i -N- "Prove all tilings; hold last that which is good. C, NOVEMBER 17, 1897. No. 45. Mo i V--" JTn "" . - -, - - . . r Vol. 6- , OIIIMIM. IM M.WSdA rSrteK tor everything i A?? iSSfflBSSS , tc. Prices to suit th" loJKt J . jjj 1 o our sorrow, J E F F IS DEAD AND GONE; ami liioiirn vourself to death, wheii; JKFFRSON DAVIS BARNES mts to make you happy .by selling you goods at the lowest pn iTsi'vcr kmnvii in Dunn. We II avv and Fancy (iroceries, Dress mis ami shoes, to he sold at-sonie fur Country Produce aiul Turpentine. See us before you puy. Yours to suit the hard times, j J. D. BARNES N. B. HOOD,. DRUGGIST L AN!) PHARMACIST I Jon't kep, nor sell whiskey, but have constantly on nana a tun supply -Of-' - . ' ; - . PURE DRUGS AND MEDICINES, ToUt Articles, Cloth and Hair Brushes, Stationery, Candy, Sur ch, Soda, oaps. Lamps, Cigars, Snuff, Tobacco, and a variety of other things.' Prescriptions Compounded Ktiiieink'i 1 am Fleadquarters foFanything in my line. Thankinir all I am yours to please with goods and prices. TsT. Mr A. h 'IVarsall is with me and he -'e iiiui. arc in town call and examine my i Yours truly, P: JERNIGAN Limn, N C. 1 TW D.Il" i nky lloon. Who are the leading i mm & cm WHY 7 Btl " in'ii you fuck. TIh y keep a select line of fresn Drugs, Toilet Articles, Co lou'm ( :,wnw,tin Knnrlrios. Stationery, Combs, Brushes, Blank . Seliool Books, Cigars, Tobacco, Confectioneries, Fruits Ac. Ian H, v. have boen for five years, "HEADOU A m :-!.a(i.,:l Tl,is season their Holiday Stock will surpass CI aiiv vt r opened in this section. Remember they are at the Old on Do Kruad street and in the Sexton i't stop until you see their stock. DiflVIS y.r But don't wear-a4ong face 1 P j so 3. ". 10. 45. r8. CO.' G4. 83. 85. 97. 112 have an immense stock of Goods, Hats and j Caps, price. Highest price "paid 44. 5i . 90. Gl. 94. with care and Accuracy. B. HOOD, Dunn, N invites all his friends to call and . Grr o wins Tat, Tlm-fw'io hnv tlit'ir groceries from L P. JERN1GAN CAxu face the lisirtl time and grow fat for lie nuke's price, meet the demands of ll 1 people. Full line of Fancy Groceries always on hand. M A T, FLOUR, SUGAR. OOD COFFEE for 10c per pound TOBACCO and of all brands. SNUFF Panned Goods. Tinware &c 1 j i Selleverythijag found iu a Firt i Cla.s Grocer Store. ! 1:..,. r"iitl..rv iust iri-ct'ivi'd. just rm i" i'i" - is otl'eied at a bargain. Geo. K. Grantham. Druggists in town Building on Lucknow quare. Mm Stand CALENDAR FOR NOVEMBER TERM, 1897. Hanxett O01a.12.t3r Sia-perior Oovurt. . Hon. TTT". S. O'B. Robinscn, HPresiciirLg-. FIRST WEEK. Monday, Nov. 29th, 1897. Pope vs. Smith et al. Justice vs. Justice. Jordan vs. Blalock. Tew vs. Branch et al. Tuesday, Nov. 30, 1897. 1 Davis, Adnir., vs. McLean,-Gi1.' Spearman vs. Parker & McNeill. Green vs. Guy, Overby vs Overby. Johnson vs. Jones & Pon. Pleasents vs. Wood et al. Pipkin vs. McArtan & Spears. Athnrs., et al. Sikes vs. Ha' rington. Sorrell vs. Smith. . ;;r Young vs. Sanders. Pipkin vs. McNeill, Adnir.; Wednesday, 1st Day of Dec, 1897. 33. Young vs. IJynl. Guy vs Green & Faucet t. Smith vs McNeill. Wr.islow Bro. vs. W . & W. R. R. Companv. Gerrald&Co. vs. W. & W. R. It. Company. Surls et al. vs. W. & W. R. R. Company, et al. Boykiu Carmer & ; Co. vs. John son, et al. Rheinstein Dry Goods Company vs Johnson. Dorman & Co. vs. Johnson. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 13G. Rheinstein Dry Goods Co. Johnson. R.-ilrimore Barirain House vs CJ7 Johnson. Butler Bros. vs. Johnson. Fleming vs. Stewart vs. Thursday, Dec. 2nd, 1897. 9." Goldsboro Lumber Co. vs, Jones & Lasiter. 25. 27. 39. 4G. 5(J. 82. 114. 128. Cox vs. Mclvers. TJIlvA: Grav. Exrs.. vs. Wilson Dollar. j The .las. Leffell & Co. vs. Salmon ; t Kauiett. ' ; T.ce, Admr. vs. W. & W. R. R. Co. j Smith vs. W. & W. R. R. Co. McKeller vs. Loftin. j A vera & SJ.ellve. Shell & Hodges, j Kals tit Srtrrell vs. Norris & Weave r. j 41. Smith vsV MeNeiM. gjCWl cases not calendared will be heard at any 1 time. ' W. E. Mi licnisoN, ) R. P. BiTXTox, Committee. F. M. McKay. Clerk. D. H. McLean, J rjCT-T R Since the above cases for the second week have beeu continued until the special term, the first Monday in January, 1898. The witnesses in these cases will not be required to appear at this term. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. L. W. POIT Attorney-at Law. , S.Ml i III1LL1), N. C. Careful attention to anj: civil matters intrusted to his care in the courts of -1 Harnett County H- L- Godwin, Attorney at Law. Durtn, Ollice on Lucknow Square. N. C. Will practice in the courts of Haruett and adjoining counties and in the Federal Courts. Prompt attention given to allbu sines ! J. C- CLIFFOK1J, Attorney at Law, duxx, x. c. Will practice in all the court; of the State, where services desired. L J- BEST. attorney.at.law, DUNN, N. C. Practice in County Courts of Harnett nd surroundiuK counties, and C. 8. Courts. M.ecial attention given all collections. 2 0 o 2 W 2 0 H 6 2 W 42. Smith vs. McNeill. 48. McKay vs. Norden. 55. McKay vs. Chapin. 6G. McKay vs. Bryan. 67. McKay vs. Chapin. Second Week. Monday, Dec 6th. 24. Reaves vs. Moore. 29. Norris & Norris. 32. The Johnson Co." Savings Bank vs. Dupree. 36. Youm; vs. Hodges. 50. Lee vs. Lee. 95. McLean vs. Bradley. 104. Lilly & Gray, Exrs.. vs. Withers et al. 113. Johnson et al. vs. Johnson et al. TufcSDAY, Dec. 7Tir, 197; 12. Young vs. Surles & Jernigan 13. Best vs. Wiiilc, Admr. 30. Harper vs. Phillips & Best. 37. Young vs. Salmon. 40. Taylor vs. Taylor. r - 70. MeLeod vs.'Johnsony 73.. Turnage vs. Stewart. 81. Johnson vs. Mcleod. 115. Laucheim fc Co. vs. Taylor, . Wednesday, Dec. 8th, 1897. 33. Savage Beveridge & Co. vs. Hol land & Co. 34. Cotton Gin Co. vs. Godwi.i. 47. Young vs. Coats. 74. Bain vs. Hobson. 75. Sorrell vs. Smith, 76. Sorrell vs. Smith. 77. Sorrell vs. Smith. 78. Sorrell vs Smith. 9S. Flowers vs. Ciowder it A vera. Thursday, Dec. 9th, 1 897. 53. Allen s.Son ell. 71. Dennby vs. Shell 72. Russell Crego & Son vs. Shell & Co. 116. Stager M'fg. Co. vs. Pleasants. 117. Kelly vs. Knight. 118. Shell & Hodg-s. vs. Stewart. 121. Yarborpugli vs. . Withers & Bol lard. 129. Andrews vs. Bj'rd. Friday, Dec 10th, I897. 8. In re. the will of E. J. McDonield 137. Leo vs. Lee. 1 38. 13'j. 133. 135. Barnes vs. liowden Pearson & Campbell vs.: McKay. Jernigan vs. Luc:is Gen-jild & Co, vs. Smith & God win, Stewart vs. Lee a d others, Parrish vs. Douglass et il. 132. 131. be open for motion and can Calendar was arranged the j). CLEAN Counsellor and Attorney at. Law, DUNN, N. C. Practice in all Courts. Collections a Specialty W- E- Murchison, -JONESBORO, N. C. Practices Law in Harnett, Mooie and other counties, but not for fun. Feb. 20 ly. Isaac A- Murchison, F A YETTE V I LLE, N. C. Practices Law in Cumberland, Harnett and anvwhere services are wanted. j F. V. Jones. W. A. Stewart. JONES & STEWART, j Attorn eye at La w , DUNN, N. C. Prompt, Personal attention to all pn. fessional business. Practice anywher services required, either iu State or Federal Courts. ' 11 JLROR.. The next term of Haruett Superior Court convenes next Monday. The following citi zens of the count v have been drawn as jurors : Anderson's Creek W H Britton, M A Elmore, Matthew Maynor, L R West, Duncan Nordan. Averasboro V P Jones, A B Godwin Jr., R F Thorn ton. Barbecue -Jno. A Clark, A B Davis, col. Black River J II Hocka day. Buckhorn P E Trulove, Wm. Arnold. Grove J R Reardon, Rufus Johnson. Jas. E Norris. Hector's Creek D E Green. Johnsonville- H McL Cam eron, WJ Smith, Daniel McRea col. Lillington A A Bethune W J Salmon, Daniel M. .Mc Lean, Sam McDougald, col. Neill's Creek W A Turling ton, J L AVilder. Stewart's Creek J A Colvin Jr., Geo. E Byrd, W J Bethune, Willis Byrd, Jr? Upper Little fRiver C B Mc Neill, Hardy Collins Sr., T H Wilson, J S Harrington, B P Stephens, Glascow McLean col. Hiuklen'M Arnica Salve. The best Salve in the world for cuts,, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaran teed 6 give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by N. B. Hood, druggist. Teachers Must Have Certificates. Poe's N. C, Nov. 12th 1897. 