I, THE : 1 COUNTY UNION ; pXKSD-lY. August. J 1 , 1897. OUNK,- N. C. ; SOCIAL. I rs for job work must be :l,,i: f vln-n order given and r, ' "hen delivered, TlUrt i;-l on' advertising. 1 ) . l c . DOTS, Brown lias ;i ;. . -; over lii.s grocery .L K. Thompson, house liter lias an ;ad" I.I;! 1"A" in in . 1 1 1 ; ,. -:!.:'. Head it. ? , : I ii i i 1 1 "Drug Company iic! its store on Luck ,;!.! re and is ready to wait liners. :. K. A . Parker, of Kin- hi ! in Dunn in about ;.; - a i i d w i 1 1 be p repared I--j i;-t ures. . t Cniox returns thanks II; X. liizzell, one of our ''ill - truck farmers, for a ,i;i!,ioupe winch was de id 'enjoyed very much. , lirick work on R. G. .--lore is completed wumiI workmen a re 'busy wood work. It will , mv i mi Idi iiir when com- . Y ll. Johnson has ,i paint and rejoair shop khww Sfjiiare, for repair vvini; machines, musical ip-nis and furniture. Bee a i his is-ue. ' next session -of 'Dunn : hool dpens August IGth o'f. A . I). J I ill in char 20. 1 , : ' - (,!' ! 1 ' oil. i. "i i i '.:' i"n-i i . i ' ; i i I II!: v. '.;!.!! !.! a i i" rhc cliiiui-cii up ai -:.. ,at iena regiuarjy. . uns i- ii .-ary for (he success -of the .( )'j I nil . . Mr. .1. L. Hall, of Falcon, aerc'pU'd ir position as sales iii.i.a in ih- Lee' Hardware Com- :!. '- store aml'will be pleased iii.h.i ve his firiends call ovr iiim r cit lze'ns rmiptly start their and have W 1 1 i I I liiinhv; need anything'in the re line. The last legislature, made ill.. ; i-ia (' - the ' November court in i iii- ciitmty two weeks instead el' uiiiv (.ii' week as it has been Jier.- ii. ',)i-c. The next term of our Superior Court commences Srjilemher. (t ll . ; A e io(l 'deal of new machin ery: i's beiyg put up in this sec liniiref tire country. We have U'M ired t hree new engines being niiioavled oil" the cars hero re o n';l . Thev are to bo used in uianii.e'- cotton and awing lum- r(,ur esteemed townsman, Mr. P. .Junes, we learn, will 'oi i open a store of ireneral nierchandise at Bass postotfice in S;mipon at Mr. Jesse Wil-n-V. 1 1 is business here will I"' CMjii inticd a.s heretofore. 'I'he eke t ion vesterdav in I'l u k lliver township Cumber land comity defeated the local. sc'iiom! t ;l v by a vote of 135 to sl. A si roiig ollort was made le r irry i t i n 1 1 i is t o wn shij) but the advocates of it were badlv u. lt-al ed .. - The new s(al)hs of Mr. T. r r - People and Thtir Movement. Mr. H, JI. Poe, of Poo's, paid us a pleasant (jail to-day. Mr: M. 11. Privett left Mon day for his home in Nash coun ty lor. a week or two. Miss Rosa Poe, of Poe's, vis i t r - ' ma mvs. W. F, Pearson this w Healed by 1aitji. FOR An Invalid lrola?IC:!fIiirtI;r. liiorninjT. T 1 R. Miss Lizzie Newberry, of r ciy euevme," is here visiting iter brothers. Dr.' J. A. McKay, of Dickin own, paiu us a pleasant visit while in. town Mondav. ..Miss Lizzie McKay, of Dick mson, is Visiting relatives in the city. : Miss Nettie Barnes has re turned nonie . from Rale5yh wht3re she has been visiting her sister. . v Mr. J. A. Williams, of Bar clasville, Was in town yester tay. lie will be with Mr. J D. Barnes again this fall. Mr. D. N. Stewart, a sales man for Messrs. Sherwood Higgs & Co., of Raleitrh, was in the city yesterday. 'Mr. Allen Lee, a popular young druggist of Greensboro, wno is on a. visit to Ins parents in Sampson, was here "vester dav-. Rev. F. R, Underwood re- tui-ned here vesterdav from j Washington, N. C.,' where he has been holdmir a series of meelinirs. M"iVs Catherine Stancil, of belma, came down Saturday afternoon and spent the night with, relatives in the city and returned home Sunday.. 'Mr. J. S. Pearson, of Poe's, i as accepted a position with Mr. R. G. -Taylor for the fall trade and will be glad --to. serve lis friends. ' Mrs. Anderson, of Carthage, and her niece Miss Foy' Barnes of Poe's, visited in the city tdav. Irs . Anderson is coif- teiMplating opening. a millinery store here. i Mr. Jlir.am Grantham, of Smithfield, canle down Sundar ifternoon. He has accepted a position in the drug, stores of Messrs. Hood-& Grantham. Mr... II. T. Spears has moved lis family here and occupies he dwelling recently vacfited by Mr. C. F. Pope. We extend a warm welcome to Mrs. Spears, and children. Rev. J. A. Cam)l)ell and Mr. R, G. Taylor left this afternoon or Red Springs to attend the baptist Sunday . School Chau tauqua which is in session there. Mrs. V. B. Stephens and children, accompanied by Miss (laddie Purvis, left yesterday or Hassell, the home of Miss Purvis. biti-erahl mi Wilson strepf, are '"iiiileed and. he has moved lii- Mod; into thorn. These are t'ae largest.