THE COUNTY UNION VVpXKSDATl. September 22, 1897. DUNN, N. c7 People and Their Movement. Airs, Elfie C. Harper, of Ben son, visited relatives here Mon day and Tuesday. J'"!- )V- M: .Harper y jteiuay. tor Richmond, iu wusuit an occulist. ihirty" f ayetteville on professional uusiiiess Monday. Air. and Mrs. C. (V Fnwn,nm LOCAL DOTS, of Raleigh, visited relatives and menus nere last week. SPGCIAIi. j 7 ,,rr'rs for job icork must be M;,l ,'dfuhtn order is given and ,!hmci' v:hen delivered , sh,v:t-iJ ort advertising. M WISH 1 TO FEED YOU And to that end we have hand at all times : Meat, flour, meal, molasses, syrup, honey, coffee, sugars, canned goods of all sorts, soda, baking powder, cream tartar, ginger, cloves, black and green teas, cheese, -butter, eggs,' CHICKENS, flavoring extracts, powder,' shot, gun caps, snuff, chewing tobacco, cigars, cigarettes and cheroots, canned beef, dried chipped beef, potted Mrs. V. L. Stp ham, oysters, salmon, sardines. . i - It'll i j A -J (tuu i i i ary notice which caildren nave returncfd from an cut herrings, scotch or smoked il' U mi Ullh weeK. It v-. u LJ relatives in rl,Ji11") uncuaupica auu pcatn- eur in our next issue ' Martin county. . es, allspice, jnut-inegs. black ir T i , pepper, box lve, matches, crack i ii circus orougnt a big r, w A 'yene- ers, extracts of cinnamon and , i, m. t b ville, spent Fndav nri enf. 1 -. 1 -. . cj'iiv.u 1 low 11 lUM, inursaay. 1 ; . j ? j. uaiul" uiunamon oarK, jeny, axel with old friends. - ii J : I ciij.vj. pic pccMiica, YtisiiAii.g pun- M TS H ATL7". j no olinA klAl'-iti n-nst -rv-vt 1 -.!-.' lofed Methodist linvrJ t, ;r , i1xaJ reiurnea r ow uiug uu,fumi . , , .! k , ? horae Monday afternoon from a currants, dates, mincemeats VuuwuOCJusi vlslt to hrotW t AT;n annle. npar.b Wl nirm nnnlp ww lUlitVU. I -i- A 7 X XT J" X' i . - - preserves, cranberry sauce, i ' r-l.' " i. ... ...i..ip..,.?r!3.J L, n Hlji lim WITOT II I - . . 1 1 M am . I1M.H wrifoi Hit? p 111 IfllM f (PI Li D u O. K. COOK STOVES THE BEST. '. .n'M) Ci cents V. to-daj. i;iy- put up our stove receive Mrs. L ones retur quite a a!'- i'u' ready to v,,nt -'.'i ul)scription. W li.-ive received (.n-M!!iy obit II will's.) Iir!!i'-i' uh1' came to see tlie varmints." Tin' col TT T T T , . , uce unci little ed homo SfitiiT-loT! rJVUlUU - rt vibiu to ner father -Bladen. in (.'vetfl a lie in th -Ige of the town limits c. in th-- -i-uthern part ot town N & BEST BUGGY SOLD IN DIM Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Goodwin rolled oats, prepared mustard, ""mljer of our peo- left to visit relatiyes and VZ8?' "Ce'.grltS' nU?S' ', in.n, ,d t 10 Pi- mifK-o A. J . . ? autI and sliced pine apple. Nice i i hi is i n r in niM?r. 1 1 l i . - i v Lilly II M I. f i 1 11 I " lw . 1 1 1 " nxie ji canay, ana a great many 1 ynri.'l 1 1' i Slili'ly V. ;i!K'.'iianc(! i at- IJarbary's Chanel ' imr t,,.- i . I Otlier fronrl nrifi mp.e t.hincrc in lllwu a itu-jre tic. T. tt.,,., , . . " , xTn in .. !- it' fit ii nvr wi-v l wh y - - i j - i m a v.x ixuiuuaj. , who my store tit juumi anu at dussi y uu If you need Hardware, Furniture, Buggies, Wagons, harness, 11 11 il 1 1 J . - ill n T 1 1 TV Ol ITT Tk ruDDer anaieauier Deiuiift eugmc aim mm ouppuco, aiu uuau- quarters. All we ask is a chance anu we win guarantee to please You. know that we have -been-.leading tlie Hardware busi- nas oeen liere several mnnths hnsuffippin Rnmrcr. r.TTr - . . v . il in n -Mr Morris Fleishman, of with her brntbo. Af x t ' nofiG QTir PYnPOt" t.A fin fllOVft TOV OUr. CUSlUIlierS U11S 1U1 1 tliail eV- ' 1 iUi . 