i . 1 - v . . . ,, , j . , :, stBBssstJlris1pswsTslsM8s ttmmmammmmaHmKmmmmmmamf ELK ELK ELK Wheu ever you Bee a can of Baking Powders with the name and, picture of ELK on it, it is a guarantee of piliity. The Elk Powder Is the best and cheap est powder. It stands the highest chemical analysis of any brand on the market. Give it a trial . and- you will use no no other. Sold by - . II. W. JERNIGAN & 0. May5th-tf. Durf'n, N". C. fc ' PROFESSIONAL CARDS. 1:. w; Pou- Attorney-at-Law. SMil llFiELD, n. a -. '. "' -: ' - . Careful altention'to any. civil matters intrusted to hi.icare in the courts of Harnett County H- L. Godwin, Attorney at Law. Dunn, - - N. C. Otlice next door to Post Office. Will practice iii the courts of Harnett nnd adjoining counties' and in the Federal Courts.; i Pimit attention given to allb usines W- E- Murchisou, JONESBOKO, N. C. Practices Law in Harnett, Mooie and other counties, hut not for fun. " 4Feh. 20-ly. -,. Isaac A- Murchison, FAYETTE VI LLP, If. C. Practices Lawjn Cumberland, Harnett and anywhere services hi e wanted. SEWING MACHINES. ' I wish to announce to; the people of Dunn and surrounding country that I am selling the Wheeler and Wilson No. n, and the Standard Sewing Machines, which are guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, on reasonable terms. The best machine oil, needles, fixtures fec, all -ways on hand. I also repair machine at moderate cost. Work guaranteed. I have 'fourteen years ex perience in the machine business and am. thoroughly acquainted with them. My headquarters are at Mr. E. Yi Young's store where I will be pleased to show my machines V ' ".' Your to please, . J. M. HAYES, apl2tf. Dunn, N. C. TOWN DIRECTORY. CHURCHES. MethodlKt Church. Rev. E. C. JSell, Pastor. Services first Sunday night, and fourth Sun day morning' and night. Prayermeeting every Wednesday night. Sunday gchcel . every Sunday morning at 10 o'clock, O. K. Grantham Superintendent. " Baptist Church. Rev. L. R.. Carroll, paster. Service's every second Sunday morning and night.- Prayermeeting every Thursday night Sunday School every Sunday morning, R. O Taylor Superintendent. - Presbyterian Church Rev. A. M. Hassel pastor. Services every first and fifth Sunday morning and nighty Sunday school every Sunday morning, M. L. W ade Superintendent. Disciple Church 'Rev. I. W. Rogers, pas tor. Services every third Sunday morning and night. Christian Endeavor Society every Tuesday night. Sunday School every Sunday evening at 3 o'clock, McD. Holliday Supt. .Free .Will Baptist, "church. Elder R. V. Jackson, pastor. Services every second Sun day iuorning and night. Primitive Baptist .-Church on Broad street Elder W.'G. Turner, Pastor. Regular servi . ci-s on the third Sallath morning, and Satur day before, in each month at 11 o'clock. El- der P. p. Gold, of Wilson, editor of Zlon s Landmark, preaches "at this church on the fourth Sunday evening ineach month at'M o'clock. Everybody is Invited to attend thes-. services. Young Mens' Union Prayer meeting every Sunday evening at f4 o'clock and r rid ay night at 7.:.'l0 o'clock. All are cordially' invited to attend these services. An invitation is ex tended to the, visitors. LODGES. ; Luc know Lodge, No. 115, I. 0 o. k. Lodge room over J . D. Barnes' store