THE COUNTY UNION. DUNN, Harnett County, N. C. Entered accoiding to postal regula tions at the postoffice at I Minn. N . C, as second class matter. , J. I. PirTMAN, Proprietor. A. M. Woodall, Editor. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. M-i, ...... Vr.Mh. .-25 Cents. ix Month.-.. ... One Year Sent by Mail. ...... .0 Cent?. '...$1.00. Payable in advance. Dunn. N. "C, August 2.",, 180i THE POPULIST ADDRESS. In our Lust issue we published the address of the Populist ex ecutive committee issued to the voters and in which it boasted of the ; great things that the Pop ulist party had done for a long suffering'"' people. Space for bade any comment on it last week and now we-will endeavor Vi tell of some things of which they (the Populists) are proud. Senator Butler is said to have written the address and the committee, when theymet, had nothing to do but sign their names at the bottom and return to the body 'of Populist .office holders and have it ratified. After the preamble' this deliver ance of unmitigated gall and cheek Hays : 'We have .secured to the citi zen the right to cast one vote at all public elections and to have that -vote-counted as cast." This is one of the honest (?) things they have done, and yet if the honest (?) election law had not allowed 20,000 negroes, who Ave re not' entitled to vote, to vote Jtiwsell and the Popu-' lists would not have been elect ed. . - . "W'e have taken the public schools out of the hands of par tisan politicians and restored them U) the people." This is another of its -wonderful deliv erances. We venture the asser tion that in no township in the State is a majority of the school committeemen Democrats Do the people prefer negro school committeemen for white schools to partisan political committee men? This non-partisan Popu list 'law has made negro school committeemen for" white schools in this county. Yet the public schools is in the hands of the people(?). God, pity the peo ple, r "We have ji ven the local self-government to each count-in the State," is another of- their deliverances of which they boast. Yes, proud are they that negro magistrates, neirro sheriffs,- nei;ro school boards, negro county commis sioners and county officers, ne trro tax collectors are thrust upon the white people, the property owners and tax payers, of the eastern counties. This is the ''local self-government" thev have iriven us of which the . i k ,1 nlrio r.fvntn rnv- i AHlfnnanic ioios. i uiarkHf n !. .fiurin-rr .i.ft.... lias umcjtu i jyictv .-.v-vj. -. , tendere, (not guilty, but will j Tiie town aldermen in special! The mulatto hurt at. Man nnf pnntpiid ) for oil'jrinff to-ac-1 ,natin ntiirdnv nnpd nn or- 'Chester last Monday,: as stated cept a bribej We have heard finance taxing itinerant - mer them declare for reform aiidciants $100. The ordinance lower taxes. Yet they have j provides that all persons who made no reforms and have in-1 siall engage in merchandising creased the taxes. They have ; iere between July and Decem- taxed lawyers and doctors, your ; Kor siaii Dav jnto the town right, of -liolders Wilmington., boast. Yet look Xewbern and cities and towns of Thev were iriven ' too. By empowering the office at some other the State. "local self-government But how? garden seeds, drugs, tobacco and snuff: We have seen the penitentia ry turned entirely over to the fiisionists and new .men put in the places of the old ones and new places, made for others who voted the fusion ticket and the salaries of all raised. They have turned off the white guards and placed negro guards in their places. In fact so sweep ing and radical have the changes been that Mr. Smith, Superintendent of the peniten tiary, has said that he will not issue commissions to a number of the men appointed by the di rectors for the reason, he says, that it will greatly impair the work and efficiency of the in stitutions and run the State to a large expense unnecessarily. The address condemns the '90-year lease of the North Caro lina Railroad, and declares that railroads do not pay enough taxes. Here they are fighting a contract thereby the State re ceives seven per cent, per an num on . the money invested when a