- 1 I INDIAN 9 WHAT YOUR NEIGHBORS SAY ABOUT IT : Dunn, N. C, Aug. 3rd, 1897. 1200 people now using Indian Ilerbs. Why ? Because it ha the desired effect and it is so cheap. 180 doses for $1 00. AV. F. UTTER Great American Herb Co., Washington, D. C. Dear Sirs: I feel it my duty and pleasure to let you and my friends know what Indian Herbs has done for my baby four years old he had a very bad case of Yellow Jaundice and one dose of Inaian Ilerbs restored him back to a good fresh eolor and a healthy condition. It leads all other medicines. Yours Very Sincerely, Averasbjro, N. C, Sepf 25, 1897. J. U. Lucas. ' Great American Hkrb Co., Washington, D. C. Dear Sirs: Over fifteen years ago I was stricken with piles. Your Indian Herb has entirely cured me. Will testify to this by sending me addressed envel ope with stamp. It is a wonderful thing to be cured of such, a painful disease. ' R. L. McLeod, Sept. 18, 1897. , DunD. N C- , JC-Any one desiring to purchase a package of Indian Herbs can get it at L. P. Jernigan's store or at my lesidence. W F. TITTER. AGENTS WANTED. Dunn, N. O JjUY ADAM'S GALVANIZED STEEL WIRE FENCE. THE CHEAPEST WIRE FENCE ON THE MARKET. MADE IN ANY SIZE MESH j ND WIDTH STRONG A NLf AN - - Durable, will inn any kind of stock from Cows to chickens. The represen tation. is a line mesh. The parallel wires running thiough the mesh form a truss and makes a strong fence that will not sag. It is ABSOLUTELY the MOST DURABLE and CHEAPEST FENCE ever put on the market. Write for prices and terms to I. J. SMITH. Benson, N. C. . Si'-S. - Agent for Harnett, Sampson and Johnston Counties. FINANCIAL STATEMENT OF TOWN OF DUNN- From. May 7th 96 Hal. in Treas. May 7th '96 Cash' paid for street work. . . Casli paid Police . Cash paid Night Police. , . Cash paid Mayor Cash paid Commissioners Cash paid for Board for Prisoners Cash paid Attorney Cash paid List Taker. Cash paid Extra Police Cash Paid Secretary Cash paid for Oil Cash paid for Printing . Cash paid for Supplies. ............... Outstanding prder paid for 1895 V Total disbursed RECEIPTS. By Bal. in Treas. May 7, '96 By fax, Fines, License and all ot Total receipts. . . . . . . Total disbursements Bal. in Treasury May 6, '97 Receipts to Sept. 15, '97 Cash paid Drafts to Sept. 1,. '97 Bal. in Treas. Sept. 15, '97 ..... Mil to It MAKE A GUESS. Now is the time to make a guess, von m.iy le the lucky one. The Altanta Constitution. The Thrieo-a-weck ; World,' The Home and Farm, and Ti'ik County Union one year for the lucky number. ' HOW TO GET THEM : ScmcI us one dollar for THE UNION and 3'our guess on the niunlwr of haJos of cotton sold in Dunn by Ieeemler 1st, 1$!7. No guess will Ik? received after Noemler 15th. Old subscribers can pay thfir buck subscription and renew for one year and take a guess. New subscribers can pay us one dollar ami take a guess. The nearest guess to the correct number will receive the prize. Your number will le kept correctly and no one will know your guess. Incase more than one gues-esi tlie the right number they will get the Con stitution and Union one year free. Send in guesses at one-. $5.00 worth reading matter for $1.00 THE UNION, DUNX, X. C. BLANKS FOR SALE! We now have on hand a full supply of Warrantee and Mprtt gage Deeds, Chattel Mortgages Lien Bonds and Magistrate's blanks, at prices as low as you can buy them anywhere. Send us your orders or call at our of fice for them. J. P. PlTTMAN, Pub. of County Union, Dunn, N. C. I Z-J TE ItL il tn o z o- -o THE GREATEST BLOqD PURIFIER And Liver Regulator on Earth. W. F. UTTER, General Agent. Dunn V f! to May 6 th 97- $132 40 190 78 . . . . 