ff T- ?eY -y -T5 l ( ' "Prove all things; hold fast that which is good." Vol. 6. DUIMIM, IM. C, OCTOBER 20, 1897. No, 41 1-i y in. a m 1-5 :7c"' if o our sorrow, J E FF DEAD AND COE; i But don't wear a long face iimii'ii yourself to death, when . ! ;i!!! ! JICFFRSON DAY lb BARNES v;'.ni i;....t for " to make you. happy by selling Tou goods 'at the lowest s ever known in Dunn. We have an immense stock of -y and Fancy Groceries,- Dress Goods, Hats and Caps, - ami shoes, to be sold at some price. Highest price paid oiiufiy Produce and Turpentine. See us' before you buy.' Yours to suit the liard times, J. D. BARNES- 1 DRUGGIST AND PHARMACIST,. I don't k cp, uor sell whiskey, but have constantly on band a full supply of PURE DRUGS AND fvlEDSCSNES, lit Articles, Cloth and Hair Ikusa-H, Stitiouory. OmJy, Sor ch. Soda, S'ap.. Ijamp.s, Cigars, rfauff. Tobjicco, aod a variety of other thiogs. Prescriptions Compounded with care and Accuracy. 1! , :! mbrr I am Headquarters for anything in my line. Tliaiikiuir all I am yours to please with goods and prices. N- B- HOOD, Dunn, N- C M A. L Pearsall is with me and he invites a'd his friends to call and !' Mill. ' . I Ao'i-e Growing Fat. ".It. W iii 'it you arc in town call :n.l-si-i -me, anil examine ray k. " Yours truh", L P JERNIGAN Dunn, N- C. I. llkxuY Hoon. AVlio are the leading WHY? BeCilUSe thCy Cary Tlh-y keep a select line of fresh Drugs, Toilet Articles, Co Cosmetics, Sundries, Stationery, Corahs, Brushes, Blank I; "ks, '.School Books, Cigars, Tobacco, Confectioneries, Fruits fcc. Hi. y have been for live years, "HEADQUARTERS" for 'iii'Mmas Goads. This season their Holiday Stock will surpass any ever opened in this section. Keineinber they are at the Same Old Stand ,Jl Broad street and in the Sexton Building on Lucknow Square, l'ii't stop until you sec their' stock. Largest Elephant in tlie world, Auuc not a pt mto J . . "... si DRV IS Those o ln v their groceries from L P. JERNIGAN can face the hard times and grow fat for he makes pikes meet the demands of the people. Full line of . Fancy Groceries always on hand. M! K AT, FLOUR. 1 SUGAR. TOBACCO ana ot an oranus.- SNUFF Canned Goods, Tinware ko. Sells everything found in a First Class Grocery Store. Fine line of Cutlery just received. This- is oileied at a hargain. I Geo- K Grantha Druggists in town ? rsMALL i.or IX. OO o 3 3 SllOwTS man enfpr TT i, J. Dupree's Store ctij uemonsnea G H PRICES 1'V Gor.rlc fil IT Jiing and Gents' Furnishing' lrl 21t r o-a lr miiucs uuui Or up. ood Shirts from 20 up. Boy's -wS. pi miii, ou up. ftirnri"'1 r? TIT , t .1.1 .wx. -i iu u-. worsted goous- Uome earl v. J" Tift, PROFESSIONAL CARDS. ' Attorney-at Law. 8.MI l llFIKLD, N C, Careful at tentiou to an3r civil matters intruste'l to his care in the courts of Harnett County H- Li- Godwin, , Attorney at Law. Dunn, - - N. C. Office on Lticknow Square. Will practice in the courts of Harnett ;inl adjoining counties and in the FVdei al Courts'. , Prompt attention given to allbusin es J, C- CLIFFORD, Attorney at Law, DUNN, N. C. Will practice in all the court; of the State, where services desir.ed. J- BEST. . ATTORNEY- AT-LAW, , DUNN, N. C. Practice -in County Courts of Harnett and surrountlingr counties, and U. S. Courts, pecial attention given all collections. P. 1 SI CLEAR Corunsellor and Attorney at Law, DUNN, N. c. Practice in all Courts. Collections a Specialty. W- E- Murchison, JONESBOHO, N. C. Practices Law in Harnett, Mooie and other counties, but not for fun. Feb. 20-ly. Isaac A- Murchison, 5 FAYETTE VI LLE, If . C. Piactices Law in Cumberland, Harnett and anywhere services are wanted. F. P. Jones. W. A. Stewart. JONES & STEWART, 'Attorneys at Law, DUNNJ N. O. Prompt, Personal attention to all pro fessional business. Practice anywhere services required, either ill State or Federal Courts. Died Before her Mirror. Kansas City, Mo., Sept. 27. Mrs. Mary Cass,. who died on Saturday night and was buried yesterday, spent the j last few' moments' of her life sitting be fore h'er mirror. AVhen Mrs. Cass became ill three months ago with dropsy, and was informed she could not recover, she refused to be lieve it and ordered a full length mirror placed in her room . Be fore this she sat day after day, carefully noting the changes in her appearance wrought by the ravages of disease. On the mornint? of her death. - o jwhen seated before her mirror, she viewed her reflection and then calmly announced that she was about to die. She died with her eyes fixed on the mir ror, and just before her death she gave orders that she be bur ried under a wide-spreading tree, as she had never liked the sun. She was buried in Union cemetery yesterday in ac cordance with her directions. - - Ticket to Valparaiso. ( c I want a ticket to Valpa raiso. 