citizen of the Slate is debarred, under the law from receiving more than G per cent on ' money loaned. (re a'ro not upholding the lease for we think it was made for too long a time but we do think that a citizen .should be allowed to re ceive the same rental for his money as the State. ) It boasts of what the Populist party has done in the five years of its existence and relates with much elation the many acts of - good and well done ( ? ) " which it has accomplished. But read er, did' you ever know a politi cal organization age of fite years ers of that that one-third .r were traitors to live to the and the lead- admit of its members This is what organization Senator Butler, the chief mogul of his party . admits, He- says that there were only forty Pop ulists in the last legislature that stood firm and true to the de mands of the party. They had sixty or more in that body of august statesmen. One-third were traitors. Were they not representative men of their par ty? Certainly they were. Can you afford to align yourself with a party that one-third of its members prove traitors the firjst time thev have a chance to do anything? Does it not prove to you that the office seekers in that party are in it for the loaves and fishes and "damn i lie people" 'if they get in. treasury the sum of $100 and if said person remains in busi ness in the town one year then the monev to be refunded to the ; person paying it in. I his law is made to protect our mer chants and t prevent persons from opening a stock of mer chandise of j second-h rl -and cheap goods and remaining here only during the, fall months when the most 'money is han dled of anv season of the vea-r. It is not made to keep merchants away who expect to make their location permanent with us. These we are glad tohave. Mr. J. A. Driver has been ap pointed special police and has given his bond in the sum of $300. When Marshal Snead is sick (as he is now) or on leave of'absenee, or when extra police is required Mr. Driver' will be on dutv. Surfdeu Iatli. Mrs. Virginia C. Houston, wife of Mr. Qweii Houston of our town, died almost suddenhy last Fridav afternoon. She had been sick for about two weeks but had been, attending to her household duties most of the time. Thursday evening Mr. Houston1 went over in Sampson after her sister to come and stay with her and had just returned a few hours before she died. Dr. Moore called to see her Friday morning and found her temperature 104 and the action of her heart bad. He told her to lie down and keep quiet but she did not and remained up until her husband came in the afternoon, and in a short while site was dead, the heart failing to act. Her remains were taken to the home of . her father and interred Saturday afternoon. The deceased was a daughter of Mr. G. B. Draughoii of Hon eycutt's township, Sampson county, and was about 24 vears of age. She leaves four sniall children I with her sorrowing husband to face theVsterii reali ties of life without the gentle care of a -mother and wife. She was a member of the Baptist church here. BOARD OF EQUALIZATION. governor of the State to ap point, half the aldermen for these towns and prevent the -.white people from controlling the affairs of the town. This is the "local self-government" thev gave these cities? When thev could not get the negro in office bv "local self-govern-incut" they gave the appointive power to the governor to do the "local self-government"' act. We say. the 'Populists are to blame for this. We expected '.nothing more of the-Republicans, yet without the aid of the Populists the Republicans could do nothing, and the Pops were more than willing to help. They boast of the taking from political partisanship the State institutions and putting them in the control of ithe people. A more false statement has never been made. The committee of office holders knew that this statement was untrue when they made it. The facts are entirely different. We have seen good competent men turned out and One of the most foolish acts and one that will create a deal of confusion and worrv with the sheriffs and registers of deeds, passed by the late mob called a legislature is the "State Board of