j ' - -'""- i . ' - ;T 5QH t 1 T'tfy" THE COUNTY UNION. DUNN. Harnett County, X. C. EuumvI ..'.. n-ig to po.sf.il- regula tions sit the posfolflce .it ixitni. X. C, as second'clas.- matter. J. I. PirTM'AN. Proprietor, A. M. WooiiALL, PMitor. TERMS CF SUBSCRIPTION. Thn-r Months 25 Cent?. Six Months One Year.. ....1-00. Sent by Mail: Payable in advance. Dunn. X. ('., Skitk-misek .15, 1S07.. IS IT THE WILL OF THE ' PEOP LE OF II A RNETT COUNTY? Every man in IJarnott coun ty lias heard it talked time and aain that the .condition of the : county's finanWal affairs was due to bad management of the oflicers of the county and' the Populists and Republicans have made this charge against the Democratic officials of the coun ty. But the scene has changed, the 'Populists and Republicans have charge of the county gov ernment how and they are play ing their- hands to redeem the county from its indebtedness. Their first move along this line was to get the fusion legis lature to. enact a law empower ing the county commissioners to issue bonds to pay a debt (which the" people of the county had repudiated at the polls twice by their ballots) and levy a special tax to pay the same and further empowered the com missioners to issue bonds to build a Court House and levy-a special tax therefor without the consent or concurrence of the voters. The commissioners under this law issued some $ 14000 of bond . bearing G interest payable in twenty years- compromising the debt for 50 cents on the dol lar. Thev further issued same kind of bonds" to pay outstand ing scrip in the county foi which they paid 81) cents on the dollar where it was in. the origi nal owners' hands and 75 cents on the dollar for that had passed into the hand of other parties They further issued about $(,- 000 worth of bonds to build court house which they sold at 80 cents and received $5, :mo. . Ve are informed that thh ' .. I 1 1 1 1 o,.s4U is placed in a nank m llaleigh to the credit of John A (ireen, chairman of the board qf county commissioners of Har nett county, and we are inform ed also that Mr. (ireen has exe- cuted no bond to the county of Harnett or to any one for this money. We do not wish to be understood as intimating that Mr. (ireen will not account for this money and do not write this article to cast any reflection on him or the board of which he is chairman, but we want to ask if this is good business man agement. Is not the treasurer of the county the proper custo dian of this fund? There is no authority for Mr. (ireen as chairman to have it in his cus tody. The officers' of the coun ty who handle the county's moneys are required to give bond for the proper accounting of the monpys that come into their possession. . Mr. (ireen and the other two commission ers give no bond, they simply take an oath of office and are not supposed to handle 'any money at all, yet all 'money for 'ounty -expenses is paid out on their order. The commission ers are guardians and not cus . todians of the county's money. The county's faith and credit has been pledged to the pav ; ment of the bonds 'for which .... this $5, 340 was received. Kv . cry tax-payer's property in the j county is bound by the act of the commissioners and no loose management should be allowed, and we think that this allowing Mr. Green to deposit the money" in bank to his credit as chair man without bond is loose man agement and poor business. Is it the will of the people for it to remain to his credit without bond or to turn it over .to the county j treasurer .and require bond for it? We are not positive that the figures of the amount of bonds issued and the money .received therefor is correct but they are not far from right. AVe want to see the county get on a cash basis and out of debt and to" get it out of debt is goinir to take rigid economv and the best of Government . by injunction has caused a most horrible, af- i"fair at