1UL17 I All 1 ! ! Ill I 1. I I 1 I I J X W JLJLJL -T JL - ' - - 1 J 1 II III T t rf W W 1 CT- 1 T"Zi T 1 C" IT O T- AT I ' ' " --"w . Mr. N. B. . Grantham, of re- keep a lookout. Tarl-'fo. lias charge bf the Da- Holliday, left Monday for her vi .-un i' in me -ui uninfT wmif. nnmp .it. ;,-imoo Un, v KvuMC(l by W . II. Lane & omithheJd. Hnwn SnnJon Kcci) ;nv eve on thf "lihnl j. , , J ---- """- uuucuiuuu 10 visit nis Drotner A. . .. 111.' All I . - 4- -Pn-. i? I -s v u- i . ,.u, uuuisnuMiirifum Mr. It. K. Grantham. He Tin: I nion ottice, and it should turned home yesterday, lie' dm business of some- one to , Mr. vv . ts. Jernigan of the U. S. A. at Fort. Mnn -The polls for tlie telephone who is visiting his parents near iin- iiml m-iu iu oenua nave Benson, was in our city yester- ln i n put on the road and the day. wuj-k of erecting the polls is ,T. ,r L . 0 . , now --in- on and we will soon fi 1SS Var? Benton of Smith- i neld. nassed tlirnnrrh hpr Mrn CulilK'CieU. , ' x , o Wli dav on ner wav to Npwtnn I U 11 i , . . " -ki me advertisement ot Urove to visit relatives and iih- Harness bliop. Kev. friends J. V. (hveii, tlie manager; is an cp rieiieed harness maker and will do all he can to please his ni-ioiners. kunior lias it that before the il s of. November the wed diii lu lls will rinx a&ain in m; town lor one, it not two couples of (air young' people. Hinder chillies, not their fSelah. ciichantinir Don't be deluded with the iih a that vou can buv croods ch(;i)er at sonic other than you can in Dunn. Our merchant's sell goods as cheap as any town m tlie State and eiir cotton buyers pay the high- 't market price for cotton al-wavs. Misses Kate and Nan Archi bald, who had been here for several weeks visiting their sis ter Mrs. S. H. Hooks, left Fri day for their home in Concord. Elder and Mrs. William Woodard, of "Wilson, visited Mr. and Mrs. G. K. Grantham last week. They returned home Monday on the noon train. Miss Lillie Benton returned Thursday from Baltimore where she purchased the fall stock of town millinery goods for Mr. E. F. Young. Rev. J. F. Butt, of Charlotte, is visiting his daughter, Mrs. G. H. Parker. Mr. Butt preach ed the first Methodist sermon iii Dunn and it was largely through his work and energy that the Methodist church and town. e have done the best n-n.rsnnn.rrfi bp.rfi werfi built. Hfi we naild during the summer has many warm friends here ami now if vou have any ap- who are glad to shake his hand. pm iation of our kindness show hv helping us on your sub- r i -i come t nno nnnn iiiTitr i nu iiniwriir We hope our friends will not forget us when they "are in All my goods; are fresh and of the best quality and sold for cash at the lowest pos sible prices. We pay the highest market price for all coun- V try, produce. At my store at t Bass, I carry ' a Gen eral Stock of mer chandise where you can buy anything you want and can sell anything er before. X Yours to please, DUN W HARDWARE AND FURNITURE COMPANY. HOLLIDAY & PRIVETT. - You Tun no risk. All druggists guar antee Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic to do all that the manufacturers claim for it Sold and guarantee by Hood and Grantham, Dunn, N.C. you have to sell. I buy any- buy. 1 All Car load of Salt just received at S, G. Marks & Co. Don't fail to get our prices before you thing at its market value. I have ONE PRICE pNLY. flfp trpn.fprl n.lilrp I very heartily thank the pub- JJ111 n e ,. t , .ury ijrooas f and will make if to the advantage of 'all If you. have an old New Home Don't stop until you find S. G. Marks & (Jo. lney nave a ell selected stock of o r T o aIi no ' lie ior me noerai patronage " , il . i 111 UuUa to trade with me. Respectfully, , F. P. JONES, Dunn, 1ST- C- a t ; I Aug. z.)