300 00 179 83 60 00 48 00 3 50 12 50 5 00 5 00 20 00 '34 04 5 15 29 72 26 00 $919 55 . . . . , . . her revenue Reed. ...... $ 132 40 1125 23 $1257 63 919 55 $ 338 08 57 23 $ 395 31 203 51 $ 191 80 M. L. Wade, Secretary of Board. BED SPRINGS Have your HmI Springs made to order by J. t. Me I. rod. Dunn, . (j.. with OltDWAYS FOKM FITTING ' BKI Sl'lUNUS. MODKL PIUNG BKD -r y shown,, free of cost and its advantages explained with pleasuie by Mr. A I ex 'Me I. cod. It is the CHKAl'EST AND IJKST Spring Bert on tie market. Every one fully v arranted for 10 years. Satis faction Guaranteed or no sale. K. It. Md.KOD. Dunn, N. C. Read what your neighbors say of them : Dunn, X. C, Sept. 24, 1897. I am now using two sets of the Ord way Bed Springs sold by 'Mr. 11 L. Mc Leod. I take pleasure in saying that these Springs are far superior to any ever used by me. In my opinion it is, by far, the best Spring on the market, and I commend it to the trade. L. J. Best. TAXES PAID B. F. Smith is locat ed at Dunn, will sell in Harnett and adjoining coun ties. Best Instru ments for the least money. Handles Ludden & Bates, Mason & , Hamlin, and all kinds organs, various kinds of Pianos, of highest grades sold on easy terms, 15 days test in your home. Instrument placed in your ow n house, fi eight paid. Organs from $40 up. Pi anos from $50 up. six year guarantee. Sold on installment or for cash. B. K. Smith, Agent, Dunn, N. C. i a Science Utilizer Ail Iie Ox. In an article on the "Won ders of the World's Waste, William George Jordan, ii the October Ladies' Home Journal, details how science at the rjres ent day utilizes the ox. "Not many years ago," he says, "when an ox was slaughtered forty per cent, of the animal was wasted; at the present time 'nothing is lost but its dying breath As but one-third of the weight of the animal consists of j)roducts that can be eaten, the question of utilizing the waste is a serious one. The blood is used in re fining sugar and in sizing pa per, or manufactured into door knobs and buttons. The hide goes to the tanner ; horns and hoofs -are transformed into combs and buttons ; thigh-bones, worth eighty dollars per ton, are cut into handles for clothes brushes ; fore-leg bones sell for thirty dollars per ton for collar buttons, parasol handles, and jewelry; the water in which bones are boiled is reduced to glue ; the dust from sawing the bones is food for cattle and poultry ; the smallest bones are made into boneblack. Each foot yields a quarter of a pint of neat's-foot oil ; the tail goes to the "soup" ; while the brush of hair at the end of the tail is sold to the mattress-maker. The choicer parts of the fat make the basis of butterine ; the intestines are used for sau sage, casings or bought by gold beaters. The undigested food in the., stomach, which former!- c;st the packers of Chicago thirty thousand dollars a year to 'remove and destroy, is now made into paper. These are but a few of the products of abattoirs. All scraps unfit for any other use find welcome in the glue-pot, or they do mission ary work for farmers by acting as fertilizers." J W. Baggett. of. Oak Grove Fla , bad an attack of measles, near ly three years ago, and the disease eft him wiih very severe paius in fie chest. "I thought I would die " ie writes "but to my grat joy. was saved by Chamberlain's Pain Balm " Pains in the chest nearl tlways indicate the approach of pneu monia may by promptly applying 'his liniment . on a flam el cloth. hich should be bound on the chest, in attack ot pneumonia may be pre vented It is always prompt and ef fectual. For sale at 25 and 50 centt ner bottle Sold by N. B. Hood, druggist Duun, N. C Slicing si li-iioner to Death. The North China Daily Press says that the law of China, which condemns a matricide to death by the slicing process whether he be the prepetrator of a wilful crime or the victim of an accident, is terribly illus trated in Shanghai. A lad of 11 years old swinging a stone on a string happened to strike his mother a blow from which she died. The boy-was to have been sliced to death by the pub lic executioner and the sentence has probably been carried into effect. The foreigners express horror and say it is grim bar barity, but they dare not inter fere. Vancouver, B. C, Dis patch, 22d. V A T U il A, 1 IvKFECT HEALTH RE GAINED THE WONDER - OF THE AGE. Grandest discovery in the annals of medicine. Guaranteed to cure more diseases than any other medicine, treatment or sj tein known to the medical profession. "No MAX made" remedy, but 'na ture's' true panacea. Vatunia is an antiseptic