US fs JtJJ ."Prove all tMgs;,, iio 1 d fast that wiiieiris srozd. OUXMIM, IM. C, DECEMBER 1, 1897. No.47. 0 our sorrow,- F T'j X m:Q com vourscii to ueatn, wnen It. T j 1 1 1 1 J SON D AYIS BARN ES ) 1 V i sins so -Mi.-tke you happ3r hy selling you goods at the lowest iivs.cvi r knuwu inl)uim.'. We have an immense stock of av i'anev (Jroceries, Dress Goods, Hats and Caps, !;iii! .-hoes, to be sold. at some price. Highest price paid Cuiintrv rroduce and Turpentine?. See us before you buy. Yours to suit the hard times, 1 J. D. BARNES pEUG GIST AND I. J. )'i t t'i - nor sell whiskey, but liavo constantly on hand a full supplv . -of- ! DRUCS AhJD rtlSDICSIMES, Cloth 'anti Hair Brushes, Siattonery,. Candy, Starch, Soda, t A Li , Cigars, Suuff, Tobacco, ..Hons Compounded .cscr: 1 ll'viofj iirters for anything in my hue. ii! I i:n oars to pit ase with goods and prices. N. is with me a.i I he 1 tn.ii i i 5 tv lie n vim are in town call v nie, and examine niy Yours truly, I L- P- JERNIG-AN-Uunn, N C. j i I i lIcN.v ihwm 'Who are the leadinir i S3 . & G-iRASAP. j V O Because thev car.y the h f J T!" v keep a select line of fresh Cosmetics' Sundries. Stationery, Combs, Brushes, Blank Vk. Sehool Books, Cigars, Tobacco, Confectioneries, Fruits etc. Tl'-v liave been for five years, "HEADQUA RTE ES" fo Chtinas Goads. This season their Holiday Stock will surpass a:i.v t'Yi-r opened in this section. Remember they are at the Same Old. 011 Uroad street and in the Sexton Building on Lucknow Square. r - i U0li't 8top until you see their; stock. , i XJ XT "J.i TV -tA I M I I I tt - - A A ,mce for DAVIS But don't wear a long face PHARM ACIS and a variety of other things. with care and Accuracy- B- HOOD, Dunn, 1ST- C invites itll his " friends to cul s a i s JF' .,-...-. . iniiini hi - i - i - Gr rowing l;tl. Tliose who buv tla ir irrnee lies from L P. JERN1GA!N can fare the hard times and grow fat for lie makes prices meet the demands of lli- people. Full line of Fancy Groceries always on hand M E AT, ' FLOUR. SUGAR. GOOD COFFEE for 10c per pound TOBACCO and of all brands. SNUFF 1 Canned Goods, Tinware &o Sells everything found in a Firi-t- Cl. - s Grocery Store. Fine 1'iie of Cuthry just received. This is oll'eied at a bargain. . Geo. K. Grantham Druggists in town ? Lar - est stock ami SELL FOK Of IT Drugs, Toilet Articles, Co- StaiicL 't miks t , 3feV f - V" w Zg on in Dunn, tne management of tin r f -l n-mmi A -. . N.I 1 I I i I f I I I "t- -m i - i vac xux evfirvf NOTIONS, 0 LOT! cotton. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. K. W. Pu, Attorney at-Law. SMITHMELD, N. C. Careful attention to any civil matters intruste'lto his care in the courts of Harnett County H- L. Godwin, Attorney at Law. I3unn, - - N. C. Oilice on Lucknow Square. .JUl'l in "!?"rt! "J rSr"5" 1 Federal Courts. Prompt attention given to 'all bit sines J, C CLIFFORD, Attorney at Law, duxx, x. c. Will practice in all the court:; of tlie State, where services desired. L- J. BEST, ATTORNEY.AT-LAW, DUNN, N. C. Practice in County Courts of Harnett and surrounding counties, and U. S. Courts. lecial attention g-iven all collections. n n m pit i l, ll, ill b L li H ) Counsellor and Attorney at Law, DUNN, N. 0. Practice in all Courts. Collections a Specialty W- E- Mufchison, JOXESBOllO, N. C. Practices Law in llarnett, Moore and other counties, but not for fun. Feb. 20 lv. ' Isaac A- Murchison, FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. Practices Law in .Cumberland, Harnett and anywhere services are wanted. F. P. Jones. W. A. Stewart. JONES & STEWART, Attorneys at Law, DUNN, N. U. "'roinpt. Personal attention to all pro fessional business. Practice anywhere services requirt d, either iu S'.ate or Federal Courts. Governor Russell has pardon ed Wiliiam C. Etters of Cleve land count)- who was sent to the penitentiary for manslaughter in 1S(J4 for a term of 15 years. He killed Dr David Hogue. The Surprise of All. Mr. James Jones, of the drug firm of Jones & Son, Cowden, 111., in speaking of Dr. King's New Discoverv, says that last winter his wife was attacked with La Grippe, and her case grew so serious that physicians at Cowden and Pana could do nothing for her. It seemed to I develop into JIasty Consump- llOll. J.Xiliiii; ii. i-iiil: o j.ic Discovery in store, and selling j lots of it, he took a bottle home, and to the surprise of all she began to get better from first dose, and half dozen dollar bot tles cured her sound and well. Dr. Kind's New Discovery for I u suit the wWt ' - Don't mio& lt. j Consumption, Coughs and Colds I -fcmgnsn iiuentiy. is guaranteed to do this good! "TT"' Trv it Five trial hot-' One Minute Couh Cure cures qutck work, try it. j; te inai doi 1v That's what vou want! Uood & les at N. B. Hood's drug store. 