SE3S3SES INDIAN H o- -o !!! GREATEST BLO D PURIFIER : And Liver .Regulator 0:1 Eaitn W. F. UTTER, General Agent. ' Dunn, N. C. WHAT YOUR NEIGHBORS SAY ABOUT IT : Dunn. N. C , Aug. 3rd, 1897. COO people now Indian Herbs. Why ? Because it ha the desireo effect and it is so cheap, 180 doses for $1 00 Wf F UTTER. J)t nx. N 0 , Au?. lCili, 1807. ; Great American; Hkrb Co.. Washington, I) C Gentlemen : For the benefit of suffering women, I write this testimonial that they mav know what has done so much to relieve me of pain and suffer in and that want them to be benefitted by what T am going to say in regard to Indian Hcrl a purchased from your agent, Mr AV. F Utter I have tak.Ht your medicine about four weeks and can say never have I found so much relief after su7ering four years and taking hundreds of dollars worth of all kinds of medicines, and have bad the best read physicians cous'antly for tei months at a time and all failed to give n.e relief' Indian Ilerls has built me up so much and 80 fast that l believe one dollar's worth will make rue well and sound. Words faill to express my appreciation for tuch wonderful medicine. Mrs E. F Bain. , Dunn, N C , Aug. 14th, 1897. Greatlndian Herb Co , Washington, D. C. GeDtleraen: I can say your Indian Herbs has done a great wotk for me. I am made wholly new again as to feelings. I am the mother of nine chil dren and can run and jump like a girL I will say to mothers aud joung ladies of North Carolina tb?L Indian Herbs js the best medicine fir ' soreness in side and stomach that you cau find anywhere. You do not. need any doc tor while you have this medicine and take it as directed. I will ever praisa il to all classes Tnankiog you for such a G d jsend, I am - Yours truly, Mns. Cornelius Pleasant. Foe's, N. C Aug. 11th, 1897. Great American Herb Co., Washington, D. O; Gentlemep:- 1 have been taking your Indian .Herbs for four . weeks and the result is wonderful. ..Words cannot express nor pen describe my lool and feeliDg when I first commenced taking your won ierful cur ; I was more like one dead than aliv ; could not walk; unable' to ride now I can walk a mile or two. Every one thought I had consumption.- but I believe youi medicine is -going to permanently cure tne after 10 ytar? of ufferiui; I will praise it to every one buffering with disease? . Dunn. N Great American Herb Co., Washington. D. C. GentU men: Your Indian Herb is without an eq nlfor I hav never used a medicine that has done the good it has done for me. I have had pains in my stomach and palpitation of the heart for years; have not been able to work for some time; can do most any kii d of work now; feel young and strong again after years of suffering. Indian Herbs is just what, you need if jou feed bad or have any aches or pates for it will surely cure you Mrb S. M. Cannady jCTAny one desiring to purchase a package of Indian Herbs can get it ai L. P. Jernigan's store or at my tesidence. W F. UTTER. AGENTS WANTED. Dunn, N. C- Cliiteo or fiiKiu Wool Electric Knives. r i r g -n--! r A Pu m n D I VH V i r,Mv . S XV 3 Si niSGflTm S U fc R K S3 BY ; Rapid Hhoep SheariDg. Grc;it Falls for some with being in advance of 1 ? n til Miss M L. Ryals C, Aug 13th, 1897. BUS CREEK JCAHI Gomniercial School Prepares for College- or J3iasiness, Highly endorsed by College Presidents and hundreds of busF ness men. . MILITARY FEATURE. One of tlieM)ost Business Courses- in the tate. Sliortliadd, Typewriting, and Telegraphy. Valuable' Librory. Two excel lent Literary Societies Ideal country location. Saves money and morals; s i pays all expenses for five months. Two hundred' and twelve students from thirteen counties and two States. Excellent new buildings and furniture. Fall Term Opened Aug. 2, 1 897? 