THE COUNTY UNION. DUNN, Harnett County, X. C. Entered according to postal regula tions at the postoflice at Dunn, X. C, as second class matter. ' J. P. Pittman, Proprietor, --' A. M. WOODALL, Editor. TERfflS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Three Months 25 Cents Six Months. One Year.... ..50 Cent? .$1.00 Sent by Mail. Payable in advance. DUNX, X. C, DECEMBER 1st, 1897. THE LILLY JUDGMENT IS CANCELLED. It has been talked that the Lilly Judgment against the coun ty was not cancelled by the county commissioners when they issued bonds to pay the same. Chairman Green was in town Saturday and told us that it had been cancelled condition ally ; tli at before Mr Gray would "take the bonds for payment of the judgment that he demanded of the county commissioners a signed agreement that in case the bonds were not paid that the judgment should be revived, and that the commissioners sub mitted to hir demands and sign ed such agreement providing that whatever amount had been paid an the bonds should be credited on . the judgment for twice the amount paid ; that is if there, should be one thousand dollars paid on the bonds the judgment should be credited with two'thous.ind dollars and soon in propoti-m to the amount paid on t!ie bonds. Here we s,?" an attorney draw ing up bonds for a board of county commissioners to issue which hn believes are invalid and issued without authority of law. We say that he did not .believe. that the commissioners could issue bonds to pay that judgment and if they did the bonds would be invalid if con tested, because he demaded of them an agreement to reinstate the ' judgment if the bonds should be declared illegal. iJ If these bonds were issued by the commissioners in accord ance with the Constitution then every board of commissioners of the county that shall succeed this one would be bound under the Constitution to levy a spec ial tax on the people cvvry year until these bonds were paid and this would make the bonds as good as gold for as long as there was taxable property in the county these bonds would be equivalent to' a mortgage 911 it, but not so with the judgment. It could not force the commis sioners to levy a special tax to pay it and could get the money only when there was a surplus after paying the necessary ex penses of the county. Chairman Green says that The Union (after it defeats this special tax as it will, see notice of meeting held Tuesday in the Lillington news) will get more abuse than any one else as there will be no funds to pay county orders if the judgment has to. be renewed. We will take our part of the abuse like little nien. Chairman Green and his board have paid ofF most of the in debtedness of the comitv with the bonds they have issued and ifanybody loses it will be the bond-holders and not the people ofHarnett county. Chairman Green and his board say they have the county now on a cash busis and if so there is nothing to prevent keoping it so. A re newal of the judgment will not atlect it. The meeting - of citizens at Lillinjiton called for Mondav was not held on account of the rain but a good meeting was held Tuesday and every section of the county was well repre sented and work was started which will defeat this special tax'and the rights of the people will be respected. Governor Taylor, of Tennes see, recently told o f a colord clergyman who preached a ser mon on the text; "And' the multitudes to him and he healed them of divers diseases." Said he ;My dying congregation, this is a terrible text. Disease is in the world. The small pox slays its hundreds, the cholera its thousands and the yellow fever its tens of thousands, but, in the language of the text, if you take the divers, you are gone. These earthly doctors can cure small pox, cholera"' and yellow fever if they get there in time, but nobodv but the guuu xjuiu uiiu cure me utveis. , i , i ii. i : JUST LIKE HIM. W niihtishcd elsewhere lan guage imputed to Senator Butler and the proof. His denial in the Caucasian was a denial of an accusation never made against him. This dodging and evasion is. worthy of him. We did not hear him, but we do not doubt he made the statement, for knowing him us we do, we think lie made the statement because we believe Marion Butler the only man in North Carolina mean enough to. suspect such motives of a human being. God knows the meanness