L'""'" n't i "' ' . Z ' ' THE ' r,o UNTY UNION poem, com- -) VY. XoVEilBEKj 3, 1897: : ... ?br Jo-j icork must be ,,,( uhrn order is giiren und v:hen delivered Thirty ,,,-j.d on advertising. ;CAL dot; ( 1 1 i 1 1 n Is -selling at 5 L J- (I i , ( at rams -,1 rcn '.p- ha? ran mug cif.i Services ZVext Sunday. The followin posed by our townsman, "Rev. Dr. W. B. Harrell,' for the oc casion, is expected to be sung, as a solo, by . Mrs. E. F. Young, with -Miss Laura Pope at the organ, in the Presbyterian church next Sunday morning thes7th, inst, to the - popular music of "The Day is Done," by Balfe, and words by the poet "Longfellow. Xlie Penitent's Prayer. The Lord of J.ife and glory, Enthroned in light above, Now fill our hearts with gladness, And with heavenly pe.ce and love, I' ur. at Thy f "of, in meek!ions, We bow, in liiniiulc prayer, And worship Christ, our bavior. Who hath borne our grief and care. A burden of sin and of .sorrow, We bring Thee, O Savior, to-day, Ami pray 1'het-, vith lowly contrition, To take it', and bear it away. rililt Ollr lifn iiiMi' I.xJ l!i!l- rlfii-nt-nrl v . - - . . . . W . ' . I . . . ' 1 " I I, V Henceforth m.to .ervi;e for Thee-; And the .hiile of Our Father in hea Approving ly, bid u.s . e free. liom the guilt, ana the sin, and the anguish, ( if tlifi minion wo. uwr oiHliiron. .. o J v. ' ' ...... i x. ivitj v . X . r v. . . . To Thee, to be healed and be cured. - . w. . x. . "ii h'ke business is gl'OW- The sins, and the stains, which Jesus, 'novels' He hasjuatre- TJiy Son, could so freely remove ; i!lii- And. now. w nrav tlie KedeeiuiT. i new lot and hist acV To accept of our worship and love. i.i.'Mi' lH'Xt WCCk. . I O r,rid. romp holn us tn linnrir 1 I 1.1 .... . 1 . . I a ik i n raise i nee. wnn nearc anu voice. RoOll iX, ColC, PUOtO- And "'innt ns tho tirnvor of rononr.anr-e of Favetteville, have And faith, while we sing and rejoice. i i Ik ir tent near the depot And come with thy sweet benediction, ;l-l l.K I' x ,Vl:t .,r,x,rx 'n....rx ... fv hiisn Oris. 'llievL..."""c," "c """" i ,nn xv l- i ."...,.1- .mil it vpmn.vk- K ilU W " v irici's. See locals. in .;',!! Hardware and t.'ompany have a new their advertisement Read it. i .-.. . crowd is expected mWow. The iannual .... U the- Free Willi , , wx , convenes to-morrow ... W P Austin liitorms leave n v i i i ; i in -1 . i . ' i I 'v -t..' i;i.fnnl Holmes, a VI 1 . 11.,..- , .,1 1 toi I Pltl i ,i riu'i a uu hpa,i.ii v-xx lin"o township Samp '."i ',',!, . illm s with a dropsical !,.r-; G. K. Grantham ' UK'S L CclliUl luimvu f t line uicvtvij vv c yi.iy uuiv i That the Spirit of grace and of glory , ii t .uay ue ours, eiernaiiy ; Then, then, Blessed Savior cf sinners, And strive to induce the ungodly, To low ana serve only. l nee ; And when, at last we enter The home of tne blst, in thy sky, We'll sing and rejoice, with the ransom'd lhrinigh the ages ot ages on nigh. Dunn. X. C, Isov. 1st, 18q7. 