AEV! OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS. WE ARE ASSERTING IN THE .COURTS OUR RIGHT TO THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE WORD "CASTORIA," AND " PITCHER'S CASTORIA," AS OUR TRADE MARK. I DR SAMUEL PITCHER, of Eyannis, Massachusetts, was the originator of " PITCHER'S CASTORIA," the same that has borne and does now yz?7-- n eoery' bear the facsimile signature of OZt&tcZrtC wrapper. This is the original PITCHER'S CASTORIA," which has been 'used irtthe homes of the Mothers of America for over thirty years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is the kind you have always bought yf ZZ??-- U the and has the signature oftZffl4&ZM wrap per. No one has authority from me to use my name ex cept The Centaur Company of which Chas. H. Fletcher is President. nJ March 8, 1897. &cu- Do Not Be Deceived. u Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you (because he makes a few more pennies on it), the in gredients of which even he does not know. "The Kind You Have Always Bought" BEARS THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF Insist on Having The Kind That Never Failed You. THC GKHTAUn COMPANY, TT MWRMV tTRCCT, NCWVOM CITY. Mi WHAT YOUR NEIGHBORS SAY ABOUT IT : Dunn, N. C, Aug. 3rd, 1897. 1200 people now using Indian Herbs. TFhy ? Because it has the desired effect and it is so cheap, 180 doses for. $1.00. " W. F. UTTER. Giles' Mill, N. C, Oct. 23rd 1897. ; Great American Herb Co., Washington, D. C. j Dear Sirs: j I will say for the benefit of the medicine on the market to-day for rheumatism. 1 bad been suffering with this painful and troublesome disease for medicine a short time I was entirely more good than all the medicine I had diseases year medicine has only to be cannot be surpassed. Mrs. James Warren! Dunn, N. C. Oct. 2Jth 1897. Great American Herb Co., Washington, D. C. Dear Sirs: Three doses of your Indian Herbs this summer. I paid your Mr. Utter in the three doses for my dollar. The world can t beat it as a blood pun fief It is" indispensible to every home. Jesse M. McLamb X3?Anv one desiring to purchase a package of Indian tlerbs can get it at L. P. Jemigan's store or at my residence. W. F. TITTER. ! AGENTS WANTED. Dunn, N. O- BUY ADAM'S GALVANIZED STEEL WIRE FENCE. ' THE CHEAPEST WIRE FENCE ON THE MARKET. MADE IN ANY SIZE ME3H AND WIDTH. STRONG AND Durable, will turn any kind of stock from cows to chickens. The nnieen tation isaflnemesh. The parallel wires running th, ouglt the uiwh form a iru and makes a strong fence that will not sag. It is ABSOLUTELY i.eU061 DURABLE and CHEAPEST FENCE ever put on the market. Write for prices and terms to z I. J. SMITH, Benson, N. C. SeP8 Agent for Hainett, Sampson and Johnston Counties. Educate PHONOGRAPHY, Teism::i WILBUR R. SMITH. LEXINGTON, ICY., For circular of bit famoui and responsible COL'HEECIAL C0LLE6E OF KY. UNIVERSITY : Mednl aa WawU thousand, of irradnatee la position. ini io 101117, aooui yw. Shorthand, Type-Writing, ind Telegraphy , Specialties. mw Ih i Kentucky CniTeralty Diploma. nnder seel, warded (rraduatw. Literary Conree free, if deeired! ' v'-Tf0?1 Enter now. Graduate aacceaafnl. I onUr to kmn vour Utter nock mt, mddrtm oaaa, WILBUR R.SMITH.LEXINGTON.k Wanted An Idea Who eaa think of mm simple tect yow idea : they may brine yoa wealth. Write JOHN WaVDDKRBuRN COTPatent Attor thing to paten tt ney. Washington. D. a. for their 11.800 prise offer w uet oi one Utcwuand Indentions wanted, r Subscribe for THE COUNTY UNION. It will cost you onlv one dollar a year. - ". FOR A T-s aiiuauoB. y z zzr. - i iff jf r. m x. x. w INDIAN o- o And Liver Regulator on Earth W. F. UTTER, General Agent. Dunn, N'. C. public that Indian Harbs is the best twelve months but after taking your cured. Indian Herbs has done me ever taken. For Liver and Kidney taken to be appreciated It leas, it paved me from an attack of fever one dollar for a box and was well naid BED SPRINGS- Have your Bed Springs made to order by 11. L. McLeod, Dmm, N. C, with OKDWAY3 Form Fitting Bed MODEL .VPRING BED , . , ' shown free of co.