THE COUNTY UNION oUNK, N. C. People and Their Movement. Miss Esther Smith, of Ben son, is visiting the Misses Harper. Mr. II. atives at mcrville. McKay ifi visiting rel Lillington and Sum- . for j.,', v:ork wf he lr- l'htnMT'lrV-"? Summerville, is visiting rela . r,hr delivered. Thirty tivesintovrn. . h ';,,:, il' on wJcnHising. local- DOTS. to-day with sev n iSie market. ?s dom on tli ';,,-, Driyer .,11 WDl'k r r- r:r. -mU daughter of Mr. Mr- ! !y(' h:ls 1,e(MV VC1T 1 1 1 1 1 tives in town. Mr. W. K. Harrison, repre senting the Wilmington Star is in town to-day. Mr. J. Rr Baggett, of Bass, returned to Chapel Hill to-day to resume his studies. Misses Addie and Marv Bvrd, o Little liiver Academy visited friends in town Monday. Mr. It. G: Taylor arrived home earlv Sunday morning from his trip north to purchase Mrs. W. V. Pitt man and children, of Rowland, visited relatives and friends here this week . . Mr. Jamie Bizzell, assistant chemist in the A & M College, ;it, Tf.nlmrdi ; V; vi? finer bin nri- expects vpnt.s nen.r town- t i j i ...... l,U- new oriCK sioie T. t t? in.: n.i at,... ,...1(1V l;, move in sometime next L p McKav leffc Saturday fcr , ' Milton, in. u., to visit tnen t t il.. C t.'i i Ki'cilinv ttt1 l r to cul' () AllCIl, J1 IV I II" I 1 1C1 OlJV. - . . T mi: i..., - r i - r t t i " xvir. anu Mrs. vj. r. loung have returned from New -York courts where Mr. Younr purchased his fall stock of foods. Mr. Lewis S. Atkins, of Wash- ington, ). u., spent tounuay in town on his way to I!' tin- la'wyers and -iii.ens are attend- .,.,!:; i his week . of bands are build- i:,,-..-.. uano warehouse fur'thr rnilroid company. u.. ir r; Tavlor .MI. ' I Ill' 'oiirt t'1'1 i ! '. 1 1 11 ill!' -II in,r ai jjiiiiuiiiwu wwk. JudLe Rob- ' - - - he exchanged WE WISH TO FEFB-YOH. Oil And to that end we have land at all times : Meat, flour, meal, molasses, syrup, honey, coffee, sugars, canned goods of all sorts, soda, baking powder, cream tartar, ginger-, cloves, black and green teas, cheese, butter, eggs, CHICKENS, flavoring extracts, powder, shot; gun caps, snulf, chewing tobacco, cigars, cigarettes and cheroots, canned hoof, dripil rVhiimed beef. Dotted v ' - - - - - LI- ' ham, oysters, salmon, sardines, cut herrings, scotch or smoKea herrings, driedapples and peach es, allspice, nut-megs, black pepper, box lye, matches, crack ers, extracts of cinnamon and cinnamon bark, jelly, axel en-pn.P ' condensed milk, table and pie peacnes, wasning )jw- ders, shoe blacking and polish. currants, dates, mincemeats apple, peach and pine appie preserves, cranberry sauce, rolled oats, prepared mustard, vinegar, rice, grits, nuts, grated and sliced pine apple. Nice line of candy, and a great many other frood and nice things in mv fm-p t Dunn and at Bass Uis i if M if it u I Am I O K COOK STOVES THE BEST. BESr BBGGT SOLD IN Dili. - " " " ' ' -k;.5 -i'i I .ir. K. i-f'' lins opened a :j,h,i, on Wihon Street 1111 . . ' cfnKlpu nicrht t, , V Owns will have it iiv visit Ins mother at Lilhngton. Solicitor E. W. Pou and M lllilivi; inn iiv.3.i nr-, '4. TJ. Wooiic lmrnoss. If you need Hardware, luinutuic-, V"""k ' - rubber and leather belting, engine and mill supplies, we are head onarters All we ask is a chance and We will guarantee to p ease Zu. Yon know tha we have been leading the hardware In- post office in Sampson county 11(1 eXDeCt tO UO U1VL AU1 v All my ffoods are fresh and ol IUU13 IU licii3V9 DUNW HARDWARE AIMD FURSXISTURE COiiiIPAl . HOLLIDAY & PRlVlli. i .. .: n for ill'' tnulc. -Mr- U. L. In- In-.