of Demo cratic politicians is bad enough, but we- don't think that any man would make that indict ment against any race or set of men, unless he was capable of doing the same. And in all our experience we have never known a. man so devoid of political or personal conscience as this same hvnocrite. S. Otho Wilson in the Hayseeder The laneuaire referred to by the above article was published in the Rocky Mount Argonait whose editor affirms with the affidavit of six responsible men who heard the Senator's speech that he addressed a crowd of ne groes and made use of this lan guage ; "IF COLORED MEN COMMIT OUTRAGES THE DEMO CRATS PRETEND TO BE TERRIBLY SHOCKED IN PUBLIC, BUT WHEN THEY GET BEHIND A WALL THEY LAUGH UNTIL THEY GROW FAT, AND IF THE OUT RAGES ARE "NOT FRE OUENT ENOUGH THEY HIRE WORTHLESS NE GROES TO COMMIT THEM.' We had a higher opinion o Senator Butler than to think he Could be so low as to besmirch the trood name of the white men of his State by making such malignant charge against them but now that the Argonaut has produced the evidence sworn to by reputable citizens ana at ter reading the Senator s two column denial in his Own pa nel 'we believe that he 1 said it. S. Otho Wilson, railroad com missioner deposed bv Governor, Butler's whilom bosom friend in politics, savs that he be- lieves he is the only man in the State mean enough to sav such things. Butler sees the hand-writing on the wall for him and he is growing desperate. He sees that he has lost caste and pres tige with the masses of the pec pie and now that he realizes the condition of affairs there i nothing too dirty for him to sav of them. AN INDICTMENT TO BE RE GARD D I In the last issue of the Hay seeder, the paper of Railroad Commissiner S. Otho Wilson is an editorial entitled "Lei Them Retire," which is a dis cussion of State politics, and in the couvse of which it is said The whole political ntmosplierc- scems now to be tainted Without rivinr out anv ieruiizinsr es- i , i sence valuable to the soil In the days of honor men holding po sitions of importance and trust who no longer represented the sentiments of their constituents had the manhood to resign. When a Governor and a United States Senator and their "help" have befouled and scandalized a State and cannot withdraw from the complaints, discontents and reproaches of an honestly in digiumt people, they plight for the sake of posterity retire to some secluded quarter and rest from the disgraceful labors of their damnable heresies. It is said further that "the' all wear a palpable conscious nesss of gilt;" that "they have not onlv broken their encase- ments to the honor of the whole people, but they have betrayed their natural connections." It wants to be clearly under .tood that these are not the ut terances of a Democrat, but of a Pop uiist of a man who did move than any other one man to put the Governor and the Senator of whom he thus speaks where-they are now ; who knows both of these men as well as anybody else does; who knows one of them better. f This arraignment from this source is entitled to the consid erate attention of an honest but credulous and misguided people who, by listening to the song of the siren, have well-nigh ship wrecked their State. Charlotte Observer of yesterday. , lint B9 l AT C O S TI F 4-1 A n LEE HARDWARE COMPANY When we say cost, we mean Cost. From November 16th, to this offer will be in effect, and you should not fail to avail yourself of . W ill E f E R E A W B A St Q- A 1 11 S. Remember we shall absolutely offer .our Entire Stock of FURNITURE AT PRIME COST, sucii as Lounges, Xic Oak Siuls Rocking Chairs, ami , fact Chairs of almost any kind. We shall also offer our entire: Stock of STOVES at Manufacturers. CUol, iiuruiu. We Must Make Room for our Christinas btock. 