i ELK ELK ELK When ever you P.v(k i s with tin c-j'ii of Tiaki rr lia ni' ii: til j ictmv of inianiiite' of purity. ELK on it. it is a The Elk Powder is the best ami che.p ,.ct powder. It .stands the hi'ie.-t chemical analysis of any brand on the -market. Give it a trial and you will 1 1 so no no other. Sold by II. W. JEKXIGA.V & CO. M.uy 5th-tf. Duiiii, X. 0. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. K. W. Pou- Attorney-at Law. SMITH FIELD, N. C. Careful attention to any -civil matters intrusted to "his care in the courts of Harnett County, : H L- Godwin, Attorney at Law. Dunn, Oiliceon Lucknow Square. N. C Will practice in the courts of Harnett and' adjoining counties and in the Federal Courts. ; Prompt attention given to all b usines W-E-Murchison, ir JONESUOHO, N. C. .Practices Eaw in Harnett, Mooie and other counties, but not for fun. Feb. 20 Iv. ' Isaac A- Murchison, FAYETTEVILLE, N.C. Pi ad ices Law in Cumbciland, Harnett and anywhere services ale wanted. J, C CLIFFORD, Attorney at Law, Di ; xx, x. c. Will praetiee in all the court.; of the State; where services desired. SEWING MACHINES. .1 'wish to announce to the people o Dunn and surrounding country that 1 am selling the Wheeler ajwv Wilson No 9, and the Standard Sewing Machines, which-are guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, on reasonable terms. The best machine oil, needles, fixture--&c, all ways on hand. I al-o repah machine.', at moderate cost. Work guaranteed. I have fourteen years ex perience in the machine business and ait! thoroughly aciuainled'witli th-in. My headquarters are at Mr. E. F. Young's i-torc where I will be pleiUed t show my machines Your to please. .1. M. II VYKS. aplilf. - Ixmr., X. C. TOWN DIRECTORY. CHURCHES. 1 Methodiwt Church. Rev. E. C. Sell, Pastor Services Ilr.st Suiiday night, and fourth Sun day morning and in urlit. Prayermeetiiif; every Wednesday night. Sunday sclicc' every Sunday morning' at 10 o'clock, G. K. Urantham Superintendent. Baptist Church . Rev. L. R. Carroll, pastor . Services every second Sunday morning and night. Prayermeeting every Thursday night Sunday School every Sunday morning, R. G Taylor Superintendent. Presbyterian Church. Rev. A. M. Hasset pastor. Services every first and fifth Sunday morning' and night, Sundav school every Sunday morning, M.L. W ade Superintendent. Disciple Church Rev. I. W. Rogers, pas tor. Services every third Sunday morning and night. Christian Endeavor Society ever) Tuesday night. Sunday School every Sunday ' evening at a o'clock, McD. Holliday Snpt. I Free Will Baptist Church. Elder R. C. Jackson, pastor. Services every second Sun day morning and night. primitive Baptist. Church on Broad street Elder WTO. Turner, Pastor. Regular servi c-s on the third Sabbath morning, and Satur day before, in each month at 11, o'clock. El der P. D. Oold, of Wilson, editor of Zion's Landmark, preaches at this church on the , fourth Sunday evening in each month at'K '; .o'clock, . 'Ever) body is invited to attend ; these services. Young Mens' Union Prayer meeting ever Sunday evening at 1 o'clock and r riday night at 7:30 o'clockA All are cordially invited to attend these services. An invitation is ex tended to the visitors. LODGES. Lucknow Lodge, No. 115, I. O. O. f. Lodge room over J . D. Barnes store. Regular meet ing on every Monday night. L. H. Lee. N. O.; C. II. i-exton, V. U.; O. K. Grantham, Secre tary. All Odd Fellows are cordially invited to attend. Palmyra Lodge, No. I47, A. F. 4 A. M. Hall over Free Will Baptist church. F. P. Jones