Hazzieton in the mining districts of Pennsylvania. The mine operators got an injunc tion to prevent the striking miners from marching in the public highways and obeying -these orders the sheriff and a hundred deputies fired into a bod- of strikers killing twenty one and wounding forty, others, a most disgraceful act of the sheriff" and deputies. The min ers were quietly inarching along the road unarmed and defense- I less-. Tlu'v were all foreigners, Hungarians and Poles. It may be true that they would not wonk and were on a strike .hut this doesVnot justify the sheriff in his harsh treatment of them. The State militia has been call ed our and trouble is hourly ex pected. ';' The figures of the New York Financial and Commercial Chronicle, an excellent author ity, indicate a cotton crop of .8, 714, 011 bales against 7,102, 423 bales lasj; year. These fig ures were to September 1st, since which date the crop has deteriorated, but granting that these figures are correct, a crop of 8,700,000 bales this year is not as large, in a sense, as the crop of 7,100,000 bales last year for at no time in twenty-five years has the world been so bare of old cotton. And this sug gests that prices ought to be bet ter than they are.- By reason of the "statistical position," of other reason, cotton ought to bo ranging about 1) cents, but the man has not been born who can account for its capers or who can guess what it is going to do next. Charlotte Observer. t bioo We have talked with a good many of the Populists recent!' and we find them to a man dis gusted with ihe fusion legisla ture. Many of them say they will not be lead by their party leaders again into veting with and for Republicans. They are disgusted with the promi nence into which the fusion leg islature brought the negro TM ,i: i:i -i -i x ne v cusiiKe .negro scnooi com is starved blood. It shows itself in pale cheeks, white Hps, weak digestion,, no appetite, exhaus tion, lack of nerve force, soft muscles, and, chief of all, weak mvsclct Your doctci wdls it Anaemia, He will tell you that the weakening weather cf sum mer often brings it on. 9 4 A ?! Enitf Ision of Cod-liver Oil with Hypo phosphites, will make poor blood rich. It is a food for over-taxed and weak digestion, so prepared that .it can easily be taken in summer when Cod-l:ver Oil or even ordinary foods might repel. SCOTT & BOWNZ, J New York For sale at 50a and $1.00 by all drujjzista. !v oiirt Houe. We learn that the county commissioners will meet tomor row to accept bids and award the contract for the building of a new court house at Lillington. The building contemplated will cost something near $6,000. The building is to be of brick, two stories and contaijn seven rooms beside the court-room. We also are informed that an expert architect from Richmond Va., was present at the meeting of the board on the : last first Monday to make a bid on the building but when he saw the plans and specifications refused to put in a bid because a house built by them he said would not stand. The Commissioners should look after this matter. The house will cost the people a good deal of money and they want it built securely and pro perly so that it will' stand for ages. -If thev did not -have a competent builder and engineer to draw the plans' they should have done so. It is far cheaper to build a house well unci ac- GOODb. A yppp liYlimTinil fi w ft 11UU JJAUIIJIUUU Ul UUll rMEW I wish to call the attention oT my friends and customers to the fact that I have just received my . and would be glad to have you call and examine them. -Mv ;tock of Men's, Ladies' and Children's Shoes is complete. DRtiSS G-OODS, LATEST STYLES- MEM AMD STOCK -tmrnf Mk tmV 'i m-xM W a h I r I II i HfLts, trie Itvtest styles. M, ik Ladios' aiHl Cliildn'n's Uiiilerwear. Woolen nnd Cotton. ncjuliiarters for neckwear, collars, culls Ac. LOVES AND HOSiEF Y. - Suspenders, Shirts, Trunks, Crockery, Tin and Glassware. Tobacco, Snuff, Sugar, Coffee &c. In fact everything kept 111 a the demadds of General" .Merchandise Store, at prices to meet the hard-times. . , Thanking you for past favors and solicit your patronage the' future. Coino early before goods are picked. Yours to please, 61. 