-t and us advantages explained with pleaui e by Mr.. Alex McLeod. It is the j CHEAPEST AND BEST i , spring Bed on the market. Every one fully v arranteil for 10 years. Satis- ",", uudiameeu or no sale. K. L. McLeod, Dunn, N. C. Read what .yonr neighbors say of them : J Dunk, N. Sept. 24, 1897. 1 am now usino- tun cite n ho way Bed Springs sold by Mr. R L. Mc Leod. I take pleasure in saying that tlie&e Springs are far superior to any ever used by me. In my i opinion it Is, yA if' the sPri,1S on the market, and I commend it to the trade. L. J. Best. i i . - i -i i . , . Married a Negro. The New York World pub lished yesterday a picture of a wealthy white woman, Mrs. Miunie C. Provost, who has travelled extensively abroad, 4 who in November of last year married a negro by the name of James A. Cutlar. The bride was 35 and the groom 30. Her first husband shot- himself. The negro was known as Speckled Beauty" and the World says : "He came from North Carolina in the spring of 1896." He was atf expert wheelman, and was hired in an Academy to" teach people how to ride the bicycle. When ' Mrs, Provost went to learn to ride tlio wheel, she had been a widow but a few months. Cut lai was assigned to teach her When Mrs. Provost's relatives heard that she had married a negro, they turned' her out of the house, and made efforts to obtain possession of her nine-year-old son, but without avail. She is worth $80,000 in her own name, left bv her husband. The manager of the Bicycle Academy says, "We hired negroes to teach learners on the bicycle so that we might obvi ate any familiarity between our customers and instructors The women, who come here are wo men of social standing and means, and we wish to protect them. Cutlar was here only a short time." He 'denied that Cutlar had met Mrs. Provost at his place, though he had giv en her lessons there. ' "I found," he added, "that Cutlar was seen with Mrs. Provost on the piazza of a roadhouse. They were drinking. I immediately discharged Cutlar. I also made Mrs. Provost take her wheel from the Academy." A little child of J. R Hays, living near Colquitt, Ga , overturned a po of boiling water, scalding itself so se verely that the skin came off its breast and limbs. Tne distressed parents sent to Mr. Bash, a merchant of Colquitt, for a remedy, and he promptly forwarded Chamberlain's Pain Balm. The child was suffering intensely, but was relieved by a single application of the Paiu Balm. An other application or two made it sound and well. For sale at N. B. Hood's drug store, Dunn, N. C. Shall Women Propose? i A recent reformer has writ ten an argument that the priv ilege of making proposals rests with the wrong sex : that wo men are the proper persons to make the selection of a life partner by request, and not through the more limited means at present accorded them. As an example for any shy and embarrassed maiden who might hesitate as to the modus oper andi m the usual position of proposing, the writer gives a formula for a letter. It con tains the following: "I have the highest esteem for your character. I am sure you would make a good and affec tionate husband " to a suitable wife. Our views and feelings have often been mutually ex changed in the most friendly and unreserved manner, and I have learned to entertain a ten der regard for you. If you, as I flatter myself you do, feel similarly toward me, and think I could make you a wife after your own heart, I shall feel my self the happiest woman alive by your accepting me. Should