c9- s '" ' t-i r -"Via Sa'.M "Prove all things; hold fast that ' which is erdod." Vol. 6- OUIMIM, PJ. O., IMOVEIVIBER 24, 1897. No. 46. .ln I M:A K v BI6 SHOW 7 fel3l r- m ,ow ginS " m Dunn, under IN&F J , - - .7vv- vt. VS. VLT. t f ' To our sorrow, JEFF S DEAD AND. CONE;' But don't wear a long face i . U' i lil, "K i JlLDlini OUIM'U LU UUillll, W11UU J I F F R SON D AVIS B AI1N ES i i '. 1 ill!:. "l i ji i j u-.ints in inaKc vou nappy uy selling you goous at xne lowesi rk-vs ever known in Dunn. We Hi aw ami l ancy Groceries, Dress Boot ami shoes, to be sold at some for Cuum ry Produce and Turpentine. See us before you buy. Yours to N DRUG GIST AlND I don't ko,op, nor sell whiskey, but have of PURE DRUGS AND MEDICINES, Toilt Articles. Cloth and Hair Brushes, Prescriptions Compounded with, care and Accuracy Kt iiK inbcr I am Headquarters for anything io my line. Tbiukinr all I am yours to please with goods and prices. i 1 i K. Mr A. L IVarsall is with me and he oe hi in. s . Hen you and see me, are in town call and examine my Yours truly, L- P. JERNIGAN Lunn, N C. Hknky Hood. Who are the leading I0QID & CaRAIOTI- W H V O Because they ear.y the Tv keen a select line of fresh Io-ik s. Cosmetics. Sundries. Stationery, Combs; Brushes, Blank; 7 , Thcv have been for five vears, CI Sdiool Books. Ci?ars. Tobacco, Confectioneries, lritmas Goads. This season their Holiday Stock will surpass any ever opened in this section. Kemeraber they are at the Same OlcL n Broad street and in the Sexton Building on Lucknow Square. n't stop until you see their stock. ! , D R VI S J have an immense stock j of Goods, Hats and Caps, price. Highest price paid suit the hard times, J. D. BARNES PHARMACISy constantly on hand a full supply Stationery, Candy, Star ch, Soda, t a raritu of other things. B- HOOD, Dunn, JN- J- invites all his friends to call and HOOD Tliose who buy thvir groceries from L P. . JERNIGAN can" face the' hard times and grow fat for he makes prices meet the demands of ll.t- people.' Full line of Fancy Groceries f always on hand. M EAT, FLOUR, SUGAR, nnn r'nTTCTVT.Tt! fnr 0n ner nound TOBACCO and of all brands. SNUFF Canned Goods, Tinware &e Sells everything found in a First Ciafs Grocery Store.. - u i Fine l'ne of Cutlery just received. This is olleied at a bargain. j" -.-Geo.- K. Grantham Druggists in town ? 1. Largest stock and SHALT. PR OI' IT Drugs, Toilet Articles, Co- Fruits fec. "HEADQUA RTE ES" fo Stand PROFESSIONAL CARDS. E. W. pou, Attorney-atLaw. SMITHKIELD, N. C. Careful attention to any civil matters intrusted to his care in the courts of Harnett County H L- Godwin, Attorney at Law. Dunn, - - N. C. Office on Lucknow Square. Will practice in the courts of Harnett and adjoining, counties and in the Federal Courts. Prompt attention given to allbu sines' J. C CLIFFORD, Attorney at Law, DUNX, X. C. . Will practice in all the court; of the State, where services desired. L J- BEST. ATTORN EY-AT-L AW, - DUNN, N. C. Practice in County Courts of Harnett and surrounding counties, and U. S. Courts. v pecial attention given all collections. I H. MCLEAN ) Counsellor and Attorney at Law, DUNN, N. c. Practice in all Court. Collections a Specialty. W- E- Murchison, JONESBORO, N. C7 Practices Law in Harnett, Moore and other counties, but not for fun. Feb. 20 1 v. Isaac A- Murchison, , FAYETTE VI LLE,.N.C. I'raetices Law in Cumberland, Harnett and anywhere services are wanted. F. P. Jones. W. A. Stewart. JONES & TEWART, Attorneys at-Lav,. DUNN, N. C. Promnt. Personal attention to all pro fessional business. Practice anywhere services renuirt cl, euner in o aie or Federal Courts. The Bible was written by de grees during a period of 1,000 vears. It was anciently called '"The Books," but for the past 700 years the s" Bible The Greatest Discovery Yet- W. M. Repine, editor Tiskil wa, 111., "Chief," says; "We won't keep house without Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption Coughs and Colds. Experimented with many others but never got the true remedy until we used Dr. King's New Discovery. No other remedy can take its place in our home, as in it we have a certain and sure cure fo Coughs, Colds, Whoonin? Couffh. etc." It is idle to experiment with -other , . . j. r o ' remedies, ven if they are urged on you as just as good as Dr. King's New Discovery. They are not as good, because this remedy has a record of cures and besides is guaranteed. It never fails to satisfy. Trial bottles free at N. B. Hood's Drugstore. 