W. M; W. A. Johnson, S. W.; E. A. Joues J. W.; J. G.Johnson, Secretary. Regular com mu nic .it ions are held on the ?rd Satur day at 10 o'clock A. M., and on the 1st Friday at 7:30 o'clock p. m. in each nronth. All Ma sons in good standing are cordially invited to attend these communications. County Officers. Sheriff, J. H. Pope. Cleik. F. M. McKay. Register of Deeds, J. McK. Byrd. i Treasurer, (J. D.Sienee. Coroner. J. J, wllson. Surveyor, J. A. O'Kelly. County Examiner, Rev. J. A. CaniplxMl Commissioners: J. A. Green, Chairman U. N. Bizzell and Neill Mcl eod. ; TOWN OFFICERS. II. L. Godwin, Niayor. Commissioners E. F. Yung, J. J. Dupree, J. II. Poj.e and W. F. Pearson. O. F. Soead, Policeman. jt Who can think of some aim Die Wanted-fln Idea thing to patent? Protect your ideas: they may brlnr you wealth. Write JOHS WKDOEHBCRN ft CO., Patent Attor Ber. Washington. D. O.. for their L3uO prise offer see :i tt-- ' , i - ; 1 3.f 7ntR. ATLANTK ISI'l Tutfs Pills Cure All Liver Ills. A CLEAR HEAD; good digestion; sound sleep; a fine appetite and a ripe old age, are some of the results of the use of Tutt s Liver Pills. A single dose will convince you of their wonderful effects and virtue. A Known Fact. An absolute cure for sick head ache, dyspepsia, malaria, sour Stomach, dizziness, constipation bilious fever, piles, torpid liver and all kindred diseases. Tutt's Liver Pills A Fast Colt. Several men gathered about a horse near the -western market in Detroit, says the Free Press, commenting upon the promi nence of the' beasts ribs and general lean and lankiness. The animal belonged to a far mer living near Ypsilanti, and, it' was said, never permitted grass to grow under its feet on the road. The farAier was not pleased with the remarks and the strong inference that the poor thing had never realized the sensation of corn and oats. "What do you call your horse?" was asked. ''Cyclone.; and don't he look it?" replied the man from the rural districts. "Cvclone ! What a name. He certainly" looks, as if one had struck him." . ; "That's jwhat happened to him, my friend. It is just like this. You remember the awful breeze we had out to Ypsilanti about three years ago? This feller was a sucking colt at. the time, and was in the barn with two horses. The cyclone, reg ular old hummer, came along and thrashed the barn off its 1 gs and dropped it nigh onto 100 yards away. After the twisted had raised all the hob, fences and sheds it could we went out to look things up. The two horses were stone dead, and the colt, would you believe it, was nowhere to be found. "Next day I turned over the lien coop.,, which lay in the field half a mile away. Right in that coop ahd.lying.6n the door, which faced down, was theeolt. He commenced kicking when iie heard us and we took him out in a hurry. lie wasn't scared a bit, I tell 3011, and was cool as a cucumber. The neighbors sav they saw -.lie coon Lrom tnrousii tne air and t.ho colt after it The little iVller caught the coop and got inside of it to save himself, that's what he did. That's the plain truth, and if 3-011 don't believe it ask the colt. Good day, strangers." V A T U Kl A. PERFECT HEALTH RE GAINED THE WONDER I OF THE AGE. Grandest discovery in the annals of medicine. Guaranteed to cure more diseases than any other medicine, treatment or sy torn known to the mtdieal profession. "No MAX made" reined-, but 'na ture's' true panacea. Vatumn is an antiseptic germicide, it. positively destroys all "miciobes" and fjernis of every kind, name and nature, it is healing and soothing to