ELK ELK ELK When ever picture f KUx ii U. it U'.i zw.WHUtwi of j-iinty. The Klk I'oyl-r i- tin- best- ami rheip-i---t iM)W(ler It .etaml-s the highest Hi.inir.il nu.ilvi- ofnnv hriul on the market." - Qivi; it :i trial siikI you will use no no' other. SM bv II. W. JEUNIGAN & CO. May ri!i-tf. ' Dunn, X. ('. PROFESSIONAL CAHDS. ;. W. POTJ- Attorney -at-Ijaw. SMITIIKIEU, N. C. Careful attention to any civil matters intrustc'l to his care in the courts of Harnett County H Li- Godwin, Attorney at Law. Dunn, N. C. Ollicc next floor to Poet Ofllcc. ' Will practice in the courts of Harnett ami adjoining counties and in the Federal Courts. Prompt attention given to all b usines W-E-Murchison, JONKSIiOKO, N. C. Practices Law in Harnett, Mootc and other e'ounties, hut not for fun. Feb. 20-l . Isaac A- Murchison, . FAYETTEVILLE, !sT: C. J'ractices Law in Cumbeiland, Harnett and anywhere services are wanted. SEWING MACHINES. , I wish to announce to the people, of Dunn and surrounding country that I am selling the Wheeler and Wilson No. 9, and the Standard Sewing Machines, which are guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, on reasonable terms. The best 'machine oil, needles, fixtures &c, all ways on band. I al'o repair machine.--, at . moderate cost. Work guaranteed. I have fourteen years ex perience in the machine business and am thoroughly acquainted with them. My headquarters are at Mr. E. F. Young's store where I will be pleased to show my machines - Your to please. J. M. HAYES, apl2tf, Dunn, N. C. TOWN. DIRECTORY. CHURCHES. Methodist Church. Rev. K. C. Sell, Pastor. .Services first Sunday night, and fourth Sun day morning and night. Prayermeeting every Wednesday' ' night. Sunday schcei every Swnday morning at 10 o'clock, G. K. Grantham .Superintendent. Baptist. Church. Rev. L. R. Carroll, paster. Services every second Sunday morning' and night. Prayermeeting every Thursday night Huiiiday School every Sunday morning, R. GJ Taylor Superintendent. ' '. Presbyterian Church. Rev. A. M. Hassel pastor, services every first and fifth Sunday morning and night, Sunday school .every Sunday morning, M. L. W ade Superintendent. Pisciple Church Rev. I. W. Rogers, pas- . tor. Services every third Sunday morning and night. Christian Endeavor Society every Tuesday night. Sunday School every Sunday evening at A o'clock, Mcl). Holliday Supt. Free Will Baptist Church. Elder R. C. Jackson, pastor. Services every second Sun day morning and night. Primitive Baptist. Church on Broad street Elder W. G. Turner, Pastor. Regu'ar servi ces on the third Sabbath morning, and Satur day before, in each month at 11 o'clock. El der P. D. Gold, of Wilson, editor of Zion's Landmark, preaches at this church on the fourth Sunday evening in each month at"J o'clock. Everybody is invited to attend these, services. Young Mens' Union Prayer meeting every Sunday evening at -1 o'clock and Friday night at 7:30 o'clock. All are ' cordially invited to attend these services. An invitation is ex tended to the visitors. LODGES. - Lucknow Lodge, No. m, I. O. O.K. Loi'.ge room over J. 1). Barnes store. Regular meet ing on every Monday night. L. H. Lee. N.G.; C. II. Sexton, V. (J.; G. K. Grantham, Secre tary. All Odd Fellows are cordially invited to attend. Palmyra Lodge, No. 1 17, A. F. & A.M. Hall ' over Free Will Baptist church. F. P. Jones W. M ; W. A. Johnson, S. W.; E. A. Jones J. W.; J. G. Johnson. Secretary. Regular communications are held on the 3rd Satur day at 10 o'clock A. M-, and on the 1st Friday at' 7::o o'clock