2 0 0 0 0 2 Wild Fight in an Engine Gab. Birmingham, Ala., Nov. ID. On a freight train dashing forward over the Louisville & Nashville road at the rate of 30 miles an hour, late last night, two men, one black and crazed by drink, the other white, en gaged in a life and death strug gle in the cab of the locomotive, which ended in the death of the negro and the " miraculous es cape from the same f ate hj the white man. When train No. 25, south bound, left here .last night at 10 :15 p. m.. Engineer P. Bish op and 'Fireman Wiley Craig, colored, occupied the locomo tive cab. When two miles from the city, Bishop told the fire man to stir up the fire. The negro paid 'no attention to the order and it was repeated. This time he uttered an oath and springing from Iris seat, drew a revolver and fired point blank iit the engineer. The bullet missed him and the en gineer struck the revolver from the negroe's hand just as the latter was about to fire a second shot. Craig drew a knife and grasping the engineer by the shoulder pulled him from the box and cult him in a dozen places across the breast Bishop had a pistol in his hip pocket but he was held for a time in such a position" that he could not reach it. Finally after a desperate struggle during which the two men rolled on the floor of the cab Bishop managed to draw his pistol and fire. The bullet struck the negro in .the breast and penetrated his heart Without a groan he fell back into the darkness.. The train at that time was near Oxmoor. There it was halted by the wounded engineer who told the crew of his thrilling encounter. Bishop says his watch chain alone saved him from a fatal blow at the hands of the rie- gro. J. C, : erry, one of the best known citizens of Spencer, Mo,, testities that he cured himself of the worst kind of piles hyuin a few boxes of DeWitt's Hazel Salve. He had been troubled with piles for over thirty years and used many different kinds of so-called cures; but DeWitt's was the o:;e that did the work and he will verify this statement if fny one wishes to wiite him. Hood and Grantham, Wliicli Was The False Propliel? The Democratic speakers last fall told the people what they might expect if the gold stand ard was continued. They told them that their products would continue to depreciate in value, that their lands would, not im prove in price find that their labor would still bring them only a bare subsistence. The ffold standard was continued and all these things have come to pass. The men and papers that prophesied ten-cent cotton are now being put to shame by about half that price for our main money crop. The long heralded prosperity has" not coiue. Statesville Mascot. Butler Said It. The Rocky Mount Argonaut, a reputable paper, said in a re cent issue, discussing the out rage' .at Rockingham several weeks ago : Can a man with an atom of decent blood in his veins read or hear of the cruel fate which jvertook this innocent young jjirl on her way to her daily avocation witnout everv in- stinct crying for vengeance on the damnable fiend . in human disguise who wrecked her young life? ' Do the white peo ple of Rockingham rejoice that Jie young girl was -outraged by this black be'ast? We cannot believe they do, but we must believe it if we are to, believe the words spoken by Marion Butler, United States Senator from North Carolina in his speech the other day in this town. In that spee?h he said : "If colored men commit out rages the Democrats pretend to be terribly shocked in public, but when they get behind a wall ey laugh until they grow fat, and if the outrages are not fre quent enough they hire worth less negroes to commit them." Butler's paper denied that he liad fver . made any such re marks, and now an affidavit has-been secured from three of the best citizens of Rocky Mount, which reads : '"We, the undersigned do hereby make affidavit that we heard the speech of Senator Butler and that the above ex tract in quotation marks is in substance what he said. "(Rev.)B. S. McKenzie. "F. J. Thorp, M. D. "J. J. Daughtry. "Nov. .12, 1897. i "Sworn to and subscribed be fore me this the 13th dav of Nov., 1897. ' ! "John L. Arrington, Notary Public." This is nice language to be coming from a United States Senator. No wonder crime in North Carolina is on the in crease when men, who ought to be men, make use of such ex pressions. When we read the quotation it makes our blood run cold