'd. SiSilES. 1! WILL BE GIVEN AT DUNN HnRDWflf FURNITURE Co UP STTAIRS. " Afternoon Duriiv the hours of 8 A. M. and can be done on a Qnd night. 1 ( T f t 1 TT rl- .x.. t I F vnn ( O VOUl UWii inHPi- vji,iv, ui 1 mv ,.,... servants, and want a cool house in summer, and it,,'1 penss. attend this exhibition. ' f'l Cost of Fuel o Cents a Day. You will be .e:u,.,r;. structed, and surprised. . Everybody invited, ..,11T' ladies. Exhibition now goiiigjon, continue fm-i,. VU OOD & RAWTHAM. DUN DRUG COMPAN The Dunn Drug Co., under Sexton's office, on Lucknow Square,' Hood & Grantham, nianagers. . Crayon, Pencils, Book Sacks, Blank Books, Cheap Paper and Envelopes at The Dunn Drug Co. The prettiest and most pleasantplaco in town is the store just opened by the Dunn Drug Co. The place to buy drugs, toilet articles, fine soaps, cigars, and everything pure and fresh is the Dunn Drug Co, Call and see in us, one ana an. We have a few nice parlor and hall lanaps to close out cheap. Come early before they are gone. Hood & Grantham. SEWING MACHINES. w I wish to nnnouiu-e to tle people of Dunn iiiul siinouiHlii!; country llint I j km selling the Wheeler and Wiboh No. I 9. nnd Ihe Stnndard Sewing Machines. which are guaranteed to give perfect ' satisfaction. o,n reasonable term?. The best machine oil, needle?, fixture? all wavs on hand. I al-o repaii J THANK OUR FRIENDS for white supremacy. mittemen for white schools and cording to mechanical rules than irnarauteed! I have fourteen "yearn ex- will vote at the next election to have Olie botched UP by perienee in the machine business and am incompetent builders. , 'MSTrT 7:. -F. Young's store where I will be pleased to show iny machines 1 Your to please, : J. M. HAYES. apl2tf. Dunn,T. C. Malaria produces Weakness," General Debility. Biliousness. T.os of Appetite Indigestion and Constipation. Grove'. - Tasteless Chill Tonic, removes the cause which produces these troubles. Trv it. :md von will b3 delighted- 50 ., -- ---- J o cents, lo get the genuine ask 101 Grove'.-. bold and guaranteed bv llood & Grantham. And now it is announced that Governor Russell will not out his decision -in the ' matter of removing the two railroad commissioners until! October. He probably wants time to look around to. find his man .that can t be brought ( ?) bv the For school nencils. ink. nens. J V I 1. 7 7X railroad. tablets and naner. eill on Hood x x , & Grantham. Two hundred and two fresh- Hood & Grantham will sell men have registered at the State box paper at 5, 10, 15, and 25 University. The largest regis- per! box for the next 30 dav's. 1 I'll f I , ,11 LinJA lw-v v---m X " T,T, Lllt uai' X1. Box Files for business men uunorea stuuents are exnecteu i. Tr..i s session, r our young worn- QO-i. en have registered for courses. llie cheapest line ot blank Imnl.-vs lorl rrnfc nnl.- fill cnrfi; a rii . , . IFvVjUV..'. C. V 1 J tl' I 111; till UU1 . V I uniVl! S i :lsre less I li I I Inme ii -t rur- ' . fl ( t i..i;ii..i T.ive.--r... lie ...,,i i,!w,.i ., stationery at Hood fe Gran- - . .. i ".