3T,For catalogue, containing- testimonial, cut of buildin etc., v Address J. A. CAMPBELL, Principal" 1 Pok's, Harnett County, N. C. ELK ELK ELK AfAiil ttJP a Hi 1 mU SAVE IT 13 , Montana, has time been credited other n aces in itne numerous uses 10 1 ! which electricity is applied, and now it again comes to the front ! with a claim that it is the only place on earth where sheep slvearing is done with the aid of electricity, says a writer in the Electrical World. Many at tempts have beeu made to coiir struct a slieep-shearing , ma chine for use here which would do the work form erly done by hand, but none proved success ful until the Woolsey shearing machines, brought from Bir mingham England, were put into operation. These ma chines have proved their merit, and five or six sets have been in use in! different parts of the United States. One set of twenty was installed at Great Falls, Montana, which has be come bv far the .largest wool- shipping (point of the North west, 'and this is the only point where the! machines are worked by the current. . . Shearing sheds were erected near the terminus of the street railway company's line, and this company furnishes the pow er to drive the shearing -machines. The amount required Vsvas only six horse-power, and a power, and a motor was taken from one of the cars, the arma ture pinion being replaced by a small pulley which was belted to the main overhead shaft. After the machines were started no difficulty was ex perienced in keeping the speed uniform, as there -.were twenty of them constantly at -work. Th e f orem an o f t he shearers , after five minutes' instruction, took full charge of the motor, giving it all the attention neces saiy, in oiling, starting- and stopping. The machines were operated for nearly three weeks by this motor,."' and in that time sheared 16", 184 sheep, averag ing nearly 10(J sheep per day per machine. The shearing proved quite an attraction, the street railway company carrying a large num ber of passengers to witness the novel sight. The shears resem ble horse clippers in -their oper ation, the power being trans mitted to the same universal joints. through To Whom it May Concern: I hae becu in the drug bu inest for twelve years, and' during that time, have sold nearly all the cough medicines ' manufactured; and from my personal knowledge of such rem edit 8, I say that CbamberlaiD 0- Uih Remedy gives better satisfac tiou than any other on the market. W. M. Terry, Elkton, Ky Foiale by N. U. H .od. Dunn, N. C ' Home Sweet Home " We have seen in several pa pers tne following interesting account of where '"Home, Sweet Home" was sung : The first time that the tender lyric, "Home, Sweet Home," was sung in public was -when an Indian , brooding over the squaw and suicide on death of his beloved papoose, committed the spot where they were buried. It was a time when the boun dary lines between Georgia and Tennessee were in dispute and the half-breeds were constantly making trouble. In order to V A T u m PERFECT HEALTH RE GAINED 'THE WONDER OF THE AGE. the initials f . Gr-mt'.'it discovery !lH'tli(MIH. Gu:ir:iitteel to curt any oilier im-tHcim- in more l'se:i.'s than ire:mnc!ii or niniic-nl profes remedy, but ion. 