Peoe f ed Tbeir Movemen..:. 1 WE WISH 10 FEED YOU. And to that end we have UNTY UNION tm K- t I Mi Xeili C t;immvkn of ou j ;1Y. DelEMUEK 1, S97.- N. C. .uocKingham, is in the city. Rev. A. M. Ilnssell, of God win, was in the city j-ostcvdiVv, hand at all times: I. Meat, flour, meal, molasses,, .syrup, -honey, coffee, sugars, canned goods of rjl sorts, i soda, baking powder, cream tartar, ginger, , IWHfclhn lie ! Fi 5" H IK rH B u M a I T 1 if ll ftfl 7 1 1 M m f"SM 'm ti "i t DOTS. M J. 0. Clifford If f-Vi jrt ri st r i is ou-ite s H "Mm sick at his room ia Hotel Di vine. Mr. W. D. Thornton made a t-ip to Wilson -this week on -elling at 54- to- cloves, black and ' green, teas, cheese, b utt e r, eggs. 1 -:.; i December lsi. O.ily .- davs till Ch; i . CHICKENS flavoring ' J 5 i: .-! ! -md lii tl" n ! ! I ; ' ' ! i ! I i )!1 1 1 ii ; til . ,1,.: 101 !IC . HE Kill & H M m ! i. 1.- 3 14 . ". if! 9 L- --: it , i ui 7, i :'( ! in Ll- " - i it-o't a : n; season his inoiii:!:- and it ir f.'ol Ci isj) and in-j T. Si'i les hr-.s sold In .ods to Mr. W. E. has accepted a po- Messrs. S. G. Marks m i.rI North Ca" olina . of the Niethodist r-ts in Raleigli to-day, K. II J'grove will Mr. W H. Gr, Grice, ox Barley, town Inst week l: is attend ihe Anna.ii G inference Italeigh this week. vvi It h. 'lo.'.rn that wo-k on the ! !Mi;Ming at- Eu'.e's Creek ,,,,!( , ii v has commenced. Dr. C. Coodwin of our town is : iii'i it built . VvV ?; ihsI to-d.-'V that M .i.-i.-l Stew;!, i, a'-ed iIjout 21 , . 1 ' . 1 . J.,'sc ni;Di l oin ?n leu: !c i-ttnck. He is the son "i,"-. J . K St Av;u t. r-A j ' - it change of the Ji.'r o i tho A. C. j. went .-t .Mux', y. mo nojtii- I.J,,, ,(l i ..lii r. 'lives about 1 j'rlns'k ). in. and the south- - - j ..H'W.xl ; i 1 ). ui. i h" v.'- i'ov in tl e stores Jin' s-iijill boy.' delight. T''!-v ua.:' :it the lioiid-vy goods wis is" i)iis eyes ?nd every h. u w until Christmas will m ui ;hi ;ge to ihem. 's'he Combined Concert and .If-Thy.Coinpo.ny of our town v.!ii ivi rn entertainment m Luh.i -ion to-morrow fThuis- iii iit. The company has sollicking fun for those v. ui; v :t tteno . .1 ; O i u' l.iy morning' near Tur Miss Cattie Purvis, of Edge comoe. is visiting tier siste . Mrs V. L. Stephens, in the city. M. . D. T. Oates. of Fayette ville, spent Thanksgiving hee v itli his father ana mother. Miss Mayme Oates returned yesterday from a two week's visit to her brothers in Fayette ville. Solicitor E. W. Pou, of Smithfield, spent Sunday night here on his wTay to Lillington court. Messrs. W. L. Fuller and Z. L. Lemay, of Smithfield, spent last night in town on their way home from Lillington. Mr. H. T. Spears was called to lillington Monday to the bedside of his grand-mother, Mrs. Caroline Turner, who is quite sick. Mr. E. L. Parker is out to r;.y, we are glad to see, for the b st time in seven weeks. He ,.s had a severe attack, of iheumafism. Mr. D. R. Shavr, of Lilling ton, is on The Unton force. Lane & Galbrrith nave the best mules and horses ever brought to Duii '. Dont buy until you see them. rhe telephone line from he e to Lillington is completed cbwoiks like a chimin. ,..The ;. t message was sent over it ',:st Fiiday. The central office located in Tiie Union office u d an almost ' continual "-Hello!" lifts been going on ;his week. It is a great conven- leiice a -a win pay gooa uivi- Sheriff Scott, Co-ioty, was here Mondtry on w.4,y to Lillington to see obc- or Pou to get papers vgiied for requisition papers f ooi Goencr Hussell on the ( ov iior of Tex s for pilbei t W: Vvho had just beeti arres i,ec: be e for the; of a in Wayne cou tty about tb-ee ye, s ago. Look for our "ad" next week of Wayne r-..n Mi. G. W. Mitchell and 'm , Lillie Ennis were united i i.i . iage by W. J. Hodges, ). 