i- THE COUNTY UNION. DUNN, Harnett County,-N. C, ": Entered accoi ding- to postal regula tion;; at tlifpostofficf at Dunn, N. C., as second clas.- matter. J. P. PlTTMAN, Proprietor, A. M. "Wooivall, Editor. TERMS CF SUBSCRIPTION. TJiree Month......... .............. .25 Cents?. Months 30 Cents. One Yv.iv ...$1-00. Sent tiy Mail. Payable in advance. - TXrxN, N. C, ACciu.ST -4, 1897. . FEES INCREASED. "Cjiai'TKk 553. i - ... "ax act t(? fix the fees of the Treasurer of . Harnett County : . ' '.'The' General Assembly of North Carolina do eilact : :.'. ''Section 1. That the .. treas urer of Harnett county bo al lowed the following commission in full "of ;nll services, to-wit : -..'"On all receipts, both co'ttnty and school, the sum of one per centum on all disbursements, county and school, two and one half per centum, 'Sec. 2, That clauses of laws in the provisions of all laws and conflict- with1 this act are hereby repealed. ; "Sec. 15. This act shall be in force from and after its ratihea tioiu . "Ratified' the 0th day of March, A- I). The above is a true copy, word for word and punctuation the same', of chapter -55.3 of the laws of 1897 taken from that "book of iniquities." - The Pop ulists and "'Republicans in the last legislature not satisfied with empowering the county : com missioners to levy a special tax on us to pay a debt which the voters of the countv have, twice repudiated by their votes, pass ed an iict specially for the treas urer of Harnett county. Read the above act and then read it between the lines and "see who .it is made to benefit, and then read it again and see where this benefit comes from. It comes from the tax-payers of Harnett i county. Does it ma-ke your taxes any. more? N. -: But" it takes from every $1(K) of taxes received -and disbursed by the t reas u rer $ 3 . 50 and puts it in the pocket of the treasurer- $1.(10 more -on every hundred . dollars than the; old law ;. enti-,-tled him to. ' ;; v The treasurer f.'::'Harneti. county is a: populist andr-a" gfen tle.man of uiniuestionable chaiv actor. Did he have this law made, for his own benefit? Did he not know about hdw 'much tlie of Hoe of treasurer paid before he was elected in 18)6? Cer tainly he did for lie was the treasurer for two years prior to that time and . (luring-which time he received the same fees as other county treasurers 'fin the State. Tt is true that the olhee of treasurer does not pay very much in this county, but this special legislation" will give the treasurer. $100 more for the work he docs'' this year than he got last year. This is Populist and Republican reform in Har nett Countv. When the loins hit nro found an otlice not fat enough for the applicant or holdor.it proceeded at once to legislate itTat enough".' The in lividuals that composed .: that body were there for the ; "stuii ' and they did not fail to remem ber their friends. The Ceorgia white Republi cans, are indignant at the par tiality shown the nero in that-. State by President McKinlev. They want the negro to vote for them and let them hold all the OlHees. President McKinlev bo-lie. vos that to the victors beT long the spoils and as the negro in the South is principally the ; Republican party ho thinks that fcuey slunild be given the choicest bits of pie. No white 'man who -votes the Republican ticket in the South can com plain at-the appointment of the - negro to otlice . The Virginia Populists "held a State convention last week to nominate candidates. .They nominated a candidate for Lieu tenant Governor and adjourned, . leaving the balance of the ticket to be' tilled by the executive committee. This means that they want to trade as they did in this State last year. The size oF the average populist's, politics ds office and he "will trade with airy crowd to get it. TARJFA. Tarifa should le known' to Americans, for, according to tradition, it was the dwelling place of the Berbers (Moors) , who entered Spaiu under Tarif-Ben-Malik, the first Berber