'Gran ia u. 5 'fV? L-f'V 4 rensons a u en era ion A:ie.r r ; rt . the Close of the War A deficit of forty-rour mill ions in eovernmeut revenue ; ' during the four and a half months of the new fiscal -"year lends signilieance to the report of Secretary Dliss touching the tremendous growth of the pen sion list. At the end of June the num ber of pensioners on the' roll lacked only 14,'JOO of beinrj a round million that even : this figure will soon be exceeded is evident from tho fact that about 200,000 claims, were awaiting adjudication, of which it is esti mated about o le-half would be finally admitted. Wheu it is remembered that the entire population of the "ro" t States nen,- women zxit cLJdren at the outbreak of the war was about 2G,000, 000, the preposterous character of the pension roll, of to-day, thirty-two years after the, decla ration of peace, becomes appar ent. One year after the close of the war the list amounted to 120,000 ; in ten years it had grown to 234,000.; in 1889 a quarter of a century after the war had ended it had swollen to nearly half a million, and in the past eight years this has been doubled. The figures are simply stun ning. The fees for examining surgeons and expenses of dis pensing the moneys have amounted to seventy-two mill ion dollars, and the pensions distributed reach the astound ing total of more than 2107 millions of dollars. As we get further away from the period of the war the pension list, in stead of dwindling, is increased in a geometrical ratio. lhe fifteen millions of 18G6 has grown to one hundred and for- tv millions in 1S9G, a'nd is -still U, sweinuLf. as io me means uv I which fift) thousand pensioners a year are boin2 attded to the rolls, they a-ve only too well known. The Commissioner in his report touches mii one aspect of this by. recommending the passage of a law providing that no pension shall be granted to the widow of a soldier who shall hereafter marrv. ... . With a constant deficit inrthe government income it is the duty of Congress to reduce-the outK, and when it starts to economizing in expenses this matter of pension abuses should ensaire its early- and earnest at tention. From the New York Herald, Nov. 23. Prosperity oonies. quickest to ihe'tman who-e liver 1 in irooil cotuUtitjii. De Vitts Liitle Early Cisers are fa'nou-i little pills fsr constipation, hi)ioune?s troubles. . JlooJ A Grantham. i:iilirtstioii ami all stomach and liver A prettj- sixteen-year-old girl of Randolph, Vermont, was married last Wednesday to Jim Lee, a Chinaman, who dresses like Americans and speaks I love you i:ot bC ia--e your tv"4 - Bine ?s t'ie bi.'e uie, Nor yet lx'ciii-e yorr c'K'ok outvies rrie .-I'uu'ntM-. v- ..r. Joe!. of tM ,I't ?nu niil- A' oiinl yon.- orf-lu .u ..i-, Yon- 1 1' y,''p.--, h'k1 H'Ci of pe.vl DM iie'er ..iy lie i t eiis'i e. 'T' .ha' 5u t'ie ux-?s, Tj li ks in e,'iercJiar, W'll ofi'rvi teufcc t'it'ir n.')o"es li-t your voue to le..r. T; i.tatf!) your h; iid- no 1 grow in wocc1 or ;,H:iVn plo ; But for white !'-iins and a ' t-ii low, " Sw'eiljeari-f 1 ove 5 on not. 'iis b-CJiuse l)at oi e .0 ?orto Has kiucHv words for all: Def;uie the t-.; s pHy oft oti yM ' '"T ey- down 'o1! ; Bt'iui! e V'i'i lui ds ae i.oii to do Good Tor ilie poo aut! looe;,; e yoi-r heart is b;ave a. id Hue My.ieaitisall yoivov.-n. Ci'a.'iibei s' Journal Some months a'ffo'it was iiub- lislied that an oflicer or. guard in the penitentiary hadbeen bribadby a convict who then mnrlo liia Tlio nffl,o, guard fled the State with his 1 -J v pOOO bi ibe and no attempt j has ever been made to bring him to justice. When the Kirby Smith sp.n.ndnl Ipnknn nnt ho wns mil- oif in post haste to New York or snmftdiPrn pUa TLp npnil tfintiarv.niitlioHHPs hnvo mndo .if. . . i' i ' , no eirorc to nnno- tum to iiisticn. WLpn tl,P T?nrlWl inrtn nr ; the Halifax farms was found guiity of the same conduct for TLioi, ' Trivia fimuii ' i,n,i lfoTP tliA St-.n.rp Lf wna (riroTi 'tPn minntes to rpsio-n ThprP was ho thought of putting stripes upon him, though he and the two other officials above ,i,;rt,i ,ir,ci. a wear them. The two first Qf these scandals occurred when Superintendent Smith was in charge of the penitentiary. The last has occured since the' dil'ec- tors effected a -reform"- and took charge of-the institution themselves. If there has been n.nv