THE COUNTY UNION WPDNKSDA.T. September 1, 1897. DUNN, N. C. SPKCIAr. AU orders for ' job work must be y .' cnc hulfvhen order i given and !,,' bidliince when delivered , Thirty it.s- iJluw.ed on advertising. LOCAL DOTS, The late crop of watermel ens must bo very good. We notice that ;i great many nice (Hies are brought to town. Our V Oman's Column is crowded out tliis week. We liof able to give it regu larly alter this week. At the time of going to nivss- (Wednesday afternoon) tli -re have been ten bales of cotton on the market. The price is 7 cents to-day. Remember The Union when at Lillington next week. We need money now and need it bad. Small favors thankful ly received. I Occasionally we hear some farmers say that the crop of cotton is going to be short. They sny that the extreme hot Aveatlier has injured the crop. It is stated that the city of (Joldsboro has an epidemic of typhoid fever. The State Board of Health will make thorough examination of the conditions .existing to produce it. -We are sorry to learn of the critical illness of Mr. Eras mus Lee, who lives about four -miles from town. For several days he has Jjeen lingering in a critical condition. -Court at Lillington next week, convening Monday with Judge W. S.O'B. Robinson presiding. Two criminal cases are on the docket. One for murder, the other for burglary both negroes. The first bale of new cotton raised in this county was put on the -market- Monday by. Mr. J. B. Holland, our cotton weigher, from his farm near town. We still receive letters from parties' desiring to locate in Dunn. A dwelling is wanted now. If our citizens would only see the importance of erect ing more dwellings our town would grow rapidly. We learn to-day that one of the -heaviest rain and hail storm ever known in that sec tion visited the section of coun try around Newton Grove in Sampson county yesterday evening, doing much damage to crops. Elder W. G. Turner will preach at the Primitive church here Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. At nine o'clock in the morning he will administer the ordinance of baptism to one can didate at Surles' "pond near town. The railroad cdmpanyjhas put up several hundred feet of platform here this week for the handling of freight. The plat form now extends from Broad to Divine streets, two blocks. The switch track has also been extended. With this issue of The Union we print quite a number of extra copies. If you receive one we invite you to read it carefully and send us your sub scription. ; We want the; paper in every home in this county and surrounding counties. The first bale of new cot ton was sold here last Friday, the 27th, for 8 cents per pound. It was raised by Mr. J. Walter Myatt one of the largest far mers in Johnston county. The first bale last year was sold August 12, just fifteen days earlier and brought 7 cents. Our Mr. Pittman will be at court next week with the sub scription lists of The Union We earnestly request our sub scribers, in the western part of the county especially, to see him and pay their subscription. He will have plentjrof sample cop ies of The Union and will be pleased to give you one and take your name for a subscription. The writ of Habeas Corpus heard before Judge Walter Clark in Raleigh last week in case of Cornelius Hodges on requisition papers from the Gov ernor of Georgia oil the validity of, the requisition papers was decided by Judge Clark against the defendant. Mr. Hodges then appealed to Governor Rus sell who withdrew the requisi tion and sent Hodges home a free man. People and Their Movement. Mr. B. F. -Williams nf WW low, spent Mondav 'nirrM ;n a. WWII, Attorney D. H. McLean spent t iew uays at Smithfield court tnis week. iVIr.-and Mrs. J. E. Harper, ui v,naneston, b. C, are visit ing relatives in the city. Miss Laura Pope spent sev eral uays with friends at Falcon tins wreek. Miss xLizzie Dell Newberry made a short visit to her nn'r- ents m-Fayetteville last week. Miss Alice Doane Smallhnnps of Wilmington, is visiting in me city, tne guest of Miss Annie Pearsall. Mr. O. J. Spears and v of Lillington, spent Sunday in town with his brother, Mr. II . T. Spears. Mr. E. A. Parker, wife ;rml children, of Kinston, are here with relatives and friends this week . Editor Jno. A. Oates Jr.. of Fayetteville, was here a few minutes Sunday on his way home from the Union Meeting at Cavalry church in Sampson. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Barber, f Harper's, visited Mrs. John Harper, mother of Mrs. Barber, ind other relatives here this week. Mr. C S.Powell, of Johnston county, general store-keeper and guager, was in the city to-day on business connected with his office. ' Miss Mattie Carr, of Mount Olive, arrived in town last Wednesday and openecl her primary school Monday. We fire glad to welcome Miss Mat- tie back to our town. Mr. E. F. Youn g, accompani ed by his wife, left last Friday morning for New York, Bal timore and other cities in the north. Mr. Young will pur chase his fall stock which will be enormous. Messrs. P. T. Massengill, J. J. Dupree, E. Lee, J, D. Barnes, McD. Holliday and Henry L. Brewer took the noon train yesterday for Baltimore where they all go to buy goods or fall trade. Mr. G. W. Franklin, of Cary, who painted here for quite a while last year for the furni- ure factory, has accepted em ployment with Mr. W. D. Thornton and commenced Work Monday. He can paint as pret ty a buggy as 3tou wish to see. Neill Williams and John Grady, both colored, were be- bre the Mayor Monday charged with fighting Sunday night. John Grady was fined and charged with the costs of the all to in action amounting, about eight dollars. The case of the State against Susie Willams for shoot ing Elsie Williams in the neck on the night of August 5th wTas emoved from the Mayor s Court ast Friday and heard before Justice H. C. McNeill. The evidence was that she did the shooting in self defence and she was acquitted by the court. Elsie Williams was tried before Justices Taylor and Jackson Saturday morning for an as sault on Susie Williams and bound over to court. Both are colored and of shady characters". IE TCfl TO FEED YOU: . jAnd to that end we have on hand at all times : Meat, flour, meal, molasses, syrup, hone", coffee sugars, canned ' goods xf all sorts, soda, baking powder, cream tartar, ginger, cloves, black and green teas, cheese, butt e r, eggs, CHICKENS, flavoring extracts, powder, shot, gun caps, snuff, chewing tobacco, cigars, cigarettes and cheroots, canned beef, dried chipped beef, potted ham, 03rsters, salmon, sardines, cut herrings, scotch or smoked herrings, driedapples and peach es, allspice, nut-megs, black pepper, box lye, matches, crack ers, extracts of cinnamon and cinnamon bark, jelly, axel grease, condensed milk, table and pie peaches, washing pow ders,, shoe blacking and polish, currants, ,dates, mincemeats apple, peach and pine apple preserves, cranberry sauce, rolled oats, prepared mustard, vinegar, rice, grits, nuts, grated and sliced pine apple. Nice ine of candy, and a great many other good and nice things in my store at Duiiu and at Bass post office in Sampson county. All my goods are fresh and of the best quality and sold for cash at the lowest pos sible prices. We pay the highest market price for all coun try produce. At my store at Bass, I carry a Gen eral Stock of mer chandise, where you can buy anything you want and can sell anything you have to sell. "I buy any thing at its market value. I lave ONE PRICE ONLY. All are treated alike. I very heartily thank the pub ic for the liberal patronage leretofore given me and .will make it to the advantage of all to trade with me. Respectfully, i F. P. JONES, Dunn. N- C- Aug. 2.1-1 -v. ! fjerture on Vanre. Col. J. A. Spears, of Lilling . -a .1 ton, delivered a lecture on tne life of the lamented Zebulon B. Vance to a small audience at the town hall Monday night. The lecture was beautifully ar ranged and presented many of the incidents in the life of North Carolina's greatest statesman. After the lecture the Colonel entertained the audience with several selections several orig inal) from Dutch and Irish dia lects, interspersed with music by the string band. rt i l