. - - .ti r:.r. ' i IIMOIAIM . ' tr-ijr r-y. WHAT YOUR NEIGHBORS SAY ABOUT IT COO people now using Indian Herbs. effect and it is so cheap, 180 doses for Great American Herb Co., Washington. D. C Benson, N C , Sept 15, 1897. t u (.n takins? vour Indian' Herbs, bought from your agen Utter for about three months and it ta entirely cured me of pain across the cbP8t of two years atondiDg it is nodoubtedly the best medicine ever sold I will say to the public you need not doubt its virtue. Try it aud.be con- , Je.sie McLamb vinccd. Great American Herb Co.. Washington, DC. . Averasboro, N. C, Sept. 18, 1897 I have been a great sufferer with Rheumatism and Neuralgia for 24 eais One box of Indian Herbs l aj nearly cured me and my wife ba, aT-o been suffering for years with Womb trouble and I think one more dllai W will entirely cure us. Never has ther3 been such a great medicine in troduced by any Medicine Company. Oue box is worth ten dollars to any ., JOYNER McKeNZTE family. r-Anv one desiring to purchase a package of Indian Herbs can get it at L. P. Jernigan s store or at my H-siaeDce. v r. uiirju. AGENTS WANTED. WILL BE GIVEN AT . DUNN HSRDWIRE AND URN ITU RE CO.,. , UP STAIRS. r Afftrrtoon During the hours can be (Umo'on a of 8 A. M. ana VAPOR If you do your own House Work, or have any interest in your servants, and want a cbol house in summer, and reduce your ex penses, attend this exhibition. Cost of Fuel 3 Cents a Day. You will be entertained, in structed, and surprised. Everybody invited, especially the ladies. Exhibition now going on, continue for ten days. BUY ADAM'S GALVANIZED STEEL WIRE FENCE.. THE CHEAPEST WIRE F E N CE ON THE MAR K h T MADE IN ANY SIZE MESH AND WIDTH STRONG ASL Durable, will turn any kinl of stock from cows to chickens. The ropi eseii-t.-itimt U :i line incsh. The parallel wires nmuinir tii.oiiiih i ho uicli form a tru.-s aiid makes a strong fence thai will not sag. It is ABSOLUTELY- the MOS' DUliA BLK and CHEAPEST FENCE ey. r put on the market. Write for iniet and terms to - I. .1. SMITH. BkNSON, N.'C. Sep-S. Agci.t for Uai neu, Sampson and .Johnston Counties. FINANCIAL STATEMENT OF TOWN OF DUNN From May 7th '96 Bal. in Treas. May 7th '06: Cash paid for street work Cash paid Police Cash paid Night Police. ... . Cash paid Mayor Cash paid Commissioners Cash paid for Board for Prisoners Casli paid Attorney Cash paid List Taker. . . . Cash paid Extra Police - . . Cash Paid Secretary. Cash paid for Oil Cash paid for Printing. Cash paid for Supplies. . . .. :........ Outstanding order paid for 1895 , Total disbursed. . : RECEIPTS. By Bal. in Treas. May 7, '96 By Tax, Fines, License and all other revenue Reed Total receipts Total disbursements : . . . Bal. in Treasury May 6, '97. Receipts to Sept. 15, '97. . . . Cash paid Drafts to Sept. i, '9: Bal. in Treas. Sept. 15, '97 o O w p CD CD S o Q M 3 5 Pa CD P -o mm BLOOD PURIFIER And Liver Regulator on Earth wl F. UTTER, General Aent. I) it an, N. C. I)i:nn. . U , Aug 1897. Why 7 $1 00 Kky. N. 0 Because it h W F UTTErt Aus. 30th; 1897. Mr. Dunn, N. (J- and rxlQlnt. o ival. oorae ana see what TOVE. to May 6th 97 $132 40 190 7b 300 00 :...;... 179 83 GO 00 48 00 . .. 3 50 12 50 500 . 5 00 20 00 34 0 5 15 .:.. ...... 29 72 26 00 919 55 $ 132 40 1125 23 $1257 63 919 55 $ 338 08 57 23 $ 395 31 203 51 $ 191 80 M. L. Wade, Secretary of Board o to III 5 G Custins TSie Fir You remember tlwj story? To you it seemed veryjlreadful that there was any one willing, cru elly willing, to cast a stone at a miserable sinner. But you think of the story- as one that is many hundred years old, and you'feel certain that if you had been in. that -group you would not have raised your, voice in itidmnent of one who had been O l 1 so very weak. And yet, every day some sinner stands before you and do you not often throw the lirst stone? . That the stone does not take a material form makes .the hurt no less. The chilling expression, the se vere word, the positive judg ment, or the expressive silence, each causes a hurt; and yet, you are certain that you would" be the. very last one .