themucuoiis membrane, it will permanently cure the majority of eases f ronchitis. Ca tarrh, Djspepsia, all Stomaehe troubles, all diseases of the Bladder, Rowels, Kidneys, '-Liver, Constipation, Piles, Old Sores. Kect.il Diseases. Ulcers, Eczema, Sclofula, Blood Poison, Rheu matism, Neuralgia, Di-ease l Discharges, Diseases peculiar to Wdiiifii, Ntrvou and Physical Weakness, etc. NO MATTER W HAT YOUIt AIL-! VI I.' -.t. . ! - . uriA i, or wnere you live, wrue us a full history of your trouble, and our consulting physician will advie yon what to do in o.der to regain your health. Consultation is Free an 1 sacred ly confidential. Terms very low. For proofs enclose 2 cent stuufp. Local agents wanted everywhere. No canvassing. e advernse vou in vour lioine paiHr, Address with stamp. THE' V AT U M A CO MP A N Y, P U. Box. P14. Chicago, 111. mU M BEPAWING. W R JOHNSON On LrucknoW Square, Next vO Town Hail. WoiiM iv.-jM'ft fully- announce to the ptil.lif that It is juvp mv1 to do fanev aiijl plain -in pihaini; repair ami re-p-iint fiiriiitim-. l:'iMir Tinware, - in ir M.u !iine ami other liriH of wrk, wlu-iv skill ami pr":K-tice are nee-i-fsary. SatUi icti n 2:11a ranteed in vyvry iutam r no charge made.' Hi terms will le reasonable. All he asks is a 1 1 i.tj joti. lie "luiiks the people for ; tl firU-ral patrmaire in the past, and i hopes to merit a contiiniaiiee of the auie j in the future. HisDreain Came True. An old Georgia darky had a dream, and in that dream he saw an iron vesel at the roojs of a dead oak tree, and the vessel was filled, with silver dollers. He had great faith in dreams, and he communicated this one to his wife, who in turn told it to her neighbors. It got to the ears of two prac deal jokers about town, who placed a dozen' dollars iii such a receptacle as the old man s dream had nictured and buried 1 it beneath ''a dqad oak tree." Then one night when the old man went to digging around the dead trees in the vicinity they secreted themselves and watch ed him at his work; . 1 Finally he came to the tree where the dollars were, and presently unearthed' them, and at the sight of the silver he fell on his knees and r e t urned thanks to heaven. Then the 37oung men presen ted themselves; had a good laugh and explained matters. The3 had had their fun out of the old man, ' and now they w'anted their money. . "Dat's all right gen'lmen," he said, ' 'ter come heah en claim whut the Lawd send, but 1 dreamed it, en I digged, en damn ef I ain't gwine ter hoi' it!" He was in earnest ed himself, spit 011 He squar hisy hands a threaten and swung his ax 111 - 1 ing manner. 1 "Yon can't fool me none er 3011 ! I dream de dream, I tell you, en-1 digged like the debbil ferde money. Go 'longenwuk fer 30' livin' !" The young men are just $12 out. The old man is dreaming with that much under his head. Atlanta Constitution. AHfsw Slmly of American ionnlile Iil'. Julien Gordon (Mrs Van Rens selaer Cruger has used for her last novel a study of New York, rNewport and boston life, which promises to be read with -wide interest by all who are interes ted in American fashionable life. No one know's the societ3 of these three centers of fashion better than Mrs. Cruger. From her girlhood up she has had every opportunity to observe, and we have had no American woman of more brilliant powers not 011I3- of reading the human heart, but of putting her im pressions in delightful fashion. A .charmingly fresh Massa chusetts girl is sacrificed' in her 3-outh to the ambition of a "rich "marriage." Deprived of love, she throwf