7We only offer our Furniture and Stoves at Cost. CHRIST AS A NEWSPAPER MAN. "Christ as a Newspaper Man," was "the subject of the Rev. Lewis E. Pease s discourse on Sunday night at the Church of Our Father, in Brooklyn, N. Y. After pointing out the evils of irresponsible journalism,-the., preacher said,: "Christ would recognize the press as an enlightener of the human mind. The modern newspaper is a daily school. Its pupils far outnumber those of the public schools. Its teachers are numbered among the most faithful vrorkers. Its curr'culum covers every impor tant subject in the civilized world. Surely, the newspaper js the poor man's college, and I sometimes wonder if peoxle fail to fully appreciate its great worth because they obtain it at so trifling a cost It is the newspaperthat turns the search light of public opiuinic n upon abuses of every kind. The newspaper is the open court, where the public listen to thev story of anyone who is wronged ,d and where public opinion sits in judgment upon! the wronged in dividual or the corporation. GROFUU. One of America's most fa- w $ mous physicians says; "Scrof- w a ula is external consumption $ Scrofulous children are often Jjj beautiful children, but they g jft lack nerve force, strong bones, jjj stout muscles and power to w las resist disease. For delicate vt $ children there is no remedy $ equal to $ & Scotfs Emulsion 1 ,of Cod-liver Oil with Hypo- j phosphites of Lime and Soda, jjj r It fills out the skin by putting S good flesh beneath it. It makes $ $ the cheeks red by making rich blood. It creates an appetite for food and gives the body power enough to digest it. Be 8? sure you get SCOTT'S Emul- $ to sion. ' $ (b 50c. and S1.00 ; all druggists. j X SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York. Engineer liimg'Ht1uei dead. A telegram to the Wilmington Star of the 30th from ALheville says ; L. M. Bumgarcluer, the engi neer, shot by A. M. Lambert, near Fletchers : Friday, died last night. Lambert, with several armed companions, is supposed to be in the mountains near Arden, his home, ten miles from Ashville. Fifteen railroad men a ?d other parties are hunt ing him. Governor Russell has offered a reward of $400 for his capture. The SoutheiMi Railway will probably oner an additional reward. ! WANTED Persons who suffer fiom ngli- ami colds should hernl ihe warnings of dauber and sxve theuielv'c5 sufleiin and fatal results by iiiinq One Jlinnte t;ou.rn Cure. It is an nf.ilhMe leinedy for eoirh, cold, croup and all ti'ioi't and lun"? troubles. Hood ond 6 rani ham. OUR GREETING: in Christ mas Bargains. They are many. They are desirable. They are reliable.- Our store room' has! been made much larger to ac commodate our immense line of Christmas Goods Come in and 1 .-m - be pleasantly surprised. bur-; prised at the splendid assort ment, nice variety, superior quality, and low prices. Respectfully, Hood & Grantham. It ea i 1 1 u r e errcL. C o Lillinston Notear (Stan0 Correspondence by Tele phone.) Ltllington Dec. 1st 1897. Court, convened here Mondy morning, Judge W. S. O'E. Robinson, presiding with' Hon E. Wv' Pou. Solicitor. The term is for civil cases and jail cases. The e was no jail coses, and the g ?nd jury remained in cession 0 ily a few liou -s. Several civil erses have been disposed of and J'id ,e Robi )son is dispatching si iess as rapidlV as possible. Every body is pleased with Judge Robinson. Among the visiting attorneys we notice Judge Buxton and J. M. Rose, of Fayetteville ; A J v j . AV n . A . G nth rie , o f D u i -hv. n ; Judge E. T. Boykin, of Rii eigh ; J. A . Wellons, ox Smiihiield. . . rJ lerneetin called 10 M .n C m- to test the special tax boiids Wi.s postponed till Tuesday or. eccoifnt of the rain Tuesday at o o'clock quite0 al ve crowd of the-best citizens of the con -ty met and considerable inter est was manifested. Mr. J. V. Pittman was made ciiairman and Mr. Geo. E. Prince Secre tary of the meeting. Hon. -. H. McLc n addressed the rneet- 1 g in a speech of fifteen min u33 aiVr which a committee ofoie f.'om each: township to solicit funds, for the prosecution of the suit was appointed by the eli i mil. The committee is : A tle on's Creek, J S Johnson ; Ave a-bo:-o : Ed Smith; Car 'oecue : James Cameron ; Black Fiver: A W Gregory; Buck Ho i : GF.Harri niton : : J A Slewr rt ; Jolin-;0nville : H A JVi orison ; Lillington: JR G -ady ; Neill's Creek : J P Johnson ; Stewart's Creek : W J Eetlmne ; Upper Little Riv e : J R Be the... This committee met at once and after consultation agreed to meet again at Lhe court House i i Lillington on Saturday De ce iber 11th 1897 and report the aviount of funds collected. A committee composed of Mess s. Ed Smith, A -W Greg ory a id J P Pittman was ap poi )ied to investigate and em p oy counsel which will also ir eet on the 1 1th. The brick kiln of Messrs. May & Kivett, wdio have the contract for building the new Court House, fell in -Saturday night and ruined some 20,000 brick. Mrs Caroline Turner is quite sick at her home here. As an emergency medicine, Avcr'p Cherry Pectoral takes the i-jad of all other remedies For the relief and care of croup, and whooping-cough, sore throat, and the dangerous rulmonary troubles to which the youn are so liable, it is invaluable,, being prompt to act, sure to cure. ' No one is so old, no one is so young, but what1 fitting and ap propriate gifts in abuudunce can be found at Hood &. Gran tham's drug store. A person is prematurely old when baldness occurs before the forty fifth vear fisfi Trail's TTair Rpnfiwpr tn keep the scalp healthy and pre vent baldness. Our large stock of Chiistmas Goods are recommended by Santa Claus. Everybody is delighted with our Holiday Display. See it. Hood & Grantham. Now is the time to make your Fruit Cake : Citron, Cur- rants. Raisins &c. at Hood & Grantham's. ' CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. THIS TIME AT f There is now another rapist in jail here for safe keeping. He is a white man, J. B. Barnes, from Rocky Mount. He was, as the:readers of this paper know, a fusion magistrate and was in dicted for "assault with intent" ' oi Miss Cora Yarborough, who lived at his home. The trial was a sensational one in Nash coun ty. The attorneys for the State were Hon. B. H. Buun and L. V. Bassett, of Rocky Mount, while the defence was reprsented by Battle and Thorpe, of I ocky Mount, and J. E. Woodard, of Wilson. The prisoner was found guilty and sentenced to seven years in the State prison. Thereupon the defendant's appealed to the Su preme court. The Judge .made Barnes' bonds, $2,000. The officer who brought Barnes here had a commitment from Judge Timberlake, saying that he regarded "his removal to Wake county until he could make up his bond safer than for him to remain in Nash county jail. The feeling against Barnes is very strong in Nash county. Mews&Observer of Sunday. - HIGUEST GASH prices paid for Ml in and all Country Produce by S. G. MARKS & CO. -4"1 we also sell anything in our line at LOWEST CASH PRICES If you have anything to sell, or anything to buy in the way of Dry Goods, Notions, Hatr, Shoes, Groceries. Crockery,'" . . , Glpsswpre, -Wood and Willow-ware, Hard ware, &c, &c. We will make it to your in terest to call on us. Yours truly, S' G. MARKS & CO - AJi OPE. I,I2TTE?R. OFFJCE OF Santa Glaus, Agency For HOLIDAY PRESENTS. North Pole, 1897 To All My Friends : This is to certify that have inspected the beautiful Holiday Stock of HOOD & GRANTHAM and recommend it as the best and most desirable assortment of appropriate Gifts 1 nave yet seen, lie sure to please your loved ones with se lections from this fine collection of popular and very desirable gifts. Wishing one and all merry Christmas, I remain, Yours truly, Santa Claus. DUNN MARKET. CORRECTED EVERY WEDNESDAY , fcuSar i to Gc. (Coffee 10 to 20c. Flour, per Bbl . .$5.00 $5.50 Bulk Meat .-. .7 to 8c. N. C.Meat. Lard ...... Corn. ..... Fodder. ... EofTS. . . . . . .8 to 10c. . . . to 9c . . . . 55 to 00c . . . to 50c .10 to 12-Jc. 1220c . . 15 to 20c. . .18 to 20c. Chickens. . . . . . , . . Butter . . Beeswax. . ........ Hides, dry flint, per ' green lb 1f Shingles, per M, $1.50 $1.75 A Wonderful Discovery. ,The last quarter of a centary record many wonderful discoveries in medicine, bat none that have accomplished more for humanity than that sterling old household remedy, Browns' Iron Bitters. It seems to contain the very elements of ood health, ind neither man, woman or ehild can take it without deriving 4he ereatest lnefit. Browns Iron Batters is sold by all dealers. nun AT COST ok , S t -AT THE New Millinery Stare, Ah' Banpip lluuuli u Respectfully, MRS. E. W. ANDERSON, ?R. G. Taylor's old stand. EYE SIGHT PREO i O U Th rtfore dnu't Jail to buy Glassos as so- as vou ut'.l tl'in ui.d co jo1 use such as lo not Miit jour eyes. We carry a well selected 8x)ck of Spectacles, rang i; j in prices from the cheapest at Ttb Cou' to ihe liest w.tb. GOLD FRAMES At Sis DolUrs P. r Pair. If : ou need a before vou buv. pair please seo Ut jc carry in stock Watches, Clocks, Jewelry. Also the best ' SEWING MACfllNES, Improved, wh'.cb w fell on eaej terms. W'' mafep Spe;:ialtj of Plain Gald Wedo i g Riugr) W e can come af near nt!i8f)irp jon sv ut-y out- can on anytu of the nbove oods, both in price s- .'sd ht )cs Rt j -..riiig of , all kinds corieoilj denef;' rea.