T H E county, union I' rniid'c:B;rvrv i.o'.i.ir ' 'KPN'ESHAY, June' 28, 1807 , DUNN, N. C. sii:ciai.. ,,r!t rs wr job work must he J, nl f t ' hen order i given nd H.tnri' irhen delivered ',' :Thirly il-ancd on advertising. LOCAL DOTS. I!'!! A 1 " I !" !i Monday. Don't The 'only pleasure season. People and Their" Movement. Messrs. John Rogers and Ralph Shaw, of Lillington, spent Sunday, in town. . Miss Mayme bates returned Friday from' a visit to relatives in Red Springs. 'Mr. J. K. Woodnir.f Tir-i, is in the city to- rxisi2 ;! bc i ISSSBPfttSSSfk 52 THE. new LEE COOK STOVES, . I- To THE YoTEKS OF County: Hakxktt J he Va. mond, day. Mr. J. H. urday and Brewer spent Sat- Sunday- with his ia(f J. ( in r.ir- Mt i;if ii lie ia caru oi ir. rii.ord in this issue. Any ciiii'ii-.tf-d viih 'him is Hi hands and will have attention. srs:- Kfiinedy & Benton njit iicd a branch store in . ('apt -Benton has gone Jell-oil tO t r that place. manage the- store Tiic Senate passed the tar jii bill Saturday and then Con- fi:i..,, a 1 j u rued . We will give T hu!iM" of old papers to .the jjiV man down; here who is viru -k iy the 'prospoi iiy wave. - Jolin A. McKay left Monday .for a tour through, the HuiIi rn States soliciting Orders f.,iv turpeiitiire tools manufae- '. i .1 TT -try iiii-.Mi i ' iiie jonn a. iucivay Vi.Miui'acl tiring Company of our hV!1. . Another mad hog was killed in town Monday. A fine sow l.i ongihg to Mr. T. D. Jones went mad Sunday and he placed lie p- in aa pen. On Monday iiionriiig slie-'was so violent that it wa- deemed best to kill her. ' . . " - - We learn that tlie county Im.ikIs sold ats ninety cents on the dollar. Is it possible 'that tlM'"botnls bearing six percent interest would not bring par counrv is backimr them? -rMr. R, (i. Taylor and Mr. Fiank-ope have moved nto ttieir new residences on Broad street. These residences , are beautiful and attractive homes and add 'much to that part of the t'lWn . - . : - , l i i i .i i imi siiouni nor xeep - late hours with vour best 'irl. Sun-day-night . Ymi want to rise tu'iLdit and early Monday niorri-in-j; w ith vour ticket readV; for iht-excursion. Six thirty is liuhrearly and there is such a tli in Li' as being left. . mother in Samnson. x : - Mr. J). T. Oates, of Favette ville, came up Saturday and spent Sunday with his father and mother. Rev..E. C. Sell and Mr. 0. P. Shell attended the District onterence ot the M. E. Church at San ford last week Best on The Market Sold only by The Lee Hardware Co., Dunn, N. C. ;Vs there 1 has "been a .rent- Rp.kI wimt nnr eiitomprs deal said in ; regard to payingoft ! of them : . the Lillv debt, will nive "mv I , x i r i.i . , -, - , - ! - Dunn, N. C, Julv 10th, t l,. i i . , Lee Hardware Co: x uuu t see now tue ; legisla ture can impose a . special tax on the voters of Harnett count. v. , ! , . . about one year ago is Gentlemen : The New Cook Stove I bought from sav i" Lee you r4 4 - s mis Ciire AH Liver Ills. Doctors Say the arainst rom every ouartcr ot 'iinty coni( reports niesciioot election. Itwmproo alil.v le defeated in every town liip. Kven the 1 republicans J and Populists, are bitterlyop posed. to it. Miss Francis Strickland, of West brook 's townshij), Samp son county, was taken to the in sane asylum at Raleigh Mon- av. siio is about o.) years old and ht her reason a few weeks auo. Sin- was a-member of the Seven Mile Primitive Baptist church. . ; . ' -Did you know that it was n niisdeineaiKir to catch iish iinw V 'The- . Book of , Iniqui ti's," that is the laws of 181)7, makes it a misdemeanor and subject to a heavy fine to fish in aw "stream in the State. AVe iil give this chapter from ".The Book of Inupiities" next week, so that you can read it for--yourself. : ' ' Dunn has long needed a liist class Dry Goods Store and tli' tiriu of J. A. Massengill & ( intend to supply that want. They have changed the name "t-ihe tirni to "The Massengill 1 .. . i'iv ..(mods Lompany. -As in this paper gives notice, in ' the future will carry iioihing but. a select line of Dry .'.ods. Notions etc. v The ninth anhiial conven thn and Tournament of the rth Carolina Firemen's As sciation will bo held in Fayette- i4 1 e next w,eek beginning- o n Tiu'sdav and holding until MM " . inursday. r ire companies tl'oni no-.u'lv nil thn liirrrpr tflWHS n' the State will attend and a huge crowd of visitors is ex ptited. The railroads will give reduced, rates-for 'this occasion. The ninth annual catalogue f lUiie's Creek Academy and ( ,,ininercial School is on our hable .. 