rhnnoP in tiro sniHt of tLp managnent, the people have not sion is that the announcement. seen 11 uiivi. iiic t:c;iJiciux nuuico- of the change of management was but a bluff to escape the past bad management. If there lino "hooii oiiTT Mionffo 1 n vri line , r:A mi, r-J , i , i , x i -j that only two weeks ago a guard . J . to . Snd let them escape shows that the "reform" lias gone back- i re 4.1 i i i r ward. If the drunken and negh- gent guard, a protege o f Governor Russell's brother, has" been dismissed for his conduct, l1Pnnhn,k nnt .nfif A . , 1 a? 1 .1 Ions as officials are thus permit- ted to take bribes, be guilty of scandalous action, and debauch themselves with convicts, and no serious attempt made to bring: them to justice, just so long will the penitentiary employs be about on a par with the convicts, ine trum is mat-wnen n ii- . ,i Republicans are 111 control, 1 i , i peculation, incompetency and 1 -1 1 ' 1 ,1 1 n scandals are common things be- .u. t u: i . mv. - ii... 1 its leadership is composed large- 1 tt f f o,i hoi rn ri where thev get in their motto is : "we have got the coon and we are going to skin him." Nothing better need be expected, fisrs cannot be gathered from thistlos. -News and Observer. I'rec I'll Is. Send your address to H. E. Bucklen & Co., Chicago, and (et a free sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A trial will convince you of their mer its.. These pills are easy in ac tion and are particularly effec tive in the cure of Consumption and Sick Headache. For Ma laria and Liver troubles- they have been proved invaluable. They are guaranteed to be per fectly free from ever- deleteri-. ous substance and to be purely vegetable, They do not weaken by" their action, but by giving tone to stomach and bowels greatly invigorate the system. Regular size 25c. per box. Sold by N. B. Hood, Druggist. John F Liggitt, a millionaire tobacco manufacturer o f St Louis, died last Tuesday. u yygy--xZ. trtrr CucActe Tki f is- y " " '' Kama m A I'uoiMn Object I.rnson, t A shudder almost comes over the good people of orth Carolina when they recall how narrowly they escaped last win ter the revolution that was at- m tempted hv the nigger-traders legislature in the plan to re charter the towns of the State. All remember that Charlotte was startled bv the dastard programme as were other cities also, Wilmington included, and in some cases the reckless gamr were balked their despera tion. But some of the towns had to pass under the rod. - G-eenvillo was ono of them. Behold the result. This town, writes one of its distinguished citizens, has actually been ta ken control of by the negroes. The act, as will be recalled, di vided the. town up into four wards. The lines are so run that the negroes have a largo majority in two wards and the hltCS 111 tWO Wards. To tllC two negro wards the act gives two aldermen each, and to the two white wards one each. At the last election the negroi elected four negroes and the whites, twu while men, so that th toW11 haS a board Composed of four negroes and two .white men' Tlio M;ivnr nnrl fMnnf rf j - Police arc white men, elected j,7 tIlis n?F board- T! ' af slsrant Policeman is a coal mack ncgro. 1 he clerk of tho board IS a U The taxable property of the townis ."early three quarters of . l UU i "e , aldermen, the Mayor and Chief of Police give in less than $G00 worth of property for taxation. But for the row in the fusion camj last winter many a town in Eastern North Carolina would be in the same condition as Greenville. By their fruits shall ye know them There is luiugiumuuuu oaie- ment ) " a recital of the facts Jhi?1 0VKon?T ma' confirm - seiver Women as Pharmacists. "I believe there are almost a score of women who own and , . , . . , . conduct drug stores in Chica- f0'' s.f d Mr. N. E. Das m, of J ' . ' " years ago it was dilhcult for J h . . , , . w1omen1 to obtain recognition fiel1 fou t0 luahfy themselves for dispensers of UgS, but by dint of SlllUg- 2I1112. they won their way in . ' . J J . this as in all the other profes sions until now there are large numbers of female students in the leading pharmaceutical col leges. "As pharmacists, women 1 y y cess, aim mere is no uuijniuMs , . where the superior neatness, . x 1 , . ' natience, tact and temperate r. ' . . , , habits of these-count to better . . , . . , advanta-ie. Besides the dozen a'ld inore Chicago own drug stores, t women who there are large "umbers of women clerks who stand on an equal plane with th.eir co-laborers, and to whom the local physicians