rermicide, it positively destroys all "micIo!Hs,, and serins of every kind, name and nature, it is healing and son.hiur to tlie mueuons membrane, it will penuanentlv cure the majority of cases t f . rnnchitU ca tarrh, Dyspepsia, all Stomaehe troubles. ait utseascs or tiie lilad'er, Bowels, Kidneys, Liver, Constipation, Piles, Old Sores. Rectal Diseases Uhers, Eczema, Sciofula, Blood Poison, Rheu matism, Neuralgia, Di-ease.l Discharges, Diseases peculiar to- Vom-n, Nervous and Physical eakaess, etc no matter what you k ail- MKNT, or where you live, write us a fidl history of your trouble, and our roiKiiltiiig physician will advice yoi1 what to do in o der to rerrain vmir health. Consultation is Fiee and sacred ly confidential. Terms very low. ,r proofs enclose 2 cent stamp. ' Local agents wanted everywhere. No canvassing. We adverMse you . in )'our homt paper. Address with stamp. THE VATUMA COMPANY, P O. Box. P14. Chicago, III. VJf ANTED Trust worthy and Active gentlemen or ladies to travel for responsible established house in North Carolina. Monthly 8G5.00 and expenses x-osuioii sieaay. Jiererem e. Enclose self addressed envelope.. The Dominion Sep-1.13w. .iuipitiiy, uepr. u. imcaffo. ill. t i A Kindly Word for North Uaro . lina A special to the Sun from Raleigh yesterday gave some interesting figures touching; the industrial and other develop ments in that State. The j fig ures are Instructive, and sjiow a growth which will be at once surprising and gratifying toj-the friends of progress in the South is generally known, but it is not so well known that.it is rap idly forging ahead in the ship ment of lumber, and that the eastern section of the State is becoming a vast trucking region from which excellent results are obtained. Western North Carolina is now the largest pro ducer of tobacco used in the manufacture of the highest grades of chewing and smoking tobacco. In his recent address in Winchester, Va., Rev. Mr. Avirett showed up in the num ber and courage of its soldiers during the late civil war. The Sun's Raleigh correspondent shows that in psace, as in war the motto of the Old North State is "Forward," with re sults which promise to make her a prosperous and wealth1 State. Baltimore Sun. Peculiarity About Yellow Fever- "A peculiarity of the yellow fever that may not be generally known," said Mr. A. M. Mar cus, of hew Orleans, at the Raleigh, "is that it only ap pears on the Atlantic side of this continent. It is liable to visit our Atlantic cities any year but its dread visitation is un known in San Francisco, Port land, or any of the towns on the Isthmus of Panama its ravages are confined to the Atlantic end of the narrow neck of land tlmt connects the Americas. Why this is so I have never seen ex plained, but the fact is well es tablished. 'Yellow fever is not, as has often been asserted, confined to the white race. Negroes j are not -immune, although much less subject to the disease, par ticularly those of pure African blood. Those with an Anglo Saxon strain in them are by no means . exempt." AVashington Post. :! -f Did you ever stand by the side of the railroad, look up at the telegraph wires and wonder what message were flashing through those tongues of metal which bid defiance to the loft- 1 iest mountain and broadest ocean, and speak in tones cleai and distinct though the sea lashes into fury, and the King of the storm rages in all his power over the earth? There flashes the price of wheat, - cot ton or corn ; there goes the news of bank failure, and financial ruin : there goes loving words of congratulation to the happy pair who have just marched down the aisle to the sweet mu sic of joyous wedding bells, and then the ever busy tongues tell the story of sickiiess and death, and the light of lope de parts from the eyes, and cruel sorrow crushes the heart. Wonderful, wonderful, is the story of the wires. Ex. (0) m TK ADC-MARK RCCISTCRCD. , THE IDEAL LAXATIVE AND CURB FOR CONSTIPATION. AS PLEASANT AS HONEY AND SURE CURE FOR Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Stomach Troubles, Bowel Disorders, Liver Diseases, Irregularity, Kidney