1 1 is a handsomely print- atn llattie Privett, of Nasli county, is visiting her brother Mr. M. H. Privett, at hotel Di vine; f.. T T T i ' . ir. v . x . Jones made a trip to itaieigii last week. He sas crops are looking splendid along the road. t!l...: IX' T TT T ontuiu j. ii. i'ope, accompa- mea Dy Miss Emma Lee, went jvii, ix.yKj., jpnaay on a visit to relatives. , Misses Kittie and Jessie Her man, of AVarrenton, are visiting tneir sister, Mrs. JJ. 11. Hood, oii Broad Street. Mr. M. R. Royall; who has been teaching at Walnut Cove, spent a few days here this week with relatives and friends. Masses Gertrude and Annie Harper left Saturday: for Smith field where they will, spe rid sev eral days with their uncle, Rev. J. J. Harper. Mrs. W. F. Pearson and chil dren, accompanied , by Miss Lei a Driver, are visiting at Buie's Creek Academy this week. Prof. L. C. Brogden arrived in the city Saturday afternoon and remained here till Mondav. AH of his friends (alid pupils were glad to shake his hand. He will remain at Goldsboro un til' September when he goes to Greensboro to teach in the Graded School. For been a good deal ' d pamphlet of fifty pages ufnd v forth the advantages of the "' hot)! in an admirable manner. Birring .the last session this school "enrolled 212 students, ''presenting 13 counties and vo States, 91 of whom were hoarding students. The cata logue contains a splendidTpho lograpji of the "buildings. some weeks there has of noise and quarrelling among some negro women in the western part . of the town. Occasionally they have a fight and the wool files and the air is hideous with .the profane and vulgar language tiny use. The mayor has had several of them before him this week and he is '.-determined to put a stop to .so much of it. Right, enforce the law and fine them ; if they can't raise the money there are some streets that they can work on. Let the offenders of the law Anowl that they must pay a fine or work it out on the streets and this will soon put a stop to so much disorder. Our State Senator7 Hon. Geo. E. Butler, of Clinton, lias done the woodpecker act and knocked his political brains out with his school law which was passed bv the last: legislature. The appointment by the Popu lists of negro school committee man in Sampson under that law has done the work for him, and the Populists who were his Warmest supporters now bitter lv denounce him. But George is not to blane, his law left it so that they could have been white men if the Populist board of education, in Sampson had seen fit to put all white men on the school committees, but they did not see that way, and appointed a negro in each town ship. Oil for tlie Sea. Nliore. The many lovers of pleasure in this town, as. well as in the surrounding towns and section will hail with delight the an nouncement of Messrs Hatch Bro's. excursion to Wilmington and Ocean View Beach on Aug. 2nd. They have made the excursion business a study and their experience enables them to obviate all worry and A.iit inmdpnt to most events of liw'.irind . ' The excursion on l lllO -Ilk A - - Aug. 2nd , from Dunn promises to eclipse all others in the num ber of people who will .patro- 1 the attractions for 11 xv - - . tha nublic. The train will leave Dunn at 6 :30 a. m., on Mon ,lnv Aiir. 2nd. and will take on ivipiiwrs at all stations from rnnn to Wilson and from Wil sou to Pikeville. It will be for white people only, and cheaper tlian ever before. For particu lars see posters. Carolina so strictly forbids t he same. By reference to Article 7, section 7 of the Constitution you; will find it as follows : 4 'No county,, city-, town or other mu nicipal corporation shall con tract any debt, pledge its faith, or loan its credit. Nor. shall any tax be levied, or collected by an- o'flicers of the same, ex cept for the necessary expenses thereof, unless 1 a", vote of a majority of the qualified voters therein." I Well you might say, "yes that is all so but the Legislature has power to change any pro visions in this Article.'v Let's see what it says about that. By reference to Article 7, section 14 of the constitution joii will find something like this : - "The General Assembly shall have full power by statute to modify, change, or abridge any and all of the provisions of, this .tiriicie aua suDStitute otners in their place, except sections sev en, nine and thirteen. ' 1 1 think it may be plainlyseen that this special tax is unconstitutional, and I don't think the ! people will be imposed on in any such manner, the people already have more taxes to pay than they pos sibly can paythen why impose a special !tax? Think of this and act accordingly. . A Voter. Legal, N. C, July 2Gth 1897. undoubt edly the best stove We ever used! T . , .1 . 