1;i:j- A cough vrhich persists day after dav nhnnld not bp. neglected anv jiM'i . i J ' " o ., ( -nparuiership in the real es- longer. It means something more (lid lnsuiauco uusmoo. loan a mere luuai lrntauuu, auv nil advertisement of "For sooner it is relieved the better. Take .ccrno Arfir's flherrv Pectoral. It is ....1 1 I I 1 I III I 111- I . T .1 i 1 V A I - ! " ;i ... a i in x.x , i - . -j a fin cold wave has struck " i rv ITiriiiv rrnt OUT. I "1T ,m r,lniil.tniinrf iirirne rn 11-' allU llll'j U-MWii t I ' 3 lUC fllUUi:illOimg inivv vxx with difiictilty this Aveek. uniy Meat, Flour, Sugar and (Jottee. thi- morning we caugnt oui Come to see us. .Lane s o. Our 10 cdffee is said to be the best ever offered in Dunn for the money. Lane & Co. the '(i Vll Sllllllg Oil tllU OtWYV. i fvum rivpzinif. This is lio juke for we are out of wood ir.,r,iiv ;i dn.v masses but Vi.Mt iconic are in Dunn search in.. f..r lioines but are compell c.fto "o away disappointed. If ,,iir-p'.-onle will turnisn - duiiu in -- Diuin will soon become a citv. It would prove a paying investment. It is a delight to please ladies,- and this pleasure belongs to Lane & Co. Why? because they keep just the line of dress goods they want. rnces are made low to correspond I with the times. WE WISH1 TO FE Kill And to that end we have hand at all times : Meat, flour, meal, molasses, syrup, honey, coffee, sugars, canned goods of all sorts, soda, baking powder, . 'cream tartar, ginger, cloves, black and green; teas, cheese, butter, eggs, CHICKENS, flavoring extracts, powder, shot, gun caps, snuff, chewing tobacco, cigars, cigarettes and cheroots, canned beef, dried chipped beef, potted ham, oysters, salmon, sardines, cut herrings, scotch or smoked herrings, driedapples and peach es, allspice, nut-megs, black pepper, box lye, matches, crack ers, extracts of cinnamon and cinnamon bark, jelly, nxH grease, condensed milk, table and pie peaches, washing pow ders, shoe blacking' and polish , currants, dates, mincemeats apple, peach and pine apple preserves, cranberry sauce;, rolled oats, prepared, mustard, vinegar, rice, grits, nuts, grated and sliced pine apple. Nice line of candy, and a great many other good and nice things" in my store at Dunn and at Bass post office in Sampson county. All my goods are fresh and of the best quality and sold for cash at the lowest pos sible prices. We pay . the highest market price for all coun : try produce. At my store at Bass, I carry a Gen- eral Stock of mer chandise, where you can buy anything you want and can sell anything you have to sell. I buy any thing at its market value. I have ONE PRICE ONLY. All are treated alike. 1 very heartily thank the pub lic for the liberal patronage heretofore given me and will make it to the advantage of all to trade with me. Respectfully, F.lP. JONES, i Dunn, N C- Aug. 25-1-y. s i fi iipfM m mm iiiF i Eli OOIO DtopilO -aM UliULJo LI LI ub D O. K. COOK STOVES THE BEST. - r - - x 3 i BEST BUGGY SOLD IN DUNN. Buy your goods at the Dunn Hardware & Fuilniture Company aiid tak e a guess on the Pump kin, i ' Thev will jrive a S10.UO iiug- gy Robe to the one guessing tne Mr. M. II. Butler drove his 'AUCTION SALE -Qn .lext miner aiuvum, .vomW 10th. hur-c oil" the embankment into u" , , i i ,,..,;n 1 will sen an my ueiuuii f? TffiT-t erty at aucUon ,to ,the.Mghest V - . , r..xi.. i f r pr. tor casn. come W-.lm.s.lay mght. Mr- - d tersoy. Cows va- hurt rimt baa out uuu c- , ,itniprl many other valuable nouMx. xuu mu.u will be sold. Sale- commences