Sheikh that landed in the coun try, after -whom the fortress was named, from which those Mohammedan pirates stopped passing" "ships and levied, toll or tariif for the privilege- of pas saere. Mediterranean letter in the 1 i By using' Hall's Hair. Renewer, gray, faded, or discolored hair as sumes the natural color of youth, and grows luxuriant and strong, pleasing everybody. ISmmiiti- upif. This morning at 10 o'clock at the home of Mrs. X. H: Stew art near AvcTasboro, Miss Lena Stewart was married to Prof: 11. B. Moulton, of jWiley, Tex as, Rev. A. M. Hassell perform ing the ceremony.j Only a few friends of the family -were pres ent. The happy couple board ed the. 12 :07 train here to-day for the groom's home in Texas, A little romance is connected with this marriage and proves the bringing together of two hearts that would probably have never met if it, Wld not been for a : "corrcisponden.ee club." Miss Stewart had long since passed the Ue. of giddy o-irlhood and had reaClied lila cs ;. t tire and sober womanhood, liv ing in pleasant surroundings in one of the most handsome coun try homes in Harnett countv. Prof. Moulton bad ."experienced the life of a married man . and had had the sad misfortune to lose- his doitr companion, who left in his .care and protection ttve children that ha-d been born to thtnn.. He was" teaching school in vFcfxas, and at -present; is Superintendent of the Graded School at Wiley, Tyxas, a small town some twenty-five miles from Dallas. Miss Stewart 'and Prof. Moul ton received each other's harness through a "Private Correspon dence Club" some throe years ago, and began a correspon dence which proved to be mu tuaL and ripened into love, al though they had never met . Last Summer' Prof.' Moulton came here to see her and the meeting proved satisfactory and the engagement was consunia te.d. He Aveiit back to Texas and came again in December and pressed his suit but he was again nut oil. He came again 5i few. weeks aro and his 'efforts proved' successful in the.., con sumation of the marri age vows this' morning. ' - Miss Stewart's many friends in this section wish her much happiness' and trust that she will find everything as represented by the man she 'has chosen to be a companion through life. am ma, was that a sugar-plum you just gave me?" asked little Ma bel. "No, dear, it was one of Dr Ayer's Pills." "Please, may I have another?" "Nu now dear; one. of those nice pill is all you need at present, becaus'j Vjvery dose is effec tive." . : . y "-.; " ;. ISoskI Supervisors to Ict-t. We are requested toantiour.ce that the board of road supervi sors of -Averasboro township will meet at the town hall in Dunn Saturday;- afternoon at 2 o'clock .and request a full at tendance of the board and road overseers. Every justice of the peace in the township, is a '.mem ber' of- this board. Under the statute the justices. of the police form a board to. supervise and manage tlie roads in their re spective townships ami are re quired to meet on the first Sat urday in August of each year and receive reports of road over seers for-the ensuing year, allot hands to Work sections of road and other work pertaining to keeping the roads. We learn that in this town ship the justices of the-': peace, have not been very prompt to attend these yearly meetings and some years have not hold any mooting at all. It is im portant that this board should moot and look well to the keep- ! mg of the roads, home of our roads need more attention. - .A community is judged to a great extent by its roads. A little work at tlie' proper time on the roads does a deal of good. What causes bad dreams isrii ques- tionithat ha3 never been satisfactorily) answered; but, in nine cases oat of I ten, frightful dreams are the result I of imperfect digestion, which a few j doses of Ayer's Sarsaparilla will ef-i fectually remedy. Doni't delay try ft to-day. Minso Sparks, Verv hot weather for the last few days. ' A good many of our citizens