: : " : .1 " 1 I ' i j 1 W ID FRIENDS Al CUSTOMERS THE COUNTY UNION. DUNN. Harnett County, X. C. Enteral accoiding to postal regula. tions at the postoffiee at hunn. N. C, as gecond clas.- matter. J. P. PirrMAN, Proprietor. A.M. Woodall, Editor. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Three Month 25 Cents. Six Months 50 Cent?. One Year.............. $1-00 Sent by Mail. Payable in advance. Dunn, N. C, Skitemkkk I, 1897. A FALSE SOCIETY. Rev. A. M. Hassell, 'pastor of t lie Preshyterian church Iiere, is not'in eloquent preacher, but a .pleasant and very' able preacher. His sermons are gems of reli gious thought aiuL are always full of happy consolations and instructive ideas to the chris tian whose desire is to more fully understand the great truths and mysteries of the liible. Last Sunday was his regular appointment here and lie preached two excellent ser mons. The sermon at the even ing service was an able effort and his .subject a rich one. He spoke from the book of Joshua, the latter clause of the 21st verse, second chapter : "1 she bound tlie scarlet line in the window," and ably did the handle the subject. The readers of the Old Testa ment are familiar with the sub lect. It was Joshua who sent two spies into the city of Jericho to soy out the land and the spies, on learning that they were heinir sought by the ofii cers of the King of Jericho, took refuge in the house; of Kahab, the harlot who was a cast out from society and lived on the wall of the city, who hid them in her house and told the pur suers that they had been to hei house but had departed from out the gates of the city, andaf ter the pursuers had gone she Kit mem uown out oi tne win dow on the outside of the wall .. .... ia ., i . ii. ... i . wiiii n Mjiinut cum uie sines L made a covenant with her that when thecity was destroyed, that she and all her houseliould be saved, and as a token of that covenant she was to bind the -.1 .. L 1 ' , 1 1 scanei Jiue in ine window so that when the besiegers came upon the city that her house should not be harmed. t. 1 A.1P..1 1 ...... iiui u ut'Hiuiiui lesson mis teaches of (he great and bound less mercy of the gracious Lord ,A .-harlot, an outcast from, the world and society, hated by her i i i uu m'.v una scorneu nyinen, and her household of all the city of Jericho were to escape the wrath of the' chosen people of (tod, anil this by faith only. i Ins lesson that the outcast, the fallen, the polluted in sin may receive the richest bless ings of Divine mercy. That the high and the low are alike me .recipients ot these unmerit ed graces' of .Omnipotence.' When we read of these illustra tions given us we think with . 1 . 4- ..... .1 l 11 1 wii.ii ii fumnisj n com and cru el world treats these unfortu nate people. How different ! When a woman falls from virtue and chastity she incurs the unyielding wrath of all her sex; she is thrown out upon the cruel and unmerciful world : an outcast from society, reviled and maligned by her own -sex in bitterest denunciations a n d shunned by all men, with no one to speak a word of cheer or offer an entwining arm to up lift her; no one to offer her a pit tying glance or a prayer that may reform and redeem her- ciety can do a great good along this line and- help the work of the church much. Because man or woman errs once, don't turn your back on them, but talk with them and forgive them, and don't let your for giveness grow tired but forgive forty times seven if necessary. Let "false society go and bring about a society that will make men and women better, with no bier ideas and higher moral and christian characters. Governor RussELilast week notified Railroad commissioners Mai or J. W. Wilson and S. Otho Wilson bv letter to show by to-day, September 1st, whv thev should not be removed from their offices. The