-x-y. Sewing Machine 'and wish to trade it for a new one it will pay you to see the New' Home Fresh family groceries, cheap, at R. M. Pearsall's market. Fresh fish three times a weeb at R. M. rearsali s market. Afrent. M. F. Gainey, Dunn, N. C. mm sm9 mv A n f , I i'umc wMciuni,!.. Beef n nf foKlof n fnwn nf - I JJ lyOl J VV 11 U LllLlV KJ 1U V-W 1 T JUL .V V If Dunn is not a wide-awake N. B. Hood's drug store town, on the j up-grade to per prosperity, we are no W1 anent udsre of ' times. Lots are the in No Cure Io That is the way all druggists sell GROVE'S TASTELESS CHILL TON IC for Chills and Malaria. It is simply demand, and Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form. 'signs of the boimes are needed jrreatlv Our J,u,aren love 1C Acmits preier it to llOUSeS aie neeueu leailj . UUl hit nanseatincr Tonics. Price. 50c. men of capital might invest Sold and guaranteed by Hood & Gran- thousands here now, and they tham. il, i j -itti Warranted no cure, no pay. I here would at once be occupied. A ho ar. imltations. ' To eK he 2enu- and guaran- Good box paper 5 cents per box at N. B. Hood's drug store. Paper, Pencils, Pens, Ink, School Books, Crayon, and all school supplies at N. B Hood's drug store. See Hayes the Wheeler & Wilson man before you buy a machine.; If you have an old machine of any make, he will allow you all it is worth and give you good time on the bal ance. Buy the No. 9. . Just back from the northern markets where we bought every thing needed to complete our already mammoth stock. We have $600 worth of hand and machine made buggy and wagon harness that must be sold in GO days. Now is the time to get a ;bargain in harness. . Dunn Hardware & Furniture Co. You ought to see our $5 Bug gy Harness. It is a hummer. Dunn Hardware & Furniture Co. HURRA FOR THE H -4V1 f UUUD (Q D 1535- ESS-j D Have your Spring Beds made ! to order by R. L. McLeod, Dunn n "V Helping us on your senptmii. , If you do not to town'- send it. Mr. M. B. Mansfield, who has been doing the finishing in the painting department of the been South Dunn Manufactory, left Mr. yesterday afternoon for Fay- his etteville, where he has accepted has a position as superintendent "He of the prettiest stores in and foreman in the finishing 'town. Messrs W. II. Lane & department of the Rankin Fur- mid Mr. M. L. Davis have niture Factory. He is an ex- ' xeliauged houses. Davis has pert artist in his work and we ;lo onened another store in the wish him success in his new Several moves have made in town recently. K. (i. Taylor moved into new store last week. He Id G. Taylor building. The free exhibition of cook .in on the vapor stoves at the Ihiim Hardware and Furniture Company's store was quite largely attended and all were -"''lighted with the stoves.- On ciiviis:' dav free meals were "s,,rvt'd to one hundred people. V had the pleasure of dining with. them Friday, and an ele gant tli nner was served. The Harris Show that ex- place. There is a great demand for hands to. pick cotton all through the country. Why will men and boys loaf around town when they can get plenty of work within a few miles of town and make good wages too? We see quite a number on the streets every day that, we think, belong to the united order of "sons of rest" or "nev er sweats." A movement is started to Minted here last Thursday- run erect a telephone line from Dunn against a snag at Dillon, S. C. to Lillington. Subscription soino of the best citizens there for stock in the company is be- wi-iv swindled and duped and ing solicited and quite a num- hi many cases the show' people ber have already subscribed, failed to give proper change. The object is to organize a Wh ii the- train was ready