proper proof for convic tion., A sad death occurred in Ral eigh last Tuesday night. Tlie Gov'n'r's guard went out to i iti- colored, Lucknow Square is ! gaming more residents. Mayoi- II. L. Godwin is having a nice, law of fice fitted up up stairs in the Godwin building. Several im-.-Pin Ants in the buildings on i,.,f Klnlr hns an will? soon be tildt "i"'" " made. : John McLendon, was before .Mayor H. L. Godwin this morning charged With tlie larceny of two pair of pants . He went into Mr. R. G. Tay lor's store this morning early mirl while the boys James and Rvninerd were sweeping the flnnv he slimied the pants under Lii coat and started out. The boys, both small, suspicioned his action called him and asked what he had-under .-his coat. He replied nothing but a pair of '.overalls which he had bought iiTooo,-,rrnr store. They did : I I .1 1 3V 11 w fc, Wlivwill you buy bitter nauseating tonics when GROVE S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC "s pleasant' as Lemon Syrup. Your druggist is authorized to refund thd money in every case where it fails to cure. Price, 50 cents. Hoy Drowned. Yesterday a twelve year old son of Mr.. Daniel McCorquodale was drowned in Black river near; Falcon, Cumberland coun ty. This boy, a yoimg man named Baker", and a smaller bov were in' bathing and this one got into water too deep with the sad result. - I CASTOHIA. St li ea trtrr Malaria lroduces Weakness, Genonil Deb'iiitj', Biliousness, Loss of Appetite Lidlgcstion and Constipation. Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic, removes the cause: which produces these troubles. Trv it and vou will hi delighted. 50 cents. To get the genuine ask for (JroreV. iSold and guaranteed ' by tood & Grantham. Lv'man A. Gotten while at the Horner School. Oxford, N. C, won his appointinent to- Ann!a- in a Competitive examina- tion. lie stands among tne first in a large class in which arc many college graduates. We are Headquarters for RUBBER 8l LEATHER BLLTIWG, Inspirators and Mill Supplies of all kinds. . FURNITURE. We haye on hand a bcautiful'line of Suites, Bed Steads, Bureaus, Washstands, Lounges, Chairs Ac, at at prices" below the lowest. 6. K. COOK STOVES are the best eyer brought to this market. We sell stheni cheap and give a 1" year guarantee on them. See us before you buy and we will save you money. YoU KS TO PI.KASK, DUNN HARD WAKE & FURNITURE CO.,. DUNN, N C- Pnvett & Holliday. Next door to J. J DUPRKE. HOOD AND I buy for cash and am prepared to sell at the very lowest prices. With my experience and convenience I am prepared to fill J'rksciuption promptly and accurately at the very lowest coat. My stock is bow complete, and I can furnish anything found in a Firnt Class Drug Store. Orders promptly filled. . . Country Merchants are Invited to see me- thank all for past favors and cordially invito you tp com' and see me I can save you money. ' Very Hespe'otfuUy, N.-B. HOOD. Dunn, N C BDiE'S CREEK ACADEMY Ian - ' Ijl for Prepares College or Business.; LA Highly endorsed by college Presidents and hundreds of husi- CASTOHIA. Tie fae . Bimila olputure of 7 ii ra ness men. MILITARY FEATURE. One of the best Business Courses in the State. .Shorthand, Typewriting, and telegraphy. Valuable I.ihrory. muo cxc i- lent Literary Societies Ideal country locauon. and morals. . Go to N B HWs Drug Store to et your bcJiooi jdooks ana all SchoQl Supplies. So Cure-.o lsiy. Thnt is the way all dnijrsrists sell GROVE'S TASTELESS CHILL TON IC for Chillis and Malaria. It is simply Iron and Quinine tas elesi form. Children love it. Adults prefer it to hitter. nauseatinr Tonics. Price, oOe. Sold and guaranteed bv, Hood & Gran tliani. Warranted no cure, no pay. i nuic i,;m; ,Vr ind furniture are many imitations. To tfet the genu- Excellent neW.blllldings UHl IU1 nilllli. ine ask for Grove's Sold and g teed by Hood & Grartham, Dunn Sehool Books, School Books