to think that North Carolina -has ever-- produced a white man within her borders that will make use of such lan guage. So long . as these men live and so long as negroes com mit these crimes lynching will prosper. In commenting on this the Charlotte Observer says : "Of the' creature who is capable of such a speech as this, it would be base flattery to say that he is a beast. By it he has placed himself outside the pale of civ ilization. He has not made the poor amend of an apology for it. but has sought, by false hood and evasion to slink out of the responsibility for his in famous words. He deserves that the mark of Cain should be put upon him that he may be known wherever he goes for exactly what he is. A Clever Trick. It certainlv looks like it, but there is really no trick about it. Anybody can try it who has Lame Back and Weak Kidneys, Malaria or nervous troubles. we mean he can cure himself right away by taking Electric Bitters. This medicine tones up the whole system, acts as a stim ulant to the Liver and Kidneys is a blood purifier and nerve ton ic. It cures Constipation, Head ache, Fainting Spells, bleep- lessness and Melancholy. It is purely vegetable, a mild lexa tive. and restores the system to its natural vigor. Try Electric trie Bitters and be convinced that they are a miracle worker. Every bottle guaranteed. Only 50c a bottle at N. B. Hood's Drugstore. The only colored member of the Boston fire department has been forced to resign. But Boston will continue to be anx ious concerning the condition of the negro who resides South. - e i ' Tnu ean't afford to risk vonr life by allowing a cold to develop into pneumo- nia or consumption, instant renei anu a certain cure are affor led by One Min ute Cousrh Cure. Hood and Grantham. Subscribe for The Unipn, j Keep on Coughing if you want to. If you want I to cure that cough get Ayera I Cherry Fecioral. Il cures , I coughs and colds, I Slie lliittt Obey. If a Girl Shrinks From The Pledge Siie Had Better Remain Unmarried. "If a girl shrinks from the word obey, or hesitates to speak it at the altar, it will be better that she shall never approach the hour of her marriage," writes Edward W. 5ok in the October Ladies' Home Journal, in reply to inquiries from two girls if they should insist upon the word "obey" being omitted from their marriage ceremonv. "Either she is doubtful of her own love or distrusts the heart of her lover. And in either case her marriage will be a sin in the eyes of God. Whether marriage is a union of true love and- marriage should be naught but that the question of obey, is not thought of ; the union of two loving hearts, each filled with the thought o'f the other both to be united in one complete whole. That is mar riage, and that alone. Let non essentials enter it, and the holi est state into which man and woman cau enter this side of Heaven becomes a wrong, an irreparable sin. . "Shall these two girls, then, and all other girls with their1 faces turned toward the altar of marriage during these weeks to come, say, 'obey?' Yes, a thousand-times yes. And as they sav it to the men of their hearts, so will the men, in turn, prom ise to love them as, wives, 'even as Christ loved Church' which unites them, 'and gave Himself for it.' , No woman has found it difficult to obey the husband who loves her as only a true man can love( one woman in a universe. She does not find the little word coming up in her married life to make her regret the utterance. On the contrary, she never thinks of it, except to be thankful that slie did not shrink from it. The state of matrimony is not a state of demand on the part of the husband, nor of obedience on the part of the wife. It is a perfect state that lifts two peo ple higher ; a state where love is masterful and supreme. Tetter. Salt-Rheum and Eczemc. The intense itchini? and smarting, inci dent to these diseases, is instantly allayed by applying Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment. Many very bad cases have been permanently cured by it. It 11 mt A- 1 1 1 2 . .'Iah is equally enicient, lur lbcmug yne auu a favorite remedy for sore nipples, chapped hands, chilblains, frost bites and chronic sore eyes. 25 cts. per box. m lir f!n1vs Condition Powders, are just what a horse needs when in bad condition. Tonic, blood punner ana vermifuge. They are not food but medicine and the best in use to put a horse in prime condition. Price 25 cents per package. For