11 IS Prf. A. It. II ill. Of Beaufort, N. C, has 'ac cepted, the position of principal of the Dunii High School for the coming year, and we trust tliat our citizens will give him the patronage that they, should. 1 Prof Hill comes to us with the highest recommendations as a cultured christian gentleman and an able and proffieient in structor, lie is no novice in. the school room. He was ed-' ucated at the State University and left that institution with honor and well equipped for lis chosen profession, tejaching, and has : taught every., year since thvee years at Pitcsboro and five years at Beaufort,, which place he is leaving to come here. I Dunn needs and must have a good school if it would succeed ust as good now as it was lie day I bought it. I would further say that it has - given my wife perfect satisfaction. If I had to 0113 another I wouh buy none other but the New Lee. ' D. McBrowx. Dunn, N. C, July 20th, ,'97 Mr. E. Lee, ' " Dunn, N. C. I p u r 6h a s ed" " o n e o f 30 u r Ne w Lee cook stoves about twelve months;ago and must say. -thai; I would not exchange it for any other make. I believe that it will last longer than any stovd on the niarket because it is made strong and durable. ' ' -Yours very respectfully a ! M. F. Gainkv. Dunn, N. C., July loth, '97. Lee Hardware Co. : I am ghul to say the ew'Lee cook stove I bought from 3011 about two 3'ears ago has given' us the best satisfaction. I can safely ay it is tlie best cooker we ever used. No one who buys a Ney Lee will ever re gret it, . Respectfully, ' " R. T. Stephenson. f ' '. . . We have numerous other tes timonials attesting the. good qualities of the New Lee Stove some of! which will appear in these columns from time to time. The Lee Hardware Co. ind grow in intelligence-, and to thislend let ever3r citizen be- tir himself . If the people of the town will lend the proper aid and assistance we can build up a good boarding school- one that "will hot 011I3 .be a credit to the town but to the county .-and State. Remember that it takes united action of all the- people to do this. Let us give . Prof. Hill a united support, and - we feel sipe- that he will give us a good school, and will pfobably make his home permanent with us and in a few 3'ears we will have a school .that willy be the pride of the town. Thin or gray hair and bald head?, so displeasing to many people as marks of age may ba averted for a long time by using Hall's Hair He- newer. , Masonic Installation and Din ner Tonhiy at 11 o'clock the mem bers of Palmyra Lodge, No. 147, A. F. A. A. M . , met at the Lod"e room for the public in stallation of officers. The of ficers installed were : W. M.-, ZacharvTavlor : S. W., James1 Pearsall ; J. W:, W. A. John- sdk : Treasurer, J.J. V ade ; Secretaigy, J. G. Johnson ; Dea- -r-l n ' T - ' .1 ' T A cons, A. r . curies ana v. a. Jones ; Stewards, L; P: Jerni- gan and Wilson Lucas ; Tiler, I. W. Tavlor. Dr. F. T. Moore - j acted as installing officer. Quite a number of visiting brethren and a good number of ladies witnessed the installation ceremonies." After the instal lation a table was prepared in the lodge room find the baskets brought forth and a dinner of most delectable viands was spread which was one of the most enjoyable features of occasion.: The 'l ent .Tleetin. b or several da3s the question lias been asked over anec over, "when is Mr; Leavitt coming to Dunn?" His tent was erect ed yesterda3 on the base " ball lot near the old Godwin shop," and services held for the first' time this morning at ll'o'clock, which consisted mostly in, song and - prayer service, in conclus ion of which Mr. Leavitt made a short and appropriate talk. Mr. Leavht has a most pleas ant manner in the pulpit which ! his audience cannot, but - help admiring. ILe is the personi-; fication of ' meekness, gentleness and love. He preaches; plainly and, earnestly and effectually. It is a peculiar idea that some people think -that because a man preaches .with -power and with the spirit, that he claims the honor and glory, to himself. Never was a broader mistake made The man who is filled with the spirit claims' 110 honor to himself, but-rather gives the praise, to God that he is a spar ed laborer in the vineyard. Away With such false ideas and throw you influence into the meeting and if 3Tou go wkh the proper motive 3'ou will be bene fitted. The talent that lias so long been wrapped up and laid awa3T should be brought in to. use, and you are held respon sible for tlie manner -in which it is kept. -.