Govern or intimates in his letter that .?ach of them is influenced by the Southern Railroad Company and are directly or indirectly connected with that road against the provisions of the law establishing the Railroad Commission. They will have a hearing before the Governor at the capital to-day and will more than probably be removed bv him and others nut in their places. Senator Butler and the Governor both favor their re moval. These two gentlemen want to do something to make the lease of the North Carolina railroad the leading issue in the next campaign. They have seen the hand-writing on the wall and it is ''White Suprem acy" and they each know that with this issue nothing can pre vent the deleat of their parties at the next election. Old maids and widows of matrimonial inclinations and who have about given up hope of ever getting married should start out for the Klondyke gold fields in Alaska. It is reported that in Dawson City, a town now with 4000 population where a year ago it was an uninhab ited wilderness, has only one unmarried woman in it and she has: been courted by and has refused every single man in the town, many of them placing thousands of dollars worth of gold dust at her feet if she would only accept, their love. It is said that any woman can get married there within thirty minutes after her arrival if she would let the fact be known, and. marry, rich" too. The New Englanif woman who wants to start a "Society to Promote Marriage" might make a bonan za by riageable raising a party of mar- women and them to Dawson City. taking Governor Russell and Senator Butler want Railroad Commis sioners that cannot be influenced by the -.railroads, (they claim that the two Wilsons are) but we tear that they will be harel to find in a party that does not make any pretentions to lion- sty, as the Governor's does, and one that one-third of its members are traitors, as Mr. Butler says his is. They are i nice pair to separate the chaff from the wheat. - The post office at Mt. Olive was broken into last Friday night and the safe blown open with dynamite and robbed of $300 in cash and stamps. Mount Olive has the distinction of hav- lg a negro postmaster, who .1 i i . . says mat he noticed a strange white man wlW seemed to be interested in the amount of business the office was hanging around the office Friday. Avery IInlIr Iatt-1 one il. Last Sat urday C c vernor Rus sell pardoned Avery Butler from a life sentence in the peniten tiary for the killing of his fa ther in Sampson county near Clinton in 1889. Butler was only 14 years of age when convicted of the murder in April 1890 and was sentenced to be hanged on July 11th, but his sentence was commuted to life imprisonment in the peni tentiary bv Governor Holt. The boy escaped from the peni tentiary twice but was each time captured and taken back One time he was captured in Tennessee. The Governor in pardoning him ' says that he does so at the persistent appeals from the best citizens of Samp son and by the directors of the penitentiary ; that it appeared that the boy had a brutal fa ther who threatened, often, to kill him and his mother, and who inflicted cruel punishment on the bov ; that his "mother is a deserving woman and Jier distresses nave oeen and are such as to appeal to every man who is capable of generous emo tion." AY e know something of the facts in the case of young But ler. He was probably driven to commit the horrible deed in fear of his own life, and the pardon will generally be com mended by the people who know the history of the case. The young man now has life before him anfl it is hoped that he may take advantage of the opportu nity and make a good citizen. J. W. Bdggett. of Oak Grove. Fla , Lad an aitack of measles, near ly taree years ago, and the disease eft hia with very severe