THE COUNTY UNION FjjNi;sl)Y. October 13, 1S97. DUNN, N. C. SIMCIAI,. jij ,,rhrs for job work must be (l ,,yh lull J alien ui uti n yiiere unu vlien delivered. Thirty ,,ir( on advertising. IV 1 1 t .OCAL DOTS. ; r. n is soiling from 5f to in- i- 1"' of i ' i tiian a l,al- i J: 'fnr til-- ;,ic -list A. B. Crumple r .) ;i tent meeting at ( rove People and Their Movement. "M" T i - -xi. ,osepn Jook -spent Sun m Jonnston. If,. T t . . iyai Woodall, of icnmond, Va., is in the city. ' M .r. T -mi- - xuiay m. Jackson, of ;jaiuFn. is visiting her Mrs. w. E. Bass Mr... C! ru;u..,i i . . - - - . vuiium maae a trip x ceiiHvuie Monday on pro ioiuiiiii ousiness. Dr. W. J. Strickland, of Mon FtiuC last nignt in town witn iriends. Mr. Jno. A.'Oates left yester day for Clinton to attend to n mil in the city. He is expected some business before the court. , iM-nson.from there. ( -tui ks visited the home ;tnl Mrs. W. S. Jackson .Incsduv night and left a little; .girl baby. The vt'-nds congratulations. m is being marketed The receipts here for week w hundred and twenty-five ! each day. contracts have been let holes of the Dunn and nm telephone line, and them will be Mr. G i ousiness trip yesterday.' Mr. M. A. thews! cotton business here K. Grantham made a to WE .TO 10 FEED TOG , And to that end we have on hand at all times: Meat, flour, meal, molasses, syrup, honey, coffee, sugars, canned goods of all sorts, soda, baking powder, cream tartar, ginger, cloves, black and green teas, cheese, butter, eggs, CHICKENS, flavoring extracts, powder, shot, gun caps, snuff, chewing j tobacco, cigars, cigarettes and cheroots, canned beef, dried chipped beef, potted - ham . 1 n Niifii o ff in u 1 1211 O. K COOK STOVES THE BEST. BOGGY SOLD IN DDNN. uU o oysters, salmon, sardines. Fayetteville cut herrings, scotch or smoked herrings, driedappies and peach- Hooks, ;of Mat- es, allspice, nut-mecs. black N. C, is heJninrrl hi pepper, box lve. matf.hfts. omrh. brother, Mr. S. J. Hooks, in the ers extracts of cinnamon and cinnamon bark, jelly, axel grease, condensed milk, table and pie peaches, washing pow ders, shoe blacking and polish, currants, dates, mincemeats apple, peach and pine apple Pearsall preserves, cranberry sauce, Rev. I. W. Rodirers returned Monday from Edgecombe coun ty, where he filled an appoint ment Sunday at Bethany church . Mr. and Mrs. R. M -V. ' K- V iiiid Sunday evening at 7 :30 oVluck. He will hold the fourth Quarter y Conference Saturday uftcr nrcaehitig. All are in- vitel to these services. I a i tina MISS Alinie Ffin.rSfl.ll iloft m firi n.ats nronnrnd rnncfowl bunaay lor .CJmtoa where thev vinegar, rice, crrits. nuts, crrated will spend some time visiting and sliced pine apple. Nice be rclatlves and friends. line of candy, and a great many i ,i- uiner, gooa ana nice tilings in mv Storfi fit Dnnn nnrt nf. Tincc mi l j - -' . a . a "v i.j.jt ine citizens of the town. were nost in S.nmnn rmmtr n n'a I-..M a, I Cj . . . . . 1 I - J the best quality and sold for cash at the lowest pos sible prices. We pay' t the highest market price for all coun try produce. At my store at Bass, I carry a. Gen eral Stock of mer chandise, where you can buy anything you want and can sell anything . you have to sell. I buy any thing at its market value. I have ONE PRICE ONLY. All are treated alike. I very heartily thank the pub lic for the liberal patronage heretofore given me and will make it to the advantage of all to trade with me. Respectfully, ! F. P. JONES, Dunn, N- C- Ail";. 2.1-1-v. u,,rk mii riveting ,rM as the poles can 1.1! i:r pi.n.. ... Uiiard House ISni-neri. ;, v;in' of the Mormon el . 1 . . ,1 nAll Hi i n T i, l ; i : 1 1 j i urn uuLUJiie . xjui .. 1.-. ti . ..1 1. A lLl i ,i . i . tiii in ''i ' , Hiuiiu. iiivy iia- duuui t y ciock Dy tne ringino" 11! I!l -"4"V luuiwiiu mill ciiu iiiu ucil, tlUU TUSHed OUt jit-.i'iiiii; inr-ij miuuiuic. ii auu luuuu ine Huara House you - no irugivju vuu cuu i nviucn was locaieu pack OI the n. h ii MMiiiiiii uic luuiiuuua. luuu nail, ciivtiiu )u lii.nn.mfis V. H. Moore , D. D.J""::" : , , jci iicu vn . , . iuiiuiiiiieiy me air was Vfirv r.i!) iiiun :ini wi i in , . ... r j j. in ...... tin- Mctiiodist cliurcl uni;iv and Sunday at 11 a. m., ) Fnrf.nnnt-oUr , . I J. l uikili y L11U till V il?5 , o A still, and with a little work! the l 11C-VU Otll- K, 1,1; !: uuimiugs- iiujoiniiig were kept from igniting. If the wind had been bio