- . A choir will be organizedi this afternoon which Avill fur-f nish music,- assisted --by Mr. Leavitt with his cornet. Three services a day. All invited to attend regardless of denomina tion. " I Bilious and Intermittent Fevfers which prevail in miasmatic dis tricts are invariably accompan ied by derangements of the Stomach Liver and Bowels.' The Secret of Health. The liver is the great "driving wheel " in the mechanism of i r man, and when it is out of order, the whole system becomes de ranged and disease is the result. Tutt's Liver Pills Cure all Liver Troubles. U ,U Sis ttlBi ! " Troyville Notes. Splendid crops in this section. Several of our bo3's contem plate taking in the sea ' shore Monday on. the excursion. ; liev. J. F. Owen, of Dunn, is conducting a series of meet ings at Prospect church this week. Mr. and Mrs. T. I). Stewart visited Irs. Stewart's parents at Holly Springs Sunday. Mr. B . F. Williams, of -Wins- low1, was a pleasant visitor to our ;cqmmunit3 Sunda3;. Regular monthly services were- held at New Hope church Saturda3T and Sunda3r. A large congregation attended Sunday. Two members were received in to the church by baptism. Quite a - severe wind storm visited this section Fridav night which damaged crops con siderably, especially the - corn crop. Snider. "Have tried others, but like Ayei's best" is the statement made erer and over aein bv those who testify to tlie benefit derived from the use of Ayer's Sarsaparills. Disease never naa a greater enemy than this powerful blood purifier It makes (he week strong . JERSEY CALF STRAYED On. may 8th a heifer Jersey calf my light colored stra3Ted from farm. It was then about fouif months old and unmarked. L have reason to believe that it was seen at Alex Norris . near Diuin, about the middle of Ma3T. Aii3T information leading to its recovery will be liberally re warded. J. R. Butler,' . Clinton, N. C. We are Headquarters for RUBBER & LEATHER BtLTIWG, Inspirators and Mill Supplies of all kinds. '.:...:.:' FURNITURE. We have on hand a beautiful line of Suites. - - . j Bed Steads, Bureaus, Washstands, Lounges, Chairs .'fcc., at at prices below the lowest.. 6. K. C00K STOVES are the host- ever brought to this market. We sell them cheap and give a lo 3'ear guarantee on them. See us before you buy 'and we will save you money. Yours to I'LEASE, DUNN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO., DUNN, N- C- Privett & Holliday. Next door to J. J DUPRKE. . - ' IM: B. HOOD, DRUGGIST AND PHARMACIST I buy for easb and am prepared to sell at the v,ery lowest prices. IKith my experience and convenience I am prepared to fill Prkscrii'tiojh promptly and accuralely at the very lowest cost. My stock is now complete, and I can furnish anything found in First Class Drug Store. Orders prompdy filled. Country Merchants are Invited to see me- . . thank all for past favors and cordially incite you to 00 mo I can save you money. and soo m Very Respectfully, N. B. HOOD, Dunn, N- C- m ullJjLlV ACADEMY There will be' a mee-tinir of- the Cape Fear Co'ncalve of the Improved Order of Ileptasophs to-night at 8 o'clock to consid er matters of interest ' to the Order. A full attendance is desired. Will be over in time for service at the tent. I J. C. Clifford . J. C CLIFFORD, . Attorney at Law, puxx, x. c. Will practice in all the court; State, here services desired. of the Grfves Tasteless Chill Tonic is a per fect Malarial Liver Tonic and blood pu rifier!. 