you consent to my proposal, shall be delighted to mention it at once to your mother." The Complete Letter Writer itself u i -i cuuiu. scarcely nave accom plished so masterful and effec dye a composition. What pos sibilities lurk within this sort of an epistle from women to men ! Cordiality at greeting or evi dent regret at parting would make a man tremble with mis eryilest the next post should bring him to the terrible letter. Ex. : From the LoneStar Sute comes the following letter, written by W. F. Gass, editor of the Mt. Vernon. (Tex ) Herald : "I have used Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in my family for the past year, and find it the best remedy for colic and diarrhoea that I have ever tried. Its effects are instantaneous and satisfactory, and I cheerfully rec ommend it, especially for crams colic and diarrhoea. Indeed, we shall try and keed a bottle of it on our medi cine shelt : s long as we keep house." For sale at N. B. Hood'a drog store. . .. , , 1 - I Tutfs Pills Cure AH Liver Ills. Twenty Years Proof. Tutt s Liver Pills keep the bow els in natural motion and cleanse the system of all impurities An absolute cure for sick headache, dyspepsia, sour stomach, con stipation and kindred diseases. "Can't do without them? R. P. Smith, Chilesburg, Va. writes I don't know how I could do without them. I have had Liver disease for over twenty years. Am now entirely cured. Tutt's Liver Pills Courtship in Ztrailand. "The powers freely extended the women of Zum are many, being particularly favorable to them in domestic matters, and in everything pertaining to the home," writes Edward Page Gaston in the Woman's Home Companion. 'These peculiar liberties are manifest before marriasre as well as after, for o , the alleged privileges of leap- year hold rule continuously in Zuniland. When one of the daughters of the tribes takes an amored liking for a young man she very frankly confesses jit, and her parents are informed of her choice of a prospective x husband. If they approve, the interesting information is im parted, in due time, to his fam ily ; and if the as yet perhaps unsuspecting subject of the jse lection is suited in turn I he makes, through-the mutual par ents, an engagement to visit his admirer at her home. He is; re ceived somewhat formally by the maiden and her family, when something like the follow ing" laconic conversation ensues between the young people wmle the father and mother, with the other members of the household sit apart, amiably pretending not to listen : " 'Thou cometh,' she says. ' 'Yes ; how be ye these many days?' he answers. j " 'Happy. Gather and sit,' and she motions him to a seat near her. ! "As a never-failing hospitali ty on the part of a hostess, when a visitor enters a Zuni home she places food before him land bids him 'loosen his belt andles sen his hungry.' 15ut he ap pears preoccupied, and partakes quite sparingly to give the j-po lite impression that he is alight eater an important point in the favor of a prospective husband. "'Thanks; I am satisfied. he says, after dinner off little more than a bird s rations. ! " Eat enough. You inust have oome thinking of some thing. What, have you to say r she asks encouragingly. ! " 'I don't know.' - " 'Oh, yes, you do ; tell me,' she coyly persists. " 'I'm thinking of you,' in a whisper , v " 'Indeed ! You must be mis taken.' " 'No.' " 'Then do you love me?' " 'I love you.' , " 'Truly?' I ' " 'Truly.' " 'Possibly we shalj see. What think you father?' as she turns in apparent perplexity to the family group. tt 'As you wish, my child her parent replies. ' "She then appears to pon der the matter for the first time, and after due consideration of the momentous question, consents to become his yi-lu-kai ni-ha, or 'his-to-be, and from that time on