wins strong the in from south Dunn would now be ashes ; the whole of the business portion of the town would have been at the mercy of the flames nr gro tramp has' been and our citizens powerless to ilir cause of the burning of the prevent the spread of the fire. guard house and endangering The negro, that stole Mr. J. jiic w hole town, it we nave no u. nan s Dicycie last Tuesdav law t' arrest thorn the town au- night, was confined in the gUard thufities can have the police to house awaiting to be trans- iow ( rry Hie caught in town fered to jail, and some frienll or k low n iimitsanu request mm menus or ms, aurmg tne nignt :,o limvooii. ine citizens ot tiie got into tlie enclosure and bored tow n demand this much pro- with an auger or cut with a saw tn tinii. a hole into the door and let him the out, and tnen they fired - Tl. 17 1 """V - .,r,;i,uinW8u u , th . id and made t laliinirton, or was Monday L.k: mi, n . L-i- ,,, . ii Liieii esuiipt;. j-ut; nie was uis- nd had been for several days,- iw fr A R Pn that the Hat could not be rowed ... i- ii. i.L,i liujii ins luuiii in Lilt? nuiei Divine. Julius Williams, a negro who lives six or eight miles from town in Cumberland county. ,'ktos the river for rocks on the bottom. It can be forded with safety. The oldest inhabitants don't remehiber to have ever st-rn ii lower. Boats have been iiiialde to reach Fayetteville for several weeks. If you need Hardware, Furniturte, Buggies, Wagons, harness, rubber anil leather belting, engine and mill supplies, we are head quarters. I All we ask is a chance and we will guarantee to please you. You know! that we have been leading the hardware busi ness and expect to do more for our customers this fall than ev- y ours to please, HARDWARE AND FURWfTURE COMPANY. er before. HOLLIDA'i'! & . DUNN PRIVETT. DAVIS .0 GhOTHING, SHOES, HATS," DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS. m p j P. u Q J Sai: LARGEST LINE & GAPES xo i ice: a cold if 3iE day. Take Laxntive Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All Druggists refund. the money if J Yonr 0"VVT1 FriCG t fails to cure. 2oc. "It pays to purchase of Davis," "Where everything is bright and new," "Where everybody is treated alike," "Where you get new goods at old prices," "Where you get boys suits for 52 cents," "Where you get towels at 12$? per pair," "Where you get .Irish Linen towels at W per pair," ""Where you get 'shoes from 25? to $5.00," "Where you get dress: goods at your own price," ''Where you can get underwear of all kinds," Gentlemen's under shirts, all wool at 50 a pair. TOWN f-1 IJ R ti R. FOR THE H A-T- D D D rr IN IN M- Li- DAVIS- was susDicionea as oeing tne party who turned the prisoner out and fired the house. The Sheriff and several citizens left lei t Watson shot his wife and early for his house, and tracked then shot himself in the head cart from near town directly 111 .1 i or h nn, !i.v ninrn ncr lO 111S llOUSe. V lieu JltJ hlW - He lied in a few hours : his A "vounir machinist named them he ran and went into the wife is seriously if not mortally swamp. Later he was arrested wouinlevl . 1 hey had been mar ried onlv about three months. He was crazed by drink and shot his wi fe to keep her from leaving him. The crop report for October W the cotton states is 9.3 points h' tter than for. October last year it heino; 70.0 this year, i ne crop conditions in North ''aml'ma is above all the other tates except Oklahoma and In 'Haii Territory. This State is lvloned at 7S. The crop con (Htinns all through the South Ml from 7S.3 for" September to ' for ( )ctobe-r. announcing AeA 'ards are out tile ni.-n-ri r AT? Rato "P. nt to Mr. Augustus D. 'Wlirrrr on U oilnnrlfiv prpn. 1!iir. (-)cioher the twenty-seventh. l. s ;" o'clock at the Methodist (luiivli. The bride to be is the attractive daughter 1 of Mrs. etta liarnes, of our town, and 'itc oi-uom is the energetic and I' T'ular nianairer of the South 'Furniture Factory. i splendid- shower of rain ft 11 Nimbly morning about eight ;l"i-k, which was gladly re cived hy our people. They jl'ould he profoundly grateful for this gracious act of Divine Y'ovidcnce in sending rain .at that time when, every one mt d to see the earth damp f'n"l. Our Father doeth all niat are l'(-lli,,Us It is the people unfaithful and of re-natures. i: "V Jleiv flhle L. R. Carroll filled his ir iiionthly appointments sunda' and preached two u rinous. At the