p. m. in each month. All Ma sons in good standing are cordially invited to attend these communications. County Okkickks. Sheriff, J. H. Pope. Cleik. F..M. McKay. Register of Deeds, J. McK. Byrd. Treasurer, G. D.Spence. Coroner, J. J, wilson. Surveyor, J. A. O'Kelly. County Examiner, ReV. J. A. Campbell. Commissioners : J. A'. Green, Chairman H. N. Bizzell and JJeill McLeod. TOWN OFFICERS. ' II. L. Godwin, Aiayor. Commissioners E. F. Young. J. J. llupree, J. II, W". F. Pearson. G. F. Snead, Policeman. Pope and n i in i I rtiirnt for Tucker's Or::nite and Marl.ie A oi-Us. of Cilini' -:t.;i. c.. iiM-1 will lw iI-:iseJito -lmv ih-jiris an I n aVe ri(fs to any immsoiis - v!im ilo.ire a Momi'iTiit, llra!-stoii, r n.n Fenc ing fur ravef i GimmI woik and low prir"s is our motio. Drop me a card wild I will coiiie to sre.yoti.. I. Smith, B'n.sii, N. C von :i run U-r-i with tin na n :ind ltd i vrn IIP I ! OTA IT ri ail it m la i. Tutfs Pills Cure All Liver Ills. Twenty Years Proof. Tutt's Liver Pills keep the bow els in natural motion and cleanse the system of all impurities An absolute cure for sick headache, dyspepsia, -ur stomach, con stipation and kindred diseases. "Can't do without them" R. P. Smith, Chilesburg, Va. writes I don't know how I could do without them. I have had Liver disease for over twenty years. Am now entirely cured. Tutt's Liver Pills A ' Woman Willi a Record. The case Of Mrs. Acidic V. Buzzell', a young woman of Clinton, has set all Eastern Maine astir. Although' but thirty-four years of age she lias been married and divorced live times. In each case she has been the libelant. Her five ex-Musbands are still living, and are most of them neigh bors of Mrs. Buzzell. She is now in sole possession of a large farm that she tills witli th6 aid of a hired man. Mrs. Buzzell is a very advanced type of an independent, woman, and frankly states that when she lias found that a husband has not come up to her ideas of in dustry, thrift and congeniality, she has promptly set him aside., She also says that she is still looking for the right man to handle her farm and make her happy. A statement to this effect ap peared in a local paper recently, and since then the woman farm er has been subject, to a sin gular siege. From a radius of fifty miles suitors have flocked to Clinton. One man who rode up to her door was a prominent Canaan man, worth about $0000, and he urged Mrs. Buz zell to go home with him and take care of his property. -He is also a divorced man, and ex- p 1 a i n.e d t o t h e Clinton woman that a married experience of seventeen years he had . found that his wife "top slack" around the house. Mrs. Buzzell's neatness attract ed him. Other applicants have1 come in teams, on foot and hy trains. Many are cranks, who wanted to work on the Arm two' or three months on trial with out pay. Some brought their wardrobe. in extra valises and parcels ; others came in light marching order. This week the woman has been so pestered by . attention from suitors that she has hitch ed her yellow watch dog just outside the door. If the man braves the dog Mrs. Buzzell lifts a shotgun across her arm and, with tlie self-reliance of Maine farmer women, threatens to "let daylight" through the 'persistent-suitor unless he leaves the premises. So far the wo man has driven away all sui tors, and has answered no let ters. She secured a divorce from her last husband only three months ngo. Bangor (Me.) dispatch to the St Louis Globe-DemocraV. V A T U m A, PERFECT HEALTH IJE GAINEI) THE AVONDEK OF THE AGE. Grandest