'Removes Biliousness, without pviriiiiig. As plesanl as Lernon Syrup. It is Its larre as any Dollar tonic and re tails for n6i. To get the CiKNTilNK ask for Grove's For sale and guarantee by Hoodi&Grantham, Dunn. N.C. Whywill you : buy hitter nauseating tonics when GROVE'S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC -is "as pleasant as Lemon Syrup. Vour druggist is authorized to. refund the money in every case where it fails to cure Price, 50 cents. Veteran R-Union. Next Thursday, August Watches, ... Clocks, -Jewelry and Sewing - Machines cheaper than ever at Gainey & Jordan's. We repair watches, clocks, jewelry and sewing machines, and guarantee satisfaction to all See us when in need of" any ol the above,, . I;. Gainey : & Jordan can now supply the wants of those who may wish to purchase a Bicycle. Call and see them and' examine their wheels before you buy. . o the Confederate Veterans of Johnston and Wayne, counties will have a re-union and pic-nic at the cemetery on the Benton ville battle ground. Arrange nients are being made for the entertainment of a large crowd and all the old -'veterans are in vited to be present. ' The Golds boro Kirles, through- whose ef forts a handsome monument has been erected on the battle ground to the memory of the brave he roes who lost their lives at this nil oil Commercial 1 Prepares for College or School College Highly endorsed by Presidents and hundreds of lmsi- - - 1 ness men. MILITARY FEATURE. One of the best Business Courses in the State. Sliorthrubl, Typewriting, and Telegraph-. Valuable Librory. Two excel lent Literary Societies Ideal country location. Saves and morals. . money S25 TO ISO Go to N B Hood's Drug Store to tret vour School Books and all School Supplies. . No Cure 2o. Pay That- is the way all druggists sell GROVE'S TASTKLESS CHILL TON iC for Chill and Malaria. It is simply Iron and Quiuine in a tas'elesj form. Children love. it. : Adults, prefer it to bitter, nauseating -.l'ouics. Price, 50c. Sold and' guaranteed by Hood &. Gran tham. , Warranted no cure, no piiy. There are many imitatton?. To get the genu ine ask for Grove'- Sold and guaran teed by Hood & Grantham, Duiin, N. C School Books " School Books, School Books, School Books, at Hood tfe Grantham's. pays all expenses for five months. Two hundred and twelve students from- thirteen counties and two States. Excellent new buildings and furniture. Fall Term Opens August 2, 1 897. gCTm$OY catalogue, containing testimonial, cut of building etc., Address J. A. CAMI'BKLL, Principal, Pok's,-Harm-tt County, X. C. With the Improved Xew Home )r- Pancoast's Celery Coih I can knock out all so callecl -pound, restores strength . to the light running sewing machine. : weak and nervous, purifies the The Xew Home is the best out blood, and impart's to tlie liver, and is not sold at such unreason- .kidneys and bowels heahliy able priceV yYou can buy them ) normal action. 7o cents per on easy teanns. See me before bottle at Hwkl & Granthaur.s. b uy i n g a machi ne . M..F. iainev KEEP. COOL Blank Books, Ledgfrs, Mem orandums, Bihh's and cither books at Hood & Grantham's. The Wlieeh r and Wilson Xo. By buying your ice from me. jy is the only inachim having a You run no rik. All druggists gnar- , antee G:ove's Tateles Chill Tonic to ! nil .tli.it tlii m iiiiif-i.l nivi'a r-lulm ' for the : . battle, Will be present ill fllll ; it Sld and guarantee by Hood and dress. A band will furnish mil- ! Grantham, Dunn, .c sic for the occasion. . ' 2 WANTED I' wish to buy hSuse and lot. Apply to J. M. Hayes. a Charles J. Booth, Olivewood, Cal., says: ''I have used Ayer's Pills in my family for several years, and have always found them most effectual in the relief of ailments arising from a disordered stomach, torpid liver, and constipated-bowels. ' Malaria produces Weiskuess," General .Debility, Biliousness. Loss of Appetite Indigestion and Constipation.- Grove's Tasteless Chill '-Tonic reuioves the cause wbieh produces these troubles. Try it and you1 ViU b delightel. 50 cents. To get the geufiine ask for GroieV-old and guaranteed by Hood A: Grantham. New ceived Store. Umiii at i TURNIP SEED. Cron Turnip Seed at B. Hood's re- Drug la m I have it in any quantit' you want at reasonable prices, in fact so low th$t even body can use it. I wish my customers to reraemlxjr that on Sundays my ICE HOUSE will be open from 10 to 11 o'clock and from o to C o'clock At these hours only will ice -be sold on Sunday. On week days I 'will -be open from 9 to li a. m., and from 5 ' ' T . 1 to 7 p. m. nease rememoer the lours and come then after it. Respectfully, John A. Oatks. needle that cannot beset wrong. Rotary motion and Bull bear- Rapid and Durable. Xo use less attachments. Xo cogwheels the best is the cheapest. a., m., I Easy terms. p. m. ' E. F. Young. to plant Fresh lot Oran- Xow is the time Ruta Baa seed. j just received at Hood fe I tham s. -School Supplies, . Books, I Slates, Pencils, Paper, Tablets, Ink, Pens Ac, at Hood & (J ran