-ii witl1 ill- Solicitor E. W. Pou and Mr J.H. Pou, of Smithfield, and through here Sunday enroute FOr ljllilllgLUll. - Mr. A. M. Pittman, who if prmtr.nptiner for buildings at " o " D..t..lnn1' flniiin nn S: tm fl V and remained ' with his f.amily i , (Jromartie who Y. II Lane& ..,. i nsist vear,1 ini in- h.'i'a position with the Dunn -1 i;,,..n;tnpn nam. iiai'trwarc ;uii i i" 1):tuv ,,v!,riv lie will be pieaeu H-rve lis friends. . i nv '-mpredu-mt.s I to his work. .HHtia" the roads leading to Miss Lillie Benton of Kershaw -.1.' i .....i ni'inipd iiv n.t- ft n TPtnrnpd vesterdav to take oWll Willi ixmni.-i li..v. i u . . , .- of the Millinery depart 1-. . .., rtii T.iiL-nmv Lnnl nf IVTr E E. YoiltlQ-'s tbp f nil and winter trade. Her many friends wel come her back. tbp oualitv and sold vw ---- - -A for cash at the lowest pos sible prices. AYe pa' .the highest market . price for all coun try produce. At my store at Bass, I carry a Gen eral Stock of mer chandise, where you p.'in bnv anything vbu want and can sell anything you have to sell. I buy any er "s ! slates ! 1 slates ! ! t For Fresh f amily groceries, cheap, the benefit of school children, . at R. M. rearsaii s mar o in. f niMCHS. iJdiAi3 rmel remained ' with his family Vp- vnlue. I till yesterday when he returned nav(foNE PRICE ONLY. All i i , are treated alike i,,hiw(n at his shop on Lucknow ment vwn Mr. Johnson - is a Utore for .iJcnWul painter and does at- tractive sign work, lie aiso ri'jKiints and repairs furniture. Ill- is a worthy gentleman and a.'M'i-ves-your patronage. Willi this issue we enlarge T in: I nk n h six pages . Re m. ini.i'r there is no addition in .mil wp increase the im jiiiv. hum anieunt tit' reading matter hall. Co,-.,! Sunday reading; Bill Arp and jokes are features of pages Iiv and six. We do this for ,,M!' 1-.-W U1' Mill 1 hone to have Ar tfnviner laWllS atld V u iuo j . trimmings at shockingly i low prices. Lane & Co. AT(nt. Hour, sugar, coffee, oats and bran at Lane's. J R. R. Snuff at Lane s, Oysters, cakes,, crackers, onvflillOC 1 "II e" kles. ham, tongue, canned beef etc., for wholesale l vomil trade. Get our prices A . mm lie for the liberal patronage before ordering. v uu mrnn inp and Will mil frni'ht. lUlb a VJt tw- . I bOX at IN, 13. XIOUU a UKig ow. Paper, Pencils, Pens, Ink, School Books, Crayon, and all school supplies at N. .B. Hood s drugstore. THIS SPACE is reserved for I very heartily thank the pub- ( : oi oii(lont tn mil press last week we were delayed g""' in geiiing out lih- iooi.iv The Union and from an una voidable delay this week we are a few hours late in going to press. AYe hope to be on time in the future. make it to the advantage ot all to trade witn me. Respectfully, F. P. JONES, " - f Dxinn, JN o. Dr. Moore informs us that the wife of Mr. Troy A. Parker our .readers and hope to nave apTOpeiuuS ; ,!,, .ome in promptly and set- from town, gave birth to t o , . .! i J uvierlit. (Tir s Tuesday morning. " tie up this fall. tnmn stole Ir. Rufus (oats' horse from back of his Saturday night and rode 'him oil. Yesterday Mr. Coats found liis horse at Mr. Seth McLamh's in Johnston county Mr. McLamb found the horse in 'an uld