diseoverv in tin; annals of medicine. Guaranteed to ciire more diseases than any other medicine! treatment or sys tem known to tl e nudical profession. "o MAN made"' remedy, hut 'na ture's' true panacea. , . Vat iima is an antiseptic germicide, it positively destroys all "iniciohes" and frerms of eyry kind, name ami nature, it is healing and soo,hin: to the mueuoi.s memhrane. it will permanenth cure the "majority of eas's t f ronehitis, .'a tarrh, Djspepia, all Stomaehe. troubles, all diseases of the BladVr. Rowels, K Inevs, Iivei, Constipation,. I'iies, Old Sores," Ueetal Idseases Ulcers, Eczema, Semfula, Blood Poison, Hhets i:ialism, Xeural-ria, Di ease l Discharges, Diseases peculiar to Wihikd, NVrvoiw and PI3-sical Ueak:iess, etc. NO M ATT K li W II AT YO U it A 1 1.. .Mr.A i, or where you live, write u full history' of .your trouhl-. and s a our eonultyiff physician will :dvi, voi what to do in o tier to reaiiij voin health. Consultation is F,ee and sacred. !y Confidential.' Terms very low. proofs enclose 2 cent siamd." F..r Local :g mts w actetl . vei vw here. No canvas.-iiiiT. W adv r''s- you in vcur homv paj er, AdMress with st: ni. TDK VATUMA COMPANY, P O. Pt x. 11-1. l ica-o. HI. Wanted An Idea VTho caa think ? of some slniolo 1 thing to patent? ; Protect Tour Ideas ; th mnv hrinr von wealth Write JOHS WEDDERBURN CO.. Patent Attor ney. WMtilngtoo. D. C. for their $1.j0 prize offer aa new lUt ol oue ttxxiftan.t lnveiuiuus wanted. United, States Carrier Pigeons Carrier pigeons .ire carefully trained for use :ts messengers m connection with the operations of the United States - Navy. There are several stations where the birds are kept and trained, and the 'Navy' Department spends quite a sum of - money on them. The most elaborate pigeon station is at Mare Island, on the Pacific. The prettycot tage is on the north end of the island. It is on a round-topped hill-, which gives it a wide pros pect of sea and land. On the first lloor are the breeding and nesting quarters of the winged messengers, and here the walls are covered with little boxes like a postofhee de liverv. In each box is an earth enware bowl, where the bird's deposit their eggs and hatch their young. The squabs are tenderly cared for by the skilled attendant in charge, and grow very rapidly to full size. As soon as they are able to lly they are taken to the room on the second floor, where is the gen erar living quarters of the work ing birds, and which is fitted with rows of shelves arid perches. ; The youngsters are next taken out for short .flights, accompa nied by older, well-trained birds, who thus act as guides or moni tors. The distance is 'gradual ly increased until the young sters learn their lesson well and "find themselves," as it were, when they . can be trusted on long flights. On one side of the cottage is a large open air portico en closed by. wire netting, and here the, birds congregate in fair weather to loll ,qn the perches in the sun and coo each other. In one corner of the vard is the hospital, a glass enclosed box, where the sick ones can be sep arated from the others, and kept warn) and quiet, with the spec ial diet suiting their malady. When quite young each car rier pigeon is marked by a small aluminum ring, which is slipped on the leg. This lias stamped upon it "U. S ," the station and the. number of the bird, so that he may always be identified. Philadelphia Rec ord. Some, time sgo, a little bottle ( f hsmberlam's Colic. Oboloa and Diarrlcei Hercedy "fell into my hands just, at a time when n y two-year o'd hoy wa 'err.bly fcffl cted. His bowels w re beyoud control. We had tried uauy remedies, to no pnrpnp, but rhe little bottle of Colic Cholera and Diarrlcea Itemed v speed il cured him. 