5 "One dollar and thirty cents. "You don't think., I want to get it for nothing, do you?" ' 'Was it Valparaiso you said ?' "It was, sir." i "One dollar and thirty cents." "Can't you see I've got my pocket-book out ? Do I look like a man that's watching for a chance to jerk a railroad ticket out of -your hand and run away without paying fovit?" "Say, if you want a ticket for Valparaiso -" . . : "That's what I want, young man, and I've told you so twice. How many times more do you want me to ask for it? You're here to sell tickets I reckon?" "Yes, sir, and if you want " "A ticket to Valparaiso V, a, l, p, a, r, I no, a. i "One dollar and thirty -" "I know exactly how much it is, young man. ! I don't need to be told more than five or six times. I've traveled between this town and Valparaiso more trips than you have got ounces of brains '-inside your-skull. I was buying tickets from here to Valparaiso when you were wearing short pants. You don't look like the kind of chap that can afford to put on airs over plain, common, every-day peo ple. You look like some Billy sort of a brakeman that's been promoted to a conductor's job on account of a scarcity of: ma terial, and hasn't goc over the swelled head yet. No. I'm not hindering anybody that wants to buy a ticket to some other town, either." I know this man standing behind me. He wants to go to Indianapolis, a'nd his train doesn't leave for to say if it takes me till dinner time. If the railroad company can not afford to hire clerks that have got sense enough to tell an honest man from a pick-pocket or a prold brick swindler it o'uht to raise the price of tickets or economize by building .cheaper cars and advertise for a few competent oh, you've ' con cluded to ' hand over the ticket without waiting to see whether I'm going to gobble it and run off with it, have you? Well, here's your change, and per haps you'll know me when you see A me again, young . man. Morning !" Chicago Tribune. m ' .... - Iid You Ever. Trv Electric Bitters as a rem edy for your troubles? If not, get a bottle now and get relief. This medicine has been found to be peculiarly adapted -to the relief and cure of all Female Complaints, exerting a wonder ful direct influence in giving strength and tone to the 'organs. If you have' Loss of Appetite, Constipation, Headache, Faint ing Spells, or are Nervous, Sleepless, Excitable, Melan choly or troubled with Dizzy Spells, Electric Bitters is the medicine you need. Health and and strength are guaranteed by its use. Fifty cents an U.OOat N. B. Hood's Drug Store 'How to make live worth living ?" The qupstion haunts ut every 'lay; It colors tire first Mush of sunrise. It deepens the twilight's last ray. There is nothing that brings us a drearier rain Than the thought, -we have lived, we are living in vain." We need, each and all, to be needed. To feel we have something tojrive - Toward soothing the moan of earth's hunger; And we know that tnt-n only we live When we feed one another iu. we have been fed From the hand that gives lody aud spirit their bread. Oalr lives they are well worth the livinff. When we lose oar small selves in the whole. And feel the Strong surges of being Throb through us, one heart and one soul. Eternity bears up each honest endeavor ; The life loKtor love )s life saved, and for ever. Lucy Laarcoin. An Object Lesson in Nero Eule. The people of North Carolina who do not live in the negro section df the State have little conception of the indignities to which the white people are sub jected where the negro is in con trol. Only a few days ago an incident came to our knowledge that occurred in the Summer that illustrated the spirit of the ruling powers in a leading Eas ter h1 town. .One of the most respectable ladies in Newbern had for some time had in her employ a small colored girl, who was so well treated that when she was bound out by the clerk of the court to a negro from the country, she did not want to leave her white mistress. Armed with the or der of the clerk for the custody of the child, the negro man, to whom the girl had been bound Called at the home of .her white employer and demanded that she go home with him. The girl secreted herself and the lady, knowing her aversion to going, did not disclose her