paiDS in the chest. "I thought I would die" he wiites "but to my great joy. I was saved by Chamberlain's Pain Balm." Pains in the chest near!) .always indicate the approach of pneu monia may by promptly applymg this liniment on a flam el cloth, which should be bound on tne chesty an attack ot pneumonia may be pre vented. It is always prompt and ef fectual. For sale at 25 and 50 cf ntt oer botde. Sold by N. B. Hood. druereist Dunn, N. C i Tli !'; Icon JI-M : It was our good pleasure, with a number of other citizens from Dunn, to attend the tent meeting at Falcon Sunday. A very large crowd was present and two most powerful and ex cellent sermons preached. Much interest was manifested during the ten days, and many souls; won for christ. T h e meeting closed Sunday, night and Mr. Leavitt goes to Hiyh Foint, where he will assist Dr. Fife in a ten days meeting. . ' Which is worse, imprisonment for i'e or a life-loug disease, like scrfu ia, tor example ne former, cer tainly, would be preferable were i not tbat Acer's Sarsaparilla can a was come to the rescue and give the pour nerer health, strength, and happiness Losing" F esii You naturally lose. V.ezK In the summer and running down is so easy. You get a little weaker each day without hard ly noticing it There Is loss of appetite, headache, -weakness of the muscles, disturbed sleep, weakness of memory and these are the beginning of nervous prostration Iron and .tonics and bitters may afford some temporary relief, but what you need Is a food for body, brain and nerves. of Cod-liver Oil with the Hy pophosphites, furnishes just the nourishment needed for those who are run down and pale and thin and weak. If you lose flesh in summer take Scott's Emul sionraw.. Don't wait till fall or winter before beginning. 1 For sale at 500. and $1,00 by all druista. mil 01 For their generous patronage in tle past, and wish to announce that we are still in business at the same stand and have in stock a tremendous line of General Merchandise, -Dry GroocLs Sheriff George Pritchard, of Mitchel county, brother of Sen ator 'Pritchard, was shot and seriously if not fatally wounded last Friday by -a desperado whom he was trying to arrest. A deputy that was with the Sheriff shot the desperado dead. The news is that the Sheriff will probably recover fro m the wound, although he - was shot in the lungs. i A hacklug couii keepa the bron chial tub s in a rate of constant .: ir ritation, whioh. if not speedly re moved, may lead to chronic bronchi tis No prouipti-r remedy cm bo found Jban Ayer's Cherry Pectorul. lis tff- ct is immediate anil the rei-ult permanent. ' HNPotioils, And- Shoes EN'S, BOY'S AN CIILDRKN'S CLOTITI andTGents' Furnishing (Joodp. G Wilkes Jones, a colored shoe maker and Republican politi cian. or Wilson. Kiuect nis wiie 7 by cutting .her throat Friday ight. He then shot another T 1 "ITT 11 woman iiameci Anme vv imams with a pistol the ball taking ef feet in the lower iaw and made his escape. doini. on sh self from the- depths of fallen disgrace. This is our modern society and a false society it is in the extreme. Are we not taught to endeavor to raise the fallen ; to reclaim those steeped in sin and disgrace ; to extend to all such an invitation and 1. .1 .1 -t . . uu'iii in rise up ami live a nobler and higher life? Society 4llt1 siI t.imvl . . , 1 . . - - . xl vim lv uiiu 11 yuui aioug mis line if it will lay aside false no tions and false pride and when a man or woman falls, instead ofiving them a cold and mer ciless scorn and denunciation, receive them with open arms and bog, beseech and implore ihem with kind words and kind deeds to return from their fallen places and try and bring them back; pointing them to the meek and lowly Saviour, who1 sneu 111s uioou on Lalvary for the poor and sinful that they mignt De