'William K. 'Jo-nk-. Oglesbv, Ga. For ealfl by N. B Hood, Druggii-f, Dunn, N. C. The s;old Yukon ijold procured in .the fields, in Alaska last year amounted 000. to $1,400,- Cloud bursts in the eastern part of -Germany.' last week destroyed and damaged property to an amount estimated at 150,000,000 marks and drown ed several hundred persons. A convention of the National Democratic Association of col ored men is called, to meet in Columbus, Ohio, in Sep ember. Dr J I . Te i r , oTt i i u b 1 i . n n . . n speaking i f Caniberiain't Colic. 'holeri an J Diarr' cc ., Remedy. as almost bt c ni - a i.-i-cfsity in thi vicinity." Tbis is fhf bsf remedy ir- he Wirld for colie, chobra morl;U-s. dysentery and diartlcci. and is rcog u z Jd as a o cessity wherever its great "V(rth aod merit bojorne known. No other rem- dy is po prompt or fftctual. r fo pleasant to tak foi tale by N H. II M-dJ Dunn, N. C It is rej)orted that the Cuban insurgent leader, Gene: a! Calixto Garcia, who is reported! to h aye" 'been captured by the! Spanish troops and sent to C! .....I 1. . - 1 i oijiiiii, iius I'seapea irom tne guards and is now in hiding on the West coast of Africa, 1 The e'ertaintj- of his capture has neyer been full- substantiated, and man3' Cuban sympathizers nti in lie uiu-SlUI) ,U1 JUS i capture but still belieye lie is in! conimand of yet. the Cuban 'army SO YEARS ' EXPERIENCE. TRADE MARKS, DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS Ar. Anyone sending sfcetcb and description mar quickly acerUin, free, whether an invention is KS".bIy. p&te.tble- Coiumunicationa strictly fsontidentiuL Oldest acency for securinic patents A.nenc'k. We have a WashinRton office. , rauenu taken through Mods & Co. receir pocial notice in the " SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, !Btii!iTran!nit.ed' lanfest circnlatica of t ?li f 'w80 Journal, weekly, terms 3.ai a year; firCu-3? Dntbs Pcmen copies and liAAD Uoofc. Patents seat free, Addreai MUNN & CO.. 301 Urday, New Yrk. 5 - 6- To MOTHER: WE ARE ASSERTING IN THE COURTS Ol RIG,rT TO THE EXCLUSIVE -USE OF THE WORD "OASTORIVV "PITCHER'S C ASTORIA," AS OUR iRADb MARK. hr. SAMUEL PITCH ERj of Hwnnis, Massachusetts, : ' , . .j niTuro'Q rAQTORlA." the same was tne onginawr oj . rni.. - thai has boms and does now zi$77 on every bear the f ac-simile signaturevf 45 wrapper. This is the original " PITCHER'S CUSTOM which has been used in the homes of the Mothers of America for over thirty LOOK CAREFULLY at years. the kind you have always bought and has the signature of per, one has authority from me to use my name ex cept The Centaur Company of which Chas. H. Fletcher is Do Not Be Deceived. Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute which sonie druggist may offer you (because he makes a few more pennies on it), the in gredients of which even he does not know. "The Kind You Have Always Bought f; BEARS THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF Insist on Having The Kind That Never Failed You. THE CENTAUR COMPANY. TT MWNRAV 6TT. NEW VOHK CITV. Mada a Leopard His Pet. Of all the cat-tribe leopards are the easiest to tame if they j are captured when young, j Thirty yt ars ago a curious and ! well known sight on the streets of Berlin was Von cler Madliern with his tame leopard 1 Baron : von tic r Madliern, when a young man, was several vears German I consul in Egypt.