coin was tne cause. TO CUBS 12 A COLD IX O.UE AI Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All Druggists refund the money if t fails to cure. 25c. fine i and articles i will be sold. Sale at 9 o'clock a. m. H. H. Poe, Poe's, N. C. as Rev. B. W. Spillman, Sun- da v School Missionary for tne -n i.i: .,.1,1,. nn '"UU1UWU" , ".:: -On Shoes our Drices are Sunday School worlcat ; n ; Lane & Co. on Saturday1 Novemoer lvjui ul ii.. Snndnr nicrht at Wp niv. the recoirnized lead t--.ii"i. m TTp will lecture at Lrs in fruits, cakes, crackers, j . jn i - ii in Dunn Lonrlipc fro', in Dunn. Cet oui A. Sundav morning Novem.!)er 14th. The. confusion over the pro- of the Dunn M-hool district has been arnica l.lv arranL'cxl bv the school com niiiinj f i o this: tmvnshin. The I . L l v V I ' ' i V x " ' l j di-uict remains tlie same and ill.- public school will be taught at the academy, commencing Monday. November loth. We learn that Mr. Reddin lU ril. father of Mr. J. McKay r.vrd. of Lillington, and Mrs. W. Anderson, of Dunn, died v. rv suddenly yesterday at Lil lin 'ton where he made his home with his son. Mr. Bvrd was 70 ars ofaoe and a highly rt iK eted citizen. He had just hn- at 11 o'clock, prices before ordering. iane cv, vo. c ., ; i nearest the number of! seed in the Pumpkin. They have the Pump kin and Robe on exhibition a t their store. It will cost you nothing, try your luck. DUlW HARDWARE AWD FURW5TURE COWPAWY: HOLtiDAY . & ruiviriT. .M-JUAVIS. mm, sbomk, in toons m mm. Tlie Peonle Savi" i H U ATTENTION 1 ATTENTION We have a medicine if it cures Rheumatism it is worth .1.00. If it don't cure it don't p n s t anvthinn. Alexander's j Liver and Jvidnev Tonic is war ranted by Hood & Granthdm. NOTE THIS Alexander's Kidney and Liver Tonic is war ranted for all Kidney and Liver diseases cost one dollar if it cures . If not perfectly satisfac tory return the bottle to Hood & Grantham and get your mon ey back. i lT4- wove fn .Hlii chnse of Davis, ' Where everything is bright and new, "Where everybody is treated alike," "Where you get new goods at old prices, i "Where you get boys suits for 52 cents, "Where you get towels at 12 per pair, "Where you get Irish Lineups at W per pajr, "Where you get snoes num -Where you get dress! goods at your own price," "Where you can get underwear of all kinds, . Gentlemen's unddr shirts, all wool at 50 a pair. LARGEST Li WE SHAPES 5 TOWW At Your Own Price. ! M- L- DAVIS- R FOR R THE iM'"'l r ' 1 'S 1 mm , I-;, r 4" : ' IllD D n D D 1. Y I N G. S23 After spending several days in the Northern Markets buying bargains, "We think ourselves happy" in announcing to oui friends and customers of Harnett and adjoining Counties that sv have the prettiest and cheapest line of Dry Goods and Nns ever displayed-in' Dunn. We have Yi complete line of boots, Shoes and Rubber Goods, Our Stock of , CI o t h i n Of ESS is just out of sight, or at least our competitors wish it was. r.no.U We have nearly everything kept in a fijt-class Dry Goo Is fttnrP .at nrices cheaper than ever before. We promise ou t i.it ' i .1 liniiun 111 10I1. we can and will seil you cneaper man nuy - - - Below we give you a tew prices ana piuusu Malaria produces Weakness, General Debilitj', Biliousness, Loss of Apatite r.,,.:rrrtir11 fllll I OI1S1 DailOll. UIUr s 1 IIUI.L. V- CI 1V - v - I -i i . vip r,v. m.iii Tnine. removes tne Don t lan io Jiu,e jux x,x . .,.,,,.1 tures made while the rnoto- -;if bc deliffUte,i. 50 LOW 11. I""1 i cents." To get the genuine ask for Grove'.". Sold and guaranteeu uy Hood & Grantham. . crvnnhers are in &-"i . . ... 