- neatest and most nientlv - arranged stables, v ii: ure to say, that can be '"-ii.iid'iii niiylowii of this size in !!H' M;i-te.' I heiiieniber that we will 'iiicken, eggs, butter, hams "ii on 'subscription. If you ;.! t he money you probably. "He of these articles and a H Miiantity of either will "'"! Tin: Umion a year, i can,t all'oi'd to be without '"inriy pap(M". Subscribe 5:u ii.iv !;:. -111; .:;v 1 1 1 1 1 .11-1 W 1 ilere was no election held -vverasboro precinct No. 1. i.'iav as no. one would serve '"H holders. In No. 2, the -'.. vtion was held and the tax ("fe:ni-d by ;an overwhelming V"te We also learn-that no " mmIi was held in Neill's in y's i k lnwiKliin Tn tli.Mt tflWll- : A. . . .1 niV mere loidiii"- it. was no boxes for The first open boll of cot- 1"M ,. have seen this year was A'n to this oiiicc Friday: by Mr P. sion T. iRarefoot. Mr. t ''ires reported one open in JlN tiehl on the 4th, two days ";!''i'i-. Tt will probably be ' Ftcinljer before we get a bale ot oitun this year. Last year tlu; lirst bale of cotton was sold "ll 'he mlirket here August 12th "1UL oi'ought seven cents'-a 1,(hiiu1. Old cotton would sell ftl;iy here for eight cents. The rains of last Friday and Saturday watered the o-round well and helped the crops wonderfully and our f ami rs all say that, they have ex cellent cropk.- The amount ot cotton and hog and hominy Mu'oduced in this section will be enormous this year and we should all be thankful to kind Providence for his many and abundant blessings bestowed upon us. i See advertisement in an other column asking for sealed bids for the erection of a court house for this county at Lilling ton. The commissioners con template the erection of a hand some brick building. The coun ty needs a court house bad ami we trust will have one ready by the time for holding the spring term of the court. We learn that the Repub licans and Populists did not like our cartoon last 'week. Thev sav we are crying "negro in the wood pile." Wrong thev are. SO long as mey Kept juju in the "wood pile'' we were resting easily but -vvlien they put him in the schools we had to rebel and the places and tne men who put them there will be known ho. more forever af ter the next election. Mr. Herman Harrell Home, faster o Arts from the University ofdNorth Caroli na, also from" Harvard College will be in town next Monday1; and will preach in the Baptist church on Monday night. Mr. Home, who with his talent and culture is one of the most prom ising young ministers: of the State, is a grandson of Dr. W. B. Harrell of this place,, and will spend some days in town visiting his uncle, Mr. A. B. Harrell. - For many years the public has been reading of "miraculous cures by Divine healing.; and by some it has been believed", while others have doubted it, saying the days of miracales have passed, but not so, we read "as our faith is- so it is unto us." Just here we wish to impress the great need of faith in the world to-day. Men have lost faith confidence, ' in their fellowmen, and in their neighbors. Without faith we find ourselves in distress. Then iaith is necessarv to make life happy-, even in temporal things t lie n if it is necessary in these things, much more is it neces sary in spiritual things. Dunn has recently- had a case ot lii vine healing, that of Mrs. Mattie Vickers, who for Tears has been an invalid, and. es 1 1 ,i , ' , pecuuiy ior me past two or three years. -She had not been able to leave her room since the second day of last Febuary. f It was not faith in the power of the preacher but faith in God It was not the clay- that caus ed the blind man to receive his sight. It was not the touch of the garment that restored the woman whole- again. There was no power in- these things, but simple and unshaken faith ; believing in Him as the source Oh, for more Last Mr. G. into town noticed a ursaay 'morning, as Hedges was "walking on the railroad he fire in the woods a BUY THE NEW LEE COOK STOVES. X The the few hundred feet from of the switch' in the town. He went