saved from their sins and who alone has power to save and will save all those who have faith in him, and though their sins be as scarlet they will be washed white as snow. . So- Mr. William F. Ilarrity, who was national chairman of the Democratic part- in 1802, and also a member of the national committee from Pennsylvania in the last campaign, was asked to resign the place by the Penn sylvania Democrats in State convention Monday. Mr. Ilar rity was not an active supporter of Mr. Bryan and that is 1ip reason of his defeat. Hiram Worth, son of State Treasurer Worth, has been ap pointed assistant Secretary of the North Carolina Railroad at a salary of $G00 a year. This is a new office and created to give a fusionist a job. Instead of fewer officers and less sala ries, the fusionist have made more offices and increased the salaries. Malaria produces Weakness, General Debility, Biliousness. Loss of Ap;Hite Indigestion and Constipation. GroveV Tameless Chill Tonic, 'remove the ciuse which produces these troubles. Try it and you will b; delighted. 50 cents. To get the genuine ask for Grove'. Sold and iruaranteed bv Hood !t Grantham. XV. IS. iuitir College. Lexing ton, My. Is where hundreds of clerks, farmer boys and others have invested $90 for tuition antl board for anWucation and are now getting $1,000 and over a vrear. iieaa.aa. ana Keep tins notice for reference. Remem ber in order that your letters may reach this college to ad dress only W. R. SMITH, Lex ington,-Ky. Tie fae limilt Btguturt ti netrro ra- oriraniz- Rilly Ames, a young white man living in Wilmington, tried to commit suicide last Friday. He took a razor and locked him self in a room stripped off his clothing and gashed his throat, arms and body in a frightful manner. He was ta ken to the hospital. from which he escaped and had not been found. A company has been ed in the South with headquar ters at Aew Orleans to hnmllo oils in opposition to the Stand ard Oil Company and as a con sequence the market price Nof oil has dropped and will con tinue to drop unless the Stand aril Oil Company forces the new company out of the market. - - . Grove's Tasteless Chill Tome Is a per fect Malarial Liver Tonic ami blood j u rilier. Keinoves Biliousness wtihout purging. .As plesant as Lemon Svrup. It is as large as any Dollai onie and re tails for 50c. To get the OEXulNE :lk for Grove's For sale and guarantee bv Hood&Granthaui. Dunn. N.C. George Brodie, the pist, will be hanged publicly to-day at Henderson. All kind of engine and boiler nxtures ior mm ana gin men can be bought from Dufnn Hard ware ana r urniture jo. oee us bafore you buy, we can make it profitable for you. The Daily Times, an after noon paper for the city of Rial eigh inade its apeaaiice Mon day afternoon. . ; For school pencils, ink, pens, tablets and paper, call on Hood & Grantham. Hood & Grantham will sell box paper at o, 10, 15, and 25 per oox tor tlie next 61) day s. Box Files for business men at Hood & Grantham's. ATrf each. The cheapest line of blapk books, ledgers and all sorts !of stationeiy at Hood & G nin th ams ever opened in the town. We have a few nice parlor and hall lamps to close out cheap. Come earl before they are gone. Hood tfe Grantham. F.C.Co. My goods are bough for cash, and I am able to give my customers the benefit of my savings in buying. Come and examine my goods and prices before making a purchase elsewhere. R. T. SURLES. a EYE SIGHT ! - is P RE C I O U S, Therefore don't fail to buy Glasses as soon as you need them and do uot use such as do not suit your eyes. We carry a well selected Stock of Spectacles, ranging in prices from the cheapest at Ten Cents to the Best with . GOLD FRAMES At Six Dollars Per Pair., If you need a pair please se u before you buy. We carry in stock Watches, Clocks, Jewelry. Also the best i SEWING MACHINES, Improved, which we tell on easj terms. ! We make Specialty of Plain Gold Wedding Rings tWe can come as near satisfying you as &ny one. can oi anything of ihe above goode, both in prices and styles ? J Repairing of all kinds correctly dene at reasonable rates. Give ut your patronage and we will do all we can to please you in goods, work and prici s. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED S GAINEY & JORDAN. Dunn, n. c. ana: 18. jjOOD & HAVE A SUPPIY Ur ALtu Tdii SCHOOL I'.OOKs ft COMMON SriK)OLS. BUY NO W AND HA VK TFIFm YOUR CHILD W HEN THE SCHOOL OPENs. SLA FES PENCILS. CRAYON, C0lJY hUOKs p.J AND INK AT REMARKABLY LOW vnr, ,r - ns. Drugs, Confectioneries. Statiooery, Patent M dieint.fi fj Suiphur. Drug Suodrien, P. ppr, Spicp, P t1' Tobacco.Snuff, Lamps and Lauip Fixuns. I0 h;i, "Prescriptions Carefully pj We are headquarters f()r thing in our line. Come to see IM B, HOOD AND PHARMACIST I don't keep, nor sell whiskey, but hive a )mtantl on htnjl( . 01- PURE DRUGS AND ME DICK, Toilt Articles. Cloth and Hair B m i js. Stitioo.fry. Gauly, I Soaps, Lamp, Ci?:irs, Suuff, Tobaco, aud x variety of other tbu Prescriptions Compounded with care and Ac Remember I am Headquarters for anything m uiy hue. Thanking all I am yours to please with goods and prices. N. B. HOOD, Dunn, .Mr. A. L. larsall ia with me and he invites all nU friend t, sec him. If you aie in the market fo- a number one Fiano or Organ you sh;iiil not fai to see nie. I will pell you the best in sirumeiit at rue smallest cost and make 3 ou easy terms. Music in Your Home- Nothing adds so much to the iov an. Luiiuui i oi 3 our nome as a nice instru ment, ami notnintr more entertaining for your uaughte-s. Don't fail to see me or address m nt Ullllll, iN . u. E. F. SMITH. DUNN MARKET. UUKKKUTBD EVERY WETlVESnAV Cptton Sugar Coifee Bulk Meat. . N C Meat . . Lard Corn Fodder. Sheath Oats Egg Chickens. . . Butter. . . . . 5esvax. . . . 40 i cents, .... o to Gc. ... 10 to 20c. .G to 8c. ''7 to 10c. .... 7 to Oc. ... .oo;to 65c .....GO to 70c to 50c per 100 . . -10 to 12ic. - .... .10 to 17i - 15 to 20c. ' .18. to 20c. WOT1CK OF SALE V ECrriON. From Uoiiit of Wake The Steamship Portland reached Seatle, Washington, Sunday and had on hoard thirteen miners returning from the Klondike gold fields. It is reported that the vessel had on hoard $575,000 worth of dust. gold The fastest mile ever paced hv a horse was paced by Star Pointer, a stallion owned bv James Murphy of Chicago, at Readsville, Mass. last Saturday. Time 1 minute 59i seconds. This is the fastest record known. John R. Gentry had the fastest record 2 :00 until this record was made Saturdav. If you want i reliable dye that will color an even brown or black, and will please and satisfy you every time, use Backinffham'd Dja for the Whiskers LADIE-i Don't fail to examine ihe Ierfect-tituii: . "FeatherlMUie' ( insets, the best ami clieajn-st on. the' market. All sly'.es-of thee goods at K. G. Taylor's, Dunn, X. C. WA N TK p r r u t wo rtliy an enileiiieii or laiUes to t I Active travel for resoiisibI- establish! hoiist in North Carolina. Monthly $G5.(X) and expenses Poiliou steady. Keferciun, Eiu be self addressed euvelojH. 'Ihe Dominion Company, Dept. W. Chicago 111. Sep-l-13v. XDEU EX tlie SuiK'i'ior count v. MifMinof ir a ir.i i ...mi . .. J '.-i ". n. , ,n sen at public sale for c:ili at the court house -loor in Lilli,,. ton on the 4 h oaV or October. 