-to imitate those whom Christ censured. How can any one of us allbrd to throw a stone? How many of us lead lives tnat permit us to iud;e our neighbors? How often are we without sin? And how very seldom can any of us, with honesty, throw even a tiny pebble at one whose sin is known to all the world: lo day sins are veneered. Many are covered by a varnish that makes them seem less black in the sight of the world, but God himself looks at every sin as it is, and not as the world chooses to regard it. What is your own life? Is it free from all small as well as' from all great sins? Are you absolutely honest? Are vou absolutely pure? And is all your life so permeated with g( dness and sweetness that you stand out as a perfect ly good woman, with all your neighbors as a contrast? doubt this. I do not believe that there is one among us who can afford to throw the first stone at any poor sinner. Sup pose you and I think over some of the phases of life, conclude now, imaer certain circumstan ces we would " have -acted, and then we can decide whether we have "a right to judge our neigh bor. Rural Visitor. Mr Jampp E. Ferrell, of Burnt House W Va , has discarded all ;her diarrl cei medicines and now handles only Chauiberiain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea R-;aiedy. H has ustd it in his family and sold it to his customers for ears, and has no hesitation in saying that it is the best remedy for ciiic and Viarrhoea, he has ever known It not only g ves relief, but effects a permanent cure. It. is also pleasant and safe to take, maklnir it an ideal remedy for bowel complaints. For sale by N. B. Hood, Drugg'st. Duun, N. C. Music in th3 Schools- The country papers are now alvocating music in the schools Let them have it. It is better for a young person to spell Jesus with a G, aiid know how to warble sweetly and beauti fully "Sweet Belle Mahone." Vocal, music is the one thing needful. Put it in the graded schools' and ask in the town to hear 'em sing and forget that three miles back in the country there are children and men galore who from lack of the meanest and commonest oppor tunity do not know a letter X from a saw buck. Fairbrother's Farrago. CASTORIA. Tie fas- simile eigaataro ' It tm every wrappe& VAT A. PERFECT HEALTH RE GAINED THE WONDER OF THE AGE. Grainiest discovery in the :in:i;)ls f medicine. Guaranteed to cure more 'diseases than any other medicine, treatment or .sys tem, known to ti e medical . profession. Xo MAX made" remedy, but 'na ture's' true ianace:i. Vat uma is an antiseptic jrerrnicide, ' it positively destroys nil m'tciohesM and germs of every kind, name and nature, it is healing aiid soothing to the mtieuons membrane, .it will permanently cure the majority of cases t f . rond litis. Ca tarrh, Dyspepsia, all Stomaehe troubles, all diseases of the BJadc'er, Bowels, Old Sores. Uectal Ins-ases TJh-er.-. i Kczema, Sciofula, Blood Poison, Bheu .'.satisiu, Xeundgia, DTease.1 Discharges, I Mseases peculiar to omn. Nervous ind rh-sical W eakiiess, etc. no matte u what your ail- M K NT, or where vou live, write us :i history .f your trouble, and our tonu!tinjr TlivMCian will atlvi-e vm- niat to tlo in o dor to regain vnm- lealth. Consultation is Fite and sarrpd- y coutidentiai, Urms very low. For 1 roofa enclose 2 eei. t stain;). . I Local ssrents wanted everywhere. No I -anvassing. u e adverse vou m rourJ m m r- . . f mmi n:ihir A it. ii-M, ! t-f.., ...... r. THE VATUMA COMPANY, l O. Box. Vli. Clicago, III r m 7 J Three Mobster Locoirtives- The three largest locomotives in the world have just been completed at the Baldwin shops for the Southern Railway Com pany. They are twice as strong Empire State Express, of the New York Central road, at tne rate of a mile a minute betjvveen New York and Buffalo,! and three times as strong as the famous locomotives which pull the fast runniag trains m England. i Tnese monstei engines 1 will draw 33 loaded Pullman cars, weighing fortvtwo tons each, at sixty miles an hour. Ihey have gix driying wheels, each six feet hi' diameter hre boxes ten feet long, and with their tenders weigh. 