out to place where the fire was edge end of! the and of all blessings. faith. . Matt. ' 'And Galilee, 4-23 and 24 Jesus.'went about all teaching in . their svna?o?ufis and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all man ner of sickness and all manner of diseases among the people. Matt. 8-2 and 3. "And, be hold, there came a leper and worshiped him, say:ing, Lord, if thou wilt, thou canst make me clean, and Jesus put forth his hand, and touched him, saying, 1 will ; be thou clean, and immediately- his leprosy was cleansed. Get your bible arid read the Divine commission Christ gave his disciples : Luke 7-2 to .53, Matt. 8-14, 15 and 17, also 9 chapter and 35 ; John 4-4G to 53 ; Matt.. 10-1 ; Mark 9-23 and 24 "Jesus said unto him, if thou canst believe, all things are p o s s i b 1 e to him that belieyeth, and-straightway the father of the child cried out, and said with tears, Lord, 1 be lieve." . "If we ask anything in His name believing, we shall re ceive it. "Jesus Christ the same y-esterdav, and .to-day, and forever, Ileb. 13-8. In James 5-14 and 15 we read, "Is any sick among you? let lim call for the elders of the church ; and let them pray- over him anointing him with oil 5 in the name of the Lord, and the Di'ayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise dm up, and if he have com mitted sins, thev shall be for- him." directions here given for prayer and anointing vitn on in the name of the Lord, was obeyed to the letter in the won derful healing of Mrs. Vickers. leaver was. offered by Rev. T. II. Leavitt and a few friends, and after earnest prayer by- all, the witness was. received that the work was done. She was left alone in her room but all believing the Lord had done His work and the sister was made whole. The next morning, the first to arise was Mrs. Vickers? The family found her dressed and at the wash stand bathing, f preparatory for breakfast. She ate a hearty breaklast and at tended services in; a at the tent, the ti had been able oral years. You may now her at the tent almost any joining in the worship of God who has done so much her. To His name be all found a stump on fire and a heap of coals neatby- -.which-was' still smoking and in or near this heap was some pieces of cloth with, blood on them. He notified the police who with several others went down to the place 'and made some investiga tion. They- found in the heap of coals the' charred . remains of a supposed .infant which had probably been mi premature birth as no sign of bones could be found. Two little white but tons were found in the coals and there was some" trace of blood on the ground. There is no clue whatever to the perpe trator of" the d e e d. It is thought that some person did it to hide her shame. The matter should be thoroughly- investiga ted by the , authorities and the person who committed the hor rible deed punished. IEore IS a ei Away. Yesterday afternoon x Miss Irene McKay, accompanied by Miss Lizzie McKay, was driv ing her horse in the western part of the town and when near Mr. Spence's house the horse stumbled and fell' and"- Miss Irene was thrown forward over the daslr between the wheel and box and on thte cross bar of the shafts.; This frightened the horse and he began to run and kick and carried her,, partly dragging, about a hundred yards -when she succeeded in getting off. Miss Lizzie still sat on the buggy and was car ried on to near the academv where. the buggy- was turned over and. threw her out. Both shafts were broken off and the horse freed from the buggy. Fortunately- neither Avas seriously-hurt. Miss Irene received a ratfier bad cut on the lower lip and several ' bruises about the arms and head. Miss Lizzie was hurt right badly- front the fall and is not able to be up to day. The horse hurt himself right badlvl irst service to attend for I:itcli iti iars is 012 lite Outride. The fame-of our town is go lg out a long way from - the county in which it is situated, as a thriving, hustling, business town, and we are-'beginning to attract the attention of the out side world. The travelling men who stop here all speak with almost wonder and amazement at the amount of business done here, and say- that they-"find no other towns with such push and business as they find here. We are in receipt of two letters which reached us yesterday- ma gentlemen who are think- ing of locating with us. One came all the way- from Appling county-, Georgia, asking for a copy- of The Union and say-s that he is thinking of coming here on a prospecting tour. He is originally from this State, Wilson county-, and now thinks of returning and he has heard of Dunn ami its advantages, way-, down there in Georgia. Let all come who will. The latch string to the gate of our town alway-s hangs on the out side to strangers and they are received with a wrarm .