'iiu. To MOTHER WE ARE ASSERTING IN THE COURTS OUR RIGHT TO THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE WORD " CASTORI A," AND " PITCHER'S CASTORI A," AS OUR trade MARK. I DR. SAMUEL PITCHER of Eyannis, -Massachusetts, was the originator of "PITCHER'S CASTOR1A," the same that has borne and does, now J$ iSfcZ" m m bear the facsimile signature of CJ&c wrapper. This is the original "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," which has been used in the homes of the Mothers of America for over thirty : years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is Me kind you have always bought y yS-- U and has dhe signature of CjUta4M-wa per. No one has authority from' me to use my name ex cept The Centaur Company of which . Chas. H. Fletcher is 8,1897. Q- Do Not Be Deceived. Do not endanger the life1 of your child by accepting a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you (because he makes a few more pennies on it), the in gredients of which even he does not know. "The Kind You Have Always Bought ?; BEARS THE FAC-SIMlLE SIGNATURE OF Insist on Having The Kind That Never Failed You. THE CENTAUR COMPANY, TT MUNHAV STJttT. NIW YOBK CITY. harmonize contending factions, our government established a trading post there. John How ard Payne appeared on the scene, ana on suspicion or incit ing the Indians to insubordina tion, was arrested and to the council house. With others he witnessed the burial of the heart broken. In dian, and began softly singing to himself the song Which has since eclioed through everv land on earth. The sequel is told by The Atlanta Constitution in these words : General Bishop, who had kept a close scrutiny on his actions, heard the song and called Payne to him. "Young man," said the stern old Indian 'fighter," ''where did you learn that song?" "I wrote tliat song nryself,'' replied Payne. "And where did you get the tune?" - "I composed that also." "Would you let me have a copy of it?" "Certainly I will." "Well, a man who can sing and write like that is no incen diary. Appearances may be against you, but' I am goi ig to set you free. I shall write out your discharge; immediately,' and a pass to carrv vou anv Tried to Sacrifica His Son. Wooster, O, August 25. j Samuel Hostettler, a young far : m nr. who had become insane carried JJl J HlXUlJ, iiCVV.t' III UV.OJH nil attempt to sacrifice his son yes terday. He imagined that he had received a divine jCommis-; ! skill to emulate the example of Abraham, and: he accordingly told his boy to help him gather together faggots in the rear yard for a big fire. . The little fellow, not know ing; what was in store for him, was chatting . away exultantly in expectatation of a grand bon fire';.' ' The farmer's wife was final ly ..struck with surprise by her husband's actions and deter mined to watch" him from-behind the kitchen door. 'She heard him murmur' pray-ers while building the pyre, and when lie was done with this him draw a ra pocket and call choose through the where you nation. Pavne had been' housed at the home of a family living near by, and on his return there he exhibited his pass and related the circumstances. That was the 'first time that "Home, Sweet Home'-' had ever been sung in public. J Work she saw. zor from Iris Ih eir child. ! Then with a loud the lb' ?! fh t! If3 1 ' EiU TRADE-MARK. i MSI When ever you soe a can of Ilaki )r PiW(U'i-s with the name -ami picture of ELlx on it, it is a guarantee! of purity. The Elk Powder is the best ami cheap est powcler. It stands the highest, chemical analysis of any brand on the market, liive it a trial and you will use no no other. Sold by 11. W. JEKN1GAN & CO. May 5th-tf. luun,NC. Wanted An Idea Protect yonr Idea; tfiey may brlngyou wealth. Write JOHJT WKUDEKBDRN A CO.. Patent Attor ney , Waablnfrtoii, D. C. fur their $1 JBW prize offer Md new lint ot ou ttumwaiiil InvenUoaa wanted. Who can think of lomu aim Die thing to paten I? SEWING MACHINE MADE WE Oli OCItDEALEns can Lll you. machiuei cbcapr tlian you can get eUexvliere. Xiie NEW HO.TIE Is our beat, but we make cbeaper klodi, bdcI