have been attending the tent meeting at Dunn for the last few days. . ) . -: Prof. J. M. Page, principal of Union Hill Academy, spent Saturday night in our commu nity. His school begins to-day and we Avisli Inm the; greatest success. i - , Kev. J. A. . Campbell filled his regular monthly appoint ment 'at Spring Branch Satur day and Sunday. It is thought by a good many that Mr. Camp bell on Suiiday, preached one of the best sermons that has been heard in tins country in a good long time. May God. bless him,. ' ' , Miss Lula Jackson, of Dunn, spent part of 'last week in -the Giles' Mill section, the guest of Miss Venie Honeyeutt. Mr. and Mrs. C. B, West- brook,' of Timothy, spent Sun day in our community. Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Stevens, of Dunn, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Howard. Miss Lizzie McLellan, of Rhodes, passed through our community yesterday. Pulling fodder will .soon bo in rotation with our farmers. Aug. 2nd, 1897. Stub. . ; - . L v.., f&iiletl in Texsiw. Last Thursday's papers con tinued the following account of the killing of two brothers at Waco, Texas, on t lib day be fore : "Waco, Texas, July 28, In the stock brokerage office of C. E, Trice; & Co., today, B." F. Kivett and W. W. Kivetf were shot and killed- by W. Lam den a member of tlie firm. Bad feeling has existed between the Kivett brothers and Lamden for some time, growing out of charges made by the relatives of Lamden jmd a sister of Kiv ett's: The- shooting between the brothers and Lamden occur red during the busiest part of the clay when the office was crowded, sancl it caused intense excitement. .Two more of the Kivett brothers armed them selves and proceeded to the scene of the shooting, threaten ing to kill, Lamden, but they were not allowed to enter. The killing is universally looked up on as justifiable. "About a month ago tlie Kiv otts attempted to kill ; Lamden, inflicting a knife wound on him and they had frequently threat ened to kill him since then. This, morning they appeared in the doorway . of Trice & Go's office. Lamden was ''in formed of the coming. As they ap peared in the door their drew their pistols, but Lamden fired with a shot-gun before thev could shoot, killing B. F. Kiv ett instantly. YV. W. Kivett ritshed on Lamden with his re volver and as he pulled the trig ger; Lamden struck the, weapon up and then; grabbed it; The rnoii wrestled over the weapon which Kivett succeeded in fir ing several times without result Lamden -finally succeeded in drawing his revolver and shoot ing Kivett three; times. Lamden was uninjured." The voting men killed were sons of Mrs. A. J. Kivett, who now; resides at Lillington this county and it was a sad shock to her. They witli two broth er and a sister have been liv ing in Texas for some years. It is a deplorable aifair and much regretted by their friends. Hot weather won't cure weak lungs. You may feel better be cause out of doors more, but the trouble is still there. Don't stop taking, your cott's muision because the weather happens to be warm. If you have a weak throat, a slight hacking cqugh, or some trouble with the bronchial tubes, summer is the best time to get fid: of it. If you are losing flesh there is all the more need of attention: Weakness about the chest and thinness should never go to gether. One gceatly increases the danger of the other. Heal Weak LllilOS OP E the throat, cure the cough, and j us you v orders or call at our of strengthen the whole system"! ftr them. I now. Keep taking Scott 1 . J. P. Pittmax, cmuision an summer. r? i . 