-i. riable rults. Gve us youi1 .i f roi-stjri; and e. will all we c" to pi-asv "u id and or s . i OjGS. woi, ATl.v' ACTION 0(J Al: ANTKKD ...:Y & JORDAN, HUiJ 18. DUN-V- N. C. rpn) 'i S i j c - i I) UiU 11. I am Btill located at the same old Biand and have in ttock a choice selection of HEAVY ,1 faKcy groceries AND Family Supplies. It itoo tedions to mention all tbc good things I keep but when you want anything that is kpt in a FiRST-CLASS GItO:;PRY STORE caM onme, I have what you want. I have also connected with my Grocery Store an OYSTEp QALOOnl YSTE1V OaLOOIU and can furnih Oysters in anv style you desire Yoor orders will have prompt attention when left at my store. Yours truly D Mc. BROWN, Dunn, N. 0. NEW BICYCLKS .fus ltccivr-d Six Uiand NW V!i, I ' wt mem talk lo u--. sell ou Installment PJ m. We :i1m have a complete hue of Sjnijilne.-, ant' thin" you oaw -A for in thH line. e-iM-oi-ally invite ilu- .$ i Cydin f the town t ii; niid ex fuine oui- line. aun diiiu uiu TrJ.?ilu f"V,,,v favor -Vo" we Oay, I would be glad of an op are ana, rlea, to .ioconiniod He vou. U..,' i -..i bm v;lrs uaji or write for complete cataln-ma I of Bicycle a ml Sundries. AV. a AUSTINV Box l.2?. . Dunn, X. C. o.v JXJ,. December 10th, Mrs. Anderson has jut ceived a nice line of Ladies' and Children's Hose, ribed 1 i 11 .1 1 T T 1 and piam, iviu urioves, unuorvots. both cotton and wool, MivM-s and Children's Hoods, B. ce Corsets,, and cheaper grades Corsets. Also some clinue pieces of dress goods- jmd a beautiful line of Dress Ti im mings of every dcscripiinn .Children's silk Wind sor liuvi Stamped Linen Pattern a beautiful assortment to m h rt from. In fact everytliing in Novelties that is to be found in a first-class Millinnrv Store I nm opening out this w ck a new lot of Childrens Cajs, ' all the latest styles. I would state here that I have taken a ilx r ough course in millinery at 15 il timore and have five years ex perience in the business and feel confident that I can pl a-e you.' Mail orders solicited and promptly attended to. 5vri('K ! llMviiii,' (ii:iiil .1 iil'nx of Mnlooui wjiv. (U-';is'il. hit of IJjtrncll (o.'iily, oith (.':irolin:i. this is to nctii'v i''1 mt. sons hsivin cbiims :i'r:iii;t lhe '-h h- ( suit! dccciM'; tox!rltil tlu'Mi li ilic ir (h'!iiri!C(i on r In-foir tin- :-hh d.iv t t.;et'.lHT, l&f)8, or this not m- w ill ,f i h iolcd in I:i r c T llieir . lei on . All pel son- io'otrl lo sjiid r-lul Wi'l Iph'M-f tllilVt! itlHlH'(li:itO piiyilU''lt. 'l in ihiy of Oct. 18)7. ; nov-3-Gf. I. F. IIOLLoVAV, K NOTICE OF SALE OF LAN D. By virtue of a Power of Sale roii tained in u Mortfl;ap;c Deed exi- -i it 1 y K. E. Daiefoot t nie dai.ed tin- .'. ii day of .Inly $rf and reritei( -d mi IJ.M.k No. "2, L'iie l(.s of the Hecoul- ..f llai lu'U county, I will H'll :it put li-a'lt i ion for cash at lhe. Court House !on: in i'm town of '1,'ilUii'jttoii, N. C, on 1m . I Mi 18jj7 ft 1 o'clof k I'. a'Hai t r., t of laud in Aver,boro tnwn-Mp. I.t i : t county, Noith Cjitoliii i. h.i, . I- 1 follows; JJciuuiii :it -i -t.ik-- ' i ! V Diii'ei'oot's lino anil iipk-s ;2 y' i ' v cliiiius to II MimmU lii c. '!,. .! I,;- h ' N V jj.TS c-!i.ii.H to a h..! i.i ..M line, tin-nee ;,2 K .V v'.;t:, , ,- l in V Cm-foot's li-i,-. 1 1 - - - hi- li i-v S -IS K to tin lM-ioi,i.iv;' c mi-i i 111-", acies 1 1 mi- ! W I'. . f.n. .-i deiice, lids So. loili :S:j,". W. II ,MH KSON. !DhI) 1 Vi !!!! 0. No. l.Kiirni 2 nvu !: dv II intr anl uutliouscs. No. 2. Farm GO acres, :n;nit house. ao. .j. a i m i iv !( ti n thvcllir. and clilIiousos. No. 4. 12 acres titn')cr No. o. 18 r.or tir.ik'r No. G. 120 acres line No. 7. House and lot N. C. No. 8. House and lot . i;ml. 1 i';m. I. Dunn Dunn N. C. No.9. Vacant lot Dtimi N. No. 10. Vacant lot Dim i X C Foii ItKNT. No. 1. Houkc and N.C. No. 2. House and N. C. If you. -wish to buy lot Dunn oi Dunn pr..)' have property to sell or n n;. ,i' win pay you to set; us. Gkamtiiam tV: J'k.ui-.w.i Ileal Estate and Iii-ui '' " Agents. Dunn X. j f I. - . - r ' - - f you ;u-e tliinking of having building done and wish to h-t the contract or employ by liV ""'"J uiu. i-u V - )enence ' t'a.ranteed. and satisfattio'1 in tv vi i I U S P E C I A L. r " W. E. Joiinj-ov, Dunn, N. C,

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