tield Sunday and took him" up. If- is supposed the tram p rode him that far and the horse became tired out anu I'i't him . ' ' John and Mary Strickland, ain d 17 and 15 years respective iv. children of Mr. J. R- Strick land, of Turlington, this county took the train here to-day at noon for More: niton where they bool for the deaf and dumb. Their father ited it Ral- and desires that his children slcill hp Piinnnted also. They Will bo'o'OUP 10 months. The)' :nv lnM.Viit. pliiblvpn- and have splendid faces. Tlw .io rf Strife VS. M. R. 1 1 1 V V 11. V v- r Smith 1m,1 ncpinned the time of the court until late yesterday :ii't..m,wn Spvpral submissions sl:!,l !,,. n' m.-ulp. The grand T. 11 P 1- liny returned a true bill or uui-j uhfrv against the negro who en iicnd Mrs. Parker's house at Averasboro some time ago. He had not been arraigned yester d;n A special venire will be suimnoned in his case also 'lien hp .n.v,;,Tno(f The court will 'lohably take nearly all of the two weeks. hrio-bt trirls Tuesday morning. This is the second time twins have been born unto them, me first time was September 5th ly4, a ooy aim it gm Ir. Ix. B. v-inu-ii "Pi-onpliPfl nn able interesting sermon on Foreign aiw nr. too Hieuiuuiov inisoiuiio iw . church Sunday night to a large i-isll' 111" and attentive congregation, i. Swindell is doing a great oik for Foreign Missions in this State. He is one of the ablest preachers in the North Carolina Conference and is . thoroughly posted on the work of the church in foreign lands and the need of funds to spread, the i rvWn rr the be- IU4, a ooy iiuu is cnrisiiaii icugwu Rev A M Ilassell's store nighted heathen. He says there ue. a. xvi. xrn osn 000 000 children m Kui s me To VaveeTer heard S several lollars of a Christ aud are. worth of goods. The negro up m idolatry. Win e m tov hat was charged with hrcaking he was the p. t of Mi i.. c,r..0rmp nrro es- Mrs. J. inompsuu. Some sturgeon meat was on the -market to-day, Mr. V . J . Branch of Kvle's Landing bav in it. The sturgeon was caught in Mr. J. S. lienson s trap at Silver Run falls on the r vo,. fine inorniiiff. It lJM)ti 1' Cdi "no o weighed .77 pounds. at,. Tnnips A . Tavlor tells us a story oi t uc. - - sturgeon that happened whfn lie was a boy at the same place. The ncro s. name was and he was an expert swimmer. He went to the trap and found o lnrffp sturgeon in it. Shade (l Jint, o , See Hayes the Wheeler & Wilson man .before you buy a Tf von have an old niuonjuv. j machine of any make, be will allow you all it is worth and give you good time on the bal ance. Buy the No. 9. We shall use nothing but the very best material in all of our work. The old reliable hand Brand and National Oak totocK at Lee's Harness shop. Call on Rev. J. F. Owen for hand made harness at' Lee's Harness shop. noil ovirl rrpr vonr icllv class- es at Lee Hardware Store, W dozen . The Lee Hardware Co wish- oil flip nttpntion of the ladies of Dunn and surrounding community to the nicest line of Lamp goods ana rocKti has ever been exhibited in Dunn. wiinn ! Stnn here at the New llOli . ' Harness shop and buy a cheap i.. i,:-, unmptimfi a?0 es ill J11S 1.vjxv ' " c ... f-Aii, fnil at Favetteville A t 1 AT,. TT'ievspl I ui""1 ? I . . thinks that it is prooaoie nv the one that broke into it again Saturday night. - o , , . 