Regular meet ing on every Monday night. L. H. Lee. N. O.; C. H. Sexton, V. G.; G. K. Grantham, Secre tary. All Odd Fellows are cordially invited to attend. Pajm'yra Lodge, No. in, A. F. fc AM. Hall over Free Will Baptist church. F. P. Jones W. M ; W. A. Johnson, S. W.; E. A; Jones J. W.; J. G. Johnson. Secretary. Regular communications are heldjon the 3rd Satur day at 10 o'clock A. M , and on the 1st Friday at 7: so o'clock p. m. in each month. All Ma , sons in good standing are cordially, invited to attend these communications. Cointy Officers. Sheriff, J. II. Pope. Cleik. F. M. McKay.' Register of Deeds. J. "McK. Byrd. Treasurer, G. D.s'ienee. Coroner, J. J, wilson. Surveyor, J. A.tVKelly. . County Examiner. Rev. J.' A. Campbell. Commissioners : J A. Green, Chairman H. N. Bizzell and Neill McLeod. TOWN OFFICERS. ; . H. L. Godwin, Mayor. , ' Commissioners E. F. Young, J. J. Dupree, J. II. Pope and W. F. Pearson. 5 U; F. Snead, Policeman. T Pi JKt I am ajjent for 'rncker'ji Granite and Marhl .-Vorkir of A ilininton. N. C, a'nl will In? pleased to show lesiiis ami. niake prices to any persons who desire a Monument, Head-stone, or Iron Fenc ing for graves. Good worlc and low prices is our motto.' Drop Inic a card and I will come to see you. I. J. Smith, Benson, N. O J vr v m -V jV a .si Ull ' U 1 V 1 ' I Purgatorial Pills. ti,o tiio-trJcf- -would Iiardlv smile if vou .asked for " purga- torial pils." There are.aany of t'il'em. But he would prob ably recommend a pill that did not gripe ; a sugar-coated pill; gentle in action, and sure in effect. What are they called ? Aysr's Gatfiartlc Fills.. Russia's Growth- ' Many years may elapse before Russia can become . a leading manufacturing country, but her growth towards industrialism lias recently been shown in a re markable manner at the 'A11 Russian" exhibition in Nijni Novgorod. Besides her exten sive sulphuric acidu industry Russia is opening up important manufactures of chromate salts, 1 vitriol, phosphates,, lead, zinc,; tin, strontium and copper salts and mineral dj-es, and platinum is almost) a Russian monopoly. In medicinal plant growing the progress in Russia is very great . Six castor oil factories, all -working from native grown seed, were rep resented at the exhibi tion, and oils of peppermint, wormwood caraway, fennel, anise and pine needles were al so shown. The output of Rus sian benzine has grown from 31,500 gallons in 1882 to near ly 1, '570, 000 gallons in. 189-j. The petroleum industry is the second largest in the world. One firm alone owns 188 miles of petroleum pipe lines. It has an enormfms fleet and owns 1157 tank wagons for the con veyance of its proilucts by rail: : v : The indtlstiw of the dry dis tillation of wood in Russia is only just beginning. InNortb ern Russia, away from the rail ways, there are still many thou sand of square miles under wood, yet up to the present-on-ly One-half per cent, of all' the rosin and but a slightly larger proportion of the turpentine used in Russia has been of. home manufacture. New York ller ald. . A man in Virginia, rode forty miles, to Fairfax Station, for the ex press purpose of getting CbamWfr lain's Cough Remedy, and took home with him, a dozen bottles of the med icine. Tbe(druggist who relates the incident, adds: "Your reme y seems to be a gen ral favorite wher ever, known " Its effects are indeed wonderful in all lung and throa trouble. Procure a bottle at Sold by Duun, N. N. C; B. Hood, druggist Arnicahails from Europe and but the. medicine is made from artiffcial plants grown for that purpose in Germany and France. INDIAN HERBS. The greatest blood purifier and Liver Regulator of the age. It is composed of Herbs, Roots, and Bark. No mercury nor any other metallic drt.iis are used in its prepation. ! ; It is a specific for constijia-j GAINED THE WOKDEK tion, neuralgia, dyspe)sin, j - ; OF THE AGE ; rheumatism, kidnev complaints, ! , ,. " i" ! hver complaints, chills, fever j l..,u.-i1-. ! 1 and ague, Female complaints, Gmua.iti-v.i t.. r un- mon .Kr:.-s ti,.,n I nervous affections, catarrh I a:iV )i,'-r im(ii iiu. tivatmciit or sy..-' l?ssof ap,T,ife, .,,,; ;..,i:!.k;iX!' Zu; sick headache, and all other j tun-v trm- - ,Siiic";i. 'j j ailments caused from impure j Vaiuiua i-:m aniisrptie .rMiiu ii., u ! blood and conseniiont bnrl ; Iit i v. ly .kstroys all 'uiidoiM s- a-,. I ' J,tsllon.. j xjns meciictne nas neen used I U- ii-ini' tlion l,i,,7...l ! "7- ." V- lllttm UUIj 1IUIIU11 U I it I " 1 cuiiuij wiiillll i the last-month, and 111 everv een derived v r... f i.-i! ... j I "v ""in u.. .uaiiv ccriincaie Si irom inese ana otner persons r . 1.1. . .1 .1 will be published soon. This' medicine is a great hWsiiio- T 1 1 . T . ut-i ffi uutiv iry ll. 1'rice i $1.00 for ISO doses. It i ,liann . and good . For sale bv A. W. F. UTTER. : ; - Dunn, X. C Call on me for certificates of' the thousand of cures effected l by this wonderful medicine. W. F. Utter. The-Heart!s Daily Work. The liuman heart is practical lv a force pump about six inches in iength and four inches in di ameter. It beats 70 times ner minute, 400 times per liotir, 100,800 times ier layjand G, ,71)2,0:00 times per yearj and v2,-575,-M0,000 -sav two thousand live hundred and 'seventy-live miilions four hundred and for ty thousand times in 70 years which is "man's appointed three score years and ten." At each of thse beats it forces 2 ounces per minute, G56 pounds per hour, or 703 tons per day. AH the blood in the bodyf which is about 30 pouhdSLrasses through the heart j every, three minutes. This 1 it i'lo oran jjunips every day wliatis ecpial to lifting 122 tons one, foot high or one ton 122 feet?, high that is, one ton to the top of a 40- ?yard mill chimney, or sixteen persons seven score each to The same height. Uuring tne sev enty years of a man's life 'this marvelous little' pump, j , without a single moment's rest,! night or day discharges the enormous quantity of 18, 8o0 tons of hu mail blood .: Ex. Mayor A. D. Reynolds, who has made $525,000 manufactur ing tobacco at Bristol, Tennes see, in the past twenty years, has sold his tobacco' plant be cause his religious convictions are against the use of J tobacco . We suppose he still holds to the money he madefrom the traffic lie now holds to be bad. It is yjd he will go' out toi wo'k as ail evangelist and we Siipiosehe will give tobacco cliewers and smokers goss for using the weed. He has now a splendid opportu nity of spending his money, made in a nefarious busines, in reforming the men he made it from. ! ' ; The