so -jiays all expenses for five inonths. Two hundred and twelve students from thirteen counties and two States. Tie fae limils sigaatoro of Hlipnn summer coats almost iriven awav at Massengill's A. T,. Lee has on hand a full line of Drv Goods, Groceries, and Notions cheap for cash. Watches , Clocks, Jewelry and Sewing Machine cheaper than eyer at Gainey & Jordan's. We repair watches, . clocks, jewelry and sewing machines, anckguarantee satisfaction to all See- us when in need of any of the above, . ; ; ! ' . School Books, School Books, at Hood ct Grantham's. -Vnn run no risk. All druggists guar antee Giove's Tasteless Chill Tonic to do all that the manufacturers claim for ,tSold and guarantee by Hood and Grantham, Dunn, N.C. ;n: PqH Term Opens August 2, 1 897. looks, g-a-Fov catalogue, containing testimonial, cut of etc., Addre ss J. A. CAMPBELL, Principal, Pok's. 'Harnett (Vmnty, N. C. T A fine line of Counterpanes just opened up at J, A. Ma; emnll ct Go s. Dr. Paueoast 'sl (' -I-M-y tt tin KEEP COOL By buying your ice from me I have it many quantity you lifTlt running sewing machine, want at reasonable: prices, m tu w Hoino is the best out fact so low th$t everybody can , . not soi( at uch unreason use it . I ; wish ' my customers , , 1)riccs You can buy them to remember that , on Sundays tearms. See ine before mv ICE HO U Sr. will be open , . no.amachine nound. restores sti'e-.r't Ii weak and nervous, pumi"s the i i i ...'i :.......ii ill.-. livr WW. the Improve,! Now Ho.n, - , ' Hs" l.ahl,; I ca knock out all m ca Hd ' ;,. bottle at Hood it Grantham's. Park ior a sham battle ; th . . . . 1 were divided and fronting eacn other began firing with blank cartridges. A cartridge with a oan m n " . . - - one auu it suuvis "'" N. Banks in the forehead killing him instantly. Tis broke up the battle and will probably but a stop to all such foolishness. Gainey & Jordan can now surmlv the wants of those who ' mav wish to purchase a Bicycle. 'A iVlnnx'A him and examined ! Call and see them and examine . , . TT i , 1 1 I 1 r-mmn T-rs-n Lilt him and found the pants, ne ; tneir wneeis unui. yJu . thpii heircred them not to ten a Tie was just prankiug'with hem. When Mr. Taylor came uo n they Told him of the occurrence and he had him arrested. He was held in $100 bail for his appearance at the next term of the court. He AyiU probably go to from 10 to 11 o'clock a. m., and from 5 to G o'clock p. m. At these hours only will ice be sold on Sunday. On week days I .will be open from 9 to 11 a', ra., and from 5 to 7 p. m. Please remember the hours and come then after it. ' ' ' - : f - Respectfully, John A. Gates. oi When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria., When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. TURNIP SEED eec r.cXroA nf T Ri Hood's Lrug Ltl v- -" . The Wheeler and Wilson No. ) is the safest .Sewing Machine to buv. Liiihfst running. does more oiib-:vrt ki'uls r,.nMii1.wif'; t:in!i :iuv ma- Wl iv- lV ....... . chine. o iauc or ,u'inimv. - ed attachments with' it. 'I'ur-. Now is the time .'to- plant. 'ciia.sf.r.s aie carefully instructed Ruta Baga seed.' Fresh lot , to usf, tj1(, ni;ichine and tttach just received at Hood & (Iran- in(Mlts, by soiiielxKly that knows tham's. Tiow, and in not afraid to show School Supplies, Vife Slates lrice cutting. Ink, Pens etc., at Hood Gran Mly ( rc.lttMl aliko. c:m tham's. : ' soli you cheaper machines if you ! I v .; "-isr-.i u.,r.' r,f Pints iust desire them. ' ewGrop lurmp 1C" receivcd at J. A.; Massengiii Store. . . ' Go to A. 1 . uee ior guuus ; cheaper than you can buy them elsewhere in Dunn. 0!&Co's. SeethemT E. F. Yt N. Blank Books, Ledgers, Mem- nrn nil 11 Ills. Bibles and ouier If you want a perfect, fitting XbjlT A' Ma-ngiiTi Co. books at W Gran.ha.n's. o nce auti ooiiiiti uci i next term of Harnett court.

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