a the CIiIJIAX, IOE iL and other Hlsli Arm Full Nickel Plated Sewing Machines for $15.00 and n. Call on our aseat or write u. We want your trader ru;-d If urlees- tr-m huu quare aeanhs will win, we will have it. IV e challenge the world to produce a BETTER $50.00 Sewlns; Machine for $50.00, or a better $20, SewlnsrI!Iachlnefor $20.00 thau you can buy n-otti u, or our ic:ents, THE HEW HQHS SEYJEG HICmHE CO. Oaxxoit, Xass. Bosroy, Hass. si rvry f-i?", S.Y. CiUCiOO, IT.U f: T. Lot 1 HO. 1 " ' BAXfttAXCiCO,CAt. ATT -,U.U FOa SALE B' GAINEY & JORDAN, Dunn, N. 0. Nature's Nervine and Rapid Restorative. An unfailing cure for Diseases of the Digestive. Nervous and Generative Systems. A Tonic of rare efficacy for the old and young and of marked ser vice for Students, Teachers, and all who are engaged in Brain work or close occupations. CURES Depression, Tired Feelings, toonsness, Muscular Weakness, Loss of Appetite, Palpitation of Heart, Restlessness, Hysteria, Kene Weainess, General Discomfort, Excesses, AlcMism, , I and that almost innumerable series of diseases and complications resulting from any derangement of the Nervous system. Invaluable for weak women cry, woman ran to her boy's rescue "Hush, wife," said the hus band, -."you .must not interfere God lias commanded me to make this sacrifice, and everlasting hell hie ism store for you i you interfere." Mrs. Hostettler realized that her husband was insane, and she tried to snatch the boy awaj irom him. The religious mad man tore the child from hei clutch and prepared to draw the razor's edge across hi: throat. ' A terrible struggle then en sued between husband and wife .. . . . . -i ior i lie possession or tie razor. But the religious frenzv of her husband was too much for her. Gradually he disengaged hei iviif.. oiiu was last losino- consciousness, but gathered to gether her remaining strength to let out an ear-piercing shriek Neighbors responded and af ter a prolonged struggle the ra zor was wrested from the mad ... r.. . i man s grasp ami lie was over powered and lodged in jail. Mrs. Hostettler is in a serious condition, her hands and arms having been frightfully cut by the razor. Philadelphia Record. t.eui known to ti e -No-MAX iiiaiV tnreV true panaee.-i Vatun.a is au.;int iseptic germicide, it positively destroys :i!l 'niicuilM's" and genus of ery kiml. u.-iiue and .Nature. it is he-aliug i: soo.hing to lite nini'iiittis inembniiie. it will im-i maiicin 1 urt- the niai- rity of cas. s , f ro:ehitis, "a-1 and nervous children, tauii, lJ.cpepi.i, all tMiiache trouble.-. I all disea.-es if the Bl.MH'er, Bouels, Ki !nev-, Lhei, Constipation, , lik, Oli! Sore-. ltect:;l liist-ases Ulers, Kczeina, Scioful.i, Blood Poison, Uh -u-r.iatism, Neuralgia, Di e:isevi Discharges, Diseases jx'culi:ir to Wone u, . Xcrvous and Physical eak.sess, etc. Tie foe timila dguture or 41- ' ii ertrj vrappok A I L- us a our yor vour Steady ITenres, Braced System, Sound Best, ' Good Wcrk, 15SDEED BY usus Dr. Cos's CcceHn ITerva Tcnic. no matte it what youi: MKNT, or where you live, f wnte full history of your --trouble, and eoiwilting physician will advi-e what to do in o. der to regain ueaiui. oiK-uiiaiion is iiee niist saer-d- i ly ' conUdential. Terms very low.-' For proofseuclose 2 cent stamp. ! Local agents wautt d evervwher-. Xt) canvassing. We adwr;se you in your! liOine paper. Ad Iress with stamp. CONTAIN NO OPIATCS OK OANCCROUS DRUGS TO MARC A HABIT. 