11 Fori fatl Ie:iSli. ? On last Wednesday, July 28th at noon, at the home ot Iyer un cle, Mr. J. H. Williams, at Lit tle River Academy,-' this ;count Miss Belle Williams, the "only child of Mr. R. S. Williams, of Oxford, N. C, ' departed this life in the fourteenth year of her age after aii illness of only three days. She was spending vacation with. her grand mother and un cles in that community and in tended returning home with her father this week, but He that doeth all things . well wanted her and sent the angel of afflic tion unto death to her Sunday and she was stricken suddenly ill and lingered' until Wedties day when she was transported, to the realms of eternal rest to meet her mother who jr precedotf her not many months ago. V Her remains were brought here Thursday morning and put on the North bound train for Oxford for interment. x At li'or home in Grove town ship on Monday Mrs. Lou Fow ler, wife of Mr. T. II. Fowler, died from c ire r of the stomach. The funeral was held at Pros po.ct church y sterday. Rev. J. F. Owens, of Dunn, conducting the ceremonies, and -the body interred-' in the ehuch yard Cem etery. " , She loaves a husband- and several children. She had been a consistent member of tlie church at Prospect for ncai-Jy twenty years and left that bles sed assurance that she had just left earth for, an abode in that house; not made with hand's eternal in the heavens. J I : Mr A. 0. AVolfe, of Dundee, Mo . who travels for Mau-ur & TibbeJts, Lmplecit-ot Co.; of Sf. Louis, gives traveling men and Ira e rs in gci.e al, s 'me good advio '....'. ' beiner Kuifr! t ;f the Grip," 1 ie s.iys, 'I "iave for; tb.' pist Thr e ears', made it i rule 1 6 iep mjseif- supplied with Ohambcrlaia's Coli' Cholera aud Di irri ocr 1 Remedy , and have fouud cu merous (-'ccasi'oii1 to trs- iff? merits, ret ony on mvseif, bu! oiodiers as we'. cau tiuly say ibut I never. ii a in .le iVisrar.ee. have Vq .w.i it to fail, t consider it one of the , bet-1 rt mt-flic e travelers cao carry ard eouid relatr many instances wher; I have u-ed tt' remedy 00 kc-ptiep, much to tbe.i surprise and rjf1ef, I hope evrs traveling man in the U. S. will carry a b m Irt id t his remedy iu his grip For sale by ,N 1 B. Hood, lruggi Dunn, N. (J. ! - ; . ' ; - . ' -I EXECUTOKS NOTICE. I laying' (jnilitieil as exeeuti'rs of J: G. Brown, 'leceased. late of llarmtt r'oini ty, North C rolina, tlii is to notify ' all persons having .claim against the estate of said deceased to exhibit, them to the undersigned 011 or before the 2nd day of Aug., 1SUS, or this notice w ill be ple;a I ed in bar of .their recovery." All persons indebted, to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 2nd days of Augu.-t, IS07. ' N . T. JlINSON. EXE0UK0KS NOTICE ! 1 Having qnaliiied as Executors of An drew J. Turliiig-ton, deceased, late ! of Harnett countv, North Carolina, this is to notify ' all per.-ons having claims against the estate of said 'deceased ! to exhibit them'to the undersigned on : 01 be for (he 1st day (Sf Julv, IS US, or this nonce win oe pieaueu in uar ot rnir re covery. All persons indebted to iii estate will please' make iminediate jiay ment. This 1st day (if July. 1897.. " Devekaux Turlington, J. T. Coats. jul-7-Gw. , Executqi-s. North Carolina, 1 ; II AitNKTT County. J ixsOTICE TO NON RESIDENTS'. In the matter of ti e Petition of J. V Pipkin to establish record of Judgment in case of J . W. Pipkin Admiiiisri'atoi; of Lew vs. Pipkin, Deceased, agaihst M.!V McNeill. Adtn r. of A. S. .cNeill, de ceased, and E. H . .NlcNiill Jr., R. C McNeill and oiheis, heirs ut law of. A. 6. McNeill (leceaseil. Toli. H. McNeill, A. S. McNeill Jr.. and R. C. McNeill ;, j ' Pursuant to onlei of publication, "you are hereby notilied that -f. V. Pipkin. Administrator of Lei is: . I'ipkin, lias liled a petithn iu I In-, Superior Cui t.'of Harnett couiitv lor the etah!islnueiit of the record of judgment rendered at No. Veuihcr terin 189i (ifsaid Superior cuir:, in favor of him and against .Mii. M. V. McNeill Administra: ix of A. s Mc Neill, deeea-ed. yuirelves and otpels. lieii s at 1 iw of aid A. S. McN-i 1, d( -ceased, a-i that ail petition will be 1 1 card and passed upon at a term of tin Superior Uourt to 1m In Id for the. couj. ty of Harne.t, at the 'Court House iin Lilli. gtoi). on 1 lie liit Monday i .' Sep tember 1-81)7. Audty.,u arc further notified to appear at -aid-term and au-wer or -demur jto .