1 To the School Committeemen of Harnett County : The Board of Education has requested that, as nearly as possible, all schools shall begin about Ihe first of December. Under instructions from the State Supt., no teacher, not even as an assistant, is allowed to teach in the public schools without having a certificate from the Supervisor. Under the law the Supervi sor is required to visit the schools. It would be of great benefit to the children and the public school interests if, at some appropriate time, the committee would arrange for one or two educational rallies in each township. See that the children have comfortable school-rooms and especially guard their interests in your selection of teachers. Be sure to get correct census reports and send them to me by first Monday in December. If at any time I can serve you or the children of my coun ty, please do me the kindness of letting me know it. J . A . Campbell, Supervisor of Public Schools for Harnlett County . I. C. errv, one of the Ix-st known citizens of Spencer, Mo., testifies that he cured himself of the worst kind of piles bv U!dn a few boxfs of De itt' liazei Salve. He had oeeu iroumeu wun mh;. for over thirty years and used many difterent 'kinds. of so-called cures; out HpWitt's was thr one that did ttie worK and he will veilfy this statement ifpny one wishes to wiite him. Hood and Grantham. V She There goes Mr. Brown. What a swinging gait. HeAnd the creaking of his shoes carries out the effect. Household Gods. The ancient Greeks believed th n t the Penates were the gods who attended to the welfare and prosperity of the family, l'hey were worshipped as household gods in every home. The household god of to-day is Dr. King's New Discovery. For consumption, coughs, colds and for all affections of Throat, Chest and Lungs it is invalua ble. It has been tried for a quarter of a century and is guar anteed to cure, or money re turned. No household should be without this good angel. It is pleasant to take and a safe and sure remedy for old and young. Free trial bottles at N. B. Hood's Drug Store. i When The Civil War Ended. Many people think Appomat tox marked the end of the war, as Sumter did its beginning. As a matter of fact, the war did not end officially until until August 20, 18GG, when Presi dent Johnson issued a procla mation announcing that war was at an end, and that peace, order and tranquility and civil authority existed in all the States. While Lee's surrender was not the end of the war, it was the beginning of the end. Johnson surrendered oil April 26, "Dick" Taylor on May 4, and Kirby Smith not until May 2G. On May 13, more than a month after Lee's surrender, a sharp fight took place at Pal metto ranch, in Texas, which is called by Jefferson Davis and other authorities the last battle of the war. The commander of the Union troops, mostly col ored, sas in his report : "The last volley of the war,, it is believed, was fired bv the Sixtv-second United States Col ored Infantry, about sunset on May 13, 18G5, between White's ranch and the Roca Chica, Texas." Ill this fight, which took place on the American side of the Rio Grande River, the Mexican Imperialists sent over a bo.dy of cavalry, which aided the Confederates in their last successful attack. On June 13 Tennessee was declared at peace ; June 23 the blockade was raised; July .22 Grant made his last official report; April 2, 186G, proclamation that Georgia, South Carolina, Ten nessee, Alabama, Louisiana, Arkansas, Mississippi and Florida are tranquil, issued by the President. August 20, 1866, war officially declared ended. The latter date was in 1867 fixed by Congress as the official and legal date of the close of the war. New York World. There is no need of little children he ing tortured by scald head, eczema and skin eiuptions. De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve gives instant relief and cures per manently. Hood and Grantham. About Cotton. A good many farmers have asked our opinion about cotton. We can't give any opinion as to what cotton will do in the future. No mortal man knows. It may go lower or it may go higher. The J indications are that it will go lower still. If we knew what cotton would do we would gladly tell the far mers, but we do not and we suppose it is best; that no one can know. The indications are that this will be the largest crop ever gathered and may reach eleven million bales. A prob able strike of 200,000 cotton mill employes in England and rumors of war with Spain" tend to keep the price lower, and the depression in the market of manufactured cotton goods is no sign for improvement in the price of raw cotton. New York futures for March cotton are down to 5.74 and they do not reach six cents for any month next year. Holding cot ton is like playing at games of chance vou may sometimes win and sometimes lose, but often er lose, we believe. It has been our observation