un- ." difficult prescriptions "One of the lady owners has her dispensary located on the top ffoor of a big office building down town, and yet, despite its remoteness from the street, her place is always full of patrons. Many of the women graduates are now in charge of the drug departments of hospitals, asy lums and other public institu tions." Washington Post. Ilucklen'N Arnlcn h'alre. The best Salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, ch ipped hands, chilblains, corns, and all- skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no p.xy required. It is guaran teed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by N. B. Hood,. Druggist. The Tougaloo University for the colord race a t Tougaloo, Mississippi, was destroyed by fire last Wednesday night. Jerry Johnson, a negro, was lynched near Screven, Georgia, nasi niursuay. uu w Iwith stealing a mule. llast Thursday. He was charged o When you buy : s ft I Sarsaparilla a o Ask for the best and youll " 8 Get Ayer's. g Ask for Aycrs and youll get 1 The Best. 8 Am it Wan in the J:iv vV Hint nam, r Within full view of tile streets of Morganton and not eight miles away as the crow ffies U a country where some of the farming methods are identical with those in vogue in tho time or .Abraham.. On tho top of Kaylor's Knob, one of the high est peaks of the South Moun tain, is a wheat field containing nearly a hundred acres, com paratively level and of remark able fertility. In th:s field on the side next to Morgan ton is a great Hat rock which has been used time out of mind as a threshing llo r. Here the wheat and rye is brought and threshed with Hails, and win nowed just as Boaz winnowed his barley at his threshing Moor near Bethelem centuries ago. Morganton Herald. J. A.Perkins, of Antipuitv; O., was for liily years needles ly tortured hy ph v.sici ioa for the cure of e. .ena. Ilu V!is quickly cured by usi DeWittV Vheh llu.ei Salve, the famou healing salve for pile and skin disease. I loo! & Granlham. Fii-Nl 'lurk Ilorc." People are always talking about "the tlarkj horse," but we wonder how many nowadays read the following passage' which gave tho phrase its ori gin : . ! "The first favorite was never heard of, tho second favorite was never seen after the dis tance post, all the ten-to-oncrs were in tho rear, and a dark horse, which had never been thought of, and which the care less St. James had nevcr'even observed in the list, rushed past the grand stand 111 sweeping triumph." This is from the lato Lord Beacon field's "Young Duke," a novel which once had a tre mendous popularity, and which can be read to-day with satis faction by all with a taste for epigrams. Boston Transcript. It is easy to catch a cold 'and Jut as cany to et rid of it if you comincnee earl' to use One .Minute Cough Cure. It cures coughs, colds, bronchitis, pneu monia and all throat and lung troubles. It 1 pleasant to t ike, safe to u-e and -ure to cure, flood v Grantham. A rabbit with well-developed horns was shot in Chase county, Kansas, by Isaac Wright, a few days ago. Bunny was an ordina ry "cotton-tail and the horns, which are three-quarters of an inch long and rough and hard like those of a goat, are less than an inch apart, just in front of the rabbit's left ear. The first 10m is close to the left ear and the other one is just above tho left eye. Both are slightly to the oft of center of head. I he horns are regular in shape and well developed. Mrs. Mary IUrd, IIarriburg, Pa. says. "My child is-worth million to me; yet I -would have lost her by croup bad I not invested twenty-live cent in a Inut ile of Oh MimUe Cough Cure." It cities cough-, colds ' and all throat and lung troubles. Hood it Grantham. It is announced that Turkey will buy lot) large cannon with the indemnity fund to be paid by Greece although Russia pro tests against such expenditure. Tetter. Salt-Kheam and Eczema. The intense itching and smarting, inci dent to these diseases, is instantly allayed by applying Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment. Many very bad cases have been permanently enred by it. It is equally efficient for itching piles and a favorite remedy 'for sore nipples, chapped hands, chilblains, frost bites and chronic sore eyes. 25 cts. per box. Dr. Cadj's Condition Ponder, are just what a horse needs when in bad condition. Tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge. They are not food but medicine and the best in use to put a horse in prime condition. Price 23 cents per package. For sale by N. B. Hood, Drug gist, Dunn, N. C. -