-aid petition' or the relief prayed fo. u ill b f awarded petitioner, i (jrsveii under my hai.d and seal tlii tjic Oth day of July 1S07. M. McKay. jl-14-Cw. Cpcr!; Superioi Court BLANKS FOR SALE! Wo now have on hand a full i supply of Warrantee and Morj: igage J)eeds, Chattel Mortgage I Lien Bond- and Magistratels . blanks, at prices as low as vou can buv them anywhere. Send j Pub. of County Union, ; Dujin, N. C NOTICE. l irtim if :i .ludfrmo ;t of Harnett Count v Superior court icmu-i fiiarv Term 185)7 in the ca-e of Nei-I A Atkins v.. W.F. Marsli, GVAhnn lV.rker executors of J. I1.. Atkiu. .U'ceed, I. F.Shaw. G.ianlian ad Litem, liiruei . AtVinrJ. Oscar ktkius, lieirs aV I-vw, I will on bept. b. l&.i H.r-.rr,-t iioiisp I).or in LilMnj'tor, ' :vt N. C, at hS0 o'clock P. M. sell iit . mbr.c sat- to the highest bidder for ca?h .a cer tain. tnct of land in Lillington township-' Ifarnett county coMtair.injr ldU acrks, adjoining the lands f Gradv and others,- bfgii.miiis at Grady's upper cornert where formerly was a hickory on the Cape Fear Kiver. thence as Gradv s line S. 43 . o-A chain to the. corner, formerly a p ne. thence :i another ot rus nne -5 W. -2 chain- to a stake ami pointers. J. H. AtVins corner, thence his line N. 7i)X E. ciiains to a small, ash his cor ner on the River, thence down the said River to the bcpinninf?.-. ii cludin.ir t lie r.,.. M.l.m-'ii imiKM v:i!lH'(l If 7()0. 'IlllS 4ll.-V'IILI - - :d. is for the nurchasc money of sabl land This Auu.-tTst, 1837. 4 h. J. I'KST, C'oininissione EXECUTION SALE By virtue of an execution in my ha u-.s from the Superior Court of Ha- n-i 1 1 o;u ty, in favor of 'IV F Sanders ag.nnt H A. Hodges et al,,i will sell at public ?:il.e foi cash at tli Co'ujt House door ii Lil lington on WeAtueiday the 8th day of September 1807at $12 O'clock M.." it f-e-ing the thiid day of. the.' September term orHarneU couiity.' Suierior Court, all the light-title and;-interest that II. A! Hodges had i:., of, to, ahd concerning )f tlie following lauds on the d iy that the judgment in' this case Was docketed, to-wit -a . certain tract .of land in and near the town of Dunn. Harnett county known as the James C.'Surles land, con taining 7'"7 acres be the same ni tre or less.- which land is fully described in a ...i t iiii deed to and for the same, exe cuted by Daniel Stewart commissioner to i!. A. Hodges, dat-d April 7th, 184, and recorded iii Book Q, page 65 etc., Records of Harnett county.. This Au gust :Jrd IS97. . r - J. II- I'OPK. ' Shei iil' of Harnett c .uiUy. . ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. Having qualified as' Administrator of .J W. Thorn s, deceased, late of Har nett Countv, North Carolina, this is to notify all person's having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 3rd day of August, IS'.tS, or this no tice will Le pleaded in bar of their re cov'erv. All jiersous indebted t'O said estate will please make immediate i)ay ment. This 3rd day of August, 18971. ' 15. F. SHAW, Ahn ni-trator of J. W.: Thomas, deceased. FX.Co. t fail to examine ti e perfec-litting '. "FeAlhei liOiie" Coiset-, the best and cheapest on the market. All Styles of thee goods at K. G. Taylor's, Dunn, N. C. DI A XT at It'-vou a in the market fo- a number one Piano '! 'r -j ui yu sh mid not fail to see me. 1 will el! you the best ii; struiiient at the .-ina'.Je.-t cost and make j on easy terms. Music 111 Your Home Nothing adds so much .to the joy and comfort of your noiee as a nice instru ment, and iio!hinr more entertain: for your dany hte -s. Don't 'fail to se e me or address me Diin;i,N. C. 0. F. SMI'lTl at jNTotice ! ELECTION-. ORDERED ON PUBLIC SCHOOL QUES ; " TION? "On Tuesday after the 2ml Monday in Auiu.-t within Hie year 1SU7, tlie Board of County ( ommissioiiers of every coun ty shall cause 11 election to be held in evei- school -5rlitrict in their respec tive counties, upon the question of levy ing a special district cownh.ip) lax for the public schools of .slid dLtrict .