they are as devoted to each other as are lovers in any clime." It often happens that the doctor js oat of town when most needed. The two year old daughter of J. Y Schenck, of Caddo, Ind. Ter , was threatened with croup. - He writes : "My wife insisted that I go for the doctor at once, but as he was out of town, I purchased a bottle of Cham berlain's Cough Remedy, which re lieved the child immediately." A bottle "of that remedy in the house will often save the expense of a d c tor's bill, besides the anxiety always occasioned by serious sickness. When it is given as soon as j the croupy cough appears, it will prevent the attack. Thousands of mothers always keep it in their homes. The 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by N. B. Hood, druggist, Dunn, N. C. Tricks on the Teachers- The other day a pupil in one of the public schools asked the teacher to do a little example in grammar, and since then what seemed at first to be a simple problem has had the serious consideration of all the peda gogues in the community, and it has been unanimously agreed that there is no rule in grammar to cover the point , raised. The youn'gster's proposition was this : - "Itls two miles to Wood fords. Now please write under that sentence 'There are two twos in the above sentence. That is what the boy said. He did not submit the problem in writing and when the teacher tried to follow his injunction she found out the reason why. It dawned on her that there were not two twos neither were there two tos, and how to express in writing what was easy enough to do verbally she ascertained to be impossible. The boy responsible for the foregoing must be a near rela tive to the youth-who asked his teacher how to spell Paris green and when she replied "P-a-r Par, i-s Paris, g-r-e-e-n, green Paris green,". retorted : "No, you're wrong ; you can's spell Paris green, or blue, or any other color. Yoii can't snell it anything but Paris. Portland (Me.) Argus. A Canal For Florida- " The articles of incorporation of a ship canal to pierce the Florida peninsula have been filed in New York State, the capital being $75,000,000. The assent of the Tallahassee Legis lature has been secured and there seems some possibility o the canal being built, still a $75,000,000 canal for Florida would be an ambitious enter prise, in view of the fact that the Erie Canal only cost about $51,000,000 and the Suez Cana $101,000,000. The projectors say that the canal would be of the greatest importance to the commercial interests of this country. The width of the waterway , will be 200 feet through its entire length, and it is thought that it will take five years to complete the ca nal. -A Tk fac tious lgutut of it OS rerr vrtppo. The light ship stationed off Cape Hateras rode out the re cent storm very successfully and proves the fact that a vessel can remain anchored in the worst of storms at this point. The storms on the Atlantic coast last week were the worst known in many years.?, KEUCI TRADE-MARK. Nature's Nervine and Rapid Restorative. An unfailing cure for Diseases of the Digestive. Nervous and Generative Systems. A Tonic of rare efficacy for the old and young and of marked ser vice for Students, Teachers, and all who are engaged in Brain work or close occupations. CURES Depression, Tired Feelings, Kerronsness, Huscnlar Weakness, Loss of Appetite, Palpitation of Heart, Restlessness, Hysteria, Herre Weakness, General Discomfort, Excesses, AlcMism, and that almost innumerable series of diseases and complications resulting from any derangement of the Nervous system. Invaluable for weak women and nervous children. . Steady Nerves, Braced System, Sound Best, " Good Work, HSUEID BI USU3 Dr. Coz's Cocelin ITerva Tonic. ;. CONTAINS NO OPIATE OR DANGEROUS DRUOS TO MARC A HABIT. 