50 Cents per Bottle; If three bottles be ordered at onetime, a copy of Oriole Cook Book will be included free. AT DRUGGISTS AND OCALCRS OR DIRECT Of US ON RECEIPT OF PRICE 60 CENTS. ! VVinkelmann & Brown Drug Co. SOIC PROPRIETORS, BALTIMORE, MO.. U. S. A. 1' . . LI- I TT 1 tt ,1 THE VATUMA COMPANY, i r UI saie "y: upoa x, uranuiam, P. o. Box. PI4. t hicago, in. Dunn, N. C. THE Charlotte Daily Observer, J. P. CALDWELL, Editor. Kurilt' Cttrolintis Lending Newspaper Reliable. Cornulefa Daily Prtxjresice. . Retorts From and' ' High Toned. American Beauties .VI -v CORRECT SHAPES. ARTISTIC Ml 'EFFEGTS. Ss - : .:.'rfHj-V.'.'-N. V ; ' I 4 'V.'tk . .uta tio-c. : nfrcc-T 1 ' ft ; All Lengths. Mm mm mmsm corset co, SOLE MAMU-ACTUREnS. SOLD BY R. G. Taylor, Dunn, N. C. THE UNIVERSITY, 47 Teachers, 413 Students, ( Summer School 158) Total, 549, Board $8 a month, 3 Brief Courses, 3 Full Courses, Law and Medical Schools and School of Pharmacy. Graduate Courses open to Women, Summer School for Teachers, Scholarship and Loans for the Needy . Address, Presj dent Alder man, Chapel Hill, N. C. State Normal and Indus trial College, Greensboro, C. 'Oilers the yoiiujy women of the State borough professional. Ii tenry, classical,' -cientillc, and industrial education. ANNUAL EXPENSES $90 to $130. Faculty of members. More than 400 ular students. 25 reg rractice school ot i2u pupils lor teacli- rs. More than 1,200 niati ieulates rej- lesentuiir every. coiintv iu tne state ex cept three, Coi respoiidcnee iny'tci from those desiring competent trained teachers. To secure boar.', in dormi tones all fiee-tuition ai)pIicatio:is must he made before August 1-t. ! For catalogue aucHiiforiuatipi, address Presidciit Chakles McIvkr, 'Greensboro. N. C The Slide and National Capitals. Its Budgetf of news is always com pre hensive and from authoritative source. Its-local reports ate full and up-to-date Subscription Price : '$8.00 Per Year. The Senii,-Week! Charlotte Observer. A complete-Home Journal issued every Tues?ay ami Frioay and contaiuii g njj the news of the. week in aeompactlorm. A pafH-r every, fanner should have. Ouli $1.00 ier 3ear. north: caJrolina COLLEGE OF AG-RI CULTURE and MECHANIC ARTS, will open Sept. 9tii, 1897. lhoroujni academic, scientific and technical courses. Ex perienced Specialtists in every itei)ariment. v ' Expenses Sessioaa., r or i .omiry students. $ 9:1.00 F.r all other Si iidehts, 12:j.00 -Apply for ratalogue to Alkxa.vderQ. IIolladaV, IJ,. I)., iwAJuKion. .. c. Piesldcnt You cannot aliord to out the be with- ftlEWS AND OBSERVER. , S ifioi a i he tiiijf D!frlatchl All the News, F-rt orate, and I.ucal all Full AsociateJ Viem Largest circulation iu the S ate. Daily Nc:4 anl Oherver. $7 pi t ear. $3 50 six tn-nthf?. neeKiyiNorth Uin, ftl ' bailway JOHN GILL CONDENSED 8CIIEl)t; In Em cl Mav 30. h9 North Hoi xd. Leave Wilmii.tftoii Arrive Fayettfvltle..." Leave Fayetteviilo. ...... v r" rnyucviiie June; j Arrive amoru... Leave Sanlcn!.. Leave lMiinax... , Arrive Oreenslmro.... Leave Ureensloro Leave stokesdate Leave W'nmut Cove... Leave Rural Unit Arrive jklt.Airy ii. South Borxn. Leave Mt. Airy-.... Leave Kural Hall. Leave Walnut Covt. Leave Walnut Love... Lave Stokesdale.r.... Arrive Jrensl)ro.... Leave O.reensboro Leave Climax tLeave Sanfonl........... Arrive Kayettovllle JuiirtlHl Arrive KayettevilU Leave rnyettevHIe. Arrive Wilmington. NoKTH'Pm-xn. Leave Beniiettsville.... Arrive Maxtoii Leave Mnxtou Leave Red fcnriiitfit Leave Luuitx r Bridge Leave Hoi Mills... Arrive Fayetteville 2? - ir. ;;; u; ""; r .t ; j i south mitNrt. LeaVe Fiyettevllle Leave Hope Mills , Leave Lumber UrMge., Leave Red Hirliig..... Arrive Maxtoii Leave Maxtoii Arrive Bennettuvsville North Boi kd. Leave Ramseur Leave Climax urtve UreviiHboro. Leave Oreeu.sboro ....... i.eave StokedaIe Arriv e Madison.. south Bound. ' M 'l I-S 1 U; ha :.r. - s ' - Lt . - l'.il 11 CI! '1 X 1 V iu.-. l!. Ill So Mi- Leave Madison.