(town ship), and notice of this election shall be given by the County Connniss. oners at their regular June meeting.- Aud such notice sliail be i blishej in ulie countv papers, and posted on ti e sjlioo' "house of said district, (row nship)." Act of gen eral 1 Assembly. 1SU7, Sections 2055. .as repealled by. Acts, 1897- UFFK'i: lioARI) OF COMMiSSKlN- HliS UF ilAUNE'l T CutiN 1 Y. I.lLLixoxuN, N'.-C ,li!i.t 7th lh'.)7. tu '. otnpuancv with the Order Abov St. forth. !r is ordered ly die Hoard o; 1 . .1. . : . ' r . . ; i 1 .... 7. ... .1 '.iiiiiii-Mn:!;-! hi am .oun. an electUMi he hel l ;it tile tune amd for tl.- purposes aibovc st-l forth, undr l lie j);o-vi-ions a lid ivgulafious in the ejection for in. mher- 6f the Assembly. And in aid eh-ction'to decide the quest ion ais to levying ten cents on tlie -ii, (),!;";) proper- ry, a:i, (I tiuriy. Cents On e;i.eh foil, ais ai -l-eeiail tax for j-ehoois. Notice, is liere- by. given t,o adl ja r.-oi..s of said elect ion ."i ml its puipb.-e. Ily o-ider; of tisc Hoard of Commission ers of A.in.ett Countv N.;.. .IniiH 7M. 1S97. ' - .. J. MCK. IIYKI). ' Clerk of the Hoard. North Carolina. Harnett County. To aill persons holding igaiiust thCouniy of Harnett, issued prior to .Jar'tu.iry I.-r IS!),, or warrants illoucil a.n I i-ued subse-rpient ! Jan uary l.-t, laV.u,, for expenses prior to that time,' ;;rc herebv notilied tt theV may tiiv the same' with the Clerk of tiiis Boaird for inj.i.ectiofi. coinuronii Hid j-ettlrmenr.auid take the clerk's re ceipt Jor tin; same conditio:. ed that said wsirrants wiU bt n'turncd H nor str!eil lhe wiu rs of each waiu ai.t ill be re quired upon tiling the same to make aihdait, tuat tie i- trie ladder for value of said wall rant, and that the same 4its issued for nccrs.-ary cxpen.cs of the couiitj- AH peisons die ictpu-sted to !ile: tbeir warrants on or beioive. the ''first ilOiuhiy in August lH'jJ. J. A. Grkkn, Chairman Board Co. Coui. LArIE Don' THE IDEAL f H-E - . . ..." -.. ('" rrvT Pl (W17. YC tJ i lJLX XjV t - of thoroughbred O. I. C. pjg! which I will sell on time to (j hiarliost bidder ust at 2 o'clock pt m. It is claimed best hog- for making cheap po, that he will fatten, at any , agj very solid with good hams, sij iusides, long mrest uiorouiiiiiy tnu luou c sumed, beautiful white comjiat b'od v. short less and head. form a jJCOxME AND SEE FOR Barchiysyille:, Harnett Co. N. IJ'r'ieiTcls Sc 1 0r July the firm name gill & Co. was '. '.' .. w;-' ' beauty T THE MASSENGILL , .... DRY GOODS CO. No change whatever has been made in the membership "fi! firm '.is constituted for the past business. We thank our friends And in tne past and trust thev will new linn name with a liberal nx on; our part fair and courteous tmntninnt mul faiiiliful eminent atienuon to ail business with which we ina-v Ix; ndru- ed.l . Th Massengill Dry Goods Co, DUNN, N. C. TOOD & Same Old. H AVE A SUPPLY OF ALL TFIK SCTTOOL-liOOKS USK? Is" COMMON SCHOOLS. BUY NO 10UR CHILD WHEN THE SPTTOOr. nvux . -v v m-m M. 4-4 k v J 4 t SLA FES PFAYTT.ii PlMvnv AND INK AT REMARKABLY LOW PRICE-. 3 Drugs, CoDfectionerie's. Stationery,: Patent Medicines, Copera", J'f,x' ulphor. Drug Sundries, Pepper, Spices &o. Tobacco, Suuff, Lampa and Lm$ "Prescriptions We are headouarters for an)' thing in our line. O; I. C HOrj l 'STOCK. G -. --i-V32.! on 25, 1897 that this is tli intestines wltid 1 ) (dim YOURSELVES. Respectfully, ; C, Custom ops 22nd, 1897, of J. A. IMasscii changed to .'''.-'' year or in the man,ii;cni 'lit of il customers for their libenilitv to nnntiimo in i-.wnv in .iin.Cr, share of their natrona-. bi-oniM r ...- rery truly yours, T?nr a "R .vcra. n ill a rliflc' w riniftc "RlCVCl'- n.nrl nil lr 1 n A r :BlCyC' Goods don't fail tfj s2eor address. T W. "R. AUSTIN, - nnnn. RAWTHAIVl. IF AND HAVE'' THEM KKAPV F0 Fixtures, w Hall and Store "Vr3 rv one equal t Stand Carefully FiH,(l to ' s'e US ill 1