Farmers' Alliance in Germany is asking the I German go ver nine nt to exclude all for eijm breadstuff's and crams tin- til tne price ot tne Home grain reaches a price 'agreed on. If Germany should exclude' our grain and breadstuff's it would lessen the pricein our ( markets as we ship large quantities of it to that country. j .i.i -'.i i Hoft. C B. Buph, presideut of the Oihner County (VV- Va ) . Court says that he has had three cases j of flux m his family, during the past summer, which he cured in Si than a week wich Chamberlain's Cvlic, Cholera arid Diarrhoea Rouicdy. Mr. Bsh also states, that. ' in sr-iue instancs there wrc '.twenty henorrhages fi lay GU'iiville W. Va Pahfindrr. Tii is remedy, has been used in nin epidnucs of flux and one f iliolerH w-iib "perfect success. It can alwayh i deptndi d upon for . bowel com ;i'a- evi n iu it, 'triost s v re forms K -y family should k-ep. it at hand. T 25 nd 50 cent bottled For ale by N H H .o.j Dunn, N. C . At V i, r, l.. .4. Thursday . Miss Sarah Fitch was married to a Mr. Hillhouse. of New York. , The., mother of the bride died on Monday jand her remains were in the bridal cham ber. The bride held -the hand of her deceased mother, while the marriage ceremony! was be ing performed. The young lady was to have been married on October 5th and her mother w;is to give her away. She was so interested in the giving awJ;iy by. her mother thai she luirrh d the marriage up and was 2;iven away by the corpse. Errot is the product of the di seased seeds of common rye, and i is one of Hahneniann's discov eries. " ! V A r u m A. BKRFKCT HEALTH RE- it is lu-aliui; :int soo hii.jr to't nl ii;i!m-i'. !' IIIIK IKiliS ntl i.-jire 'oeunraii-. ir win pt rmaiK; th' iiiaj. rityof caSt'H f lol ichitis. 'a- t . ....1. 14. ti all diseases of tlie liladi erl How lii-vs Liv.i,. t'iifiiatio:i, 'ii I Mil W., 1 w. ' "5. . 1 ... TV Kozemii. Soiofuln. Blood Poi i, niuu- 1:1:11 rsiii, .eur:iv'i;i, ui wise I IiM-li.-irH.. 1 ! Mseases lveenlirr to Woiiwni Wmvuk :iimI IMivsitial A eak-iess. ele.' I '-"! .:V..:,,-vMr-iv .. 1 All.- ............. mi int. nn? 1 is lull tustorv of vour troiibk-.! ami a our i yoi I Oll-lll 1 1 1 Ig ilivieian will ail vi-e what to lo in o iU'r to r health. Consultation is Fiee lv oiitiilt-ntial. Terms verv Vgam vni:r j ami saereil- ow. K. r ! j -proofs eiielose 2 eeiit stamp. Local ngeirts wann-d everywhere. No Caiivassinjf. ,Ve ailver se von in vour homv paper, Amlress witli stamp. " THE VATUM A COMPANY, I O. Boy. P14. - CHciio, III. umii;riH;itii''itmiiM'HliHil'Mni'iniiii'iimiHiiiiMiii:iipiiiml HA wmmm r -a - AVcgcb'rrcparationforAs simita tir.g iteFood and Reg ula tiiig llic S tomachs and Bowels of Protnotes Digcstion.Cheerful acssandRest.Contains neither Opium.Morptiine nor Kmeral. Not Narcotic. I t 1 a t r Rtrtpe ofOuinrSAKUELPITClIKR Piunplcm Seed'' 4x.Senna Seed- ' Uppemtint -JJi Cas&analtSeda- 0truud. Sugar . h 'ujyrcat Flavor. Ancrfect Reihedv'f or Constipa tion, Sour Stonc.ch.Diarrhoea. Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ncss and LOSS OF. SLEEP. Jac Simile Signature of j NEW "YORK. EXACT COPY OT WRAPPER. Can any sane, careful think ing man tell tis where North Carolina has drifted in polit ical fields? Give North C;pli na into the hands of the Repub licans .ar-ew more years and Nl1x vomicn wllich is ,,r.m.lv they.will have two thirds ofour ljp of ;i iyon ip citizens in J ail. Great many di nms to Tmlia ail(1 Cevlon. will do well it thev are fortunate . enough to spend the coming. ' ' . Christmas with their faiuiliesj Peppernipnt is native to Eu- and not behind the prison h'opo and its usp as; a me'dicino bar: President McKinley has ap- pointed T. V. Powderly, of i Arabia and Persia, jas used Pennsylvania, exTGeneral Mas-1 as medicine in tlie time of Solo ter Workman of the Kjiights of ! mon. f j Labor, to be. Commissioner! " ' . ..!.; General of Immigration.- The xx , , U . , . . s a ,1 ; k , ,.. 4 mn AXV-IHJUI.JV, uh.m-auih. i ui w Hil l ary of this olhce is 4,oUU 1 , .n 1 v, ' . -iJ t ' . killed Socrates, is a native of ervear. 1 it!...... n...... A negro Baptist divine Chesterfield, S. G., is said ut? iii iiiincr ui iuiL-inree cuii dren. There is nothiiiff like furnishing a flock of your 'own', Perhaps the most ancient of medicines is hops, which jwere used in the dual capacitj of an intoxicating beverage and I as a medicine in 2000 B. C. This is attested by pictures of the plant on the Egyptian monuments of that date. V , Tli fe limilj of li ca tretj Creosote was discovered in 1830 hy Keichenbach , who ex tracted it from the tar of wood. LARRABEE'S RHEUMATIC LINIMENT. TRADE-MARK. Magical Rain i Extractor, j CURES RHEUMATISM, TOOTHACHE, flEURALGIA, LUMBAGO, BACKACHE, CATARRH, AND ALL KINDS OF Pains and Aches. For nearly three-score years and ten this famous old household friend has been curing pains and aches, and has never disappointed the user. It is clean, pure, efficacious, atrreeahlv smelling and quickly acting. , ' IT IS A RICH. SPICY COMPOUND AND INVALUABLE FOR j Cuts, Scalds. Sores. Burns. ulcers. Wounds. Erysipelas, skin Troubles. Etc.. Etc. 5 Price 25 Cents, AT. PEALCRS AND DRUGGISTS, or sent in tjnantityofj or more packages to any j 1 address on receipt of money, by ( Winkelraann & Brown Drug Co. OLC MOMirrOM, BALTIMORE. MD.( U. S. A. ' For sale by Hood. Grantham, Dunn, N. C. ' immwwm The Kind You Ear-- . . . - Always i3uugnb, Bears; the Fac-simiTo Signature -OF- ON THE WRAPPER OF EVERY BOTTLB THE MB YOU HA YE ALWAYS BOUGHT. THE CENTAUR COMPANV. NEWORK CITV. Alcohol was first distinguish ed as an elementary substance by Albncasis inthe tweltli cei -tury. ; ' dates back to. the middle ages. Myrrh, which comes ' from : naiy aiui Greece. at! Ipecac comes from South to America, and its ' qualities are - j nrst, mentioned m lbits ny a ! Snanish writer J who refers to it : l as a Brazilian medicine-. You cannot afford to out the be with- NEW AND ERVER. All fh NfWR S ate h n i I. ForfMgn, N -:'ii nt. fial all the tirriP Full Asxtciarpd Press L ii ft. c-rcula' urn hi tin D'fj.Hfch. i Sate Daily N v h n J ear $: 50 8-x in imhs. VV.r i v N ! l r . . G 'Jifiiar.".' 1 stx hi' p h- A.i.j NKWs & OHSKHVKR, mm W.I. Douglas $3 Shoe. Stylish, durable. terfrt fitting Endorsed by over 1,000,000 wearers. V. L. Douglas $3.50, $4j(X)'and Shoes arc . the productions of skilled workmen, from the best material pos sible at these prices. Also $2-50 and $2 Shoes for Men, $20, $2 and $J. 75 Boys Wenseonly the best Calf, Raiaia Calf. French ratent Calf, French EnameL, Vicl Kid, etc Sded to correspond with price of the ahoea! j Catalbe free. uri caiuioi sappiy yon, write W.L.DOUGLAS.Brockton.Mass. I j J A. MASSENGILL Sr Co Dunn, IT. C-. BLANKS FOR SALE! We now have on hand a full supply f Warrantee and Mort gage Deeds, Chattel Mortgages Lien Bonds and Magistrate's bhlllks, at prices as low as Vfm " t , JU ' TI hill' tiw.ix . 