-.iv. liiiu UIWUM I I f' rilier. Removes Biliousness without thaillS ever Opened in the tOWll. purging. piesani as ieinon svrup. it is as large as nny Dollai tonic and re tails for '0c. To ire t the genttIne ask fr Grove's For sale and iruarantee bv tloodiiGramhani. Dunn. N.C. & Grantham's, 4 of LADIES Don't fail to examine the perfect-fitting "Featherbohe" Corsets, the best and cheapest on the market. All stvies of these goods at K. - G. Taylor's, Dunn, X. C. For:their generous patronage. in the past, and wish to announce that we are still in, business at the same stand and have in stock a tremendous line of General Merchandise, I GroocLs, QSTotioiis, And Slioes -1 TE-VS. HOY'S -l-VLL C,'f I r , D i I E N '; TAXES PAID financial business management. Every tax-payer in the .county is interested in getting the fi nances in better shape and they do not want any loose manage ment by the otlicials and guar dians of the county. j Court Proceedings. Court adjourned Friday night at 10 o'clock. The whole week was occupied with 'the criminal i i uocKet, except a lew motions lodged on the civil docket. The western portion of Harnett was represented on the criminal docket, but they had money enough to nav their costs. State vs. M. K. Smith, vio lating a town ordinance of Dunn, not guilty. btate vs. M. K. Smith, em- )ezzlement, found guiltv. Judg- 15t1' ment of tlie court that he be im prisoned in county jail two months, commencing at Novem ber court, and pay all costs. State vs. Ed Purvis, murder of . J. Blackwell, found guil ty in first degree. To hang-on Oct. 13th, 1807. State vs. Isham Smith, in dictment for iburglary, submit ted to the charge in second de gree. Sentenced to penitentiary for ten years. State vs. Elsie and Susie Williams, shooting affray, both found guilty and sentenced to pay a fine of ten. dollars each and costs or be imprisoned in county jail for 12 months. Cost Cotton amounts to .f")0. Sugar State vs. John Tines, iu- Coffee.. dieted for taking pants from the I Bulk Meat . store of It. G. Taylor, found P C Meat . guilty. Sentenced to be hired Lard out to pay cost in the case. orn. rodder. . . . . Sheath Oats i Iff I MAKE A GUESS. Now is the- time to make a gm ss, you may be the lucky one. The Altanta Constitution. The Thrice- a-wcek World, The Home and Farm. mil Ihe County Union one year for the lucky number. HOW TO GET THEM : Se'id us one dollar for THE UNION -': and your guess on i ne nuinoer or uaies 01 cotton soi in I...... 1 . . . - 1. It-M.r uiiiiii uv i7eeemoer isr, itsi. xo iTtiess will be receiveu after , j ovember Old subscribers can ' pay their oacu. sunscrintion and renew, tor one year and take n guess. New subscribers cm pay us one dollar and take a iruess - c our number will l.e kept correctly and no one will know your jruess. In ease more than one uues-es the the right numbi r ihey will get the Con- titution and Union one j"ear free. Send in guesses at oncv. $5.00 worth reading matter for $1.00 THE UNION, DUNX, X. C. B. F. Smith is 1 o c at e d at Dunn, will sell in Harnett and adjoining coun ties. B e s-t Instru ments for the least, money. JlJai.d e Ludi e i & Bates, Mason & Hamlin, and all kinds organs, various !;inds of Pijiios. of highest grades sold in easy terms, 15 days test in your home. Instrument placed in your own house, fieight paid. Organs from $40 up, Pi anos from up, .six year guarantee. Sold on installment or for cash. B. K. Smith, Agent, Dunn, N'. C. AN") and Gents' Furnishing (Joodf--. G J Same Old Stand. H.VVK A SUPPLY OF ALL THE FCIIOOL HOOKS I'SFv COMMON SCHOOLS. BUY NO W AND H A VK THKM lv YOUR CIHLD WHEN THK SOIlOOL OPENS. SLFES. PENCILS, CRAYON. COPY HOOKS. Haiti AND INK A T K E M A I j K A Y, h Y LO W lHh j;s Drugs, Confectioneries. Stationery, Patent Medicines, (Vp ; Sulphur. Drug Sur.di iep, Pepper, Spices ,."te Tobacco, Snuff, Lamps and La-.nji Fixtures, ilso Hall and Sic-' "Prescriptions Carefully JFj We are headquarters for i thing in our line. Com 3 to sec u FINANCIAL STATEMENT OF TOWN OF I From May 7th f96 to May 6th 97 Bal. in Trens. May 7th 'JIG. . .!. Cash paid for street work; . . Cash paid Police". : Cash paid Night Police. Cash paid Mayor Cash paid Commissioners.-. . Cash paid for Board for Prisoners Cash paid Attorney . . .j. . Cash paid List Taker. J. . Cash paid Extra Police. ....... Cash Paid Secretary.. . .......!.. Cash paid for Oil . . Cash paid for Printing . . Cash paid for Supplies. . . . . .1 . . Outstanding order naid for TS0;" Total disbursed . I l: RECEIPTS. By Bal. in Treas. May 7. '!). By Tax, Fines, License and all other revenue Kccd. Ui Total receipts . .'