herself into the race for social leadership and we fol low for twenty years, and beau tiful woman as she captures outpost after outpost, failing in Boston only to change ner base 'of operations, to England, and then attacking the main ' woj-ks of the enemy- at New York, and so en to Newport, and finally beholds the capitulation of Bos ton itself. .The first chapters open in the September Cosmop olitan. WINKELMANN'S Diarrhoea Cholera Mixture. A SAFE, SURE AND QUICK CURE FOR Teethlnr, Cholera Infantum, Summer Diseases, Cramps, Diarrhoea Dysentery, Cholera Morbus, Pains In BoweLs, Cholera and Cholera Symptoms, and for all irregularity of the diges tive system, whether acute or chronic. MOTHERS, NOTE THIS! Winkelmann's Diarrhoea and Cholera Remedy is a perfect means of treat ment for children's summer diseases, and should be in every family. Its timely use may save life. ; USEFUL ON THE FARM, IN THE FACTORY, IN THE HOUSEHOLD, AT SEA AND ON LAND, EVERYWHERE. It is safe under all conditions and . . 1 cwcupistances, and is recognized as 1 one of the very best remedies ever introduced. The ingredients are just what your doctor prescribes almost daily. VoluabU- tnformuUum unik every botlle. SOLD BY DEALERS AND DRUGGISTS GENERALLY. PRICE, 25 CENTS PER BOTTLE. If druggist should not have it. will be sent o receipt of 25 cents to any address by Winkelmann & Brown Drug Co. OLE PMOPMICTONS, BALTIMORE. MD.. U. 8. A. For sale by Hood & Grantlfam, Dilnn, N. C. If you want to get the home! news suoscriDe ior tins paper. EN AN To MOTHERS. WE ARE ASSERTING IN THE 0 EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE WORD C ASTORIA," ZJ 5SS nASTORIAi" AS OUR TRADE MARK. - riiuj-i-ux. r no QAMUFL PITCHER, . L . - ..rMTAorn'O AOTHDIA " ihi StrMie was the originator of "rno iliat has borne and does now sifJZ&ZT U nZ2 mmefac-sunUesignaturetf This is the original PITCHER'S CASTORIA," which hasjeen used in the homes of the Mothers America for over thirty gears. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is the kind you have always bought yz$Z7 071 and has the signature of OS wrap per. No one has authority from me to use my name ex cept The Centaur Company of which Chas. H. Fletcher is chlmr. h-- Do Not Be Deceived. Do notendanger the life' of) your child by accepting a cheap substitute which some druggist' may offer you (because he makes a few more pennies on it), the in gredients of which even re! does not know. "The Kind You Have Always Bought" BEARS THE FAC-SIMJliE SIGNATURE OF Insist The Kind That THE CENTAUR COMPANY. TT That Accounted for It- A West End citizen noticing that the bark was leaving his pear trees, called an old negro gardener nd asked his opinion. "Hit look mighty curious," he said, "I never see nuttin, des lak dat at dis time er year. ! I dunno 'what make it." i "Do you think it can be the San Jose scale?" asked the owner of the trees, referring to a species of blight "the country had suffered from. "De 'Sam Jones scale?' " ex claimed the ole man, "I never ! heah tell of it but I shouldn't wonder in de leas', kase Sam Jones" wuz projeckin' roun' heah mightily las' winter en I heah him say mo'n once dat he gwine take de bark off'!"