117 tons, ; The tenders have a capacity of 4,500 gallons of water .and eight tons of coal. Each engine will do as much work as four ordinary passenger locomotives. These magnificent and power ful additions' to the. fine equip ment of the Southern Railway will be used on the main line between Washington and Atlan ta, and will insure for the vesti buled limited trains a maxi mum of speed and safety, de spite the heaviest grades. Washington Post. J W. Bizuett or Osk G:.ve Fla ; had au -attack of m easier, uar iv three years ago", and the diseasf !c:t hira wih very f everc pains ii. the chest. " I ih- ay. ht I rouIl die" be vrritos "but to uij gr.a: jV-. I was saved by Ceambcrlaiu's Pail Balm." Paius in. the chest Marl always indicate the approach of pneu monia may by promptly applying this lmiment on a flam el clofh which should be bound on ttie chest, an attack of pneumonia may be pre vented. It is always prompt aud ef fectual. For sale at 25 and 50 ceutf r.er bottle Sold by N. B. Hood, - druggist Dunn, N. C A Man Who Thinks Hiinsalf a Goose And Sits Upon Eegs- A gentleman who has for quite a number of years been in charge of the insane was asked what was the very freakiest thing he had ever known a patient to do. He said : j "To think he was a goose and sit upon eggs. "This patient will sit for hours in placid hap piness with his coat so arranged as to cover a lot of briqkbats which he believe-; are eeriis. He has to oe called off his nest by the promise of food, just, as would ; a real goose. Another fancy of the in-ane man is to lie in a cofi'in and wi'ih this is coupled a gr-at. desire to be buried A narow box is ar ranged for. his special benefit and he will lie in it, perfectly contented as long as permitted. When on his nest he will blow at visitors quite like " a goose. F. A. Olds, in Wilmington Mes senger, j TRADE-MARK. vauire s rarvine ana lapid Restorative. An unfailing cure for Diseases of the Digestive. Nervous . and Generative Systems. A Tonic of rare efficacy for the old and young and of marked ser vice for Students, Teachers, and ail who are engaged in Brain work or close occupations. CURES Depression, Tired Feelings, Nervousness, Muscular Weakness, Loss of Appetite, Palpitation of Heart, Restlessness, Hysteria, Kens Weakness, General Discomfort, Excesses, - AleMism, . and that almost innumerable series of diseases and complications resulting from any derangement of the Nervous system. Invaluable for weak women and nervous children. Steady ITsrves, Braced System, ScimdEsst, Good "Work, Dr. Cos's Cccslia llerve Tonic. mw EY usn& to make a habit. 50 Cents per Bottle ; j 1 If three bottles be ordered at onetime, a copy of Oriole Cook Book will be included free. AT DRUGGISTS AND OEALER3 OR DIRECT OF US ON RECEIPT OF PRICE 50 CENTS. Winkelmann & Brown Drug Cc. SOIE PROPRIETORS, BALTIMORE, MD.. U. S. A. For sale by Hood & Grantham,. f. Dunn, y.C. 1 ' , . . 1 I . .1 B 1 - . - . IeItn9Pi tiv I I Wbo ecu think i yjuiiiuu .1 iii.i . . V. V-il IIMI i Mil IIIM nf .mu. aimnlA i I Spnr I1pfls :thcT may br,nr you wetu. ; 1 neya. Washington. D. C for their tl&Q prize offer J now ilia of nn ttipft f ntlon wanted. j . .... g-)j.i"g f R ti g W.mv RtGHT TO THE WE ARE ASSERTING yQSTOA-" AND ' EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE VVORD C TRADE MARK. CASTOBIA, Jr. niTu co ufu V-.pTCHER'S CASTOR1A' the same the originator of PiTOHc o tc it o thai has borne and does now hpnr the fan-simile signature of use, in meKo.es ft. mars. L.wur - ihs hind vou have always bougnu and has the signature 1 per. No one has autnoruy ceui The Centaur Company President. 