Equalization" act. This act ' makes the Railroad commissioners a ".board oi Equalization." That is they are to equalize the value .of property listed in the State for taxation. For .instance the' take horses and 'make them equal in every county. If the average validation of horses is $75 in Wake county, $100 in Buncombe county and $50 in Harnett county, they make an average or equal- and make horses in Harnett $75 by adding $'25 and bv subtracting $25 in Buncombe make the horse val uation there 'also $75. This is what we understand is their dutv to make the tax valua tion of horses and other proper ty the same in all the counties. This will create an innumera ble amount of work on the makers of the tax-lists. Then how are they going to tell the difference between a good horse and a poor horse? The' made the law and re quired you to take art oath that you gave in your property at its true and just valuation and if you did not the law makes it punishable by fine and imprisonment for failure to do I Settled uielly. The excitement over the ar rest of Mr. Cornelius Hodges last week passed off very quiet ly and peaceably. Sheriff Pope released ! him on bail late Wednesday afternoon for his appearance Thursday morning, and on learning that Judge Clark, through Mr. McLean, had 'granted a writ of habeas corpus the Sheriff released him on bail again. Sheriff Conley of Reidsville, Ga., .arrived on the morning train Thursday and remained here until-Friday afternoon when 'he returned home without his prisoner. Mr. D. H. McLean,. Sheriff Pope and Mr. Hodges and Mr. A. F. Surles left yesterday for Raleigh where the writ was to be heard before Judge Clark. Mr. McLean informs us that the requisition papers were very irregular and that he hoped to get the requisition recalled. It seems that the' only wanted the young man for the collec tion of a debt and this he is willing and is trying to arrange to pay. The News : and Observer of to-dav savs that Hodges must go to Georgia for trial. - Jliijor's Coiirtl Friday night Mr. J. D, Smith, who lives a few miles from town, -was in town and became boisterous, and Mr. T. I). Joiies, acting policeman, admonished him to go home but he did not and when Mr. Jones attempted to arrest him he drew a pistol and defied him, and in the! struggle a pistol was fired. Mr. Jones finally arrested him and took him to the guard house. Mayor Godwin released him until next day but he failed to Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic U a per fect! Malarial Liver To:.ic and blood j n rirvV. Kem'oves Bill-usiu-ss wiihoiit iMirjrinc. As pleant a Lemon by nip. . ' , . , ,. , i 1 it -J -is lan'e an y i oiiai oui; last week, turns out to be the i for Sfw: To ?et th oENrlNEask man that shot flagman Black- ; for QroVH-s For Sale ami. jruarantee y n-all TTn cm-c tiv; m m m i h ti I Torif IX-fl mil! Iiaill. IJUllll. . Purvis and that he is 18 years old ; He was brought here last Thur- j day for a preliminary hearing trti-Jiot.olui Daner, call on which he waved and was com- i-.,nMnm sell For school pencil.' ink; pens. Hood mitted to jail to await trial He admits that he is the man they were after with the blood hounds which trailed him to within six miles of Manchester and. lost the traEl when a big rain came up. ' He is n-ow in jail at Favetteville sick ana mav (tie, Rose, attorney for tion. in a letter to s- f McNeill- vesterdav. ana is "very savs Mr. the prosecu Mr. H. C. As the nacpe indicates. Hair Veg etable Sicihan Hair Qeneweris a re newer of the hair, iccludiDg its growth, health, youthful color, and beauty. It will please you. i Caiiglit at BCocly TlOinif. The black negro tramp that was put off the train near here Saturday night a week ago when a mulatto tranin shot and killed Mr. W. J. Blackwell, the flag man, was caught at Rocky Mt. Sunday. His name is Ed Lorn ax and confesses that he was on the train that night and saw the shooting done. He will be held as a witness against Ed Purvis who is charged with the shooting, and an accessor; after the fact of the crime. Justice. H. C. McNeill issued a warrant for Lomax and sent it to Rocky mount Monday morn ing to bring him here for a pre liminary hearing which he