- F. L. Slan ton in Atlanta Constitution. F.C.Co. LADIES Don't fail to examine ih perfect-fittiiiw 'Feutherbone" Coix-ts. the best and cheapest on the market. All stvWs of tlieee goods at K. G Taylor's, Dunn, N. C. IT 13 ABSOLUTELY The Best SEWING MACHINE MADE "WE OR OUU DEALERS can 11 you machines cheaper tlian yon can eet elsewhere, f lie NE V HOME l our best, but we make cheaper kinds, such as the CLIMAX, IDEA It and other Illsh Arm Fall Nickel Plated Sewing Machines for $15.00 and up. Call on our agent or write hs. We want your trade, nid if oriees- ttnni touu .fjuarc aeaii'ns will win, xve will have it. We challenge the world to produce a. BETTER $50.00 Sewlns machine for $50.00, or a better $20. Sewing Machine for $20.00 than yon Can buy from us, or our AsrentW THE HEW HOME SEWHG HACEIKE CO. O&UTOZ, 3A8& BoFTOy, 'J ASS. 28 U:inx Sqt'ari, H.T. Chicago, III. t r. Loci, ilo. 1 'jls. 'iuua, FOR SALE 8V'. GAINEY & JORDAN, Dunn, N. C. 80 YEARS EXPERIENCE. jT Ttinf utsra ww DCtlCMS, COPYRICHTS 4e. -none G"d!n "ketch and description mar Jit1 ble- Communication atrlcUy R? 2fntiAL agency for ecurin pttenu Patent taken through Mann A Co. racatr ipocuJ notice in the w roo"1TW SCIENTIFIC AMERICA!, H?&urn1' wek!y, terms $100 a Tear; Boob- o P""" eopkMand UAJfO Book os Patixts Mat free. Addreaa MUNN A CO.. . " sayeIIIw MONEY K V v ( Drmmm onHVir. flew LETT ER , ? . ,r , ln of on Having Never Tailed You. MUnftAY STREET. NEW YORK CITY. JIME-TENTHS of all the pain andsicknessfrom which women suffer is caused by weakness or derangement In the organs of menstruation. Nearly always wheL,a woman is not well these organs are affected. But whn they are strong and healthy a woman is very seldom sick. Is nature's provision for the regu lation of the menstrual function. It cures all " female troubles." It is equally effective for the girl in her teens, the young wife with do mestic and maternal cares, and (he woman approaching the period known as the "Change of Life." They all- need it. They are all benefitted by it. For advice In cases requiring special directions, address, fivinp symptoms, the "Ladies' Advisory Department." The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chatta nooga. Tenn. TflOS. J. COOPER, Tnpels, Mist., Siytt " My sister suffered from very Irregular and painful menstruation and doctors could not relieve her. Wine of Gardul entirely cured her and also helped mf mother through the Change of Lite." THE Charlotte Dailv Observer, J. P. CALDWELL, Editor. Piorch Carolina's Leading Neicspajter Reliable. Complete Dailt Reports From Progressive, Candid, ttnd Hi ah Toned. The Slate tnd Rational Capitals 1 Itjs Budgetf f news'. is always compre lieitpive and Jro'in authoritative source Its local repolts are full and nt to-datc Subscription Price: $8 00 Per Year- Tin;- Seini-AV'eekly Charlotte Observer A eilnnplete Home Journal issued ever luesdav and I'riuav and containint"- .-ill !....... .1. ... ' t. ? - inr h hmii iiih eew in a eoitioaer rut-in. A! paper cvei v fanner biild Ii:ih. Oulj 81 .no per ve:ir. The ouy ufu rnoon paper in Wil mington.- Dftruncratic in priucij Ip and poli ties. i IodependeDt rnd Imnartial j lonet and Fair toward all." It reaches the people, is with tb. people, for the people, and of the people Accarati and complete markrt report. aLd lattst news bv teleg'reph, and all the local happenings of I j 4 'THE CITY BY THE SEA." j Hy mail onlj 3 00 a ear. j Fcir Advertising rati or euh.crip ,! tion jidiirrs -! Til K K V EN I N G DISPATCH, j WiLuington, N. C in 0' It'll r. 1 1 I :iiii airrnt for TiH-ker's Granite and Marhlje "v.Tk-. of Wihniiiifton. X. :uil -ujiSI 1m p!c:tsed to show deivim and i ake ipi'u-es to -my persons uh i e ire a Moiiu-i ent, lle:iil-stone. or Iron Fi.c- ,yr f,-,r rra cs. Gmm1 work and low pri.sji our motto Drou nx- a card afid I jtt ill co iie to see vou. DISPATCI Ii .1. SMITH, Benson, N. C FB Gb Ge,'s Corsets, American Beauties CORRECT SHAPES. ARTISTIC EFFECTS. All Lengths. NEWEST MODELS. FANCY and PLAIN. FEATHERBOKE CORSET GO., SOLE MANUFACTURERS. SOLD BY I G. Taylor, Dunn, NC. R. THE UNIVERSITY. 