-. Leave Stokosdale Arrive Ureeusboro... Leave (ireenaboro..., I eavi; Climax. Jlf 1 3.1: u 10 (5: Arrive Ramseur........ ........: (..5 tMeals. CONNECTIONS at Fayettevllle with Atlanllc Ctwtb Xaxton with Carolina (Vniral liailn ."sa'-iora with Seaboard Air Line, at , boro with Southern Railway. at a!i: with Norfolk Sc western Kailwav. J.W.FHY, 'W.EI Oew'l Manager. Ou'l r$. i e year. 00 cents 8tX , lUJeib. N O. TRINITY QOLLE3-E NextSkssion Opens snP c Th ! ful f courses of stiuit- t nmnher of eleetiyes. Two full rlmf,- i lv.nglisn. AVoilien adniitfMd t ..11 . One Hundred and One Thousand Dollars Jlfhh'd fo the ondiiwiiKMif .T....; present yiar (tniv m-.b. i; ' . Carolina that is loesited in fl. - .A. 1 . oiuif. cent. ur all.i:m Ke. Addies JN. C KILGO, Durham, X. f in c-ita- An Idea 1: i MA.. TTT . Who cab think Of some itmnlA I Write j6hh Winiiln 9!lng,oB wealth. ..... "i4, a. punt ittw. I ATLANT L WILMINGTON AND W II: AND liUANCUKS AND J'LOHENCK IIAILlldi CONMCNSKIl SCIIKDt l.t May Kith, 1SD7. ' TRAINS OOINO SOUTH. Leave Weldon lliSu a, 111., p. m ; r Rocky Mount, Vt;2 a. in., 10: -,S j. w. Leave Tarboro, n. 111. Leave Rocky Mount, 12:52ft. M., l'-l 5.--1" a. in., 12:45 in. Leave Wilson, 2.0U a iu, li:bi in, L p m. I eave Helma, 3:(X) a 111. Leave Fayettevllle, 4:10 a hi, Mlpm Arrive Florence, 7::i5 a 111. : 1'iu. Leave (JoIdslMiro, 7 01 am. : :lo m. Leave Maptiolla. MO a 111, l:t '.i-iu. Arrive Wilmington, ::?0 a ui..r.:i".' TRAINS OOINO NORTH. Leave Florei.ce, 8:15 a in, t-.Vi 111. Leave Fayetteville, 1I:;0 a 111, los'I1 Leave Selina. I Mi a 111. Arrive Wilson. 1:4 a in. 12:10 1 iu. L ave V iliniiigtcm, 7.15 in-in Leave Magnolia, 10:'9 a 111. :' V Leave Uohlsuoro, 11:S am. HMnj'Bi L-ave Wilson, Ms i in. l.d" a iu.W IS: 3 p in. ' Arrive Rocky Mount, 2:3! l m. r- l':" 7 l in. LiO i 111. Leave Tarboro, 12:12 11: . Leave Rocky Mount, 2:n i in. L w Arvlvw Wfl.loti M '-tl 1. 111 1:11 a m. Train on Scotland Neck Uranch n! ' Weldon 4:10 p 111, Halifax 4: I1 ' Scotland Neck atTiOp 111. O're.Tivlll-' rCir.atoii 7:55 pin. Returning leave J 7 0a in, Greenville a in. arriving at 11:18 a in, Wt'ld' ii ll:."i a ui. W Sunday. . Tiains on WaHliington Branch l-' li gton t:;o a in, and 1:(0 p in arriv n .;:l0am, and f.w p in. r-t urnlnff i' mel !)::r:a 111. and :3p in. arrivr 11:10 a m, and ;:i0 p w, daily. Train leaves Tarboro N. C Jai!-v' '' Suiiday. at r: :o p in.. u"1,'t,(v, in., arrives Plymouth 7 4 p. '" j y Returning leaves P!in'Uili " Sunaay,7 50 a. ui., and Miii'lny " riv s at Tarboro lOO.'i a. in.. 11 Bl' 4 'I 1 a i HI Ml.,,,1 V I'rMlicIl I 1 A 1U VI IllldliU 41 J ..,,..1 born, S. C, daily except suii'iaj, . j j rive Umithfleld N C. K a '" V leaves tSmitlitlebJ. N. C. K W B1, i Ooldsboro.N. C. 10 i.r , , ' Tiain on ashville ' Uraiicli V -uT " Mount at 4;'0 p. 111., arrives Nanv m., .spring Ho,.e r,:. 0p. in. ''r.'SL t spring Hone 8:00 a. m.. Natdrt arriveat RrckyM unt 'JM' i-us"' u .1... H.....r. mi. 1 T1.....I, ..Il'fD - , tniui uil IIII1MI1 iram 1 Cdn'on . ally, except Minday. at ' 1:10 p in. Returning leave flints and :nio r m. Train No. 71 make clone uicnmona. Also at kockj- folk and Carolina raiiroal f'-r ' 'r' all points North via .Vrf'lk - General I'a-JA' J. H. k,';N.L,'r T. M.KMERSON. General )' , Traffic AJauager. .;! r THE ID CJ HOG AND CHIP. CHOLERA m CSK NO po-'livelv L':i 4 VV !,.! me -S?f. I .j- clit a lid l-f-lr nt'BHAU. NORTH" Ab";' . ml!EP- t '. , . i 1 I N i 9 all ,. .1 1 J - ''!S'.!.M-'-l 1 Kf I 1)1. Mil A.M. ?ljll- - ...1 with.'?! 5-" Coiil'0" Subscribe to The Union. $1.0P por year, in advance. 4 IMuro thia coupon order. Subscribe for Tjib U1,'

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