-.welcome. This is a good town to merchan dise in, a good town for man ufacturing enterprises and the farm lands around us are good and with proper cultivation will produce fine crops of almost everything that is known in the catalog of agricutural products. And these lands can be bought e . 1. J at remarkably low prices. e iew liouj s 1 " . , S1CI uaiu sev- lusl: croMd see day her for the g'lorv. men witfi energy anu and men that will n ake citizens ; to these we ex tend a war.ni welcome. Men who will not work are not want ed ahvwhere. Loafers have no nlace in Dunn. Fine Culler. The Dunn Hardware Furniture Company have -7-- ' i V and just The Austin Royal Concert Company is here in our town and received one of the largest and handsomest lines of Imported pocket cutlery ever brought to this market.. It is of the cele brated and reliable brand of "John ,Primble" whose name on the blade guarantees it to be of the finest and best steel and nigntiy entertain -Quite a number of attend each night delighted with the entertainments which are of a laughable and instructiye order. The best of order is had and la- are giving ments free, our people and all are irkef Best on The M; Sold only by The Lee Hardware Co.," Dunn, N. C. Read what oiir customers of them : 'j' j " - , . - To Lee Hardware Co., ay 1 Dunn, N. C. The No"- Lee Cook Stove we months ago bought of you a few is giving us the very-... best of satisfaction in every particular. Burns wood free, fire easily started and heats up quickly. It's simply- O. K.v in every re spect. 1 do not hesitate to rec ommend it to the public. : J. R. Harman, jVe have been using the New Lee Cook Stove for nearly 3 years. It has given entire sat isfaction it is a quick heater and a good cooker and in fact it in every, re- Siiell. is a splendid stove spect. O. P We have numerous other tes timonials attesting the good qualities of the New Lee StOve some of which will appear in these columns from time to time. Tup: Lee Hardware Co. With the Improved New Home I can knock out all so called light running sewing machine. The New Home is the best out and is not sold at such unreason able prices. You can buy them On easy tearms. See Hie before buying a machine. M.F.Gainev. Dr. Pancoast's Celery- Com pound, restores strength ;to the weak and nervous, purifies the blood, and imparts to the liyer, kidneys h 'and bowels healthy normal 'action. 75 cents per bottle at Hood & Grantham's. Blank Books, Ledgers, Mem orandums, Bibles and other books at Hood & GrantJiam's. The Wheeler and Wilson No. 9 is I the only- machine haying a needle that cannot be set wrong. Rotary- motion and Ball bear ings ma,ke easyr running. Quiet, Rapid and Durable. No use less attachments. No cogwheels the best is the cheapest. Easy terms. E. F. Young, i Now is the time Ruta Baga seed. just to plant Fresh lot received at Hood & Gran tham's. Sohool Supplies, Books, S hates, Pencils, Paper, Tablets, Ink, th am-' s Pens &c, at Hood & Gran- age r B6yrs sec W. B. Austin, Man- Cyclone Clothing Store, for a nice Shirt, Collar, tie or cuffs, ' Nicest line of Neckwear in town at the Cyclone Clothing Store, Austin manager; A beautiful and cheap line of Hats and Caps at the Cy-clone Store, Austin manager. BuyT a nice Bicycle fully- guar anteed, or Sundries from W.B. Austin. : . j j . . Fresh country Butter on ice always at. F. P . Jones' . Is j your appetite bad and weak? If so call in at F. P. Jones' and get happy and fixed up. Why will you hny hittor nauseating tonic when GROVE'S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC i;i :ls llleasal,t a T"t'nion Syruj). Your lnitt is authorized to refund the money in every eae where it fails to eiirlvl Friee..50 cent?.! . ' Watches, Clocks, Je-welry and Sewing Machines cheaper than) ever at (Jainey tt Jordan's. We ; rejair