1- l.AfAmti ia not, tintwoes, iui pilUlUJ-l'"J) -.A rCPi nnntc . .w fimt Tinns TAfPORTANT We gladly re- A1WUV5) ICJllUiauw x-x lnvonrlhr's & Co , are headquarters in gro- turn your money if Alexandei s r ..r minmii f iv iv. j i uiiiv iu .x. pen ps 01 evci y A 1 li 1 t- . , . eatable, and high prices have satisfactory in the treatment o i- f.rl onr mom 111 K1RUII aUSIH. cuicutiu, - v never)Bnuuuu .v - ,loc f!nnst.ination. fl.e.r store. nuue xiuuo, Ti- . Iviunev anu uivei lyiBcao COTTON ! COTTON ! ! As cotton is so low and mon- STRAYED. On or about cotton u .so ow anu 8th -a fine cow. Ligbt ev so scarce, x ua t ,ff ,,; ..nvflntlv knock- nnfnhpv to the 20th of Novem iVdu lieartv dinner when tlt ber, 1897. You should appieci ey so scarce jUaje ieft hip apparently knock extend my offei to si iaje my mftrk , swaliow.fork accounts, it paia uy . ,aft ' and half moon over the right. Also a red yearling I 1 Bjxg3iy""i"i'ii'Wr rt nhvsicians have always recommend- . A in the same proportion in..:.,'.,, t)10 vitfht, sit fi. aDd from recentc v h - Q lyillii Uil lV XXJqXX- , . debates among the medical fraternity there ... tA Ka .4 doubt as to which is the prop- feeeiiio i-v x. - - ciriotn Ire. on. While the doctors are discussing the" best way of lying R. T. SURLES, ! - THE LITTLE MAN. is demonstrating that a business can be car-j ried on without lying at all. tt .:TAWPRTf!F,S asa galvanic hat- Jtie Uses xx. cr. rpi ii, p i asses to his store. I he terv which uic" xx magnetic powej- pervades every department in his store. ll CLOTHING, CLOTHING. ..aKnro to pome and see for your- self ami be convinced that my prices cannot be Koi-tpn in .-tOWll. ' v 7 j rnn nnd Gents' Furnishing (jooosi My Shoes, 'Hats, , and Cap and ivanic batt called also occupy and imponau, the UNDERSELLLR . . . .. of these facts. When in town call and oe couv .Men's all wool suits. Bovs all wool suits . . ICalico per yard, j . . . T X 1 l ' riaias per yuru ....... Coffee ner pound . . . . ICoffee per pound, good quality . .$2 .ay. . . .oO. ... Af. ... 4. . ... 8f. ... "10?. V X . I A ' - W nn.Pir Ppupils ner dozen of. Gil r.T'.nr Krrir upr pake 1 IkJlICUlUp 1 t t pplrpt Handkerchiefs. ........... ir - W 4. V, H . Tnl.le Oil Cloth ber vard. . LhY . ToKio Tinpn JiS inches wide oieacjiea I . O-? noi-.V!i.n . . . -I A Men's heavy sox per pair .-. f Pine ner naner 1 innnl Gotton perlspool f TniH nrr lntt.OH DPT nOUlltl 17 V" - , rx4 11 C.x-,,,, TlnllnnfPS. WPlfT lS Z t 10. . . OM'J"h x-xxxx. - -r-. i R. T. SURLES. 1 ; vATTPr .T.'rinir nil men bv . 