12Q7 Do Not Be Deceived. Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute which some drugg.st may off er you (because he makes a few more pennies on it), the in gredients of which even he does not know. "The Kind You Have Always Bought' BEARS THE FAC-SIMILE SIBNAiunt r Insist The Kind That THC CENTAUR COMPANY. TT MAKE A GUESS. Now is the time to make a guess, vou may be the lucky one. The Altanta Constitution, The Thrice-a-week World, The Home and Farm, and The County Union one . year. for the luckj7- number. H HOW. TO GET THEM : S.-ud us one dollar for THE UNION and 'your ii:'ss on ;he nuiiiber of bales of eott.m Sold in Dunn iy December 1-t, iuess will be- received :'.f:c 1S'.7. No, lolh. Old subscribers can pay their back subeii)tiuii and renew for one year and take a iiiu ss. New sub-cribers cui pay us one dollar and take a ,iuess. Your number v ill ie kept eonecth' and no one will, know your uess. In ease more lhau one gues-es the the rii;ltt number tbev will avi the Con stitution and Union one year free. Send in guesses at one. . worth reading matter for $1.00 THE UNION, LiUNX. N. C. THE Charlotte Dailv Observer, J. P. CALDWELL, Editor. Nurth Carolina's Leading Neicypaptr Reliable. Progressive, ,'andi(, and High Toned. Complete Daily Reports From The Slate ami Nationa. -Capitals Its Budget I of news is always compre hensive and from authoritative sources. Its local reports are full and up to-datv Subscription Price : j $8-00 Per Year. The Semi-Weekly Charlotte Observer A complete Home .Journal issued every Tuesday and Friday and containi: ail the news of the week isi a compact form. A paper -every fanner hould have. 1 Only 1.00 per year. m sum Mmmm. AND I SAVE 'iWl-A2SCLUTELY ! lib UCOl -ScWIKG MONEY. MACHINE MAD.E TVE OK OUR DEiLERM can tell you uaaeliincs cteoper than you can Set elsetvlicre. Xlie KS2 W let our best, but we make clieaper kind a, sacli as tbe CII.TIA?,, I9EAL and otlxer Illali Ani Fall Nickel Plated Sewing IGaeliJECS for $1 r,,0'j aad up. Call oil oar arrent or write ua. U'e want your trader s.. IT zrlzc-- trsna feutl juare aeaunij win, xve vrill Iiave It. We cli aliens tiio world to produce a SZETKll $50.00 Scrin Machine for $50.00. or a better $20-1 Sewing Elaclilno for $20.00 tliin you can buy from as, or cur Areata, THE KEW EOIIE SEUHIG H1CIEITE GO. Osajtgk, iuss. Borroy, I-Tags. 5 J r p."-tt it v Chjcago, t t. Lr. i.:o. 1 - a bAX iKASc .vc-, .a. FOii SaLE fj'' GAIXEY & JORDAN, . Duxx, N. C. BLANKS FOR SALE ! We now have on hand a full supply of Warrantee and Mort-! gage Deeds, Chattel Mortgages j Lien Bonds and MhnsrWrP'o! j oianKs, at prices as low as you can buJ them anywhere. Send us your orders or call at our of fice for them. Ill . - C ".-: rub. Of (JOUXTY UTOV iunn, N. C. 7 ' ibi If ""S H y F S5.0Q r Massachusetts, nf Huanms, on every wrapper. Tl,0 hoon see tkat Hi. on the wrap- oj in hop. mil name ex- p- -. - E mdcUr is of whi.h laa n. on Having Never Failed You. MUPAAV STACET. KEWVORK CIT. XIae Toledo lVo BIy E3hi?. Every intelligent family needs ii addition to their local piper, h g a national weekly. The yr- aitst aun ru.-8t! widely known ge - 1 family newspaper is the Ti.Jo Weekly Blade. For thirty years u has beeii a reg i!ar visitor in eveiy prt of the Uuion and is well kuo -. u iu almost everv olo of the 70,J'.0 t-;.-ti(ffi -e iu the country. It is edi-ed with refeience to a calSt a. il circulation It is a Rtfpubli can pap.-r, but uit-n nil Tioiities take it. beoa le its hones- ty ana lairue.