hid ing place. Whereupon the ne gro went down to Five Points and obtained. from a negro mag istrate a warrant against the white lady for the abduction of the child, and. placed the war rant in the hands of a negro constable -who served it upon her. The lad' did not attend the trial, which was held in a ngro hut but sent an attorney to represent her, waive exami nation and give bond for the appearance before the Superior Court. When the lawyer ap peared at the place of trial he found that a negro lawyer had been employed to prosecute the lady, and when he offered to waive examination and' give bond for her apperance at the upper court, the negro lawyer objected and insisted that the lady should be brought person ally into court. He made a vio lent speech and declared that jier absence was a contempt ot court and was intended as an expression of contempt of court and demanded that she be at tached for contempt and be brought into court. The negro constable, -who is a darky of bet ter sense than the lawyer, ad Vised the magistrate that he could accept the bond without the defendant being broughi in to court, and the matter was settled in that way against the protest of the negro prosecuting attorney. ; This affair created great in dignation among the white peo ple as soon as it was known, and if the advice of the negro a w y. e r to -have the Jady brought into the court by the negro constable had been jtaken nothing could have pre vented a race riot. The lady is the wife of- a gentleman well known in the State, j This is the kind of "local self-government" the Radicals and their allies declare are "ac chievements equal to those of the Barons of England at Run nymede, in extorting from King John the Magna Charta.'t . The Anglo-Saxons voters of the State will not longer toler ate a condition of affairs that makes such occurrences possi ble, and averts the humiliation of white ladies only by the fear of physical chastisement. The white man or set of white men who are proud of such "achiev ments" may be white of skin but they are miserable traitors to their race and the civilization of their country. News fc Ob server Oct 12 th . Tit fia- it rtry Tetter. Salt-ltheum and Eczema. The intense itching and smarting, inci dent to thesu diseases, is instantly allayed by applying Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointino&.--.AXany very bad cases have been permanently cured. by it. It is equally efficient for itching piles and a favorite remedy for sore nipples, chapped hands, chilblains, frost biteH and chronic sore eyes. 23 cts. per box. Dr. Cady's Condition Powders, are just what a horse needs when in bad condition. Tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge. They are not food but medicine and the best in- use to put a horse in prime condition. Price 23 cents per package. . For sale by N. B. Hood, Drug gist, Dunn, N. C. "yhy Women Marry. Some women marry because they want a homo of their own, and they can get it in no other way. Some women marry because they haven't the moral courage to remain single. Some women marry because they want a little more money in their purses and a little larger credit at the shops. Some women marry because theT want to put "Mrs" on their visiting cards and the word "wife" on their tomb stones. Some women marry because a man has asked them to, and they don't like to say "No." Some women marry for money money and nothing else. And with it there conies responsibilities of which they never dream. Some women marry because they love the man ; because they want to be his wife, his friend and his helpmate ; be cause they want to make him feel that there is one woman in the world whom he can love and cherish and from whom ho will receive love and consideration in return ; because they want to make him feel that if sorrow comes he has a sympathizing, loving friend close beside him, and in the day of joy there is one who can give him smile for smile. These are the only wo men worth marrying. The others are of little value and would never be missed. Ex. "XJirc In ."otliinsr So Good. There is nothing just as good for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, so demand it and do not permit the dealer to sell you some substitute. He will not claim there is anything better, but in order to make more profit he may claim something else to be just as good, ion want Dr. King's New Discovery because you know, it to be safe and reliable, and guaranteed to do good or money refunded. For Coughs, Colds, Consump