1. '.The low price of cotton V! - -not seem to affect the mat ''(io.ii.1 m.vrket. Mo-i(i:y in the forenoon was qui ; i . v but in the afternoon t " Hoed, cleared away and thu Ac.-'ihM has been good for the ic 'ioic (o att(Mid court. At last JH'O'mIhm court a snow of about ! in inches fell. I Mrs. E. W. Anclei.on sent in oj)V for a change of her ad vc lisciiKMit but we have been uiinhV to set . the type this week J slic has a be;; utiful line of millin t'l'v for t he holidav. t.T.i.dft and lu:i ',urwill tell you about it i we .will tell you about our Xmas next week. Goods. ' Lee Hardware Co. - nerriiigs, scviietl or iiiuks.- herrings, driedapples and peacii nC!. ni!-:.i' n'-t-megs, black, V , m :;.!:ri. "rack- e b, extracts of "ciaiui.u.i . r :H cinnamon bark,' jeily, is--. "ge!ts8, c'odefised""mil!c,"; 5i51o and pie peaches, washing pow ders, shoe blacking and polish, currants, dates, mincemeat's apple, peach and pine apple preserves, cranberry sauce, rolled oats, prepared mustard, vinegar, rice, grits, nuts, grated and sliced pine apple. Nice line of candy, and a great many other good and nice things in my store at Dunn and at Bass po-rt office in Sampson county. All my goods are fresh and of the best quality and sold for cash at the lowest pos sible prices. We pay the highest market price for all coun try produce. At my store at Bass, I carry a Gen eral Stock of mer chandise, where you can buy anything you want and can sell anything you have to sell. I buy any thing at its market value. I have ONE PRICE ONLY. All are treated alike. I very heartily thank the pub lic for the liberal patronage )eretofore given me and will make it to the advantage of all to trade with me. Respectfully, F. P. JONES, Drnin, T C- An. 2.-l-y. 5? F AT GOO OS COST! COST! COST!! Commencing Friday Decem l)er 4tli 1897 continuing until January 1st 1898, We shall otter to the public our large and complete stock of Dry Goods, Shoes, Clothing and Hats at cost for cash. These goods were bought when prices were down and to meet the demands of the present times and basis of five eeiit cotton and having hem glit lieiiwily we make tliis offer. COME EARLY BEFORE OUR STCGK IS BROKEW. NOT A PENRJY ABOVE COST WILL BE ASKED FROM ANY OWE. E. F- YOUNG. The account of the negro be big btii ned to a stake found n another column is untrue. The negro is now in jail in Hor- y County. S. C. M i-Dr,nel Jones, "atherof lv Thomas Jones, died here Monday morning at 5 oclock tier an illness of several months with a dropsical affec tion. . His condition was such as to necessitate burial at once , - id his body wTas taken to ihe ?lones graveyard about th'-ee miles fro'm town and buried. His exact age wTas not known but he was somewdiere about 90 years. . . - We nave the largest stock of crockery and lamp goods 'iir town. See "otir display. - Reati a few of our Bargains be low, we w ill give you more next week. J V ! a 142 O. K". COOEC STOVES Handled this season. A good thing will sell. $1.25 Bed Stead, 90. $6.00 Set Oak Chairs, $4.50. $4.50 Set Oak Chairs,, $2.90. Knives and Forks 35. Cups and Saucers 20. $2.25 Large Arm Rocker, $1.25.1 5 Gallon Oil Can 45. $2.50 Large Arm Rockers $1.50. i Glass Lamps Complete 20c. 14 4t. JLisn ran x.or . 12 Qt. Well Buckets 20. 1 Gallon Oil Can 15. Slate Pencils 12c per 100. Axes, 45c. . 