- While there an Arab presented him with a vounir leopard, it was only a few days oldr its eyes not open yet. The young baron deter mined to make a pet of the leop ard and train "and treat it lik a dog. The leojjard was never confined in a cage but was al ways allowed full liberty and was well fed and petted. He ixrew by and by into a hand- , - j. .-i. . -: 1 I suiue cru;uure, one 01 tne. -largest-of his species,' and was fine ly marked. When he had been in Von der Madlierh's posses sion about two years the baron was recalled to Berlin and took the animal back with him. In Berlin the leopard occupies the same place 'in his master's house that he had done before, and followed the baron about the streets in the same way. At first sight of the creature stalking solemnly along beside the man created quite a' sensa tion in the city and people croAvded to see them pass. But it grew to be an eveiy day mat ter, which only attracted occa sional notice from strangers or children. The animal lived to be about fifteen vears old, and died m uch lamented "by all who k n e w Friends. him. Our' Animal IP 0) m UIELIEI IT r TRADE-MARK REGISTERED. THE IDEAL LAXATIVE , AND CVRH FOR CONSTIPATION. AS PLEASANT AS HONEV AND SURE CURE FOR Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Stomach Troubles, Bowel Disorders, Liver Diseases, Irregularity, -Kidney Troubles, Headache, Fevers, Sick Stomach, Skin and Blood Disorders, Thick and Sallow Complexion j AND VERY MANY OTHER DISEASES NO COMPLICATIONS DUE TO AN INACTIVE STATE OF THE BOWELS. PRUNELINE is the safest and surest cathartic and aperient one can use. It thoroughly cleanses without griping, purifies the ;blood and removes all wasteTrom the system. It does away with Castor Oil, Salts, Blue Mass and a11 other nauseous purgatives. I It tones and energizes all the great or gans of the system. It is free from all harshly acting drugs, and is always safe, always ready, always reliable. KEEP THE HEAD COOL. THE FEET WARM AND THE BOWELS OPEN, USING PRUNELINE roR thi latter purfosc. PRUNELINE IS THE PERFECT FAMILY MEDICINE. SCtD Br ALL DCALCRS. or sent cm receipt of 50 cents to any address BY Winkeirnann & Brown Drug Co. SOLE PROPRIETORS. ! BALTIMORE. MD., U. S. A. I For ;ilc by Hood &, Grantham, Dunn, N. C. the wrapper ana see mai u, o. on tne wrap FOR all mm JINE-TENTHS. off all the pain ftndsicknessfrom which women suffer Is caused by weakness or derangement in the orgrahs of menstruation. Nearly always when a woman is not well these organs are affected. But when they are strong and healthy a woman is very seldom sick. 3! Is nature's provision for the regu lation of the menstrual function. It cures all " female troubles." It is equally effective .for the girl in her teens, the young wife with do mestic and maternal cares, and the woman approaching the period known as the ".Change .of Life." They all need it. They are all benefitted by it. For advice in cases requiring special directions, address, glvinfr symptoms, ths " Ladios' Advisory Department," The Chnttanooja Medicine Co., Chatta nooga. Tenn. TH0S. J. COOPER, Tupelo. Mist., sayst 'f My sister suffered from very Irregular and painful menstruation and doctors could not relieve her. Wine of Cardui entirely cured her and also helped my mother through the Change of Life." THE Charlotte Dailv Observer , J. P. CALDWELL, Editor. Ko"ih Camlinn's Lending Newspaper Reliable, ; Complete Daily Progres.sive, Candid, and lliljh Toned. Be ports From .'lite Slate and National Capitals ' It Bu(lretr of ih-wj is always compre hensive ami from authoritative sumci Its local reports are full ami i.) to-dafe Subscription Pries : j $8-00 Per Year- ... . . I 'Vho Semi-Weeklv Charlotte Observer. A complete home Journal issued cverv Tuesilay-aiul Frit'i.iv iiml eotitni nii jr sill the news of the week in a compact form. A paier every fanner .