-a m tue ait&'i&siou or an public questiuas. S- rial s orie., poe try, wit and Lutiioi; the Hou.'thoid department, (best in be world) Youcg Folks Sunday School Les sens, Talmage's Sermons, the Fiiini stead, the Question Bureau (which atiswers questions fo ubciber) the News of the week iu complete form, and other features. Speciiiien cop'es gladly f.r.'.t on apph ca'iou, aLd if you will aend us a Ji t addresses, we will uisi-.i a copy to each jai a year. ii ou wish to.ra'te a ojub, write for term; - Adore s Tna Blade Toledo, Ohm Mothers! The discom forts and dangers of child-birth can' 'I be almost en tirely avoided. WineofCardui-K i e v e s e x- A - V:- 'lj pettant mom ers. It gives toneto the gen ital organs, and puts them in condition to do their work perfectly. That makes preg nancy less painful, shortens labor and hastens recoveryafter child-birth. It helps a woman bear strong healthy children. has also brought happiness to thousands of homes barren for years. A few closes often brings joy to loving hearts that long for a darling baby. No woman should neglect to try it for this trouble. It cures nine cases out of ten. All druggists sell Wine of Cardui. $i.oo per bottle, AwVze? re-rine special directpns address. etvi;:T symptoms. TrHf'3 Adi3?ry Department." The Chattanooga. Medicine Co.. Chatti noog., Teniu Mrs. LOUISA HALE, of Jererson, G., sayi: wrei? 1 flrst tocH v,n of Cardui S?,Mlb?1.n nupra hree yers , but eould not have any children. Jline months later 1 had a fine Jlrl baby. " SO YEARS EXPERIENCE. mm V TRADE MARKS. DE8ICN8. DrohAhiv Tv-rv4 netner an InTention t conndential. OHt u,cuona trict y In AmeriA! wh???11-?recurlnii oatenti ratenu taken thV.,r V. ""W office, ipeciai notio fn tv, Uunn & Co. recall recelTO SGIENTIFIR fiMCDtnim riio six monh2f!.-klr terma W-00 a year ; Book. MUNN f; CO 301 Broadway, Kw York. i i " " I X h- -- 5 D 5 1 fw1 j i t 2 -f mmmm 1i ; ' VA'V 1 x r Oa LuvU Box. NEWEST. MODELS. AND PLAiai- FEfeTIIERBOSE- mm SOLC MAryj-ACTJM.fiS, SOI.II- iiY R. G.; Taylor, Dunn, X THE ITXIVKliSITY. 47 T(adicr.s -11:; (Summer St-liod l.'Si t f49, Board if'S a mmitli. Courses, o Full (Vwivs, and Medical ScIhmiIs ainls of Pharmacy. (Jraduato (V. open to Womon, h: School forToadiers, Schr.b and Loans for th.) Needy. Address, Pkksipknt Al man, Chapel Hill, N.C. State Noimal 'and L trial -College, 'Greensboro, 1- C. Oll'ers the youn women of tli thorough profe.sii!ial, i irv.h. scii'iitille, and indn-iiiil rdite.-itinf ANNUAL E'XI'KXsft $90 to $130. Faculty o: members. More than 100 ular'stiulcnls. Practice sehool of l.i; n f r ers. More than l.-'l t:atrii-i;l.in-leseiitin. every e..;i.:iy iu tliftr cept tliree. " 'm :-.''oiM!eu"' I from those desiring cotapett nt t teachers. To -eeure ( hoar '. i:i -tories all free-tuition 'n-pjilieaiiK!,-be made before August 1-t. For catalogue and hifiirii'jitwi. address President Chahlks M' (Jrcelblji l'ii. J NORTH". CAROLINA rrT t T?r rV if- CULTURE and will opkn Skit, itru, 1' Thorough neademit', (1 ami technical (our--perienced Special! i.-t-s in department. ; Expenses ccr -z-z ) For County Stihl'-nt. 1-V.r all otln-r S:ikI 'Hi-. Apply for (;at:i!-i!.-1 ALHXA.SDKK i. IloI.I.APAV !.!- You cannot ailonl to i"' out the ftlEWS AN 1 1 QBSEUVE All the News, 1-Veige, State, and Local all ,Le': Full Asfoeiatd Ytu Largest Circulation iii t'",5. Du ly Nw and O'-.-rvt'. t year. $3 six tu "ry! -- " WeWy X..rth CarjVf i vppr. f)f feiit.s .s:x :'' '''' ... ". TRINITY C0LLl Xext hs.sion Ol'KN Three full com -' numlxT of eb'ftivc-. Enlrs,,. Womm-ii li'iiiiit'' 1 - One Hundred I a' Thousand added to .the iflowi''f ' prc-ent v ar ' ,t:i " ' . . . lose, hi North ( :;!' ;t u" j 1- :w loirtie. Addif- . it.i.1; Wanted-fln Ideas? n .... . th(T V,i. rr Write JOHM WBDHEKBL B ef , neys. WMhinfrvm. f -..d anu new 11a 1 01 ouc - Subscribe, to Thk l' per year, in atlvancf. I mi f f

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