47 Teachers, 413 Students, (Summer School 158 Total, 549, Board $8 a month, 3 Brief Courses. 3 Full Courses, Law and Medical Schools and School of Pharmacy. Graduate Courses open to Women, Summer School for Teachers, Scholarship and Loan's for tho Needy. Address, President Alder man, Chapel Hill, N. C. State Normal and Indus trial College, Greensboro, IC- C. Oilers tin' ymnir wmihmi of ho State thorough piifcssiii:i, lileriry, olussionl. scieiititlc, ami indii.-trial education. ANNUAL EXPENSES $90 to 130. Faculty of 2o members. More than 400 reg ular students. Practice school of 12G pupils for tracli ers. Mon than 1.200 matriculates' rep lesentinjr every county in the st:ite ex cent three. 1 orresixnHlence Inv'tei' from those desiring competent trainei teachers. To secure boar. in . dormi torie.4 all free-tuition :ip)licuit ions mu. he made before August lt. For ca'iilogue and ii:form:'on. address President. Chaklks McIver, (J reeiij'boro. N. C NORTH. CAROLINA COLLEGE OF AG-RI CULTURE and MECHANIC ARTS. will open Sept. 9th, 1897. Thorough academic, scientific and technical courses. Ex perienced Specialtists in every tlepartnient. Escpexsjses per Session., Ixiclia.cilia.gr Board tor County Students. 8 93.00 For all other Students, 123.00 Apply for Catalogue to Alexander Q. IIolladay, TJ,. I)., KALEioii, NV C .. Picsident You cannot afford to ho. with out the MEWS AND OBSERVER. All the Newti, Foreigr, 'N.ritna' State, and Local all it'- tim. Full AS.cialed Pjcm I),M,a-cbt Largest circxilaiiou m ihe S at. Daily Nw aQ1 Observer, 7 pn ear. 3 50 8x m-iuths. Weekly Xorth Caroliuian, ftl pei year. 50 cents six mnnih AddrtBs. NKWS Sl OBSERVER, Raleigh. N. C. "TRINITY COLLEE Next Session Opens September 8. Three full courses of stnrli- Tn- fluiulivr of electlves. Two full hnlMii. Women admitted to all classe. One Hundred and One Thousand Dollars idded to the endowment dmiiwr tun nrcsent v.'-ii- ri..i . " in irv 1'he hest buine e-nii.-... r. i H...i..... ... . .'.Mini In .-iiiiie. r'iit. for .-iII.ki.. lo'ue. AddMv- c-ita- IN. C Kii.r.o, IUfh;uu, X. C Wanted-fln Iripa Who caa think Of lODM llnnki 1 ' thlnKuptotr Q7-4. x;;: r-" mer mar brin. .7" OaKaon lloi. Subscrib7tTH71j)N. $1 00 per year, i n advance. WILMINGTON AND yFI hfiv AND BRANCHES N AND FLORENCE RAILROAD CONDENSED SCHEDULk. May 16th, 1897. TRAINM OOIXU yp flC Vve Weldon ll:5o a, ui., 9 i3 t.. m ,7", Rcky Mount, 12:-2 a. m., 10:X5 i. , Rrrlve Leave Tarboro, li:12 a. in. Leave Rocky Mount, lf.M a. M in ;- 5:45 a. m.,l:v tu. -"' m., Leave Wllaou.5i.uo a ui, 11:16mii . 2:12 pm. -.-'"m, Leave reima, s.tKi a m. Leave Kayettevllle, 4:10 a m, w Arrive Florence. 7:: a in, a.-jr , Ul Leave Ooldstoro, 7:01 a in, 3:10 n m Leave Magnolia, M a in. 4:16 p m. ' Arrive Wilmington, :30 a in, 5:ir. j. ni TRAINS GOING NORTH. ' Leave Florei.ce, 8:15 am, 8:15 p m. Leave rayettevllle, ll.iO a in, Iicjjo , Leave elma, l.Wi a m. Arrive Wilson. 1:4 a m. 12:10 n m. Leave Wilining'ton, 7:15 i ui.3:,a in Leave Magnolia, 10::9 a in, :r5 p m ' teave Uoldsboro. 11:58 a in. I0:lu p i' eave Wilson. Viz i m. l.:i: a m, n'v . . 12:3 m. Arrive Kocay A:ount, x:a p m. l v , . 11:'7 p m. 1:0 i ni. " U1- Leave Tarroro, n:it p m. Leave Rocky Mount, 2:X t m. 12:53 a . Arrive Weldon. 3:3J p m. 1:4 1 a ni. Train on Scotland Neck Branch mud Weldon 4:10 p m, Halifax 4:8 1. Scotland Neck at 540 p in, Greenville r, 1 y.i, ,7 Kinston 7:55 p m. KemrnuiK iev-n ki..:. 