said he did not desire and he was taken to jail -at Fayetteville. He will be an important witness as he says he will know the man that did the shooting. I. II. enter GetM IScIiel. The News& Observer of Sun day says : "Mr. WT.' P. Batchelor yester day retired from the office of the Secretary of State, where lie nas oeen cmet cierK; since 1881. And a most able and ef ficient one he has made, and there are many-people all over the State that will miss him from the office. He is succeed ed by Mr. A. D. K. AVallace,1 of Rutherford county. Mr. D. H. Senter, of Harnett county, has been appointed assistant clerk by Secretary Thompson. Both Mr. Senter and vMr. Wallace are Populists." ! - - -I -11 Hood cv: tirantiiani wui hoi paper at 5, 10, 15, and 25 per i)ox for the next 30 day's. 3ox Files" .for business men at Hood '& Grantham's, 4.V each. . The cheapest line of blank books, ledgers and all sorts of stationery at Hood Gran thams ever opened in the town. V( have a few nice parlor and hall lamps to close out cheap. Come early before they are gohe. ! " Hood & Grantham. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, shejeried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. DUNN MARKET. CORRECTED EVERY WEDNESDAY Cotton Sugar. Co-ff'ee. - . , Bulk Meat C Meat . N oi 10 8 cents, to (He! r Lard Corn to 20c. . . . . .5 to Gc. . .7 to 10c. to Jc. ..50 GOc ... . ' 00 to 70c Sheath Oats 40 to 50c per 100 Efegs. . .8 to 10c. Chickens. , .10 to 17i Biitter. .15 to ,20c. Beeswax 18 to 20c. Solrsts a !epressgor3 of so common in summsr-time, accompanied by loss of energy, lack of thought-power, means a deficient supply of nourish ment. ' The vital force is lost. It isn't a question of muscle and sinew, but of resistance and endurance. At any age, but especially in youth, it involves the risk of lung disease! Loss of flesh and a cough are threat ening signs. SanoBion. EYE SIGHT is PR ECI O U S, i . . I Therefore don't fail to buy Glasses as soou as jou need them aud go uot use such as lo cot suit jour eyes. We carry a well 8ekcted ' ' j Stock of Spectacles, ranging in prices from the cheapest at Ten Cents to the Best w th GOLD FRAMES At Six Dollars Per Pair. If jou need -d pair please Sie up blefore you buy. We carry in stock Watches, Clocks, Jewelry. Also the best SEWING MACHINES, improved, wnica we tell on easy terms. . j I We make Specialty of Plain Gold Wedding R;t,g We cao come ae uear satisfy ,vg y u a uny I one can on anything of the above good., both in prices and styles i Repairing of all kiuds correctly dvne at, reasonable rates. Give up your patronage and we will do all we can to please you in goods, work and pic s. ! "f-ATISr ACTION GUARANTEED GAINEY & JORDAN. Dunn, n. c. aug IS. put m incompetent one places just to give a partisan a job. When they found an in stitution that they could not touch they tried to change the law so that thev could touch it, but thev did not have sense their so ; and 'Board change vour still thev make a of Equalization" to sworn valuation. Bv this act thev intimate that maiiv men in the State are liars and perjurers. This ''Board of Equalization" of Cod-liver Oil, with the hypo-; phosphites, meets these cases perfectly. It tones up, fattens and strengthens. In. Scott's Emulsion the taste of the , oil is fully disguised, making it almost as palatable as milk. For sale at too. and fi.oo by all &ra srsrists. BcorT & BovVJia, Mfg. Chemists, Ke York IIov i.C it lVonlrt lie. Ye editors have been think ing of manv things to write about.. They have thought of the beautiful little town in which we live and have written repeatedly of its advantages and opportunities which it has in store for its -oung men. Really it seems that there is no other town so nice and no other clime so joyous as that of , Dunn. Our town is honored with its own fair maidens of richest beauty whose charms and witchery are not excelled bv anv citv. But this was not ; altogether come but came in Mondav. -r,.