Col. Spears went up to amitn field yesterday to deliver his lecture there last night. Innti Sea Rnleig;! One Hotter. Mr. J. Walter Myatt, of Johnston county, had a bale of new cotton on the Raleigh mar ket vesterda3r, the third bale that has been , received here, it sold for 71. Mr. Myatt sold his first bale, at Dunn several days ago,-and says that he has four , other bales ready for the market. News & Observer of Sunday. Mr. Myatt sold his first bale here Friday and received 8 cents per pound (or itone and one-eighth cents per pound more than for the bale sold in Ral eigh on Saturday. JU L2 hihiln P " if I I u i y O. K. COOK STOVES THE -- - -. . . WW BUGGY SOLD IN UN. If you need' Hardware, Furniture, Buggies, Wagons, harness, rubber and leather belting, engine and mill supplies, we are head quarters. All we ask is a chance and we will guarantee to please --r 1 J 1. I L 1 il 1 -I . . you. x ou Know mat we nave uecii leaning me naraware busi ness and expect to; do more tor our customers this fall than ev er before. - , Yours to please, ' DUNW HARDWARE AWD FURNITURE COMPANY. HOLLIDAY & PRIVETT. THE STEWART HOUSE. I wish to inform the .; public that the Stewart House is still for boarders. Will board either by the day, week or month. Conveniently located in the business part of town. Terms reasonable. ' Mrs. J. F. P. Stewart. No Cure !Vo Pay. Tliat is the way all drmrffists sell GROVE'S TASTELESS CHILL TON IC for Chills and Malaria. It is simply ron and Quinine in a tas'elesj form. Children love it. Adults prefer it to bitfeer, nauseating ionics. Frice, 50c. Sold and guaranteed by Hood & Gran tham. Warranted no cure, no pay. There are many imitations. To get the genu ine ask for Grove's Sold and guaran teed by Hood & Grantham, Dunn, C Lane & Co. have the,, goods and must sell them. Prices no object, call early. Our Mr. Brewer is now in the North to buy our stock' of drv goods, notions, hats, shoes &c., for the trade. Lane & Co. Don't forget that all our canned goods were bought for future shipments before the rise m prices. Liane k uo. Fresh fish three times a week at R. M. Pearsall's market. Mosquito netting at Massen- gill Dry Goods Co. 104 Sheeting, bleached and unbleached, . cheap at Massen- gill Dry Goods Co. Massengill Dry Goods Co. are opening up a beautiful line Of Simpson's Silver-grey and second mourning Prints this week We have the cigarette trade of the town and must have a better share of the cigar trade. Our stock of cigars are the best we have ever carried. Buy from us. Lane & Co. We have just received 20 kegs powder and are now in a position to give jobbers prices by the keg. Lee Hardware Co. We have just bought a ton of shot and are giving the lowest price per sack. .Lee Hardware Company. We have some special bar- ' - gains m laaies nouons m our Brewer stock of Racket goods which must go to make room for our fall stock. Lane & Co. We are offering lawns and trimmings at shockingly low prices. Lane & Co. Fresh corn mullets, the nicest ever shipped to Dunn at Lane's. Cheese fresh and O. K. at Lane's. If you are contemplating marrying this fall seems before you buy your furniture. We can make you happy two times. ; Dunn Hardware and Fur. Co. The Dunn Hardware and Fur niture Co. is the place to get anything you want. R. R. Snuff at Lane's. A big assortment of imported table and pocket cutlery very cheap at S. G. Marks &Co's. Do you need a good razor? If so call on S. G. Marks & Co. When in need of shoes you will do well to examine S. Gi Marks & Co's. stock. They have new goods with lowest prices. Good Coffee at 10c per pound at S. G. Marks & Co's. ; Have you seen those beauti ful Window Curtains at The Massengill Dry Goods Co's. only 10 per yard. It will pay you to buy a pair of Rubber Boots and keep your feet dry. For sale by Massen gill Dry Goods Co. Oysters, cakes, crackers, sardines, pickles, ham, tongue, canned beef etc., for wholesale and retail trade. Get our, prices before ordering,, We can save you freight. Lane & Co. A large and beautiful line of Gents Negligee Shirts, just re ceived by Massengill Dry Goods Co. Shoes, to