watches, clocks, jewelry and sewing machines, and guarantee satisfaction to all See iis when in need of any of the above, Three hundred pounds of extra tine rioney and a nice tot of extra Cream Cheese just re ceived at F. P. Jones". Go to N B Hood's Drug Store to get y-ouf School Books and all School Supplies. n I 2 :m J n f si- 't ra D till ' r 1UI-J I e' ""'" u ii See - us - bkfore - yaw tony, DUNN HARDWARE & FURNITURE COM DUNN, N- C- Privett & Holliday. Next door to J. J. DUPRKE." N.B.HOOD, DRUGGIST AND PHARM A.CISJ I buy for cash and am prepared to sell at the very lowest prices. With my experience and convenience I am prepared to fill Prkcuiptions promptly and accurately at the very lowest cost My stock is now complete, and I can furnish anything found in a Firn Class Drug Store. Orders promptly filled. Country Merchants are Invited to see me.. : thank all for past favors and cordially incite you tooom and can save you money. . sco ma Very Respectfully, N. B. HOOD, Dunn; N. C- h 0 rm HE JJJJ II ACADEMY Gommcrcial School Prepares for . 1 College or GBusiiiess. Highly endorsed by College Presidents and-hundreds of busi ness men. RilILITARY FEATURE. One of the best Business Courses in tlio Slate. Sliortliadd, Typewriting, and Telegrapliy. Valuable Librory. Two excel lent Literary Societies Jdeal country location. Saves money and morals. 25 T SO pa-s 1 all expenses for iyo, months. Two hundred and twelve students from thirteen counties and two States. Excellent new buildings and furniture. FqII Term Opens August 2, 1 897. XTFpr catalogue, containing testimonial, cut of building etc., Address' ' J. A. CAMPIiELL, Principal, Pok's, Harnett .County, N. dies can attend with impunity as j properly tempered, and ground Black arid green peas for sale at F. P- Jones' store. nothing is said or done to offend the most fastidious. The party consists of Dr. and Mrs. Austin, little Algie Lawton, Dr. Lawton and Mr. Rawls, the contortion ist. They are advertising, intro ducing, and selling medicines of their own manufacture which they sell on a guarantee to do what recommended to do or money refunded. a cuar- Everv piece is sola on antee .and warranted to be as represented. The prices 911 this beautiful line of cutlery is so chpap that every one can have a first class pocket knife of a neat arid splendid design. The case of these pretty -knives will attract your attention as you enter their store. Call and see it. It is a beauty 1 Jfo Cnre 3fo That is the war all drurits pell GROVE'S TASTELESS CHILL TON IC for Chills ami Malaria. It is simply Iron itnd Quinine in a tas'i-le form. Children love it. Adults prefer it to hittpr. nanseatinir rouics. rnce, ;mk. Sild (and guaraiiteed by Hood x Oran thaml Warranted no cure, no pay. mere are many nnitar.on. 1 o ci uic Rt-uu- in. nk for Grove s Sold and guaran teed by II00H& Grarthnm, Dunn, N. C School Booksy School Books School Books, School Books, at Hood & Grantham's. L You nin no rik. All dni??:its piar unteft Giove's Tateles Chill Tonic to do all that the manufacturers claim for it Sold and guarantee by Hood and Grantham, 'Dunn, N.C. M XIMDIAPtf o- n 1 f 2Z Mh HIE GRETESF IL?l fJ ItlFltd And Liver Hegnlator on Earth W. V. UTTKU, (General Agent. Dunn, X. ('. WHAT YOUR NEiGrHBORS SAY ABOUT IT : l)vs. N. C , Aug. 3rd. 1897. 500 people now using Indian Herbs. Why ? Hecaoee it W llie dcircd effect and it is so chop", 180 doses for $1 00. ; , W 1- IJTrhll. JJunn, N U , Aug. 3rd, 1817. Ukat American Hibb Co.. Washington, D ('. 1 can say your Indian Herbs has doDe me a great deal of gcod. I am 72 years of age and would have been on my bed now if it had not been for yoor creatmedicine Indian Herbs. I can say to young and old it is the best medicine that has ever been introduced in this part of .the coantry. J ry u and be convinced. ' Mm. Lucinua McLeod Di sx, N C , Aug 3rd, 1S97. I have been taking Indian Herbs for three weeks and find it will do what it is recommended to dak The result is woaurful on me and my -family and -we, recommend it to all who are suffering with Torpid Liver, bil i iusnow for it is a fcure cure G H Hodoes. "Any one desiring to purchase a package of Indian Herbs can get it at T. P .Tprnitrnn's Rtore or at mv lesideoce. W F. UTTER. v o AGENTS WANTED. Donn, N. O

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