7:0 a m, Greenville 85 a m, arriving Haiifajj atll:18am,Weld"n 113 a in, daily ,.Zm, Sunday. a 1 Trains on wasningion uranch lenvo wh ington taOam,and 1:10 p m., arrive 1'aruifiJ 9:10 a in, and 2:40 p ni, returning ,.ax 1.. inele :;.r4a in. and 6:30p 111. arrive Wa),itM,i 11:00 a in, and 7:20 piu, daily. BU" Train leaves Tarboro, N. C. daily, fXrci.t Sunday, at r.r'O p ni.. Puudny j ir, ' ro., arrives Plymouth 7 40 p. in., tio u. Returning leaves Plymouth daily exiW Sunday, 7 50 a. m., and Sunday 9 in) a. m rives at Tarioro 10 05 a. m.. 11 im a. hi. Train on Midland NC Branch leaven (iolj. loro, N. C, dally except Sunday, 7 lo a m-,.. rive Stnlthfleld N C. 8X0 a m. Heturnli,. leaves Hmithtleld. N. C. 9 00 a. 111. srriv, Gcldsboro.N.C. 10 i5 a.m. Train on Nashville Branch loaves KocKy Mo,unt at 4;-0 p.m., arrives Nashville r.:ii-, in.. Spring Hope 5:; 0p. m. Ketuririur.'g' spring Hope 8:0 a. ni.. Nashville nx, n U arrive at Ht ckyM .unt:05 a. ui.,dally rxoi.t Sunday. : Train 011 Clinton Branch leaven Warsaw fr Clinrou . aily, except Sunday, at il ir.a. m. and 1:10 111. Returning h-aves Clinton 7 i a m and 3 00 p m. Train No. 78 make close connection a: Wei. don for all points North daily, all rail v, Richmond. Also at. Rocky Mount with 2,or folH and Carolina railroad for Norfolk and all points North via Norfolk. II. m.-KMEKSON, General Passenger Aent J. R. KKNLY, T. M. EMERSON, General Manager. Traffic Manager. RAILWAY. f JOHN GILL lUceivcr. CONDENSED SCIIKDULR In Rfli ct Illny :M, 1S7. North Hound. No. 2. lifiily Leave VMlmii:fi:toii ; Arrive Kayettevllle ... Leave Kayettevllle Leave Fayetteville Junction l'lr. p. iu. ;i x, ' :t.i; - i 0.' i. ui. ; r..n:. ! Jii j hTTi n.ttt " i 9.;i " Arrive Sanforil..... Leave Saeford Leave CI I mat...... Arrive Greensboro. A.. Leave -UreehslKiro P Leave Stokettdale Leave Walnut Cove,... Leave Kural Hall CAPE FEAR AND YADKIN VALLEY Arrive Mt. Airy llmi " South Bound. No. 1. Daily Leave Mt. Airy ; 5.2 a. in. Leave Kural Ilal 1... 6 ro " Leave Walnut Cove .-; 7M " Leave Walnut Cove . " Leave 8toketdale - T.'ij " Arrive Greensboro 8..i " Leave Greensboro j t int Leave Climax sum " tLeave Han ford.. 'II.'." " ArriveKayettovllleJuuctl.il I.', t . in Arrive Fayetteville !2.-r Leave Fayetteville......... LIS " Arrive Wilmington I i.'M " Worth Bound. No. 1. Imlly Leave Bennettaville Arrive Maxtoii Leave Max ton Leave Ked. HrinM Leave Lumb.-r Bridge.. 7.r. a. iu. ii.oo II.IU " .::7 Leave iiojte muih Arrive Fayetteville ....lt!i , 10. 0 BOOTH BOUND. No. :Uailv. Leave Kiyetteville n: i.iu. Leave Hoje Mills :."t Leave Lumber Bridge Leave Ked HprlngH 5.1 " Arrive Maxlon 8.11 " Leave Maxton " ArrlTe Bennettuvaville..... ; 7 itt " ; No. m. Mi.VKH Daily K. Mjnilay. 7. in ui ' lo : li)f". " li.-.o 1.1 " No. 1. Mixr.n 11-. I K Kt. North Bound. Leave RamBeur ..... Leave Climax.... rrive Greensboro Leave Greensboro Leave Htokesdale Arrive Madison . south Bound. j Miutlay. J 2 In . 1 3.(i. ' .1 4- " " .; 5.i5 " ;57 " .! to:. " Leave Madison Leave Stokesdale Arrive Greennboro .............. Leave Greens loro Leave Climax Arrive Hamseur... tMeals. CONNECTIONS at Fayetteville with Atlantic Cant Lin'. ' Maxton with Carolina Central Kailr-.n.l. t Ha-ford with Seaboard Air Line, at 'ir-' ii- boro With Hoiltliwrn Kallwn v mt ulnut('V with Norfolk & western Railway. ,., J.W.FKY, VV. K.KHK ueu i Manager. Qfu 1 raM.At,"'"1' HOG AND CHICKEN CHOLERA CURE. USE NO OTHER. Writ for tentimoniil". 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