to a company of $1000 l'till out 250 citizens with arms stock each share to be worth Vovered the engine and held it $10. It is estimated that the until the show people made good cost of erecting the line will be hat they claimed they had less than $300. This line will jiakrn from their people. A put us in direct communication n 't was barely escaped. with the capital of die coun- - ty and will be of gfeat conven- , ()ur townsman, Mr. E. T. ience to our merchants and Ncnce, tells us that recently business men, and will no doubt !" gathered 172 pods of peas pay goocl dividends. An office ii'om one vine that grew in the oe established at Buie's lgo of his yard. It had no Creek Academy, and as many cultivation whatever and grew private offices along the line for M1,"iLr suint; w cetis uiiu uuw. R 7T1fmv n,s mav aesire to oe tnie. of the vines ran out .velve feet from the. root and 4Wc peas. Mr. Spence says average connected. Let's have it. TO pLREACOLD Uf 03fE DAY. that flip inrld won Id 'twel.peas to the pod, which Take Laxative' Bromo Quinine Tab wnnll int.. OHfii Uc frnm lets. All Druggists refund the money if r t r o it fails to cure. 2.c. Will begin the ffOOd work t llie ine ask for Grove's Sold great bard of Avon said "There teed y HPod & Grantham, Dunn, N. c- is a tide in the ' affairs of men, which, taken at the hood, leads We are still in the market I N. C, with Ordway's Form Fit- on tO IOrtUne. i wUli 1- nrinea mirl haw crnorl ti IIP" Bed SnnnfS tf J. til A f M11VVJ IWUVl JL-fc V V - ? . - X Our Groceries can't be beat in It Will cost you nothing to i have Model Spring Bed shown I you and its advantages explain- I ed and prices given by Mr. Alex Remember we are still selling j McLeod. Fullv warranted for 1 "For years," sjays Capt. C. Mue- town. Here, "1 have relied more upon Ayer's Pills than anything else in the medicine chest, to regulate my bowels, and those of the shps crew, pumps. These pills are not severe in their action, but do their work thorough- IBaptist leetiiifr. A splendid revival meeting at Friendship church in the Bunn level section, conducted by Rev. J. A. Campbell, pastor, assisted by Revs. L. R. Carroll and Frank Underwood, closed Sun day. Thirteen persons were received by baptism and two restored to church fellowship was the work of these devout messengers of the meek and lowly Nazarine. S. G. Marks & Co. S. G. Marks & Co. Ayer's Sarsaparilla is not a secret preparation. Any physician may have the formula on application. The secret of its success as a medicine lies in its extraordinary power to cleanse the blood of impurities ond cure the most deep-seated cases of blood di seases. Desirable town lots for sale by Henry Pope, Dunn N. C. Complete line of dress goods at 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 50, 60, 75, 85 and $1.00 per yard, in all styles and shades, Braids, Silks, alid Silk Velvets and all the new and stylish trimmings. All above guaranteed to have no tariff on them and 25 per cent lower than others will sell for at R. G. Taylor's. Hall's Hair Renewer cures dand ruff and scalp affections; also all cases of baldness where the roots of tha hair are not closed up. The cheapest line of blank books, ledgers and all sorts of stationery at Hood & Gran thams ever opened in the town. No such stock has ever been in Dunii as is ' being displayed this week by R. G. Taylor, and absolutely without any tariff on them. Men's wool suits $1.95, Boys wool suits $1.90, Children's wool suits . 