-.. : ! i irsut tins was he was fined 10 00. what we were thinking' about. The case of State against ! e V"?t "IV Ssm;io P-ivi-ov KafMiT TI..t beautiful town Dunn ior some xi us iair visiting PIANOS: AND ORGANS. j If you :ue in the market fo- a number one Piano or Orjrau you .h:ulil not fail tp see me. I will sell you the best in strument at the smallest cost and make 3011 easy terms. Music m Your Home Nothing adds so much to tlu iw nnrl comfort of your hon-e as a nice instru ment, and nothinr more entertaining for your daughters. Don't fail to see me or address ine at Diiiin, X. C. ! - E. F. SMITH. BLANKS FOR SALE! e now have on hand a full supply of Warrantee and Mort gage Deeds, Chattel Mortgages .Lien Bonus and Magistrate's flanks, at prices as low as you cah buy them anywhere.'.' Send is your orders or- call at our of fice for them. I . J. P. PlTTMAN, Pub. of County Union, Dunn, N. C. ' wnat a would be Honor yesterday, but was con tinued until Friday. El?ie 1 1 T : 1 1 ; i imams, tne woman wno was enough to make a law that .has issued subpoenas for thir- i shot, is able to be out. would stand the test before their own judiciary, in office who were accused of high crimes ; two of their men have been convicted in the courts of the State for the im proper enrollment of Jaws. One teen have sheriffs of counties which maidens to make their home. A word to the men will be sufficient. future young not sent in tax abstracts We have seen them have mentor them to et on an equalize Such things have never been known in our State before and nearly every day reveals some new law from that "book of iniquities." Malaria produces Wei-kness. General Debility, Biliousness. Loss of Appetite Indigestion and Constipation. Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic, removes the cause which produces these troubles. Try it ami you w ill 'be delighted. 50 cents. To get the genuine ask for GroTe'fi. sold and guaranteed by IIootI& Grantham. You canuot pay that you hsvc tried everything for yenr rbeua.a tieir . an til ou have takeD Ayer'a Pillr. Uuo dreda have been cured of: t Lis com-, plaint by the use of these Pil e aluie. They were admitted on exhib ttiou at the World's Fa;r aa a tUodard cathart ic. . 1 m ins SKOUR ORDERS FOR Note Heads, , Bill Heads etter Heads, Statement Head? Envelopes, Cards and. Dodgars, THE UNION, Dunn, N. C, ( u - f yp ' mi HERB O- HIE GREATEST H "Hi; mm iT J4P And Liver Regulator on a. Y. F. UTTK'H Dun WHAT. YOUR NEIGHBORS SAY ABOlp 000 people dow using Indian Herbs. H'hy ' lvauVe it fcj J 180 doses for Si 00. u t- ." eUfCt UU It ia i ' f. i Dunn, N C., Aug. i,;. ,. Great American Herb Co.. Washington, I) (j Gentlemen : For the benefit of suffering women, I write this that they may know what has done so much to relieve tue of pah'' iog and that want them to be Deuiuuea Dy wnai i am going to av to Indian Herts purchased from your agent, Mr V. F Utter. your medicine about four weeks atd can say never have I f0CD(j l' relief after suTeritg four years and taking hundreds of dollars w kiuds of niedicines, and have had the best read pbyPiciaus c us,tautl,) muoths at a time and all failed to give me relief- Indian llnt $ me ud so-much and so fast that I believe oue dollar's worth will .1 well and sound. Words faill to express my appreciation for such,' m dicine. Mns K, K j, Dunn, N. C, Aug. i4tb; G:eat Indian .Herb Co , Washington, ,D. C. Gentlemen: I can say your Indian Herbs has done a great work am made wholfy .ne again as to feelings.: I am the mother of , Jren and can run and jump like a girl. I will say . to tLOwWjj' 'iidies of North Carolina thi Indian Herbs js the best medicine f, ii feideaud stomach that you cau find anywhere. You do not need'i- moilininfi nnil it ftH dirrfttpd T ...:n it w uiu' yuu u mit. .... . i w ui (,, J . ... . . . r 1 l r " A toalleUsdes Taauktng you tor sucu a vjju send, l am . Yours truly, MRS. CORNELIIS Pl.KAMM. , . Poes, N. C. Aug. Hth, Great American 0erb Co., Washington, D. C. Gentlemen: I have been taking yoiir Indian Herbs for four we ibe rebult is wonderful. Words cannot express uor pen describe i aud feeling when I first commenced taking your wonderful cure; tj like one dead than alive; could not walk; unable'to ride now I e mile or two. Every one thought I had consumption, but I belie medicine is going to permaneorly cure me after 10 years of sufferinj praise it to every one euffering with