50 Cents per Bottle ; 1 three bottles be ordered at one time, a copy of Oriole Cook Book will be included free AT DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS OR DIRECT OF US ON RECEIPT Or PRICK 60 CENTS. Winkelmann & Brown Drug Co. SOLE PROPRIETORS, BALTIMORE. MD.. U. S. A. For sale by Hood & Grantham, Dunn, N. C. VJf ANTED Trustworthy and Active v gentlemen or ladies to travel for responsible established house in North Carolina. Monthly $65.00 and expenses Position steady. Keference. Enclose elf addressed envelope. The Dominion Company, Dept. W. Chicago. 111. Sep-M3w. Tetter. Salt-Rhenm and Eczema. . . -Li cm nrtlnC. lllCl- The intense w Wlaved dent to tnese cusea cs, , lA hv aDPlvinsr Chamberlain's Eye and dv aPP1-:1".. nrT, vprv bad cases Skin Uintmeni. . ,f Tt have been permanently cured by It. 1 U TemSlr Vfficien for itching Vs fnd a favorite Icmcu,-'. 'V iwd- wti ,1,, hands, chilblains, frost bites and chronic sore eyes. 25cts.per Dox. ... n Aiin.r TnwdirR. are what i US' S when to' bad SnamSn. Tonic, blood punfler and verraifoge. , Ther are not food bnt medicine ana me " v horse in prime condition. IJrice 23 cents per package. For sale by N. B. Hood, Drug gist, Dunn, N. C." ' A suit Without a Parallel- Memphis (Tenn) lawyers liovo within the last couple of days brought suit in county for damages loivueiaui.i tion of character, alleged to be contained in an epitaph cut on n rmnbstone. Such a cause for action is probably unheard of in the annals of tlie courrs 1 the county. In Decern!) :, iifOC L.'B. Cate was shot m l, killed by one bill Penic. Penic was indicted and trier! on the c harge of murder. He wns defended by the same lawyers who are now acting for him in this civil suit. The accu-' d wa- acquit ted on the plea of self-defense. The parents of the deceased, L. D. Cate, thouuht to lienor his memory erecting m editable tomb stone over his gravo and hav ing cut in the in.:: ble a legend setting forth somo of the cir cumstances of Ins taking off. The following was cut on the tombstone : "L. B., son of J. C.and L.J. Cate. Born. April 10, 1770. Married Willie Fiveman Decem ber 21, 1887. Was shot and killed by Bill Penic December 11, 1896; caused by Feme swearing to a lie on Cate's wife. Aged 26 years 8 months and 1 day." - It is alleged by Penic that this stone was lettered by J. M. Hutchinson, of Marti. 1, audit is alleged that the stone was ex posed to public gaze in the yard of Hutchinson for quite a while before it was erected at the head of the grave containing the re mains of the deceased Cate. Since the vindication of Penic by the trial jury in Weakley county he has sought reparation for the wording of this tomb stone. The complainant seeks damages from the sculptor and the father of the deceased in the sum of $10,000. Ex. 10 000 Kisses in 10 Hours' Berlin, Obt. 13. The Mun cheur Nachrichten records the experience of a 3-oung German who undertook to establish kissing record. He trained his sweetheart's consent, the terms being tint he should take 10,- 000 kisses from her lins in ten hours, with a brief interval foi refreshment every half hour Umpires were appointed and the attempt to make the record began. The young man scored 2,000 kisses in the first hour, and 1,- 000 in the second. He had reached 750 in the third hour when his lips were paralyzed and he became unconscious. imil tt ' li n iTirr vrtppo. General James Lonirstreet. of Georgia, lias been appointed itailroad commissioner bv Pres ident McKinley to succeed Ge'n eral Wade Hampton of Soutl Carolina resigned. SEWING MACHINES. I wish to aftnon not. tf t ho nannla - r v.... j i imi. 1 am gelunjr the WIhm-1 iviuiii iiini Miirr)llllf iiinr cnnntrir H T n - i'VUIIV vi t.-ii i ... 1 i 9, and the Stsiidard Sewiufl: llachint'' nn;ii ru KuarauieHV t give perfect satisfaction, on rensonstl.lo t.i-mB .The best niiuliinc nil n...iio n.