tion . and for all affections of Throat, Chest and Lungs, there is nothing so good as is Dr. King's New Discovery. Trial bottle free at N. B. Hood's Drug Store. Regular size 50 cents and $1.00. Say It.. '. - . Did you say a nice house or an ice house? The old cold scold sold a school coal scuttle. Some shun sunshine ; do you shun sunshine r The rain ceaseth cease th to rain. She sells sea shells and it shall he sell sea shells? He spoke reasonably, philo sophically, and yet particularly, of the unceremoniousness of their incommunicability, and peremptorily, authoritatively, unhesitatingly declared it to be wholly inexplicable and unpar donable. The sea ceaseth and it suf ficeth us. Give Grigham Grimes Jim's great gilt gigwhip. Did you say you saw the spirit sigh', or the spirit's eye, or the spirit's sigh? I said I saw the spirit's eye, not the spirit sigh, nor the spirit's sigh. -Buftalo Evening rsews. C ASTO R I A For Infants and Children, Tis fio isila tLgsitttt Is tm That Spot... First size of a dime; next Ki7f of ' A dollar? then na the palm of yqur hand. The end: entire baldness. Stop it. Ayer's Hair Vigor Makes Hair Grow j Jndcro !ot. Ah! iminp nl think, tfor you neck To harshly Jurist another. You cannot iroln tip Inner llf. You canuot note the noul'a dark strife. TeuJi-tatlonw. nor Its datiKers rife. Then do not Judge another. Ah me! and who Hbould seek to bo The one to jutlfre another ? Perchance a woiuru'h falreM fame May be her pure, unsullied name. Yet hlnnder drain's her oft In haine. Thus cruelly irejudff her. It costs o intle, e'er to peak In kindness of another, Had you the mini' temptation aeen. Had life withheld ltn voldeu aheen. lVrhapH lena tftaliilc.xs you had teen. so do uot Judge another. Ah ! life Is aad enough, 'twould seem, Mo kindly Jude another. God help us when His face weaee. And dath reveals Its mystery. If he should Judge u cruelly As oft we Judge another. Ex. The Eights of a Young Wife Before every thing clso tho young woman has a right to ex pect from her husband, tender ness, sympathy and. faith'" says Buth Ashmore, writing in the Ladies Home Jourjial of "What to expect from' a Young Man." "But sometimes, in his eager ness to make all life fair to her, he fancies she. is a doll, and not a woman . And a doll is a very selfish toy ; it demands careful treatment all the time, and it gives nothing but a pretty ap pearance in 4return. It is tho foolish wife who expects infal libility in her husband. Sho forgets that there is a difference between the housewife and tho house mouth. Sho should ex pect from her husband polite ness at all times, and a certain gentleness that every man, pos sesing tho real instinct of a man gives to a woman. But sho should not expect too much for him. She has no right to ask of him permission to live a lazy life herself, and to give up all her days and years to vain and idol thoughts. When the wife can make her hus band's home-coming a joy, ids home-staying a 'pleasure and a delight, and his leaving home a sorrow, then, . and then only, can she expect a great deal from him." Conniiiif iTe Can l Cured. New York, Oct. 15. Profes sor Margliano's serum for the cure of consumption has been successfully tried in five known cases of the disease in which the Board of Health bacteriolo gists examined the sputum, and success has attended the trials. One case will do as a sample of all. Guiseppe Panettiere, 2r years old, of No. 112 Houston street, contracted the disease, and his was supposed to be a helpless case. Treatment began in Sep tember. When the firt injec tion was made Panettierc's fever was at 101 degrees. Two days later the second . injection was made, and an examination showed there was no visible change in the patient's condi tion, .lint with the third injec tion came signs of improve ment. Panettiere reported a marked sharpness of appetite and a stoppage of the night sweats. In those first six days he had, moreover, gained half a pound in weight. But the fever remained un changed at 101 degrees. With the sixtli injection the fever en tirely , disappeared. Panet tiere's temperature was normal again and it has remained so. Panettiere has since made rapid improvement. The cough, which had clung to him for two years, has almost entirely ceased, his appetite lias returned and his strength is increasing daily. The treatment has to bo continued for one year to effect a permanent cure. OAOTOIT T V li n vraou Subscribe for this paper.

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