1 1 lean buv them aiivwliorp l,,t I ; " J " i us your orders or call at our o.f- . hce for them. J. P. PlTTMAN, Pub. of County Union, Dunn, N. C. Free f our BSeadeif. . rnX nf: our subscribers wlio pav up all arrears within thirty days, or 10 a u scriber paying not ivw; . year in advance, 'we viU give one year's free subscription to The Woman's Health and Home Journal, of Chatanooga, m ni.iu imirnnl. devoted to If I III. A i I ' J 7 A HiMi, Hump and iiirm,-; is lG-p:;ge niontniy paper, m..t instructive, elevating. We have only a limited num ber of these-' premiums to give awav on the above terms. Don t vanr neighbor comes iiv and gets the last one we have left. ' " . -i F. C.Co.'s Corsets, - MAKE American Beauties F.CX0S GUnntU I SHAPES. ARTISTIC EFFECTS. All Lengths. On Each Box. IIEVEST MODELS. FAIIGY and PLAIII. FEATHERB0I1E CORSET SOLE MANUFXCTURERS. ' SOLD BY R. G. Taylor, Dunn, N. UIHUU nil IUWIU thing to patent? Protect your ideas ; they jnay bring you wealth. Write JOHN WEDDEUBURN &.-CO.. Patent Attor neys, Washington. D. C, for their $1,800 prize offer ana new mi 01 one tnousaua inventions waniep. THE -y TD XT ZR 331 3VC HOG AND CHICKEN CHOLERA CORE. USE NO OTHER, t Write for testimonials. Tlieonly remed in the worii pon ively guaranteed to prevent and cure Cholera. Iut up I? .uHcntand 1.UU sizes. oid . all DruKcist and countr merchants. Trial i ottle in a i 1, Kt-cui ly pucked, any atldres!, Manufacture! only by THE DURHAM CHOLERA CURE CO. DURHAM. NORHICCXROLINA. Roturn this coupon with your fir t oraer. Coupon No. 0 f. h IT IS ABSOLUTELY The Best SEWING MACHINE MONEY MADE WE OR OUR DEALERS can Cell you machines cheaper than you can i,uere, xue liEW IIOIE tm onr best, bat we make cheaper kinds. .tne CLInAX, IDEAL and Sewlnc machines for $ 1 S.OO and up. tau on nr asect or write us. We Want your trade. f f 3r:ce. t'mn .. uare uetnng will win, we will hare It. We challenge the world to w-5i.C V "KK $50.00 Sewing lntrfor 50-, or a better $2oT Sewlnsinachlneror $20.00 than you ean buy from us, or our Ascnts. THE HEWHOLIE SSTfflRG M JCHIKE CO. BAH iSAXC.iCO, CAI. ATLAi. U Jk FOR SALE B' GAINEY & JORDAN, Dunn, N. C. SO YEARS EXPERIENCE. 1 . nrimu. vuo 8CIEMTIFIC AMERICA! U0ix months DiJSitrn; year; MUNN & CO m m m m m - - w to America YfThtZl 2y,r,??nriDl P-tenti ATLANTIt COAST liu WILMINGTON av. ' 1 AM) IHLvvn,,,; KL AND FLOUENf p ,V V? An d,. CONDKNSKI) r . ... . up 'l.sn: Loave Weldon n -.n .. t;fa. r . l. .. , 'II '1'. n, . Leave Tarboro, 12:1-n . Leave R oc y M o u i it i . . '!' hi. . a 5:4." a. m.. 12:J5 n m ' ' Leave Vil?on, 2.08 a m 11 , . - .... ' 1' "1. , - '12' '"' II 111 , Leave Fay?ttevil!..ti:;naw, t. Arrive Florence. 7:r, k Leave uoiastioro, 7nn a m '-, ' u- Leave Maunolia Vii' . Arrive w m nir nn : 4:1 I'll,. TRAINS GOIX,: v, ; Leave Florer.ce, 8:ir, M, , 11 Leave rayetteville, n: ,,' ''". Leave felma'. l.