-hoiil.l have. Only $5 .(;() per vear. Toil cannot aflbrd to out the be -vyith- ftJEWS j.' '. - AND . j s OBSERVER. Ail the jNe$, Foteii , . Nr. K Srate, and I'.ocal all ihe time Full Associated Frees Difpatcfcca Lirgept circulation in the S-ate r:M - -v. u my iws ana unserver, 7 vear. 50 six months. Werklv Xorth Carolinian Cl per yrar. 50 cents six months u t tax per j Address NEWS & OBSERVER, T Raleigh, N.'c. BLANKS FOIJ SALE ! 1 fziiixmm taswa aw 1 e laEaTi f H We noy liiiyo on liancl a full supply of.' Warrantee and Mort gne Dtvds, Chattel Mortgages Li?iy Bonds and Magisti-ale's Minks, at prices as low as yo.n can buy them ;umiiore. Send ii- your orders or call at our of fice for tdiern. J. P. PlTTMAN, Pub. of County Union, Dunn, N. C. Oo's Corsets, MAKE Us American Beauties illlSK CORRECT SHAPES. AfiTISTIC EFFECTS. All Lengths. mi. :ewest MODELS. ;ahgy m PLAiH. fEiTRERBflHE. GORSET CO., SOLE r4tNUrACTURERS. -". SOLD BY R. G. . Taylor, Dunn, N. C. State Kormal and Indus , trial College?, Greensboro, ."N- C. Otfers the voiinjr women of the Sin If thorough professional, literu-y. "rlassical. scientitlo, und imhiti'ul education. ANNUAL EXPENSES $90 to $130.- Facultj' of 2." members. More than 400 reg ular students, s Practice school of 12G pupils for tench er?. More than 1.-JOQ niati ienlafes rep ieientinr every couiiiy in the.state ex eept 'three. '01 resjjondenee In v't' from those desiring competent traine !4achers. To secure boar.' in hrnii rones all fi ee-tuitinit a)plie:ifK:i nius: e nia!e h fore August l-t. For catalojrne ;. 1 1 I information, address Presideiit ChakLES MclVKR. ' CJ reen shorn. N. C. NORTH'. CAROLINA ' COLLEG-E OF AGRI CULTURE and . MECHANIC ARTS. WILL OPEN QEiT. 'JTJI, 10V t . n r -1 o - Thoroug-h academic, scientific and technical; courses. Ex perienced Specialists in eveiy department. Ezper-ses per Sessicii, For County Students. $ 93.GC For otlii-r Suukiit., 12.1.00 Apply 'for 'at:ilo;uo to Alexander Q. IIolladay, T.L. I)., IvALKioii, X. ;. Piesi.ltMII ' ; THE UNIVERSITY. 47 Teachers, 413 Students (Summer School 158) Total o49, Board $8. a. month, 3 Brief Courses, 3 Full Courses, L:uv and Medical Schools and School of Pharmacy. Graduate Courses open to Women,. Summer School for Teachers, Scholarship and Loans for tho Needy. Address, President Alder man, Chapel Hill, N. C. TRINITY QOLLEJ-E .NEXT SESSION Ol'ENS SjClTLMUEIt 8. . Tlir full eo.ur"s'. ..f atn Jjuvn imnii.cr of i-I.' :ies. Two full chaii s in LnIiwii. Hmiihmi ihnitt- ! to all cl.uise. One Hundred and One T1 lionsand Dollars adilcd to the pieent Mar i-iTv in N;rtli endo winei't diuiiiir the Unlv male lit !;. :v !- Carolina that i loeaN-d in :l eit v I ! !et lrioinvss eouis albi.ni of ted iii the St :ite. Sent fi.i- and cila- ioj;ui Addrcs JN'O O. KILGO. hiuhini, X. PIT The only afternoon paper in Wil mington. 'Democratic in princii.le and noli tica. Iodenendcnt Tmn..f;.i Honept and Fair toward all." o o It readies the people, is with the people, for the people, and - of he people Accorat, and complete market rep..rtj. aud latent n... U 'elegroph. ind all the loci happenings 4 4T FHE CITY BY THE SEA." By mail lv 03 00 a ear. For'A.lvertisicg lat, 0r tabrip. THE KVK.VINO DISPATCH. v Wilmington, N. C. V I l l?KTli f DISPATCH Mi ' : -4 Subscribe for Tub Union. . ATLANTIi WILMINGTov Av, A.N I) I(a v' . ,VH 11,1 f ..a. .a 11. .4.1 .1 Roc.Ky Mouin,U:.