. ;. : ...... . .: $1$ Total disbursem nts . Bal. in Treasury May , '07 . i ........... . . . . Receipts to Sept. 15, '97 Cash paid Drafts to Sept. 1. '1)7. Bal. in Tresis. Sept. 15, 'i)7 .... . ' r m - My goods are bough for cash, and I am able to give my customers th benefit of my savings in buying. Lome and examine my gods anr prices before making a purchas elsewhere. R. T. SURLES. 9 m . TV M. L. Wape. Sccntarv i IM. B. HOOD, DRUGGIST ' AND PHARMACIST EYE SIGHT is, P R EC I O U S, Woticp: of sale under ex ecution. From the Superior Coiiit of Wake eonntv, ;irai!it H. A. I lodges, I will sell at pulli: s;i!' for ca?h at. the court house -Inor in T.iliiiiir- ton on the 4th ilav of October. 1S07. at 12 o'clock M.,a!l the riht. tith- auI in terest of H. a. Ilo'lges In a certain parcel of land in and near the town of Dunn, known as the J. C. Surles' la ul coutaihin": 700 acres, be t he same more or less. Also the life-time right ot the said II. A, Hodires. in ihe Matilda Hodges' land in ai.d near the; town of iMinn. containing twenty-rive aeies, more or less. This Scuteiiiber 1st. 97. J. II. Pope, Sheriff Harnett' Co. Sep-l-4iv. .DUNN MARKET. CORRECTED EVERY WEDNESDAY. Edacala FOR A Situation To make th? hair grow a natural eulor, prevent baldness, and keep tie scalp healthy. Hall's Hair Keuewer was invented, and has proven iteelf succetfai. Eius Chickens. . Butter. . . . Beeswax. . . . . . . . (H cents, j , .:ok to Gic . . . . . . . .10 to 20c. .6 to 8c. ...... .7 to 10c. . . . . . ; . . to 4c. 55 to 05c .. toJoOc 40 to 50c per 100 .', 10 to 124c. to. 20c. . . .... .15 to 20c. ..18 to 20c. Bock-Keeping, Business, PHONOGRAPHY, Type-Writing Telegraphy WILBUR R. SMITH, . LEXINGTON, KY., " For circular of h Js famou and responsible COMMERCIAL COLLEGE OF KY. UNIVERSITY Awmrdtd Heal at WoriiTi ExpolUa. Refers tbo''and of prdnate in positions. CMt or Fall BosineM Cihiim. including Tui tion, Book and Board ia family, about . Shorthand, Type-Writiag, and Telegraphy, Specialti. STljKentackr CnfTeraity Diploma, under seal. awarded jrraduati- Literary Course free, if desired! AvmwUb. Enter now. Graduates successful. Im order- to kac vortr UUrr reach vt. addrtn omtti WILBUR R.SMITH. LEXINGTON.rT Therefore don't fail to buy Glasses as soon as jou need them and do uot , --" -? ' - uu t euit jour eyes. c carry a wen selected ' - .Stock of Spectacles, rangiog in prices from the cheanest i xeu u'dis ro me I5e9t with GOLD FRAMES At Six Dollars Per Pair. Tf mi noo) o 1 Detore joa buy. carry in stock Watches, Clocks, Jewelry. Also the best SEWING MACHINES. Improved, which we fell oD easy terms. . " 3 We mate Specialty of Plain Gold Wedding Rings. We can come at near eatifj1Dg y0u any one can or anything of the above good-, both in prices and styles Repairing of all kinds correctly laiu. UIV U. you.-patronage and we will do all e can to please you in goods, work and trie 8. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED GAINEY & JORDAN, XXi N- C. j,mr iq n I dnu'x kop, u r Hell whikay, but have caaantlyoa baQl'; jPURE DRUGS AND VwIEdYcIK, T'nilt Arttnlnj f'!,h .i rr t j...? r,n,l : if? i boap, Lioipj, Cigars, Snuff, robiceos uad a variety of other Prescriptions Compounded with care and Ac: T? .m ... I. - f ' IT ... !... "i- wuvi i am. u j nrf;is t r anytniog io my n"' Thatking all I am juhik to pltase with good and price. N. B. HOOD, Dunn-' lr A. L, IVarali. i with me ani be invites all His friend See h I uj . , " J. o Dux: lflfAN 1 ED I nut worthy ami Active "W geiitleinfMi or lailies to travel for reiK.n.Hble estabJUh.l l.ouso in orH, :ria. Monthly gCo.W and e,,, Pohi.o,, Me!.dv. lieferenee. Ene,ose M,lf n,l(lreel envelope. The Dominion Compauy, Dept. H Chicago, ill. Sep-l-13v. T x - ' 'I. '