-. . ac, aiiwajgon namj. 1 alco repair machines at. mo1i guaranteed. I ha?e fourteen veara ex. penence in the machine business and am iiiwruiigniy acquainted with them. jiv iiviuinunrtfra !ira nt I i. - iumig s f tore wnere I will be pleased to - , .v- i jii . rj. r. xoura to please. apitl. . Tjiinr. xr r p. a 4, 80 YEARS KXPCRICNCS. V TslADS UARXt OOPYRICHTS dto. mtrlntlw Patents vJ .? J7 eeblngtoa oOm. PecUJ notice tnftii "0 J4Bnn ot4vw S2SSSH8 MEnicM, i beatlfal atihts eeot free. AddrSS III I. a. a - 4 Boo on Jm", TO-i A war between Havr jrmany isiminent. , mts a Inrrro itri J the negro republic for tS just imprisonment her citizens. of 6Ul one of mauj li.vo Baia thtir cLi would have died of nr... i . . laio Cough Remedy ha ! n given," write Kellam i n druggieta, Seaview, Va, ...p como from far ar.d near to pm r .... , e"1 It 10 ppeak of it in the highest This m equally true of thi rfmfj . every community whore it ; l Buy a '-ottlet N lUr.dr store aod t-et it for y'uril For Mothers! THE discom forts and. dangers of child-birth can be almost en tirely avoided. WineofCardni' rslieveaex- h pectant moth ers. It give tone to thegen italorgans.and nuts them in condition to do their. work perfectly. That makes preg. nancy less painful, sborteni . labor and hastens recovery after child-birth. It hel ps a woman bear, strong healthy children. MSELRECj has also brought happiness to thousands of homes barren for years. A few doses often brings Joy to loving hearts that long for a darling baby. No woman should neglect to try it for this trouble. It cures nine cases out of ten. All druggists sell Wine of Cardui. $1.00 per bottle. For adrlca In eases requlrlnr i?ecUI directions, address, rlvlnr symptoms, the "Ladles' Advisory Department," The Chattanoor Medicine Co., Chatta nooga. Tenn. Mrs. LOUISA HALI. of Jtffirson, Ga,, uyi: Whan I first took Win of Cartful we had been married three years, but could not have any children, sins months later I had a fine girl baby.- think you oui see tbe oeeS siaule. flAflst flAiia aaa MOST POPULAR SIWINO MA0HIKI for a, mere eotur. Buy from reliable nuoiofirtwws that hare trained a reputation by bonent and mjvrt daallsf. There U a on In the world that raa -mi In mechanical construct. on, darabillty of wortm parte, floenas of fluiah, banty In anxiararww. or htt aa many ImprOTetnenU aa the NEW HOMI. WRITE FOR CIRCULARS. Tta Hew to Sewing Machine Co. Obavot, Vase. Borrow, Vim. ts Vwwt BasiM. CHioaoo.Iix. 8r,Lom,Mo. Daixaj.Tuu. Bam rnaxoooo. CiO ATuurUtGa. TOR SALE BV GAINEY & JORDAN, Dunn," N. C CWs lalst Traak ' - iW fU.-J.. - A I wish to ihform tlie jiuWie that I have opened my Shw Shop in Lee's Harness Hi"!1 Lam well prepared t do work and nothing hut first-cla-s jJi" are turned out from my "l"'!1 Satisfaction guaranteed a" work. Give me a call. Respectfully, J. IL SANDKKS. MAKE A GUKSS. Now is tbo tirno to make a "wi vu may in; me niCKy one, . The AltaniaConatitntion.TIi' ''ir,7 a-week World, The Home ami r arm anil The "County Union oik- y ari"f i. i ine mcky number. HOW TO GET Til KM : Send us one dollar for THE UNION year and take a irue. Jscw , can pay us one dollar and taU a The nearest guess to the correct numher will receive the prize. Your number will le kept rorn-ctly and no one will know your "' more than one """'v,',. l.t I . I ...Ill r.t I 111' iu.i i iiib iimiiijv :i liter nil. - - stitution and Union one year fn'- Send in guesses at oner. 45.00 worth reading matter for Mi ttt m a t Yl 13 V at fvv- -r t Iaf5 mi so ii and your Z"''d..nn the number of bales of coitn - l' Dunn bv Decemlx?r lt, euesfc will be received ftcr Nvc-iij loth. Old Pubeeribers can pay back subscription and n in u f"r THE TJNIUJN, r iwrtn A CO 991 BrnZtSSi