Troubles, Headache, Fevers, Sick Stomach, Skin and Blood Disorders, Thick and Sallow Complexion, AND VCRV MANY OTHER DISEASES AND COMPLICATIONS DUE TO AN INACTIVE STATE OF THE BOWELS. PRUNELINE is the safest and surest cathartic and aperient one can usfc. It thoroughly Cleanses without griping, purifies the blood and removes all waste from the system. It does away with Castor Oil, Salts, Blue Mass and all other nauseous purgatives. It tones and energizes all the great or gans of the system. It is free from all harshly acting drugs, and is always safe, always ready, always reliable. KEEP THE HEAD COOL. THE FEET WARM AND THE BOWELS OPEN, USING i PRUNELINE roR the latter purpose. PRUNELINE IS THI PERFECT FAMILY MEDICINE. SOLD BY ALL OCALCRS. or seat on receipt of 50 cents to any address MY . Winkelmann & Brown Drug Co. OLE FNOPNICTONS BALTIMORE. MD.. LI. S. A. For sale by Hood & Grantham, Dunn, N. C. AVi?2tnb!e Preoaraiionfor As similating theFood andRegula Ung the Stomachs andBcwels of Promotes DigesUon.Cheerful ness and Rest.Contains neither Opium.Morphine nor Mineral. Not Karc otic. 3H Eue of Old Br SAIfUEL PITCHER .Mx.Senna JeJilU SJtz -jtnist. Semi- Jppemdnt -h Curbata&Sodar JVampSeed -Citnfird Supw Itinarpyw Harm r i A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions Jeverish- ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. - facsimile Signature of NEW YORI. i EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. V lsaMUWBSaCb A Bug in a Man's Ear for Twen ty Years. After carrying a bug in his ear for twenty years Mr. C. L. Slioaf. a baggage master on the Western, had the pleasure of viewing his bugship last Satur day. Twenty years ago Mr. Shoaf got a bug in his ear and despite the most persistent efforts of various physicians the bug still remained in his ear, having worked his way so far back that he could not be readied. Dur ing the interval that has elapsed since then- Mr. Shoal lias suf fered more or less pain with his ear. Finally he applied to Dr. Young, of Knoxville, for treat ment, and Saturday the bug was removed. Although he had not seen the light of day for 20 years the bug was in a perfect state of preservation and Mr. Shoaf still retains it (though not in his. ear) as ai souvenir . S a li s bu ry V prld . Lowest Water for Years- The Roanoke river is now lower than it has been for years ; in fact, the ''oldest inhabitants" don't remember the time when it was ever lower. Great rocks and sand bars can now be seen which are usually several- feet under water, and in some places it looks like it would be possible for a man to walk across diy shod, by stepping from rock to rock. We would not advise any one to try this, however, for there is ahvajs danger in familiarity with the Roanoke river, let it be ever so low. To look at it,- one would imagine it a simple, easy-going stream, but there are " many treacherous whirlpools, and what the small boys call "suck holes" that will drag a person to certain death so quickly that one hardly realizes how it was done. A good many people have found watery graves in the Roanoke, to our knowledge, thtf latest victim being the ferryman at Roanoke Rapids. Weldon News. Too Much for V! 3r- It has always been a question with the country newsnaner man what he would do if an in dignant woman set out to horse- wlnp nim. borne years aero W W. Wick, of Topeka, was run ning a country paper, -yid a woman assailed him on the main street of the town. He gathered her up under his arm md paraded around the sounrp She kicked and smarmed, but he marched laughingly along, displaying her to the crowd that had gathered. It mortified the woman so much that she left town on the first train and nev er bothered the editor after ward. Kansas Gitj- Journal. WAFiTED-AN DEAocaatw BUKjr& CO., Patent Attorneys, WaaiUnetonT 1 U. C for their tluu nnu nflp.