2m' We will not be undersold. We are in business to sell goods. Gome to see us. Yours very truly, V, j- DUSSSR3 HARDWARE AD FURNITURE COMPAWY. HOLLIDAY. & PRIVETT.. Nov. 17, 1897. Jn We have just arrived with a load of the best Ten nessee Horses and Mules ever brought to Dunn. If you want good SOUND, RELI ABLE stock us a call. Let no Sc GaltriQth, - Dunn, N. C. give Our low prices on Furniture nnrl Crink Stoves will be OUt Oil Wilmington, JN. O., iNov. , 10 , D f t SUnnlv Thanksgiving day, Na-, ices are lo,v. colored man Hv-s Trnr(1wni.p Cih mg near lown reeK, -uruus-j On than Willis, wick county, was arrested on; Our lurniture, Air-tignt Mio' Pimrw ' nf TirnrdRHnw a . Heaters and Cook Stoves have young-"white man by the name got a move on themselves since Dont buy a mule or horse un til you see Lane aud Galbraith's Tennessee raised mules and horses. They are the best on the market. Xlife Jlinslrel CIiil. Our town boys - have organ ized a Minstrel and Concert Company, and they will give an entertainment in TowTn Hall on next Monday night Dec. Gth. The boys are doing some good work in the rehearsals, and no one should miss the entertain ment, as it will be the best of the kind ever given in our town. Box sheet with reserve seat tickets on sale at Hood & Gran tham's. If you are aDxiou" to find the most reliable blood-puritier. read in AyerV Almanac, the testimonials of those who have been cured of uch terrible disea ses as catarrh, rheumatism, and scrofu la, by the use ofAver's Sarsaparilla. Then govern yourself accordingly. Ice at IS on Knob, "I passed Otho Wilson's Round Knob Hotel the other day," said a man yesterday, "where the News and Observer says the trains stop a-gwine and a-comin', I was surprised to see great long spears of ice hanging from the eaves of the house. 14 'What do you suppose is the cause of so much ice here?'; I asked a man sitting near, read ing a paper. !! "The coolness between the Gideon and the Governor," lie calmly replied, ahdi went on reading his paper as if nothing had happened. News and Ob server of Sunday. Go to N. B. Hood's to get your Christmas Goods of all kinds. A big lot of Candy of all kinds just received at N. B. Hood's at lowest prices. of Stephens. Stephens was found in the vicinity of Wam ple, N. C, with a gunshot wound in the back. Thursday night a mob was raised bv the farmers in the untry near the Waccamaw TtT.nJ . i ' r river. -Wilus-was taKen irom the sheriff, carried into the woods and chained bee ween two pine trees. Lightwood was then 'piled around him and lie was burned to death, thus suffering an awful death tp pay the nenaltv- for Ins ter-ible crime. Suspicion at once rest ed on the colored man who had been seen in neighboring com munities wearing some of Ste phens' garments. He had also been seen driving the ox cart in which the murdered man was last seen alive, and $25 in mon ey was found on his person, that it was supposed, he took from his victim's pockets. Special to News & Observer. to l:ub5i: a :omi' o:rc bay. Take Laxative, Bromo Quinine Tub lets. All Druggists refund the money if t fails to cure. 25c. FOUND. S. G. Marks & Co. have Recently found that they need all the country produce that comes to Dunn. Look for the large corner store when you have anything to sell or buy. It is to your interest as well as ours. S. G. Marks & Co. prices were reduced. ware Co. A very line line of Candies, 10 to" 60 a pound. French Bucket Mixture and Stick, can dy at wholesale -prices. We have the goods and propose to sell them. Hood & Grantham. We are still leading the price on Furniture. Dunn Hardware & Furniture Co BOARDERS WANTED I can accommodate a few regular boarders and desire several table boarders. Apply to Mrs. Florence Shaw, Postofhce Building, Dunn, N. C. Magnolia Baking Powders is considered the best on the market, and it always gives the