(m a in " "'1":au Arrive Wilson, in: n , Leave Wilmington, -:-, 'V m. Leave Magnolia, lo:.o a n. ".Vl1"ta Leave OoMsboro. li:r,t; a ; !:' ' m. Leave Wilson, l jv ., , ,";i":l"i'Bi 12:4(5 1. pi. ''""u.n ll:-,7lm. !:() i.i... " U ' l..v Leave Tarboro, l -. j, Leave Kooky Mount. : !;',, . . Arrive NVeKlon. 3:.i.i i,,,, ,.. 1 h 'i- WeMoinrlO p 111, HalifaV - hhJ Kinstn 7:55 i in. Returning i,!.,.V llf ! i 7 0 a in, Greenville trH ,,, h ' ".7 S at 11:18 a m. Weld.-n 11 -i-t . " K .sundav. " "' 'lH, Trains on WaHlilnxton l;ia,u.i. . il.irlnil O A III t1 1 " " lv. mere S.:Hr,!a in. and G::)m i. arriviT1" ll:l!0 a in. and 7:0 1. in. ,i,,iu. W'L :lu a ni, and s::,o . Train leaves TarUro x, ( tliij-. . 111 ftrrtvon Plvmonil. - . V, -'.I" I..?" . ' -"'I'. III. (. Sunday. 7 50 a. in., and s,Jll(la ' rives at Tarboro 10 or. n. In 11 ' " t. sir V C 1sll.. ..r....... ... '.""'Vn iraiu vu ill iiiiaiiti i : i;.Ui...i rive Mnunneia c. k.ii ' leaves. Smithfleld. N. r 0 ' ' -Ooldsboro.N. c. 10 5 a. m.' m ri 1 . m.' . .. .1 .train 1111 iniiiv nie Ur.ilicli I..... Mount at J: :0ii.in iri..... v "u i Spring Hope r,:: op. ni. K.-tur , Sprlnff Hope 8:00 a. ni..,NHsl)Vii ' arrive at Kf-cky M unt M:n:. a m Sunday. "-ilj Train 011 Clinton Kran-i ,.MVH u. rUntnn ilv s 1... " - - - . 4 . ' 1 1 , Ml B'ltl. 4:10 p in. Keturning I. av.-.s lint,,,, -ond i Mi a 111. ; " " " Train No. 7s make Oloso i 1 tt-t don for all points iVortli ilailv .n Kielunond. Also at Kockv i. .Tiiit it? Tol'i and i arolina railroni f.r nJt all points North via Norfolk ' ' IvMKRsos -Henerifl Tiiss. m-.-r ' 11. KKN' T. M. EMERSON, .(ieiiernl Mil Tralilc .ManaK'-r. v RAILWAY .Ml! N (,lLL!:rrllVir ONI)KNKr s: ' 1 K! 'l.'I.K CO., NOKTH HolMl Leave Wilmii.tfton Arrive Knyetteville Leave Fayetteville. Leave Fayetteville Junction Arrive Sanford......... .- Leave Sanford.. Leave Climax A rrive Greensboro lA-uve Greensboro Lc-ave Stike.mlale Leave Wainut Cove Lei.ve Rural Hail Arrive Mt. Airy 1M, C : 3 i :i: I, 1! SoiTH Boi ND. Leave Mt. Airy Leave Ku nil Hall Leave Walnut t.'ove Leave Walnut ( ove . Lave Stokeslale.l Arrive Greensboro....... Leave (irerisboro Leave Climax..... S.';j ii '( -.! ' ti - i : j.'.l ll.: I:. V I'.'.!- lis t Leave Sanford... Arrive Kayettavllle Junctl-n. Arrive Fayetteville Ieave Fayetteville Arrive Wilmington N011711 BofM). 1. Leave Bennettsville , Arrive Maxton ;t in ii - Leave Maxton : i t Leave Red springs Leave Lumber Bridge Leave Hope Mills ...... Arrive Fayetteville f(. 8OCTII KOI' Ml. Leave Fiyetteille .. lit .. ". r.1 ' ii .. vl' .. :. Leave Hope Mills Leave Lumber Bridge... Leave Red Springs Arrive Maxton , Leave Maxton ArriTe BenuettKvsviile. NoiiTlt Boi kO. Leave Kainseiir ...... - 7 " ..... i ;i ' ' I" ..i . 'j .T.'n. . . s Leave Climax rrive Greensboro. Leave ireeiisboro... l.eaye Stokesdale.... Arri.t; Madison soiriH Bot'ND. - rii) f Lave ' Madison. ......... ... Leave Stokesdale Arrive Greeiislro...... "Z. (,',' "1. t' Leave GreenslMiro Leave Climax Arrive Ramscur..... TMeals. CONNKC'ilu.NS nt VnirAtku(il.. .if It I. Afluntir (.,a-t Lif Maxton with Carolina in ri j VS.MJtVTllir;Wll llflj ! borp with Southern Railway. l n"ioru wiin reaioari n , with Norfolk & western Kail" tf J.W.FRY, ......M i, . Oe j'l Manager. (;. n I Z- 00 J P an o 2 ' - A1 L-4 0. O ". ii a 8 0 i.r: Sulifr-cribe for The Union.