morning rvico the ordinance of the Wd" Supper was served. Mr. -iiroll preaches forcible ser ln"ii. and has won the esteem and yve of all our neonle. re- h'Uiess Of y pnninin n hnn SltlCfi " ' . v- n. . a a a m- -i i i . J 1 became pastor of the church at this place. put He and Wit that by Policeman Snead and Mr. J. H. Ballance at Mr. ArchielMc- Lellan's house. He was brought here and kept until Monday afternoon, when he gave jbail for his appearance in two weeks for trial. He was in town Fri day and got drunk and Jjoiter ous, and policeman bneacl him in the guard house, was here again Saturday was in town Saturday ni and made threats saying he would have revenge from) the policeman for locking him up. It is thought that j he made a bargain with the negro Friday night to let him- out Saturday night, and it is thought that some othei's helped him in the work. The Mayor of ; the town has offered a reward of $25.00 for the apprehension of the negro John Calhoun, whom they let out. Several of the colored people of the town were heard to ex press themselves as being glad that the house was burned, and very few of them did anything towards trying to stop the fire. This is a bad spirit among our colored people, and they should remember that as long as they behave themselves and are good citizens the guard house has no terrors for them. They may ex pect to be suspicioned as aiding and abetting when they make such remarks. If the property of the town should be destroyed they would be the losers also, and here we have one common interest. If more of their race is put in the guardhouse than the whites, it is because they do more unlawful acts. Be it said to the credit of our colored citi zens that heretofore they have been faithful workers in cases of fire,' and we deplore such ex pressions as we heard Sundaj morni ng. NOTICE. All subscribers to the Dunn and Lillington Telephone Com pany will please call and pay their supscription by Saturday, the 23rd October. G. K. Grantham, Secretary and Treasurer, This Oct. 13, '97. LYING. S. G. Marks & Co. are now offering the highest cash prices for country produce. Before selling give us a chance to make you a bid. Remember we are selling goods as cheap as the cheapest. S. .G. Marks & Co. The cheapest line of blank books, ledgers and all sorts of stationery at Hood & Gran thams ever opened in the town. For school'pehcils, ink, pens, tablets and paper, call on Hood & Grantham. Malaria produces Weakness, General Debility, Biliousness. Loss of Appetite Indigestion and Constipation. Grove's Tasteless Chill " Tonic, removes the cause vhieh produces these troubles. Trv it' and you will bu delighted. 50 cents. To get. the genuine ask for Grove. Sold and guaranteed ;by Hood.& Grantham. ; If you have an old New Home Sewing Machine and wish to trade it for a new one it will pay you to see the New Home Agent. M. F. Gainey, Dunn, N. C. No Cure yio Pay. That is the .wav all druggists sell GROVE'S TASTELESS CHILL TON IC for Chills and Malaria. It is simply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form. Children love it. Adults prefer it to bitter, nauseating Tonics. Price, 50c. Sold and guaranteed by Hood & Gran tham. Warranted no cure, no pay. 1'here are many imitations. To get the genu ine ask for Grove's Sold and guaran teed by Hood fc Grartham, Dunn, X. C- i Most physicians have always recomm'end ed lying on the right side, and from recent dehates amoii? the medical fraternity there -y seems to be a doubt as to which is the prop er side to lie on. While the doctors are discussing the best way of lying R-.T. SURLES, THE LITTLE MAN, is demonstrating that a business can be car ried on without lying at all. TTn imps LOW PRICES as a eralvanic bat ter, which draws all classes; to his store. The magnetic power pervades every department in his store-. CLOTHING, CLOTHING. Well, you only have to come and see for your self and be convinced that my prices cannot be beatten in town. My Shoes, Hats, and Caps and Gents' Furnishing Goods also occupy and important place in the galvanic batter, called the UNDERSELLER. When in town call and be convinced of these facts K. I. SUKLLo. LEE'S HARIM SHOP , ' J. F. OWEN who has been so loDg in the business is not Harnct-s SOT DEAD t M Millinery GOODS. MOVED to new quarters, Lee's New Harness Shop next door to Gerald's New Stables. j He will make and sell all kinds of Harness, Bridles, Robes, Whipps &c FOUND. S.G. Marks & Co. have recenth' found that they need all the count ry produce that comes to Dunn. Look for the lame corner store when you have anything to sell or buy. It is to your interest as well as ours." S. G. Marks & Co. REPAIRING! No Half Pone work but a good job every time Satisfaction guaranteed While I did not visit the northern markets this season to purchase my Millinery Goods, I used great caution in my se lection from the salesmen, and bought nothing but that in the Latest Styles; and have nothing in my de partments but what will please my friends. After spending several days in the Northern Markets buyin bargains, "We think ourselves hapny" in announcing to ou friends and customers of Harnett and adjoining counties that wo have the prettiest and cheapest line of Dry Goods and Notions ever displayed in Dunn. We have a complete line of Boots, Shoes and Rubber Goods, Our Stock of CI o t h in is just out of sight, or at least our competitors wish it was. ' We have nearly everything kept in a first-class Dry Goods Store, at prices cheaper than ever before. We promise you that we can and will sell youAcheaper than any other house in Town. Below we give you a few prices and please remember that everything else is sold in the same proportion. . Men's all wool suits Boys all wool suits. Calico per yard. Plaids per yard . . . Coffee per pound. Coffee per pound, good quality. . Cedar Pencils per dozen Shaving Soap per cake. ....... Pocket Handkerchiefs Table Oil Cloth per yard. Table Linen 58 inches wide bleac per yard Men's heavy sox per pair. Pins, per paper. Spool Cotton per spool Knitting Cotton per pound Spring Ballances, weighs-24 lb. . .$2. ay . . .no ... 4? ... 4? ... S? ... 10 . . . V ... ? ... 1? ..Yl? bed 27 . . r :. If. ... f .. 14?. . . H?. 1 Ladies' Button Shoes' at 75 cents. Ladies' Wrappers 78 Ladies' Capes for 87. Ladies' Silk Handkerchiefs for IK. Babies' Cloaks 92. Babies' Merino Vests, per pair, 25. Boys', extra long, ribbed stockings for 5 cents. Table Cloth, Turkey Red Damask at 23 cents por yard. Red Flannel, all wool, at 15 cents per yard. Navy Tobacco at 15 cents per pound. Examine our stock at once and save money. All we want is a trial ' ' Ma OUtt Stove Headquarters. Put your baggage in our office and buy your goods from the CHEAPEST HOUSE IN DUNN. If LOW PRICES and polite attention are any inducernentr we shall be sure to get our share of tin? trade. We invite you to come. Youks fok uusiyKSH, THE MASSENGILL DRY GOODS COMPANY, P. T- MASSENGILL, Manager- on all work. Call on Mr. Owen j HATS, CAPS & TRIMMINGS and get the lowest prices Respectfully, E. LEE WANTED 500 bushels of peanuts. Will pay the highest cash price. W. H. Lane & Co. Box Files for business at Hood & Grantham's, each. men 45 We haye a few nice parlor and hall lamps to close out cheap. Come early before they are gone. Hood tfc Grantham. Yon run no risk. AU drurr2i?ts all up-to-date. My goods were not. bought for display only but to sell and you should by no means make any purchase in our line before calling and ex- anree G.ove".? Tafpl'?k Chill Tonic to ; aminincr m" goods and prices. lo all that the manufacturer claim for, , - 7., .... i,oro unn ir-Soh an.i guarantee by Hood and! our past favors have been Grantham, Dunn, X.C. j fully appreciated and I earnest- j j I ly solicit a continuance of the The Wheeler & Wilson, No. I same. Yours truly, 9, is the best, machine on the. MRS. J. H. POPE. market. Cheap machines don't pay. Don't waste your money buving them buy the best or none. E r. iouko. ' Hood & Grantham will sell box paper at 5, 10, 15, and 25 per box for1 the next 30 day's. Tax IMotice I . I will meet the tax payers of Harnett County at the follow ng times and places witli the tax books for 1897 for the purpose of collecting taxes. Please be prompt and meet mo prepared to settle. ' Lillington. .October 23rd. Anderson's Creek, October 25th in the forenoon and in the afternoon at Britten fe Jonson's Saw Mill. Johnsonville October 2Gth. Barbecue , .October 27tli. ' Upper Little River Precinct No. 1, October 28th, " 44 Precin?t No. 2. October 20th. Stewart's Creek October 30th. Buckhorn ..November 1st. Hector's Creek. ....... ..November 2nd. Neill's Creek. ...... .November 3rd. Grove November 4th. Averasboro November5th and 0th. J. H. POPE, Sheriff Harnett County. r

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