55 cents. Men's wool overcoats $1.50 all new and clean at R. G. Taylor's. NEW GIN. . I have in operation at , the Old Stewart Gin House in Dunn a new Winship Cotton Gin with latest improvements for ginning cotton) and solicit the patronage of the farmers of Dunn and vicinity. Tuos. Fowler. Two window shades for 25 worth 50, at R. G. Taylor's. All wool shawls at R. G. Tay lor's for 50 cents, large size. NOTICE OF SALE! I will sell to the highest bidder on the 12th day of October at 10 A. M. at the old home of the late J. A. Layton, deceased, a lot of property viz : One fine mule ; one horse, 10 head of cows and oxen, one of which is a good work ox ; 25 head of goats ; one cart ; one buggy ; farming tools of many kinds. Terms of sale made known on day of sale. Yours truly, Susax Layton. Sept. 22nd, 1897. The Lee Hardware Co. has by far the largest, best and cheapest line of Buggy Robes that has ever been on the mark et in Dunn. Examine them and be convinced. 10 years. Satisfaction guaran teed or no sale,. THE STEWART HOUSE. I wish to inform the public that the Stewart House is still open for boarders. Will board either by the day, week or month. Conveniently located in the business , part of town. Terms reasonable. V Mrs. J. F. P. Stewart. PINLESS CLOTHES WIRE. The' Pinless Clothes Wire is a necessity in every home. No pins are needed. No tearing of garments and no rust. The wind may blow but the gar ments do not blow off. This wire is the cheapest wire to be had. Buy no other. For sale by J. F. P. Stewart. Dunn, N. C. LEE'S HARNESS SHOP. J. F. OWEN who has been so long in the Harness Business is not hi ie but to new quarters, Lei's New Harness Shop next door to Gerald's New Stables. " ' He will make aad sell all kinds of Harness, Bridles, Robes, Whipps &c. After spending several days in the Northern' -Markets buying bargains,- "We think ourselves happy", in announcing to our friends and customers of Harnett and adjoining counties that we have the prettiest and-cheapest line of Dry Goods and Notions ever displayed in Dunn. We have a complete lino of Boots, Shoes and Rubber Goods, Our Stock of t . C 1 o t h i n g. ' is just out of sight, or at least our competitors wish it was. We have nearly everything kept in a first-class Dry Goods Store, at prices cheaper than ever before. We promiso you that we can and will sell youjeheaper than any other house in Town. Below we give you a few prices pud please remember Jhat everything else is sold in the same proportion. Men's ail wool suits. Boys all wool suits T.. Calico per yard Plaids per yard . . Coffee per pound Coffee per pound, good quality. . Cedar Pencils per dozen Shaving Soap per cake Pocket Handkerchiefs Table Oil Cloth per yard Table Linin 58 inches wide bleacl per yard Men's heavy sox per pair. Pins, per paper Spool Cotton per spool knitting Cotton per pound Spring Ballances, weighs 24 lb. .$2.39 , . .59 .. 4? .. 4f . . ' sy 10?. .. 3? .. ? .. 9, ..12hJ. led . . 27. . . . . 1. .. ? . . sr ! REPAIRING ! No Half Done work but a good job every time. Satisfaction guaranteed on all work. Call on Mr. Owen and get the lowest prices Respectfully, I E. LEE. Examine our stock at once and save money. All we want is a trial j Put your baggage in our office and buy your goods from the CHEAPEST-HOUSE IN DUNN. If LOW PRICES and polite attention are any inducement, wo shall be sure to get our share of the trade. We invite you to come . . Yours for business, ? THE MASSENGILL DRY GOODS COMPANY, ' PT- MASSENGIL.L, Manager- W. H. LRNE & CO. AT BOTTOM ON THIS PAPER BUT on top of all with Low Prices on DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, SHOES, HATS AND CAPS. HEAVY & FANCY GROCERIES. Meat, Flour, Sugar and Coffee Specialties. r W. H. LANE & CO, DUNN, N. C. ,J" pea. now is tins ior peas j

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