1 frw crrr. top i,Q linnV nlive and thinking of plans to do so got a strong, orape vine and put in the stur geon's mouth and tied it around his body. When tins ao.u ; . - Alg0 t threw the sturgeon out oi me,, " , " " , rpnaired. " Mr. trap and jumped into the river . exnerience to swim ashore with V; ! in thc harness business and can but to his dismay the st u geon cuarantee his work. was much tlie strongtu i.i - - . . water and carried biiaue at Vo Cure 3fo Pay. 1 . . nil firiuru i ."i.ii ghove' t as'i klk's ciin?T. ton- IC for Chilli ami - ' " ' V...V. 1 -.,;., 1 Ilf Ill !l i s i-ics: ".0.' u i r1 Aiinlts nrefer it to ooooooooooooo 103O 000000( ioooo oooooo VI' Ll"l"vV o UlilHireii iu . " " xy,r.n rftc , t. Ar,i ,rlm iiMiisofttinsr Tomes, luce ouc Klder liernice ,,i ,d ffuaranted by I flip nnrtbern water aim cuiitu jusi' otic, vxv, - will and was about to drown , ; mJll.kcts where we bought every , . ' oi i fim. p'nniiidpra,ble I ,,lrl r pnmnlete our vii in l: iiui-uu v...-1 i cii n rip iiftPT consmerauie 111111. difficulty succeeded in loosing already mammoth s tock . We Soklaiul guara.uu u, lives aooiu nve iiniu xw thalt nlanted eight acres in tobacco warranted last spring, im. " i:.. Mtli Tr. Wood brought us a sample of his tobacco oai- i.- r is ot a ori"ut huvk . J i;.i. ir.m flip iiuu. t u Tiit npres he will make four- t.ii-i.. . , Unin j n.t. fill ..Kif-.iKOO nount s to uie uam .... rniin vwuiiide. He hopes to f f ; lro ct 1(1 nn 'ivnr.KT Ul ill Wl, H1 lu, TT 1 for it. fie nas CUIltO i' -1 1 n 4- not sola any tu. A fine mare belonging to a flood & Gran- no cure, no pay. Hiere ' ...,. imit.-itlons. To get the genu- teed by Hood X, uniiHimm, Had tlie Hall. TA.. . A tpIiiP- China, of Sumter, S C passed through here Mon of T ' 1 i,; ir-iir to Lillinrton, tUlr uii 111 . being a witness in m m Ed Purvis tor muruei. made the post mortem examine- - . . X I 1 171 .WTfl-tl 1 11 tlOU Ol me V . ,.il 11 TJiir'oii niid obtained ine oan DliW.M'i'" , i 111C OllllULlltV O I'VViv... " IH1VIUM himself from the vine and swam liaye jgOO worth of hand andJ to the bank, while the sturgeon maciline made buggy ana wagon remained in the river with the n.u.ness that must be sold in 0 oi.n,in ,,'oiir Immfi a. sad- 1 Tn t n fipt.s'ftr and fam ilv have moved here from Ml simi to live. Mrs. Setszer is a sister of Mr. E. F. Young of our 11. mvn. She has the care oi mt hildren of the late Mr. Ashley oimg, her brother, and they will make their home here wiui hyr. They live in their resi dence near-Mr. .Young, which i . 1 r A lius recently been compietea iui tlwm. Tiik Union extends to them, a- cordial welcome and trusts that they may find a ph asant and happy home in our thriving town. Mr. Setszer will work in the store for Mr. Young. i .i vi-l-m lives across coioreu iiui'M -. . i 1 . .'1. I a .1 t n Cape Fear, died anornuiuCluu 1 i ; . . Tiiflppii. here fcunaay mumm. - she was so vioiem mat .""v ,.ml tint persons who sa l, L.ji.ivnnimhia; Mr. Tim sue ntiu. n iuuw .i, wnc: treating her IN O H IS " ,i . -.i ,..i i n. snlendid horse doctor says that she was su ler-fln.-mn.tion of the Klu- 111 11 Will I""'' neys and concussion of the bram Mr jN orris nas micu x ; , x i i'uio. nnd is m-enaredto treat the ball obtained i A ii iincC t 11 I horses ana is vei that killed him. 