1 VI ri 1171 J A 1 AW S. G.. Marks & Co. are no v - presets ; tliat W. W. onintr the hi nhest cash prices J; . U j Akron p ..,xx.T nrndnce. xeioie , , ciui came sudtlenl3T. lonrn thii.t at the re- liiest of Judge Robinson the routmissioners'drew jurors Mon day for onlv one week for the November Court. The calendar -ii for the second s week will be tried af a special term the 1st week in. January." The calen dar will be published in this pa per next week and parties inter-t-ted in cases set for the second week of November term will not he expected to attend until the special term in January. Our attorneys say that the one week term is much better than the two weeks and that the di vision adds no extra costs. ne rmr nast favors XXXX j. x t. . AS. A. JOllxN&UxN. Barclays ville; N. C Vmi pan have six photo graphs made for $1.00 at Boon rl.,7a .nrf, rrnlierV. lVfUluai eV JV1V x. x price $2.00 with almost white head, about eight months old. Any infor mation will be very liberally re warded by calling on A. G. COX, lienson, jn . - fsetorej - ;ro .u:, fiv annointed xv-x - . . n lr 0 vjmu. Ill - J x n: 1-0 n achance tomake . Y" ' ...x.j ut & an. are going :-uriou to Fayelteville. For the accommodation of the people along the line, the Coast Line will run- an. extra train next Thursday the 11th. .Ti-m.ii n.Kxn "Diuin about 9 o'clock. Verv cheap rates will be given. Return that night. You run no risk. All druggists guar- T.,ctci,.Ci Chill Tonic to do all that the manufacturers claim lor it St Granth; T hnve i nst received a com plete line of ladies' dress goods, ' , . ,i o5i. rf L.nii.nes. ffinfrhams,' outings n noilOt VOLi ueuu i pxx vx xvxxx,x,x.-, o o y . shoes and the place to get them &c, &c, which were bough shoe anu i i e , , . , h are and at lowest is at L,ane v,o B. - v. - - , , ft 4 AOCIl liril'H I 1 I L .WA.'W - cheap. V'""1' ul.. -,wr tnpt i rtvncr Mill I n vmi nricL i-v. w-. of shoes, hats, caps &c. ever 1- ;iw ,-lnc.,lfi to Avciucn is Browns' 0,1,;KUP1 in ' Duilll. If yOU XJICIOIIJ , . - 1 I V -Vi"XX.x- - Iron Bitters. Backache vanishes, hoauacl.c , nnvtlin2 jn the dry goods line, it will certain ly pay you to call and examine my stock beiore purcuainy , for I am selling at prices iu suit five cent cotton. Call at once, no trouble to show goods. . i ery Kespecttuliy, J. J. Wade. . . .i i . , disappears, strength tafces tne p ' weak iu-ss, and the glow of health m .:il conies to the pallid cheek Whc:, tlas ,;o. derful remedy is taken. For sickly rh..i .. or overworkea n.en it has no eqiiJ.l. o nomc should lie without this . imnons rmn; v. Erow'Iron Bitters is sold by all ucalcrs. Don't sell your chickens, e-s, meat and peanuts until Ji crpr onr bid. We must have yourproduce'if money will buy it. vou a Dia. xt-eixit-.xxwvx .. v. . selling goods as uitap cheapest. S. G. Marks & Co. ) jlnd constituted Hood & Gran- Lane & Co. Grove's Tasteless Chill Ton'c is a per x ri..r.'4i r.iwr Tonic and blood pu rifier. Kemoves Biliousness without AcnlesanLas Lemon Syrup. Ix ir..uwn nnv Dollar tonic and re- 1L IS I. . x. ..x j - - taiUforoOc. To get the GENUINE ask for Grove's or sale aua guar;wii.rc vj nil that the nianuiaciurer " for Grove's For sale aua gu: Stdd and guarantee by Hood anu nooa&GrJlntliiiin, Dunn, N.C. intham, Dunn, N.C. No Cure 1 mat is the way airdruteell rnoVE'S TASTELtsa tiuiiU x v- IC for ClHlls ana .uaiai .a. -"7; , Iron and Qtunme u a u . . , l.x.