-2a V,; .Vb J Leave llik-ty Mount" '.Mr. a. uj.. ?u:. i ,,, 1 n n ... l.4..l. .. 111 I Leave Wilson, s.cs a ... p in. I.rave Sc'.ma, S;0(i a , Leave r lorer cfr:ir, ... .j Leave fa jv 1 1 e vi 1 '' i . ; . :1 p Leave S-Vlina, l.ui a m.' J lSuiliiStf.ii, 7:15,, ,?.! Si n-uve magnolia, M-y . ' 'f.. Leave OolUslx.ro. ll- .",t:5sK f Jin air ii. i.:r, li . O i UJ. Arrive Rooky Mount ". ll:"7 i m, 1.". 0 in. ' Si ' Leave TarlM.ro, l :!.,, m Train ou Scotland Nerk Weldon4:10p m, Ha ifati ycotland Neck at s-.o i i u 1 Kinston 7:55 p in. Returnu'S 1M a rn, Greenville.. & atll:l am.Wei.1,,1. ' ,rtt! tinlwltv r.lOam, and tm n m V.,: ! inele m. and tj-;M 'v0'" a m, and ;:t0 v iu, ila'ii. 1Tf 4 Train leaves Tart.oro X c , Snnday. at 5::w y m i, tit., arrives Plymout h 7 iii ,,' i!1.' t Ueturnlnx leaves pu,, , ,!'.v'-W ui.day.7 50 a.ui..andS;htl,1't rives at Tarboro 10 (tr, a. n" ii L' Train on Midland Nc Bri,f?i boro, N. C, daily acei-t ffiN rive emithfleld N C. t i leaves Suaithfield. n. e ,"n'- I. Qoldsboro.N.c. 10 vS a. m 1 M Train on Nasliville Craiirh u Momit at J;:i0i..n,.,arriv,ii;N m.,Hirinir Hope 5:."0 p. m, 'i sprint? Hope b-M, a. m., iNslvlL'l4 arrive at R cky M ui.t !:. fM Sunday. lu-ili Train on Clinton Rrnnoi. . I Clinton, ally, except .Sunday uJ 1:10 pm. Returning I. avea'ciiu, and 3 00 pin. . "lU : Train Ho. 7t make cl ion for all points North daily Richmond. Also at Rockv ,L, , roK and Carolina railroad" for all points North via Norfolk. " ' KMERsc Oeiicial TasHfiifH, , T. M.. EMERSON. iiem-S Tralilc Manager. L 0 RAILWAY. JOllN' GILL!'..c,ivtf ' CONDKNSKD SCHKDC In i:V-t .liny 30, W NOKTH liOl ND. Leave Wilmington Arrive Fayetteville Leave Fayettevi:i' ueave Fayetteville Jum Arrive Sanford Leave Kanford Leave Climax , A rnve Greensboro.. !ea ve U reensl.oro. ........ Leave Stokesdale i... Leave Walnut Cove Leave Rural Hall Irrive Mt.Airy... South Bound. Leave Mt. Airy ,.ive Kural Hall . eave Walnut cove Leave Walnut Cove....... Leave Htokesdale Arrive Oreensboro Leave (Jreensboro Leave Climax fLeave Sanford : ... Arrive Fayetteville Junctl-n., Arrive Fayetteville Leave Fayetteville.. Arrive Wilmington. North Bound. Leave Bennettsville.... Arrive Maxton Leave Maxton.... Leave Red Kprlngs....: Leave Luinl..-r Uridgc Leave Hope Mills Arrive Fayetteville..... SOUTH IIKIND. Leave Piyettevllle Leave Hope Mills Leave Lumber Bridge Leave Red prings Arrive Maxton Leave Maxton , Arrlre Bennett xvsviilc... Noktu Bound. Leave Ramseur Leave Climax rrive OreenslM.ro Leave Greensboro... Leave Stokesdale.... Arrive Madison south Bound. 1 f' -A. Leave Madison Leave Htokesdale.. Arrive Greensboro-... Leave Greensboro. Leave Climax........ Arrive Ramseur....... t Meals. CONNECTION!1 n til I.I. Atlantic C"4' n.L r ayei le villi iin ni . Maxton with Carol ma .ni.- - ,j . it;! 11.. B ! na-ioru villi eaioarn boro with Southern Railway."' ( with Norfolk ii western JUi1a) j J.W.FRY f-,nlP Geii"' Manager. G-u m THE HOG AND CHICKED CHOLERA CI: USE no mi'1 ..0 The only ,,.!,' " '1 ..nr i,irPl- n i'1 ! ' ;.i 1:1' :u-- JHE DURHAM DURHAM. NORTH' tv tthT"BfrJ Retaro tbis coupon i" i- order. 1 r-. Wanted-An Idea Protect your :hrnV cO-Jr Writ, iftntf wpnnFKBuRN fL, Arrive Florenc. 7-V ' H , Lt-ave -oldsV.oro .n V?' n Leave Magnolia 3C Arrive Wllinlng-to",,; : TRAINS (a,,,, mvmm 1,111 nw ltTe? O"" thauiu& - 1 r V