suit everybody at ' Massengill Dry Goods Co. , Massengill Dry Goods Co. are receiving New Goods daily and the prices are lower than ever. Cedar tubs, with - electric welded steel wire hoops for sale by S. U. Marks & Co. J Preserve your teeth by using Dental Snuff. For sale by S. G. Marks &; Co. S. G. Marks & Co. are still in the lead on pumps.. Quality and prices guaranteed. Good Clipper axes, only 50 cents at S. G. Marks & Co's. Buy your gin and machine oil of S. G. Marks & Co. Good quality cheap. . A bar of nice laundry soap, and a heavy plated spoon for only 5 cents at S. G. Marks & Co. A splendid bargain. Best 5 cent tablet in town at N. B. Hood's drug store. Meat, flour, x sugar, coffee, oats and bran at Lane's. Goods must go and money come, prices no, object. Lane te Co. Our 25 cent tobacco can't be beaten in Dunn. Lane & Co. Slates ! slates ! ! slates ! ! ! For the benefit of school children, at half prices. Lane & Co. " Why lug your bundles over town. Buy from us and Aye deliver free of charge to any home within the city bounds. Lane & Co. For buggies, wagons, carts and harness see Dunn Hardware and Furniture Co. They can make you prices to suit you. PINLESS CLOTHES WIRE. The Pinless Clothes Wire is a necessity, in every home. No pins are needed. No tearing of garments and no rust. The wind may blow but the gar ments do not blow off. This wire is the cheapest wire to be had. Buy no other. Forrsale by J. F. P. Stewart. Dunn, N. C. j KEEP COOL By buying your ice from me. I hiave it in any quantity you wajit at reasonable prices, in facjb so low th$t everybody can use it. I wish my customers to remember that on Sundays my ICE HOUSE will be open from 10 to 11 o'clock a. m., and from 5 to 6 o'clock p. m. At thjese hours only will ice be sold on Sunday. Qn week days I will be open from 9 to 11 a. m., and from. 5 to 7 p. m. Please the hours and come it.! . I Respectfully, i John A. Oates. remember then after WANTED AT ONCE 50, 000 feet Oak Lumber, 50.000 feet Ash Lumber, 50,000 feet Pdplar Lumber. Will buy in any quantity of either kind. For instructions as to length, width, and thickness wanted and the price paid apply or address ; South Dunn M'f'g. Co. j t)unn, N. C. You run no risk. All druggists guar antee Giove's Tasteless Chill Tonic to do all that the manufacturers claim for it Sold and guarantee by Hood and Grantham, Dunn, N.C. The Wheeler &, Wilson is the only Sewing Machine that does no fail in one or more impor tant points. It forms the stitch by a revolving hook avoiding the shocks, noise, waste of strength, and wear of the for ward and backward movement of a shuttle. It is simplest in construction, easiest to manage and least liable to get out of order. As the thread is drawn up after the needle is out of the goods, the lock of the two threads is drawn tf the center of ihe goods with only the de sired strain on the thread, mak ing a seam with .great beauty and regularity of stitch, that is elastic, strong and durable. Sold by E. F. Young, Dunn THIS is reserved for SPACE i 3 i. 1 i ti I , r " ooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooo Their advertisement will appear next week. Mr. P. T. Massen gill is now in the Northern Markets buying their fall stock. VW'Qtch : for : it. LOOK HERE. One house and lot and several town lots for sale. See me be fore you buy. Henry Pope. Fresh family groceries, cheap, at R. M. Pearsall's market. Good box paper 5 cents per box at N."B. Hood's drug store. Paper, Pencils, Pens, Ink, School Books, Crayon, and all school supplies at N. B. Hood's drugstore. Nice wash bowls and pitchers at Lee Hardware Co's. for 75c. ' As for guns we are simply in it- We bought a lot of guns at jold prices before the Tariff Bill passed. Lee Hardware Co. The best guns on the market at Dunn Hardware and Fur niture Co. W. H, LANE & GO. AT BOTTOM ON THIS PAPER BUT on top of all with Low Prices on DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, SHOES, HATS AND CAPG. HEAVY & FANCY GROCERIES. Meat, Flour, Sugar and Coffee Specialties- DUNN, N. O,

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