187 t l2!o-clo.k M..a.l,,,Hnobr. , Jt I i terest of 1. A. Hoi1rt's in a ccrta , pireelfl:,jl ,.!,! lfar f,p tu... . k.unv,, rl, J. r. S.nles' Ia n c)iitaiiniij 700 acr.s, e same , ore " i r n t ir 1lifp-,iv- rigut of il. A. lloilires in tb. T.i;i-i. nodes' lamlina, near the to To unn. contaiuin.r .... ' OI 'i-.7 . ""V weies. oiienn liamett Co. more or less J. II Sep l-4tv. Jill " S DUNPPRUC CO MP AW The Dunn Drug Co., under Sexton's office, on Square, Hood & Grantham, managers. Crayon, Pencils, Book Sacks, Blank Books, Cheap I Envelopes at The Dunn Drug Co. The prettiest and most pleasant place in town is the opened by the Dunn Drug Co. The place to buy drugs, toilet articles, fine soaps, t everything pure and fresh is the Dunn Drug : us, one and all. NOTICE. By virtue of. a .Imlgnie.it of Harnett County Superior (Join t rendered at Feb ruary Term 1807 in the case of NeiU M. Atkins vs. W.F. Marsh. Gilliam Parker executors of . I. II. Atkins it F. Shaw Guardian ad I item. Turner Atkins, Xeill Atkins. ()i:ir Atkin. heirs at Law, I will or, S ut. fi. 181(7 at the Court IIiiiim lioor in Lillin rt,,- V 'covery C. at l::;o o'ebu k P. M. sell :.t i.i.lln sjile to i lie bibesr bidder for ca-b a cer- ' tain ti;u t of land , in l.iltn in rkti tun ii. hip Uaiuett county coutaTiiiii- 1301 acre.-., :idjoiniur the l:miU , i i- i Grady and olhers. hccrii,i,;,,(K nt t if i " i.ui h i mt corner ulur f... ADMIXISTKATOriSS Having qualiti-l a A' .1 W. 'Ihom.s .Ircfi'W; nett County, North 4 notify all per-ous liavmp'- Ihe estate of sain "" them to the mid. ' 1i.l .Lit- .f Alll'llt, 1' f.. .. ti ll! 1 i.l. ;ib 'l H All i.cr-o"''1 "". i.stiite will i.Iea-r '"J I-I.;- 'Iri il.lV " 1 I - - I a-t i . r .1. W..IM""J of an ex' iit'h'l of 8 Hicnci W. .- chain. if. Atkui aid theS...-.M.rC..nrt 1 ! I Mil'1' favor of I r . ; ,d-s ct al. I 'l ; foi cah at I he "", ''-j v v.ca i r t wa a hlekorv on tluW':n.. iVm I Hv virtu them e as Gradv's line Si v r.-i fnnn th chain to the corner. fmiiuilt- : :tv. in as another f hi v mi A. I lodges ct to a stake and nobiteru .. : - i i i; "irner. ineiwi u ii.... v nuzu'n :..et 01 E. 51 chain to a iii,itl ! Sci.tenilx-r l.7. -a" icr ou the liiver. tliene- b..xa 1 inir the third d ay " ' ' f: ... - ' r-nit i .. ... ... i iviver u me le'iniiM.n- i..i.wi: i... i of llarm-U 'mh.... iarsl,..r.. ir..r..... " f?V ' 1" '"'r '' .1. . till., .un'l 211I1MII IT KIHI 'I'liij 1 tut; tllll- i . -" . - v. 1 III.. ' .. iir is ior tlie nin v li ia.. i i ... . j AiigiiFt ist, 1837. E. J. Hest, C-oininissione-. Edacata FOR A Situation, mm mm m "v -x. lit x Bock-Keeping, Bnsl22ss, rnUNO&RAPHYy Typs-Wrltisg leiegrap&j NOTICE. I b. frm !; t ! , . m w t . . "luiicrs oi narnett coun ti having deiided to erect a Court llouje at Ullinjrton, N. C. .a,k for tldi for n. fr- ,rj1,11.,n complete. Second, "''I t the plac of ViV "ing to ue of brick. All jersons who desire to make bids ' r'V'1" Agister of Deeds, at I.illington C , or II. X. liizzel h: ,Dii..,N.C, for inspection of 'lhCl( W seen at "-tfj f o nee. 4.-ii.i . ,...i Sill" . " " . it. ,.f III. I I J-.. ( 111 I . f'l- f .l!!. fallow iiiLr l:"'1' hi . tlio tililiriiwMlt ill I 1 to-wit a eertaui 0 1,1 ". ibr. near Ihe fnwn of l"""- known as tie .I-"1' . IMIIMI ill ' . - ' . 1 111. for r. t.-iti i . ocjticu Mius only M .rr?iIV,,U H,M S,,0,,,U W markwT, liuls for ilarm-tr l'ini,i r ,1 nn.l .1! .. .I . lJ ""lfl llUIIMf -v. ..uixh'u to Itegjster of Iited Von,N.ir.,an,iIi,Si: Lill- OIHMied no Aei'lflllKol. (!,. tctr.m .... Z r:Wrn""ieriSu- reject -my I . 1111 11. f.. .111. I ..l qi.ired of contr:ier,-. r ...... . . le iifii.l .. . V ,. "-a price to exreiHb.,i . proposal to lie loiurs, Aug. 3rd. 18S7. J. A.-Gkekn, Chainiuin. less, which I i"" ' - .1 .i mill certain " ; .. ...ft cuted by a- to II. A. U"-JUIq r ainl' recorded in Kecords - of lls.rii.-tt f gust :inl Mh' Mi.-iiirol-' .1. lar. .. . 1 ..j I'V Having iw'"r,,.,of'i liiown. lira-"-'-' .i.:. f ty. North Carnli"; rikons having , a- of said dcccaM d to e undersigned on r o edh;,n-.hhViM! indebted to said e.-j immediate P-i)'"0"1- ' August, 1SJJ". jj pJ.J 1' I WILBUR -SMITH.iSimSgS;gf

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