'He says llliU ivlllvi jix... , ball went through the bowels cutting a main blood vessel and imbeded itself m a ouuu ucu the backbone. The ir. v the ball to the ecmor iiu.. nvrviflcrp nail iiiiuiit CiUlUic v.V-0 some slight abrasures on it plainly showed the impression of the clotliing on it when it struck the body. The body of Blackwell was exhumed after it had been buried six days and r- i i f liAmn O CflH- vine, bhaae went uuwr t. der if not wiser man. You run no risk. All druggists gnar aut O." vc. Tasteless Chill Tomato irSoUl aim guaiiiiu "j- - Grantham, Dunn, Hit ton K) a Pilot. Monday morning early a son of Mr "Cornelius- Jones who lives near town was bitten on the foot by a rattlesnake pilot Dr Denning was summoned and o-ave medical assistance, and the boy, who is about 10 years of ae, has not suffered very much from the poisonous uiu-. , NEW GIN. : t i; in meratioii a"t the Old Stewart Gin House in Duitn a new Winship Cotton Gin with latest improvements for ginning cotton, and solicit the patronage of the farmers of Dunn and A. r'lrtiniiT Taos, Fowler. days. Now is the time to get a Lnvrrniivin bnTtieSS. Dunn Hardware & Furniture Co. You ought to see our $5 Bug tToimip Tt is a hummer. Dunn Hardware & Furniture Co.; Have your Spring Beds made to order by K. Lf. aicuu, "" N. C, with Ord way's Form 1 lt- ting Bed Springs' t. at;ii frict -nii nothihL! to 'l 1? Ill vr.JV j u have Model Spring Bed shown you and its advantages explain ed and prices given by Mr. Alex v i ii. ....infml tnr Mcbeoa. rum 10 years. Satisfaction guaran teed of no sale. Their advertisement-will' appear next week. Mr. P. T. Massen ffill is now in the Northern Markets buying their fall stock. Watch it. Our 25 cent tobacco can t'be beaten in Dunn. Lane & Co. Lane & Co. have the goods and must sell them. Prices no object, call early. . - tbnt all our -Mr. J. J. Dupree has just h ht for receivef and opened tU, a1?e: oann stoCK Oi ian wo - nrices ljaue v vw. bougni;. ah im o , fl , three times a wee notions, clothing shoesand hats iresh flsh If you have an old New Home Sewino- Machine and wish to trade it for a new one it .will pay you to see the rew iiome M. F. Gainey, Dunn, N. C. Agent. PINLESS CLOTHES WIRE The Pinless Clothes Wire is a necessity in every home. pins are needed. No tearing of 1 i Tlio trarmcnts ana no iusi. wind may blow but uie g.u- ments do not mow on. wire is the cheapest wire to be had. Buy no other. For sale by Dunn, N. C. fiimisli any style ou lie can - v -. 1 wish at prices that will astonish you. ' Best 5 cent tablet in town at N. B. Hood's drug store. at R. M. Pearsall's market. j F Owen's hand made harness'at Lees Harness shop next door to Gerald's new sta- bles. THE STEWART HOUSE. I wish to inform the public RtPimrt House is still Ulitli HIV ,TT. J open for boarders. Will board either by the day, week or month. Conveniently locaieu in the business part of town Terms reasonable. Mrs. J. F. P. Stewart. av a VTF.T) AT ONCE 50, T.nmbpl' ' 50.000 UOU lttl Vcirw. v.. . . feet Ash Lumber, 50,000 feet . 1TTM1 1.... a 1 Poplar Lumber, win u ; any quantity oi eunn t-' For instructions as to length, width, and thickness wanted and the price paid apply or address ,r,, r South Dunn M'f'g. Co. Dunn, N. C W. H, LRNE & CO. AT BOTTOiVl ON THIS PAPER BUT on top of all with Low Prices on DRY GOODS, MOTIONS, SHOES, HATS AND CAPS. HEAVY & FANCY GROCER IKS. Meat, Flour, Sugar and Coffee Specialties- to-" tt t , a tsth: & co,