- - w i - - W -"" w u w . a The Kind Tou Have Always Bought, Bears the Fao-simile Signature -OF ON THE WRAPPER OF EVERY BOTTLE THE KIND YOU HAYE ALWAYS BOUGHT. THE CtNWUH COM PANT. NIW CITY. XIic Toledo Weekly Klmle. Every intelligent family peeds in addition to their local paper, a good national weekly. The tratest ami most widely Known general family newspaper is the Toledo . Weekly Blade. For thirty years it has been a regular visitor in every part of the Uuioa and is well known, in almost very one of the 70u00 pot-toffices in tbe country. It it. edited with reference to a national circulation It is a Republican paper, but men f all politics take it, because its hones ty and fairness in the discussion of alt public questions. Serial stories, poe try, wit and humor; the Hout-ehoid department, (best in the world) Young Folks Sunday School Les sons, Talmage's Sermons, the Farm stead, the Question Uureau (which answers questions for subscribers) the News of the week in complete form, and other special features. Specimen copies gladly seut ou appli cation, and if you will send us a Hot addresses, we will mail a copy to each. Only $1 a year. If you wish to ra'se a club, write for ttrms. Addre g Tub Blade Toledo, Ohio. Mothers! THE discom forts and dangers of child-birth can be almost en tirely avoided.. WineofCardui- relieves ex pectant moth ers. It gives toneto the gen ital organs, and puts them in condition to do their work perfectly. That makes preg nancy less painful, shortens labor and hastens recovery after child-birth. It helps a woman bear strong healthy children. has also brought happiness to thousands of homes barren for years. A few doses often brings joy to loving hearts that long lor a darling baby. No woman should neglect to try it for this trouble. It cures nine cases out t nAU druKgists sell Wine of Cardui. f i.oo per bottle. ATltdylce J? requlrinr special Th- rk? Advisory Department." n Tenn. MediclM ChatU- Mrs. L0UIU HALE, .. . - of JafferB. ssyt: ws had been married tar jUn but tould i not have any ehlwVnfchS months UUr I had a ni Uby ? SO VKARS KXPCKIENC2. Anyone . .ketfh.!7""T c quickly rtf rLmhJJ leTlptlon mmy probably PtnUbi!Zflt?,r1 "'"'WttOQ U Ptenu Uken throW,,? wllnton office. SCIENTIFIC AMERICAIf rurally inMtrtei l!7',' 11 Jn . 3i Br,dwKru 1 i mmm ..TJ"" nm!. weekir .".V',.u? F. G. Oo.'s- On MAKE U American Besutj ARTISTil EFFECTS. All Lengths. Onuch Box. IIEVEST MODELS. FANCY and PLAIN. FEATHERBONE CORSET SOLE M ANUrACTUREfiS. SOLD UY R. G. Taylor,' Dunn, N.f rru absouto TleEs SEW1NS MONEY KACHTf MAOE WE OR OUR DEALERS ess uB sroa maemnca eneapr tbsn reaeti mr lwtir. The NEW no.TIIh ear bt bat we make cheaper klad sucIa as the CI.IITIAX, IDEAL u( otner uiin Arm run nmci Sewlne Wachlnca for $ 1 5.00 n t f.mll on our acrent or tvrlte ut, V vrant your trade sad If irlee. auI Mjuare aean'nar will win, wewlU tiY ft. XV m challenge the world a produce a BETTER $50.00) Sewloj iriachine lor yau.uuf or Sewlne machine for $20.00 than jot can buy from ue, or our Asmi THE NEW HOME SEWI1IG EiCHISSCH 0mAO.MA88.. BOSTOJf.MAM. tt CkMW" LOUC0"i l' '" bljaji i"!"- ftftM FmUclMCO. CAL. ATLAt. sOA. FOR SALE Bv GAINEY & JORDAN, Dunn, N. C. THE Charlotte Daily Observe J. P. CALDWELL, Kiliior. North Carolina's Leading Snm Reliable, Progressive, Candid, and High Toned. : The Stale Tro Tliiilfvktr r? iinVVi W II I U :l V V(iU' heiifsive and from atitliorit:ttiv- ",ll,', Its local reports are full :ml """ Subscription Price: $8 00 Per Year The Semi-Weekly Clrnl-.-th'OlwTv A complete Home Journal i-nfit Tuesday ami Friday ami roman." the news of the week in a miu.i. ' A paper every farmer li"IJ ,"u Only $1.00 iM-r yrar. You cannot jillbnl t ' w; out the WEWS AaD KVER All thA V070 Fnrpiarj. Xflt 8tate. and Local all tbe tin Full AnfiUtpd Press Hispid Largest circulation iu tbe State. Diily New nnd Observer, f f year. $3 50 six months. Weekly North Carolinian, V ? year. 50 ceoth -x rnontt)''. Address NKW- A OKSKKVKt Kaleigb. ' 1 SEiHD L'S tfQUR ORDERS JOB Wr printing.jf Note, Heads, Bill He Letter Heads, ,s Statement Hea- Envelopes, G ards and .THE UNION,. Ii"in- yl" . - - . IVanted An Idea s$ Prouwt Tour : thy mr Writ. J6HM WKDDIRBUKS t-U. x7-k. . rk r tnr their 1 ' aaa nw LUt of ou (bouiADd w"""" ..uiuKWu, v., ; . l. ill. Subscribe, to Tjik r,oS' per year, in advance.- WW u . j'