-. it AIHUIS MCKi x bitter, nauseating loiucs Price , 50c. Sold and guaranteeu uy w. Warranted no cure, no pay. There ire manv imitations. To get the gen.i-i,Skfor.Grove-s-Sold and gmiran teed by Hoo.1 & Grarth:.m, Dunn, N. C WANTED. I have room for a few more boarders. Will furnish board' with room or without room. Terms reasona ble. Mrs.,0. L. Denning. The onlv permanent cure for chronic caUrrh is to thoroughly ex- pel the poison from tne system oy the faithful and persistent use of Ayer8 Sarsapsrilla. This wonder ful remedy proves successful when all other treatment has failed to relieve the sufferer. . tham sole ajgents for the sale of Alexander's, Kidney and Liver Tonic for the town of Dunn, in i.p pnnntv of Harnett, in the State ofN. C, and agree not to sell any of said K. & L. Tonic to any other person or firm in said town of Dunn and said W. W. Alexander & Co., furthermore nrrree tn return the cost price of said K. & L. Tonic to the said Tinon & .Grantham of all bottles returned to said Hood & Gran tham as unsatisfactory. Hood & Grantham make the same guarantee to their customer. Try it . " . 1 FOUND. S. G. Marks & bo. have recently found that they need all the country produce .a k 1 X I -v 1 T r T t Tvrlr IC P lPnt) Uhflt pntTIPS tO l'UDIl. UUUJv lwi lCCll-u&e oui ' - . j - . i you should not think the works the Large corner store when you, t . tx -i ;fx:f.if i,oT-fl onT-tliihcr to sell or buy. it i uav j uj ......g - is to your interest as well as ours, i S. G. Marks & Co. Ladies' Button Shoes at 75 cents. . Ladies' Wrappers 78. Ladies' Capes for 87. Ladies' Silk Handkerchiefs for 0. Babies' Cloaks 92. Babies' Merino Vests, per pair, 25?. Bovs' extra long, ribbed stockings for 5 cents. Table Cloth, Turkey Red Damask at 23 cents per yard.' Red Flannel, all wool, at 15 -cents per yard. Navy Tobacco at 15 cents per pound. Examine our stock at. once and save money. All we want is a trial" - MaK 0 Stor-o MaxqUaiUi$. Put your baggage in our office and buy your goods from the CHEAPEST HOUSE IN DUNN. If LOW PRICES and polite attention are any inducement, we i -11 l. ....... x 4 Y rrrtf rillT Klnire of the trade. We invito vou to SliaiL UU mug vkj -v.. x, - come Yours for businkss, "v 1HE MxVSSENGILL Wi GOODS COMPANY, '- P; T-MASSENGILL, Manager- ii aq1ef.6r:abi 11.' ...fpHnr. Tt shows for itseii. Boone & Cole, Photographers. Atncm tr a n TTnrrell lJ The Wheeler & Wilson, No. of our town, isV getting up a9, is the best machine oiv the class in music and will be glad to give instruction on violin, guitar or banjo. Terms reason able. market. Cheap machines don't kv. Don't waste your money buying them buy the best or none. E. F. Youg. Mi JOSIAH Filled up on "tannic foot a few iiiirliU airo aid af tu l-tl a mAwc an 1 John Small km eked out one of JiIm rej,ri'. WHO FIXED IT? hy he simply called on J. W. WHITTENTON, at Bsiison, N.C, who fitted him up with glasses and sent him on hU way rejoicing. Ho hss a full line of Spectacles from 10c. up and can fit all ages. ..n , if WntpliPs. Clocks and Jewelerv" always on hand, V. 1UU A Uu v ' ' x ... 1 1 and can compete with any in prices. Sce nic before buying. REPAIRING. Yes, I do all kind of repairing and guarantee every job to be first-class. Come to .see me and'l will treat you Tht Very Respectfully, J- J. W. WHITTENTON, Benson, N. C.