that as a rule it is best to sell cotton as fast as vaii ffot it vphIv for market. If on- Tnnn know exactly what cotton would do, and had a lit tie monev he could make an immense fortune in a few weeks, but such is only speculation and the man who deals in cot ton futures generally loses as much if not more than gains. he Tetter. Salt-Klieum and Eciemc The inte nse itching and smarting, inci dent to tiieediaM-is ih instantly allayed by a:. lvin Chamberlain' a Eye and Skin Ointment. Many very bad caaea have bet-n t-nuaneutly cored by it. It is equiillv effluent for itching piles and t.r-it'i. rPi:lH(lv for sore nipples, i,ot,t Y.ai.rU" chilblains, frost bitea vual - " - and chrouic ore eyes 25 cts. per box. I)r Tady'i ( midition Towder, are iust vhat a horse needs when in bad couf;iiio;i. Tonic, blx,d purifier and vermifntce. They are not food but mealciue and the beat in ue to put a horse in prime condition. ITice cents per package. For sale by N; B. Hood, Drug gist, Dunn, N. C. . Subscribe for The Union. '' THE PILL THAT WILL J J CURE HEADACHE INDIGESTION BILIOUSNESS I I CONSTIPATION Xhe Name Couple .Murrlril Three Time. There is a matrimonial case of unusual interest near here. One Alex Joiner, who lives about ' three miles from this place, has just been married the third time to the same woman. Some few years ago he was married and he and his better half (or "wusser") lived to gether for some time. They finally could not agree and sep arated. A divorce was ob tained by both. After a time Mr. Joiner began to pay his re spects to' his former wife and after a second sevies of court ships they were married again. Ere long a second divorce was applied for and granted. A few months ago a third. courtship was begun and ended in a third marriage about three weeks ago. The are now living in perfect harmony. II untsville Cor. Statesville Landmark. Dislirurment for life hy -linrn or scalds may he avoided by usinif DeWitt' Hazel Salve, the createst remedy for piles and for all kinds of sores and skill trouble. Hood and Grantham. The Hayseeder, S. Otho Wib son's paper,- advertises for a leader of the Populist party, The Union wants to see a Pop ulist that will claim the name that does not hold' some ollice. A Populist who does not hold an oflice, or is not a candidate for ollice is a freak in this sec tion and could be exhibited iu a dime museum at a profit. Something to Know- It certainly looks like it, but there is really no trick about it. Anybody can try it who has Lame Back and "Weak Kidneys Malaria or nervous troubles. We mean he can cure himself right away by taking Klectric Bitters. This medicine tones up the whole system, acts as a stimulant to the Liver ami Kid neys, it is a blood purilier and nerve tonic. It cures Constipa tion, Headache, Fainting Spells Sleeplessness . and Melancholy. It is purely vegetable, a4 mild laxative and restores the system to its natural vigor. Try Elec tric Bitters and hi -convinced that they are a miracle worker. Every bottle guaranteed. Only 50c a bottle at N. B. Hood's Drug Store. The negroes held a, meeting in Raleigh recently and resolv ed that they must have .more offices. They do tin? voting ami the white Republicans can't kick at their demands. The Republican party of North Caro lina must bow to the will of the negro. He. is asserting his rights and as a voter he is en titled to the majority of the pie. You run no rUk. All druit K'ar aniee (Iiovh'h Ta-n hn Chill Tonic to do all that the manufacturers claim for itSold and guarantee by Ilool and Grantham, Dunn, N.C. . The woman who has b en claiming to be the wife of Jay (iould and wanted a dower .11 his estate has withdrawn ti.: suit started to obtain it. You can't aflord to rUk your Wt- by allowing a cold to develop into piuwu nia or consumption. Inniant relief and a certain cure are afTor led by Que Min ute Coush Cure. Hood and Grantham. The distance of the earth from the sun is alout 3,000,000 miles less in December than it ia in June. Small pill, sate p'dl, t' Pn' Witt' UttleEarlyKlser.cur! b'Jkune constipation, sick headache Hood & Grantham. A New Orleans paper ex plains it thus: "The difference between'jellow fever and dengue fever is that yellow fever kills you and dengue fever makes vou wish you could die when you can t. P

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