sale .by N. B. Hood, Drug gist, Dunn, N. C. Don't fail to guess at the missing word. iiere is tne entence : "Once given the passion for. , that one of the precious metals will be m m m a most in demand which is cheap est." Fill out the blank with a word of your own choice and send to this office with ll.oU arid we will send you The Union and The Atlanta Consti tution each wfck for a year. If you guess correctly you stand a chance to gft a large pre mium in gold. We want one hundred people to take this offer between now and January 1st 1898. rUfi;riirnwM.t fr lift by burns or scald- imv l avid'l by using DeWitt's Haz'l Salve, the trrratest remedy for piles and fr all. kind of sore and skin troubles. Hood and Grantham. He My friend is opposed to everything English. She Yes, I noticed that in his conversation . Y onkers Statesman, Difficulties- The man who has no difficul ties to enconntrr in lifn nnvnr has much of a hand in the bat tles of life. The greatest trou ble about difficulties is not the difficulties themselves, but the proper way to overcome them. No life is smooth all the way through. Even the little tot at its mothers knee oftch has diffi culties to encounter. The young man with eiicrgy and persever ance often has severe struggles before he accomplishes any thing. Honey is sweet, and, to many, very palatable, but of ten the painful sting of the busy bee is felt before it can be ob tained. It is very difficult to ascend a high mountain, but when 3ou have reached the sum mit nature places before your vision the magnitudo of God's handiwork and you behold with awe and admiration. You have a great work lefore you and in order tov accomplish - that work properly you have many diflii culties to encounter : and it may require years of hard labor and study to surmount them. but you must make an honest eflort to get tin tho hill. All men were created for a grand . purpose, but that purpose is of ten foiled by the alluring devi ces of the devil. It seems strango that men should fight against all good natural impulses and chooso to do the very things that are hurtful to them for time and eternity, and yet this is the case. Men will go to political speak ing and stand on or sit upon the ground for hours and listen to political abuse and vulgar slang but when at church, if tho preacher speaks more than a half or three-fourths of an hour they are much fatigued and jiromise themselves not to sit so long again, 'lherc is but one reason that can bo given ' for this and that is that thoy donot like good, substantial truthes every preacher has difficulties of this nature to contend with, but this is not all. His flock per sist in doing those things which the discipline of tho church nos- itively forbids, yet they solemn ly vowed when thev joined the church to keep, inviolate, all her rules. . One of the great dif- Acuities about church member ship of the prefession without the, posession of. religion.- It may not be a very difficult "mat ter to present a good face to your fellows, but the day is com ing when vou shall bo sifted as wheat, and then your days of deception will cease. Ex. IIiicklen'M Arnlrti NnlveT The best Salve in tho world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaran- teed to give perfect satisfaction or monev refunded. Prico 25 cents per box. rorrsalc by 7 N.. B. Hood, Druggist. . - "It's er mistake," said Uncle Eben, "foh er man ter worry so much 'bout e,conomizin' dat he fohgits ter earn auyfing ter save up. Washington Star. There is no need of little children be ing tortured by hcahl luad. eczema and fdtiu eHiptioin. DeWltt'a Witch Hazel Salve gives in-tant relief and cure per manently. Hood ami Urantliain. McKinley'a IVonperllj. McKinley came into ofrrctt-in a propitious time to launch his wave of prosperity, but he has utterly failed so far. Crops of all kinds were nevermore abun dant, sent by heaven to assist the wave. But the wave he sends is a reduction of cotton and all products save wheat (which he allows- to rise be cause they are perishing for bread in India), the confisca tion of the last milk cow, which gives food for the barefooted urchins, for taxes, and the con tinuation of the "uncivilized service" and gold-bug monopr oly oppression of the people. Wilkesboro Chronicle. You run no risk. All dmggUts guar antee Gioye's TaKfelcM Chill Tonic to do all that the manufacturers claim for it Sold and guarantee by Hood and Ortntaara, Dunn, NC -