highest satisfaction. Call for no other. VL. P. Jernigan. Remember L. P. Jernigan's groceries always fatten and. any lean pocket-book can buy them. It is admitted by everyone that L. P. Jernigan's is the place to buy your cheese, and the best 10 coffee in town. ; Coffee that sells at 15c. elsewhere. No Cure Xo Pay. is the way all druggir fiROVR'S TASTELESS CHILL TON IC for Chills nd Malaria. It is simply Iron and Quinine in a tas'elesi form. Children love it. Adults prefer it to bitter, nauseating Tonics. Price, 50c. Sold and guaranteed by Hood & Gran tham. Warranted no cure, no pay. 1 here are many imitatldus. To get the genu ine ask for Grove's Sold and guaran teed by Hood & Grarthnm, Dunn, N. C- Our Xmas goods are arriving daily. The prettiest you ever saw. Dunn Hardware & Furni ture Company. .HIDES WANTED. If you have hides for .sale and want the highest market price for them, see R. M. Pearsall. S..G. Marks & Co. are now offering the highest cash prices for country produce. Before selling give us a chance to make vou a bid. Remember we are selling goods as cheap as tne sell J cheapest. S. G. Marks & Co. Malaria produces Weakness, General Debility, Biliousness, Loss of Appetite Indigestion and Constipation. Grovel Tasteless Chill Tonic, removes the cause which produces these troubles. Trv it and you will hi delighted. 50 cents. To get the genuine ask for Grovel. Sold and guaranteed bv Hood & Grantham. SELLING m to oods, It is "Wicked sell such pretty dress trimmings, laces, flannels, table linens, plush capes, shawls, shoes, and clothing at such RIDICULOUS PRICES. f5iiEJicte Si'j'ii'.i ri-i m a D iril ' Sin to throAv such irresistible temp tations in poor, weak woman's way BUT BUSINESS S BUS ISM ESS and when we furnish sucli elegance and style while remov ing every semblance of extravi gance, we hope to earn feminine gratitude and masculine praise. FOR RED HOT BARGAINS there is no place like Massengill's. Call early before the goods are picked over. Yours for a big business the next 30 days. THE MASSENGILL DRY GOODS COMPANY, P. T- MASSENGILL, Manager. for 1VL L. DAVIS 0- .0 Don't wait until some future time to bring your hides to town, bring them now while you can get the highest cash price. I must have them at once. R. M. Pearsall. R. M. Pearsall can supply your wants in fresh meats and groceries, and will also buy ' Grove's Tasteless Chill Ton!c I5 a per- jour country produce. feet Malarial Liver Tonic and blood pu- You can buv a number one nner. nemoves duiuumicss uunut purging. As piesant as Lemon syrup. It is as large as any Dollar tonic and re tails for 50c. To get the GEXnlXE ask. for Grove's For sale and guarantee by Hood&Grantham. Dunn. N.C. CLOTHING, SHOES, HATS, DRY GOODS AM K0T10NS. T You will find at N. B. Hood's Apples, Cocoanuts, Candy, and a variety of other things for Christmas at lowest prices. Jerni- nncket knife from L. P i gan for 5c. and up. Call on me for meat, flour, sugar, home-made lard, cakes, crackers, canned goods, tin ware &c. The best Ho cent to bacco in town. Try it. L. P. Jernigan. "It pays to purchase of Davis," "Where everything is bright and new," "Where everybody is treated alike," "Where you get new goods at old prices," "Where 3011 get boys suits for 52 cents," "Where vou tret towels at 12i per pair," Where you get Irish Linen -towels at 20 per pair," Where you get shoes from 25 to $5.00," Where vou net dress iroods at your own price," "Where you can get underwear of all kinds," Gentlemen's under shirts, all wool at 50 a pair. LARGEST LINE S CAPES & TOWN At Your Own Price- - j M- DAVIS- 1 1

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