disease Miss M L I Dunn.'N. C, Aug--13tkJ Great American Herb Co., Washington, D. C. Gentlemen: Your Indian Herb is without an eqial for I havi nit 1 -L .l J .! JIil J t . . Tl I l a uitaicine mai na aoue lue guuu lt. uap uuue ior me. i uave Qia i ij if . i. - . . . I i i rr w r n m x n n snn nuiniiaiuni fir 1.1111 i Hri i,ir vi'arn: iibvh - n u. noon i wnrlr for crme time: can do anv kir.d of work now: feel tnn-f strong again after years of suffering. Indian Herbs is just whas jo: if Ou feed bad or have any aches or pairs for it will surely cure jo: Mrs S. M. Cass:- &T Any one desiring to purchase a package of Indian Herbs can. j L. P. Jernigan's store or at my lesidence. AV F. IT! AGENTS WANTED. , Duob, N NOTICE. By virtue of a of IIuniHt County Snivrior Court rendered tit Feb niary Term 1807 in t he ;ne of Nm!1 M. Atkins v.-. W. F. Marh. Gijliain I;ti ker executors of J. 11. Atkins. iWchsimL it. F.Shuw, Guardian ad l.iiruu, Turner Atkins. Neill Atkins, Oxar Atkins,1 heirs at Law, I will or. St-jit. C. IS!(7 at ! the Court llone Poor in l.iliini;to". N. C, at 1:30 o'clock I. M. s, Il .it sale to the lii'lu--t Jidd'i" for arh a r lain tiHct of Jaud in Lilluiton town-, -hit Ifarnett county co'itainiuir 130$ jiojoimn tne laml of .1. II. Grady juul others, beginning at J. II. Grady's upper corner where fonnerly was a hickory on the Cape Fear Hiver. thence as Grady's Hue S. 48 W. 52 chains to the corner, formerly a p'ne. theue? as another of his linos X 421 W. -i.Vchajus to a -take ami pointers, I. It. Atkiu eorner, thence his line X. uj t. chain ADMIXISTKA'J'OIIS SOi: Having qtialitied -a- .Uf-' J. W. Thoillas, deeetisyil. nett County, North rarolna ! notifv all oersons haviiiL' ' I 'l'"' tlio olttifo f wilil di i f'a-''! " them to the under-iz;"Ml " . the 3rd day of Auu-f. -f; tice will Le plead. -d in ''r "'" covery. All person- iii'l'',ltH. estate" will please make iiim-; meiit. This 3rd dav f A 1;. " A'ii'i J. W. Tlioma-.' J'' iKXECCTlON lly virtue of an e.e. uti"D from the Superior C''i!t fll"' ty, in favor of T. F San"T" -A. IIol-zes et al. I will a'L toi cash at the Conit H"'1"" lington on Wedrn -.l.ty i'''",-; i C... ...... KliT .. t I. C lO UA tU. ObA C!l;llllS to A sni:i11 :iilr li rt- iui' ri irlirt T Sv.w l - .ts..ii?-i .1 ... ,.f Sel'l f S . I. 1 . . . : m - ,.i inf nnil -Lif iiit i imf 1 11 11 1 tA rr ii.niiiiiiik v 1 . . i t .n 1 r v " f 1 m i Marahburn House valued it $700. 'This sale is for the purchase money of said land This August 1st, 1837. L. J. Best, Commksionei. C'Min-Court or l iils. Second, of NOTICE. '1 ho CoiiiinisHoners of Harnett ty having decided to erect .1 House at Lillmjrton, N. Cask f r irst. tor building complete. ut material delivered at the nlace l," u""- liunoing to be of brkk. All persons who desire to make h'uU are referred to the Hcgkter of Deed-, at L.lhngton. S. C , or Hi. N. Bizzcll Esq., Dunn, N. C, for inspectio.i of plans. Sjeciricatiouss can W geeu at tJ'mITgi!iter ,mce' 80:1,0,1 only In- 1 eCr.lVO1' a!;d srio"hl be marked, Bids for Harnett County Court Hoi:e" tUh!iV K'glsr of Deeds, LilJ. Vi 1 ' ' ll,u AV,H 00 opened .Monday, September 6th, 18'.l7. Boaru reserves the ri-jht to reject and alt Nd-. Beference and 'bond jJ. - i . lor- oltiact price to be paid in cash and by instailnwnts, if agreed upon. Amount proposed to le dollar, Au. 3rd. 1807. J. A. Green, Cliairuian, SH! inl. Il'-t ' 1 fd. Jill" of Harnett county the 1 ight title and Hodires had I:., of. . . . .. . 1 l i.ll 01 rno loiiowinir iaii"- " 1,; the judgment in this ca-- , J tb-wita certain tran r .1 I T.. 11 near me town 01 , .wt lnr r Known as tne jaines v 9 tainino: 707 acres 1m? tli- (t'Bi- less. w hich land certain deed to and eiiteil liv Daniel Mewan ... II . Il 1 ,l lf,l . ' and recorded in Book '2- y Beeords of Harnett cot".tv. Sheritl of Oil EXECUTOB Having qualitied as exy" row 11, deceased, latent this 1- twriinia linvtiic claim- :l- nf said fWonsed tOv CNlii'"1. Brow ty, -North Carolina, the .. III F : Aug., 18'j8, or tlii Aj!r. ed in bar of their recover. xt indebted to said estate ly Immediate payment. ' August. 1S07. x, , jjtaii, r Hll-l ' it t t I n. lu.fill'l' t"1 -u j iinuersineo uii - re- ST.-